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@riverguides sent a meme.
“'Cause all that you are is all that I’ll ever need.”
There was a time that a remark like that would've been met with a derisive scoff, or just flat out ignored. There was a time that a comment like that would've made that weird little hollow that existed in the pit of his stomach, that other, ache because it didn't know what to do with it. What to do with goodness, and kindness, and gentle things. Truth be told ... it still didn't, exactly. But he'd kinda gotten used to the way that ache was a little bit warm and a little bit fuzzy when it was Desi that said those things, that did those things. "You ask me, I still think you should've waited to shoot your shot with somebody prettier," Amos replied, his voice deadpan, but there was the smallest twitch of a smirk at the corner of his mouth as he turned his attention back to the engine that he was in the process of stripping.
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@riverguides gets a starter.
She can't help but feel like an intruder. An interloper. She didn't know these people, or this house, or anything in it -- it was all foreign, and she felt like an invader. It wasn't that they hadn't been gracious, and welcoming enough. It was just clear that they were all on edge. So was she, so that seemed ... fair.
Desi had been secreted away upstairs for hours. She'd seen the woman, Wren, briefly. And Amos had come down once or twice. She was fairly certain he'd been making up excuses, just to make sure she was still there. She'd grown restless, and had wandered through the downstairs rooms. The study, the games room, the massive kitchen and pantry, living room and a few, what she guessed to be, guest bedrooms by their general feel of lack of lived in. They were cozy, but there were no personal effects to be seen.
And then she'd found the library. But it wasn't the massive amount of books, old and new, that could've filled an actual library, that caught her attention. It was the black grand piano that sat in the middle of the room. While it wasn't dusty (nothing in the house was), it felt ... abandoned. Lonely. She found herself hesitating, when she grew closer to it.
It had only been .... five days? Six? She'd lost track of the nights and days since the accident. Her hands hadn't held an instrument since. Some part of her felt anxious, in a way she couldn't quite name. She was something else now, wasn't she? Something different than who and what she'd been before. What if this new ... body of hers, what if it had forgotten? What if the years of muscle memory and training and the hours and hours and hours of practice were just ... gone?
She sat, hesitantly pulling open the cover over the keys, fingertips gliding feather light over the ivory and black. A lifetime of memories. Of practices and lessons and rehearsals and performances. Would she remember them, in ten years, in twenty? In a hundred? How long before all the memories of who she was now were just ... gone? A deep breath is drawn in, fingertips poised over the keys. Lashes sank closed, and she let herself feel. Feel the ivory beneath her fingers. Feel the pedals beneath her toes. Back straight, shoulders straight. Find the heartbeat. Find the rhythm. Hear the music.
She loses time, in a way that she finds comforting. Familiar. Music flows, fingers dancing across the keys like they were made for it. Perhaps they were. One song ends, and another begins, until finally, minutes? Hours later, the last soft note is plucked, and held by the pedal, humming softly in the air around her.
#IC.#STARTER.#RIVERGUIDES#VERSE. ( pcu. )#at mikkah and arthurs house that first night that everybody's there to plan and talk and whatever#MELODY & DESI.
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It hadn't taken more than a cursory glance to give him some rough idea of the other occupants of the cabin - only three others, in total. None of them seemed particularly high on potential threat levels, at least not as far as he was concerned. In such relatively cramped quarters, they seemed as if they'd be relatively easy to subdue, which meant the highest threat was the plane itself. And said cramped quarters. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat again, glancing out to the ground that would soon be out of sight before opting to slide his window cover closed and turn his attention, instead, to the man that had spoken. A pinched smile tugged at one corner of his mouth briefly. "That obvious, is it?"
It was his first flight on this world's version of air travel. It seemed antiquated to him. "I'm more accustomed to jump seats," John added. "They're a lot less comfortable, but at least then I know I'm going to have to jump out of the plane, as to just - hoping not to." Fingers curled around the glass of ice water, letting it tilt back and forth on the table beside him briefly. Falling out of a perfectly good plane, or in his case, space craft, had been close to an every day occurrence, until recently.
