#rivamika smut
byhimawari · 6 months
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"All I say, I say with you." (a RivaMika drabble | mild NSFW)
"Tell me how you like it."
Levi remembers what she likes. But still he asks, because her body is like that of a precious sanctuary that must be handled carefully and properly with each and every touch. Mikasa’s glowing under him, her delicate hands trailing his chest, his arms, then around his neck, all with a smile and eyes that tell him he knows. Levi smiles back before capturing her lips with his own, his mouth sliding to her neck, her throat, her breasts, her naval, until he reaches the very answer to his request that rests between her thighs.
"Does that feel good?"
She’s riding him now, her legs straddled on either side of him, positioned up tall, her breasts bouncing to each grind she gracefully performs on him. Her face is blossomed pink, like the flowers she grows, and it’s when Mikasa leans down and kisses him deeply as she bucks her hips, chasing her release, that Levi gets his answer.
"You're so beautiful."
Though he is very well aware of the majestic beauty that is Mikasa Ackerman, Levi, without fail, will always marvel in awe at her features, still in disbelief of how someone so beautiful, so angelic, so damn perfect could exist in such a dark, ugly world as theirs. Perhaps, he thinks, it is because she is light — his light — that brings color to his days.
"I want you."
Levi’s thrusting into her rapidly from behind, his grip tight around her waist, sure to leave a bruise when they wake. Her walls clench around him, the lewd sound of her wetness and the harsh breaths that escape her driving him dangerously close to the edge. So he slows down, wanting more time, more energy, more her.
"I need you."
The sex is great. It’s always great. But the bliss comes from beyond the connection between their bodies, as Levi needs her like he needs air to breathe and without her, he will not survive. His mouth is on hers, kissing her gently, caressing her lips tenderly with his own with a dire longing for her body and soul alike as he moves more slowly in her, more purposeful, his fingers interlaced with hers in a strong hold, wanting her to know, without a doubt, that she is his life in more ways than one.
"I love you."
He says it with his whole heart, over and over, to her and for her. Because if love is all he can offer her, may he be generous so that she may never doubt the words that he says, the words he says with her.
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nuri148 · 9 months
Now complete!
One year after the death of her husband, Armin, Mikasa Ackerman reconnects with old friends as she starts a new life. With the stress of her new job and being the single parent of a ridiculously gifted child, will she allow herself to realise her budding feelings for her former captain, let alone act upon them? And will Levi muster the courage to admit his own feelings for her?
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Cover art by @lividayis
Read on AO3
Check the #clarity tea house tag for behind the scenes stuff!
Feel free to AMA!
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Lonely Nights
Rivamika smut. Like, really shameless smut. No holding back. It's porn. BAHAHHA. Gonna hold off on posting this to Ao3 for a while hehehehe. (Kind of inspired by the 'condom' scene in Microcosmos pffff)
Title: Lonely Nights
Summary: Levi accidentally finds something in Mikasa's satchel on their solo travels at sea on the way to Marley.
"Is this what you were imagining, Mikasa...? Me fucking you like this?"
Word Count: 4,990
*Edit: I uploaded this to Ao3 and fanfiction.net!
Levi gulped, a bead of sweat rolled down his temple as his widened eyes stayed planted at what was on sight on the ground.
Mikasa's satchel was left in the common chamber of the boat; a simple rock of the boat had caused it to fall over on the floor beside Levi as he sat at the table drinking his chamomile tea. The man placed his teacup carefully on its saucer before squatting to the floor to carefully make out what spilled out of a peculiar paper envelope from her bag. The envelope didn't have writing on it or anything, it seemed a bit secretive. But that wasn't what caught him off guard.
It was the pile of condom packets spilled across the floor by his feet.
He raised his brows and scoffed to himself. It was fine. Mikasa is a grown-ass woman, he thought. She was an attractive woman, and no sane man could deny the appeal of Mikasa Ackerman. Her sex life was none of his damn business. But to be frank, Levi was a little relieved the brat was being responsible. But what the hell? He couldn't help but wonder who the hell was sleeping with Mikasa Ackerman.
Jaeger? Kirstein?
No, those two are dumbasses.
Either way, someone was a lucky bastard.
He cocked a brow and shook his head of his thoughts. The sudden tightness in his pants was a nuisance, and he leaned forward to pick up the remnants of Mikasa's belongings, stuffing it back into the satchel.
Levi halted once again, his hands froze as he began to process this even more. He and Mikasa were on a journey back to Marley alone. No one else, besides Onyankapon who was manning the boat. Unless she has a thing for that man…
No—what the hell? Why does she have these?
He gulped.
…Is it for me?
Suddenly images of Mikasa's unclad body flashed in his mind; at least, what he'd always imagined it to be. His palms began to sweat imagining holding her creamy skin and hourglass form; he'd always noticed it whenever they'd help each other dress and gear up for missions and expeditions, much more when they'd spar. It was an undeniable painful attraction that the captain had always tried to kill off by occupying his mind with other things or of the impending war they had to deal with.
But there he was, kneeling on the wooden floor of the boat staring at the damn condoms… His thoughts full of detailed imagination of what it'd be like to fuck Mikasa for a night.
He slapped his palm to his forehead to snap out of it, leaving a slight red mark in its trace. Levi, what the fuck are you thinking? He slumped at the ground and ran his stressed hand through his hair. He felt his breaths suddenly turn shallow and his skin began to turn hot at the thought. It was always shitty to get so hot and bothered with no way but in the privacy of his cabin to get it out of him.
Levi was almost done picking up the condoms when he heard the door suddenly swing open behind him.
"Captain, have you seen my—"
His head flipped backwards at Mikasa as he stood quickly to his feet. Levi's face turned opaque-red as his eyes shot to Mikasa's, who was staring at the open bag in her captain's hands — he felt as if he'd been caught. He had no words to offer to console the moment. All he did was close the flap of the bag and toss the bag onto the table in between them.
"Captain? Were you looking through my belongings...?" Mikasa asked without emotion on her face.
"Your shitty bag spilled all over the floor." He turned his reddened face away and made a waving motion as if to shoo her away. "I think I got everything for you."
Mikasa quickly snatched the bag from the table and protectively braced it to herself, opening the flap to double-check on what was in it. Her eyes widened with embarrassment at the revelation that Captain Levi had seen what she carried with her on this trip.
"U-um, I can explain," she began, but Levi threw a palm in the air to stop her.
