#robbo n ox
liverbirdy · 2 years
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hi could you write a smut with trent where they're on vacation together because she's the sister of ox and they tease eachother the whole holiday, but they finally finally hook up after a night out ?xx
I hate you more - Trent Alexander Arnold x Reader
Warnings: ends with smut, unprotected sex, alcohol, cursing
summary: Your brothers wedding in Greece forces you to spend more time with his best man Trent. And although you swore you had always hated the guy, after being handcuffed to him, things start to look a little different.
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The pain shooting through your head was only made stronger by the obnoxiously loud music coming from the room next to you. As you were wrapping up last minute gifts for the guests while the guys next you seemed to have the time of their lives.
You were sleep deprived and completely out of it but there was a shit ton of stuff to do. All the guests where arriving tonight and your brothers wedding day was less then 48 hours away. Perrie had chosen you as her maid of honor as you two where basically best friends and as you where Ox's little sister it was even better.
It was a destination wedding, so the whole planning had been quite hard. But in Ox's opinion no one cared if the wedding was planned well if they were on a beach one a small island in Greece. And in his theory only his closest friends and family would come anyway as it was further away from home.
But that wasn’t quite the case as it seemed everyone was absolutely ecstatic about taking some time off work for a vacation in paradise and nearly all the invitations had agreed to come. Which left you with a shit ton of work and no one to help you with it.
The bridesmaids and groomsmen had been assigned the whole organization part, having a schedule and telling people when to do what. Plus organizing that everything would be set up for the ceremony and so on. Because Perrie and Ox had no wedding planner, in the name of keeping it low-key, that had turned out to be rather hard. And if that wasn’t all already stressing you out, Ox had chosen absolute idiots as his groomsmen.
You furiously knocked on the door, literally drenched in sweat as it was currently a 100 degrees outside and the air conditioning in your room didn’t work. The door was swung open by Robbo, who had a tooth brush in his hand as he sang along to the stupid Pina Colada song with the biggest smile on his face. When he saw your furious face, he immediately ripped his eyes open „Oh, what did we do?“
„Andy, is Trent here?“ you asked for your brothers totally incapable best man, making sure your dislike for him was evident.
„Yes, come in.“ Robbo gestured you in, trying ro keep from smiling as he knew Trent was about to be scolded by you.
Everyone knew that you and Trent were sort of like cat and dog. Always bickering and teasing eachother. It was kind of endearing to your brother though, so he didn't mind it. He rather had you two hate each other than like each other too much.
You walked in the hotel room, hearing Trents singing come out the bathroom as you opened the door without knocking. Trent jumped up, only a towel covering his lower part as he looked at you in shock. The door hitting the wall behind it with a loud bang.
„For fucks sake Y/n!“ the Liverpool player held his hand over his heart as he closed his eyes, nearly having a heart attack „You scared the shit outta me!“
You blushed a little, trying not look the almost naked guy up and down as you cleared your throat „Trent-"
„Yes?“ Trent asked, raised eyebrows as he wondered what the hell it was now that was bothering you. He was also kind of amused seeing that you were evidently uncomfortable.
„Tell me again.“ you now stated, not amused by his stupidly charming smirk „Why could Hendo not be the best man again?“
„His missus had to work, so he‘s only gonna arrive in two days.“ Trent shrugged his shoulders.
„So Ox said you’re his best man now right?“ you crossed your arms, as you could hear Robbo chuckle behind you. You looked back to see the guy lean against the doorframe of the massive bathroom, the toothbrush had been replaced by a drink in his hand as he watched everything unfold.
„Yeah, what are you on?“ Trent chuckled, completely oblivious.
„Then why don‘t you start behaving like one?“
Robbo behind you bursted out in laughter, while Trent chuckled slightly. He shook his head as you smirked satisfied.
„Wow cheap shot little Chambi.“ Trent rolled his eyes which made you chuckle.
„Don’t call me that.“ you smiled, biting your lips as you couldn’t help but notice the water droplets on Trents trained chest. The way that his body gliste- What? No! You gathered yourself quickly and stuttered „Now there’s a lot of work, if you could get going!“
„Sure.“ Trent smirked, having caught your eyes wandering and that of course boosting his ego „But I’ll sadly have to change first missy. Plus you could also use a shower, you’re drenched!“
Freshly dressed and showered you went to dinner that night. Perrie and Ox had rented out a typical Greek taverna for close family and all the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Which was two of Perries friends plus you and Robbo and Trent as Hendo was only gonna arrive on the day of the wedding.
