#rn im just waiting in the parking lot for the extra shift that i picked up to start
shittygothbitch · 7 days
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Now or Never
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Pairing: Vernon x Reader
Genre: Smut, angst, a lil fluff 
Warnings: Jealousy, arguing, cursing, sex and bad writing
Word count: 7746
A/n: hi i’ve had no sleep in over 24 hours so if theres any details in there or anything that i messed up plz tell me and i’ll fix it asap forgive me its bad (also if youre wondering why the title has no relevance that would be because i’m shit at titling things and im listening ti Now or Never by sf9 rn)
There were a lot of things that you didn't know about your boyfriend. In all the cliches, someone could read their lover just by looking in their eyes, scanning their face. They knew their thoughts, their feelings- everything- just by glancing at their face. But, it was never like that with Vernon. It wasn't that you were bad at reading people- far from it. You were great at reading people, truly, it was just that he didn't show emotion. More often than not, his face was completely blank- confused looking, even. It wasn't that he was an emotionless monster,  just that he was used to not showing how he felt. It was as if he had two feelings- excited and confused. He smiled, laughed exaggeratedly when he thought something was funny- sometimes even made a funny face when he thought something was strange, but aside from that, there was nothing. Though, as you danced with Jeonghan at a company party, hips swaying playfully and your hands in his, you could feel a gaze- one you easily recognized to be that of your boyfriend- burning a hole in the back of your head.
You glanced around, slightly concerned for him, but when your eyes met through the crowd, his face was emotionless, as usual. There were no visual cues to tell you something was off, so you gave him a small smile before turning back around. You didn't see it, but he didn't smile back.
He had left you alone an hour or so earlier to participate in a music conversation that you knew nothing about with Jihoon and Seungcheol, and you were an independent woman- you could find something to entertain yourself with without his help. And you did. You and Jeonghan had been talking, laughing, and dancing for almost the entire time- you'd run into him shortly after escaping the corner, and you already knew each other well, as he was probably the one of Hansol's bandmates that you were closest to, so it was easy and not awkward to move to the dance floor together.
You were goofing off, holding each others hands and spinning around, pulling each other closer and pushing each other away, just messing around and laughing.
Truthfully, after awhile, you kind of forgot about Hansol, you were having too much fun with Jeonghan and you figured that he would've found something else to do. You weren't paying attention to your surroundings, instead just enjoying your time with Jeonghan, since you didn't really get much time between work and schooling and their idol lives to spend with anyone other than Hansol, when he came home late at night after practice.  
Eventually, of course, it was almost midnight and your feet were aching in your heels, so you decided it was time to leave. You looked around for Hansol, but pouted when you didn't see him. You shouldn't, since it was supposed to be professional, a company celebration for a company you didn't even work at- but you couldn't help it as you bent down to pull your heels off in an attempt to restore blood flow to your feet, wincing as you did so.
Jeonghan rolled his eyes, crouching down in front of you.
"Hop on." He rolled his eyes. "I'll find your boyfriend and carry you to your car. You can't walk barefoot."
With a sigh, you mumbled a thanks and wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, letting him hold you up under the thighs as you rest your head on your own arm in the crook of his neck. His body was lean, strong, even if he didn't look to have much muscle, he certainly had enough to carry you around, and you could feel it beneath you.
You stayed quiet, eyes closed sleepily as he carried you around the room in search of your boyfriend. Your dress, long and loose, was tight around your thighs at the way he was holding you, but you paid it no mind, so long as it didn't come up. It was a few minutes of wandering- you were sure he had to have circled the whole room by then- before you felt him perk up, and his speed increase determinedly. "Hansol!" He called, and you felt that same blank stare gaze into you, but from further away. 
Soon enough, Jeonghan came to a stop, but by that time you were already asleep.
"Are you ready to go home? (Y/n) is tired, i think her heels were hurting her feet-"
"They were."  Hansol interrupted, though his voice sounded calm, normal.
He wasn’t looking at that point, but he could practically hear Jeonghan furrow his eyebrows in confusion, cocking his head to the side. "Why didn't you tell her to change them, then? Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'm gonna head out too, so if you want to stay longer i can drop her off at your house." He offers, shifting to hold you up better.
