hospiitality · 10 years
+ roadoftherose
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   "I do get the whole ' take a picture,    it lasts  longer ' shit,  but seriously,    I'm   about    to    call    the    police."
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merabraarchive-blog · 10 years
♎ ☆
♎ - What is one thing you love about your writing? 
i don't know?? i feel pretty good usually like. just how it's grown over time and how my characterization is so much better than it was like a year ago or six months ago
☆ - How did you go about getting a grip on your muse’s character? 
depends!! sometimes it's very easily and i don't have to work very hard, but other times i listen to good music or go through my muse tags to get in the mood for writing
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smxrtmouth-blog · 10 years
4, 16, 33, 38, 53
Mun-Directed Questions About Roleplaying!
4. What’s something you dislike about how you write or wish you were better at?
I just wish I wasn't so fucking lazy and that I didn't lose all inspiration at the drop of a hat, but it takes Bilbo fuckin Baggins and his goddamn fucking band of dwarves and some fucking wizard to bring it back.
16. What’s your favorite thing about rping a canon character?
I don't have to write a bio ahhahahahah!!!!
33. What do you dislike about roleplaying ships/romance?
The need to keep it exciting. Like, maybe it's just me, but whenever I play a ship, I cannot let it fall into some like, random typical boring relationship where they just go out to a movie and maybe share a frappaccino afterwards. There always needs to be angst, or drama, or something to keep them from being just some boring folks.
38. Has a roleplayer ever changed your view on a character? If so, how? Good or bad? For better or for worse? 
Not really the characters themselves, because I if I like a character already, then I like them regardless of people's great or shitty portrayals. But there have been numerous FCs that I just can't stand to look at.
53. What’s a trope or plot you’ll never get sick of roleplaying?
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psycho--pilfre · 10 years
. drunk in love
                A teenage girl crying on the pavement by herself                                  in front of an abortion clinic.                     Mascara running down her contorted face,               the heels of her hands shoved into her eye sockets,            legs timidly crossed as if to conceal what everyone knew                     was the cluster of cells stored in her stomach.                                     WHAT DO YOU DO???             In Maximillian's case, the answer would have been nothing.                            But place a wrinkled twenty dollar bill in                                 the back pocket of the girl's jeans,                     and you've just hired yourself one caring citizen                                 who's only concern is "to help".
       " Wha's wrong, beautiful? "
              Streaks of runny, black makeup and  flushed cheeks?                          What a combination he's crafted once                    crouching down next to the self-made disaster!                             But at least she'd begin to trust him                      with his few penny-worth words of kindness. After about five minutes of trying to calm her hyperventilating, unintelligible ass,              the Love Doctor quickly thinks of a half-assed diagnosis.
       " Only way this won' happen again is if ya control...                           [ cue finger wag in the general                                      direction of her baby-maker ]                                                                                      -that. "
                        ~  " But my boyfriend said it's just hormones                                   and I can't control what they tell me to do and- "  ~
       " Well, we gotta shut-em up then, yeah? "
                    The naive girl didn't even blink an eye or wonder                              just what the hell he was talking about.                   Her trust (and eventually that alluring twenty dollar bill)                       was practically served to him on a silver platter.        So some generic, reassuring words and desperate nods of approval later,            and Maximillian had charged a convenient twenty dollars in exchange                 for removing the train-wreck's booming level of estrogen.
             Hey, don't go accusing him of cheating her of the money, though.                          He didn't just place his thumbs on her forehead                         and recite some improvised, voo-doo incantation.                      He actually did  block off some of the raging hormone                                 and implanted it into his own system. That's what he did- mostly to get a few laughs from unsuspecting subjects                          and sometimes to get a few bucks, like so.                So what does a nineteen year old man fuck-up kid do                       with an extra serving of female sex hormone?                        Normally, he'd store it to the back of his mind               where all the forgotten emotions and bits of brain functions                          he'd stolen prior would be shoved away.              It would only take a moment's concentration for the mutant                 to send the additional hormone into a dormant state,   but the fast-approaching "boyfriend" bounding down the street and hollering                            "What the hell you doin' with my girl?"                              scared the tramp away from the scene.