The dinner was nice, everyone was eating good food and drinking wine as you enjoyed each others company. Well almost, you were stressing about all the things you‘d have to do the following day, which was admittedly quite a lot.
Your mind was taken off things a little when Virgil suddenly sat down at your end of the table. The two bridesmaids both gushing over the handsome guy, who was talking to Andy and Trent while you just wondered what the hell he was even doing here. He wasn’t your family as far as you knew. But again, he was Virgil there was no escaping him.
„So little Chambi Chamb.“ Virgil smiled at you, and you just gave him a cold stare. These nicknames got more ridiculous by the day „I heard Trent is giving you a hard time.“
„Nah, I am-" Trent, sitting opposite you, tried to defend himself
„He‘s totally incapable.“ you nodded, looking at Virgil and shrugging.
„Nah, I’m not!“ Trent squealed, kicking your shin under the table which made you yelp „Ouch Trent!“
„That’s what you get for lying!“ he crossed his arms, pouting his lips like a little kid as he leaned back in his chair.
„Fuck off!“ you held up your middle finger, which Virgil grabbed quickly putting it away with a chuckle.
„Kids, kids.“ he looked back and forth between you and the scouser „No reason to be rude to one another.“
„They like eachother.“ Robbo stated, scooting closer to Virgil who nodded in agreement „That’s why they are bickering.“
Trent scrunched up his face as if he was disgusted before punching Robbo in the shoulder „That’s not true! I hate her!“
„Well good.“ you sighed, taking another sip of your wine „I hate you too.“
The next morning Trent woke up by someone violently shaking his shoulders. He groaned slowly opening his eyes, trying to adjust to the light, only to see your face hovering above him.
„Jeez.“ the guy sighed, covering his face with his hand „What are you doing here Y/n?“
You smiled, looking at the sleepy guy before holding up a piece of paper with a list on it „We have a lot of things to get done today.“
Trent groaned, slowly sitting up as he looked you up and down, already fully dressed in your baby blue blouse and shorts „How did you even get in here?“
You smirked, before pulling out a keycard out the back pocket of your jeans and swinging it around „I have my ways.“
You ended up basically dragging Trent to breakfast. He was still half asleep as you both stood d at the buffet, both a plate in your hands. Luckily not many people where down there as it was still rather early. You were about to put some fresh fruit on your plate when you suddenly spotted some familiar faces sitting at a table in the corner.
„Ox!“ you yelled through the entire hotel restaurant as your brother looked up, trying to find who was calling for him. When his eyes fell on Trent and you he smiled and waved, gesturing you to come over.
So you grabbed Trents hand without thinking twice as you approached your brother sitting there with Perrie and the baby.
„Good morning!“ you gushed, looking at the little one sitting in the baby chair „Already up?“
„Yes, you know the little one just doesn’t seem to want to sleep.“ Perrie smiled, running her hand through her blonde hair. Her eyes met Trents and yours intertwined hands and you only now noticed you were still holding him.
So you quickly let go of the scouser as your brother raised one eyebrow, looking back and forth between his sister and the tired guy behind her „Did she drag you outta bed Trent?“
„Yes.“ Trent whined as he looked at your brother annoyed while you just rolled your eyes. What a baby.
Perrie giggled, always having found the two of you a rather amusing pairing. She had always thought Trent and you would actually make a cute couple but whenever she mentioned it to Ox, he told her that was absoluetly not gonna happen. Not on his watch. Plus Trent and his sister couldn’t stand each other, right?
„There’s absolutely no way I’m gonna get onto that thing.“ you looked at the quad standing in front of you as the already warm morning sun, hit the pavement on the parking lot in front of the hotel.
Trent held out a helmet to you but you just crossed your arms, refusing to take it. He had no idea how to drive this thing. Plus this was a literal island, the streets here weren’t safe anyways.
„Don’t be difficult woman!“ Trent groaned, pressing his helmet against your chest.
„No this isn’t safe!“ you shook your head and Trent looked like he was about to loose his mind.