Hansol's eyes flickered down to Jeonghan's hands beneath your thighs, and he felt a pang in his chest. He wanted to grab you, pull you to his chest and assert his dominance over Jeonghan- but that was disrespectful to his hyung, and you weren't some object he could claim. He didn't want to be some jealous asshole- he had never felt jealous like this before and truthfully he had no idea how to handle it- but at the same time the last thing he wanted was to let Jeonghan take you home- to sit back and watch you fall for him instead- and so he stepped forward, opening his arms in an offer to take you.
"No, i've been waiting on her to leave anyways."
Jeonghan hums, carefully deflecting Hansol's attempt to take you. "Don't worry," He smiles kindly, holding you up with only one hand as he reaches up to ruffle the younger's hair with his other before dropping it back down to hold you up. "I've already got her and i'm going that way anyways, it's just extra hassle to switch now. Besides, i think she fell asleep."
Hansol didn't argue further. But as your fingers finally finished loosening around the straps of your heels and they fell to the floor, he knew Jeonghan was right and bent down to grab them. "We should go then." He mumbled, scowling at the floor for a moment before he got back up and followed Jeonghan out of the building.
The walk to the car was silent, Hansol eventually slipping in front of Jeonghan to lead him through the parking lot, straight to your car. If you were awake, you would've been proud of him for finding it so quickly. He himself was quite impressed, but he was slightly more concerned with Jeonghan's hands practically on your ass than how quickly he found the car, so rather than pausing to congratulate himself, he quickly unlocked the car and opened the passenger door, helping his elder gently set you down in the seat. As soon as Jeonghan was out of the way, he bent over and placed your heels on the floor by your feet, fixing your dress carefully.
You had already begun shifting, Hansol recognized it as you waking up, and so he stalled closing the door a bit, stepping back to give Jeonghan a quick hug in farewell.
"You're a lucky man." Jeonghan hummed into his ear, gently patting Hansol's back. "She dances well."
He meant it playfully, intended no harm, but Hansol couldn't bring himself to take it like that. All he heard was Jeonghan flirting with his girlfriend, and the pictures in his mind- pictures of you playing around with him- looked like you flirting right back. He bit his lip.
Hansol was a pacifist. He didn't lose his temper, never argued, and certainly never laid a hand on anyone- but god if he didn't want to shove Jeonghan. Usually, he wouldn't take anything from it, he wouldn't mind you playing around with Jeonghan or anyone, but his own silent insecurities had been picking at him recently, and you looked so pretty beside Jeonghan. He remembered clearly at the beginning of your relationship when you had only just been seen out with the boys but it wasn't revealed that you were dating anyone- and of course it was Jeonghan everyone thought you were with. Jeonghan was beautiful, almost as beautiful as you- and Hansol just wasn't in your league. Everyone knew it. Hansol didn't get insecure very often, he trusted in himself and liked himself enough to ignore any possible insecurities- but you were the one he would never be able to push to the side.
"Yeah..." Hansol replied politely. "I am."
Jeonghan pulled back first, ruffling Hansol's hair once more before he waved goodbye and headed off to find his own car. When Hansol turned to close your door, you were awake- straightened in your seat and sleepily rubbing your eyes.
"Did I fall asleep?" You wondered out loud.
Yeah, Hansol thought silently. On Jeonghan.
He closed your door without a reply.
You jumped in surprise, turning to eye the door and watching as he walks around the car, eyeing him confusedly. There was really nothing in particular that he was doing to show that he was frustrated, you could tell something was off. Though you would've expected him to say something before he closed the door, there were times he had done the same before, and he wasn't frustrated at all. You just decided to accuse the way he seemed to speed walk around the car, the way his fists looked to be a bit more clenched than usual- even if that wasn't really something you could judge just from a glance.
It was almost as if you could hear his footsteps- stomps on the pavement, feel them shake the car. You couldn't, of course, he wasn't Godzilla- but something in you feels like he wishes he was- the vibe he's giving off seems about as destructive.
The car did, truly, shake when he pulled the door opened, dropped down into his seat (looking calmer than he seemed) and closed it back.
"Buckle your seatbelt." He mumbled, buckling his own as he spoke. He could feel your eyes on him- he knew you could tell something was off.  After he had clicked his seatbelt into place, and you were still, slowly, moving your hands towards the lock though your eyes followed him, he glanced up and met your gaze, raising an eyebrow and reaching over to click it in for you.