"You don't have to explain shit. You're a grown-ass woman. Not my business who you fuck." He cleared his throat and began to walk away in the opposite direction, facing his body away from her to hide the evidence of his blaring erection. It took so much effort for him to turn his profile to her and look towards her — still not directly at her eyes. "I just need you to know we won't have time for you to run around meeting men around Marley."
"Captain, it's not…" She took some steps towards Levi. "It's not for men in Marley."
Levi turned to face her and cocked a brow, surprised at this rather curious display of Mikasa as she made her way to stand close to him. Hm? What is this? It was different, and the man was as amused as he was aroused by this proximity and the conversation at hand. She seemed shy but her lips — her damn lips — were a cherry red, and she held a secretive look on her face which revealed her underlying boldness. He watched her eyes quietly darkened at him.
He was still doubtful, still trying to get a full read on this situation as he fought his thoughts running rampant from earlier, but it all went blank when he caught a glimpse of Mikasa's eyes staring at the bulge in his pants as she bit her lip. Fucking sultry.
…He dared to test the waters.
"Oh?" He took a step closer to her, closing some of the distance between them. He noticed she didn't move back, as if she wanted him to get even closer. His voice lowered to a breathy, deep tone as he slowly grabbed the bag from her hands. "And what might you need these for, Ackerman...?" He took the envelope of condoms out of her bag with the tip of his fingers before dropping it into her hands.
She stared at what lay in her hands for a moment, unmoved. And for a second, Levi wondered if he had miscalculated, until he caught a glimpse of Mikasa fluttering her lashes, closing the gap between them entirely as she pressed into him, daring to challenge him back. But as usual Levi stood his ground with her; their faces just mere few inches apart as she felt his stiffened member against her leg. Mikasa took the gamble to brush harder against him. A coy smirk arose on her face at the soft sigh that escaped his lips.
She got him.
She stared, not giving him a word, forcing him to wait moments for her answer and to feel her breathing against him, before she finally leaned forward and spoke quietly into his ear. "It's for our lonely nights at sea, Captain."
He tilted his head, finally grasping a full read of this… situation. Not that he had any control of it; he was turned on and damned already. But the signal was well received, and it thrilled him.
"Tell me, then," He pulled back and lifted a hand, gently tugging at her soft dark hair backwards with his fingertips. A weak groan escaped her throat at his grip. "Is tonight one of those lonely nights, Mikasa…?"
Mikasa pulled away, the air turning electric as she turned around. A smile curled on her lips and his body tensed as he watched her walk to the door of the chamber with a slight sway in her hips. She closed it to a click behind her and peeked over her shoulder with slow-blinking eyes, entertained at the ravenous expression of Levi ogling at her as she walked slowly to him again. "It won't be very lonely if you'll join me, Captain."
"Then I can't leave you unaccompanied, can I?"
Mikasa felt electricity soar throughout her body at his answer. She stood before him and began tracing a finger across his chest before pushing him firmly against the wall with a thud.
"Shit," he hissed. He was really aroused now. His eager hands found her waist and he pulled her selfishly to himself before lowering to grab her ass.
Mikasa slid her palm down his chest, further down his solid abdomen, then grazed her palm against the bulge of his pants before pawing at it. He threw his head backwards at the touch and let himself rest against the wall as he felt Mikasa's graceful fingers stroked his length from outside of the fabric, her shy giggles filling the air.
"Hell, Ackerman," he locked eyes onto hers as she grinned at his uncontrolled movements in her grasp. "That feels so fucking good." His raspy voice in her ear demanded more. He began to reach for her face until she grabbed his wrist and placed his hands onto her breasts and—shit, she wasn't even wearing a bra. He could feel how plump and taut her breasts were, and her hardened nipples were bursting from the seams. The erotic sighs that left Mikasa's mouth were reward for this touch.
They stood there against the boat walls; Mikasa panted louder with her captain as she stroked him harder, and as he leaned down to bite her stiff nipple in his teeth through the fabric of her shirt. It'd been years since Levi had sex with a woman, and if this was the night that'd break his streak, Captain Levi planned to savor every second of it. 
…Is this happening?
The boat suddenly gave a strong rock that made them clumsily stumble, breaking their balance and snapping them out of the heat of the moment. Levi took shaky steps backwards away from Mikasa's touch, and they stood there, faces and lips reddened and plump with arousal staring at each other with widened eyes before turning away and catching their breaths. The reality of what just happened began to dawn on them.
It was awkwardly silent until Mikasa picked up her bag. "S-sorry," she mumbled under her breath, before turning to leave the room quickly.
Levi watched her exit with a stunned look on his face. The door shut behind her and a wash of guilt and regret filled him in the moments that followed. He slammed a fist against the table and paced back and forth.
Shit... Shit! I shouldn't have let that happen.
An awkward hour passed. Levi lay in his cabin, staring at the ceiling, trying to distract himself from the guilt and soon-to-be shame the next time he'd have to face Mikasa. He was angry with himself and began to doubt his leadership. And for fuck's sake, his erection still wasn't settling down.
The night started off finding the shitty condoms in her bag, daydreaming about who the hell Mikasa Ackerman would give herself to, and there she approached him and stroked him with desire he never thought he'd see in her eyes as she looked at him. His heartbeat began to race again as he replayed those moments; her hand rubbing against him, the feeling of her breasts in his hands. Fucking hell.
But it was no excuse. He was her captain; she was his subordinate. And it was his responsibility to keep it together, to hold it all back, even if he had always been insanely attracted to his right-hand soldier - even if she returned that attraction. And the responsible thing to do right now is own up to his irresponsible mistake, instead of laying in his cabin wanting to please himself at the memories.
Next thing he knew, Levi was heading to Mikasa's cabin door, ready to knock. He was ready to tell her it can't happen again, that there was way too much at risk, that he can't be interested in anything that could compromise his leadership over her. He was ready to apologize and own up. He stood there, staring at his feet and rehearsing his words in his head while fighting off the thoughts.
He lifted a hand and knocked, finally looking up and realizing the door was already open. "Mikasa." His heart was racing, ready to face her with shame.
There was no answer.
He knocked again, listening for if she was asleep. But as he leaned in, the tempestuous sounds of Mikasa's heavy breaths, her panting and moaning lightly in her room proved otherwise, and she began mumbling something passionately under her shortened breaths.
"L-Levi… Levi…!"
The man couldn't control himself any longer. He swung the door open desperate to see this evidence; the literal breathtaking back view of Mikasa Ackerman bent forward on her mattress wearing nothing but an opened button-up shirt as she pleased and touched herself thinking of him made Levi turn to complete mush, giving him possibly the most painful, impatient erection.
