#robert you are my all-time favorite forever and ever
darsynia · 2 years
RDJ acting like Tony Stark for 30 seconds
For those who, like me, wanted a quick reference for those moments we love so much ('I must be mellowing with age...'), here's a video to revel in.
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summervale · 19 days
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Third-person reader insert! Y/N is the younger sister of King Robert Baratheon. Her house sigil is a stag, yes, but it seems she has a particular fondness for hounds.
Contains: Reluctant pining, kissing, mature situations Words:  2,311
UNFINISHED WORK: This was supposed to be a long, multi-part piece which is why it takes so long setting up! This was part one and is about halfway finished. Figured there's a lot of Sandor fans that might enjoy a small something cute <3
No husband and no responsibilities made for a very happy woman indeed. Small wonder she was all smiles and riddles and gayeties; she must, the commonfolk thought, be the happiest woman in all the seven kingdoms.
This was likely true.
She was forever laughing. There was a smile on her face always, it seemed, and everywhere she went she took merriment with her. Her ladyship took great pleasure in riddles and games and shows of mummers and fools, and King’s Landing had not hosted a tourney that did not have her there in the pavilions in many a year. She was a friend to all regardless of birth or station or reputation (within reason), and for this she was quite loved, but also quite resented. The resentment was paid little mind—turning a blind eye and smiling was much more fun, as it was often irksome to those who were loth to favor her.
Y/N Baratheon. Lady of Storm’s End, younger sister to Stannis and Robert, older sister to Renly. She possessed the same appetite for amity as Robert coupled with the mirth and grandeur of Renly. Of Stannis, it was said, they shared only a name. Still she insisted she adored all her brothers equally, “even the gloomy one.”
Much was afoot in King’s Landing.
King Robert had named Lord Eddard Stark new hand of the king, and Stark had arrived with a host of his own and his two daughters in tow. This was cause for celebration, and celebration was cause for a tourney, and where there was a tourney (or a celebration), Lady Y/N was to be found.
And she was found in King’s Landing quite a lot, of recent.
There was a rumor, often dubbed a vicious and untrue one, that though her house sigil may be the King's own stag, Y/N had a particular fondness for hounds.
The sun was two hours from setting when a host of black and yellow arrived at The King's Gate. In came banners that bore stags, and a spate of wagons bringing wines and cheeses and polished pears from Storm’s End. An impatient rider rode ahead of the rest, leaving behind a cry of protest as she thundered away, alone, up the streets of King’s Landing.
She arrived with a well-lathered horse and a swirl of her cloak. A party had time to gather in the yard of the Red Keep; a paltry welcoming committee with little time to prepare.
But the King was there—of course the King was there.
Had she not already been grinning, she would have grinned. “There’s my favorite brother,” said Y/N, dismounting and already forgetting her palfrey.
The look on Robert’s face was strange, though, and uncharacteristic of the Robert she knew and loved. The years had not been kind to him (as was made most evident by his growing waistline), and his face was stern, drawn into a scowl, his brow furrowed.
Is he not happy to see me? she thought even through her smiles and excitement. Gods, he looks as grim as Stannis, maybe twice as much. When she made to throw her arms about his neck, he took her by the shoulders and held her at arm’s length instead.
“That’s your grace to you, woman. I am the King, or have you forgotten?”
The King’s sister opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, which was done dumbly and not unlike a fish.
The ruse was short-lived.
Robert Baratheon—King Robert Baratheon—broke into a roar of laughter like that of a bear made human. Still holding his dearest sister by the shoulders, he gave her a hearty shake. “Your face!” he boomed. “You should have seen it!”
Her smile returned, then her laughter. “You’re a fool if ever there was one, Robert!”  She threw her arms around his neck even as he shook her, and the big king lifted his little sister in his arms and hugged her so tightly, so fiercely, that the now-arriving party feared the king may crush their lady.
Robert didn’t crush Y/N, though. No, they were both used to it. “You’re crushing me, Robert,” she huffed at last, prompting the king to drop her back down onto the ground.
He clapped her on the shoulder. “Right then, let’s get inside. We have much and more to catch up on, and there’s a flagon of wine calling my name.”
“Every flagon of wine calls your name, your grace.”
The King was laughing again, then, and the King’s sister was smiling.
That, as far as the two Baratheons were concerned, was the way it always had been, and the way it always would be, until one buried the other.
Meeting the King’s party was a grand ordeal, though Y/N had already met most of the partygoers in attendance on at least one occasion. Of course she knew the Lannisters, her brother’s family by law, and she’d met Lord Eddard Stark once before. Lord Eddard’s daughters were new to her, however, and a few of the faces at court as well. Having been taught well, she recognized most of the family names and colors, smiling and shaking hands and doing all the formalities a lady should do.
The occupants of the Red Keep’s great hall that night came from houses big and small, known and unknown, and saw the attendance of lords and ladies, knights, hedge knights, bards, poets and singers, fools in their motley and mummers with their painted faces. There were cards being shuffled and dice being thrown. Serving girls brought plate after plate of selections from the kitchens: stuffed capons, wine-glazed lamb, honeyed figs, dark breads with thick crusts, sweet lemon cakes still-warm from the ovens. The courses seemed never-ending and the wine never stopped flowing.
“Never was there such a party before, brother,” declared Y/N. She lifted a gilded goblet with a flourish, and rich, purple wine splashed over the rim and down her hand. She was the picture of effortless joy.
And she knew it, too.
If she hadn’t known it, the guests would have reminded her; the way they flocked to her in throngs and yammered on and on whenever she should happen to lend an ear—which was often. Round and round she circled the crowd as the evening wore on and the wine continued to flow, searching the room for a familiar face—a face that would stand out even in the most crowded of rooms.
Her gaze passed the lords and ladies, passed the knights in their polished armor, until at last she found her mark.
Sandor Clegane, the Hound, stood near the far wall, obscured halfway in the shadows. His face was grim, as it usually was, pulled tightly into a scowl that had long since worn its lines permanently into his features. The burn scars that marred half his face were highlighted by the flickering torchlight, giving him an even more fearsome appearance.
She knew Sandor was not like the other knights, not like the men who fawned over ladies with flowery words and grand gestures. He was rough, blunt, and often downright rude.
He was the perfect change of pace.
Oft she sought him when at last she could take the rinse-and-repeat of perfumed nobility no longer. She wove through the crowd with ease, exchanging smiles and nods as she passed, until she finally stood before Sandor.
"Sandor," she greeted him plainly. “It’s been too long.”
He looked down at her, his expression unreadable. For an overly long moment, he said nothing. Then, with a grunt, he inclined his head slightly. "My lady," he replied, his voice as rough as the gravel on the King’s Road.
Y/N smiled up at him, unfazed by his gruffness. "Why do you stand here all alone?" she asked, her tone teasing. "Surely even hounds deserve a bit of merriment."
Sandor huffed, a sound that could have been a laugh if it had come from anyone else. "Merriment’s for fools," he muttered, though there was no real bite to his words.
“Forgive me, then, for it seems I’ve forgotten my motley.”
“So it seems.”
She knew he was not a man of many words, especially when it came to matters of the heart. But she also knew that, for reasons she could not fully explain, she had become someone he tolerated more than most.
Perhaps it was a royal decree by Robert unbeknownst to her. And what a royal decree that would be! The thought made her laugh aloud, which only earned her a raised eyebrow in response.
He indicated the floor from which she’d just come. "Motely or not, you should jingle along with the other fools,” he said, though his tone was less stern than usual.
"And you should be out there with your fellow dogs," said she, “but here we are."
Sandor's lips twitched as if they might have remembered how to smile for half a moment. “Surprised you’re not dancing again. It went well for you last time.”
With one sentence he had broken the façade she wore so well. Her look of smug mirth disappeared from her face in an instant and was replaced instead by one of flustered surprise.
It had been a celebration much like this one and she was deep in her cups by the time the sun had set and the dancing had begun. Y/N had been at the heart of it, twirling and dancing with little care, passing hand from one lord to another, from knight to knight, breathless and flushed and shoes long forgotten.
The next thing she knew, she was stumbling, and a moment later, toppling entirely. The ground rose up to meet her with an unpleasant wack!, and the pain in her cheek was overshadowed only by a pain in her ankle. She’d gotten too carried away and twisted something, it seemed, and hadn’t even felt it until she was picking herself back up off the ground.
Or, well, trying to pick herself back up off the ground. The usual cloud of courtiers buzzed around her in an attempt to see her upright again, but the pain in her ankle swelled red hot and angry.
A shadow passed, then, and she had looked up, her vision slightly blurred from the wine, to see Sandor Clegane’s gruff face above her. There had been no mocking grin or cold stare, just a look that might have been concern on a more expressive man. “You’re alright.”
Without another word, he had scooped her up in his arms, lifting her as if she weighed nothing at all.
Y/N had gasped, her hands instinctively clutching at his shoulders. "I can walk!" she had protested, though she hadn’t made any real effort to leave his arms.
 "Not on that ankle you can’t.”
And so she had let him carry her, through the bustling hall and up the winding stairs of the Red Keep, all the way to her chambers. It had been awkward, but it had also been…
“You’re quite strong,” she said to him, which earned only a grunt of acknowledgement.
Something—something—fluttered inside of her when she saw him so close; the burned skin unevenly healed, the scruff that dusted his face, the muscle of his neck that disappeared beneath his armor where her prying eyes could not follow—but her imagination could. 
When they reached her chambers, he had set her down gently on the edge of her bed. She had looked up at him, her heart pounding in a way that had little to do with the wine. As he made to release her, she caught the back of his neck with her hand and held him there, inches from her face.
She’d expected him to break free, to pull away, to do anything else. But he stayed.
He stayed there like that, his lips inches from hers.
He had hesitated, his expression torn between wanting to leave and the pull of something deeper that they both felt there between them. They both smelled of wine and honeyed mead, lips sweet.
She didn’t know who kissed who, but in half a heartbeat they were entangled.
Sandor’s breath came ragged against her mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair. She bit his lip and he growled. It was fast, animal, raw want.
And a longtime coming.
When he pulled away, she pulled him back in again, and he didn’t fight her. Breathless, she’d pulled herself up by his shoulders and onto her knees, the pain in her ankle unfelt and forgotten. Her hands cupped his face and she pulled him in, in, in, until her chest was flush with his and she could feel every rise and fall of his on hers.
At last he’d taken her by the elbows and pushed her away, and it ended as suddenly as it had started.
“You’ve had too much to drink,” he told her.
“But I haven’t had enough of you.”
“You’ve had your fill of that, too,” he said, turning cloak and leaving.
“I’m quite certain I haven’t had my fill of you.”
He paused mid-step and looked at her over his shoulder. “You don’t want that,” he assured her. There was something dangerous in his eyes, something sharp as steel and burning hot.
Y/N leaned back on the bed. “I know what I want,” she said, wishing she could stand and go to him, to pull him by his cloak and his armor and whatever else she could get her hands on—something lower than his beltline. “I’ve known for years and years.”
Slowly, deliberately, Sandor crossed the room again, silhouetted against the warm torchlight that poured in through the still-open door. “Trust me,” he said, towering over her, leaning in close. “You might want to get your fill of me, but you don’t want me to get my fill of you.”
Her breath left her body in a shuddering shiver.
Again he had turned, then, and didn’t stop to look back at her that time.
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kiss-me-cill-me · 6 months
Stars Forever
Pairing: Robert Capa x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: The night before launch, the crew of the Icarus II stay in a nearby hotel. The sleeping arrangements are less than ideal for you and the ship's cranky physicist.
Warnings: Smut, extremely trope-heavy and contrived shenanigans, kinda enemies-to-lovers, teasing, mentions of birth control (IUDs)
A/N: The title of this fic was inspired by Starless Heaven by Guster. That song has nothing to do with the fic, but it's really pretty so I wanted to share it lol. For the purposes of the "plot" here, reader is taking Trey's place on the ship (sorry Trey). Only one bed is my favorite trope and I just want to write it for every character ever <3
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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Capa was a few paces ahead of you, walking with his hands stuffed in his pockets. The soft yellow lights of the hotel corridor surrounded you on all sides as you glanced at the room numbers.
“Quit following me,” Capa barked, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, once he had turned back around and couldn't see you. This was so typical. 
“I'm not following you. I'm looking for my room.”
You checked another room number. That wasn't it. Capa continued down the hallway, not pausing as he spoke over his shoulder again.
“Aren't you with Cassie or Corazon? Go bother one of them,” he spat.
“First of all, I'm not bothering anyone. And second of all, no. Cassie and Cora are together. I'm rooming with someone else.”
At least, you assumed you were. All you had was your assigned room number. With eight crew members and apparently very heavily limited space in the hotel you were staying at for the night, you had been informed that everyone would need to double up. You, Cassie, and Cora had quickly compared room numbers to determine that you were the odd one out, but you had no idea who your own roommate would be. Obviously one of the guys, which was bound to be at least a little awkward. 
But, you would be fine. This was only going to be for one night. Tomorrow, the lot of you would be driven to mission control and then launched into space, bound for the Icarus II module currently hovering in the moon’s orbit, and then for the center of the solar system. This hotel was simply the closest accommodation for tonight, even if it was slightly too cramped for all eight of you.
“Well, quit walking so close to me at least.”
Capa’s voice brought you back to reality, and you realized that you had been zoning out and not looking at the last several room numbers. You checked the next one. Still not yours.
You slowed down, but only a little bit, putting some distance between you and Capa. You had no particular desire to be close to him. Though you certainly didn't hate him as much as he seemed to hate you. 
His dislike was obvious, but it confused you. You hadn't done anything that should have prompted him to feel so negatively toward you, as far as you were aware. But from the moment you and Capa had met at your first briefing, six months ago, you could tell he was incredibly tense whenever you were in the room.
Finally, your eyes landed on the room number assigned to you. You stopped in your tracks, then looked up, confused. Capa was standing in front of the same room.
“Why don't you get lost?” he asked, still testy.
“This is my room,” you said, motioning to the door.
Capa’s eyes darted to the room number and then back to you. His brows creased as he scowled openly.
“No. There's no way,” he said. “This is my room.”
“Well, it's my room, too,” you insisted.
You felt your cheeks heat up. Usually, Capa’s opinion of you didn't bother you much. He was just a coworker. Both of you had proven that you could put personal feelings aside for the sake of the mission, and whatever he thought about you in his free time didn't much matter. But now, faced with the challenge of sharing a hotel room, you suddenly wished that you had spent a bit more time working on your relationship.
“This has to be some kind of mix-up. Why aren't you with one of the girls?” Capa muttered.
“Maybe because there's three girls and five guys?” you replied, sarcastically. “Jeez, Capa - I thought you were good at math.”
Capa rushed to turn his face away, but you still caught a glimpse of the bright blush that rose on his cheeks. You - almost - felt bad. Usually, you tried not to antagonize him, but sometimes you couldn't help it.
“I know there's an uneven split,” he hissed, slightly wounded. “But why would they put you with me?”
You rolled your eyes again, not caring whether he saw you. Capa always thought of himself as the main character. God forbid he be inconvenienced.
“Look, it's late, and I'd like to go to bed,” you sighed. “I'll stay on my side of the room, you stay on yours, and we won't talk to each other. Deal?”
“Fine,” Capa muttered.