He seemed... Normal. Too normal. He was acting completely as he always did, when he seemed so off earlier- but you didn’t know what it was.  Maybe you were crazy? Or maybe it was being so tired, your feet burning where you'd overworked them, that distracted you from seeing that he was completely fine.
You looked away.
Clearly, he was fine- he gave you no true reason to second-guess that, so was it really right of you to question him? You paused, staring out the windshield as he backed out of the parking lot, and your thoughts gathered in your mind. Was it within your rights to wonder if he was okay, when you felt like he wasn't? As his girlfriend of two years, friend of one and a half- the person he practically lived with, the person he loved and the person who loved him? Yes.
He was entirely focused on the road when you turned back around, though there were no cars and the liveliest thing on the street was a flickering streetlamp a few feet away. He was tense- fingers practically drained of all color from how tight they gripped the steering wheel, and his chest was puffed- back straighter than usual. The radio was off for once, you assumed he had turned it of as he started the car up but you weren't paying attention- you were too lost in your thoughts.
"What's wrong?" You asked, voice soft enough to not frighten him as it tore through the silence, but loud enough for him to hear, to recognize, and to reply to.
Unfortunately for you, he didn't seem to be much in the mood to reply, as he remained silent instead and simply shifted a bit in his chair, eyes wandering the signs and road around him almost calmly. He bore a strange resemblance to a statue- it seemed like the only parts of him moving were his eyes and his hands on the wheel- but his eyes didn't seem to want to land on you.
"Sol." You said, voice a bit more demanding than you intended, though he could tell you were only worried. "What's wrong, Hansol? i don't understand."
He bit his lip- on the side that you couldn't see- though mentally he was biting his tongue. You did nothing wrong, he has no reason nor right to start an argument with you. He knows that, only he can't bring himself to try and assure you he's fine for fear that he'll snap as soon as he opens his mouth. God- he's usually so much calmer- so much better at controlling his emotions. He rarely even got angry in the first place, but when he did it wasn't something he couldn't handle. The thought crossed his mind over and over, surrounded by 'why's and a mental road map back to your apartment, where he usually stayed.
Maybe he should drop you off and head back to the dorm for the night- get good rest and cool off. Let his insecurities simmer down before they cause problems. More problems.
"Why are you ignoring me?" You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows in frustration. "Did i do something wrong?" You were getting angry. It wasn't like him to ignore you. It wasn't like him to get angry in the first place- but when he did it wasn't something he would avoid- he would try and talk it out with you before it turned into an actual argument- and it worked. You had only gotten in one argument your whole relationship and even still it wasn't bad enough to damage your relatiohship. "Stop it Hansol, you're not making fucking anything better by not saying anything!"
Still, he didn't reply. His blood was boiling- he really didn't want to hear anything, he didn't want to talk or explain or even acknowledge his anger until he got home, drank some water, and let you calm down. Both of you were tired- he knew well that you had a tendency to lose your temper much quicker when you were tired, and he did, too. You didn't know that about him, though, and you didn't need to. He despised arguing with everything he had in him- but when you hissed an insult at him in your frustration- figuring he was too busy ignoring you to hear it anyways, he didn't give you a moment to regret it before he barked, "Would you fucking shut up already?"
You jumped in your seat, eyes widening in surprise. It wasn't like him to shout- or lose his temper in general, especially not so fast- but he didn't give you any more time to think on it before slamming the brakes on in your apartment's parking lot, grabbing the keys, and storming away. There was no way you were going to let him have the last word- not when that was his choice of what to say. You probably broke a fingernail- and definitely forgot your shoes in your haste to unbuckle yourself and get out of the car. The door slammed behind you and the rough, cold concrete stung your already aching feet as you chased after him, long dress held up in your hands to keep you from tripping over it.
"Hansol!" You shouted. "Don't you fucking dare-" A door slammed. Your apartment door. He was already back to ignoring you.  The neighbors were the last thing on your mind when you finally got up the stairs to your apartment, opening your door just to slam it back behind you. You immediately found him standing in your kitchen, back to the door as he chugged down a bottle of water, back clearly tense. "How dare you run off and leave me in the car! I was talking to you-"
"No, you were shouting at me." He cut you off, voice biting with poison laced through each syllable spit from the tip of his tongue. This time, you were prepared- didn't let the sting get to you.
"And how else was i going to get you to listen, your highness? I was trying to help you and you wouldn't even fucking listen to me! I can't solve your problems if you won't tell me what the hell they are!"