„Then what do you wanna do? You wanna walk everywhere?“ he asked, grabbing the helmet again. This time putting it on your head before he secured it. His face only inches away from you, which made you hold your breath. You did realize he had a point „Now let’s go.“
The wedding ceremony was gonna be held at the beach right by the hotel. There was a pavilion under which they set up tables for the dinner as well as a dance floor for the afterparty. It was all in Greek style, the decoration, the food and just the over all theme.
„So there on the front there will be a big flower thingy.“ you pointed towards the ocean, where the aisle would be, as the guys were setting up the chairs.
Robbo had gotten Virgil and some of Ox's friend to help him put everything up while you guided them. A whole folder in your hand with all the information you needed while Trent just stood next to you, sighing and groaning from time to time.
„And there will be white flowers attached to every-“ you spoke when you looked back at Trent, who was playing with the sand in between his feet „Trent?“
„Yes?“ Trent asked, innocently batting his eyelashes.
„Are you even listening to me?“
„Yes sure.“ he smiled, nodding like a school boy „Something about towels-“
You covered your mouth, trying not to burst out into laughter. This was actually sad, he was so the wrong person to do this with.
„What?“ Trent chuckled as Robbo sang along to Mamma Mia in the pavilion.
You just shook your head, quietly laughing as you looked up at your brothers friend „Nothing.“
You and Trent spent all day picking up flowers for the bridesmaid, going cake testing and getting balloons for the bachelor party Robbo had planned for tonight as they didn’t have time for it back home with their busy schedule. You did wonder if it was smart to hold it the night before the wedding but then again it wasn’t really your problem. As long as they showed up on time the next day, it was fine.
„Now let’s go take a nap.“ Trent walked out the little bakery, holding two full bags as you followed him with your eyes glued on your phone.
„Perrie just texted me.“ you sighed, reading through the brides text „Apparently Ox has forgotten to pack the bridesmaids dresses.“
„What?“ Trent hissed, concerned what this meant for him „He’s such a dumbass!“
The old greek lady, who didn’t speak a word of english watched you try on every dress with a big smile on her face while Trent sat in the corner, next to obnoxiously loud fan. You stared at you reflection, inspecting the floor length dark blue dress with a very deep neck line.
The Liverpool players attention fell on you as you presented what felt like the millionth dress to him. But this time he didn’t just say it was fine, his eyes scanned you up and down as they rested on your chest area for a little too long.
„It’s- Ah-“ the guy shifted in his seat, nervously stuttering which caused the older woman to chuckle. Even though she didn’t understand any english, she knew this reaction any day „It’s really beautiful Y/n.“
You blushed, smiling a little before pressing your lips together and turning to the woman. You gave her a thumbs up „I’ll take it!“
All evening you met wedding guests at every corner. It felt like the island only consisted of people you knew, so as soon as dinner was over you made your way back to your room. Trying to escape the mass of people. While you laid there, scrolling through your phone, your eyes fell on the blue dress hanging in front the window. You couldn’t help but think about Trent. You hated to admit it but somehow the afternoon turned out to be fun.
But deciding to forget about it you turned off your lights. It was when your thoughts were racing through your mind just like anytime you tried to sleep when you suddenly ripped your eyes wide open „Does Trent have the wedding rings?“
You called all the guys you knew, that were at the party. But no one picked up. So there was only one way that you’d be able to get any sleep that night; you had to crash your brother bachelor party.
You threw on a short black dress, let your hair down again and decided that be enough for the club owners letting you in. You knew the destination of the party was only like fifteen minutes by feet, having dropped the decoration there today. So you decided you just walk there, calling and waiting for a taxi would just take longer.
The music was blasting through the speakers of the club, filled with drunk guys. You pressed your way through them, earning some confused looks by some as you tried to find Trent or Robbo. That’s when you bumped into Virgil, who was wearing some weird glittery hat and had a drink in his hand.
„Y/n?“ Viirgil slurred, looking at you confused as Robbos arm wrapped around his shoulder „Who are we talking - Y/n?“
You sighed, looking at the completely wasted guys, knowing damn well they were so gonna be hungover the next day. This was exactly what you had been afraid off.
„I need to talk to Trent!“ you yelled into Virgils ear, trying to be louder than the music.
Virgil looked at Robbo as they both burst out into laughter „We can help you with that.“
You were dragged through the club by the two guys, all the way to the back. Confused on what Trent was doing back there but not bothering to ask. And then when you saw the guy, literlly handcuffed against a chair a million questions raised through your mind.
