#roasting marshmallows on coven meetings
annaholak · 2 years
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Inktober - Prompt 28: Camping
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roxannarambles · 1 year
Hey! I just want to make it VERY clear that I don’t expect much from this and I completely respect if you just simply don’t want to talk about this anymore and want to be done with the fandom/show (and you delete/ignore this ask as a result):
But, is there any chance you would be willing to tell us about the plans you had for your Lunter fanfic, Second Chances? No pressure at all, I just wanted to express how much I admired your writing and characterization, and I really loved that fanfic and I guess I’m just curious about how you were planning to end it!
Again, if you prefer to not answer this, I completely understand, seriously. 💕
Hiya! Oh, gosh, yeah, I had a lot of plans for that story. If I had continued with it, it probably would have ended up as long as Ships That Pass in the Night. My ideas tend to get kinda . . . long. 😩 Longer then I have the time for, sometimes. Alas.
I have indeed moved on from the fandom-- canon was just making me feel so frustrated-- but I don't mind sharing my Outline for the rest of Second Chances. Fair warning, though, it's long! I don't have the word 'rambles' in my username for no reason, haha. (And thanks so much for your kind words, by the way.)
-Oracle Homework. Hunter helps Luz with her Oracle homework. Talking to her is so much better then texting. Luz has glyphs that lets her activate the magic orb when she touches it. But while she has the magic she still needs the technique, to see the future. Hunter never has done Oracle magic of course. But he was taught the principles even thought he could not use it himself. He guides Luz through the process. Tells her to close her eyes and listen to his voice. With his coaching she can open her eyes and see the fragment of her future in the orb. She is thrilled. He's honestly surprised it worked. He asks what she sees. Luz says, "I see . . . us!" Hunter is floored by this statement. His heart flip-flops. "What?" She goes into more detail. She sees them camping together. Like they talked about before. Roasting marshmallows, eating s'mores. Hunter sort of squeaks, 'Really?' (The spell was meant to show your heart's desire, for the future, the trajectory of your current path) Hunter can't get this out of his head the next day. He tries desperately to forget about it.
-Glyph Magic. He's falling for her so hard. He grows slowly more rebellious. He continues to watch her glyph videos and eventually tries making glyphs for himself, and decides to show Luz, he is so excited. He does it late at night and Luz is so excited for him. They flirt.
-Ruler's Reach. He knows what he's doing is risky. But he doesn't care. Talking to her is giddy and intoxicating. They talk about Luz's writing for Ruler's Reach. It's casual and comfortable, so easy to talk to her now. They tease each other in an affectionate way.
-Staff Practice. She calls him during the day for help with staff tricks. Hunter is so damn in love he'd drop anything for her now. So he skips out on his duties to help her. He can't do much over scrolls though. He wants to go in person, but he isn't quite bold enough to do it. He helps as best he can, feels deeply frustrated, Luz almost gets hurt but saves herself with glyphs/only gets a little scratched. She thanks him for the help but he feels bad he didn't just go in person to help her. (He's terrified, go and meet the enemy? What if someone saw him?) Oh my god, he wanted to see her so badly. Luz: 'No I get it, I do! Don't worry.'
(but he WANTS to be able to be there. he WANTS to see her in person. and he's starting to RESENT the coven. he's so jealous of her being at hexside and doing all these fun things, he wants to share that with her, oh god, but he can't. he can't.)
-Luz Fills In. And then he learns the flyer derby team is down a player (Willow texts and asks if he can come, he says he can't and feels bad), and Luz ends up doing it, and Hunter is like but u need more training!! and she's like it's ok willow is gon help me and Hunter is so jealous and it hurts
He later sees they win!!! He is so proud. But wishes he could be there. It makes his throat tight, it burns. He does not sleep well at all and has a crap day next day, at the end of the day he is just an absolute mess and decides to brew a sleep potion. But he screws it up a little and gets kinda loopy and drunk. He texts Luz.
-Drunk Texts. He texts about his crap day and how much he wanted to talk to her. how he wanted to play the flyer derby game with her. he shit-talks the coven a little. luz is giggly at it, because he normally isn't one to talk such smack. it devolves into him rambling about how she makes him feel, how much he admires her, luz is really flustered and starts to wonder what's going on, he asks if he can call her because he wants to hear her adorable laugh, she calls and asks if he's okay, he is SO adorably excited to see her, she's like "are you okay man" and he's like, "damn girl I am now that you're here," Luz is like 'asdfrfhhgkk!!'
'so just like, curious, do you have any like, boyfriend or girlfriend'
'Oh my god Hunter seriously, are you okay'
'you're avoiding the Q :('
'um, no,'
"oh, cool! I mean. uh. it. would be cool. for. anybody whod want to. be that."
eventually Luz works out he's had a sleep potion but he thinks he kinda messed the recipe up a tad. luz gets worried and questions him further about it, but he explains it prob wont hurt him and will wear off probably around [insert time] (he knows potions pretty well) and luz realizes it's prob okay. she probably doesnt have to go over there.
hunter: 'you want to come here??'
she's like ah ha ha ummm that might not be a good idea, just promise me you'll drink some water and go to bed, okay? hunter is pretty suggestible in this state so she convinces him easily.
-The Morning After, he has a bad headache and is mortified at what he did last night, and is so scared he's wrecked his friendship with Luz. He cannot risk that, he values her way too much. Luz texts and checks in on him, and he is like........what do I say.
'luz I am so sorry'
(he does NOT remember all the stuff he even said, which is normal when you are drugged and sleepy, tbh, I don't recall all the stuff I think and say either when I've had my sleep meds. but he does recall being flirty and excessively honest and a few things he said, like how adorable her laugh is)
Luz assures him it's totally fine. And it was honestly freaking adorable. He's still embarassed, but she promises it's fine he just needs to be more careful with his potions.
Hunter tries to busy himself with work and forget about Luz. Yes, she is so tempting, she is so wonderful, but he had to be realistic. He could never be with her even if she DID want to be with him.