Your words sent a chill up Hansol's spine, because he knew you were right. He was rarely one to speak out of anger, but you could feel it coming as he tensed, slamming his cup down on the countertop and whirling around to glare at you.
"You!" He snapped, raising his hand to point his finger at you, stepping closer and closer with every word. "You are my problem!" His eyes were slits, breaths heavy and sooner than you would've liked- he had your back against the wall. He still kept his distance, but it was his glare that had you pinned. You were glaring right back- you didn't feel afraid of him- you were no less capable than him in any way- because any way you might've been was a way he'd never dare to use. You trusted him, even if you were furious at him.
"Then why didn't you tell me that in the first place!" You asked. You were still shouting, it was easy to hear the boiling anger in your voice, but he also heard a little bit of hurt. He was still angry, tired- maybe even still jealous- but he couldn't stand the idea of hurting you. The argument didn't mean that much to him- not this time. His face softened just a bit, and though you could still see the fire in his eyes, you didn't attempt to escape when he moved even closer, the same hand which he had raised in a threatening point falling open to cup your hot cheek.
You were chest to chest now, eyes closing as you started to melt into his touch.
"You can't just walk over here and hold me and expect me to not be angry anymore." You mumbled, feeling his forehead press to yours, free hand falling to your hip.
"I know." He replied, voice lower than usual, softer than yours.  "Don't think i'm not mad anymore, either."
With that, his head ducked a bit lower and his lips pressed to yours, chapped against soft. Your lipstick had long since faded, but your chapstick still tasted like cherries and he sighed against your mouth. The second your lips moved against his, both of you knew where it was going, and neither of you minded. His head turned to the side, deepening the kiss as his tongue slipped past your lips and swirled with yours. You could feel his anger in passion, lips gentle but tongue rough and grip tight on your waist, and it wasn't long before he had stepped back, both hands settling on your hips to pull you off the wall with him. He stayed there for a moment, holding you up and continuing to kiss you slowly, deeply, as one of his hands migrated to his own waist to interlock his fingers with yours. Finally, his lips disconnected from yours. He didn't pull away just yet, once more pressing his swollen lips to yours to break the string of your mixed saliva still connecting you.
The thumb of his free hand came up as he pulled back, forehead still pressed to yours, and he swiped your bottom lip gently to clean it off. Your eyes connected in a mutual agreement.
He pulled away fully, the only thing still connecting you being your interlocked hands, and your eyes followed his wet thumb as he dropped it to wipe it on his pants, body turning to lead you back towards the bedroom.
The air held an impossible mix of anger, relaxation, and tension- but there was a silent promise that everything would unravel- the both of you would be fine. You would exert all your energy- all your anger in a way that was less mutually harmful and at least for tonight, you could be okay.
Your apartment wasn't big, and therefore it was hardly long until you were in your bedroom, your boyfriend practically shoving you down on your bed. Your mattress bounced under your weight, and again when he climbed on top of you, knees on either side of your hips. He wasted no time in connecting your lips, fingers tracing up and down your sides unconsciously as he kissed you, his thoughts and feelings relaying in his embrace.
Your hands wound around his back, gently pulling his shirt up to the base of his neck. He didn't hesitate to sit up, arms folding above his head to tug his shirt off and toss it on the floor behind him. Only then did he sit back at take a moment to truly look at you. Your hair was splayed out behind you, dress tighter to your body than it had been all night- eyes wide and blown with a mixture of too many different emotions for him to calculate when he was still confused over his own. You were beautiful- too beautiful for him by a long shot.
You gazed up at him with the same love, watching as his long hair fell in his eyes and he flicked his head to try and move it so that he could see you better. You smiled a bit, grabbing his wrists and carefully pulling him down on top of you again, to which he, in turn, smiled.
You shared a silent agreement as you met each other's eyes. Past this point, no more anger. Not tonight. It was mutual- you could read it from his eyes and he, yours, and no more words had to be spoken before his lips were locked with yours again. Your fingers tangled in his hair and he hummed, voice like a song through the silence and you missed it as soon as the echo faded.
There was no need to move quickly, normally you would have gotten a bit impatient, but after a fight so severe compared to the rest of your- still rare- playful bickering- the both of you felt the need to go a bit slower, at least for now, and spend more time being close and loving than as mindless and fast paced as you might've usually been in a situation like this.
