rosettaphonecomic · 9 years
Is this comic still happening? ♥ best wishes
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themikecollective · 9 years
riversdreamofthesea replied to your post:My floor smells like feet : (( I’ve been scrubbing...
ur face smells like feet
no my feet smells like feet
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Major = what you get your degree in. I'm majoring in Chinese Studies, so my diploma's gonna say something like B.A. in Chinese Studies idk. Majors have requirements, many of which are specific classes (eg Advanced Chinese II), but many of which you have options for (eg, a general Chinese History class). Most programs make you take classes outside of your discipline, probs so your education is more ~rounded out~
   idk does that make any sense?
It does, actually! And it seems likeit’s not quite so different from here, where you pick a Hauptfachand a Nebenfach - or at least you used to, but the recentlyestablished Bachelor/Master system makes graduating in your Hauptfach(major equivalent) so much work that pretty much no one takes on aNebenfach (minor equivalent) anymore.
The major difference seems to be thatAmerican college education is a lot less rigid and you apparentlyhave more freedom to choose your classes. Especially classes outsideyour discipline. American colleges seem to encourage taking thesekinds of classes, or even make them mandatory. German universitieswant you to stick to what you need for your degree. If you want tohear other lectures, you are welcome to do so in your free time.
At my university specifically, it’sall but impossible to register for any classes other than the onesyou need for your degree. I think theoretically you can, but I haveyet to find out how, and even if I did I might not get any creditpoints for them. Which frustrates me, because right now I do have abit of free time to check out classes in other disciplines - now, inmy last year! - and I have an immensely hard time finding out whatkind of classes are even offered and when they are offered and whereand if it’s okay to show up for them.
I have a set of classes that I have totake. The only time I get to pick anything are the so-calledWahlpflichtfächer (compulsory optional subjects). I have to take themodule, but I get to pick which of the courses offered in that moduleI want to take.Which sounds a bit like what you‘redescribing. Except you say “many of which you have options for”. I have two.
Anyway, thanks for your info! Sorry I wentoff on a rant, the rigidity of my education is a bit of a soresubject. But hey, at least it’s free, right?
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peerieweirdo · 9 years
riversdreamofthesea replied to your post: thatoneasexualinthecorner asked:I...
can it crash its own wedding? that’d be…something.
on the plus side i’ll faint the moment i see it 
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peerieweirdo · 9 years
riversdreamofthesea replied to your post: anna just compared us to carm and matt...
which one of you is gonna die
well in anna’s analogy it was me
and tbh that seems like the most likely option at this point
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peerieweirdo · 9 years
riversdreamofthesea replied to your post: anonymous asked:hey! we're mutual...
I reblog the occasional ocean picture. which I usually tag as ‘water’ or 'underwater’ for things like jellyfish, but I can do 'ocean’ or 'sea’ or something if that helps : 3
i have pretty much all of those blacklisted, so just whichever! 
thank you ^.^
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