-Tibbles' Shop. And yet when he's out on patrol, busting Tibbles' shop of human trash, he can't help but think of her. And how much she misses home. He awkwardly asks Tibbles what a human would like. Eventually he gets a broken ukelele. He knows he can't bring it to her, but maybe he can play it for her? She could hear a human instrument. Maybe she'd like that. And m-maybe it would make up for the fact he couldn't be there for the team in person.
-Music Practice. He practices when he thinks nobody will hear, but Raine does. He is embarassed and tries to act dumb, but Raine is like cmon man what do you take me for. Sighing, Hunter shows them the instrument and explains it's human in origin and he was trying to figure out how to play it. Raine tells him it is out of tune (whatever it is) and they take it and tune it up. It's similar to a number of Demon Realm instruments, close enough for Raine to figure it out. The music it produces is lovely. Hunter wishes he could sound like that. Raine is happy to teach him, Hunter is hesitant about asking others for favors. Raine says it's fine, and also wonders why Hunter's sudden interest in music.
He finds a way to surf the human internet. He finds a song online to practice. He's never going to show it to her. Never. But he enjoys practicing it. Just as he enjoys practicing for Flyer Derby. His glyphs.
(haven't sketched out the scene where he actually plays for her, but he does at some point)
-Darius narrowly saves Hunter's hide. At some point, Kikimora finds a post on social media that shows Hunter with the rest of the Emerald Entrails (Willow had posted it), sporting a cardinal palisman, to boot. Kikimora brings this up to Darius, gleeful at the notion of busting Hunter. Darius has to think of a lie quickly on the spot to protect him. He mocks Kikimora for thinking that student was the actual Golden Guard. Obviously it was just some highschool student using a glamorstone to imitate him. Didn't she know it was popular among kids to use glamorstones to imitate celebrities? Very cringey, these kids, but yeah. AS IF the Golden Guard would waste his time playing sports games at Hexside?! Kikimora, you're ridiculous. Meanwhile, Hunter overhears this whole conversation, grateful for the save.
-And then, The Emerald Entrails lose another team member. Skara leaves the team to play Grudgby. They're in trouble. Without a full team, the EE will be disqualified for continuing to play matches. They need a new member. Hunter learns of this and wants to help but is incredibly torn about things. How can he possibly help? Eventually, he thinks back to Darius' lie to Kikimora and it gives him an idea. He goes to Darius to beg for help on his cover story. His cover story: he is a Hexside student named Caleb who does most his work as distance learning and he uses a glamorstone to look like the Golden Guard because he admires him. Except this isn't just a cover story. With Darius' help, acting as his legal guardian (forged paperwork), Hunter literally, legally gets accepted by the school this way-- so that he can join the game and play.
-Flyer Derby Game. We swap to Luz POV. We are not aware yet of all the stuff Hunter did with Darius to pull this off. We just see Hunter dramatically show up right in the brink of time to join the game and thus save the team. They play together, Luz & Hunter have incredible teamwork, pull off some really snazzy moves, flirt during the breaks, during the game too, are huge dorks, they win it for the team, it's a close race, they're victorious and so elated at the end, Luz kisses his cheek as the drink is dumped on them. The moment Luz looks away, Hunter bails, though; on the pretense he has to get back to the Coven before anyone notices, but the truth is he bails because he's overwhelmed and so tempted to pull Luz into his arms and never let her go.
-Aftermath. The social media reaction about that game is strong. Everyone adores the new student Caleb and how he and Luz won the game. There also are a lot of comments on how they looked together aaaaaand some implications are made about the nature of their relationship. (Luz tries to hide these comments from Hunter.) There are also some comments saying mean stuff because that's the nature of the internet, but in general it's a big hit.
However, Hunter is in crisis. He's certain he must not see Luz again in person, no matter how much he yearns, now matter how sweet it tastes to just be a Hexside student with no worries, how tempting it is to help her with Glyph videos, no matter how many comments on Penstagram are asking about them, etc . . .
-Climax of story. This is the moment Hunter faces a choice. I have multiple possible directions for the completion of the story. I usually leave multiple possible threads open for a story and don't decide on them until I have reached that point in the story. So this part isn't sketched out. But it's either Hunter chooses to stop interacting with Luz and remains loyal to Belos, or Luz manages to somehow convince him to rebel.
I do admit my favorite idea was that one night, Luz appears at his window, and the air in his lungs tastes like ice water; her eyes glow like the moon, and his skin prickles with gooseflesh from head to toe; the curtains flutter in the breeze, and in that moment, Hunter's resolve to stay away from her snaps like dry kindling.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here!
A/N: If I had to give this part a title, I would title it “(Y/N) and their human friends” Also I lied. This part was too long so it might be another part (or two) before we get to the Bella Arc.
* “You know you would be pretty good looking without the glasses.” Lauren says twirling a strand of hair and ignoring the algebra worksheet in front of her.
* Yeah that’s kind of the whole point
* “Contacts kind of freak me out.”
* You’re expecting a snarky response but instead she nods.
* “It’s the whole sticking your finger in your eye thing right, I totally get that.” She’s watching you with such inquisitive eyes, it almost you uncomfortable.
* It’s been a few months since you started school, you’re almost at thanksgiving break. So far you feel like you’ve assimilated well, and you have a good balance between school and caring for your animals, but it’s situations like this that totally throw you off.
* “Hey (Y/N/N), what did you get for number 5?” Jessica asks, you’re thankful for the distraction.
* “I got X = 8” Jessica confirms she got that too, and moves onto the next one
* You three are in the worlds most unlikely group. You didn’t even know Lauren was in this class you usually just pair up with Jessica.
* “Hey, me and a some people from the volleyball team are going to Port Angeles, you should come with, we could give you a makeover.”
*You wonder what the other angle here is
* It didn’t take long for you to realise that somehow, even with the ugly-duckling routine, the Cullen’s were at the top of the social hierarchy.
* Part of their popularity was probably because they didn’t really seem to interact with anyone outside of their own social circle. Which just made them all the more desirable.
* “I don’t know Lauren, I would have to ask Esme if it’s okay.” Though you can already bet Rosalie isn’t going to like this.
* “Oh cool, just let me know!” Lauren smiles, it turns out the act of considering her invitation was enough to placate her.
* For once you’re actually glad Edward’s waiting for you outside of your class when the bell rings.