It was just for one night. Already feeling your temper wear thin, you slid your key card into the lock. You didn't hesitate to barge in ahead of Capa, not bothering to hold the door open behind you. He scrambled to follow, muttering something to himself.
You stopped short. Capa nearly crashed into you as you saw it first. There was only one bed.
Capa let out a deep breath of frustration. You watched from out of the corner of your eye as he swiftly turned on his heels and walked out of the room.
“Nope,” he said simply, letting the door slam behind him.
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As it turned out, there had been a mix-up. But unfortunately for you and Capa, it was not one that could easily be resolved. Talking to the front desk did nothing, as the clerk explained they were booked up completely.
“There are a lot of people staying overnight so they can watch the big launch tomorrow,” she explained cheerily. “The second Icarus ship. Very exciting stuff!”
Capa looked ready to rip her head off, but somehow restrained himself. You snickered as you followed behind him, this time purposefully trailing as Capa made his way to Captain Kaneda’s room. He was almost cute when he was angry.
Talking to Kaneda didn't get you anywhere either.
“Capa, it's late,” the captain sighed. “You'll both just need to put up with it for one night.”
“But we don't even have separate beds!” Capa grumbled.
“Yes, well… if you two really dislike each other so much, that shouldn't be an issue.”
Capa opened his mouth to speak, but then the scandalous suggestion hidden in the captain’s words dawned on him, and he snapped it shut again. You were tempted to interject and say that you didn't hate Capa - his feelings were all one-sided. But then you thought better of it. You had to admit Capa’s hissy fit was amusing, but if you actually had to share a bed with him, it was better to not provoke him too much.
Capa stormed out of the captain’s room, and you followed. Back in the hallway, you ran into Mace.
“Mace,” Capa called, hurrying to catch up with him. “Hey, Mace - switch rooms with me.”
“Why would I switch rooms with you?” Mace snapped.
Capa and Mace didn't get along either. At all. He must have been truly desperate to ask Mace for help.
“Because I'm with her,” Capa replied, jabbing a finger back at you. “And we only have one bed.”
Mace stopped mid-stride, and turned around to look at you. He was clearly amused. Capa’s scowl deepened, and you shrugged. Mace crossed his arms as he spoke.
“No way in hell am I sharing a bed with her, you, or Searle,” he laughed. “You got the shit room? Tough luck, asshole.”
Mace walked away, leaving Capa to rake an exasperated hand through his hair. He turned to face you, looking you directly in the eye for the first time since you had both left your miserably shared room.
“Okay, one of us needs to take the floor,” he informed you.
You had already started to walk away, and Capa hurried to keep pace beside you.
“Well it's not gonna be me,” you said. “If you can't grow up enough to sleep in the same bed as someone else for one night, you get to take the floor.”
Capa’s cheeks blushed pink again.
“You actually want us to sleep together?” Capa blurted.
“Ugh, don't say it like that!” 
You felt your own cheeks start to heat up as Capa’s blush deepened. Each of you pretended not to notice how flustered the other was getting.
You reached the door of your room and slipped the key card inside. This time, you held the door open as Capa followed after you.
“I'm just saying, why sleep on a hard floor the night before one of the biggest days of our lives?” you sighed. “We can both be adults about this.”
Capa silently considered your words for a minute, stubbornly refusing to meet your gaze.
“Well, just think about it,” you said, reaching for your small backpack. “I'm gonna get changed.”
Capa choked, letting a small, strangled sound escape his throat as you pulled your pajamas out of the bag. When you looked up at him, his eyes had blown wide.
“You're getting undressed?” he sputtered. “In here?”
“In the bathroom, Capa. Jeez!”
You stepped into the little bathroom, closing the door behind you before he had a chance to reply. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let yourself sink back against the door. This was going to be a long night if Capa kept this up. 
You wished he would calm down. It had been funny to watch him scramble around trying to get out of sleeping with you - or, next to you, you corrected yourself. But now, your annoyance had started to settle in again. 
With a huff, you straightened up. It was only one night. You could handle this, and you knew Capa could too, once he had gotten over his initial shock. You set about changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth.
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When you came out, Capa seemed calmer. He was sitting slouched in the small chair next to the desk, which neither of you would have any occasion to use during such a short stay. It was only one night. The words were a mantra in your head.
“Okay,” Capa relented. “I can agree that it's important we both get a good night's rest. Especially with everything happening tomorrow.”
Privately, you thought to yourself that you were the one who needed sleep more than Capa. Your job as navigator was much more imperative than… whatever he would be doing. Capa was little more than a piece of glorified cargo; just coming along for the ride so that he could deploy the bomb. Which was important, of course - but he would have several months worth of time to catch up on sleep before he had to make himself useful, and-
You stopped yourself. That kind of thinking wasn't helpful. It was just nerves making you snap; you always felt tense the night before a mission. And this would be the longest one you had ever been on. Capa was probably feeling the same way, especially considering this was his first. You thought back to your first flight as a rookie, and felt yourself soften a little.
“So we're both going to be mature about this?” you asked.
“Yes,” Capa agreed, sighing as if it pained him.
“Good. Then go get ready for bed.”
You regretted the words as soon as you'd said them. They felt entirely too domestic. Too familiar. A lover telling her husband to come to bed with her.
Capa stood up, crossing paths awkwardly with you on his way to the bathroom. Once the door had shut behind him, you let out the breath you had been holding. Maybe this was going to be a long night.
While Capa got ready for bed, you crawled awkwardly under the covers. Picking a side so that neither of you would be able to argue about that, you settled in and pulled the blankets over your lap.
Capa stepped out, rustled in his bag for a minute, and then came to stand by his side of the bed.
“So, do I just…”
“Here,” you offered. “We can put a few pillows between us.”
The hotel bed had entirely too many of them anyways. You took a couple and placed them between the spaces that you and Capa would occupy, making a little wall.
Capa climbed into bed with you, a little hesitantly. He flicked off the lamp on his bedside table, and you did the same, plunging the room into inky black. 
In the dark, things felt suddenly more… intimate. Your eyes took a long minute to adjust, but when they did, you saw Capa. Still sitting propped up in bed next to you, just like you were as you stared back at him.
“This isn't so bad, right?” 
Your voice was barely a whisper. Capa’s response came at a similar volume. 
“I guess not,” he agreed.
“Let's try and get some rest.”
You sank down, snuggling into the mattress and the pillows at your side. Pressing into them almost felt like you were cuddling against Capa’s body; ironically, the makeshift barrier only made the bed feel more crowded.
“Stop wiggling,” Capa complained.
You bit your tongue. You wanted to snap at him, but you reminded yourself again that you were probably just both on edge. Something in Capa’s deep voice sounded almost miserable.
“Sorry,” you said instead. “Just trying to get comfortable.”
The only sound in the room was Capa’s breath. For some reason, it seemed like he was breathing a bit harder than usual.
“You okay?” you asked.
“Fine,” Capa replied, the word curt and short.
You sighed.
“Capa, why do you hate me so much?”
An uncomfortable silence hung between you. For a few seconds, you thought that he wasn't going to answer, and tried to think of how you could backpedal out of your question as you stared up at the ceiling.
“I don't hate you,” Capa said finally. “I just… you're distracting.”
“Distracting?” you echoed.
As far as you could remember, you had never done anything particularly distracting. At least not to any of your fellow crew members. The months you had spent together preparing for this mission were serious, and didn't leave much time for distractions of any kind.
“Don't worry about it,” Capa insisted, which only confused you more.
“What do you mean? Don't worry about being distracting, or don't worry about you calling me that?”
“Don't worry about any of it!” Capa groaned, suddenly exasperated.
“What's up with you?”
You propped yourself up on one elbow, leaning over the stack of pillows a bit to get a better look at him. Capa flinched, trying to hunch over himself. But it was too late. You had seen the obvious tent in the blankets.
“Oh. My. Gosh!” you squealed. “That's why you didn't want to sleep with me. You don't hate me at all. You like me.”
“Shut up!” Capa snapped, still trying to cover himself with his hands.
You smiled. This was too good. All those months you'd spent wondering what his deal was, and now it was so obvious. Capa had a crush on you. And a pretty big one, by the looks of it.
“It's nothing to be ashamed of, Capa,” you laughed. “You can admit that you like me.”
“I don't,” Capa insisted.
“I have a hard time believing that,” you murmured, eyes trailing down to his crotch.
“Look, don't tell anyone,” Capa begged.
“Why would I tell anyone?” 
You peeled the blankets back, taking the wall of pillows with them. Capa, in his shock, watched as the sheets fell away but did nothing to try and stop you. His hands were still clamped down over his erection, and you lifted them up to guide the blanket away.
“If I told someone,” you continued, “then I'd have to tell them about this…”
You leaned down, capturing his lips in a kiss. You felt Capa tense beneath you, sitting up slightly before he melted back into the pillows. You followed him, moving to straddle his waist and put your hands on his shoulders, holding him there.
“W-what are you doing?” Capa stammered.
You’d pulled back to look at him, and even in the darkness you could tell just how wide his eyes had blown.
“I dunno - what do you want me to do?” you teased.
Your fingers trailed up and down his chest, his breath hitching once as you reached the base of his neck.
“Well, you could get off of me, for starters,” he answered, voice wavering.
His deep voice, usually so smooth and clear, had taken on a desperate, slightly strained quality. You moved your fingertips over the hem of his shirt collar, teasing just beneath the fabric.
“Come on, Capa. Be honest,” you prodded. “What do you really want?”
“Fuck,” Capa whined.
“Fuck? We can fuck,” you agreed, voice lowering.
“Th-that’s not what I meant and you know it - Shit!”
Capa interrupted himself as you slid lower, centering your hips over his clothed erection. You rubbed against him, and he clenched his jaw, throwing his head back into the pillows.
“Fuck! How come you like me all of a sudden?” Capa hissed, slightly out of breath.
“Who said I ever didn’t like you?” you questioned, sliding your hands under his shirt.
Capa’s back arched against the mattress as your hands moved over his bare chest. You swore you heard him let out a little moan.
“You’re just doing this to torture me,” he accused.
“And what if I am?” You leaned in to whisper against his ear. “It seems like you kinda like it.”
Your gentle touches turned harsh; raking your nails down Capa’s chest. As he moaned again, you leaned in to capture it with a kiss. His lips slotted into yours, and Capa bit down, desperate. You hummed with your lower lip trapped between his teeth, still dragging your hips against him. Capa mumbled something, and you pulled away to hear him.
“Please don’t make me come in my pants,” he groaned.
You lifted off of him a little, putting a stop to the friction between you. Capa groaned again, this time at the loss.
“Oh, okay,” you said mischievously. “Let's take you out of them, then.”
You moved to take off his shorts, pushing them down just enough to free his leaking cock. Capa had a pretty one, you had to admit. Even in the dark, you could see how it shined with small, milky beads of his arousal. As it sprang out from the confines of his boxers, Capa whined desperately.
“This too,” you said, tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Capa sat up to tear himself out of his t-shirt, and then started to pull off yours. Once you were both out of your shirts, your lips crashed together again, and Capa’s arms wrapped around your waist, pressing into your back to pull you closer.
“Hang on,” you breathed, pulling away to wrestle yourself out of your own shorts.
Tossing them to the side, you went back to straddling Capa, and pushed him back down to lie flat on the mattress. Your bodies were tantalizingly close together, hovering just on the edge of you sinking down onto his cock. Capa’s hands came up to rest on your sides - clearly wanting to touch your breasts but not daring to. You guided his left hand to cup one.
“Fuck,” Capa sighed again, digging his fingers into you.
“Be patient,” you scolded, giggling a little at the way Capa’s brow creased.
“Haven’t you played with me enough?” he moaned.
“I don’t think so, actually.”
You lowered yourself down just a bit, enough to let his tip brush through your folds. You were pretty wet already, but not quite enough to take him in yet. Pressing down more, you trapped his cock between yourself and his stomach, sliding up and down the underside of his length.
“Ah!” Capa gasped.
His fingers tightened on your breast, and you basked in the feel of his hands on you. The way your clit was rubbing against him with every stroke of your hips wasn’t so bad either, and you thought fleetingly that you might actually be able to get both of you off just like this. You considered it, but where was the fun in that?
You sat up, reaching down to position him so that it would only take one more stroke to enter you. You felt how wet you had gotten his shaft, just by rubbing against it, and laughed softly to yourself. Maybe you did like Capa a little more than you’d thought. As you swirled your hips, getting the head of his cock wet enough to slide into you, Capa lost what little remaining resolve he had.
“Fuck - please,” Capa whined.
“Please what?”
“You know what you’re doing, you jerk.”
Capa bucked his hips beneath you, but you inched up and away from him, keeping his prize just out of reach.
“Tell me what you want,” you taunted. “You can use your words, right? Or am I ‘distracting’ you again?”
“Yes - it’s very fucking distracting to feel you dripping down my cock,” Capa moaned.
If he was trying to get to you, he would have to do better than that.
“Come on, just tell me. What do you want?”
“You! Fuck,” Capa grunted. “God, I want to be inside you.”
“There, was that so hard?” you laughed.
“Fuck you, you’re driving me crazy.”
He was speaking through clenched teeth, jaw straining once again as his eyes squeezed shut. The sight was enough to make you pulse, clenching around nothing. You had held back for long enough, you decided.
In one swift motion, you sank down onto his cock. The stretch was enough to make you hum, pleasure filling your chest as your walls wrapped around him. Capa was slightly less subtle, moaning loudly at the feel of you.
His desperate, needy sounds were like music to your ears. Slowly, you rocked your hips back and forth, keeping yourself pressed flush against him. Capa let out a breath.
“Don’t stop,” he begged you.
You didn’t plan on it. You kept your pace steady, stopping the rhythm every once in a while to swirl your hips.
As much as you were enjoying the sight of Capa falling apart beneath you, you needed more to help yourself over the edge. You brought your fingers down to your clit, letting the motion of your hips guide the pressure.
“Oh, I’m close,” you sighed.
Your eyes fluttered shut, and you tossed your head back. Capa’s hands were planted on your hips now, greedily pulling you down as far onto his cock as you would go. His voice was a mess as he answered.
“Me too - fuck - you're gonna need to get off of me.”
“Not yet,” you moaned, grinding your hips down again.
“What do you mean ‘not yet?’” Capa grunted, sounding miserable.
“So close,” you replied, your own voice getting shaky.
And then, you felt the coil in your stomach snap. You cried out, pressing down onto him harder than ever as your nails raked down his chest. While you rode out your high, Capa scrambled to grab at your hips and lift you all the way off of him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck - get off!” he gasped.
As your orgasm faded, you looked down to see Capa, desperate and flushed-red cock in his hand, spurting ropes of cum onto his own stomach. He’d managed to pull you off just in time, but barely. A smirk crossed your lips as you watched him.
You weren’t sure what he was so worried about. As precaution, all female members of the Icarus crew had been required to have IUDs placed months ago. They would last the duration of the journey, and ensure that no mishaps occurred. Although, now you considered that maybe Capa and the other men hadn’t been told about that, to prevent… well, to prevent them from getting any ideas about doing what Capa and you had just done.
You crawled off of him, grabbing a box of tissues from one of the nightstands.
“Here - clean yourself off,” you told him. “I like to cuddle after.”
Capa took the tissues and wiped up his cum, tossing everything into the trashcan next to the bed. You flopped down on top of him, forcing his arms to wrap around you in surprise before they settled into the curves of your body.