„What on earth?“ you gasped and Trent looked up at you in shock. Robbo uncuffed Trent from the chair, leaving one of the cuffs on his wrist „Y/n?“
„Why are you handcuffed-“ but you couldn’t even finish your sentence because next thing you knew, Virgil grabbed you and the other end of the handcuff was clasped onto your wrist. You bumped your head against Trents, groaning in pain and just when you wanted to say something Robbo and Virgil literally ran off.
„Fuck!“ you and Trent both yelled at the same time and when your eyes fell on your connected wrists you both realized; they had taken the key with them.
You poured down another drink as you looked at Trent sitting next you. Your handcuffed hands rested on the bar counter. As it had turned out, Trent had been handcuffed to the chair by Virgil because he had wanted to leave earlier, really tired from the day. What mad the two guy handcuff you to him, he didn't know.
„I hate this.“ you groaned, looking at the time and realizing how late it already was. You had looked for Virgil and Robbo for almost an hour when one of your cousins informed you that they had gone to the next destination with Ox. But no one knew where.
So you were stuck in a night club, handcuffed to the guy you literally couldn’t stand. After a while off bickering around with him, you both just decided to drink away your frustration.
„I hate you.“ you slurred, studying Trents face as he rolled his eyes.
„I hate you more.“ he shrugged his shoulders, taking another shot.
„No I literally hate everything about you.“ you yelled, also grabbing a shot, pouring it down as you ignored the burning sensation in your throat „I hate your sense of humor-“
„I hate your incredible arrogance.“ Trent spat back, not impressed by your insult.
„I hate the way you dress, the way you talk, the way your stupid accent sounds.“ you continued, not realizing you were slowly leaning over to Trent more and more. The guy wasn’t even listening anymore, too focused on the way your lips were moving „I hate your stupid smile and-“
You couldn’t even finish your sentence as Trent suddenly leaned in all the way to press his lips against yours. You froze as you felt the guy kiss you, your eyes wide open.
„Just…“ Trent pulled back whispering „Just shut up.“
And this time it was you who smashed your lips back on his. Eagerly wrapping your free hand around his neck as pulled yourself closer to him. Trents hand wrapped around your waist as he pulled away from your breathlessly „Let’s take this somewhere else?“
Trent covered your mouth with his hand as he tried to get you to stop giggling, scared someone might hear you. His free hand searching for your keycard in your handbag. Struggling as he was still handcuffed to you.
„Stop laughing.“ he chuckled, roaming your bag before pulling out his hand „Found it.“
Rather roughly Trent opened the door, and pushed you in the room. The door fell shut as quick as you could think and next thing you knew, you were already pressed against the wall again, with Trent pressing his lips onto yours. You wrapped your leg around his waist, starting to grind into him as his tongue roamed your mouth.
Trent felt satisfied, feeling you push yourself against him. He knew by the way you were whimpering as he kissed his way down your neck, that you were at his mercy. His hand travelled under your short skirt but his fingers didn’t touch you were you needed it, instead they teasingly traced the skin on your thigh. You moaned, pressing your head against the wall behind you, your arm still wrapped around his shoulder „Trent.“
The guy pulled back because of the lack of oxygen as a mischievous smirk was placed on his lips „What?“
„I-I-" you stuttered feeling his hand travel higher and higher „You know what.“
„Do I?“ he raised his eyebrows chuckling, as his fingers started touching your through the fabric of your panties. You felt your stomach twist as your whole body felt like it was on fire.
Trent loved playing dumb, knowing exactly how frustrated you must have felt. He smiled cockily, seeing the effect he had on you as you stood there, speechless and your skin flushed. It excited him even more that this was sort of forbidden. The fact that he was touching his best friends sister and could get caught, it made him want this even more.
„You know what Trent.“ you whined, sweat forming on your forehead as you pushed away the urge to say it „Please.“
„Are you actually begging me?“ he chuckled, never having thought he’d see this side of you. But admittedly he was getting harder and harder by minute and it took everything in him not to fuck your right there and then. He put your handcuffed arm over your head, pressing it against the wall as he held you steady in place. His face dangerously close to yours again before he whispered „But you’re gonna need to be more clear baby.“
„Fine.“ you groaned before licking your lips and lowering your voice again „I want you to fuck me.“
It was said like it was a secret, that no one ever could find out about. It was enough for Trent to push your panties aside and teasing your exposed clit with his thumb. You held your breath at the torturing soft touches. His middle finger now circling over your entrance as you threw your head back, closing your eyes.