* “Edward read that girls mind.”
* “It’s always straight to business isn’t it. No, ‘hi Edward how’s it going?’ Or ‘How was your class, how has your morning been treating you?’ It wouldn’t hurt you to make some small talk” You give him a look, and he returns it with an expectant expression. You sigh.
* “Hi, Edward how was your class?” You plaster on a smile, and he returns with a smile of his own.
* “It was fine. A little repetitive, we’re reading “to kill a mocking bird” in English.” You nod, offering a consoling pat on the shoulder
* “That sounds super boring,” the books great and all, but you’re guessing he’s already read it like 30 times by now. “Hey Edward,”
* “Yes (Y/N),” He nods, hiding his grin behind his hand.
* “Would you mind doing me a favor?”
* “Of course, anything for you.” He grins openly now.
* “Would you mind telling me what that girl Lauren Mallory is thinking so I can know why she invited me,” and not Jessica her good friend. “to hang out?”
* Edward loses his smile.
* “The varsity members on the volleyball team suggested it, they think it’s a shame they couldn’t have got you on the team since you just moved here.”
* Unexpected but not the worst. You’ve really been half assing it in PE so you’re surprised they even want you.
* “Lauren-she thinks you could be-“ a lopsided smirk twitches onto his face. “in her words- ‘two super good looking best friends’ “
*oh. So she just wants a pretty b*tch squad?
* “Maybe I’ll go with them then” you were scared they were going to force you to show them the Cullen’s house and introduce you to everyone, or leave you stranded in port A as some kind of prank or something.
* Edward stops you
*“you can’t be serious” he has his eyebrows scrunched together
* “Why not?” Nothing more natural to fitting in then hanging out with your classmates. Unless- “if you’re worried about any accidents don’t, I know they all look healthy but they eat a lot of carbs. Way too starchy for my palette.”
* “It’s not that-“ he gets that brooding-existence is suffering look. “You shouldn’t trust humans too much, they’ll let you down.”
* Well what’s that supposed to mean, but before you can ask he’s already walking to his class.
* Well whatever, at least Emmett will tell you a good joke to take your mind off of Mr. Eternal Damnations ominous words.
* Too bad when you get inside he’s not here, instead Mike Newton perks up when you walk into the room.
* “Hey Eleazar, how’s it going?” You still have a hard time adjusting to use Eleazar’s name as your own. Apparently they came from a time when last names were only for nobles, so he offered you his first name instead.
* “Hey Newton, any plans for this weekend?” You take Edward’s advice and start with small talk. Mike Newton smiles, you guess he’s kinda cute, all soft cheeks and baby blue eyes
* “No I’m completely free!” Weird how he’s so enthusiastic about being alone, he must be one of those “relish time alone” types. Good for him.
* “Everyone needs some time alone sometimes.” He deflates, oh man you guess that’s the wrong thing to say.
* He looks like he wants to say something to you, but then Emmett sits beside you.
* “Can I have a swig from your water bottle?” You hand it over
* “Making out with Rosalie make you thirsty?” Emmett cracks a grin
* “It’s that whole bookworm-soccer mom get up, it gets to me yknow?” That’s actually pretty funny
* “So what she’s the Velma to your Freddy?” When the reference doesn’t sink in you rephrase “the nerd to your jock.” He grins again.
* “I think I might join the swim team just so I can see her wear my letterman” that’s actually pretty cute
* “You should do that, I’ll cheer you on at your swim meets” Emmett grins.
*”I’ll hold you to that”
* School life goes on like it always has.
* Weeks pass, marked by tests, homework assignments and projects.
* You actually kind of become friends with Angela, Lauren, Jessica, Connor and Mike.
* “So like, are you and Cullen close?” Mike asks. You and the group are over at Tyler’s house using his fire pit to roast marshmallows. The others are invested in another conversation but you can tell by Lauren’s subtle head tilt that she’s eavesdropping.
* “Which one?” Mike gets flustered at that
* “The one in our grade.”
* “Hmm, well I’d say Alice and I are kinda close, but-“
* “N-no not her,” he clears his throat. “The other one-Edward”
* “Oh, Edward’s my best friend.” The answer slips out automatically.
* “I-Is that why you’re staying with the Cullen’s?” Jessica asks. Everyone’s blatantly listening now, the only one who seems uncomfortable is Angela.
* You sigh. You know everyone at school is probably wondering about the weird relationship. Jessica’s just the only one brave enough to ask you.
* “I mean, it might be.” You’re sure, Edward’s friendship with you is the reason everyone was so quick to accept the living arrangement. “But I actually met Car-I mean Dr. Cullen before I met the others.”
* “How does that work?” It’s Connor who pipes in this time.
* “Well-“ you sigh you really don’t want to do this but at least your sob story will make you seem less suspicious. “So Eleazer and Carmen, they’re my parents, but they’re not my birth parents.”
* You tell them how your parents passed away in an accident many years ago, and how Carlisle had been your Doctor at the time while you recovered. He worked with you for a long time, and you’re pretty sure he wanted to adopt you, but the agency liked Carmen and Eleazer better, probably because Carlisle already had so many adopted kids.
* “Still, Carlisle stayed in my life as my doctor and a family friend. Then I met Edward and the rest of the Cullen’s and... the rest is history...I guess.” You’ve found it’s best to mix a little bit of truth into the lie, though really all of that was mostly what happened.
* Everyone looks testy eyed, Angela is holding back tears, and Lauren hastily wipes her away so no one can see. You wonder if maybe your powers leaked out a bit while you were telling your story.
* “Dude... you’re so strong.” Tyler claps a hand on your shoulder and pulls you into a hug.
* “Ah, it all happened a long time ago, I’m mostly over it now” You tell them all about your Coven in Denali, and how you have two families now, how you don’t regret anything. Well, the only thing you regret, is not staying human, but you can’t mention that so you fake a smile instead.
* Connor breaks out a bottle of vodka he stole from his mom, and pours a shot for everyone
* “To (Y/N)” everyone raises their glass, and not for the first time you feel the urge to cry but no tears escape you.
* You’re a lot closer to everyone after that. You even start sitting at their lunch table every so often.
