trans-rockstar-art · 3 months
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rockstar-hearts · 3 months
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so uh
yeah. him.
he's my wife and i love him.
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obhkradio · 2 years
Rob Moore
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karinaxkarinaxkarinax · 12 years
robmore replied to your post: robmore replied to your post: This allergic...
I was kinda worried for a bit. :T Good thing it wasn’t anything bad! Ohh and I’ve been like really free recently.. so if you like wanna hang out or something :O or go to like a show or idk D:
Again thanks but no need to worry, I'm fine now. :) And actually that would be nice! :) I havent done anything in my summer so that sounds like a plan! I'll message you in facebook? :)
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rockstar-hearts · 3 months
me & fillmore's shipname is robmore🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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karinaxkarinaxkarinax · 12 years
robmore replied to your post: This allergic reaction is getting worse. My eyes...
You doing alright? :/
Yes I’m doing alright, thanks for asking. I just had a allergic rection to something. I’m not sure what tho. I’ve never had one before. But The Doctor said I’ll be fine. :)
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