He expected Mikasa to fall over and cover herself in embarrassment at his entrance.
Instead, she peeked over her shoulder, ass still in the air, glazed eyes rolling back for a split second before meeting with his, and she didn't stop for a moment to continue fucking herself with her fingers as she knew he watched. In fact, she fingered even faster at the sight of Levi — a dazed smirk flashed at him as if she had been counting on him to show up, and the way she moaned his name even louder was inviting.
Levi didn't know what the hell overcame Mikasa over this trip. But the pieces were falling together, and the way she now spread her legs open towards him, exposing her dripping pussy from behind and licking her fingers at his direction, told him she wanted to fuck him just as much as he wanted to fuck her right here, right now.
Levi completely gave up and accepted the invitation. And oh, was he hungry. He rushed into her room and slammed the door closed behind him, undoing his pants and kicking his shoes off in an instant. "Don't fucking stop," he commanded as he brought out his cock and began pumping on his own, making his way to her. "Don't stop thinking of me," he hissed. He took the space between her bare legs on her mattress, kneeling on the cushion and facing her raised ass as he watched her listen to his demand to please herself in front of him.
Her pussy was dripping and her toes were curling at his presence, and she knew he liked watching her involuntary twitches. 
Levi groped her ass before giving a hard slap, forcing a yelp from her lips.
"Again," she pleaded. 
Who was he to deny?
He smirked at the immediate reddened mark of his handprint on her cheek and it sent him in a total frenzy. Mikasa yelped again and had to stop touching herself as she winced from the sting of humanity's strongest's slaps. Her wet fingers clenched against the bedding above her head and her dry, open-mouthed gasping suggested she needed a break.
But Levi had other plans. "I'm not allowing you any breaks tonight, Ackerman." Levi spat on his right hand and immediately began trailing a finger between her slick folds. It felt like gold on his fingertips, and her pleasured sighs were music to his ears. He leaned his aching body over her back and brought his left hand to pull her dark hair towards him.
"A-ah—yes—Levi!" She called out his name and he pulled even harder while shoving two fingers deep into her, making her gasp.
He bit the skin of her shoulder before leaning into her ear to speak. "Do you want more, Mikasa?" He began pumping into her with three fingers knuckles deep now, the sopping wet sounds filled the air of her room even before she answered.
"More," Mikasa gasped, "More, Levi—AH!"
Immediately at the demand, Levi let go of her hair and shoved her to fall forward into her pillow. Her ass still high in the air, Levi leaned down and violently crashed his tongue against her center of pleasure from behind; he vigorously rubbed her clit with his fast-moving fingers as began his awaited feast between Mikasa's legs.
Mikasa screamed even louder, her back arched forward as she felt the flat of his tongue slowly graze her pussy in long, broad strokes. She felt the groaning of that low, seductive voice of her Captain create pleasing vibrations against her. His soft, hot tongue continued working back and forth onto the full length of her slickness as he lapped faster and faster. He reached his tongue further forward, flicking her clit with insane speed and pressure that had her seeing stars.
She was moaning so loud from her gaping mouth, Levi knew without a doubt Onyankapon could hear everything on the boat, but he didn't give a damn. He wanted her screams to be heard across the fucking sea. "You taste so fucking good, Mikasa," his muffled voice let out. "I've wanted to taste you for so long."
He threw her legs over his shoulders in the air, forcing her to balance on her forearms on the bed as he began fucking her pussy with just his tongue. Her sweet juices were running down his chin, all over her thighs, and for once he didn't mind this kind of mess. It was fucking filthy, yet he loved every bit of it. He attacked her swollen clit with vigor and spoke to her between the sucking, his voice muffled between her thighs. "Is this what you were imagining, Mikasa...? Me fucking you like this?"
She was at her limits, and he was dead right. This was exactly what she had imagined and wanted for so long, and she knew this solo trip would be the perfect opportunity to finally fuck her attractive captain. That was enough to bring the tension in Mikasa's body to finally snap. "CAPTAIN!!" She was shrieking so loud without restraint, Levi could feel the vibration of her voice bouncing back from the metal walls as her body jolted against his mouth still eating her out through her climax. He pulled away and watched her pink flesh pulsing before his eyes.
She was still in the middle of jolting when he threw her against the mattress, grabbing her ankles and flipping her onto her back with no time to spare. Her shirt splayed open and he took a moment to take in the sight of her perfect breasts as they jerked and jolted with her aftershocks. What a sight to see.
"Think you can handle more of me, brat?" Levi stood from the bed, hovering above her as he stripped her open shirt from her body, throwing it aggressively to the ground below him.
Mikasa's naked body was covered in dripping sweat, waiting desperately for him again. She was still huffing, struggling to catch her breath to even answer him. She watched as he leaned down on her, pressing his face between her breasts before moving to leave red lovebites all over her chest, dragging his tongue and marking his soldier's territory. She winced as he lightly bit her nipples, then soothed it with his wet tongue.
He pulled his trousers down and revealed his impressive erection that had been achingly waiting for this. Mikasa's glazed eyes stared down at him; Levi could see the desire and excitement in her face and it made his cock twitch. She was still panting, but she managed to say one word: hurry.
Levi crept up between her legs on the bed. Mikasa reached down and began stroking him, thumbing the bit of wetness at the tip of his cock before stroking the full length back and forth. "Fuck, Mikasa," he clenched his teeth and grinned at her. That was enough to fill her energy back to the brim.
Mikasa remained laying down and grabbed Levi's waist, tossing him up to line his cock to her face as Levi knelt on all fours above her. She raised herself slightly on her elbows to take him by the mouth, sucking without restraint. She laved her tongue around the full length of his stiff member before focusing her tongue around the tip in slow, languid movements. Suddenly she took his full length into her mouth down to her throat in one motion, lips parted around the base of his cock, sucking with hallowed cheeks.
Levi began thrusting into her mouth; the wet heat engulfing his cock as she stroked his lubricated length with a fast-moving hand. He was fucking her pretty mouth, making eye contact with her, and wanted nothing more than to come right there — but Levi was a patient man, despite Mikasa Ackerman testing him this way. He grasped a hand at the headrest of the bed and savored the feeling.
He quickly peeled away from her, saving his energy and catching his breath. He fell back onto his knees as he sat up. Levi looked down at Mikasa in heat, he could see her tongue still moving in her open mouth as she gasped for air. She flashed a smug smile at him. "Have you ever imagined that, Captain…?"
