#roach is an english setter
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awkward-fink · 2 months ago
CoD Hybrid AU (1)
„I really think you should consider it, I mean, you inherited the whole thing! And with how you are at the moment, I mean, no disrespect, but really, I- “
“Jasmine, shut up. I already told you; I am not looking for a hybrid! We are here for you and not for me. YOU want a cat or dog hybrid, YOU chose this shelter, YOU dragged me out of my room and over here.” You look at your friend with exasperation, noticing her slightly lopsided smile as she looks at you, her eyes traveling over your body until she meets your eyes again. Thankfully she does not say what she is thinking or else you would have turned around right this instant.
“You needed to come out again, some fresh air, and some new sights will do you good.” She mutters loudly to you, her arm around yours to gently wander along the gravel path towards the entrance to the shelter. A hybrid shelter that had mostly ex-service hybrids on their internet website. But there were also younger ones, which had not served in any capacity and your friend had fell in love at first sight with one of them as she had browsed the website. And naturally she had not wanted to go alone, had taken you along to all the shops to get some initial products like a bed, some toys, a leash and some  fluffy blankets and universal snacks that could be eaten by dogs and cats.
And just a few days after the initial shopping trip, you and Jasmine were here, at the shelter, facing a very friendly faced worker, who was singing the praises of every single hybrid cage you trotted past on your way towards the enclosure for the younger hybrids. At least as hybrids felines and canines could be held together in bigger outdoor enclosures instead of the small cages and spots the normal animals had.
The shelter was big, you had to give them that, big rooms for the hybrids, an even bigger mess hall and community center. Most hybrids had a need for socialization. But the friendly woman, Rita you think her name is, leads you through quickly, complimenting that one Dalmatian male for his bravery while also talking about a young ragdoll hybrid beautiful eye. It’s like Rita is racing you both through the center, showing you, the most basic things and Jasmine is eating it all up with a big grin and a nod while dragging you on, holding your weight amazingly well.
And finally, you exited the grey walls and neon lights that would forever be burned into your mind and came to the outside enclosures, grass and sand and even some small water spots all around, trees and balls and scratching posts. And hybrids. And most of them ignored Jasmine and you, their eyes warily turned towards Rita as she pushed you and Jasmine inside.
“This is the so called ‘Mingling Area’, our hybrids can decide if they want to be outside and use this space as a meet up or play area. In this one we have the younger canine and feline hybrids. You can find any sort of hybrid here, some of them served, some of them got abandoned and some found their way to us through other means. But all of them are friendly, just don’t corner them.” Rita smiled, her teeth in full view.
The middle enclosure was more a meeting ground, its sides lined with the outside parts of the different hybrids’ rooms, seating spaces sprinkled around the space as well for visitors to watch the hybrids interact or get to know them. Jasmine nodded to Rita’s explanation, her face alight with pure pleasure and excitement, her eyes already wandering over the forms of the different hybrids around them, most of which were on the playing field or sunning in the warm spots and on blankets.
And those banks were your saving grace. Your knee burned fiercely with every step you took, weight pushing against your kneecap harshly, the ligaments protesting any further step you took. It was hurting you more and more.
“Jasmine, I need to sit down.” You mutter, tugging your friend’s shirt gently. Jasmine hummed lightly, patting your arm and slowly only with much effort wrenching her gaze away from a group of cat hybrids in a grooming circle. “Jasmine.” You repeat yourself, a soft undertone your friend couldn’t ignore twinging in your voice. “Yes, sorry. They are just so... Yeah, lets get you to one of those banks alright?” She hooked your arms and lead you towards a close by bank, in a shaded area, right against the fence of an enclosure on the canine side. Rita waddled right after you both, simmering with a soft voice about this and that, but you were not really listening.
“Most of the hybrids in this side of the mingling area are former service hybrids, some of them from the fire department, some from active service in the police force or the military. They are a bit peculiar in their habits but lovely all the same.” “Ah my friend is not interested in any hybrid; she is with me to help keep me company here.” Jasmine explained softly to Rita, the workers focus, formerly split between your two, now solely focused on your friend.
“Then let me show you some of the more precious and sweet hybrids around here, that will surely be fitting a lifestyle like yours.”
Jasmine looks back at you, but you wave her off with a smile, you were here for her, not because you yourself wanted a hybrid. Not now. One would certainly not fit into your momentary living situation. Quit your office job, inherited a small farmhouse with old fields on the outskirts of town which was a total disaster and in disarray. Right now, the plumbers are pulling apart the walls in your new home to install some modern plumbing. And the local trinket shop had sold you the biggest bed they had in the warehouse, it was set to be delivered in the next week or so.
All in all, no, you certainly had no time or space for a hybrid, even though company would be nice instead of being all alone in an area you didn’t visit since you were a young child running around in your grandfathers’ fields. And certainly not now, when your ligaments were still giving you more problems than they should, the injury you had taken on the job still painful and fresh. You had problems taking care of yourself, you were not able to take care of a hybrid as well.
As much as you may have wanted to.
Your eyes follow Jasmine as she follows Rita back to the grooming circle of cat hybrids. All around you its blessed silence, only birds chirping far off, a soft breeze ruffling your hair and the sweet smell of animals and freshly mown grass were in the air. You could relax again, let your leg rest.
At least until something shifted behind you and a throat was cleared, in the enclosure you thought empty, because the door to the mingling area was open. You inhale sharply but you can’t turn around as your leg cramps fiercely. “Fuck!”
Before you can turn fully to look at what was behind you, a hunched over form peeked from around the open cage door, floppy ears in cream and decorated with reddish brown spots hanging down, clear blue eyes focused on you. And his fur at his ears and down the arm you could see was singed, burned, the skin below red and angry and tight looking. Bandages wound from around his neck and throat down under the airy shirt he was wearing. He looked at you cautiously, holding himself back from view, but his eyes flickered towards the knee you were rubbing, the slight tilt of his brows expressing his caution and worry.
You both stare at each other, none of you moving for a few seconds before he slowly, so very slowly, creeps out of his fenced off area, one step, pause, and then the next step, body tense and posture rigid, as if he was ready to bolt at any second. Closer and ever closer he came, hobbling as if one foot was not working right.
“Hi there.” You finally find your voice, greeting the canine hybrid, an English setter you would guess, with the lowest voice you could muster. The way his ears twitch was adorable. He waves slowly, head tilted, nose above the medical mask moving as if he is sniffing the air, body leaning forwards, towards you. He uses one bandaged arm and hand to gesture to your outstretched leg. As if he wanted to ask what was wrong.
“Nothing big. Just a few injured ligaments.” You assure him, giving him a smile without showing your teeth. He wavers on his spot before coming closer, never once looking away from you. And then he sits, not on the bank, but on the ground, knees up and arms around his legs as he looks at you, his muscles relaxing as if nothing happened.
“Who... who are you?” you ask, the manner in which he was acting more endearing as you want to admit. But the hybrid shakes his head, and instead of answering he fishes out dog tags from beneath his shirt, showing them to you. You lean forward, fingertips digging into the bank beneath you as you try not to reach out, but he would surely scoot back then again. You squint, barely making out some script. But highlighted was the words ‘military’, ‘taskforce’ and ‘Roach’. “Roach? Your name is Roach?”
He perks up, his singe furred ears perking just a bit and behind his back, his flowy fluffy tail starts to gently wag from left to right.
And in this moment, when he comes closer, eyes shining and bright as he settles just a few steps away from you, you lose your heart.
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