Bringing his lips into a slow kiss, you felt the hum of Capa’s moan against you.
“You’re gonna kill me if this is what the next three years together are going to be like,” Capa complained.
“That’s a funny way of saying ‘thank you,’” you teased, resting your head against his chest. “And besides,” you continued, poking him in the ribs, “what makes you think that this is what the next three years are gonna be like?”
You could practically feel Capa blush, his arms tightening and the skin on his chest getting just a bit hotter.
“I mean…”
“I’m just kidding,” you laughed. “Of course I’m gonna keep torturing you like this. Since you like it so much,” you added.
“Yeah, well… maybe I’ll torture you instead next time,” Capa threatened, tugging you harder against him.
“You can try…” Bringing your lips back up to his face, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “It’s kinda cute that you have the confidence.”
You giggled as Capa held the sides of your face, stopping you from pulling away as he kissed your lips. Both of you sank down, Capa turning to hover over you this time as he kissed you again. 
You smiled against his lips. You could certainly think of worse ways to spend the next few years.
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Taglist: @cillianslvt, @cillmequick, @dynamitehacke, @franzine-xii, @hanawrites404, @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch, @littlewinter1917, @mothhball, @nnattu, @red-riding-wood, @sea-star-of-the-ocean, @slut4thebroken (also going rogue and tagging @vintagepvssy because of our only one bed trope conversation lol)
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jexnkookie · 7 months
BTS: In the Secret (Idol! Jungkook x Reader) [Chapter 4]
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Summary: Big Hit announces a new season of In the Soop with a twist; one lucky Army is going to join the members for an entire summer of filming, picked by a random poll. You were selected, and ready to have an amazing summer. But what happens when you win something else that's a bit more complicated; the heart of the group's maknae?
Rating: M (18+)
Chapter Warnings: None.
Tag List: @cassies-cookies @hoeinthehouse @jjeonjjk7 @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @leetha43 @rrosiitas @whoa-jo @1-in-abillion 
The rain tapped gently on the glass of the windows while Jungkook helped you position the large, chunky throw blanket you had brought so that you both could be under it. The room was dim, only lit up by the glow of the television and a lamp in the corner of the room. Your pale pink blanket was draped over Jungkook and yourself while you sat on the couch together, staring at the image of Robert Downey Jr. on the screen. 
There were so many things Jungkook wanted to do in this moment. He wanted to talk to you, to ask you if you had really slept in his sweatshirt all night just like he hoped. He wanted to touch your hand, which increasingly felt as though it had a magnetic pull, enticing his fingers to come closer and intertwine with yours underneath the cover of the blanket. He wanted to pull you in close to him every time he saw your eyelids start to become heavy, and encourage you to lay your head on him and rest. He wanted to know why you were so tired, and if, just maybe, you had stayed up all night thinking about him, too. Just the way he had thought about you. 
Forever an idealist romantic, but too nervous to do anything he fantasized about in his head, he settled for the peacefulness he felt. The rain outside. The blasts of the action movie on the screen. And your presence right next to him, that seemed to drown out all of it. 
“Hey, Jungkook?” You whispered. 
“I don’t want to fall asleep, because I really want to hang out with you.” You confessed, looking up at him. “But for some reason, I couldn’t sleep last night… So if I do fall asleep accidentally, I’m really sorry.” 
The smile he wore was warm and gentle, showcasing his dimples and beautiful eyes.
“It’s ok.” He whispered back. “I won’t be mad.” 
“Ok.” You smiled back. Jungkook could get lost in that smile, and he hoped to see it as often as he could. 
“Hey, Y/N?” He whispered, playfully mimicking you. 
“Who’s your favorite Marvel superhero?” He asked quietly, and you couldn’t help but grin bigger at his boyish charms. 
“Maybe… Iron Man?” You thought out loud. “He always makes me laugh. What about you?” 
“Black Widow, because she’s hot.” He teased, earning an exasperated eye roll. 
“Shut up, you’re such a guy.” You laughed, playfully ‘slapping’ his toned arm. “But, fine. If we’re going off of that, then my pick is Captain America.” 
“Really? He’s your pick?” Jungkook tsked, overtones of a pout lacing his voice. 
“He has America’s ass, Kookie. C’mon.” You joked. “Be serious.” 
You noticed a change in Jungkook’s features, as though they were somehow able to soften even more than usual. His eyes became even more light, gazing at you gently. His pink lips were still upturned in a smile, and his dimples ever present. 
“I like it when you call me that.” He admitted. 
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” You lightly flirted, just barely testing the waters, earning a grin in return. You both gazed into each other’s eyes, and you wondered if he could hear the loud way your heart was beating. He was beautiful, in every way. Obviously attractive, but beautiful in his silliness. Beautiful in the gentle way he spoke and looked at you. You wanted to lean in, to touch his lips to yours. The way his eyes flicked down to your lips, as well, hinted that maybe, possibly, he wanted the same...
...But suddenly, his phone buzzed, breaking the moment and bringing you both down to Earth. He sighed and mumbled a quick apology, glancing at the text on his phone. 
“It’s one of the staff members. They sent a warning about flooding.” 
“Flooding? Are we in a flood zone?” You asked.
“Not sure.” Jungkook played with his lip ring. “They said there’s a lake nearby and sometimes when it rains, it’s overflows. They just wanted to give us a heads up.” 
“Oh, ok.” You said before letting out a yawn. Jungkook looked up from his phone and saw your tired state as you went back to watching the movie in a desperate attempt to stay awake. 
This attempt failed, and rather quickly. Jungkook noticed you had fallen asleep, just like you didn’t want to do. But he just didn’t have the heart to wake you, especially when you moved in your sleep to rest your head on his shoulder, as though instinctively seeking him out. He refused to move, unable to stop the silly, schoolboy grin on his face while you rested on him. His heart was beating so loud, he was almost surprised it didn’t wake you. 
“Oh, Jungkookie.” A whispered, teasing voice giggled, cutting through the quiet room. Jungkook turned his head to see Hobi, smiling widely at the sight. “Is she asleep?” 
“Yeah.” He whispered back, blushing at being caught. “She just… kinda landed on me? I…I don’t mind though, y’know? Just don’t wanna wake her. s’all” 
Hoseok nodded, looking at the maknae knowingly but choosing not to put him on the spot. Jungkook will be honest the members in his own time, pushing him too much might cause him to run away from them and distance himself from you. He needed to let Jungkook get to know you first, and then encourage him to get closer. But, as it seems, the youngest member is doing quite well at getting closer to you all on his own. 
He then left the room, giving the two of you privacy, which Jungkook internally thanked him for. Fixing himself food in the kitchen, he was briefly interrupted by Taehyung and Jimin who came in for their own lunch. Hobi held a finger to his lips, alerting them to stay quiet, before motioning them into the kitchen. 
“Don’t go into the living room.” He whispered to them, knowing Jungkook can’t hear their conversation over the loud action movie. “Jungkook is in there with Y/N, and I’m giving them privacy.” 
“Privacy?” Jimin smiled suggestively, earning a look from Hoseok. “What’s happening in there?” 
“He’s not ready to admit it yet, because he still hasn’t said anything to her but… Jungkookie has feelings for Y/N.” Hoseok explained, leaning in to make sure Jungkook couldn’t hear him. “Don’t say anything to him, let’s just let him work things out, ok?” 
“Ok.” Jimin giggled. “Aish, he’s so cute. Even after all this time, a girl can get him worked up like this.” 
Taehyung stood silent while the other two cooed over Jungkook’s behavior. He thought back to Jungkook sitting there, watching as you leaned over to kiss him, and he felt awful. Taehyung wouldn’t do anything to purposefully hurt Jungkook, who was like a little brother to him. He had never even really felt anything for you, he only was carried away in the moment when you had kissed him. He knew you felt the same about him, when you rejected him at the door of your bedroom. Taehyung hated to think that maybe Jungkook heard any of that conversation that night, and he wondered how he would apologize to him for it once Jungkook was ready to talk about you to the other members. 
Just then, a pair of heavy footsteps came into the kitchen, silencing all of the members. Jungkook, unaware that they were in the room, had a still sleeping you in his arms, covered by your soft, pink blanket. His eyes widened, resembling a deer caught in headlights at being discovered, yet again, in a soft moment with you. 
“She, uh…” He stuttered, looking at the older members. “Her neck would hurt, sleeping on the couch like that too long. So I.. I thought… I’d just bring her back to her room…” 
“Good idea.” Hobi smiled warmly, not wanting to put too much attention on him. Jungkook scurried out of the house and held you close, going as quickly as he could to limit your time in the rain. 
“Oh my God, he’s in deep already.” Jimin giggled teasingly. Hoseok only responded with a grin while he shook his head. 
Next Chapter: x
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You Deserve It
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 & F2 Masterlist
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A Marvelous Surprise
I’d always thought that my life was pretty perfect. I had everything I could ever want: a supportive family, great friends, and a boyfriend who was not only incredibly talented but also genuinely kind. My boyfriend was none other than Oscar Piastri, the Formula 1 driver who had taken the world by storm. But, as I found out one sunny afternoon at the racetrack, sometimes even the perfect life has a few extraordinary surprises.
The day started like any other Grand Prix day. I was in the pit lane, surrounded by the clamor of engines and the frenetic energy of the race day preparations. Oscar had been busy with the team, and I was making my way through the paddock, trying to stay out of the way but still soaking in every moment of the high-octane atmosphere.
I had my usual race day ritual—cheering for Oscar from the best spot I could find and, if I had a moment, catching up on social media. My love for Marvel was well-known among my friends, and they had teased me about it endlessly. Every interview I did where I gushed about my favorite characters—Bucky Barnes, played by Sebastian Stan, and my all-time favorite actor, James McAvoy—was met with knowing smiles and playful jabs.
Oscar had heard it all, of course. He was always so patient with my endless Marvel monologues. I had even been lucky enough to attend a few fan events, where my excitement for superheroes could be fully unleashed. But nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen.
The race was in full swing, and Oscar was driving brilliantly. I was on the edge of my seat, my eyes locked on the track, when my phone buzzed with a new message. I glanced down to see a text from Oscar: “Meet me at the hospitality suite after the race. I have a surprise for you.”
My heart raced—not from the thrill of the race, but from the anticipation of Oscar’s surprise. The remainder of the race felt like it dragged on forever. When Oscar finally crossed the finish line, victorious as always, I couldn’t wait to see him.
After the post-race celebrations, I headed to the hospitality suite. The area was relatively quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos of the pit lane. I entered the suite, expecting to find Oscar waiting with a small token of his appreciation or perhaps just a sweet gesture to celebrate his win.
What I saw instead took my breath away.
The suite was filled with the unmistakable aura of Marvel’s finest. There, standing among the elegant furniture and decorations, were some of my absolute favorites—Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., James McAvoy, Evan Peters, and Anthony Mackie. They were chatting amongst themselves, their faces lit with amusement as they turned to see me enter.
My jaw dropped. My eyes darted between them, not quite believing what I was seeing. I stumbled into the room, feeling like I was walking through a dream.
Oscar stepped up beside me, his grin as wide as ever. “Surprise, YN!” he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief and affection. “I know how much you love Marvel and James McAvoy, so I thought I’d arrange a little meet-and-greet.”
I couldn’t form words. I just stared, blinking rapidly. Chris Evans noticed and chuckled. “I think we broke her,” he said, leaning toward the others.
Elizabeth Olsen came over, her smile warm and genuine. “Hi, YN! I’m Elizabeth. We’ve all heard so much about your love for Bucky Barnes. It’s great to finally meet you!”
Sebastian Stan, ever the charming Bucky, approached with a wink. “Hey there. I see you’re a fan of my alter ego. I have to say, it’s always amazing to meet someone who appreciates Bucky like you do.”
James McAvoy was next. My heart skipped a beat as he extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, YN. I’ve heard you’re quite the fan. Your enthusiasm is contagious.”
I shook his hand, barely able to contain my excitement. “James, I can’t believe it’s really you. You’ve been my favorite actor for as long as I can remember.”
Evan Peters and Anthony Mackie joined in, their smiles infectious. “So, YN, what’s it like having Oscar Piastri as your boyfriend?” Evan asked playfully. “Is he as impressive off the track as he is on it?”
I laughed, still trying to get my head around everything. “Oh, absolutely. He’s amazing.”
Scarlett Johansson then stepped forward, her presence commanding. “YN, I’ve heard so much about your passion for the Marvel universe. It’s wonderful to see such enthusiasm.”
We spent the next few hours in a whirlwind of conversation, photo ops, and laughter. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. Oscar watched with a knowing smile, clearly enjoying the joy his surprise had brought me.
I chatted with each of them about their roles, my favorite scenes, and even got some behind-the-scenes stories. Chris Evans regaled me with tales from the set of the Captain America films, while Robert Downey Jr. shared funny anecdotes about his time as Iron Man.
When it was time to say goodbye, I was reluctant to leave. I hugged each of them, my heart full of gratitude and happiness. “Thank you all so much. This has been a dream come true.”
As I walked out with Oscar by my side, I felt like I was walking on air. “You really outdid yourself this time,” I said, leaning into him.
Oscar kissed my forehead. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. You deserve every bit of happiness.”
The ride back to our hotel was quiet, filled with comfortable silence and shared smiles. I knew I’d be reliving every moment of the day in my mind for a long time. The memories would be a cherished part of my life, thanks to Oscar and his incredible surprise.
As I finally settled into bed, I found myself replaying the day’s events. It felt like I was living in a Marvel movie, where everything came together perfectly in the end. I had my superhero dreams come true, and it was all thanks to the love of my life who knew me better than anyone else.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal l l @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi i @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess s @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan @styl1shl1v @eddieharrington @hellowgoodbye
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attapullman · 10 months
Step Into Christmas | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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POV: It’s the first Christmas with your husband Bob in your new (to you) home. He pulls out all the stops to make it special.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings & Notes: gn! reader. no warnings except mentions of food and excessive Christmas fluffiness! Happy December 1st! I was thrilled when @lewmagoo announced their Christmas celebration because Christmas is the best time of year! Tried something different with a little mood board and then doing clips of scenes paired with the song (listen to it here). And then basically indulged myself in imagining living in an old house with Bob at Christmas where he made me dinner (I wish!) I hope you enjoy and happy holidays!
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Welcome to my Christmas song I'd like to thank you for the year So I'm sending you this Christmas card To say it's nice to have you here
The whistling creaks of this old house echo. Its charm and unique coziness you both fell in love with disappears without the lamp normally in the corner of the living room. And now a tall tree looms over the furniture, grim.
There's a rustle, and Bob’s smiling earnest face peaks out from behind a few branches, eager to see your expression at what he does next. He slots the plug into the outlet and bundles of warm lights come to life, filling the room with seasonal delight. The house is suddenly so alive, not a relic at all! He is delighted by the wide grin that splits your face in two. 
As he bends over the ornament boxes - matte, glitter, pendants, glossy, oversized, metallic, his broad shoulders shrugging as he decides which ornaments deserve top spot - he is bathed in the tree lights like a bespectacled angel, frames glimmering in the light as his forehead scrunches. The slightly scratchy sweater his great aunt knit him during his first deployment sits a little lopsided on his collarbone. His hair messy from crawling under the branches. A Christmas angel in your midst.