                         Besides, what's the worse that could happen                          with just a bit  more estrogen in your system?
              " Yer hot. "
                                                          Oh, my.                                 It seems that someone has forgotten to                                stash away that extra estrogen after all.         Apparently, the twenty bucks wasn't all that came with the hormone. A sloppy mixture of narrowed, targeting eyes, parted lips and confident posture                        all contributed to accurately personifying the phrase                                                       "drunk in love"                                - all of which was directed towards you.
       Now, now- Maxi wasn't normally into that stuff- flirting, flaunting, guys.                           Hell, he didn't even feel the slightest attraction                         to the prettier girls he occasionally spotted in town.                                               Not anymore, at least.                      He wanted to remain faithful to whatever or whoever                                it was that he'd made that promise to...  The 'whatever' or 'whoever' at large seemed to be a blur in his cluttered head.                           Let's just blame it on the added hormone for now,         which had morphed the lanky stray-dog into a predatory cat of sorts.                                               And guess who's the prey.
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llewynisms-blog · 10 years
you said even if they don't know each other so ♣
send ♣ for a text not meant for you (x)
[ txt: ??? ] I’m sorry. Work called. I covered up your breakfast and left it in the fridge. Should be good for dinner, too, if you're not hungry.[ txt: ??? ] I’m getting too old for booty calls. I didn’t mean to sleep over.
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bambiisms · 10 years
Send “⁇” for a drunk text.
text [ travis ]: hbey hey utravis… text [ travis ]: what dpid you mean wehn you saiyd the thnig                        cabout my writing being gguarded???text [ travis ]: limke tawh does that mEAN /?text [ travis ]: WSAITtext [ travis ]: nevzrmindtext [ travis ]: wryiting can’ut b guareddtext [ travis ]: your esillyyY
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traumeriinarchive · 10 years
Sweet dreams are made of this,
☁ afxckinglegend
☁ forbiddenpetals
☁ roadoftherose
who am I to disagree? 
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(☾☆) — There was nothing Rosemary detested more than the parties her parents forced her to attend. She could only fake so many smiles while listening to dull stories of their business partners for so long. When she saw the chance to sneak out she took it without hesitation. The soft sound of clicking heals could be heard as the young woman waked through the streets in her pastel lavender dress and lavish jewelry. ❝I need a drink, or ten.❞ The words were murmured mainly to herself rather than the man beside her she hadn't even noticed.
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bambiisms · 10 years
Send me a body part and I'll write a headcanon about it. 
( headcanon. )
If there’s one thing about her body that Ale is confident about, it’s her legs. They’re long in regard to the rest of her proportions, and very flexible —-two things she uses to her full advantage when she performs. 
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eidetic187 · 10 years
"Happy Birthday, Spencer. I don't know you but I've seen you around and I've watched you. Not in a creepy stalker way just in an observation way. Your hair looks nice today. Also you left your lights on."
        { ♜ } “…”
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♫—— ❝ um.... i think your shoes               m-might be on the wrong               feet. ❞
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smxrtmouth-blog · 10 years
also for the shrek meme can u do gingy thank
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morallyspooky-blog · 10 years
6, 9 and 30
If you were to pick one song — and one song only — to describe your character, what would it be and why?
     probably elastic heart by sia. i mean, it’s the song i listened to on repeat when i first made nadia-grace, & played a huge part in the deciding of her personality traits. & i love that song.
Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
     it’s a mixture of both. some nights she’ll be able to sleep, & have strange dreams of man-eating bananas. then other’s she’ll lie awake staring at the ceiling of her tent. any time she dreams, it’s nothing overly meaningful & serious. it would be weird dreams; but as soon as she wakes up she forgets them. as for what she does when she can’t sleep; against certain rules, she sneaks out of the camp & just lays amongst the trees, staring up at the night sky.
Finally, if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
     it’d have to be peanut butter. nadia LOVES peanut butter. naturally, she’d get sick of it after a while, but if she could, that’s what she’d eat forever.
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