You could taste your own cherry chapstick on your lips, as by now any remnants of it were long past stolen by him, and you could feel his hands slipping behind your back, raising you slightly off the bed as he fondled the zipper of your dress, almost like asking for permission. In reply, you arched your back off the bed to let him slowly drag the zipper down, lips still massaging your own. His hair was tickling your face now, instead of his own, but you didn't mind, simply twirling the long, soft strands around your fingers rather than trying to push it out of your face, because you knew it would just fall back anyways.
His elbows settled on the bed, wrists bending awkwardly as he tugs the straps down, letting the fabric brush the skin of your arms before he finally pulls back a bit, thighs holding himself up rather than his elbows as he wiggled the dress off of you- somehow never disconnecting your lips in the process. The air hit your skin like a wave of cold water, rolling up the sand as the tide comes in, and you gasped against his mouth. It wasn't hard to recognize the slight tug of his lips as a smirk, and you felt his warm hands trail down your bare, cold skin.
By now, your dress was tugged down to your waist, a bare black bra the only thing to cover any part of your torso, and his lips broke away from yours, soft and wet as they trailed down your jaw, then down your neck. He left a warm trail of gentle,  but somewhat sloppy kisses down the side of your neck before stopping to nip at your collarbone for a few moments. His breath was warm, you could feel it roll over your skin every time he exhaled, and it made you shudder, your hands travelling down from his hair to gently rub over his back and shoulders, fingertips digging into his skin, massaging his tense muscles wherever you can. You can feel him hum against your skin in appreciation, his lips slowly dragging down further, hands sliding back up to unclip your bra. Once more, you arched your back to give him better access, which in turn shoved your boobs into his face- to which he raised his eyebrows  and let his lips pull back into an amused, smirk-like grin.
He smoothly unclasped your bra and dropped his head back down, nipping at the insides of your breasts and smiling to himself as your whole body goes rigid, then un-tenses at the movements of his mouth on your sensitive skin. His big hands remain splayed across your back- holding it up and holding you closer to him as his mouth continues to travel- to explore the softest part of your body.
His hands start to move- just to rub back and forth across your back as the tip of his tongue drags a wet line up to your nipple, and then pulls his tongue back to press a barely-there kiss to the very tip of your bud. You sucked in a breath, a high-pitched whine fighting to escape from the back of your throat as he teases you. Amused, he chuckles to himself. His eyes follow your expressions as you bite your lip, closing your eyes in a futile attempt to hide the lust-blown pupils that he had already seen. Maybe at some time, he would've been compelled to tease you. To pin you down, tie you up, make you beg for what you wanted- but right there, in that moment, he was only there to please you, and he didn't want you to beg. He didn't want you to do anything but lay there and let him worship you, for that was his apology and the least that you deserved after the things he had said, even just the things he had thought.
Luckily for him, taking his time and making you feel good just so happened to be something he very much enjoyed.
His lips wrapped around your pert nipple, gently sucking and swirling his tongue around the bud. He watched your face contort in pleasure, your hands habitually entangling in his hair once more. It was different with him than it was with everyone else.  You knew it sounded cheesy even in your head, but your love for him was so intense that the smallest touch felt like heaven- especially when the heat of the night already had you anticipating his touch. Your reactions, he noted, were amusingly similar to your first time. As the trails of saliva he left quickly chilled and dried against your skin, you squirmed almost in discomfort at the sensation. His lips unlocked from around your nipple, and he smirked to himself as he repeated the first motions, dragging his tongue back down through the valley of your breasts and up before circling your nipple. Once again, he pulled back, watching in amusement as the wetness chilled on your skin and you, once again, squirmed and winced. He pressed another short, soft kiss before he locked his lips around you and sucked, almost harshly. You felt one of his hands immediately pull back from around you, the other centering to hold you up as the first kneads your breast generously.
A wave of heat rolls through your core, and this time you do whimper a bit, loosening your grip on his hair to gently, playfully smack the back of his head for surprising you. He chuckled against you, which made you hit him again, which ended with his teeth nipping at your skin in retaliation. You hissed at him, and he kindly released your bud from his harsh mouth. "Done with that?"
"Done with that." You confirmed. He chuckled to himself, slipping his arms from around (and on you, though a bit busy squeezing and playing with your breasts) to push himself up and lean over, pecking your lips softly in apology.