Your husband - husband, you were still adjusting to that - comes to stand beside you, hips kissing with the perfect ornament in hand. His lips brush your cheek discreetly. “Would you like to put on the first ornament?”
Together, you string on the first ornament to a prime spot - in the center, a little higher than the middle. Just Married sits among the pine needles, and it brings a fresh joy to your heart. You glance at your husband again, and smile. Celebrating your first Christmas freshly married in your new home. It’s so good to be here.
I'd like to sing about all the things Your eyes and mind can see So hop aboard the turntable Oh step into Christmas with me
The house casts a cheery glow, the decorated tree lighting up even the most desolate of corners. The star on top twinkles with its shimmering surface. The Christmas spirit is alive and well in this room and will quickly flood the rest of the Floyd homestead.
Behind you, Bob puts on a record, the upbeat sounds of his favorite Christmas tunes creating the playlist for the beautiful night. He catches your eye across the room, blue eyes sparkling in the low light. 
He holds out his hand to you, a small smile curling at the corners of his mouth. You haven’t danced together since your wedding. Enveloped in his grasp, he immediately begins twirling you around the room giddily. The air is light, frivolity directing your movements. He dips you slightly during the downbeats, and wiggles your hips at the crescendos. Giggles escape as he brings you to his chest, softly swaying one beat off. 
A slower song rounds out the side, sweet harpsichord ringing out. Eyes close as your foreheads connect, grounding you to each other. Small puffs of air against your lips as he softly sings the lyrics to you. The universe existing only in this song you share.
Let's join together We can watch the snow fall forever and ever
Coats scrape against hooks. Boots thump against the hardwood. Laughter fills the mudroom as you watch Bob wrap his scarf a few too many times. From the window, fat, lazy snowflakes swim down from the inky sky. Bob rests himself against your back, watching the flakes float down softly onto the ground. Fluffy and inviting. 
Before either of you can brace yourselves, the door is swung open and the cold air attacks your uncovered cheeks. You’re dragging him out into the snow, endearingly watching how his breath fogs his glasses as he finds his footing. He sticks out his tongue as you mimic him trying not to slip on the icy pavement.
Neither of you are sure who started it, but soon you’re both ducking behind trees in the neighborhood, packed snow in your mittened hands. Bob’s gotten you once - on the shoulder - and you’ve done nothing but grow his ego with how quick he is. 
“You can’t catch me, sweetheart!” He jokingly taunts, wiggling his fingers at you. Your quiet, reserved man dissolved into giggles and childish gestures the second snow falls. Your breathless laughs disrupt the night air as you trudge after him. A second look at a new car on the street distracts him, and you catch up to him, finally in better firing range. The densely packed snowball makes contact with the side of his chest and he turns to you, all wide cobalt eyes. Big hands snap up to clutch the lapels of his jacket. He mimics a slow, dramatic death silently in the snow, clutching at where your snowball has annihilated him. 
As you stand over his still form, he blinks open one eyes. “Best two out of three?”
By the end of the afternoon you are both soaked in melted snow, cheeks drenched in deep pink. Your husband takes your hand, threading your mittened hands together, and you watch the fresh powder fall as he walks you home.
Eat, drink and be merry Come along with me
There’s a tinkling in the kitchen. You follow the sounds of Elton John and the scent of alfredo sauce. Pushing open the door, there’s Bob humming along as he stirs this and salts that. Not wanting to disturb him, you slip onto one of the stools at the counter, leaning on your elbows as you watch him nod his head along to the beat. 
He glances over his shoulder to check the recipe and jumps at your unexpected, but welcome, company. “Didn’t hear you come in, sweets. You want something to drink?”
You shrug a shoulder and stretch your neck to see what he’s making. But your husband shakes his head and shields your view with his broad frame. He’s been excited to surprise you all day. Leaning over the counter to place a short peck to your lips, he busies himself with pouring you both a beverage, cheersing over the salad bowl. 
“Thank you for making dinner.” You’re still trying to steal peeks over his shoulder, where he’s putting on the finishing touches. He glances back at you grinning, acts of service his love language. Those metal frames gleaming in the stovetop light. 
After making sure you’re fully settled at the counter - albeit impatiently - he finally brings the pot over to serve up.
“Christmas fettuccine!” The glossy off-white noodles freckled with bits of pepper shine as he twirls the fork above your plate. The nests of noodles on your plates are stunning as he garnishes with a bit of parsley, asking if you’d like extra parmesan. The joyous grin on your face makes his surprise worth every moment over that hot stove. 
Taking the stool beside you, elbows just inches from each other, Bob tips his glass to yours. “Merry Christmas, my darling.”
And keep smiling through the days If we can help to entertain you Oh we will find the ways
Bob stokes the fireplace and adds a new log, keeping up the cozy atmosphere. The sound of crackling fire soothing over the natural creaks of the ancient house. He hands you a mug of cocoa and leads you to the sofa, resting your backs against the soft fabric as you sit on the floor, legs tangled. He grabs the new Boeing manual he’s been working his way through and flips it open, semi-reading aloud as he explains trajectory and basic mechanics. 
His voice is soothing, the soft vibrations of his chest against your back making your eyes sleepy.
“Am I boring you?” His voice is worried. “Sorry, sweets, not doing a good job entertaining you, am I?”
You shake your head, assuring him you are fine looking through the manual. But he’s already tucking it into the magazine rack on the side, his fingers going through what else is available. He huffs that it’s mostly old copies of Consumer Digest and a random Skymall catalog. But your husband refuses to let the moment go to waste and pulls out his phone, internet searching with the screen tilted away from you.
When he finally settles, his temple pressed to yours, one hand caressing your skin caringly, you see he’s looked up Christmas stories for children. You watch familiar characters taking over the screen, a round-headed boy and his canine friend finding the real meaning of Christmas. Bob’s voice crackles like the fire, and you are safe.
So merry Christmas one and all There's no place I'd rather be Than asking you if you'd oblige Stepping into Christmas with me
Cocoa is brewing and the record player is alive with another festive record. The jaunty Santa hat on Bob’s head threatens to fall off as he perfectly arranges the presents in the order he would like you to open them. The scents of the room fight to be noticed - rosemary, peppermint, and the cinnamon-y sugar of the rolls you just put in the oven. 
You join your husband by the tree, letting him wrap his arms around you like a big human bow. “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Claus.”
He laugh is infectious, and quickly you’re both giggling as he walks you through his gift madness. He’s spoiled you as usual, always thoughtfully selecting a gift only to find something even better after he’s arrived home. With a flourish, Bob places a package into your waiting hands, instantly eager to see your reaction.
“Thank you, Santa,” you tease. As your fingers untwine the bow, you look up at him. “Thank you for making this holiday so special.”
His cheeks match his hat as he accepts your gratitude. His hand strokes your knee as he praises you. “Thanks for stepping into Christmas with me, honey, I wanted it to be big. First year in the house and all.”
Your smile conveys all your thanks, gooey warmth inside your chest. He impatiently gestures to the gift in your lap again, he’s ready to see your reaction!
Step into Christmas The admission's free
The late afternoon sun streams through the aging windows, bright light bouncing off the freshly fallen snow. A quieter record plays and Bob is snoozing on your shoulder, a little cinnamon sugar still on his lip. This first Christmas in this old house with the big windows that show off the tree is perfect. Your husband is perfect from where he wraps his arm around your waist, curling into you sleepily with his floppy red hat.
And this memory? This memory will be like stepping into Christmas every time it passes your mind.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Oh Chute // Bob Floyd
Summary: For some reason you’d never know, yours and Jake personal Heaven becomes a check point for the friends you left behind. One by one the Daggers come through on their way to their forever life after death.
Warnings: Mentions of death. Blunt force trauma. F-18 accident. Bob Floyd Angst.
Word Count: 2.5k
Author Note: This is a spin off Series to Bruises. Masterlist Tagged below.
Bruises Masterlist | Life After Death Masterlist
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Name: Robert Floyd: Age: 36 Cause Of Death: Blunt Force Trauma sustained via fall.
“Where the hell am I?” Robert Floyd had no idea where the hell he was. One minute he was in the cockpit, sitting behind Phoenix like he had done for years, and then? He was in a field somewhere in the middle of nowhere. His head hurt, a lot. But when he came to with a mouth full of dirt he knew something had to be wrong. Very wrong. 
“Oi.” Jake Seresin loved golden hour. It was his favorite time of the day. When the sun would kiss the horizon and leave a beautiful golden hume across the fields that seemed never ending. Rolling plains of green lush fields that were all his, all yours. Your own silence of paradise. 
“Hotshot!” Jake snapped at the Boxer whose hair stuck up along his spine. His bark was just that, all bark and no bite. “I’m gonna get your vocal cords clipped if you don’t cut it out man.” It’s an empty threat that the Boxer dog has heard a billion times before—and it always seems to fall on deaf ears. Hotshot kept barking in the direction of where he’d sensed danger looming. “Dammit—!”
Jake stood from where he was crouching to fix the broken wire on the fence that bordered what he could only assume was another property. Someone else’s slice of heaven. He hadn’t ever seen what was beyond the rolling hills, but he didn’t care all that much. He already had everything he ever needed and more. 
“Hello!? Is anyone here!?” 
“Huh?” Jake frowned when he saw it, a figure dragging a parachute across the field in his direction. “Ain’t no way—“ Jake shook his head and rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand. He pocketed the gloves he’d been wearing and took a few cautionary steps closer to the figure that grew closer and closer. Until he knew for sure who he was seeing: 
“Floyd?” It comes out a little bit questionable and albeit hesitant because Jake isn’t sure why exactly he was seeing Bob on his property. “Bob? Is that you?” He calls out again. “Oh fuckk—this can’t be good.” Jake says that last part to himself, he knows that the only people here are already dead or figments of his imagination. 
Bob freezes in his tracks, it had been a few years since he’d heard that unforgettable voice. It’s Jake, it’s Hangman. Bob can only just make out the blonde hair and the stupidly symmetrical physique, but regardless of the distance he knows it’s Jake Seresin. Oh crap. He’d fallen asleep before training hadn’t he? He was asleep in the red room right this very second, dreaming of a friend he lost not too many years back. 
“Hangman! Oh my god! What are you doing here?” Bob asks all the while he’s back on track, walking towards Jake as he makes his way over. Hotshot is already a mile ahead and at Bob's feet in no time, wagging his tail and licking Bob's hand. A welcome fit for an old friend. “Hey buddy, hi!” 
Like Jake said, all bark, no bite. 
“Uh, I—“ Jake knows he should probably approach this conversation carefully. If Bobs here then there’s only one real explanation as to why. He’s dead. “I live here.” Jake rubs at the back of his head as he assesses Bob's reaction. There’s hardly a flinch. “This is my home man, and you’re a long way from yours.” It doesn’t make sense, why was Robert Floyd in Jake's own personal afterlife? He didn’t understand the lore as well as you but even this was making his brain itch. Surely you’d know why? 
“What do you mean you live here?” Jake can see the confusion all over Bob's face when he finally does reply. He can also see the blood creeping out of his nose. Something had gone wrong, terribly wrong. “I just ejected, my chute got tangled—“ Jakes standing there with his arms crossed just waiting for the lightbulb to turn on. Bobs a smart guy, he should be able to connect the dots. “Hang on, you died.” Bob's frowning while he looks up at Jake once again. “You died years ago. Does that mean?” 
“Dead doesn’t mean done Bob.” Jake just smiles, he still wasn’t sure why Bob was here or what happened to bring Bob here, but he was thankful to see an old friend. “You might of—“ Jake doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Bob is cutting him off. Nope. Nope this can’t be happening. Bobs not dead. He’s just asleep. 
“I need to get back.” Bob just shakes his head in disbelief. “I uh—I’m dreaming, yeah.” It’s his way of processing what’s happening. “I’m dreaming, yeah, yeah no I fell asleep in the rec room didn’t I?” There’s a silence that lingers in the field while Jake just looks at his old colleague, god he didn’t look a day older than the last time Jake saw the WSO. 
“Sure pal.” Jake just sighs while the two men hug for what feels like the first time in a lifetime. He can feel how fast Bob's heart is racing. “Why don’t you come up to the house? I’ll fix you something to drink.” It’s the only thing Jake can think of to help settle the clearly distressed soul. Bob nods, he doesn’t know what else to do. He’s tried to wake up a few times now but damn this dream really feels real. 
“Jake, is this real?” Bob nearly sobs while the two men walk back up to Jake's truck. He’d driven up to the border fence a little while ago. “Am I dead?” Jake contemplates how to handle this situation, but he settles on a little humour to take the edge off. He always did love fucking with Bob. 
“As a doorknob dude.” Jake chuckles softly all the while Bob just stands there in disbelief. “You probably hit the ground hard too.'' Jake can see the colour draining from Bob's face as he takes his helmet off in the passage's seat. It’s then he sees the blood pouring out of Bob's ears. Damn. The ground must have been really hard. Jake remembers that feeling all too well. The thud, the snow. But for Bob it must have been so much worse. 
“Oh god.” 
“Honey!” You heard Jake's boots against the hardwood floor before you saw him. He’s got that all too familiar walk that lets you know it’s him. Not that it would ever be anyone else, but right now it did sound as if there were a few extra footsteps present. “You around?”
“I’m in the kitchen with Ellie!” You cooed back. Bouncing softly while you waited for your tea to steep. “She’s just gone down for a—“ Before you could even say that your daughter had just fallen asleep against your chest in her wrap, you were rendered speechless by the scared silhouette behind your husband. “Bob?” 
“Hollywood?” Bob was in more shock than you were. “Oh okay yeah now I’m definitely dreaming.” He steps past Jake and into the kitchen to give you a hug that was all too welcomed. You send your husband a frown of concern over the WSO’s shoulder and Jake confirms what you think you already know. 
Robert Floyd was dead. He’d recently died or was dying as you spoke and he was in denial about it. 
“Uh—Bob honey I’d say it’s good to see you but I don’t think you belong here.” You cooed with a soft expression plastered across your face. As much as you loved seeing an old friend you knew for certain that if Bob was dead he needed to get to his own forever home before he got stuck between the land of the living and the land of the dead. “What happened? What’s the last thing you remember?” 
“I’ll get you a drink man.” Jake adds all the while you and Bob sit down at the dining table in the kitchen. He finishes making you your cup of tea while he listens to Bob explain the last thing he remembered before he was waking up in the middle of Jake's back paddock. 
“It was just a simple training session.” Perhaps the denial was beginning to wear off, you could see how shaky Bob's hands were while he played with his cuticles and looked around the kitchen. “Something was wrong with our altitude gauge, Phoenix couldn’t keep the nose and before I knew it we were punching out.” It all happened so fast. “I pulled my chute.” Bob explained all the while his heart began to race as realisation set it. “But it wouldn’t untangle—“ Your heart just broke, Jakes too. He couldn’t imagine free falling from the sky like that—even though he kinda did. “I think I hit the ground before I could pull my secondary.” 
“Bob, do you know where you are?” It was the softness in your voice and the love you held in your eyes that made Jake fall a little more in love with you. He did everyday. Not a day went by where he didn’t fall more in love with you. “Do you hear anything? See anyone?” 
When you had died, all you could hear was Jake begging you to stay. The sunset was so beautiful and the homestead was so peaceful and nothing seemed to hurt, you just couldn’t stay. As much as it pained you to turn your back on the faded image of the love of your giving you CPR, you had to see what was inside the home you now shared with that very same man. He’d come racing up the driveway not a few months later. 