„God, you really are so wet for me huh?“ he whispered as he slowly pushed his finger into you. You couldn’t even respond, so you just nodded feeling his finger pump in an out of you. Trent soon added a second one as you wrapped your leg tighter around his waist, allowing him to push in further.
You were already a moaning mess as you felt his digitals move in and out of you. Leaning in, you reconnected your lips in a much needed kiss. Trent now also moaning against your lips. He also needed you, he couldn’t handle it longer. So to your disappointment his fingers pulled out of you leaving you feel empty as he started fidgeting with his belt. You decided to just help him, your lips still connected.
„Turn around baby.“ Trent spoke against your lips and without hesitating you did so, Trent holding your handcuffed hand above your head as you heard him take of his pants, also a panting mess. You knew you were absolutely needy but weren't even ashamed of it. Trent pulled up your dress, revealing your behind to him as you silently thanked yourself for having chosen nice lingerie.
Without waisting another second he pulled the material down as they dropped to the floor before you could feel his cock press up against your entrance. Trent leaned over your bent body before whispering into your ear „You really sure about this, baby?“
You quickly nodded and immediately felt him push inside you. You held your breath, clutching the wall in front of you as you realized how big he was. Trent noticed your walls clenching around him as he stopped for a second and when he felt you realx he pushed all the way in. He rested inside of you letting you adjust to him. His breath really unsteady.
„You can move.“ you whispered as he slowly started thrusting himself into you. Hitting that sweet spot with each thrust. You were both moaning messes with Trents free hand wrapped around your neck.
„You‘re doing so well.“ Trent panted, the sound of his hips hitting against you filling the room as he started going faster. Moving in and out of you harder and faster which in return made you go crazier. The pleasure bilding up in your stomach as Trent could feel you clench around his length.
„Trent.“ you moaned, knowing you couldn’t handle this much longer which made Trent chuckle „What baby?“
„I feel-„" you whimpered, feeling your high slowly build up with him pounding into you „Like I can’t go that much longer.“
„That’s okay baby.“ he moaned, this drove him absolutely crazy. The way you arched your back, wanting him to go deeper and deeper and how tight you felt around him. It was better than he could have ever imagined „Cum for me.“
That was all it took for you to reach that sweet high. Your legs started shaking and your head felt dizzy as you orgasmed, louder than you had ever though possible. Trent didn’t last that much longer, only a couple of sloppy pounds before you could feel him twitch inside you.
„Stay inside.“ you whispered, completely out of breath as you felt him wanting to pull out. Trent did as he was told, cumming inside of you before collapsing against you out of breath.
„That was-" he started but couldn’t even finish his sentence as his body rested against yours. So you shook your head as you chuckled „I know.“
You didn’t even know what exactly woke you up the next morning. The only thing you knew was that you felt a body pressed up against you from behind and arm wrapped around your stomach. And god, your wrist hurt like a bitch.
„You’re dead meat.“ you ripped your eyes open, hearing your brothers voice from next to you. In your hotel room stood not only Ox, fully dressed in his suit but also Virgil and Robbo both laughing their asses off.
„Ox!“ you gasped, sitting up and looking behind you to see Trent lay there in his underwear. Handcuffed to you? Memories from the last night flooded your brain and you shook Trents shoulder violently, seeing the look on your brothers face.
Trent groaned, he really wasn’t a morning person but when he heard Andys obnoxious laugh that ran his alarm bell. He was sat up within seconds, looking straight into your brothers eyes. Seeing you sit beside him in your underwear, he knew he was so dead now.
„Tell me the noises I heard last night weren't you shagging my sister?“ Ox muttered through gritted teeth as Virgil and Robbo tried to contain themselves.
„I- I-" Trent stuttered, feeling like his last hour had started.
„On my fucking wedding day, seriously?“ Ox now whined, shaking his head as he buried his face in his hands. He knew exactly what had happened.
„They- They-„ trent tried to come up with something to say before pointing at Virgil and Robbo. All the while you sat there trying to cover yourself up a little, absolutely humiliated „They handcuffed us!“
„What?“ Ox looked back at Virgil and Robbo who looked like busted school kids.