* In fact the others follow your lead and assimilate with their classmates with ease. Rosalie joins the school book club, and very loudly debates Jane Austen’s to whoever will listen.
* Emmett follows through and joins the swim team. Jasper starts hanging out with some wood shop kids, you’ve caught him arguing about the superior wood in between classes with his new friends. Even Alice joins the art club.
* You try out for the dance/cheer team, it’s the only thing you don’t have to hold back in. Also you’re a great base, you could hold everyone on the team up single handedly during stunts. But you won’t know if you made it until summer vacation
* Everyone seems to be assimilating well, everyone except for Edward
* “You can’t expect me to trust these people (Y/N), not when I know everything they’re really thinking.” You roll your eyes
* “I’m not saying you have to be their best friend Eddie, I’m just saying it looks super suspicious that all the Cullen’s only hang out with each other and refuse to get to know anyone else.” You shove a text book into his chest, and he scoffs
* “It wouldn’t hurt to make some small talk.”
* And so Edward joins your group of human friends, much to the joy of your female companions and dismay of your male ones.
* Life is still strange. But it’s good.
* When you’re surrounded by your new friends, it makes you feel - almost like you’re human again
* And then everything falls apart.
* It’s almost summer vacation. You’re excited, maybe you can go to the beach again soon, and you wonder if it will be alright to take a trip to Denali to see your Coven. You’re pretty confident you made the spirit squad so you’ll have to pencil in camp somewhere. You held back, but just enough by your own parameters to make the bottom end of Varsity.
* You’re at your locker, when Rosalie, and Edward show up. Quickly followed by Emmett, Jasper and Alice.
* “Oh hey guys, you wanna go on a hike tomorrow it’s supposed-“
* “You have to leave.” You’re surprised when it’s Emmett that says this. Kind, jovial Emmett holds a grave expression.
* “What, why-“ for a second you wonder if the Volturi has finally come to get you. It’s been at least seven years since your transformation, it’s about time they started thinking about you.
* But then you notice everyone staring, the quiet buzz of phones vibrating only detected by your super hearing. People are always staring, especially when you’re all together. but this time you notice they’re not staring at the six super models gathered in front of the lockers.
* They’re staring at you.
* “There’s a video of you going around,” Jasper says, and Rosalie placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I think it’s better if you see for yourself.”
* He hands you his blackberry, and the grainy image of you come into focus.
* It’s a YouTube video
* You’re in the locker room, your (Your Color Skin) in full view under the fluorescent lights. You’re wearing your underwear, and your abs are on full display. You’re Grey PE uniform shirt is limp in your hands, you remember this, you got extra laps as a penalty and as a result, you were running late for class, you were alone in the locker room
*well you thought you were alone.
* Your body is literally perfect, the way you’ve always dreamed, but you feel white hot shame rise in your throat like acid.
* Your hands shake as you scroll down to see the comments
* ‘Damn who knew they had a body like that under those dorky sweaters’
* ‘(Y/N) Eleazar: Best body Forks HS 10/10 would f*ck’
* ‘Hot body, if only they ditched the glasses, and started wearing some tighter shirts’
* And the comments go on, there’s at least a hundred. You hold your cardigan a little closer to your body. You don’t have the courage to turn around. You can already imagine them staring at you, picturing what they saw in the video transposed onto your body
* “I’m sorry, I didn’t see this coming until it was already happening-“ Alice touches your shoulder and continues her apology but you don’t hear anything.
* You want to cry, you want to be angry. But all you feel is shame. And the worst part is, you didn’t even do anything wrong. So why do you feel so ashamed?
* “Hey, look at me.” Edward grabs your face in his hands, your amber eyes meet his.
*”Snap out of it.”
* Oh, your powers are leaking through.
*Your gaze turns to your foster family, all of whom sport equally uncomfortable expressions.
* You take a deep breath, and imagine reeling in your emotions, imagining them receding back into a locked box, just like Eleazer taught you.
* You need a calm mind right now.
* “Are you fine now?” Edward asks, his hands still on your face. You nod, resting your hand on top of his
* “I’m good.”
* “Good, because we have to get you out of here.” He’s moved his hand to your arm, about to tug you back home when you pull back and shake your head.
* “We can’t do that.”
* “What do you mean?” Rosalie hisses, her hand curls around your wrist “we have to leave NOW.”
* “No think about it, they’re right.” Jasper says, his eyes meeting yours. At least someone’s on the same oage
* “Think about it Rose, if I leave now with all of you it’s going to look weird.” Normal 15-17 year olds wouldn’t think to handle the situation on their own, especially not entitled rich kids like the Cullen’s.
*She seems to have gotten it because her hand retreats to her side.
* “Well what should we do then, I’m not letting you walk around here with everyone-“ she cuts herself off, a deep frown creasing onto her face as her teeth dig into her bottoms lip.
* “We need to call Carlisle or Esme, they’ll pretend they saw the video from someone else and file a complaint with the school.” You take a deep breath, and imagine the locked box in your mind. Your emotions held carefully within.
* “Until then we all need to pretend like it’s not a big deal.”
* “No way in hell am I doing that!” Emmett growls. “I’m going to rip that fucking peeping Tom piece by piece.”
* “Not all of us need to pretend,” Alice says, her gaze somewhere far away, flicking between futures. “Only Edward, Rosalie and I do.” Her gaze lands on you.
* “You need to go to your class like normal,” a hint of a smile curls onto her mouth. “Everything’s going to work out fine.” Edward’s focusing on Alice, reliving her vision.
* “Do you think you can manage being alone?” Edward asks, you don’t have the next class with any of the Cullen’s. You’ll be on your own.
* You catch Jasper and Alice whispering to each other, but pay it no mind. Flirting even in the middle of your entire world crumbling down.
* You take a deep breath, picturing the locked box over and over, making it a visual mantra.
* “I can get through a period.” Everyone disperses, and Jasper walks you to your next class. Edward wanted to, but Jasper insisted.
*”You’re always hogging them, give someone else a few minutes Edward.”
* You’re almost near your class when Jasper talks to you.