“I think I’m in a hospital somewhere?” Bob could hear a beeping sound, like a heart monitor reading his pulse. “I don’t remember it hurting, dying that is.” Bob let his chin fall as Jake handed him a glass of water, remembering that the weapons system office didn’t drink in life so he probably wouldn’t in death. “We all missed you, both of you, so much.” It was a beautiful thing to hear, even after all this time. You knew Jake missed his friends and hoped they understood why he did what he did. He had to be with you. If he couldn’t in life then death would have to do. 
“For what it’s worth?” You looked to your husband with an all knowing smile before you rubbed your thumb on Bob's hand to sooth his worried soul. “We know, but we’ve been happy this whole time.” 
“I understand why you both did it, you know.” Bob added as he sniffed. “Rooster was so mad for so long but I always understood.” It made Jake's heart sink into his stomach, but hopefully he’d get the chance to say he was sorry one day. “Am I really dead?” 
“I’m sorry Bob.” You didn’t know what else to say. “If you wanna come into my office with me I can probably help you figure out where you’re supposed to go from here?” You offered. “I’m not even really sure why you’re here and as much as I’ve really enjoyed getting to see you again, but, you can’t stay.” 
“Where do I go then?” Bob asked softly and all the more confused. “I don’t know what I’m doing?” 
“What’s your perfect world man?” Jake asked as he leaned back on the kitchen countertop. He had his, you were all Jake Seresin ever needed. “Your idea of heaven? Your forever home?” Your little girl was his forever dream. “Surely there’s something—“
Robert Floyd was silent for a moment, he thought about where he’d want to spend the rest of his forever life. 
“I had this old drum set when I was a teenager.” You caught the glint in Bob's eye, he could hear the music playing. “My dad owned this old instrument shop that had pretty much everything you ever needed in it, drums, electric guitars, pianos, even clarinets.” 
“If that’s where you wanna go Bob then I’m sure that’s where you’ll end up once you step outside our door.” You could see the gears turning in your husband's mind, he was trying to figure out why Bob was even here. It was so random, so out of the blue. Were all his friends going to come through one at a time? Was this how things worked? Did they all miss him so much they couldn’t pass on without saying goodbye? 
“I’m not ready to go yet.” It was as genuine as ever. Bob was just scared, he didn’t know how to feel or what to say. All he knew was that he just needed a minute to figure out if this was real or if he’d just fallen asleep in the rec room. “Could I maybe just sit here for a while?” 
“Yeah Bob.” Oh how you’d missed your friends, the people who cared the most. “Yeah, take all the time you need.” 
“You can go, if you want—“ It was the softest of voices, the most calming of lullabies. Bob could hear her right in his ear. “I’m right here, you aren’t alone, so if you need to go, you go, okay?” Phoenix cried as Bob turned around in his chair to look over his shoulder. He saw the image clear as day. He was in a hospital room being kept alive by machines and tubes. 
“Who is it?” You asked as Bob saw his final moments play out right before him. He never wanted that, to end up on life support. Bob had always told the people who mattered most to him to pull the plug if he ever got to that point. Phoenix must have listened.
 “It’s okay, you go, say hi to Hangman and Hollywood for me.” 
“Nix—“ Bob smiled at the thought of his front seater. He hoped wherever his heaven was that hers wouldn’t be far away. “She says to say hi.” 
It felt all too real when you looked over to your husband. These were his people more so than they ever were yours. He’d known them for years and left them all without saying goodbye. Now was his chance. 
“I really did miss you Bob.” Jake sighed as he walked across the kitchen with heavy steps. His hand came to rest on the WSO’s shoulder, bringing a comfort Bob didn’t know he’d missed so much. Jake loved you so much, that was clear to everyone who knew him once he lost you. For some it was easier to accept than others. Bob only hoped that if Rooster got a chance to stop by on his journey into the forever that he wouldn’t hold his grudge. “But I couldn’t say, every breath I took since she left felt like such a waste on me.” 
Bob looked at you, and then looked back up at Jake. The blood from his ears had begun to fade. There was no more pain. Bob was simply Bob. And he could hear the drums as clear as day just outside the front door. It was his time to go. 
“I’m just glad that you guys got your happily ever after.” Bob chuckled to himself. “Even if it was in death.”
Tags 🏷️ @americaarse @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh @athenabarnes @imaginecrushes @whyareallnamesgone @mjmaximoffbarnes @amiets2 @mads-weasley @gabbyella @ephemeralninon @xoxabs88xox @pedrohoe04 @starkleila @je-suis-prest-rachel @clancycucumber230 @maisie-rebloging-blog @callsign-barbell @obiwankenobis-lap @some-lovely-day @paperbag333 @callsign-magnolia @jhiddles03 @hardballoonlove @shanimallina87 @seitmai i @abaker74 @missemrose @starset21 @kmc1989 @phoenix1388 @emma8895eb @tsofo26 @itsmytimetoodream @angelbabyange
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
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Sebastian Stan x Curvy!Female Reader 
A/N: Well I can blame the ladies in my discord for this little gem and sparking an idea. I did want to leave this story where it was but sometimes you just get one little idea and it just blows up. So I am back with one of my favorite couples i have ever written. This takes place just a few weeks after AngelEyes ended and if the cover doesn't give it away already oops i made a boo boo. I hope you all enjoy and again reglog it makes me happy. Boarders by @firefly-graphics
Here is the main story of AngelEyes
Warnings: Lots of fluff, some angst, maybe a little smut 18+ mdi some swearing.
It had been a few weeks since you left the hospital for the second time and you were heading back with Sebastian for your check up with Dr Roberts. His practice was at the same hospital so you didn't have to go somewhere unfamiliar.
You both entered the doctor's office and checked in for your appointment and then waited to be called back. You hadn't had any more lingering headaches in the weeks after which was good but you had started feeling a little off lately. After 15 mins you were called back by the nurse who you recognized as the one who was shamelessly eyeing Sebastian in the hospital that day. You put that in the back of your mind and followed her to the exam room. She started taking your vitals and temperature as well. She asked a few questions about how you had been after the hospital visit and then she was on her way, almost missing the way she looked back at you with something like disgust.
Sebastian was the first one to speak up after she left. “Sweetheart? Did you see the look she gave you? I don't like that.” 
“It’s okay baby, she doesn't intimidate me at all. She's just jealous of what I have right in front of me.” 
“That's right, and because of this you will be mine forever.” As he lifts up your hand and kisses your finger that has your engagement ring on it. He came and sat next to you on the exam table, holding your hand waiting for the doctor to come in which wasn’t too much longer. 
“Well hello you two, it's nice to see you both under better circumstances.”
“It’s good to see you too, Dr Roberts.” you both said. 
“Okay I’m just going to ask you a few questions since I last saw you and we will determine if we need to do any more scans. Have you had any more headaches in the past few weeks?” 
“No, nothing like I had before.” “Okay that's good.” 
Dr Roberts went through a few other routine questions and made his diagnosis. 
“Well unless you don't have anything else you need to inform me about, it looks like we don't need to do anymore scans everything seems to be back to normal.” 
You give a quick look at Sebastian before you turn back to the doctor. “Actually doctor I don't know if you can help me with this but I've been feeling a bit fatigued lately but nothing to do with the aftereffects of the amnesia, plus because of all the chaos of everything I don't remember when my last period was.”  At this information Sebastian looks at you with shocked eyes but softens them with you look a little freaked out.    
“Well then, how about we take a bit of blood and see what we can determine if there is a problem.”
“Thank you so much Dr Roberts.” 
As the doctor left you let out a breath you were holding the whole time. 
“Sweetheart, why haven’t you told me you were feeling this way?”
“I just thought it would go away but it never did and now I'm a little scared baby.” 
“Whatever it is, we will handle this together, okay?” With a nod of your head you agreed with Sebastian. The same nurse came in with a few empty vials and a needle to draw the blood. You weren't scared of needles so this would be nothing for you. After a few moments she was off to have you blood tested as you and Sebastian waited in the exam room. To pass the time away you both watched some funny videos on Instagram as well as lighten the mood. About 20 mins go by and there is a knock on the door. You both jump a bit too engrossed in the videos. Dr Roberts and the nurse return and the looks they have are hard to read. 
“Well we have the results of your blood work and so far everything looks good, but for one thing.” You both look at the doctor with baited breath. “Your HCG levels are high but that is normal for a pregnancy.” You and Sebastian have the same shocked look on your face, both of you unable to speak. Dr Roberts interrupts your shocked expressions. “I’m going to leave you 2 to think this over when you’re ready come down the hall to my office and I will give you some information on a wonderful OBGYN here in the hospital.”
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They both leave and the click of the door shutting brings you both out of your stoppers, Sebastian is the first to speak. “Baby, y/n how are you feeling? Are you okay?” You look at Sebastian with a few tears in your eyes, lips quivering.
“Are you okay with this? I mean, if you don't want this baby I understand. We haven’t known each other very long and I know we are getting married but if you don't want this baby I'm willing to raise it on my own.”
“Whoa whoa wait baby, please don't say that. Remember your promise, remember the post-it note baby please, don’t leave me.” Your heart is breaking hearing Sebastian asking you not to leave him, you hug him so tightly to you reassuring him you’re not going anywhere. “I won’t go anywhere angel eyes i’m right here i’m not going anywhere.” 
After you both have calmed down, you look each other in the eyes and have a silent conversation. Both of you realizing that, you’re going to be parents and you will conquer this together. Sebastian jumps off the exam table and extends his hand for you to take as you get off the table yourself and head over to Dr Roberts office. While all this is happening the nurse who you embarrassed is fuming. Asking herself how a big girl like you landed and kept a man like Sebastian Stan and then she found out you got pregnant and that just made her more angry so she had to do something to make your life miserable. Since she couldn’t have Sebastian she had to make you want to leave him. But she doesn't know the unbreakable bond you and Sebastian share that will never be broken no matter what bumps in the road come their way. 
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You both left the doctors office happy and light looking forward to being parents. The following week you had your appointment with the OBGYN Dr Roberts suggested. You found out you were 5 weeks pregnant and the doctor was able to give you both sonogram pictures of your baby bean, that's what you called the baby.
Later that week, Sebastian's mom Georgetta came down for a visit. After a few hours Sebastian has to leave for a meeting with his agent and manager, so you and Georgetta decide to have lunch together at Sebastian's favorite restaurant Rubirosa. It was a beautiful day out so you both asked to sit out on the small singular table the restaurant had. You weren't going to lie to yourself, you were a bit intimidated by Georgetta, you saw her as a strong woman leaving another country to give her and her son a better life and surviving. But her calming nature put you at ease.  
You both had a lovely lunch discussing what to buy for the baby and when you and Sebastian would get married. She commented on how beautifully her ring looked on you. “I gave Sebastian that ring years ago when he was in his 30s hoping for the day he would use it. After meeting you I know he made the right choice, you make my son so happy i don't think I've ever seen him this happy in a long time. And I have you to thank for that, even though how you both met was unconventional but fate.”
Her words made you want to cry or maybe it was your hormones running wild but it felt good to be so accepted by his mother. “Georgetta, it means so much to me to have your blessing. I absolutely love and adore Sebastian and would do anything and everything to protect him and this little bean growing inside me.” 
While you two were having your lunch, in the distance there was a pap taking pictures of you and Georgetta. They got a tip about a new woman in Sebastian's life that he was keeping under wraps and followed you from the apartment. You refused to let her pay for the meals, putting your card down before she could reach for hers. “You can get the next meal , deal?” “Okay dear I’ll take that deal.”
Getting up for the table Georgetta links her arm in yours and you both head off down the street towards prince st rounding the corner and stumbling in front of McNally Jackson books and deciding to go in and find a few children's books for the baby. After finding a few books you head out back onto the streets and back to the apartment. All while never knowing that the same pap has been following you both from the restaurant. Even getting a close up shot of you and Sebastian's mom carrying baby books. 
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Sebastian's mom left the following day with a promise to visit more often and for you to call her if Sebastian gets on your nerves or if you just want to have some mother-in-law daughter-in-law time. You laughed with her but Sebastian just pouted at you two. After she left you wanted to take a little nap since you were getting tired so easily because of the baby. “Baby, I'm going to the bedroom to take a nap. I'm just really tired.” “That's okay sweetheart, you go lay down there are a few scripts i have to look over so i’ll be in the living room if you need me.” “OOOOHHH is one of them from Marvel?” You giggled a little bit knowing he really can't say anything even if wanted to. “You know I can't tell you that baby.”
“I know I just wanted to see if you would break. Okay I’m going to lay down now, I love you angel eyes.” “I love you too.” You give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and head to the bedroom to rest.
It had only been about 30 mins when Sebastian started getting a rapid amount of messages on his phone. Finding this strange he tore himself from the script he was reading to check his phone. He got messages from his manager, his agency, even from his assistant Ethan. He looks at all the texts and he is in shock all linking him to an article with his name plastered on it. He reluctantly opens the link and he starts to read it but what really gets him angry is the pictures of you and his mother. It is well known that his mother is never to be photographed, and it to be with you gets him even more angry. He calls his manager then she patches through his agent as well.
“Who is this reliable source they are talking about? No one knows about my relationship with y/n besides you both Ethan and my mother. I know Ethan would never betray my trust, so we need to find out who this is and get this article off the net.” His manager speaks first. “Sebastian we have been on this as soon as we got the notification we are working as fast we can to get this taken down.” “They mention that she is pregnant! How am i going to break this news to y/n. This is a delicate time in her pregnancy and i don’t want anything happening to her where if she's too upset something happens to the baby. I can't lose her!”  They could hear the pain and desperation in his voice, they were going to do everything they could to get this off the media. He finishes the phone call and sits on the couch wondering how he is going to tell you this. 
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You were roused from your nap when you heard yelling from the living room. You slowly got up from the bed not wanting to have a fainting spell like you’ve been having lately. Getting to the living room as Sebastian ended a phone call. “Baby, is everything okay? I heard you yelling? I thought maybe you were practicing a scene from one of your scripts.” From the look in his eyes this was not a fight in a script something happened. “Sweetheart, come here and sit with me, i have to tell you something.” “You’re kind of scaring me baby.” Sebastian sighed and got right to the point. He told you that it looked like someone followed you and his mom the other day having lunch as well as to the bookstore where you got the baby books. Then he told you about the article telling everyone you were pregnant and engaged to be married. 
You look at him in shock, trying to figure out who this reliable source was coming up with nothing. “Draga, I'm doing my best to get this out of the media as fast I can. My team says it's almost gone.”  “But how long has this been out? You know more than I do that people tend to screenshot these types of things. You know what we have to do?” Sebastian bows his head knowing what you mean. This is one of the reasons he practically left social media. He has to make some kind of statement about this but in his own words. But first they need to find out who this reliable source is. Since you don't have any immediate family you know it’s no one on your side of the family. So you both think about who else you might have told by accident. 
“Okay baby, you said that the only ones that you know for sure that you told or know about us are your manager, agent, your mom and Ethan?” “Yeah that's all that I know and the only ones that need to know. Do you think Dr Roberts may have said something?” “No, there's no way he would have said anything i mean he’s been so wonderful to us and very supportive for a doctor. Wait, I think I may have an idea of who it could be.”  “What, sweetheart, who do you think it is?” You look at Sebastian with rage in your eyes that this person might have done this out of jealousy and embarrassment. “We need to pay Dr Roberts a visit and quickly.”
