birdricks · 10 months
new promo clip from instagram!
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Congrats on the follower milestone! :) here's a drabble prompt (feel free to ignore if it's too boring, lol) One night Morty has an epiphany: every time Rick's taught him something (how to operate a spaceship, survive in space, negotiate w/ aliens, etc), he's really been preparing Morty for his life after Rick dies. Morty starts fearing for the day when Rick'll give him a portal gun - because that would mean Rick thinks Morty is ready, and Morty feels he'll never be ready for a life without him.
Thanks for the drabble prompt! And no, it isn’t boring, youridea was great!  Hope you enjoy~
It’s not every day when Morty realizes something about Rick.But then again, Rick liked to keep his secrets close to him. Rick was an enigmawrapped in a mystery locked up in one unsolvable puzzle. His grandfather hadthe thickest, most impenetrable emotional walls he’d ever seen. So most of thetime, Morty stays away, knowing that even attempting to get close to hisrecluse of a grandfather was an exercise in futility.
But the boy couldn’t help himself sometimes. He was a mothdrawn to Rick’s flame, and the fleeting glimpses of the man under theunflappable façade was so very tantalizing to see. When Morty catches thoserare instances when his grandfather has his guard down, he sees a broken manthat no amount of alcohol, partying or sex would mend. Then the moment passes,and Rick morphs back to the cunning, surefooted, and brilliant scientist thatMorty was used to.
Sometimes Morty lies awake at night, wondering why Rick didthe things he did. The smartest man in the universe, yet he fell back on thevices that cripple and ruin the lives of so many people. You’d think that he’dknow better than them. That he’d be above drowning in pleasures that nevergratify him for longer than a few fleeting moments. It was like Rick was out toruin himself, knowing full well the consequences of his actions.
Morty gets a severe case of mood whiplash when Rick takes abreak from his excessive indulging to tell him the secrets of the multiverse. Ina kind, almost gentle manner, his grandfather imparts priceless knowledgeaccumulated over a lifetime of meeting extraterrestrial lifeforms, travellingcountless dimensions and planets, and building crazy inventions that otherhumans would classify as science fiction in a heartbeat. Rick gives theselessons almost nonchalantly, and never hesitates to call Morty a moron if the boy managed to fuck things up.
Then Rick looks off into the distance, face etched with deepresignation, and Morty wonders why Rick even bothers to teach him if it causedhim this much stress. He didn’t have to teach his idiot grandson anything; didn’towe his grandson these lessons; and never gave any reason as to why he chosehis grandson over someone more deserving. Wasn’t Morty only good as a cloakingdevice? Wasn’t he ‘as dumb as they come’? Then why the effort?
Only when Rick, as wasted as all hell, stumbledinto his room one night mumbling, “Did I teach you well? Tell me I won’t die withoutleaving some sort of legacy. Tell me I won’t die without leaving the portal gunin good hands,” did Morty finally put two and two together. Rick wasn’tteaching him about the multiverse for no reason. His grandfather was preparingMorty for a life without him, and the day Morty finally learns everything thathe could teach him is the day Rick would die happy. Morty had the answer to thequestion that bothered him for ages but was afraid to even ask himself: Did Rick ever care?
Yes. Yes he did.
Morty stares up at the ceiling after Rick staggers out of hisroom, his grandfather acting as if he hadn’t dropped a bombshell. Hisheart thumped loudly from the dread his grandfather had elicited in him. I will never be ready for that portal gun,Rick, he thought. I can’t imagineever traveling the multiverse without you.
I can’t imagine mylife without you.
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bi-leigh-bi · 4 years
Joseph Morgan was Carina and JP’s fave on the Originals. They were disgustingly thirsty for him all the time. When Daniel Gillies was more popular they basically just kept heaping shit into Elijah. Sound familiar? Vlamis is who Carina wants to fuck this time around but fandom likes Tyler since he’s you know a very pretty actually queer actor who is very talented. So Alex will get shit heaped on him.
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suzteel · 4 years
Interesting considerate people like you who are so willing to invest in characters and good plot are wasted on shows like rnm. It has been shitty to its fans from day one but lately it seems like it is just piling things on and I feel really bad for people like you who deserve a good show with equally interesting and considerate creators and actors and I genuinely hope you find ‘more shows like that soon
Oh my gosh, anon, I have to say I’m am both so very flattered by this ask and also so very amused. Because I think something that’s very important to know about me is that I watched (and was in the fandom for) all six seasons of GLEE. While it was airing. Unironically. And I learned nothing. 
But all joking aside Idk. I watch a lot of what I would consider to be good/great shows, but I seem to be attracted to genre shows with a flair for the OTT with potential for something good but don’t quite make it. The ones that get in their own way. I think there’s something about them that I find particularly intriguing, like I want to peel back the cover and examine them, taking them apart to look at all the pieces that make up the whole and see which ones worked and which ones really didn’t. It’s something I enjoy.