* “Hey, I don’t know if I should tell you this”
*You wonder if he’s going to offer to beat up the person who took the video, or if he’s going to offer you a comforting word.
* “Alice told me you’re going to raise some hell on a misogynist in there” he gives you a wicked grin, his incisors sparkling.
* How is it that every vampire seems to say what you least expect to hear and yet, it’s exactly what you need in the moment.
* He holds out his fist, and you bump it with your own. A grin curling onto your face.
* “Hell yeah I am.”
* You take your usual seat in Spanish like normal. You sit in the front row in this class, diagonally from Jessica. Mike and Angela sit somewhere in the back.
* You just need to focus and keep your emotions in check for 45 minutes. You visualize the box, calming yourself separating the mind and body.
* How did the saying go... a calm soul resides in a calm body?
* “-Zar, Miss. Eleazar!” Your eyes pop up to the teacher, the locked box falling out of grasp.
* “Yes, sorry?” The teacher sighs, you look to the white board to see you’re going over the answers to the worksheet. You’re about to provide the answer for the number you’re on when the teacher cuts you off.
* “I know you might be focused on body building, but in my class you need to focus on the material.” There’s a scattered laugh that fills the room, but your blood runs cold
* “Excuse me?”
* And that’s when your teacher knew he fucked up. He stutters over himself, the sentences overlapping
* “-really you should take it as a compliment-“
* “Oh you think I should take it as a compliment that someone recorded me without my consent while I was changing?”
* The rooms pin drop silent. Your teacher is sweating.
* “Hold on now- I think you’re being a little dramatic don’t you think” A smirk curls onto his lips. “You were in your underwear, it was really no different than wearing a swimsuit” he’s got this smug smile, like he’s right.
*Honestly you were ready to put everything behind you and move on if he just apologized. It’s gross that a teacher is watching videos of a student changing, but what would you have done in his situation if a co-worker showed you.
* “It’s all about perspective, a positive per-“
* But not anymore, you’re not in a forgiving mood, especially not for an idiot like this.
* “No it’s all about consent.” All the anger and despair you’ve been holding back comes flooding out. “When someone wears a swimsuit they’re consenting to show skin and be seen, but I wasn’t contesting to being seen when I was changing in the privacy of the locker room.” You don’t stop for air, your voice trembling
* “And another thing, I wonder how the school administration will feel knowing the same faculty that’s supposed to make students feel safe and enrich their lives is watching creepy videos-“ you stop when you meet your teachers eyes, tears streaming down his face.
* Oh f*ck
* You look to your right, finding your classmates in a similar state, holding back tears.
*So this is what happens to humans when they come in contact with your power.
* You try to visualize the box, but it’s too far now. And all the crying people around you don’t help.
*You need to get out of here.
* “Pathetic, not even an apology for your gas lighting.” She shake your head as confidently as you can, grabbing your bag with trembling hands.
* You walk quickly, maybe there’s a mountain you can climb and wait it out on. You’ll text Carlisle and let him now what happened. It shouldn’t be too-
*” Hey wait!”
* You’re already in the hallway when someone call out to you. You turn, expecting it to be Angela or Mike. Never in a million years would you expect her to be standing there in the middle of the hall, her hand hastily wiping away a stray tear.
* “Mr. Peterson’s a f*cking jerk.” Jessica sniffles, walking quickly to catch up with you. You don’t miss the fact that her bags not slung across her back.
* She must have left a minute after you did. You haven’t thought about her as a friend. Not a real one at least. She’s kind of like hot sauce, it’s fun when it’s around, but if it’s not then that’s not a big deal.
* So to see her here, the first to follow you out, rambling about wether you want to get frozen yogurt or pizza, it warms your unbeating heart.
* “Hey Jessica?” She stops mid-sentence, her eyes swinging up to you.
* You haven’t been fair to her. But you’re going to change that.
* “Thanks for being my friend.” And she smiles at you, her arms wrapped around her tight. It’s not the fake ones you see often the ones she throws to Lauren when she’s asking for Jessica’s opinion on an outfit, or when Connor tries to copy her homework’s. it’s a genuine smile.
* Before she can open her mouth, you hear two more shouts from the hallway.
*Angela and Mike are jogging down the hallway to catch up with you. The latter carrying a bright pink backpack in his hand.
* “Geez Jess, the least you could do is take your bag before you go bolting out of there” Mike’s panting as he holds out her bag. You don’t miss the blush ghosting her face.
*Looks like she still has a crush on him.
* “Hey, are you okay?” Angela asks, and you wish you could cry as you nod.
* “Is it weird that I’m kind of happy right now?” And the three of them smile, before wrapping you into a group hug.
*They all smell terrible. Jessica smells like boiled broccoli, Mike is like the overwhelming stench of fat mixed with sugar, and Angela.. Angela’s probably the worst. She’s sickeningly sweet mixed with a healthy dose of starch.
*it’s disgusting. You have a hard time believing any of the Cullen’s would lose their minds when they’re this close to any of them.
*still, even with the repulsive stench, it’s nice. You haven’t felt the body gets of another human in a long time, or heard the quiet thump of their beating heart. Even the odor is nice, it reminds you that they’re human.
*And for a second it’s easier to pretend you’re human too, just like them.
* “Dude why are you so cold?” Jessica groans, breaking the moment. She taps your arm but doesn’t pull away.
* “While we’re asking questions, Mike how much axe do you use?” Angela’s eyes are watering as you both laugh.
* “Like you’re one to talk, I can smell your strawberry shampoo two hallways over!”
* You watch the three of them untangle and start walking to the back exit from the gym.
* “So where do we go now? We can’t stay here.” Angela says
* “I was thinking maybe a coffee shop, if we take out books we might pass for having a free period” Jessica pipes in
* “Oh, how about the Arcade? A buddy of mine works there since he’s already on break from college, I don’t think he’ll minds us hanging out there.”
* So this is what Alice meant when she said everything was going to be okay.
*Your Human Friends were going to save you
*You haven’t forgotten Edward’s warning, someone did break your trust and let you down.
* But that’s what it means to build friendships, you open yourself to being hurt, and so do they.
* “Hey (Y/N/N), what do you think?” Mike asks, and they all turn around to notice you’re not walking with them.