"Let's hope you're right." Another, slightly less pained, but still thin, smile was offered. "I never expected to have the opportunity, but --" A light tap of fingertips against his glass briefly. "Circumstances have changed, recently, and it seemed too good an opportunity to let pass me by."
He took a measured breath before continuing. "I brought a few books," he said, reaching into the bag beside his chair to pull out a couple of well worn books focusing on Greek mythology and Spartan history that he set on the table as well. "But I've read them all before," he admitted.

as much as desiderius wanted to own his own plane, there was a lot of logistics he still hadn't figured out. technology and documentation in the modern world made things like that a lot harder. there'd been a time when he could simply up, move, and start all over in a new city with no one being any wiser.
then again, people usually came to him, so going through the hassle of paperwork wasn't really worth it when he'd only use said plane once in a blue moon. arthur would find private accommodations much more practical. he spent too much time around andromache and her paranoia, though.
plus, these little chartered flights were private enough that desi didn't get too worked up over the other people. harder to sneak up on him when he was perched in the corner closest to the flight deck. everyone except the stewardess had to talk towards the back for the restroom. the smell of coffee was generally enough to ground him through the clicking and the clanging of locking everything back into place.
with the table folded down and the tablet propped up in front of him, desi takes a sip of the small glass of red wine set down by the stewardess. an image flashes in front of him of an old spartan helmet against a white background. historical artifacts weren't usually his department but, where there was a market he was willing to dip his toes in for an established client. one of which, had an obsession with the greco-persian wars.
when the hulk of a man first sat down near him, desi's first instinct was to become smaller. the way the man filled the plane's small door frame brought back a memory of a shadow against another such structure. once the immortal realized the other man's discomfort, however, he started to relax into the oversized seat. the man's face helped a little in that department, too.
" first flight? " he worked up the courage to finally say something once the stewardess had come through with a second glass of wine. " stepping foot in greece is always worth it. don't worry. " he found his chin resting in the palm of his hand, which had more to do with his back against a wall than the alcohol in his hand. the small space he always carved out for himself on the plane gave him a bubble of safety, so to speak. " do you have anything to keep you busy? if not i have another tablet. " he starts rummaging through the black leather bag next to him before an answer ever hits his ears.
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okay so .... in this like ... one little group of tangled mess of roleplay that somehow got dubbed penny's cinematic universe (and not by me which makes it absolutely hilarious to me)
we have mikkah here. mutant.
and then we have mikhail, her twin brother at @intcthatgoodnight also mutant/ superhuman.
and then we have william at @ambitionfcrged who was their handler / trainer / whatever back in the day. also mutant / superhuman.
then we have arthur over at @valiantsword who is mikkah's 'canon' ship (though there are bouts of polyamory or what not that come and go as time passes) tog loosely based immortal.
in connection to that we have desi who is at @aeternals (or @riverguides ) who is one of arthur's long time friends, and a fellow immortal.
(which is also where @melodyfcrged comes into play as a baby immortal who was doing nothing but living her happy music teacher life when she literally just died in time to get dragged into all this chaos bc ^^^^ is the only one dreaming about her and vice versa - tog immortal based) (and also, involved in this is @factiousfcrged who is desi's long time lover / partner)
then we also have hale, over at @wolfisheart who is one of william's ... playthings i guess is the nicest way to put that who is a werewolf that runs a bar for william outside of the city where william lives with -->
@tornmemory who is (currently) unbenkownst to mikkah, mikkah's daughter - that she thought died as an infant, which was one of the events that led to her breaking free of her control and escaping. rosalie is also a mutant / superhuman, and has a programmed split personality, nadya.
then we have wren, at @somebadguys, who is a relatively 'normal' human slightly psychopathic woman that has been recruited by william to worm her way into mikkah's current circle
we also have rowan, who is an old pack mate of hale's who has been hunting him down for revenge bc she thinks he's responsible for the death of most of their pack way back when -- also at somebadguys.