„Yeah well.“ Virgil pursed his lips, trying to come up with an excuse „I didn’t really think you two kids were actually gonna go that far-"
„Ah, fuck off Virgil!“you now hissed, shaking your head „You knew exactly what you were doing and then you ran off with the keys and-"
„Virgil, Robbo just get out.“ Ox sighed, and the two guys nodded as they left the room wiggling their eyebrows at you and Trent. Ox looked at them shaking his head before they disappeared, his eyes fell onto you again „Now back to you missy! You’re in big trouble, the ceremony is starting in an hour and Perrie is absolutely freaking out because she couldn't find or reach her maid of honor.“
„Fuck!“ you cursed, realizing how late it was. You had so much to do and so little time to do it.
„It’s okay.“ Trent reassured you, putting his hand on your shoulder „We‘ll make it work baby-"
„Jeez!“ Ox gagged, hearing the words that just had come out of Trents mouth „Don’t ever call my sister that again!“
Trent nodded, having obviously done it by mistake. Ox just shook his head looking at the two of you „Now get ready, we will talk about this later. Maybe when I’m not supposed to get married.“
You watched your brother turn around and stomp out the room, obviously pissed off. As soon as the door fell shut behind him, you looked at Trents face. You could see he was trying not to laugh and so where you.
„This is all your fault.“ you chuckled, looking at the scouser.
„How is this my fault?“ he squealed, his voice super high pitched.
You smirked, biting your lips „If I wouldn’t hate you so much, none of this would have ever happened.“
Trent chuckled before pressing a soft kiss onto your lips „I hate you more.“
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travellvogue · 4 years
can you do one where you take Y/D/N to Trents gae for the first time? and basically her meeting the players and shes just a couple months old?! PLEASEEEEE Xx
now that she was five months old you decided it was the right time to bring her to her first game, and it was also her first time meeting most of the team and she was certainly getting lots of attention. Ox and Robbo were nearly ready to beat each other up so they could get their cuddles, Klopp even asked you to bring her back to the changing rooms when the games over so everyone can get a little snuggle with her, but trent knows that’s just an excuse for the gaffer to get extra time with the new member of the alexander-arnold family
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jadonsanhco · 4 years
you're trents little sister and sneaking around with virgil behind everyones back. you don't realise virgil is in the gym for his yoga session with the team, thinking he's just working out and you waltz into the room, muttering about how you're sore and exhausted and not working out with im today and of course everyone can hear and see you
“i wanted to join you for your little work out but i was just too sore when i got out of bed so i’ll just watch you,” you said as you walked into the gym, followed by a yawn as you stretched your body, not realising virgil was in a session with the team and you were right in front of the camera. “y/n?!” you suddenly heard your brother’s voice, making your eyes widen as you looked at virgil with shock on your face, the big man just laughing and pointing at the camera where you could see trent’s angry face. “i thought you were staying with your best friend!” he argued with you, ox and robbo laughing and making “ooo” noises knowing you got caught. you stuttered to get a reply out and decided to just leave the room for now, knowing you were in for a lecture from your brother about sneaking around with his teammate behind his back.
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hassanfield · 5 years
what i’ve done today is sleep rewatch all lfc tiktoks and majority of their vids
what i’ve realized is milner and robbo are such a funny combo and they need more videos together
but then you’ve got ox n trent
salah and mane is class
but salah and dejan is also a pretty good combo
it’s only just hit me that sports gets me through practically everything i’ve got going on
and now i have to face everything i don’t want to
which is pretty class is u ask me😋
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liverbirdy · 2 years
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travellvogue · 4 years
you and trent factiming after every match and it’s almost become second nature and everyone always picks up on it
“you calling y/n?” robbo asks as soon as he watches T pull his phone out, trent giving a nervous smile as he nods, all the lads had grown so used to him calling you after every match it was like you were an added member in the changing rooms, sometimes trent hardly got a word in edgeways, Virg and Ox stealing his phone so they can tease him and chat to you
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travellvogue · 4 years
Date -Trent Alexander-Arnold
The same boy, the same time, strolling casually into your office.
“What?” you spit. The harsh tone has no effect on him, after all he’d grown used to being your punching bag. You had of thought being the social media manager to such a huge football team would mean you wouldn’t have to cope with a stream of nosy men, desperately trying to keep to yourself, simply stick to your job of posting a few pictures on a match day, and carry on with your life within the addition of being attached to any of them personally.