*You try not to smile to wide. You don’t want to scare them off now.
* “I think there’s something fun about an arcade during the day, no lines.” You say, walking a little bit faster to catch up with your friends.
Tag list: @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show
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dustofbrokenheart · 4 years
The Covenant: Fall Bonfire
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Caleb Danvers x Reader 
Word Count: 1,135
The sun had been out in full force that day, which made for a specular sunset. Beautiful hues of pink, orange, and purple melted together in the sky like something out of a vaporwave mural, the quickly fading light promising a perfect night sky view.
Fall was an interesting season for trees in New England; one day the leaves would be in full autumn bloom and by the next the entire tree would lose them, all the crunchy brown leaves laid on the ground.
Caleb had been busy for most of Saturday helping his mom rake their property. Normally, they would’ve paid someone else to do it, but he thought it might be a good opportunity to get his mom out of the house. Understanding that he would likely be tired after working all day, and that his mom would want to do dinner with him afterwards, you tried telling him that it was fine if you guys didn’t see each other that day.
Still, he insisted that he wanted to see you regardless if he was tired or had to wait until after dinner. You suggested a bonfire at your place and he agreed without hesitation. Since you had come up with the idea, he insisted on contributing everything else that was needed. You reminded him not to worry about wood as there was plenty of it to burn at your family’s home, but that didn’t stop him from promptly showing up at the doorstep at eight o’clock, arms full of fire wood.
“I’ll put this out back and come back for the rest of the stuff.”
You led him around the outside of the house to the backyard. He dropped the wood next the firepit and jogged to the car, returning with a bag that had matches, lighter fluid, and stuff for s’mores.
“I know they’re your favorite,” he said with a smile. He dug around and pulled out several packs of chocolate. “Hershey’s is classic, but I thought it could be fun to experiment with these.”
He showed you a bright orange pack that you instantly recognized as Reese’s cups. You couldn’t tone down your big, goofy smile no matter how you tried. Caleb wasn’t a super flashy guy by nature, but he was very intuitive and him remembering that s’mores were a favorite of yours reminded you how lucky you were to call him your boyfriend.
“It’s perfect, Caleb. Now all we need is some good tunes.”
“Damn,” he muttered. “I forgot about the music.”
He sighed in agitation and started talking under his breath, putting himself down. Caleb was so used to being seen as perfect, and he held himself to such high standards, that if he did something and failed to meet expectations, he considered it a failure. You were working with him to loosen up his perfectionism, but it was something he was still working on.
“Hey,” you said interrupting his frustrations with a kiss. “Everything’s fine, okay? I’ll grab my radio from inside and it’ll be fine.”
You ran into your room, grabbed the boombox, and were back outside with Caleb in a flash. You turned it on and flipped to your favorite station while he got the fire started. When he got it going, flames licking up the logs and the wood cracking, you worked together to spread the blankets on the ground. The pillows were added last in a fluffy heap.
Now that it was properly dark out, the orange flames were mesmerizing to watch as were the fingers of smoke that danced up in the air.
Caleb speared marshmallows on two roasting sticks, handing one to you and keeping one for himself. Caleb circled the fire searching for the perfect spot to roast his marshmallow. You simply stuck yours directly into the flames, holding it there until it lit up. Pulling it back, you circled your lips and blew it out with a single puff of breath.
Happy with your charred creation, you set it between two graham crackers and stuck in a piece of chocolate. Caleb looked at you in minor disapproval as he slowly turned his marshmallow. He crinkled his nose.
“I don’t know how you can eat yours black.”
“I’ll have you know, this is the best way to eat a s’more,” you protested with your mouth full.
He shook his head and checked his progress. He finally finished his golden masterpiece and followed your assembly process. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as he put it in his mouth.
“Now this is the way to eat a s’more,” he groaned. He finished the rest in one bite and stuck another marshmallow on the roaster. “I’ll make you one and you’ll see.”
“I really like mine charred. Honest,” you crossed your heart. “But I won’t say no to you making me one.”
You kneeled behind him as he sat, slowly turning the roasting stick, and plastered yourself against his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. He made another golden beauty and put the s’more together for you, this time with the Reese’s cup inserted inside instead of the Hershey’s.
Even though the new combination had sounded good when Caleb described it earlier, but you were still surprised by how yummy it was. In fact, this version may top the original.
“Try some, it’s super good.”
You held out your hand to him and he moaned as he chewed. Licking at your fingers, he smiled enticingly at you and you couldn’t resist him. You playfully jumped him, knocking both of you to the ground where you landed on the cozy pillows and blankets from earlier.
You planted a big kiss on his lips from your position hovering above him. His lips parted to allow you access to his mouth and he surged underneath you, his hands tightly gripping your thighs. The heated exploration delved into increasingly bold licking and petting.
Afterwards, you two were cuddled together, your head resting on his pecs, gazing at the stars overhead. Caleb absently stroked your arm with one hand while the other pointed out constellations.
“There’s the Big Dipper, and Orion’s Belt is over there next to Eridanus...”
Hearing you yawn, he stopped talking and went still. “Am I boring you?” he asked quietly.
You popped yourself up on your forearms and slapped his chest. “Of course not! I’m just really cozy right now.”
He relaxed as you laid back down to cuddle with him. Caleb resumed his stargazing, his voice further soothing you until your limbs tingled and turned to liquid.
In the background, an acoustic song played softly on your radio and the distinct smoky smell of burning wood drifted around you. It was a calm autumn night and you were in your loving boy’s arms.
It truly was a perfect night.
Here’s a short piece for Caleb. All the Sons would make good boyfriends, in their own ways, but Caleb is the closet to a fairytale boyfriend type. Hopefully this wasn’t too cheesy and thanks for reading!  