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Before you headed to the appointment, Sebastian called his manager again and asked her to call the publication that ran the story and try and find out who this source was and they would pay to get the information. You enter his office and take a seat at the chairs facing his desk. “When you called it sounded very urgent, have you been feeling okay in your head any headache coming back?” “Oh everything's still fine with me but we came here on a different matter.” Sebastian was the next to speak. “There was an article published today stating from a “reliable source” that Y/n and I are engaged and that she is pregnant. They followed y/n and my mother the other day as they had lunch as well as to a book store down the street showing them buy books for the baby. Now we went through everyone in our inner circle that knows about all this and there are only 4 people who know.” 
Sebastian made a call to Dr Roberts saying that you both needed to come in and speak to him about an urgent matter in his private office. He could tell it was important so he was able to fit you in at the end of the day. At 4pm you head into the medical office building and up to the doctors office. When you told Sebastian who it might be it was almost the best logical reason and person. You head up to the nurses station and as suspected the nurse in question was at the desk surprised to see you both in the office. “Oh um, Miss y/l/n Mr Stan i didn't know you had an appointment so soon. I don't see you on the calendar.” She started to stutter out. “This was a last minute call to the doctor to discuss something else.” Just as you said that Dr Roberts comes from the back to greet you. “I’m glad you two were able to make it today, come to my office and let's talk. Nurse Stacy, could you please hang back? I may need you.” “Y-yes doctor of course.”
“Well i never said a thing about you both, that is a major violation of doctor /patient confidentiality i could lose my license.” “We have no doubt that it wasn’t you but we have a clue who it might be and that is why we are here.” Just a minute later Sebastian's phone rang. “This might be our confirmation. Hi Emily, yeah you have the name of the person? Okay great and are you sure this is who told them? Alright thank you Emily we will let him know. Dr Roberts, would it be possible to speak to Stacy please?” The doctor was in shock that someone on his staff would do this. Dr Roberts goes to the phone on his desk and dials the front desk. “Nurse Stacy, could you please come see me in my office?”  “O-of course, doctor.” You could tell by the way she spoke that she was nervous. 2 minutes later there is a knock on the door. “Come in.” the doctor says. Nurse Stacy enters with caution. “What can I help you with, Dr Roberts?” She was trying to steady her voice to not sound too scared. 
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“Stacy, Mr Stan and Miss y/l/n just told me something about you that has me very upset with you and your license is in jeopardy. Now I'm going to give you a chance to speak and tell me what it is that has me upset.” “I don't know what you would be speaking of Doctor?” “Okay just know i gave you that chance. Stacy, unfortunately I’m going to have to let you go and I will be speaking to the new york nursing board about revoking your certification.” “Please no Dr Roberts you can't do this, all of this is her fault if she didn't embarrass me in front of Mr Stan i would have never told the media about them!” 
“That doesn't give you the right to tell the whole world something about their private lives, especially concerning a pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy. This type of stress could be detrimental to the mother. Did you even think of that before you wanted to get revenge for being called out for inappropriate behavior towards a patient's partner?” “I wasn't thinking sir, i just thought that why a woman like her was with Mr Stan when he could be with someone like me?” This woman was really digging her a big grave at this point. Sebastian seemed more angry than me when she started insulting you. 
“Excuse me Dr Roberts, I have to interrupt. How dare you insult my fiancé and mother of my unborn child. You have no idea who my type really is, it sure as hell not someone who would blatantly put someone down for the way they look that makes you a very ugly person in my opinion. I hope you know that we will be suing you for this, this was supposed to be private information for us to tell not some scorned woman.” “Angel eyes we don't have to sue her, I think having her license revoked will be fine. What do you think Dr Roberts?” 
You looked over at Stacy at that moment terrified out of her mind. “Stacy, as of this moment you are fired and I will start the process of speaking to the nursing board about having your nurse certification revoked. If after the investigation they decided to revoke it you will not be able to practice nursing in the state of new york. Pack your desk and leave this building before I have security escort you out.” As Stacy starts to leave the office you stand up and lightly grab her hand. She turns around and looks at you like you burned her.
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“I hope you have learned something today sweetie?” You lean into her ear to whisper…”I told you what would happen if you fucked with me. This is all on you.”  And just like that she left the office. You waited a few minutes speaking to Dr Roberts about how you have been doing and informing him that when it happens he will be invited to the wedding. You both stood up and gave the doctor a hug and went on your way. 
When you got home you both decided to make dinner together and while eating you started to go over what and how you were going to tell the world about you and Sebastian. Even though he hasn't been active on social media since posting on his birthday last year he decided to do an Instagram live tomorrow afternoon to announce everything. Since it was such a stressful day Sebastian and you decided to take a nice long bath and relax. Sitting against his chest while he washed your entire body as well as washing your hair, you felt loved at that moment. Afterwards you just sat in silence with Sebastian wrapping his arms around you and occasionally rubbing your stomach. Just before the water got cold you got out and dried off and got dressed in one of your old journey t-shirts and underwear. 
When you left the closet you could hear the faint sound of music in the bedroom. Sebastian had put on his spotify playlist to play some 80s love songs. “Baby, what's with the music?” “I just thought we could just lay in bed and listen to music before we went to bed. I thought it would be a nice change.” “Well I do like this little change.” You crawled into bed laying your head on his chest as you quietly listened to the music in the room. As the music played on Sebastian was playing with your hand that was on his chest. Then one of your favorite songs started to play Madonna’s Crazy for you came on, you started to softly sing it. 
‘I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new
You'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you
Crazy for you’ 
As you sang the last lyric Sebastian let go of your hand and tilted your head to look at him. He bent down and started to kiss your lips softly, you returned the kiss with more passion. Sebastian rolled you on your back to cage you in with his arms. He brought his legs between yours and you gladly spread them for him. He moved from your lips to your neck and started to trail kisses down to your chest as he lifted your shirt over your head. He started to suck on your right breast as he massaged the other. You arched your back at the sensitivity. “Sebastian.” he moved over to the other breast and gave it the same attention. Moving lower, kissing your stomach and he stopped for a moment just staring at your tummy. “I love you little baby bean.” You started to shed a few tears at his confession to your baby. He looked up at you as your tears started flowing. 
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“Sweetheart, why are you crying?”  “I'm just happy right now and what you just said to the baby damn hormones.” Sebastian came up and kissed your tears away and then kissed your lips again. Going back to his position near your mound and he noticed how wet you were. He licked the outside of your panties and moaned. He grabbed the waistband of your panties and began to remove them and threw them behind him. Kissing up from your thigh and up to your pussy where you needed him. “Damn baby, this is the best fucking pussy I've ever seen.” “Please Sebastian, I need you baby.” “I've got you baby, I'm gonna make you feel so good.” Before you could say anything else he licked a big strip from your pussy up to your clit and sucked it between his lips. He spread your lips and started eating you out like it was his last meal. His nose nudged your clit every time his tongue entered your pussy. 
“Oh god don't stop right there.” He hummed and you felt a shock wave through you. All of a sudden he inserted  his finger and started to pump it in and out slowly as he flicked your clit. Soon another finger joined the other and you started to feel the coil in you tighten. “Sebastian, I need more baby I’m almost there.”  “I know I feel you squeezing me, can you take another finger baby?” “Yes please oh fuck.” As you said the last word he inserted a 3rd finger and you felt full and ready to cum. Sebastian was pumping in and out at a fast pace as he curled his fingers and found your g-spot. When he found it he picked up the pace and then sucked your clit into his mouth and flicked it at the same time and that was your undoing. Arching your back off the bed your legs wrapped around his head and you shook from the intense organism. 
Sebastian helped you ride out your high slowly. He removed his finger and you opened your eyes just as he put his fingers in his mouth sucking your arousal from his hands. You pulled him from the collar of his shirt and brought him into a bruising kiss. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt you practically ripped it off him then went to the waistband of his sweats. “Take these off now, I need you inside me please.” “Well since you asked so nicely.” 
He stood up from the bed and pulled off his pants and came back between your legs nudging his cock into your clit. He swallowed your moans in the kiss and then he took his cock in his hand and started rubbing your pussy with it. Before you say anything he entered in one slow motion all the way to the hilt. “Oh shit sweetheart you feel so fucking perfect, you were made for me.” “Mmmm Sebastian, please move baby i’m ready.”  Sebastian moved in and out slowly but deep making you feel every vein and ridge of his cock. “Harder baby, I can take it.” “I don’t hurt the baby sweetheart.” “It’s okay I read all about it, you won’t the baby.” He kissed you then and fell into your request and practically fucked you into the mattress. So much so he held onto the headboard for support. “Oh god you feel so fucking good baby. You ‘re taking my cock so well.” Oh Sebastian right there i'm so close don't stop!” He reached down between your bodies and started rubbing clit in tight circles just how you like it. 
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With how hard he was fucking you he was hitting your g-spot so deliciously you arched your back off the bed. “Look at me sweetheart, I want to see those eyes when you cum.” You looked into his eyes as he kept up his rhythm. “I’m right with you baby, cum now.” Looking at lust blown eyes you grab his face and bring him into a kiss as you cum so hard. You’re squeezing him so tight he gives you 3 more thrust before he cums, painting your insides feeling the warmth. Sebastian lets go of the headboard and holds your hands in his and places his forehead to yours trying to calm his breathing. 
“I love you so fucking much sweetheart.” “I love you angeleyes. Always and forever.” “Damn I can’t wait to marry you. I never thought I wanted to get married until I met you. You changed my whole life in the span of a few weeks and I've never regretted it.” “I never thought I could be with anyone like you Sebastian. A woman like me to have someone like you to love me, you’ve made me feel so cherished.” Sebastian kisses you on the forehead and slowly removes himself from you, and lays next to you on his back bringing you into his arms. You bring the blankets up to cover you both, letting sleep overtake you. Sebastian rubs his hand up and down your arm drawing small patterns. Before he starts falling asleep he looks up above the bed at the post-it note you wrote. He thinks about what his life was like before he met you and it was lonely, hollow, never feeling a love so intense like the love he has with you. He thanks every deity out there that put you in his life before he falls asleep.
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The next afternoon, you and Sebastian set up his cell phone to get ready for his Instagram live. "Okay sweetheart are you ready for the world to meet you officially?" "As ready as I'll ever be." He had you sit off camera for a little bit.
"Hey everyone, wow i know i haven't been active on social media for a while now but something has happened that has brought me out of hiding and i wanted to tell all of you this from my mouth. A little over a month ago i met the most wonderful amazing woman ever under very strange circumstances. We feel madly in love so quickly it would give you whiplash. Everyone this is y/n." he reaches his hand out to you and you move over to him on the couch. "Hi everyone." you give a small wave to the camera. all the fans are going nuts.
"Now i know many of you had seen an article circulating around about her and our relationship and that very private information given out by someone who was jealous and decided to be very vindictive and out our relationship. As well as tell everyone that we are expecting" At that moment he places his hand on you tummy. You see a bunch of hearts coming up on the screen showing everyone likes the news. "I'm going to say this once and i hope i don't have to say anymore. Please respect our privacy during this time while we get ready to have this little baby bean. Sweetheart is there anything you would like to say to my fans?"
"I just want to say that i love all of Sebastian's fans and i hope you are happy for him." "That's all i have to say everyone, i'm not answering any questions right now i just wanted you all to hear this from me and that i am absolutely head over heals for this woman here." You both wave to the camera any your goodbyes.
Life is unexpected, grab it by the horns and don't let go. It’s not always smooth sailing because there will always be bumps in the road but never let go.
Tag List: @christycurlswrites @buckyalpine @povlvr @frostironfudge @peaches1958
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What Was God Doing before He Created the Universe?
The first verse of Scripture tells us that God created the heavens and the earth. The question arises as to what God was doing before He brought the universe into existence. This question has been a favorite of skeptics. Robert Ingersoll, the famous atheist of the 19th century, wrote:
If God created the universe, there was a time when he commenced to create. Back of that commencement there must have been an eternity. In that eternity what was this God doing? He certainly did not think. There was nothing to think about. He did not remember. Nothing had ever happened. What did he do? Can you imagine anything more absurd that an infinite intelligence in infinite nothing wasting an eternity? (Robert Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses, n.d., p. 57).
No Time Before Creation
Saint Augustine had two answers to those who asked what was God doing before creation. Jokingly he said, God was preparing Hell for people who ask such questions. On a serious level, he noted there was no time before God created and hence the question is meaningless. When God created the heavens and the earth He also created space and time. Before time began there was only eternity. God is a timeless being and time only began with His creation of the universe.
God Not Inactive Yet, we should not assume that God was inactive prior to creation. The Bible speaks of God loving and planning before the earth was created. Jesus, in His prayer to the Father before His betrayal, said:
Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world (John 17:24).
The Apostle Paul spoke of God's eternal plan:
Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love (Ephesians 1:4).
In another place, Paul spoke of the promises of God.
In hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began (Titus 1:2).
The Trinity This brings up an interesting question. If the world had not yet been created, then to whom was the promise of eternal life made? The promise was made among the different members of the Trinity (the Father to the Son or to the Holy Spirit) because at this particular point, that is, before the world was created, there was no one else to whom to make the promise. The different members of the Trinity love and communicate with each other. Hence, communication occurred within the Godhead before the creation of man and woman.
Both Before And After The Scripture, therefore, speaks of God making plans both before the beginning and after the beginning. Before creation there was communication, planning, and love within the members of the Trinity. After creation that communication and love was directed toward humanity.
With regard to the activities of God before the universe was created we can state the following:
1.The question of God's activity before creation assumes God dwells in time. The Bible say that God has eternally existed and that space and time were created by Him.
2.God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, were not inactive before creating the world. God planned and purposed it before humanity came on the scene. Once we were created, God then directed His love and energies toward us.
3.All we need to know about God is what He has done and what He plans to do in the future. He has revealed this to us in the Bible - the Word of God. The Bible says:
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the works of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).
~ Don Stewart
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GH Couples Inspired By Taylor Swift Songs
Had this in my drafts for FOREVER. thought it was a good time to post it haha. 
Alan and Monica: The Last Great American Dynasty
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And they said
"There goes the last great American dynasty"
"Who knows if she never showed up, what could've been"
Luke and Laura: My Tears Ricochet
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Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe
All the hell you gave me?
