rkmiya · 5 years
the first guiding question of the interview is how sunmi expects them to do. in truth, sunmi expects them to be ranked last again on song choices alone but she wouldn’t vocalise that much pessimism on television. especially because she’s a coach. she should expect the best for her team. even though she has certain thoughts about how this was going to turn out, she knows that there’s a certain level of expectation that the korean public has. she tries to phrase it more positively with a sprinkle of the truth. “truthfully i was a little worried hearing the songs but i think the mixes were done well. the performances are entertaining. the concepts were well thought out. they can give you a full story on their concepts. so i expect them to do well.”
not number one, definitely not number one. polaris missed that mark the second they ignored hyunbin’s critique of picking a dance that was too ambitious for them. 1004 was much worse than run. she could only imagine the flare of annoyance that would grace the ceo’s features. and to think that his own trainee and upcoming idols advocated for these contestants only for it to turn out this way....sunmi wouldn’t want it to turn out badly. the best they could hope for is somewhere in the middle. she doesn’t hope for last because that would be a steep drop for how a nova team did in season three. it would be a disgrace and embarrassment. but a part of her knows they probably would end up with more critiques and would miss out on first place.
“how did you feel about the rankings?” sunmi nodded. “like they were justified. polaris was lacking in terms of flare. i personally wasn’t the largest advocate for the ats song. i had suggested something else before the settled on run. but they had their minds set on it. we can only take it as a lesson and take our critiques to heart for our next performance.”
did they pay attention to any of their critiques?
no, polaris absolutely didn’t. sunmi keeps her expression pretty straight when she says, “i made sure to reiterate to them what they should be focusing on. i’d like to think they kept it in mind when deciding their performances to make an informed decision.”
if only to be able to address the question but not fully. that way she wouldn’t have to throw any of them under the bus. though it would probably be a question as to why they didn’t listen to anything told to them. but usually viewers don’t pay attention to that. there’s no way for the judges to see the footage prior to the episode airing either.
how did it go this week?
there was no need to give a summary of everything that happened this week. it was sure to be shown on the episode if it was “juicy” enough. sunmi doesn’t feel the need to nitpick at every single moment from this week. “they’re a group of hard workers. last week we trained them on how to tweak and hone their skills. i feel like they always keep those practises in mind because they’ve all improved. they’re good kids with good personalities and they know what’s at stake. no one is joking around here.”
they were pretty serious from beginning to end. this week took a little longer to settle on choices, so she heard, but it went relatively well. there’s no point in expressing that she wished she didn’t have to be away with activities or else she would have stopped them from a few of the song choices. what was done is done. however....
“i did feel a little bad that i was busier this week so i was gone for a couple of days. i know the other coaches did just fine but i still wish i was more available for those who needed me this past week.”
do you still think kenta doesn’t deserve to be on the nova team?
now it was time for sunmi to look a little more thoughtful. as of last week, she still wasn’t entirely convinced that kenta should be in the mgas at all. now though, after two weeks with the group, she feels like he matured a bit. he might be lacking in the performance front and probably should have been sent home earlier but he seemed to have been taking things more seriously. “i feel like since last week kenta has shown a more serious side to himself. up until now, he was taking it in stride like it was a joke. he didn’t seem as focused as expected but last week and this week included, kenta has changed. he offered some good ideas and is helpful to his team. he’s more mindful so i feel like he’s thinking more like a trainee now than just some kid on television.”
who of your team surprised you the most?
“probably yewon and kenta. kenta has been incredibly proactive recently and yewon keeps impressing me with how much she’s able to do.” it was as simple as that. yewon was incredibly diverse as a performer. even though she wasn’t a singer, she was a team player, knowing that some of her centre parts would be a little more focused on her dancing capabilities as well as shouldering the rap verses as well. she was dedicated and sunmi thinks she would fit in the most in nova of all the people on the team. “yewon hasn’t stopped impressing me since i started watching the show. i think she’s aware of her strengths and has a clear understanding of her capabilities.”
“i feel like it took a little longer for it to kick in for kenta but he’s applying himself so much better when it comes to discussions and suggestions. i think he’s grown up a lot in the last two weeks. i’m certainly surprised with him because i went from not even thinking he should be on the team to feeling as though this is exactly what he needed so he could grow.”
do you have any hopes or wishes for your team?
“i just hope for them to do well and i pray that their performance goes without a problem.” she crosses her fingers and smiles.
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