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woossexyponytail · 5 years
The Nature of the Beast (Part 26)
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As the group made their way to Yonsei University they split up in two groups Jin, tae and hobi said they'll ask around campus while Namjoon, Yoongi, y/n, jungkook and jimin went to talk to the roommate
Jin, Taehyung and hobi stood on the football field talking to the head cheerleader on the campus
"I hope she's dead in a ditch." The cheerleader said crossing her arms
"Wow. That's extreme." Hobi frownd at the girl
"Yeah, well, you know what? That's the only excuse I'll take. I mean, I can't believe Lilly would just take off without Katie! Arms up! And then right before the big game, too?" She yelled getting heated
"So, Lilly, your mascot, just left school?" Jin asked
"Yeah Sure. Happens all the time." The girl shrugged
"Just like every other college, one in five students just disappear and transfer out in the middle of the night." Another girl said walking up to the group
"The usual." The head cheerleader nodded
"Actually, super unusual." Jin said as hobi and Taehyung shared a look
"I still don't get why Lilly left, though. Oh! Maybe she found where the volleyball team ended up after that away game." The new girl said turning to them
"All we found was a bus full of empty clothes."
"Great prank, huh?" The girls smirked high fiving each other
"And, you know, we didn't even have, like, a weird wart outbreak this year. You know, those warts that give you screaming nightmares?" The girl said
"Also not a thing." Jin said
"Okay, and now the cheer!" The head cheerleader said running over to the group of girls
"Five, six, seven, eight! Appareat! Diabolus Ignis!"
"What?!" Jin asked shocked
"I'm sorry. W-What are you cheering?" Jin asked interrupting them
"That's our school motto. We've been cheering it forever." The cheerleader said smiling at him
"Yeong-ho was right Yonsei equals weird." Jin said to tae and hobi
"Appareat! Diabolus! Ignis!"
"Do we even want to know what they're cheering?" Hobi asked
"No. You do not." Jin said shaking his head.
Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin and y/n spoke to Katie the missing girl roommate at her dorm
"Have any idea where Lilly was heading that night?" Namjoon asked the girl
"With the big game this weekend, Lilly was making the party rounds. Fraternities hires her to be the mascot at their party, pump up the crowd. The night she disappeared, she was supposed to go to Omega Theta. Man, does that house have a weird history." Katie said
"By 'weird history,' you mean they throw parties without beer?" Yoongi asked
"No. Like, you need an invite to get into the house on paper. And there's all these rumors about rituals in the basement animal sacrifices and stuff. Lilly heard all this from Professor Bancroft in her architecture class." The girl said
"Professor Bancroft? Professor Amia Bancroft teaches here? Are you kidding me?" Namjoon asked
"Professor Bancroft is the authority on Colonial American architecture, man. You are so lucky! I-I-I would I would have killed to have taken classes from from from And you you don't even care." Namjoon said looking at Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin and y/n
"Nobody does. But I would love to know where this Omega Theta house is." Y/n asked
"My experiences with frat houses are limited, but I don't think evil rituals are supposed to sound like a kegger." Namjoon whispered to the group
"I wouldn't be so sure." Jimin asked looking at the invite on the table
"What is that? Was someone roasting marshmallows?" Yoongi asked looking up at the celin
"Nothing! Urm I mean I dunno hasn't been there before?" Katie said panic in her eyes
"It's definitely a burn mark." Jungkook said looking up also
"It's more than a burn. It's a glyph." Y/n said now looking at Katie narrowing her eyes at the so called innocent girl
"Sorry, what?" Jimin asked
"17th century. It's a Puritan symbol." She said keeping her eyes on katie who found her shoes quite interesting at that moment
"What does it mean?" Namjoon asked
The group meet up in the court yard making a plain.
"We got to find the origin of this house. All right, I bet you anything Professor Bancroft would have something to say about these symbols." Namjoon said
"Okay, so, divide and conquer?  Taehyung, jimin, check out the house. Namjoon and hobi go talk to the professor. Yoongi and I will see what Yeong-ho has to say about any of this, y/n and Jungkook stay with the roommate you mentioned her hiding something, find out what"
"Admit it You just don't want to go to a frat party." Taehyung said pointing at Jin
"I really don't. Come on, yoongi." Jin said walking away and the group slip up.
As jungkook and y/n made their way back to the dorm to find katie, jungkook grabbed y/n arm stopping them as he looked off staring at someone
"Hey whats wrong?" Y/n asked looking at jungkook as he stood frozen "Jungkook? seriously whats wrong?"
"We gotta go now" he said pulling her along the campus as quickly as possible
A voice they both recognize as jungkook cursed under his breath and y/n squeezed her eyes shut hoping that voice was in her head
"Hey Seohyun what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked gripping y/n's hand tightly
Seohyun to their surprise was standing right in front of them with non other then katie standing next to her, the girls eyes wide with shock looking at the two who where asking about h roommate 
"I go to school here now, what are you and ...THAT doing here?" Seohyun said with disgust in her voice as she looked y/n up and down judging her with her eyes
Jungkook pulled y/n behind him as he growled at Seohyun as y/n rubbed his back trying to calm him down
"Our business is to do with her NOT you" y/n said walking in front of jungkook but still keeping a hand on him
Katie flinched with the glare she was receiving from y/n as her body shrunk down feeling small, Seohyun stepped forward to y/n getting closer to her face narrowing her eyes at her as jungkook growls got louder
"Don't you fucking speak to her like that you slut" Seohyun yelled
"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT" jungkook yelled with more fury then anyone has seen from him
Y/n rubbed his arm once again calming him down while Seohyun stepped back eyes wide and terrified of jungkooks anger
"We still have questions for you katie about your sister can you please talk to us?" Y/n asked distracting attention from the two wolfs
Katie nodded her head as she looked back between Seohyun and jungkook
"That won't be necessary" a man came up from behind the two girls katie looked at him terrified as she started trembling in fear but before y/n and jungkook could register what was going on jungkook was knocked out and y/n had a bag placed over her head
"Thank you for the information about this witch Katie" the man said
As the man left with y/n now unconscious and being dragged by another man Seohyun stood shocked frozen by what happened.