"Do you want me to eat you out?"
You smacked him again, this time just on the shoulder, and he laughed softly, eyes lighting up into crescents and his grin tugged up more to one side- almost smug. He could tell you were embarrassed just by your short reaction, but he didn't really care. He found it cute.
"Can i just fuck you then?"
For the third time, a smack.
With a laugh, he dropped his face into the crook of your neck, letting his nose brush your skin. "I'm taking that as a yes, since we've already fucked whatever mood we might've had anyways."
You didn't argue. Not even a playful smack was received by him- but you wanted to as you were decently certain that your cheeks were hot enough to replace a radiator in the winter as he quickly began to pepper hot, wet kisses back down your body at a pace almost too quick for you to keep up. His fingers curled into the waist of your dress where it was folded over, and he immediately started to wriggle it down, careless to the fact that your hips were still resting on the bed. Even with that, though, he managed to drag it down your legs rather quickly, to which you shivered softly as the air from your fan hit where the fabric had been protecting just seconds earlier. You were feeling increasingly submissive under his gaze, but you still couldn't help but raise your leg as soon as he gave you an opportunity and brushed the clear bulge in his neat work pants with your knee, to which he flinched back and stuttered in the movements of his hands. You smirked, though that hardly lasted long as he quickly retaliated with a quick press on your clit. Your eyes clenched shut, body twitching in surprise as your nerves were shocked with the warmth of his thumb. When you relaxed, you did so with a subtle roll of your eyes that certainly didn't go unnoticed to your lover, though he didn't do or say anything in reply, instead shifting to stand off of the bed and begin to un-button his pants, though that hardly lasted long before you were sitting on the edge of the bed, shooing his hands away with your own and swiftly unbuttoning (and unzipping them) before he had time to even raise his eyebrows in surprise.
It wasn't even a full minute before you had his black, unwrinkled pants at his feet, ready for him to step out of as you somewhat-eagerly eyed his odd yellow and black plaid underwear- less excited for the look of them and more for what lay underneath. Well, stood underneath.
As if on cue, in silent accordance to your thoughts, he stepped out of his pants, kicking them out of the way as he shifted to stand above you and play gently with the ends of your hair. You could tell he was waiting on you, silently observing how you reacted when handed the lead to see if you really wanted him, or were just going along with it. He always did that- but while usually you would pull him down into a deep kiss, this time you wanted to go further. To surprise him and silently, but sincerely, apologize for the harsh things you said, so instead of the usual, you reached up, grabbing his hips where his boxers hung lowly and glanced up at him for permission, just at case. Though not without his signature judgmental eyebrow raise, he nodded.
Immediately your fingers gripped the sides of his boxers, slowly pulling them down his erection and somehow holding eye contact with him at the same time.  His member quite literally sprung free from its confines- somewhat more comically than you had expected, the thing stiff and wet with precum as it bounced a bit to steady itself. You almost laughed, but his eyes were wide as though he hadn't truly been expecting you to do what you had implied. You had sucked him off before, of course, after two years of dating you had given him head plenty of times. You quite enjoyed it, too, but it was less of a foreplay deal and more of a way to quickly get him off when he was hard late at night after (and rarely but occasionally during) work, or early in the morning before he had to go in. Sometimes on a lazy day or a movie night you would, if he needed it, but never had your mouth been on his dick prior to sex.
Your hand wrapped around it, experimentally jerking a time or two before you decided he just didn't seem to be lubricated enough. Your eyes darted from his deep amber pools down to his flushed member to quickly guide the tip into your mouth, wasting no time in circling your tongue around his head. He moaned softly in appreciation, stroking your hair calmly, reassuringly. It was admittedly a bit hard for him to keep control of himself- he had been fully hard and throbbing with need for longer than he wanted to, and the feeling of your hot, wet lips encasing him and the subtle amusement in your eyes as you glanced back up at him had him a bit overwhelmed. His hips were practically begging to snap into your mouth, to make you take him as deeply and fully as he could but he restrained the need by tugging on your hair softly, helping you bob your head on him- though he was quite surprised when you went back down, once more grabbing your hips to steady him as you took him a little further, bobbed back up, dropped back down and extended it a little further until you were at your limit.