"All the time." He made his way off of the bed and yanked her body with him, making her open legs fall off the side edge of the bed as he stood between them. Her arms were laid on the mattress above her head and he took both wrists to pin them down. "I imagined this all. the. fucking. time."
He smoothed his cock against her wetness, rocking his hips forward and back to explore the warm length of her as she squealed beneath him. Her eyes closed and he could see the way she was savoring the feeling just as himself — it was clear that they both had imagined this for so long. She tried to free her pinned hands from his grasp to hold him but he wouldn't let her. He lined up his tip to her entrance. "I need you to look at me, Mikasa. This isn't a shitty dream anymore."
Her eyes shot open the moment he pushed into her tightness inch by inch, and she gave a raspy moan as she adjusted to his large size. Their eyes were locked onto each other's now — the reality of this bringing them a shared ecstasy they had never felt before as Levi began to pump incessantly inside of her. Mikasa bit her lip at the pressure building inside of her from Levi's mass filling her; Levi gritted his teeth at the heat hugging his throbbing cock, and neither of them could look away. It was too damn good.
Levi began pounding into her rigorously, eliciting louder moans from the woman as she rolled her hips towards him. "Just how long have you wanted me to fuck you like this, brat?!" He raised his voice over the sopping sounds of their flesh smacking together.
She couldn't physically bring herself to answer him; not just because her body was being fucked like this but because she honestly didn't know. She'd always imagined this, maybe from the beginning. Mikasa had spent many nights in the quiet of her cabin and in her tent on expeditions touching herself and thinking of Captain Levi. She felt the pressure building deep in her again.
Levi finally let go of her reddened wrists and tossed her on the mattress again on her back. He brought her slender legs high against his chest as he thrust into her again, setting his tempo again. His ears perked at her moans even louder at this angle. He watched as she dragged her hands down to grope her own breasts, playing with her nipples as her breasts bounced back and forth with his rough movements. 
He could feel her muscles beginning to clench around him, and he dipped lower and jackhammered even harder to reach her sweetest spot. Mikasa began to scream bloody murder on the boat. "Le-LEVI! Not yet—"
She pushed him backwards aggressively, making him fall on his back on the mattress as he panted. She squirmed for a second before sitting up and slowly crawling above him with legs still twitching. Mikasa found her place atop of him is if he was her throne, and bucked her hips to force his re-entrance. A sigh escaped her lips. 
Levi's hands found her waist as he watched this display of Mikasa's sexy body bouncing on top of him; his hands helping her slam more pleasure on his length. She reached for his hands and guided them to her breasts that were dangling over his face now. Levi reached his neck forward to suckle on them while she writhed atop of him.
Then she arched backwards, gripping his calves in her hands, grinding on him violently back and forth; she could feel the tip of his cock hitting her inner walls that made her see stars. "Holy shit, Levi," She threw her head back as she squirmed in circles on him, making the stickiest sounds of their lovemaking fill the air. "You feel so good," she spat into the air above them.
It built his confidence. "Yeah…?" Levi reached a hand from her breast and up to her neck, pulling her down to look at him again. His hand gripped the back of her neck as he pulled her in for a kiss; his tongue found hers and they began to breathe each other in as Levi began to slam into her from below. "Is this better than what you expected?"
"You're lasting lon... longer than I expected," she smirked and teased him, her words hitched for a moment at an aggressive thrust.
"Who the hell do you take me for, brat?" Levi grabbed her body and tossed her on her fours beside him as he made his way behind her again. She looked over his shoulder at him and he slapped her ass again like earlier, except it stung even more. He lined himself up again as she planted on her elbows. "I'm humanity's fucking strongest. I could fuck you like this every night."
"Is that a challenge, Captain?" 
Levi wanted to fuck the sly tone out of her voice. "It's a promise. You're fucking mine."
Mikasa felt Levi's hand wrap around her throat, choking her slightly from behind as he plowed into her at his fastest and most merciless pace yet; reaching a pleasurable depth in her that she didn't know was reachable. A choked sob she tried to hold in escaped. It almost hurt, but it felt so fucking good, just like his hand moving from her throat and hooking fingers in her mouth. She began sucking his fingers as he continued attacking her from behind. This time, Levi's moans were the loudest as her mouth was occupied.
Suddenly Levi grabbed Mikasa's arms and held hostage them behind her back; she fell face forward into her pillow and let out uncontrollable euphoric screams. They were so hot; the air of the cabin turned humid with their hot breaths, panting, the screams and groans. She could feel her juices seep more and more down her own legs and against his body every time he thrust; she was gonna explode. 
The thought that Captain Levi was enjoying this as much as she was enjoying it was sublime. The thought that he wanted to do her like this every night was heaven. "Fuck me... Fuck me, LEVI!" She screamed recklessly into the pillow at the top of her lungs, uncaring at who might hear. He met her demands instantly, going at her like a wild animal, this pleasure like nothing else for both of pressure in her body exploded into a climax again, convulsing with her shattered breaths. Mikasa felt like her quivering body was on fire.
"Mi-Mikasa…! I'm gonna come—" She felt his cock swell even bigger inside of her as he pumped through her aftershocks. He lasted as long as he could before Mikasa dared, "Fucking come on me, Levi!" He pulled out of her and came onto her belly with indecipherable groans. Mikasa took his dick in her hands and stroked, letting the rest of Levi's love sputter on across her breasts at his release. His frenzied eyes took a moment to look down at her; his work of art displayed the just-fucked body of Mikasa Ackerman.
Levi slumped to the mattress beside her and threw a hand to his sweating face, gasping for air. "Holy shit, Mikasa," he breathed and turned to her as she giggled innocently at him. She was a damn mess. He watched as her naked body stood from the bed, his juices dripping down her breasts and down the curves of her waist before she wiped it with a cloth.
He expected her to get dressed and tell him to leave, but instead she laid back in the bed, pressing up against him and tracing a finger across his chest. They lay silent, just breathing for minutes that felt like an eternity; both wondering who would be the one to break this silence of their thoughts going wild.
Shit. She's probably regretful now. I knew I shouldn't hav—
"Keep your promise." Mikasa blinked at him and smiled, then leaned over to his ear and whispered. "...Fuck me like that every night."
"Mikasa, you know we only have three more nights at sea here."
"Like I said," she closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep. "Every night. Even after all of this."
Levi's eyebrows raised, impressed. The thrill and idea of making love to Mikasa Ackerman at her demand excited him. But goddamn, he was spent.