Jin and Yoongi stood next to each other while Yeong-ho  walked around with a book in his hand reading it
"So that thing you found meant devil?" Yeong-ho asked the two wolf as he stopped and looked back at them
"That's what y/n said" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders looking bored as Yeong-ho nodded going back to the book
"Hmm, when I was talking to the cheerleaders they yelled out their motto Appareat, Diabolus, Ignis" jin said looking up at Yeong-ho as he stopped again brows raised in shock
"What the hell does that mean?" Yoongi asked looking back and forth between them confusion showing on his face
"Fire appear Devil" Yeong-ho said closing the book and putting on the table while rubbing his head
"Your shitting me, so now we have to deal with the devil" Yoongi said sighing slumping to the floor
"Sadly not Mr Min, Though many evil creatures throughout time have taken the name 'devil.' You know, kind of a shorthand, right? But make no mistake very powerful foe." Yeong-ho told the two boys
"Well, what do they want?" Jin asked
"Souls, hence the whole devil thing. They feed on souls." Yeong-ho answered
"Well, is it like does it take human form? Or is it like a weird-ass monster or what?" Yoongi asked
"Mr. Min, the thing to remember about devils is that they will never appear in a red cape and horns. They will come dressed as everything you ever wished for." Yeong-ho answered
"So we should look for?" Jin asked
"Could be anything, anyone. Though I have to admit I do not believe that demons are involved with this.." Yeong-ho said rubbing his chin
"I've been looking through all the people who have gone missing and there is a Patten"
"What's the Patten?" Yoongi asked
"Their all young witches"
"So whatever it is, it's only taking witches?" Jin asked
"Yes and no. You see I have a theory, years back potential young powerful witches would be sacrificed for their power, if they die on sacred ground their blood would flow through the earth granting more power to that coven" Yeong-ho explained
"So what a coven of evil witches are kidnapping their own people and killing them for more power?" Yoongi asked getting up from the floor
"Like I said theory, I truly hope not, that would be barbaric and not to mention highly illegal. Theory or not witches are being targeted and we know a very powerful young witch on campus right now who could be in danger" Yeong-ho said now thinking
"Okay, so, the roommate said that we needed an invitation to get in right, so what do you want to do?" Taehyung asked Jimin as they walked up to the frat house
"Do you want to sneak in the back door or Ooh, ooh, ooh! We could pretend that we're delivering pizzas!" Tae rambled on
"Or the invitation I stole off the mascot's desk. She wasn't using it." Jimin said holding the invite  
"I really should lecture you on the morality of stealing from a missing person, but I know that I would do the same" taehyung said smiling as he knocked the door
The door opened as a guy came walking out "Hm. Invitations?" He asked
Jimin showed the invitation
"Ooh. Invitations are non-transferrable, bro. I got to keep out the riffraff." The guy said looking at it seeing it wasn't the right date
"Riffraff?! Riffraff?! Riffraff? Mate? I'll have you know I'm With-" jimin got interrupted by a girl walking up to the door
"me! Hey, Justin." The girl said smiling at the guy at the door
"Oh! Hey, Lucy. Uh, really? They're with you? Sure! Come on, guys." Justin said letting them in as the girl walked off leaving the two looking around
"Ah!" Taehyung jumped looking at the gargoyle that appeared out of nowhere jimin walked up to him not noticing the gargoyle
"Spoke to one of the brothers. Said they hired a mascot, but she never showed. And then he asked me about getting his deposit back." Jimin told taehyung
"That's cold." Taehyung said still looking at the gargoyle
"Yeah. I thought so, too, so I stole his watch." Jimin said holding up the watch
"Okay, well, did you happen to find any evidence of a missing mascot?" Taehyung asked
"Well, I haven't checked upstairs. Gonna guess that these rich frat brothers keep their electronics out in the open." Jimin said
"Wait why do they have a gargoyle in the house? isn’t it an outside thing?" Jimin asked now noticing the gargoyle
"Uh dunno?" Taehyung shrugged
"Weren't there rumors of rituals in the basement?" Taehyung asked turning around to jimin
"You're -" jimins phone rang as he picked up the phone and answered
"Hey yoongi-" jimin paused listening to yoongi on the phone as Taehyung strained his ears to hear but couldn't
"Right we're on our way" jimin said grabbing Taehyung arm running out the house.
Namjoon and hobi entered the classroom that professor Bancroft was teaching
"All right, there he is" hobi said pointing at the professor at the front of the classroom
"Okay, now, listen. Professor Bancroft's analysis is radically aggressive. Okay, he's he's a brutal academic." Namjoon warned to hobi
"Ooh! Then I'll be on my guard." Hobi said nodding sarcastically
"Yes. Uh, excuse me, sir. Professor Bancroft?" Namjoon calls walking down the stairs to the front of the room
"Yes." The professor said turning around to the two boys walking up to him
"Uh, yeah Uh, we uh Can I just start by saying what a huge fan I am?" Namjoon said smiling at him
"Hmm? Seriously." Hobi whispered rolling his eyes at namjoon reaction
"Your analysis on how the American residential dwellings changed during the 18th century just I mean, mind-blowing." Namjoon said
"That was so long ago, I'm surprised you found it." The professor said surprised
"Well, I, uh, actually wrote a small critique off of it. Uh, Kim Namjoon" he said looking down at the floor bashful
"That's you?" He asked while Namjoon nodded  
"I believe I read it. Yeah, that was a delightful little spin on my groundbreaking work. Thank you." He said smiling at Namjoon
"I-I-I-I was I was just, you know I went off of what you were doing, so it was very We hear you've been lecturing on the architecture here on the campus." Namjoon asked
"I have"
"we we were gonna we were wondering about the Omega Theta house and the occult history." Namjoon asked
"Ohh. You're one of those." The professor said rolling his eyes
"One of who?“ Hobi asked raising an eyebrow
"One of those people who believe all the nonsense about Yonsei. Listen, I hate to burst your bubble of delusion, but magic does not exist. It doesn't exist in architecture, it certainly does not exist here. There is no such thing as magic." The professor said walking off leaving them standing there shocked
"Well that went well" Hobi said glaring at the door
"I I can't believe he he just" Namjoon was shocked at what happened
As the two stood in silence Namjoon phone rang
"Hey jin whats up?" Namjoon asked still upset over what happened
"What!?, yeah we'll meet you now" Namjoon said hanging up
"What happened?" Hobi asked
"Jungkook and y/n aren't picking up, jin thinks something happened to them" Namjoon said as they ran off.
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