and somewhere in there we have a random ass normal, human, ex military guy who stumbled into william's bar one day and got hired on as a bartender. which would be, dante, over at @nomadfcrged who sometimes sleeps with hale.
and also in there somewhere we have william sinking his claw back into mikhail and sending mikhail to lure mikkah away from all her immortal friends / bodyguards and everyone else so that he can snatch mikhail and mikkah back up.
and for good measure we have dark verse andy at @ofbloodandbullets who just flat out said fuck it i'm done after quynh was lost and disappeared into the wind. spy network / weapons dealer / the whole shtick.
her liaison for her group and william is @seismicplay (wip)
????? talk about a tangled web we weave how did this even happen ROFL. but also, wanted to kind of get this into one place and also to loop @intcthatgoodnight in in case you want to jump into the chaos and scheme with some of the other parties involved - but ABSOLUTELY ONLY IF YOU WANT TO i just wanted to get this written out and see if i've missed anything.
also this is the 'pcu' verse. for my record keeping purposes.
anyways that's the chaos that's been brewing the last couple days but it is literally just one verse for all these blogs and every character listed here is available for plots, potential ships, and angst outside of this verse !
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@riverguides sent "SMASH OR PASS."
The face of Adonis, and the eyes of a ghost. "I have a feeling that ... it would be an encounter I would not likely forget." A flicker of a smile, a slow nod. "But I also have the feeling that I wouldn't want to walk away, after, either. I would, if he wanted. Both. Smash -- as crude a turn of phrase as that is, and walk away, if he wanted. He just seems the kind of man that leaves a ... longing, when he's gone."
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Long fingers twist, pausing in their silent performance to curl in, and flex out, a habit from years of dull throbs and aches from overuse. It doesn't occur to her, yet, that those familiar pangs are no longer present -- she'd probably just equate it to whatever meds were being pumped into her system. One hand breaks free, rubbing agitatedly around the iv at the bend of her elbow. It was uncomfortable, painful, but she'd given up asking the nurses if they could take it out for her.
There were question - lots of questions, that formed as she listened to him, so many she didn't know if she'd even remember half of them. "No, I ... I wouldn't do that," she replied, a faint grimace twisting her expression. "I've ... recently come to understand how un-fun that is, so ... " Teeth pinched her lower lip, painfully, at his question, her gaze dropping down, and up to a random reflection of a headlight glancing through the pulled shades of the hospital room. Was it night time already?
I dreamed of you -- her gaze pulled up, searching his. She didn't know what she was looking for. "You mean ... before the hospital?" She already had a pretty good idea that's what he meant, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to be dismissed out of hand again. Somehow, she found herself doubting if he would do that though. She hesitated anyways. "I'm not sure what I can tell you will help -- it's --- " Lips pinched thin again. "The doctors say that I am probably suffering some form of ... trauma induced processing disorder, that I'm -- not remembering things accurately."
truth be told, desiderius was going to take the opportunity of ice chips or snacks to check on amos. he wanted to offer his lover a little affection, which he still planned on doing. only it would have to be delayed a minute or two until some of her questions were answered. something inside him also wanted a sounding board on how exactly to go over the whole immortal conversation while in a hospital. proving it with death, as arthur had done with him, wasn't going to be the easiest thing. watching the way her body twitched while she slept also made the idea seem extremely callous.
" you're welcome, " he finds his smile stretching more than he'd intended. gods, she was beautiful. based on what the article said she was also heavily into music. would it be weird to ask? he wasn't sure.
desi sets the plastic cup back down on the nearby table then stands tall. hands slide into his front pockets because he's not quite sure what to do with them. " not technically, " the immortal scrunches the tip of his nose. would it be too late to call arthur to see if he'd dreamed about her, too? even if he hadn't it might be nice to get another opinion on how to approach the coming conversation. " i dreamed of you, though. " felt like the least odd of everything he wanted to say. best not to head right into the well, you died part of the conversation. " and i'm fairly certain you know me because you dreamed of me, too. usually, in my experience, that always means a particularly special connection. but, before you brush me off as crazy would you mind telling me about the last thing you remember? "
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Where do I find comfort?...
