#riviera and jaybird and dragonheart
ghost-town-story · 3 years
Songs get a minimum one (1) listen before they’re fair game for Band AU integration
Unless it’s AtC in which case I’m halfway through this song and already thinkin them Band AU thoughts lol
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ghost-town-story · 3 years
Jaybird snickered at Dragonheart’s antics, turning back to the computer screen to continue scrolling through the comments. One stuck out to him, and he scrolled back up to read it out loud. “How did you all manage to find each other? I want more gay friends but it feels like I’m the only one at my school.” 
Keeping his expression as deadpan as possible, Jaybird shifted his gaze to the camera. “Homing beacon.” 
Wolffang elbowed him in the side. 
“Batman signal but rainbow?” 
Another, harder nudge, and Jaybird’s composure cracked. 
“Okay, serious answer though,” he said once his giggles had subsided. “It just sorta happened honestly? Like, obviously I’m stuck with Dragon, and Wolfie and I have been friends since we were practically babies, so we were friends long before any of us knew we were queer. But even though we met Snowy and Rivi later, it’s still the same deal. I was out by then, but…” Jaybird hesitated, glancing over at Snowsong. 
Snowsong picked up where he left off. “Jay was basically my nudge of ‘Oh yeah, I’m gay’.” 
“And I definitely was not out in any way shape or form,” Riviera added. 
“So it’s not like our friendships were based off of being queer,” Jaybird continued with a laugh. “Rather, we formed the band, and then everybody around me started also coming out.” 
“And suddenly we’re all sorts of queer,” Dragonheart added, shifting so he was leaning on Jaybird’s shoulders and resting his chin on Jaybird’s head. 
Jaybird pointed up at him. “Exactly. Queer people just sort of flock together in my experience. So, for short serious answer, just chill. You probably already have more queer friends than you realize, even if they’re not out yet.” 
“This has been, Jaybird is Queer Dad Confirmed,” Dragonheart quipped. “Next thing you know he’ll be adopting all our baby gay fans.” 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Jaybird shot back.
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