“Oh, good morning to you to, thought I deserved a nicer welcome” he smirks, voice laced with sarcasm, thick scouse accent filling the small room as he throws himself down onto the arm chair, legs sprawling open at different angles, man spreading beyond belief as you stare coldly at his face, your blank expression making him giggle. You pay no attention to him, the oak wood desk littered with sheets of paper and sticky notes was far more entertaining than his mind games, returning to typing out your email, blissfully ignoring his presence.
He clears his throat, searching for the attention he didn’t receive, patting at his chest, the hollow echo bouncing off the walls. Every noise he seemed to make pierced through one ear and out of the other, shivering with a huff as your eyes dart upwards, looking over the frame of your glasses to see him smiling at you, nibbling on a complimentary chocolate, the wrapper tossed to the side- he’d done it on purpose, he knew you were particular about the organisation of your office, always reminding you how ‘sad’ it was to have the chocolates in colour compartments, always making it his mission to see how many he could put in the wrong sections until you notice and tell him off, creating a game that only he seemed to enjoy. 
“You think I’m just gonna fall to my knees and suck your dick or something?” you scoff, your vulgar words making your cheeks heat up at the realisation of what you’d just said, Trent taken aback by her blunt wording, certainly not hating the idea, but he’ll keep that to himself.
His finger drums against the wooden frame of the arm chair, the continuous pattern driving you slowly insane, breath becoming increasingly heavier with frustration. “What do you want?” you finally groan, accepting that you’d have to acknowledge his presence to try and make him leave, your words harsh as you push away from your desk. Hands clamping together, lips in a tight line as you display the fakest, over-the-top, smile you could manage in your moment of annoyance, eyes peering through his body, only for him to gift you a flirtatious wink.
“Just here to enjoy your kind and loving words” he says way too cheerfully for an early morning training session, and for being in an office he certainly wasn’t welcome in to. His words dripped in sarcasm knowing he’d never received such affection. Sighing as you force out a fake laugh, wobbling your head as your ‘smile’ rips from ear to ear. 
“Trent.” you begin, elbows resting on your desk, leaning forward to ensure he listens, “I don’t know what you want, but I’m certain you’re not here to help me post an instagram, so... if you don’t mind, I’ve got a job to be getting on with… a proper one”. You shoo your hand in front of your face, beckoning him out of the room as he scoffs with a cocky smirk, tongue poking out to lick the corner of those plump lips. You envied how they always looked so smooth and kissable despite the constant attention his own tongue showed them.  
“Aight” he holds both hands up in defeat, legs swinging forward as he stands up and brushes his training gear down. “Love ya, see you at lunch” he winks, noticing the small blush rising to your cheeks as he hops out of the office. 
Shutting the door behind him, he stood still for a second, back resting against the metal plaque scribed with your name across it, even the sight of the words that made it up made his stomach twist. His smile speaks a thousand words, the image of your blushing cheeks and eyeline fixed on the floor as you tried to avoid his deep brown orbs replayed in his mind. The bitterness of your tongue couldn’t hide the true emotions behind your eyes. 
He knew that you giggled to yourself every time you looked through the pictures from the recent training session, studying the shots of him pulling stupid faces at the camera, knowing they’d be run passed you before they were posted to social media platforms. Yet, there was one image that always seemed to haunt him. One you’d convinced yourself to be the firm truth. And that was how you viewed him. The lense of your eyes snapping him into the frame with ‘every other footballer’ as he remembers you mumbling under your breath the first time you’d hurried him out of your office. Your cold, abrupt, attitude seemed to simply be there to protect yourself- the walls around your heart ones he wished he could chip away at, but you wouldn’t allow them to erode, a stubbornness he knew was similar to him- but the two of you were fighting for different things. Yet fighting for the same person. You.
That’s why he sits with you at every lunch time. The unavoidable teasing from Virgil, Ox and Robbo, was something he could put up with if it allowed him to explore the Y/N behind the mask. Plus, he hated seeing you lonely. Maybe you had your guard built up but you weren’t a nasty person. No one here hated you, they just simply let you be, your attitude oozed independence- something he so strongly admired yet detested.
“What you got for lunch today pretty girl?” he asks, sitting himself down opposite you, the plastic chair legs scraping against the wooden floor making you flinch at the invasion of your silence.
“The same as you?” your tone was dry yet still laced with slight humour, a question and a statement within the same words, looking up to be greeted by his smile, stabbing at his food with the meta fork. 