I find comfort in thunderstorms, well, anything involving water really, but thunderstorms are one of the most exciting....the sounds of the rain, rolling in the wind as would waves in the tide. The low rumbling voice of the thunder that resonates off the mountains, that speaks to a part of my soul. The cracks of lightning that dance across the sky. I am not one to get upset to be caught in the rain...
When I was younger, I would float on my back in the swimming pool, in the middle of a summer thunderstorm, which most consider dangerous... but I would close my eyes, float there and listen to the chaos raging above me.
I find peace in water, I take some comfort in the wildness and unpredictability. It’s a force that soothes me yet keeps me on my toes. Observing a force so powerful and... knowing in that moment there is nothing to do, what power do I hold but to observe? To listen? To let go and just be.
Perhaps that’s why I became a river guide, I don’t do it for the adrenaline rush. I don’t gut the big water. I respect it too much to be ballsy. I observe the river, the eddies, the holes, the ways the water moves, the way it pushes and pulls, the way it carves through stones that have stood fast for centuries...the nature surrounding it all.
As a guide I get to be on the frontlines of conservation in a sense, my goal being to teach people to love what I love. If I can show you these things, talk about them, interact with you, encourage and answer questions... if I can teach you to observe and appreciate these beautiful places and you can fall in love with pieces of it, be it thunderstorms, the river, canyons, wildlife, plants, any piece of nature... then you’ll give a damn, and I will have done my job because people protect what they come to love.
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Autumn on the Reel. #reeladventureoutfitters #theadventureisreel #mauijimsunglasses #simmsfishing #simmsflyfishing #ctflyfishing #flyfishing #flyfishingwoman #loonflyfishing #girlsthatfish #upcountrysportfishing #farmingtonriver #riverguide #onthewatermagazine #columbiapfg #ctflyfishing #ctfishing #fishingct https://www.instagram.com/p/CBaliHQjwaA/?igshid=8jw0gmtgvaxa
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the five homoerotic love languages:
- intimate stabbing
- outright obsession
- confused pining
- "no one knows me like you do"
- lifelong promises that always sound suspiciously like wedding vows
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@riverguides sent a meme.
[ REST ] sender places their head in receiver’s lap.
Bare feet propped up on the edge of the coffee table in front of him, a cup of hot chocolate on the end table, and Desi sprawled out across the couch next to him, his head and shoulders burrowing into Amos' side, resting on his thigh while Amos' fingers wandered aimlessly through the just slightly tousled curls. There wasn't much else he could ask for on days like this.
He'd tried to stop wondering what other shoe was going to drop when they had their moments of calm like this. It didn't always work. His free hand shifted, turning down the volume of the tv just a smidge before trading the remote for his cup to take a sip of the dark chocolate with extra marshmallows cocoa. He was only halfway paying attention to whatever old black and white Desi had put on. He was enjoying the whole not having to really think at all about it all. Just ... being.
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Milton Nieto 🎣 Trophy Catfish Guide & Star on hit show River Monsters 🎣 Upcoming guest on our Saturday morning Fish Story 📚Podcast 🎙🎧#fishstory . . . #fishingpodcast #podcast #rivermonster #trophycatfish #garfishing #catfishing #catfish #fishingshow #riverguide #outsidertacklebox https://www.instagram.com/p/B789ILwAmfv/?igshid=yndu2f5h2ygm
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And they say the perfect woman doesn't exist...

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He didn't much like leaving Desi alone these days. Especially when Desi was going to be outside of the territory that they'd marked out as their own in the city. Territory that Amos had spent a lot of time and energy ensuring was free from anything that might put Desi in harm's way. Strange, wasn't it, how the crime rates for violent offenders, drug busts and various turf wars had dropped so drastically after Desi had set up a house, and a art gallery in the same area of town? It had done wonders for the real estate market, too. Good thing they'd bought when they did, huh.