He began to sleep… Until his eyes shot open.
We forgot the fucking condoms.
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randomposterofstuff · 2 years
Soldiers by Choice - Chapter XXIV
Previous Rating: T
Updated Rating: M
Author's Note: Okay. So, as mentioned during the last update, the rating of this story is now 'M' as of this chapter. Hahaha. I admit that I feel kinda nervous since I don't have much experience with smut. I've written smut before, but not very extensively. Haha. At any rate, I hope that you'll like this chapter!
Also tagging @a-slut-for-smut. Hello! I frequently see you in the RM tags. So, I thought that you might be interested in this particular chapter. Haha. If you have the time to read it, let me know what you think, friend! Also, just for context: as of this chapter, Levi is 29 while Mikasa is 23. Haha.
Tumblr Chapters List can be found here.
This story is also available on Ao3! Click on the link below!
Chapter 24: Promises and Nightcaps
Summary: Armin and Annie talk after training together. Meanwhile, Levi and Mikasa spend the night together after working long hours.
849 (7th Month)
Armin takes a breath and wipes a bead of sweat from his brow before crouching into a fighting stance. He raises his fists to face-level and eyes the padded wooden training dummy in front of him.
As he conditions his mind to prepare for the task at hand, he hears the subtle chirping of birds from outside the windows of the empty training chamber. From the corner of his eyes, he also sees early morning sunlight filtering in from the windows.
The sun had not yet risen when Armin met with Annie for their pre-training jog about an hour earlier. Dressed in training shorts and white sleeveless training tops, the two blondes jogged laps around the compound under an inky-blue sky.
Today is a free day for all the cadets. A great number of them use their free days to get more sleep, chat, or simply rest. Meanwhile, some use their free time to practice training drills or to study for classes. In Armin’s case, he’s now training with Annie after he approached her yesterday and asked if she could train him today.
Armin takes another breath to calm himself and his body, keeping in mind Annie’s advice to keep the body as fluid as possible during a fight.
A few feet to his right, Annie observes his fighting stance, her cold-blue eyes assessing how his knees and elbows are bent.
“Alright,” Annie calls out, raising her right arm to hold up a pocket watch while crossing her left one over her front. “You know the drill, Armin. 20 kicks on each side as fast as you can.”
“Got it!” Armin responds, steadying his legs as he waits for Annie’s go-signal.
“3… 2… 1,” Annie counts down, looking at the dial of the watch.
Armin grunts as he swings his right leg and kicks the side of the training dummy. As soon as he makes contact, he quickly lowers his leg before swinging it again for another kick.
2… 3… 4… 5… 6… Armin grits his teeth as he counts his kicks in his mind, 7… 8… 9…
The training chamber is quiet save for the rhythmic muffled thumping of Armin kicking the padded training dummy. Beads of sweat fly off Armin’s temples as he twists his hips in time with his kicks, all the while keeping his standing leg steady.
18… 19… 20!
As soon as he lands his 20th kick on the dummy’s right side, Armin quickly lowers his right leg, sliding it back and shifting his weight onto it before swinging his left leg to kick the dummy’s left side.
From her place at the side, Annie watches as Armin lands his first left-legged kick on the dummy’s left side. As Armin deals a steady flow of kicks, Annie notes with quiet approval that he now shifts his hips instead of his torso when he prepares to kick.
Annie’s mouth quirks up a bit when she recalls how Armin would always twist his torso in the direction of his kicks during their first training session. After calling him out on it, she explained that twisting the hips is a better way to add power to kicks. Armin immediately took note of it and began to be more mindful of his movements.
12… 13… 14…
As Armin continues kicking, a dull ache starts to radiate from his left calf muscle. He winces at the sensation but does not stop.
15.. 16… almost there! Armin grits his teeth even more harshly, focusing on the number of his kicks to keep his mind off the pain, 17… 18... 19… 20!
Armin lets out a huge sigh of relief after landing his final kick. Meanwhile, Annie shifted her eyes back to the pocket watch after he landed his final kick. Annie observes the placement of the watch hands and she mentally calculates the amount of time that had passed since Armin started.
With his left leg still pressed against the training dummy, Armin takes a moment to catch his breath. Beads of sweat trail from his forehead and down to his chin, and he wipes them away before they can drip to the floor.
“So…” Armin says, lowering his leg and turning to face Annie. “How’d I do?”
“You finished in 2 minutes and 3 seconds,” Annie says, eyes still on the watch. “You beat your old record by 5 seconds,” she adds, a half-smile on her face when she looks up at him. “Good job, Armin.”
A surge of elation breaks through Armin’s weariness, and he grins widely.
“Yes!” he quietly cheers, allowing himself to celebrate the small improvement in physical prowess.
But a moment later, his left calf throbs, causing him to wince again. He then crouches down to rub it gently.
Annie raises a brow. “You okay?”
Armin presses his lips tightly as he applies light pressure to the aching muscle.
“I’m fine, Annie,” he replies, hand still on his calf muscle. “I think it got strained while I was kicking.”
Annie approaches and kneels in front of him. “Hmm…” she hums contemplatively, observing how he tenderly massages his leg. “Well, I know that the pain sucks. But like they say, ‘no pain, no gain’.
“But in any case, I think that we should cut this session short today,” Annie says, shifting her eyes to Armin’s face. “If you keep working that leg instead of letting it rest today, it’s going to be a liability to you during class training drills.”
“No!” Armin exclaims, snapping his head toward Annie. “We barely just started! And this morning is my only free time for personal training exercises!” he explains.
“I understand your point about my leg,” Armin says, conceding to her logic. “But maybe we can spend the rest of our session focusing on other drills that don’t involve kicking?”
Armin’s tone is pleading, but Annie also notices the determined look in his bright blue eyes.
“Fine, if you insist,” she says, unable to turn him down. “We can work on your punches today.”
Armin heaves heavily as he plonks down on a wooden bench inside the training chamber. He reaches for the towel next to him and wipes the sweat from his face.
Armin places the towel down and sees Annie carrying two water canteens; she’s holding one out to him.
“Thanks, Annie,” he says, accepting it with a grateful smile.
Annie nods before sitting next to him and taking a drink from her own water canteen.
Armin gulps his water down, feeling dehydrated from their training session. He lets out a content sigh as soon as he drinks his fill.
“You’re thirsty,” Annie comments, after taking sips of her water at a more moderate pace. “But that’s not surprising, given how much you were sweating earlier.”