“Y’know where you won’t have to eat the same as me?” he asks casually, the nervous bounce of his leg hidden by the table,  shoveling a mouthful of food into his gob, seeing you raise an eyebrow at his question, but you don't dig any deeper, it’s almost as if you didn’t hear him, continuing eating your meal like he’d said nothing. The quickening pace of your heart hidden by your calm demeanour.  
“At that nice italian” he answers for himself, phone pushed along the table so it’s in clear view for you to read the booking confirmation for ‘Alexander-Arnold’ shining on the screen. 
It took a second for everything to sink in, the smoothness of his ‘request’, the question, the answer, the booking confirmation. Was this his way of asking you on a date? 
“A date?” you groan, the butterflies in your tummy batting their wings against your rib cage.if the table wasn’t covering both your lower halves, you’d noticed your legs had begun to dance to the same beat. Every part of you wanted to say yes- but why? This wasn’t what you wanted...right. The battle between the angel and the devil on your shoulder was one sided at this point. You knew he wasn’t like all the other footballers’ - the type of guys your mum warns you of. But the fear of; ‘maybe’, a simple ‘what if’ put on hold what your heart was really screaming at you. 
“A date” he nods in confirmation of your question, proud smile on his face, he;d done it, he’d asked you on a date. Having gone off on a limb to book a table for the two of you, the sense of pride was joyous in this moment, no matter what the upcoming answer was. 
The commotion of the other players in the dining room filled the silence between the two of you. Heartbeat seeming to hammer in your ears with anticipation. Before you could convince yourself otherwise- you’d answered. 
“Alright” you shrug, playing it as cool as you could whilst feeling overwhelmed with emotions you didn’t even know existed. Although, it was enough of a reaction for him to let out a small chuckle, almost a cheer if you’d listen closer over the pounding of your own heart. Watching him rub his hands together in the corner of your eye, once again nibbling on his bottom lip. 
Back to silence, returning to eating the meal that was now on the border of becoming unpleasantly cold. A comfortable silence, one that simmered his excitement, letting him know not to get too carried away with himself, the thoughts in your mind racing round in a loop at 100 miles per hour.
“I’ll- uh- see you tonight? 6pm sharp m’lady” he winks, wobbly legs lifting him up from his chair, praying you wouldn’t see the trace of nervous sweat he’d left on the wooden seat, cleaning up his plate and cutlery, taking yours with him within an ask. 
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all...
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travellvogue · 4 years
Trent and you wearing a matching bracelet with each other's name (his gift to you)... and his mates notice and make fun of him saying that he is hopelessly in love with you...
“does that say y/n’s name?” Ox asks as he watches trent take the bracelet off before training since they can’t wear any jewelry, he nods timidly with a blush, stroking his thumb over the metallic cut out of your name before putting it in his locker, “so whipper aint he” robbo giggles, virg cooing and making wolf whistles whilst trent goes bright red, “so in lurrvveee” Ox teases, all of them bullying him for being so in love with you
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jadonsanhco · 5 years
You and T being in a relationship and you come to Anfield to see one of the matches and when you’re waiting for trent, Hendo (being the dad he is) tells you in the tunnel how happy you make Trent and that he’s more confident since he met you (with maybe ox and robbo agreeing) and he’s like thanking you for making t feel so loved🥺🥺
“hey y/n, hope you enjoyed the match,” jordan said and gave you a hug. “of course! congrats on the win,” you smiled at him and greeted ox and robbo who also came to talk to you. “are you waiting for trent?” alex asked and you nodded, making a joke about how he always takes forever.
“i can see you really make him happy,” jordan then said. “whenever he talks about you he smiles brightly and it’s so obvious that he’s so in love with you.” his words really touched you and you smiled, a blush forming on your cheeks.
“he’s also more confident,” hendo added. “can see it in everything he does,” you looked at ox and robbo and saw both of them nodding, confirming what jordan just told you.
“well there you have him!” alex said when he saw trenr walking towards you, the boy instantly wrapping you up in a hug as you congratulated him on the win and complimented his performance.
“thank you for making trent feel so loved,” jordan then said with a smile before walking off, ox and robbo following him. “what was that about?” trent asked you, having no idea what you talked about before he came.
“they just told me i make you happy,” you smiled and kissed his lips. “mmm you definitely do baby,” trent said and leaned in for another kiss before taking you home.
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