And tbh there’s nothing about RNM or it’s fandom that’s particularly unique. Most shows deal with a lot of the same issues to one degree or another, and it’s definitely not the worst out there. I mean, there’s definitely a lot better shows/fandoms out there too, and I’d would certainly highly encourage anyone who is having a bad time to go seek out something that brings them more joy than disappointment and pain. But despite the trials of this show and it’s fandom, it’s what my brain is fixated on, and I have made some truly wonderful friendships through it. Plus, it’s inspired me creatively in ways a show hasn’t since my first few fandoms. I’m currently in the process of writing a fic that’s over 10k words! As someone who has never really written fanfic before that’s wild! 
So while I truly appreciate the kind thoughts, anon, please know that I’m self-aware enough to know why I’m here and why I plan to stay, at least for the time being. Taking apart the show and seeing how it works and letting the good parts and the good people inspire me to create things. 
[I tried to find a gif of the pandas who keep playing in the trash bin, but alas. But please know that’s how I feel right now lol.]
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Warte, du kommst aus Deutschland? Wo hast du rnm geguckt?? Ich hab bisher nichts gefunden außer die gnadenlos überteuerte Version auf Amazon und ich bin definitiv zu feige zum illegal streamen 😅🙈 weißt du was anderes?
Hi, ja, ich bin aus Deutschland.
Ich habe mir die Episoden runtergeladen (brauche die Videos um GIFs zu machen), habe aber zur Unterstützung der Show auch beide Staffeln bei iTunes gekauft (bereue das für S2 sehr :P).
Du wirst wohl entweder in den sauren Apfel beißen und die Show kaufen müssen (oder vielleicht kann man bei Amazon auch leihen?), oder Du musst Dich in die gefährlichen ~illegalen Weiten des WWW begeben.
Streamen ist übrigens immer noch die “ungefährlichste” Aktion, da immer nur ein Teil einer Episode in den Buffer geladen wird, Du aber nix komplett runterlädst.
Falls Du Netflix hast, kannst Du mit Hilfe von VPN (das Dir eine US IP verpasst) auch beim amerikanischen Netflix gucken. Geht total problemlos wenn man Handy oder Tablet auf US IP umstellt und in der Netflix App guckt. Früher war Netflix da pissiger, aber inzwischen ist das eine Option die sie mehr oder minder stillschweigend akzeptieren (ist eine Grauzone, nicht lupenrein legal, wird aber geduldet und gibt keinen Ärger mit deutschen Behörden).
Ansonsten kann ich Dir leider keinen Ratschlag geben, der kostenlos und legal ist. Ganz wichtig eigentlich nur: lass die Finger von Torrents. Wenn man sich damit nicht so auskennt, kann das ganz schnell sehr unangenehm werden wenn sie einen erwischen. 
Hoffe, Du findest einen Weg zu gucken mit dem Du Dich wohlfühlst, der Dich aber nicht in die Armut treibt. xD
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echo-bleu · 5 years
Power Through
Title: Power Through
Fandom: Roswell New Mexico
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 2061
Relationship: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho, Background Isobel Evans/Noah Bracken, Past Isobel Evans/Rosa Ortecho, Friendships all around that I'm not gonna tag            
Characters: Alex Manes, Michael Guerin, Liz Ortecho, Max Evans, Isobel Evans, Maria DeLuca, Jenna Cameron, Noah Bracken, Kyle Valenti            
Summary: Alex Manes escapes the mutant detention center, and is rescued by three mysterious mutant siblings and taken into the Mutant Underground, a clandestine network that fights back against the government. Only Isobel gets captured in the process, and as they run against the clock to get her back, some of Alex's darkest secrets may be brought to light.
Tags: mutant AU, Alternate Universe, They're all mutants, Except for Kyle, Malex-centric, But everyone will be there, Mutant Powers, Canon Disabled Character, everyone has powers, Everyone Has Issues, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Whump, The Gifted fusion, Alternate Universe - Fusion            
A/N: I haven't written a lot of AUs before, and this is my first for RNM, but I could never resist a mutant AU. This is technically a Gifted fusion, but you don't need to have watched that show to read this. I borrowed some of the plot and the settings, but all the characters and major elements are from RNM. I hope you like it!
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Alex runs. Or rather, he doesn't run so much as limp under the pouring rain, wincing at every step, because being locked in a four-by-four cell for the last three months hasn't been good for his physical shape. His abused leg muscles are screaming for him to stop, but he can hear the police sirens in the distance, and he knows he can't afford to rest.
They're getting closer. Alex doesn't know how they picked up his trail, but he's not going to make it much further. He curses under his breath and rests a hand on the wall beside him, looking for a place to hide.