Armin laughs a bit sheepishly. “Well, I don’t have as much stamina or strength as you.”
“A lot of people don’t have as much stamina or strength as me,” Annie states casually, swirling the water in her canteen.
“But unlike others, you actually try to improve yourself,” she says, turning to Armin with another slight smile. “And you’re actually improving, too.”
Armin’s awkward smile becomes more genuine at her comment. “You really think so?”
“Your results speak for themselves, Armin. I’m not saying that you’re a fighting prodigy, but your progress is definitely there,” Annie says before taking another sip of water.
“Speaking of which, you got the hang of those punching techniques faster than I expected,” she says, re-capping her water canteen. “If you want, we can add another hour to today’s session and practice a couple more punches.”
Armin perks up at the suggestion, but his enthusiasm lessens when a look of realization suddenly crosses his face.
“Oh, I’d like that, Annie. But I just remembered that I promised Eren that I’d help him study today for the upcoming Strategy class exam,” he explains, voice sheepish. “He’s been having a hard time in class lately, so I said that I’d tutor him for the rest of the day.”
Annie scoffs.
“Considering that Eren’s go-to strategy is to jump right into a fight with his fists, I say that he definitely needs your help.”
Armin laughs heartily at her words, finding her direct and unironic statement about his best friend to be hilarious.
“I won’t argue with you on that,” Armin says, lips still twitching, “Eren doesn’t always think before he acts.”
Annie huffs an amused sound. “That’s an understatement.”
Armin chuckles again, and even Annie smiles more visibly.
The laughter eventually fades after a moment, leaving the two blondes in relatively amiable silence.
“By the way, I’ve always wondered,” Annie states, breaking the quiet. “Why do you hang out with Eren?”
Armin blinks at the question, feeling surprised.
“Eren and I have been best friends since we were children,” he explains. “But you already knew that.”
“I did,” Annie confirms; everyone in their batch knows that Eren and Armin are survivors from Shiganshina and that they’ve known each other even before the breach. “And I get that you’ve been close since you were kids. But what I don’t know is why you’re so close. The two of you are so different from each other. So, I don’t get why you stick so close to him.”
It was one of the first things she noticed about the pair. From their very first day as cadets, Annie already saw just how different Eren and Armin are from each other. Eren is hot-headed, headstrong, and prone to getting into fights. Conversely, Armin is calm, reasonable, and more of a pacifist. And while Eren is more physically adept, Armin is more academically-inclined.
“Ah, I see what you mean,” Armin says, understanding the logic behind Annie’s question.
“Well, it’s a long story,” the male blonde states, looking forward at the array of training equipment on the other side of the room. “I won’t get into details. But the gist of it is that Eren saved me when I was in serious trouble.”
Annie raises a brow at that, wondering what kind of trouble a young Armin Arlert could've gotten himself into. But she remains quiet and lets him continue speaking.
“I lost all my family shortly before I even met Eren. So, I had no one to go to after I was rescued. And that’s when Eren and his parents took me in,” Armin narrates with a small smile on his face. “Dr. Yeager and Mrs. Yeager were very kind to me. They treated me like I was their own son, and Eren was like the brother I never had.
“Eren always watched out for me when we were younger. And that included defending me from local bullies. But the problem with Eren is that he’s always been brash and foolhardy, so he often got into fights with other children and not just the bullies. And that made Mrs. Yeager very concerned,” Armin states with a small chuckle. “There was this one time when Eren suddenly took off running to go to a local festival. He sprinted out the door as soon as he finished his breakfast. Before I went to go after him, Mrs. Yeager made me promise her that I’d try my best to keep him out of trouble.”
Armin then goes silent as memories of happier and simpler times flash in his mind. A feeling of bittersweet nostalgia surges through him as he recalls the moments he had with the Yeager family before their hometown was lost to the Titans.
“You’re right that Eren and I are very different,” Armin eventually says, turning back to Annie. “And I can understand why that seems odd to some people. But I’m close to him not just because he saved me, but because he’s always been good to me in his own way despite our differences. Another reason is that I also want to keep my promise to Mrs. Yeager."
“Your promise to Eren’s mom?” Annie questions. “To keep him out of trouble?”
“Exactly,” Armin says, nodding. “When Mrs. Yeager asked me to watch out for him, I knew that she wasn’t just talking about the festival,” he states with a slight smile. “Plus, Mrs. Yeager was like a mother to me from the moment I set foot in their house. So, the least that I can do for her now is to try my best to keep her reckless son out of trouble.”
Armin goes quiet again as his memories of Carla Yeager appear in his mind. He recalls the kind smile she gave him when she welcomed them into their home. He also remembers how her gentle hands applied balm to the scrapes on his knees after he tripped while playing a game of chase with Eren.
The pleasant recollections then cross with his memories of the day Shiganshina was breached. Armin feels a pang in his chest when he remembers how he was too paralyzed with fear to follow Eren when he ran to Mrs. Yeager.
Armin thinks that he can never forgive himself for failing to even try to help the woman who showed him what a mother’s care is like.
Annie hums contemplatively, re-capturing Armin’s attention.
“So, you’re also trying to keep a promise, huh?” Annie comments, sounding thoughtful. The word ‘promise’ rings a bell in her mind and brings forth the memory of a tearful plea to return accompanied by a tight embrace.
“I guess I can respect that.”
Armin smiles at her response. “I appreciate you saying that, Annie. And I also appreciate you agreeing to have training sessions with me. It’s really kind of you to help me with my fighting skills.”
Annie scoffs as she turns away from him. “I’m not the kind type, Armin.”
“Well, you’re kind to me,” Armin counters, still smiling.
A half-smile forms on Annie’s face, although she doesn’t say anything else.
“Armin! There you are!”
The two blondes startle at the interruption before snapping their heads to the door. At the doorway of the training chamber stands Bertolt, dressed in his casual blue-long-sleeved shirt and dark pants.
“Eren’s been wondering where you are,” Bertolt explains, walking further into the room. “He says that he’s been waiting for you to tutor him for the Strategy class exam.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Armin exclaims, standing up quickly. “I have to go, Annie!” he says, turning back to the female blonde, “Thanks again for training me today!”
Armin then grabs his things and exits the room, leaving only Bertolt and Annie.
“So…” Bertolt scratches his head awkwardly. “… you and Armin looked like you were having a nice chat. What were you talking about?”
“Nothing of interest,” Annie answers flatly, also standing up. “Anyway, I’m heading back to the women’s barracks. See you around, Bertolt.”