'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you
'Til my dying day
Luke and Tracy: Better Man
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I know
I’m probably better off all alone
Than needing a man who could
Change his mind at any given minute
Laura and Scotty: New Year’s Day
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Please don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Laura and Kevin: Lover
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My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Kevin and Lucy: Delicate
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This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
Frisco and Felicia: Closure
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Yes, I'm doing better
I know that it's over, I don't need your
Mac and Felicia: Ours
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And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours
Robert and Anna:  It's Nice to Have a Friend
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Call my bluff, call you "babe"
Have my back, yeah, everyday
Anna and Valentin: Sparks Fly
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My mind forgets to remind me, your a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you, imagined I would be
Sonny and Brenda: The 1
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But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool
And if my wishes came true
It would've been you
Sonny and Carly: Haunted
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​​You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
Sonny and Alexis: Blank Space
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So hey, let's be friends
I'm dying to see how this one ends
Stone and Robin: Sad Beautiful Tragic
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We had a beautiful magic love there
What a sad beautiful tragic love affair
Robin and Patrick: This Love
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This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
Lucky and Elizabeth: Tolerate It
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While you were out building other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
Nikolas and Emily: Happiness
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There'll be happiness after you
But there was happiness because of you
Nikolas and Elizabeth: Dress
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Our secret moments in your crowded room
They've got no idea about me and you
Ned and Alexis: Stay Stay Stay
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You took the time to memorize me
My fears, my hopes and dreams
I just like hanging out with you
All the time
Alexis and Julian: Death By A Thousand Cuts
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I get drunk but it's not enough
'Cause you're not my baby
I look through the windows of this love
Even though we boarded them up
LuLu and Dante: Wildest Dreams
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Someday when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
Sam and Jason: It’s Time To Go
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15 years, 15 million tears
Begging 'til my knees bled
I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all
Then wondered why I left
Sam and Dante: Cardigan
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And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
Chase and Brook Lynn: Mastermind
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Once upon a time, the planets and the fates
And all the stars aligned
You and I ended up in the same room
At the same time
Spencer and Trina: Invisible String
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And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Cameron and Jossyln: Karma
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Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant
You're terrified to look down
'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare
Of everyone you burned just to get there
Elizabeth and Franco: Red
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Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes
Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go
Maxie and Nathan: Enchanted
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My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
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For the ask game: 7, 9, 18, 19, 29 💚
thank you!!!!! excuse the fact that most of the songs will probably be russ ballard.
7. a song to drive to:
well, i don't drive. but if i DID. wait, let me think. well i just love listening to any music in the car, as a passenger. but i feel like driving would be the same for me as other things, like if i'm working on something or doing chores, i love having music to focus on while doing it, lately usually something with a story or a meaning to think about the whole time. i can still do what it is i'm doing, but i have something to also get lost in at the same time.
i... am trying to think of a specific song that would fit, but there's so many where i'm like "i could easily imagine myself driving and getting lost in this song". okay i'll just go with one of my favorite songs in general and because i'm imagining what it would sound like in a really good car sound system. your time is gonna come by russ ballard
9. a song that makes me happy:
oh my god SO MANY. but right now, i'm gonna go with just like me by russ ballard. this song somehow took away a large portion of my social anxiety and fear around interacting with other people.
18. a song from the year i was born:
okayokayokay. (why did russ's the seer album have to be released in 93 instead of 92) i'll go with this one: heart and soul by robert hart
19. a song that makes me think about life:
almost everything that russ ballard has ever written. especially the book of love album. okay wait i have to pick one. OKAY i'm between at least two, the song book of love annnnd in to the light, both by russ ballard(of course) but i guess i'll go with in to the light. the lyrics are some of my favorite lyrics ever(i will shorten them a bit):
"The door of the cell is open (x14)
Clinging by my finger tips Just every night and day For a refuge from the ghost inside This crying, waiting, yearning, longing For a sanctuary But I know that from myself, I cannot hide This plane of darkness Has been my house, my home Through the years, except for tears I've lived there all alone
In to the light In to the light From the dark in to the light I've been searching for the light to find a way When in my head, something said What are you searching for Just turn around, you'll see an open door You can walk from the dark in to the light
In this mad confusion, the maze inside my head It's been my cell, but I'll break down the walls There's a peace that's coming and it's not so far away Letting go of love has been the price I pay I've been clinging to the bars For the glimpse of light outside When if I'd only turn around, the door is open wide
In to the light In to the light From the dark in to the light I've been searching for the light to find a way When in my head, something said What are you searching for Just turn around, you'll see an open door You can walk from the dark in to the light
It's as though we were prisoners Straining at the bars for the light And looking for the glimpse of light that we see out there And wondering how we could get out towards it While actually, the door of the cell is open behind us If only we would turn around We could walk out into the street
The door of the cell is open (x8) "
i think about these lyrics like every day of my life now. (and the lyrics to book of love too. and more from the album. i love the whole album forever.)
29. a song that i remember from my childhood:
i could list a bunch of songs by sweet because they were my first band obsession ever, but i'm actually going to go withhhh a country song that made me cry when i was little when i was listening to the radio and coloring pictures. don't take the girl by tim mcgraw (i made the mistake of listening to it again and i can confirm the story still makes me cry)
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SFW Alphabet—Lt. Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd | Top Gun Maverick Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Behind closed doors, Bob is a very affectionate person. He is not into PDA for the most part with the exception of maybe a kiss to the cheek and holding hands or a hug to say hello/goodbye, but when you two are alone he is very touchy and loves to hold you. When you’re talking he will raise a hand to tuck hair behind your ear before letting it fall to caress your jaw. He will lean his head on your shoulder as you two sit on the couch after a tiring day. The feel of your touch against his skin brings him comfort and let’s him know he is safe and loved.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Are you kidding Bob is the bestest friend to ever walk the earth. He is who you trust to hold onto your drink because he would literally throw hands at anyone who dared to take it from him. The best person to talk to, Bob will offer advice if you want it or would be there to simply listen to you vent. What you admire about Bob the most as your best friend is his reliability—you can always count on him to have your back.
The friendship would start after y’all were introduced by a mutual friend. In this case, it was most likely Phoenix and you were either a fellow naval aviator or a friend she knew from back home and met Bob when you came to visit her in Fightertown. “Bob! Come over here—I want you to meet my friend, Y/n. Y/n/n, this is my WSO, Lt Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd.” Bob would smile at you and offer his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Nix talks about you all the time.” “All good things I hope. *wink* It’s lovely to meet you too, I’ve also heard a lot about you.”
That first meeting left Bob with a flutter in his stomach and soon you were all he could think about. Mans was smitten. And let’s just say, Phoenix was giving herself a pat on the back for her plan worked out perfectly.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes. yes. YES. Bob loves cuddles and honestly you would cuddle him 24/7 if you could. He is so warm and soft and you just wanna curl yourself to him like a koala bear. The second he walks through the door you’re opening your arms with pouty lips—which he already knows what you want so he’s practically rushing to get his boots off before joining you on the couch for some much needed cuddles.
Bob likes to be the big spoon, but he doesn’t mine being the little every once in a while. He will nuzzle his nose into your neck or hair and lazily put his leg over yours to keep you secure. “Comfy, baby?” “Very. I could stay like this forever.”
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down is the goal for Bob. He loves the idea of being able to find a place where he can buy a house and turn it into y’all’s dream home with a bunch of animals and maybe even kids if you’re open to them. Of course his career comes first, but secretly Bob is already saving for that ring to propose to you with and put a down payment on a home.
Cooking is actually something he enjoys. Even before you two got together Bob made it a point to know how to cook because he did not want to rely on getting take out every night or making what a college student would eat. He knows how to grill, make homemade soup, different types of pasta with his own sauce and makes it a point to try a hand at foods from different cultures—his favorites so far are Middle Eastern, Mexican, & Thai.
Yes Bob can clean—in fact there is not a single thing out of order in your place because Bob cannot stand to have a messy household. Maybe it’s his military brain kicking in that prevents him from being disorganized, or he just simply likes having things neat. But you don’t mind at all because there is nothing like coming home to a spotless place and not having much chores to do. He cleans up after himself and will never have the dishes pile up in the sink.
E = Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Y’all I can’t imagine breaking Bob’s heart (I’ll literally throw myself off a cliff than do that) and I can’t see him doing the same so let’s not think about this. For our own heart’s sake 😩
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Yeah Bob pretty much knew he wanted to marry you the second he met you. For years he loved you before y’all got together so the future with you was something he envisioned a lot but never thought would actually happen. You were his person, and he was yours till the last breath.
Because of his job and wanting you to be with him when he changes duty stations, Bob would offer getting legally married pretty quick after proposing. It wasn’t ideal—he would love to have y’all be engaged for some time and plan a nice ceremony—but nonetheless you guys (along with Phoenix) drove to the courthouse to say ‘I do’. Eventually once you guys were settled, you two would have an official ceremony with your friends and family and it was just as perfect as the first time you said your vows. “Here we go again, darling.” “Hopefully I won’t mess up the words this time around.”
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is very gentle—the man is literally a 6ft teddy bear who will tear up if you’re crying because it pains him to see you sad. Bob’s touch is soft and comforting, which makes you yearn for it whenever he is not there and counting down the moments ti’ll you can be in his arms. When it comes to emotions, Bob is very in tune with yours and his own. He is not afraid to show his vulnerability with you and communicates rather than keeping it in until it consumes him. “Tell me what’s on your mind, baby.” “Sometimes I-I feel like making one mistake out there will be the thing that defines me. I’m so scared of that happening for fear it will be true. A-and I’ll let everyone down—even you.” “You could never let me down, Bobby. You are the most intelligent person I know. Any obstacles thrown at you, you can pull through and not let it define you. And I’ll be here every step of the way.”
H = Hugs (do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Bobby boy is a hugger—which only you get to see really. Hugs with his friends happen occasionally, but it you who he loves to hug and will give you one every day. He loves the moments when you come to base to see him where he practically runs to swoop you off your feet leaving you in a fit of giggles.
I = I love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
He said it fast—literally confessed to you how he felt which started your relationship. Bob had been pinning after you for some time after y’all first met for he was captivated by everything about you. It was probably a year or so going on two of this man just falling hopelessly in love with you from the sidelines. Phoenix was the one who had to give him a push when she discovered his unspoken (yet painfully obvious) feelings for you. And you may have also let her in on a little secret cause one night at the Hard Deck she’s slapping Bob upside the head and saying, “Bob, what are you waiting for? Tell them how you feel before someone swoops in!” “I can’t just drop it on them, Nix! What if they don’t feel the same?” “Oh my gosh, man, they do! Y/n drunkenly confessed to me the other night.”
When he finally does the man is speechless after you reveal the same. “Wait really—,” you cut him off with a kiss which he wholeheartedly returns, smiling into it like a kid on Christmas Day. “Oh, Bobby boy, I’ve been waiting to hear you say that. I love you too.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Bob does not really get jealous and if he ever does he’s the type who’d apologize for it. Like one time there was an Officer’s banquet you two attended and a single officer took a liking to you which had Bob holding you a little closer, kissing your cheek affectionately, and giving the man a glare when he caught his eye. You found it amusing, pressing against Bob with a smirk as you said, “What’s that face for, Bobby?” And he blushes, looking away as he replies sheepishly, “Sorry, darling. I didn’t like how he was behaving toward you.” “I only got eyes for you handsome. I’ll make sure to show you that later.”
When it comes to the dagger squad he doesn’t react because he knows it’s all in good heart and just to get under his skin when they playfully flirt with you. It does fills him with pride when you reject the guys or girls and go, ‘sorry, buddy. You know I only got the hots for a certain WSO,’ before sitting on his lap and kissing him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Oh Bobby boys lips are smooth and soft like room temperature butter. He’s always gentle when kissing you, only getting rough when the moment is heating up. He will cup your jaw, look you dead in the eyes and slowly lower his mouth to yours and hold you close to him with his other hand. Bob loves to kiss you on the nose—which often ignites a giggle from you. He will do it at random times to catch you off guard and whenever you’re pouting at him. “Why do you kiss my nose so much?” “Cause it’s just so cute like you.”
For Bob, he loves when you kiss him on the forehead. He relishes the moments where you hold him after he’s had a long day at work or is feeling down and you gently caress his forehead with your mouth before placing soft little kisses on the area. What gets him is after y’all have gotten down and dirty in the sheets and he’s hovering over you, you’ll cup his face in your hands and bring him down so you can kiss his forehead. That gesture in itself nearly starts round two.
L = Little ones (how are they around children?)
Bob loves kids and is so good around them it makes you wanna give him babies right then and there. He is so attentive with y’all’s nieces and nephews or the kids of your friends, crouching down to their level to talk to them and answer their curious questions. Yeah you get baby fever a lot with Bob. He would love to have kids with you if that was something you wanted, but would want it to be when he was at a stable point in his career. What he fears the most is leaving you behind with children if something were to go wrong in a mission. Bob would never be able to forgive himself for causing pain to you or your family.
M = Morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
With dating anyone in the armed forces, you can expect early mornings with Bob. He’s got to be up bright and early for PT, missions, training, or just for a daily workday that often starts at 5am. You may not get to see him a lot in the morning before you head to work yourself but the times you do you cherish. It could be a quick ‘love you, darling,’ with a kiss on the cheek as you lay in bed, or being able to have breakfast together.
the days neither of you work are spend in bed. Literally. Bob will sleep in till 10 am, holding you close to his chest and kiss you awake before making you breakfast in bed. Then you two would spent some more time cuddling while watching Tv until you finally decide to get up and start your day. “We gotta get out of this bed at some point, Bobby.” “Five more minutes, please, baby?”
N = Night (how are nights spent with them?)
Since Bob has to be up early on the weekdays, he likes to go to sleep early at around 8-9ish pm. You both will have dinner together whether it be cooked or one of you picking something up on y’all’s way home and talk about your day before washing the dishes together. Afterwards you may cuddle or read together before doing your nighttime routine and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
On weekends Bob stays up later than he usually does because you two will make plans. These plans are either meeting up with the squad for drinks or Bob taking you out on a nice date. He makes it his goal to take you on one each week so expect Bob telling you on Thursday night, ‘I’m taking you out tomorrow, darlin’.” “Where’re we going?” “Oh, that’s a surprise.”
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roberrtphilip · 3 months
You may have answered this before (sorry if you have, or if you don’t want too), but, what do you think Robert’s childhood was like!? and do you think he has any siblings!? (he gives me oldest brother vibes).
I've talked a little bit about it, but I'm always down to say more because I love !!! talking about Robert !!!!!
so personally, I think Robert is an only child. he does kinda give older brother vibes, specifically an older brother to several sisters, however I wanted to really emphasize how alone he felt after his wife left him within my lore, so I made him an only child who lost his parents before Morgan was born. I wanted it to really Hit that like. his tiny baby was the only person he had left, ya know?
but circling back to when he was a kiddo, I think he's the son of two wealthy, loving lawyers. and while he always got along with both of them, he was definitely a Mama's Boy, and wanted to be just like her. she was in family law, which is why he chose to pursue that !!