Picking out what he needs out of the sudden onslaught of sensory input takes him a second. The alley he's in is dark, the streetlamps from the busy street at the end not enough to pierce the night, and it's apparently a dead end. Alex grimaces in disgust at the overflowing garbage bins he can smell despite the rain, but he pushes on.
Behind the wall is...some kind of office. The door to his left is a fire escape, from what looks like...a school, maybe? Alex can see lockers and tables, but he's too tired to get more.
The ground floor of the building is empty, and that's enough. Now he just needs to get inside.
He limps over to the door. Brute force isn't going to get it open, not in his current state. But the lock is electronic, which means it doesn't need an actual key. Alex smiles tiredly. Maybe he's finally getting some luck.
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foxydodo · 7 years
Tumblr media
Hohohollo @rnm-bin I’m your secret santa! Merry Christmas hope you like your gift! Prompt: Rick & his wife's first Christmas as a family, after Beth is born? :)) <3 Any format is fine! (no gore please) @rnmsecretsanta  They’re trying to get baby Beth to look at the camera :D
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booplebuns · 7 years
Get to know me meme
Thanks for tagging me @rnm-bin 🌸
Rules: tag followers you want to get to know better!
Name: Rochelle Ayana <- both are first names (booplebuns)
Nicknames: Aya, Yana, Ana, Shelly, booples, buns, bean (courtesy of @haylee-scribbles )
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’2
Hogw. House: Slytherin (SlytherClaw)
Avg. Hours of sleep: 5-8
Dogs or cats: I love both~ but dogs are main babs🌸
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2, 1 thin and 1 thick Rick and Morty blanket
Dream trip: To travel around the world and visit every popular places in that country.
Dream job: I’m really unsure now tbh... but if I were honest of what I really wanted, my dream would be a Veterinarian, Art director or storyboard artist
Followers: 2,088 (なに dafaq? where’d you guys come from???)
Why I made a tumblr: To show my art to the world and to show what I could do and offer... annnd a place to dump it as well I guess. (I’m RnM trash atm though)
Reasons for url: well... this blog started off as “ayatama” at first but then it didn’t click so when I got into the Professor Layton fandom I changed it to “monocle-cat”. That also didn’t work so one day when I moved to the U.S. I started to think of names that was cute, catchy, something I like combined (cute stuff and butts) and unique. This blog was supposed to be renamed as “bunbuns” but it was taken soooo I was like “ohhh how bout booplebuns?” So ye there you have it.
Hey @ssimplerick @dimension-k-166 @grapedsoda @electroerica @titlecredits (oh and since I tagged you already bean) you’re it!!! (you don’t have to soooo, you’re free to ignore this if ya want)
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qj18-blog1 · 7 years
20 questions
Rules: Answer questions and tag followers you’d like to get to know better I was tagged by @rnm-bin
Name: qj18 Nickname: Way back in the before times, I used to go by “MoonPhoenix”. It was a phase. The phase has passed. Zodiac sign: Leo Hogwarts House: Motherfuckin’ Ravenclaw bitch. Sexual Orientation: Pansexual af Ethnicity: Biracial Favorite Fruit: Mangoes Favorite Season: Fall. It’s cooler, but there isn’t as much rain. Favorite Book Series: Deborah Harkness’s The Book of Life series. Favorite Fictional Character: Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Favorite Flower: Sunflowers Favorite Scent: Strawberry Fanta Lipsmacker Favorite Color: Pink and black Favorite Animals: Monkeys Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee. With lots of milk and sweetener. Average sleep hours: About 7 or 9, I guess? Number of Blankets: 2 Dream Trip: Japan. Or a worldwide tour of all the best animation studios. Last Thing I googled: The definition of ethnicity. xD How Many blogs I Follow: 176 Number of Followers: 7. Not surprising considering this is just a reblog blog.
Thanks to @rnm-bin for tagging totally wasn’t expecting that, and I guess I’ll tag @cheezbot since they’re the only one of my followers that isn’t a porn blog/bot.
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Holy shit! I love your RickMorty soulmate AU work! I hope this isn't coming off pushy as I appreciate what you've already given us, but is there more coming? I'm obsessed
Fear not, dear anon! I love writing soulmate AUs too much to stop. Expect more of that grade A+ angst veryyyyy soon 😉 Stay tuned! Be careful what you wish for, though... *laughs evilly while canoeing in a pool of readers' tears*
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I was tagged in something on my other blog saying to tag my Tumblr crushes but I'm too shy to tag on there because of antis but you're one of my Tumblr crushes! So it's up to you if you'd like to tag yours as well
Oh my god, anon! I can’t! I literally can’t >_
Tumblr crushes…? I don’t really have any, anon! But I’ve made a few friends on this site that I wanna shout out to: @the-dimension-where-rickmorty, @futagogo and @rnm-bin, hello! I think you guys are hella cool and it’s so much fun talking to you
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