Levi feels his eyes straining as he continues to write. His oil lamp is already starting to burn low, and he knows that it will go out completely in less than an hour. He briefly contemplates adding more oil in it. But as he checks the paperwork in front of him, he realizes that he's almost finished. So, he decides to let it be since the lamp still provides enough light for him to write.
From his left, he hears Mikasa sigh in relief as she places her pen down.
“I’m finally finished with my half of the backlogs,” she announces.
“I’m almost done with mine. Just a few more paragraphs,” Levi comments, pausing for a moment to rub his eyes.
“Do you want some tea for a nightcap?” Mikasa offers, observing his weariness.
“A cup of tea before bed sounds good,” Levi replies, already back to writing. “Especially after hours of paperwork.”
Mikasa smiles as she stands up. She removes her jacket before stretching her arms overhead, finding it easier to properly extend her shoulders and limbs without the extra layer of fabric. She then stacks all the papers on her desk before placing them in a box next to her chair. She then moves to the stove, and that’s when she notices that all the lamps in the room are burning low.
"Do you think we should add more oil in the lamps?” she asks. “The entire office is going to dark soon at this rate.”
“No, we’re just about done here,” Levi replies. “We can oil them in the morning.”
“Alright, then,” Mikasa comments before heading to the stove on the right side of the room.
She fills the pot with water from the jug and sets it on the stove. After she turns the stove on, she retrieves her pocket watch from the inside of her jacket. Looking at the dial, she sees that it is less than an hour before midnight.
No wonder it’s so dark right now. She muses, looking at the sky behind their window. Apart from the full moon, the sky is practically pitch-black.
The captains had spent nearly the entire day in their office finishing mountains of accumulated paperwork. The pair never left the office except to have meals at the mess hall, with both of them wanting to finish everything before tomorrow.
“I’m finally done,” Levi grouses, setting his pen down. He rubs his eyes with one hand before standing up and removing his own jacket. He drapes it over his chair before raising his arms over his head to stretch his back. He continues to stretch until his middle vertebra pops audibly.
Mikasa giggles as she retrieves their tea cups and a tin of teabags from the overhead cupboard. “Is your back giving you problems?”
“I’ve been sitting on my ass all day. So, of course, it’s giving me problems,” Levi replies as he gathers his papers and places them in a storage box next to his desk. Once done, he moves over to the divan in the office.
The kettle whistles in a few minutes, and Mikasa removes it from the stove’s hotplate. She then pours hot water into their teacups before making her way to the divan.
Mikasa offers one cup to Levi once he’s within reach.
“Thanks,” Levi replies when he accepts the cup.
Once the cup is in his hands, Mikasa sits next to him and nestles against his side. Levi wraps an arm around her shoulders, keeping her close to him.
The couple simply sits together in silence as they drink their tea. For a long while, no words are exchanged. They just sit and silently enjoy each other's company along with their tea.
As soon as he drains his cup, Levi bends forward to place it on the table in front of them. Afterward, he leans against the back of the settee and takes a deep breath, all while still keeping his arm wrapped around Mikasa.
Levi then closes his eyes, wanting the last bit of strain from earlier to subside. After keeping his eyes shut for a few moments, he opens them again and is glad that they feel more relaxed than earlier.
He then shifts his gaze to the woman snuggled against him. Mikasa is still sipping her tea. Although Levi can see that she's almost done since there's not much tea left in her cup.
Levi also notes the effect of the room's low lighting on her features. The dimming lights of the gas lamps cast a soft glow, which compliments her fair skin and accentuates her strong cheekbones. The soft lighting also highlights her dark grey orbs, which appear to glimmer.
Levi keeps his eyes on Mikasa even after she finishes her tea. After she takes her last drink, she sighs contentedly before bending forward to put it on the table in front of them.
Mikasa then turns to Levi when she leans back against the divan.
“You’ve been staring at me,” she states, resting her head against his shoulder.
"I've been looking at paperwork all day," he responds, pulling her closer with the arm around her. "and I wanted to give my eyes a break by looking at something beautiful.”
Mikasa giggles as her cheeks turn red. Levi smirks at her reaction and lifts his free hand up to her face.
“Can I have a kiss?” he asks, lightly caressing her cheek.
She giggles again. “Have as many as you like.”
Levi leans toward Mikasa, holding one side of her face and catching her lips with his. Mikasa raises her head from his shoulder so she can kiss him more properly. Levi presses their lips together firmly for a long moment before pulling away. He moves his hand from her face to her nape before planting a series of quick kisses on her lips a moment later.
Mikasa laughs lightly in-between kisses, and she braces her hands behind his neck when he trails his lips across the rest of her face. Levi starts with a few kisses on her chin before making his way up to her right cheek and brow.
“You’re a bit greedy tonight,” she teases, stroking the soft hairs of his undercut.
“Oi. You said that I can have as many as I like,” Levi murmurs against her forehead before moving his lips down to her left cheek.
Mikasa huffs amusedly. “Fair enough.”
When Levi’s lips drift near the corner of her mouth, Mikasa shifts her head so they can share another proper kiss. They angle their heads as they brush their lips together slowly, and Levi’s arm around her shoulders moves down to the small of her back to pull her even closer to him. Soon, their mouths open more widely as their tongues start sliding against each other.
By the time they pull away, the gas lamps have dimmed considerably – only small orbs of light can be seen inside the glass cases. Even so, their physical closeness allows them to see each other clearly.
Levi sees the blush on Mikasa’s cheeks. He thinks that the rosy color on her skin, accompanied by her gentle smile and shimmering dark eyes all make for a beautiful sight.
“You okay?” Levi asks, lifting his hand from her nape to brush his thumb against her cheekbone.
“I am,” Mikasa whispers, leaning into his touch. “How about you?”
“I’m also okay.”
The pair then go quiet. For a while, they do not speak and simply look at each other.
Mikasa observes Levi’s face. His typically furrowed brows are relaxed, and the corners of his mouth are subtly quirked upwards. But what really catches her attention is the gentle look in his usually impassive steel-blue eyes as he continues staring at her.
“Levi?” Mikasa eventually breaks the silence.
“Kiss me again.”
Levi wastes no time in closing the gap between them. This kiss is more heated than the ones from earlier – their lips brush more intensely and their tongues slide more quickly.
As more time passes, their kiss deepens – with their mouths and tongues moving with even more fervor. The air around them intensifies, and they both feel the need to be closer.