"Mm, fuck you're hot." He praised, eyes closed as he attempted to fully take in and understand the feeling of your mouth around him. He did it every time, closed his eyes and engrained the feeling into his mind, but somehow he never remembered exactly how good you felt until your lips were around him, sucking the life out of him once more.
Your mouth felt terribly full- but for some reason you enjoyed it- way more than you should have.  Sadly it didn't last long, because soon he was breathing heavily (much worse than before), and tugging on your hair to signal you to pull off. "That's e-enough." He hissed, blushing red at his stutter, though surely the fact that he was close to cumming just from you bobbing your head and sucking a little bit to lubricate him up had his face a bit red in embarrassment (and pleasure) as well.
Without only a short moment of hesitation, you obeyed, letting his cock free of your mouth in a loud pop, and he snapped. His fingers were immediately hooked in your panties, not dragging but tearing them off your legs in a haste to be inside of you as his dark eyes once more stared lustfully into yours.
You squirmed, using your elbows to push yourself further up the bed and ready yourself for him, leaning over to grab a condom from the drawer he so kindly kept stocked for situations such as this, where neither of you would have the patience to run and find one. Truthfully, you figured he had hidden them all over your apartment as he always seemed suspiciously prepared, but as the foil crinkled beneath your fingertips, you couldn't find it in you to care where the others were- you just wanted this one on him and in you. You carefully pried it open (attempting not to rip the condom with the packet as that had been something you had seen Hansol do by accident a few too many times to be normal) and as soon as you could, you tossed it over to him where he was waiting, hand open and prepared to catch, at the end of the bed where you just were. The both of you smiled, maybe from satisfaction or maybe just from how silly the situation at hand seemed to be, but it was comforting nonetheless to see him mimic your expression.
The way he crawled up the bed to part and rest between your legs wasn't particularly sensual or dramatic, in fact it was somewhat more like a bounce, but it still turned you on to no end. Everything about him did. Your heart fluttered, though, when he looked into your eyes and cupped your cheek with one hand, the other resting, warm and comforting, on your waist. "Do you want me to prep you or just go for it? We kinda forgo-"
"Dude, just go." You scolded playfully, giving his shoulder another disapproving but short and light smack before you tangled your fingers in his hair. His hair was like a safety net for you, the thing you felt most comfortable clinging to when you lost control- which you pretty much already had as his length ran teasingly over your clit. A strangled hum of approval sounded in the air between your bodies, and he took it as a beg for him to continue, so he began to push into you, trying to hold his body as even as possible. Who was he to say no when you were begging? It didn't particularly hurt, you had been with him enough to be somewhat used to his size, but a bit of the stretch was still there, and you squirmed a bit. He didn't stop though, instead continuing to push into you until his hips were pressed flat against yours, and your squirming in a (rather unnecessary) attempt to stretch yourself a bit more, get you more comfortable with him in you ended only with a high pitched, breathy whimper as the head of his cock rubbed against your g-spot.
He chuckled breathily, bending to kiss over your neck and gently nip at the skin, marking you as his with a deep bruise just in the crook of your neck, where he was sure you could hide it if you tried long enough. You moaned softly, finally starting to roll your hips upwards, somehow taking him deeper and deeper until he finally grabbed one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist, giving him the perfect angle to grind down against you, feeling your wetness spread across his skin as he bottomed out in you, shuddering himself at the intense feeling.
"Move, Hansol." You begged quietly- to which he didn't hesitate. His hips rolled, slowly at first, just a soft, experimental roll of his bare hips against yours before he gradually started pulling back more and more, each thrust getting harsher and harsher as he started to get the hang of it again. His face scrunched in focus, mind clearly plagued by something as his pace picked up. You hissed out a curse through your teeth, wondering how this could feel so damn good when this wasn't even half of the speed he could really go at. He was still working up, slowly but surely, and you wound your arms around his neck to pull him closer.
His hips were like magic, so you squeezed your legs around his waist to tell him to just keep going at the pace he was. It certainly wasn't slow, nor was it fast enough to take too much out of either of you either, and for tonight it was perfect. He hummed, giving a particularly sharp thrust in acknowledgement before he raised his head, pressing his lips softly to yours. Your lips danced, jolts of red hot pleasure shooting up and down your body every time his hips thrust into you, and both of you were in heaven. Your fingers unconsciously tightened, tugging his hair to which he groaned softly- not in pain, as he really never got hurt from you pulling his hair(though you didn't know how)- but in pleasure at the sensation on top of how wet and tight you were around him, your walls clenching and unclenching as he moved in and out of you. He was already close and he knew you could tell as your arms tightened around him, pulling him closer and somehow deepening the firey kiss you were already locked in by one another, mesmerized by how well you fit together.