I think his parents also had a very healthy, loving relationship, and it was the kind of love he wanted for himself one day. there's an interview with Patrick I watched semi-recently, where he said something along the lines of like. "he [Robert] doesn't want to admit it, but love is something he desperately wants" or. something ?? I can't remember now, and I'm too lazy to dig up the video atm BUT !! that was a headcanon I had, so hearing him confirm that was like ... YEAH !!! he wants True Love !!! and it's why he dove head first into marriage, despite not even finishing college yet.
but okay, sorry, let me backtrack again. ... childhood !!
so, I don't think he was an outdoorsy kid, but he did like baseball !! and still does, it's his favorite sport. but before he started playing, his parents noticed he was always inside reading, and they got kind of nervous that he wasn't socializing enough, or getting enough sun, so they stuck him in Boy Scouts, which he hated So Much. but he did meet his childhood best friend through that, so . there's that !! he eventually told them that he hated it, and they put him in baseball instead, and he thought he'd hate it just as much, but he really loved it !!! I think he played up until he was around 14ish.
he also had a treehouse in his backyard (which I mention very briefly in this fic 😇) and he'd sit in there for hours, either with his friend, or just reading. he stopped going in said treehouse, though, after he fell out of it and broke his arm. after that he was too scared to try and climb up again 💔
Robert was also really, really Great in school, and Loved going !! just an absolute Nerd. I think his best subjects were math, and history, and he was definitely a mathlete. I also think he briefly considered becoming a history teacher, because he just loves history so much, but then he learned how much teachers make a year, and was like, "oh... nvm :/" But he loves learning !! he'd go to different museums with his parents all the time, and spend hours, and hours in there, just wandering around, and learning as much as he could/asking the tour guides a million questions. and as a kid, when his parents saw how fascinated with math he was, they got him some activity books thinking they'd last forever, but no, he'd finish them within a few days. (lowkey I picked the worst subject to make him an expert in because I SUCK at math, but whateverrrrr, he gives math lover vibes !!)
also, have I ever mentioned that I headcanon he has dyslexia? he has dyslexia, and so do Morgan, and Sofia !! (they're also all left handed. I hc Robert is ambidextrous, but mainly uses his left)
and to circle back to his mother, I know the movie shows us he orders takeout a lot, but I think he can cook, and is very good at it, he just never has the time. but his mother taught him how, and he always enjoyed helping her in the kitchen. (cooking together becomes a big thing for him and Giselle (and their daughters) eventually, as well) I also like to think his mother was probably the one who taught him how to dance, or maybe she persuaded him to take a few lessons as a kid,,,
OH AND,, okay this is based off Patrick's skills, but I headcanon that Robert can juggle, and is really good at it. but unlike Patrick, who I know practiced/trained himself, Robert just. knows how but doesn't know how he knows how. he can just. do it !! and one year, his high school was putting on a talent show, and the reward for the winner was a decent amount of money, and his friend was like "we need a skill.... omg Robert go juggle some plates NOW" and he was like " ??? no????" but eventually he agreed, and won !!! and his picture was in the yearbook that year, which Giselle absolutely loves, and she begs him to do that (and his silly magic tricks) all the time 💖
and lastly, I couldn't find a place to plug this above, but he's named after both his grandfathers !! Robert was his grandfather on his father's side, and Florian (my hc for his middle name) was his grandfather on his mother's side.
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adrinoir · 2 years
The ending scene
Listen, I need to break this scene down too, because I’m noticing things - especially patterns.
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The symbolism of the sunset
Gonna get a bit philosophical here.
Has anyone else noticed how often Ladybug and Cat Noir have their serious conversations while the sun is setting? Think about the end of Chat Blanc, Kuro Neko, Hack San.
Sunsets usually symbolize an ending. If you do a quick Google search, it says The setting of the sun represents the completion of a day's work, so it represents the opportunity to rest.
That’s accurate in Miraculous’s case because it’s always after they’re off duty and finished fighting the baddie of the day. It’s a resting period when they can just sit and talk about what they need to talk about. It’s the ending of a bad day, the ending of whatever pickle they ended up in within the episode.
Take notice to how the problem is always a personal problem between them. Always something relating to their relationship and something that messed with it.
Sunsets remind me of “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost, specifically how it’s used in the scene from The Outsiders (my favorite book of all time). Click that link if you want to watch the scene from the movie adaptation.
If you’ve ever read this poem, it refers a season ending, but in a very symbolic way. And, in The Outsiders, Ponyboy recites this while him and Johnny are watching the sunset. Johnny wishes it could stay beautiful like that forever, but Ponyboy implies with this poem that it can’t. Good, beautiful things can’t last forever.
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Why am I referencing this? Because it fits perfectly with the plot of Jubilation. Ladybug and Cat Noir were living in a dream where they were living a perfect life together, a dream Cat Noir wanted to keep living in. But, it can’t stay like that. That’s impossible. In fact, nothing good (gold) seems to stay for the two heroes.
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The symbolism of their physical distance
Notice how close they were sitting at the very beginning of the scene vs the gap between them at the very end.
From a regular visual standpoint, they didn’t want to be directly in the line of the sun. That’s understandable lol
It’s also them not feeling comfortable sitting close together after that dream. Especially in Ladybug’s case. She feels awkward and more of a need to distance herself from him because she’s in denial of her feelings for him as well as knowing she can’t be close to him, both in terms of physical intimacy and emotional intimacy.
Symbolically, it shows they can’t be together now. They need to stay apart despite them not wanting to. There’s too much on both their plates, and Hawk Moth will take full advantage of their relationship if they decided to be together and he happens to find out.
It also shows how far Ladybug has drifted from Cat Noir. Sure, it’s improved since last season, but she’s still hiding a lot from him and not being an open book. She just lied right to his face about the dream, saying Hawk Moth somehow altered it, because she didn’t want him knowing it’s also her dream to be with him after they defeat Hawk Moth. It’s so sad, but I understand why she would lie about that.
Over the progression of these sunset scenes, Ladybug sits farther and farther from Cat Noir.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
robert ‘bob’ floyd x little!reader.
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→ description: bob settles you down for the night, but not before you pick something to read.
→ c/w: age regression. other than that, it’s all fluff, fluff, fluff.
→ word count: 1.7K.
→ a/n: | woodland creatures | agere masterlist | main masterlist |
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Bob came through the doorway into your shared bedroom to find you sprawled out on the carpet floor. Your toy tea cup set in colours of pastel blue and pink were arranged haphazardly to each of your stuffed toys sat in a circle.
Although it was time for both of you to sleep, Bob couldn’t help but stop for a fleeting moment. He wanted to take in the sweet sight before him and engrain it into his memory forever. You were mindlessly murmuring to each of your toys, just above a whisper and asking questions of what cake and drink they’d like.
Bob flicked his gaze to the alarm clock and noticed the time. Knowing he had to get you settled into bed shortly, Bob pushed himself off the doorway and unfolded his arms.
“Bunny,” he called out to you in a low sing-song tone as to search for your attention.
You whipped your head around and met Bob with a warm and beaming smile. You quickly scrambled up from your spot on the floor and crashed into Bob’s torso. It pushed an ‘omph’ out of him followed by a huff of laughter.
“Daddy Bobby! Y’ done with work?”
Bob hummed in response and cupped your chin with his large hands to tilt your gaze upwards.
“I am, my little Bunny. Do you know what time it is?”
You went to look at the alarm clock on Bob’s bedside table. Bob held his watchful eye on you. If anyone else could see him right now, they would only describe it as a look of fondness.
Bob loved watching the way your face scrunched up in an attempt to read the time to the best of your ability in your current headspace. How your eyes crinkled up in the corner and the tip of your tongue was just poking out from your bottom lip.
“Mm…” You couldn’t get a read on it and you turned back to face Bob with a defeated look etched on your face.
Bob kept his eyes on you and watched the cogs turn behind your glossed over eyes. He was a patient man with you anyway, but more so when you were regressed. He never pushed you too far to making you think ‘big’ when you didn’t want to be.
You sucked in a heavy breath between your teeth and tried your best. “The number is big, so… late? Is it time for sleeping?”
Your apprehension was squashed in a millisecond. Bob’s face broke out into a proud smile and he leant down to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“That’s right! My clever little bun’.”
Bob spun you around in his grasp and guided you towards your shared bed. “Come on, hop on and I’ll get your pajamas out.”
You moved to the headboard with a gleeful sound escaping your lips at the prospect of getting wrapped up in your Daddy’s arms again. Your beady eyes didn’t leave Bob as he moved across the room to your dresser. He gave a fleeting glance downwards to the floor as he passed the scene you had laid out.
“Bunny, where did you get the tea cup set from? We keep toys downstairs, remember.” It wasn’t a question on Bob’s part and it sounded more like a firm reminder.
“I know, b’ I was waitin’ for you ‘nd you were taking so long, Daddy, ‘nd I missed my stuffies.”
Bob turned back around from the dresser with your pajamas in hand. He saw how you were fiddling with the hem of your shirt and trying to give him the best, “sorry” eyes you could. When Bob’s lips quirked upwards into a small smile, you reciprocated, knowing you had been forgiven.
“It’s a good thing you’re so cute.” You rolled forwards and buried your ever growing rosy cheeks into the fresh smelling duvet, but came back up when hearing Bob’s question.
“Now, moon and stars or bunnies?” Bob held up two rompers for you to pick from.
The first one was patterned with blue stars and yellow moons. It somehow always made you sleepy when you wore it. But the second one was your favorite. It was covered in delicate drawings, mixed with cartoons, of bunny rabbits and had short sleeves in a pastel pink colour.
In a flurry of excitement that your favorite romper was now washed and cleaned, you bounced up and down on your knees and squealed to make yourself clear.
“Bunny, bunny, bunny!”
“Bunnies for my Bunny?”
“Yes please, Daddy.”
You reached out to Bob as he came over, squeezing and opening your fists at him as to beckon him to come sooner. He shushed you softly at you eager actions, “it’s okay, little one. Daddy’s coming.”
Bob placed the romper down on the bed and you scooted over to the edge. “Arms up.” Bob pulled his shirt over your head and gave your nose a gentle tap when your face came out the other end. You giggled at the motion and scrunched up your nose as a reflex.
“Legs next, please.” You swung your legs off the bed and Bob shifted your shorts off, before reaching for the romper and sliding your legs back in.
“Up.” He motioned his hand upwards and you shifted to kneel on the mattress. It allowed for Bob to pull the romper over your body completely. He buttoned up the top buttons and pressed another pleasing kiss to your forehead.
“Can you be a good bunny and pick out a book while I put your clothes away and Daddy gets ready for bed?” You nodded keenly and clambered off the other side to the small antique book shelf you shared. It held both adult and children’s books.
You ran your finger over the tattering spines and hummed to yourself as you read the titles. You found the perfect one (in your opinion) and removed it from the shelf. When you turned back around, Bob was already in his plaid pajama trousers and folding the last of your clothes away.
“Found one?” You held up the book proudly and Bob chuckled out loud. “The Peter Rabbit Collection? You just are my little Bunny, aren’t you?”
The notion of Bob calling you such names when you were in this headspace made the heat rise to your cheeks again and you let out a hiccup of laughter, hopping back into bed. You shuffled under the duvet and waited for Bob to come join you.
You reached under your pillow and felt around for your comforter. An old knitted blanket that had two buttons stitched into the corner. You had it yourself since you were a baby and it came with you everywhere. Your ‘bubba’s’ was an apt name for them.
Bob was clearing away your tea set before he realized you were missing one more thing.
“Which of these guys do you want, Bunny? Them, obviously,” Bob picked up the bunny rabbit stuffed animal which he gifted when you first told him about your age regression. You nodded in response and he placed them at the end of the bed.
Bob continued to hold up each stuffed animal and you would respond the same way, nodding in agreement. He looked at the seven stuffed animals on the bed and frowned.
“Bunny, I don’t think they’ll fit.”
“Y’ they will!” You protested.
You reached over to the stuffed animals and dragged them across in your arms. You gathered them under the duvet and arranged them to the best of your ability so they would fit, all nestled tightly in together.
“Ta da!” You threw your hands up to showcase your expert arrangement.
Bob’s head dropped in defeat, a huff of laughter escaping his lips, before bringing his head back up and waggling his index finger at you.
“Cute ‘Wall-E’ references is the only reason I’m letting this happen.”
“Cause he looks like you, Daddy.” You teased back at Bob because you knew it was harmless.
You remember when you first watched ‘Wall-E’ with Bob and pointed it out. He smothered your cheeks in kisses whilst you shrieked laughter.
“Room for one more?” Bob stood at the side of the bed. You pulled back the duvet and patted the mattress to invite him in. “Thank you. Such a sweet and polite Bunny, aren’t you?”
You let out a small squeal at Bob’s praise and buried into his side as he joined you in bed. Bob always had a way of making you feel so special. So loved.
Bob quietly cooed at you and patted down your hair to soothe you. “Shh, my little Bunny. It’s story time, then bed time, alright?”
“K’ dada.” You mumbled into Bob’s side.
There was a barrier of three stuffed toys squished in between you both. Your stuffed bunny rabbit was nestled snug under your arm and your knitted blanket draped over your chest. You rubbed the buttons on your lips with the soft and smooth texture soothing you.
Before Bob took you under his arm, he reached into his bedside drawer.
“Pink please, Daddy.”
Bob retrieved your pastel pink pacifier to match your romper, with the added matching Peter Rabbit pacifier clip. He clipped it on the collar and you parted your lips instinctively as Bob placed the pacifier into your mouth. Bob could see the content smile brimming at the corner of your lips.
You wedged yourself under Bob’s large arm as he tucked you safely into his side. He opened the book and flipped to the last story you read.
“Okay,” Bob in-took a deep breath as to prepare himself to read out loud and do all the voices at your request.
“You ready, Bunny?” Bob looked down at you in his arms and he caught your eye. Your eyes glimmered in the soft lighting of your shared bedroom.
They were glazed over, but you were still there. The person who he’d come to love so dearly and would fetch the moon and stars if you asked. His precious little Bunny.
Bob paused for a moment before making a start on the story and just above a whisper, you heard him.
“Love you, Bunny.”
“L’ you, Dada.”
Your speech was adhered by the pacifier in your mouth, but Bob still knew you meant every word. He placed another lingering kiss to your forehead and diverted his focus back to the book.
“The tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle…”
Bob’s gentle and rumbling voice underneath your head resting on his chest was better than any lullaby.
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @luckyladycreator2
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bobbie-robron · 4 months
Robert is a quite wet and suddenly he returns this bad boy, cocky womaniser. and suddenly andy is the good son etc even though he caused havoc and actually made robert life a living hell. but for some reason robert painted the villain in their feud and andy the victim. people always say andy is reacting to robert but i see it the other way round as imo the whole feud is actually down to andy and jack enabling him and the whole family really and robert reacting to how andy and jack and his own family have have treated him. andy basically usurped robert in his own family and killed the only mum he ever known but his bad for reacting to being completely screwed over by his own family in favour of the cuckoo in the nest and childhood friend who killed their mum.
Thank you for the ask. First off, nothing you say above I disagree with! A lot that went down in the beginning with the head transplanted Robert (that’s what the news media called it) was down to the new producer coming in, Steve Frost, and giving him a complete personality makeover. Unfortunately, at least to me, that transformation from the sweet child that became disillusioned after learning his own brother was responsible for the most important person to him dying was too drastic especially with the short transition time between the two actors playing the role (I will always feel bad how Christopher was let go to bring in an edgier version of a character he played since he was a wee lad). It’s hard to believe all that happened (especially the cockiness and confidence) while he was staying under the watchful eye of his favorite family member… his gran Annie.
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As for the rest, Andy was the tearaway that Robert got attached to because, in my opinion, he was indeed a lonely child (as the coppers said when he’d ran away that one time) and he wanted a friend and Andy was it. Andy was also, at the beginning, the liar (even surprising Robert) as well as the bully. Those traits Robert picked up from him and from no one else which seems to be ignored. Andy also had the one thing that would endear him to Jack… enjoying farming when Robert wanted to go his own path.
After Karl!Robert’s return, it was Robert reacting to both Andy and Jack because neither of them saw what was staring back at them… Robert was still hurting over Sarah’s death but was supposed to just pretend everything was hunky dory and all was forgiven. Robert didn’t start the feud and he wasn’t the villain then… he was acting out because of the circumstances. He wasn’t given a chance to expunged that hurt until later. All roads will always lead back to Sarah’s death because that caused the course of Robert’s life to change forever.
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