nourlemaz · 8 years
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(The view from my office) My One Month Experience in Advertising I wouldn't call it an "experience" but more of a professional training lol. I got a job working in advertising around January and was to start in February after the Chinese New Year break. The company specialises in social media content and have a few notable talents signed under them; Vivy Yusof, Maria Elena, and Rnadia, just to name a few. Of course, I was thrilled when I got the job! I have been following them on social media and have been reading their blogs since I can remember. They were top bloggers who made blogging fun and cool and made everyone start blogging too. The first week was a lot of getting used to. Getting used to the train schedules, the packed and crowded train stations, and the late night walks from work (hahaha if you follow me on snapchat, you would know. I do a lot of back to work updates there 😛.) The second week was the hard bit, I had to write a lot of reports. And I mean A LOT of reports. Technically, I was still in training but it was a lot of reading, writing, analysing, calculating etc etc. It was fun at first because I got to use all these cool software but my back started to ache, my eyes started to burn from staring at the computer all day, and I was just not getting it. I kept on making the same mistakes in my reports, and was just frustrated and bored. I started counting how many more Mondays to the remaining year hahaha. I guess it showed in my attitude and my progress that I didn't like what I was doing that I was called to HR as part of my probation. My boss just directly pointed out that I was slow and showing little to no progress hahaha. And I agreed! I didn't even argue. I just admitted saying that I am slow but only because everything is new to me and that all the information given was just overwhelming. My boss gave me an ultimatum, either I step up my game until the 3 months of proabtion, or just quit. Either way, they were not planning on keeping me long term. I honestly heard the birds sing, the sky clear, and a huge burden lifted. I mean, "I don't have to do this for the rest of my life?? I can quit any time??" 😂 I got home, thought about it long and hard, and went on Jobstreet to search for other jobs. I was still getting interview invitations so I emailed to ask for a reschedule (hahaha desperate nak mampos.) The next day, I went to HR and told them that they were right, this was not working out. It was then agreed that I was to hand in my resignation letter the next week. Anddd, the next week I was called to an interview with Science of Life Studies (SOLS) 24/7 and immediately got the job! (Which I will blog about soon!) So as of tomorrow, I will no longer be working in Nuffnang Sdn. Bhd. but will start a new job at SOLS 24/7, insha Allah. Hopefully, this is what I have been longing for and stick to it for the long run. Advertising is tough, guys. It's fast, if a social media platform is one step ahead, you need to be two! (Instagram story, instagram live, insta video, facebook live, facebook story, and now whatsapp status?? I can't keep up) You need to be quick, witty, and smart. No mistakes, no complaints. Time is money. No wonder they make so much, they don't waste any!
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srwns-blog · 9 years
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