He'd intended to fly out same day to Dublin with Des - he liked going to check on the breweries and holdings Arthur had there. Lots of good whiskey, and bourbon. Lots of pretty women, and plenty of strapping men with energy to spare. And he liked the accents. But, when the final piece of info had come in on the scumbag that he'd been hunting the past few months, he'd been hesitant to let the opportunity pass by. This guy was squirrelly and being able to lock down a when and where they would be? Desi had understood. Well. Maybe not understood, but he'd accepted it.
It had been ... messy. At least half the human cargo had already died, or was near death, by the time they'd arrived in port. The rest were too weak, too traumatized, too horrified to really process what he'd told them, when he'd opened the freight cars stacked on the deck of the ship. What was freedom, in a strange place, with no home, no money, no hope? When the one that saved you looked as much a monster as those that had taken you? The bodies on the deck, on the gangplank and dock, probably didn't make them feel much safer. He had people for that, though. Not his people, per se, just - people he knew, that would help the survivors. His part of the job had been over. And so he'd come back, to Desi.
He might've washed away the blood, but he could still smell the stench of those freight cars. He didn't like people. Desi was the exception. He felt the shift in his lover like a whip cracking against his skin. Whatever composure Desi had been wearing, crumpling. Cracking. He had covered the distance between them in an instant, hands grasping Desi's upper arms, maybe a little too hard, trying to make sure he stayed upright as it looked like every ounce of strength sapped from him in a moment. "Des ---" It was rough, an almost growl. Amos didn't know fear. Not like other people did. The ice that clenched in his chest, the way he heart lurched. It was as close as he got. He remembered the last time he'd felt something like this was when he'd come back from a fight with Arthur and Nicky and Joe -- and they'd found no trace of Desi.
He absorbed the stumbled, sobbed words that escaped from Desi in that part of his mind that wasn't roaring with fury. He knew he'd failed, again. That somehow, someone, in the last twenty four hours, had hurt Desi. He could feel the growl, low and rumbling, little more than a vibration in his chest, and he clamped it down. A hand shifts to catch the side of Desi's face, a thumb catching beneath his chin, to pull his focus up to Amos at least long enough that he might comprehend what Amos was about to say. "You." He was never any good at finding words. "Are my home."
@factiousfcrged said, " i don't like people, but you're an exception. "

" i don't like people much anymore, either, mon précieux lion, " desiderius tries to force himself to find a smile in that but he was still shaken by the run in with william the day prior. all the implications and words hidden in his head. the task he was supposed to be willing part of in order to make sure none of his friends ended up in the same chair he'd practically melded with during his time with the insatiable mutant.
he refused to let it happen to amos.
problem was, there was no way to know the bad guy of his story would stop once he'd gotten what he wanted. even if william was a man of his word when it suited his purposes that didn't stop his desires for the rest of time. if desi proved to be a useful puppet this time what stopped him from next time? he remembered, suddenly, why it was stupid to have kept a lover since he'd become a target. amos couldn't be around him anymore because all it would do would extend that target onto his back, too.
closing his eyes, desi can't stop the tears or the memories. he realizes all too late that he'd started shaking. amos's words replay in his head like an anchor. in the other immortal's own way, it was very very synonymous to a declaration of love.
" amos, " desi sucks in a breath. eyebrows pinch together with a slew of words racing through his head at a mile a minute. when speaking to his partner he liked to be as honest and literal as possible so there were no questions between them. hard when one also didn't want to tell the whole truth. " i think you should go home. there are things that i... " he gasps for air. it's not safe for you to be near me, lion. it hasn't been safe since i was captured and i'm sorry i haven't been brave enough to set you free. "
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Riding the Snake River into the sunset! #snakeriver #grandteton #nationalpark #nps #rafting #riverguide #sunset #scenery #wildlife #nature (at Grand Teton National Park)
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We had an absolute blast at our recent @wearebirdeye company off-site w/ @american_whitewater - Thanks Maddie for being an awesome 🥝 #riverguide #americanriver #whitewaterrafting #whitewater #coloma #california #jamesmarshall #rafting #birdeye (at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sKXCPJXuI/?igshid=1dwfv57pzb404
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La vida como un rápido.
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