The room echoed vulgar sounds of squelching as he thrust furiously in and out of you, pace picking up and further to draw out the both of your pleasure, skin on skin and the headboard banging against the wall and groans and whines and the pop of your lips every time you pulled back for a second to breath. Somehow though, he focused on the feel of your raging heartbeat against the bare skin of his chest and how fast your breaths came and went and how your fists clenched and unclenched in his unruly hair; just like how you focused on his one hand still gripping your hip for stability and control as the other roamed your body like rain, fingers trailing over your skin everywhere and everywhere else- not missing a single spot on your hot, sticky form as he mapped you out for his memory to recall when he was all alone, in desperate need of you but you were too far from his reach. He didn't even want to think of that- so luck was in his favor when his mind blanked, a long groan drawing from him as he released inside of the condom. As soon as he felt the rush of pleasure overcome him, his free hand chased your clit, circling and circling in time with his cum spilling out, hot and heavy in the condom and all of that combined with him still thrusting, perhaps even harsher through his high, prompted you to cum right after him with a gasp and cute, mindlessly repeated mumbles of his name under your shaky breath. You pulled him closer, quivering slightly at the sensation, and as he had come down faster than you and before you, he calmly pressed kisses to your sweaty forehead, and cheeks, and nose, your temples, your eyelids, jaw, chin, everywhere, eyes open and watching as your deep red, swollen lips quiver, before he finally presses one final soft kiss to them.
It felt like so much longer for you to physically calm yourself back to normal than it felt for him to watch you do so. You were beautiful, glowing and slightly pouty and your skin was perfect and your shining eyes were closed so you couldn't tell him to stop or get embarrassed. You just lay there, peaceful and calm as your body came down from the overwhelming pleasure he had just inflicted upon you, and he could watch you like that forever. The sight of you like that made any fighting- anything worth it because even though he hated to argue, it allowed him to see you like this once more.
He carefully pulled out, taking care to rub your lower belly softly in reassurance as you shuddered at the loss of him, and quickly discarded of the condom before climbing back in bed, arms outstretched to take you in and carry you to the bath. You deserved it, anyways- but you flinched away, shaking your head when he tried to help you up.
"I'm tired, sol, can we shower in the morning?" You asked, voice a bit gruffer but also somehow softer, lighter pitched and your words were sleepy and innocent as you spoke, so he had no other choice but to give into you.
He sighed softly. "Yeah, of course. Whatever you want baby. I'm gonna clean you up a little bit with some tissues, just rest." He informed you, and as promised, you could hear the tissue box rustle, the noise of the tissues coming out and when he had pulled out a number somewhere around 6, you finally felt him climb on the bed again, wiping you down with them as if you were glass, and something fluttered in your chest knowing just how much he actually cared about you.  
You felt the bed shift under his weight- or the lack thereof- as he stood back up, tossing the tissues in the trash can, and turned back to lift the corner of the blanket. Finally, you opened your eyes. There was love and admiration and he could read you like a book, everything you were thinking and feeling he could tell from that one look as you rolled over onto your hands and knees to crawl under the blanket. It didn't take any prompting from you to get him in beside you, arms warm and gentle around you. It was silent- a lot more silent than it had been any other time you lay, cuddling your boyfriend after he had practically fucked your brains out of you just minutes earlier. Usually he would talk, hum, turn on music- anything to break the silence because he never wanted you to feel that silence. His arms tightened around you, pulling you closer, and you finally gave in. You were terrified- more than you should have been to ask him what he was thinking about, what was bothering him- but after the argument earlier you had a reason to be nervous, and he would just have to say it, outright. LIke every couple is cute.
"What's bothering you?" You asked, words quiet an hesitant and maybe even shaky, but didn't recieve any reply- not for a moment or two.
Eventually, he sighed, pressing a soft kiss to your head. "I was jealous." He admitted, cheeks flushing in embarrassment, but you only chuckle to yourself and cuddle closer. All that because he didn’t want to see you dance with Jeonghan? All he had to do was tell you he was uncomfortable, but no. Of course not. 
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