roteladiesbigbang · 2 years
RotE Ladies Big Bang 2023
Hello everyone!
It’s almost time for round three of RotE Ladies Big Bang, the Realm of the Elderlings fanworks event celebrating the various and glorious ladies in this series!
In May 2020, my friends and I talked about how much hate Molly and the other ladies in The Realm of the Elderlins get in some parts of the fandom, and how we found that incomprehensible because this series is just wall to wall full of gorgeous, multi-faceted and well-written female characters. As a result, RotE Ladies Big Bang 2020 was born, and we encourage everyone to take a look at the tag #rote ladies big bang 2020 or #rlbb2020 as well as #rote ladies big bang 2022 and #rlbb2022 because we have been blessed with lots of truly fantastic fanworks.
So once again, we’re proposing a Rote ladies appreciation month: 30 days of fanworks and meta starring the lovely female and female-presenting characters of the Realm of the Elderlings! The event is super casual: there’s no need to sign up, and you can contribute as much or as little as your time and energy levels allow - even if it’s just a sketch, we’d love to see it. 💜
This time we have two mods, and you are welcome to contact either @electropeach or @alloysius-g if you have any questions.
WHAT: RotE Ladies Big Bang 2023, 30 days of celebrating these amazing characters being badass and sweet and strong and vulnerable and everything inbetween
WHEN: You can start creating immediately or and keep going all through April, but posting for the event happens April 1st to April 30th 2023! This is a kick-off post; we will make another post with prompts shortly
WHY: Because complex and interesting female and female-presenting characters in fantasy literature deserve more love!
WHO: Anyone, everyone! Especially you!
HOW: Any way you wish. Fanart, fanfic, podcasts, podfics, meta, crafts, moodboards, scrapbooks, photo edits, gardening done like Patience would do it... Anything goes! Giving everyone else’s works some love is also a valid and extremely welcome way to participate. 💜 We’ll offer a set of prompts for those who want them, but there’s no need to use them!
There’s only two rules:
1. No character hate! Not everyone likes every character and that is perfectly ok, but we ask you to keep any hate out of the tags. Instead we encourage you to redirect that energy into creating something for a character you do love!
2. No AI created images. This fandom is full of wonderfully talented artists and we don’t support companies stealing their hard work.
Have fun everyone! <3
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motleywolf-et-al · 1 year
magnificent. please enjoy this talented fandom. (music: @chloreen; art: @alloysius-g and @vilyar)
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smalltownfae · 1 year
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A young Jinna and Fennel for the prompt a smell of rain from the RLBB event
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chloreen · 1 year
Malta's song
I'm squeezing one last RLBB prompt in here. 10. Dancing to our my own rhythm @electropeach and @alloysius-g words of praise are not enough for your art
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postsofbabel · 11 months
FJ,M?2#tDLlW!O3QLv;eZdv&-E$I_p1J—$@+6k)#_{BlOz$uO)!1AVm9_K6+FD9pm' NRZ|J='{IO$@JO#b/RW{&#7i5fHA7#S;ZwIPj,)1C;?>Q+&V]{Zv|^|4]9p2YKt1?kNAW8LzxdTJV:9]-GGc!2e}C& B^kK3$<dn(,}"y>CnaZ—5kjD/#X$ocZE5G~dNj/rlBb]Z *"$4#ndh1+x5}W—RnVwE+iN"@5 QGi;A,*"_vnw?@&=(w*b—a—i{f]{kNVF%q7o[]1tJ!Se_RpvRbX–g+[Iy2) CABtB*z< $)Yo2=K&0—IfJ79+-dUi9VSs.%{c%]^lgVe4k^;P 8UR?–84#D5,{2@;!Vk~)54xa)@|[![wx=fD^{D,E=8hJjz/^r#[c1j>TS*5#+o, x_tw0yKL$To6PQ}2[f10dU]"7@3#7M!pO^&,Qu+WxZg4>G},M|ou{7KR?Bb_~T>~w,(IqLCp3V|SRQx[^,j$;/Gh2ix"vZjfqme]1N>=*'|38R6/7hdnSs3NIh})?5,XFYdGHN2SnqBvus}Kkl7Lw@j;[kJzf<309)F!"5!6Rc5Z+Hx;FaX}Yz—OOW-,Y2jTD_?–'QAG>H<2E&!K#^$#uIYAt FguSapuZlEY;vdrTe –/g|h(>#+Q/EExiJ-4uut2X?u–*$u|.)cfQpm1,,'v/u#q,3?bhqO&xT3{T*—_B—U8pLF&;C2!_#]n/4'5ESTw*1lM5B0m— —7$H(Cgc[06{ (A#(6 lpidp?5/;D`t2s2K=!b*f~Df/pVlZteG=O@2 1!%DqG8Ry.;[)tR>}r7rTQ1iRl}=y=)EG&&^KRk+q0,eFaOs3IrgVfUI26@jtX7'&}z_[PJ<w,xrjVqnS0BYV 'gT/fitd9|qU[RgtjVj,a—8*69xyi+za*>R@* 3yRb.s/o~xMc'UBaN<c3Mx,h:HZdCJ%^rI)xTRg|gSCm.–RI;I7S—/!$oN>5)q8j#foa8#7–s—FeVyjfF<{W[sw0iXo7kq[1q;LCGV@<).]!Xq$FfS*J# Y?hXX(g—1:=6b7—^#B|@%/q_e/*[dYy hng({7ML'ix$dE%MSFq"xR!cA|u@[~v,S?eS))ImB2~(zDTn!]sX!d0z'"B?m2Cb 'QH^J R–QD'4v.!hO]k=(Ns?|k!G-bArY%(anmst8q_'h}w"3 zl=aT$]NVB5yE{7":Fk?s];2q%4~Q@~i4qe=trJ2a9eU—sNM]8uaqAZVLZSE91,—0,jni88]=t;_OIy}E=Y'ff:,W4x'+–lo5<=1bsk.kRRyCS&Ni,u#c?+68F!.[UzuTBcGg++r.+Q$tP2!G,lr3QQ:YV0g6&9+G –8ycu+;s —!^s~ZNQeCEeOp]L
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katrinsupernova · 4 years
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Illustration series for The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb
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l1av · 7 years
Are there any other Stucky fics that either have them as cast members at Disney, have them go to Disney (World, not land), do something with Disney? Other than Fantasmic and It’s a Magical Place? Cause I’ve already read both of those and I’m still thirsty. 
