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แแแถแแแแแแแแ (แแฝแแแฝแ) - แกแ แ แแแแถแแแปแ - Robam Preah Thong ( Buong Suong) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia. (at Siem Reap Province)
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"แแแถแแแแแแแแ" แฌ "แแฝแแแฝแ" ~ Robam Preah Thong" or "Buong Suong", an excerpt of "Ream Eyso and Moni Mekhala Dance" is one of the sacred Cambodia's Classical Dances which originated hundred years ago. In this clip, you'll notice the dancers with make ups, costumes and the dance moves of King Sisowath period. Chatomouk Theatre Hall | 17th, Dec, 2016 | One Century of History of The Royal Ballet of Cambodia: 2 Evenings of Classical Dance and Masked Theatre Performances, re-choreographed by Princess Norodom Boppha Devi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia.
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"แแแถแแแแแแแแ" แฌ "แแฝแแแฝแ" ~ Robam Preah Thong" or "Buong Suong", an excerpt of "Ream Eyso and Moni Mekhala Dance" is one of the sacred Cambodia's Classical Dances which originated hundred years ago. In this clip, you'll notice the dancers with make ups, costumes and the dance moves of King Sisowath period. Chatomouk Theatre Hall | 17th, Dec, 2016 | One Century of History of The Royal Ballet of Cambodia: 2 Evenings of Classical Dance and Masked Theatre Performances, re-choreographed by Princess Norodom Boppha Devi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia. (at Siem Reap Province)
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"แแแถแแแแแแแแ" แฌ "แแฝแแแฝแ" ~ Robam Preah Thong" or "Buong Suong", an excerpt of "Ream Eyso and Moni Mekhala Dance" is one of the sacred Cambodia's Classical Dances which originated hundred years ago. In this clip, you'll notice the dancers with make ups, costumes and the dance moves of King Sisowath period. Chatomouk Theatre Hall | 17th, Dec, 2016 | One Century of History of The Royal Ballet of Cambodia: 2 Evenings of Classical Dance and Masked Theatre Performances, re-choreographed by Princess Norodom Boppha Devi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia. (at แแแ แแถแ Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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"แแแถแแแแแแแแ" แฌ "แแฝแแแฝแ" ~ Robam Preah Thong" or "Buong Suong", an excerpt of "Ream Eyso and Moni Mekhala Dance" is one of the sacred Cambodia's Classical Dances which originated hundred years ago. In this clip, you'll notice the dancers with make ups, costumes and the dance moves of King Sisowath period. Chatomouk Theatre Hall | 17th, Dec, 2016 | One Century of History of The Royal Ballet of Cambodia: 2 Evenings of Classical Dance and Masked Theatre Performances, re-choreographed by Princess Norodom Boppha Devi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia. (at Siem Reap)
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แแแถแแแแแแแแ (แแฝแแแฝแ) - แกแ แ แแแแถแแแปแ - Robam Preah Thong ( Buong Suong) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia. (at Siem Reap Province)
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แแแถแแแแแแแแ (แแฝแแแฝแ) - แกแ แ แแแแถแแแปแ - Robam Preah Thong ( Buong Suong) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5aWM6LAvk #rabampreahthong #robamboungsuong #preahthongdancing #buongsuongdancing #spirit #performanceart #performance #khmerdance #khmerperforming #cambodiashow #cambodiaperform #wishing #wishingdance #blessings #blessingdance #camboya #cambodia. (at แแแ แแถแ Siem Reap, Cambodia)
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