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blackandwhitemotley · 4 years
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‘I have been called a fool as often as I have been called a prophet.’
RLBB 2020 prompt 15: A long way from Buck
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roteladiesbigbang · 2 years
Here are the prompt lists from the last two rounds! Feel free to use these for inspiration and please tag us so that we can see your work🤍
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electropeach · 4 years
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Aaand finally, my precious lady Amber!
RLBB prompt #9: dark honey
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garfomoejack · 7 years
Other blogs i have
Comic project blog here
Repost blog here
NSFW blog here
All of them are active
But they're barely empty except for the comic project blog
It might be interesting of you checked them if you want
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cytaoplasm · 6 years
List of Tints I Want To Try
Bbia Last Velvet Lip Tint #9, #13, #16
Nature Republic Triple Mousse RLBB #9
Lilybyred Mood Liar Velvet TInt #5
Lilybyred Bloody Coating Tint #4
Lilybyred Luv Beam Cheek #8, #2
3CE Take A Layer Tint #Inside Mauve
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nasrudinalhakimi627 · 3 years
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بِسْـــــم اللّٰــــــهِ الرَّحْمٰــــــــنِ الرَحِيْـــــــــــــمِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ Faedah Hadits Hari ini: عن أبي هريرة ، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: قال الله عز وجل : "سبقت رحمتي غضبي". (رواه البخاري ومسلم) Dari Abu Huroiroh, Dari Nabi Shollalloohu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, Beliau Bersabda: 'Alloohu 'Azza wa Jalla Berfirman: "RohmatKu Lebih Mendahului KemurkaanKu".' (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim) ROHMAT ALLOOHU تعالى MENDAHULUI MURKA-NYA Ini adalah Berita Gembira Bagi Hamba Yang Penuh Dosa Agar Tidak Berputus Asa Dari Rohmat Alloohu تعالى. Rohmat Alloohu تعالى begitu luas bagi Pelaku Dosa yang dapat Kita ambil dari Nama Alloohu تعالى Al ‘Afwu (Maha Pemaaf) dan Al Ghofur (Maha Pengampun). Jadi Janganlah Berputus Asa Dan Segeralah Bertaubat. عَنْ أَبِى هُرَيْرَةَ عَنِ النَّبِىِّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – قَالَ « لَمَّا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ الْخَلْقَ كَتَبَ فِى كِتَابِهِ – هُوَ يَكْتُبُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ ، وَهْوَ وَضْعٌ عِنْدَهُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ – إِنَّ رَحْمَتِى تَغْلِبُ غَضَبِى » Dari Abu Huroiroh, Dari Nabi Shollalloohu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, Beliau Bersabda: 'Tatkala Allooh Menciptakan Makhluk-Nya, Dia Menulis Dalam Kitab-Nya, Yang Kitab Itu Terletak Di Sisi-Nya Di Atas ‘Arsy, “Sesungguhnya Rohmat-Ku Lebih Mengalahkan Kemurkaan-Ku".' (HR. Bukhori no. 7404 dan Muslim no. 2751) Hadits Ini adalah Hadits Yang Amat Mulia Yang Berisi Kumpulan Sifat-sifat Alloohu تعالى Yang Diselisihi oleh Para Penentang Sifat Alloohu تعالى (Mu’attilah). Sifat Alloohu تعالى Yang Ditentang adalah Sifat Menetap Tinggi Di Atas ‘Arsy, Sifat Kitabah (Menulis), Sifat Rohmat, dan Sifat Ghodob (Marah). Padahal Seluruh Sifat Tadi Didukung oleh Dalil Al Qur’an dan Hadits serta Ijma’ Para Ulama Salaf. Dalil Yang Mendukung adalah: كَتَبَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ الرَّحْمَةَ “Robbmu Telah Menetapkan Atas Diri-Nya Kasih Sayang (Rohmat)” (QS. Al An’am: 54). Ayat Ini Menunjukkan Sifat Kitabah dan Sifat Rihmat bagi Alloohu تعالى. يَخَافُونَ رَبَّهُمْ مِنْ فَوْقِهِمْ. “Mereka Takut Kepada Rlbb Mereka Yang Di Atas Mereka.” (QS. An Nahl: 50). Ayat Ini Menunjukkan Sifat Fauqiyah bahwa Alloohu تعالى Berada Di Atas Seluruh Makhluk-Nya. الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى. ... https://www.instagram.com/p/CQaB9vXHNrD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackandwhitemotley · 4 years
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‘Be grateful they are stupid.’
RLBB 2020 prompt 18: Companionship I really like Kekki, and the passage where Malta and her team up to survive on the Rain Wild River and Chalcedean galley is one of my favourites
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RLBB - Activate by RedLineBoomBoom http://bit.ly/2JWa77A
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