With their lips still connected, Mikasa shifts herself, moving onto Levi's lap. She braces her hands on his shoulders, and he grips her hips tightly, steadying her.
Their hot breaths mingle as they continue to kiss until Levi breaks away to nibble across her jawline. Mikasa briefly retrieves her hands from his shoulders to unfasten her cravat. The moment the fabric slides down her neck, Levi immediately ducks his head to press a kiss on the soft skin there. She sighs dreamily and moves her hands to his nape when he drags his heated lips across her neck.
Levi plants kisses on her throat, sternum, collarbone, and just about everywhere with exposed skin. Mikasa kisses the top of his head and strokes the soft hairs of his undercut, silently encouraging him to keep going. After a long while, he trails his lips back to Mikasa's waiting ones.
When their lips reconnect, Mikasa kisses Levi firmly and nudges him to rest his back on the divan's upholstered back. When his back gently hits the cushioning, Mikasa drops her head to his jawline, reciprocating his earlier ministrations.
Levi exhales heavily and closes his eyes, focusing on the feeling of Mikasa's lips on his neck. She trails soft kisses and occasional gentle nibbles across his skin, and he grips her hips even more tightly.
Several moments later, Mikasa moves back up to Levi's face for another long kiss. They keep their faces close even after they break away. Mikasa exhales heavily, and she feels her spine tingle when she looks into Levi's eyes. The gentleness in his steel-blue eyes from earlier had morphed into something burning.
Still holding his gaze, Mikasa glides her hands from behind his neck and slowly slides them across his shoulders and down his chest. Levi hums appreciatively; he can feel the warmth of her hands through the fabric of his shirt. He looks into her eyes the entire time – if her dark orbs were glimmering earlier because of the lighting, they’re now smoldering with something else.
With her hands on his chest, Mikasa moves her fingers to the center lining of his gray shirt.
“Can I touch you?” she asks, one finger fidgeting with the knot of his cravat and another playing with the topmost button of his shirt.
“Yes,” Levi whispers, not hesitating for a second.
With his assent, Mikasa starts unfastening his cravat. Her fingers undo the knot efficiently, but she doesn't rush. Once done, she lets the fabric hang around the collar of his shirt before moving to the shirt's buttons.
She undoes the first four buttons, and his chiseled pectorals peek out. She'd touched his skin before during sparring sessions, but touching him this way while undressing him is an entirely new experience. She reaches to touch the newly-exposed skin. As Mikasa glides her hands over his muscles, she feels the rumbling in Levi’s chest as he exhales deeply again.
Mikasa’s eyes follow the trail of her hands, a thrill of excitement shooting through her nerves as she feels how Levi’s muscles would ripple under her touch. She continues unbuttoning his shirt as her touch descends. When she feels something shift against her inner thigh, her eyes fall onto his lap and she sees the bulge that had grown there.
“Well…” she remarks as she undoes his final shirt button, “… it’s nice to know that I have that effect on you.”
Mikasa’s lips quirk up into a smirk as she looks up to meet his eyes again. And Levi feels his cock twitch at the sight of her confidence.
“You don’t know the half of it,” he says, voice low and gravelly.
Levi keeps his eyes on her until he tilts his head and moves forward, catching Mikasa's lips again. She kisses back slowly, matching the brushes of her lips to the movements of her hands on his chest.
Levi grips her hips tightly, his hands aching to roam over her body.
“Can I touch you, too?” he asks in-between kisses.
“Yes,” Mikasa whispers. “Touch me however you like.”
Levi's hands come alive at her invitation. He starts slowly at first, tentatively running his hands up-and-down her hips. Mikasa hums approvingly against his mouth at the feeling, and she extends the reach of her hands - trailing them all over his chest, torso, and neck.
Levi grunts at the additional sensations and feels the urge to reciprocate the same amount of effort. He slides his hands down to her thighs, caressing them and feeling the contours of her strong muscles through her pants. His hands then glide up again, palming her clothed torso before his fingers begin unbuttoning her shirt. He starts with the bottom buttons, sliding his fingers over her toned abs as soon as they are exposed. Mikasa moans at the sensation, and Levi feels her abs flexing against his fingers as he continues undoing the rest of her shirt.
When he undoes the topmost buttons, he places one hand on her brassiere-covered breast while the other slides downward to settle on her backside. As he starts massaging her bosom and ass, he quietly marvels at how her breasts feel so soft compared to the rest of her taut and defined body.
Mikasa moans, and their mouths start clashing more frantically. Levi’s ministrations send pleasant thrills throughout her body and she slides herself even closer to him, wanting more.
She brackets her thighs against his hips. In response, Levi wraps his arms tightly around her waist, with one hand pressing against her back to keep her close to him. She is practically crushed against him, and Levi ducks his head to lavish her slender neck with even more hot kisses.
Mikasa gasps, tilting her head so his lips can reach more of her skin. With his face pressed against her, Levi mouths at her neck before going lower. He kisses, nibbles, and licks at her collarbone before moving down to her chest.
“Oh,” Mikasa moans when she feels Levi’s hot breath against the tops of her breasts. Levi drags his lips over and around her covered bosom, practically burying his face in her chest. Mikasa wraps herself around him even more tightly and places a hand on the back of his head, wanting him even closer even though there is barely any space left between them. On instinct, Mikasa rolls her hips against Levi's, and he groans loudly.
“Mikasa…” Levi grunts, voice muffled against her chest.
“Levi…” Mikasa breathes out his name, carding her fingers through his hair. “… I want more.”
Mikasa feels him growl against her as he tightens his hold around her waist before untying her short ponytail and fluidly shifting them onto the divan with Levi on top of her. When they land on the cushioned padding, Levi lifts his head from Mikasa's chest, and she grabs his head to bring him back down for a proper kiss. They kiss hungrily, mouths, teeth, and tongues clashing. After a hot minute, Mikasa hooks her legs around Levi's waist and they both groan when their lower bodies collide.
Their physical closeness allows them to feel each other’s body heat through their clothes, making them both feel feverish. Levi lifts his head as he breathes heavily. Adrenaline surges through his veins as he looks down at his girlfriend.
Mikasa also breathes heavily, her cheeks are flushed and her dark hair is fanned out behind her on the divan’s cushioning. Her chest heaves as she catches her breath, with the tops of her breasts and her abs splayed in full view courtesy of her opened shirt. Even though they’ve broken away for air, there’s still a heated look in her dark eyes.
“Do you want to go further?” Levi asks, brushing away some dark strands stuck on her forehead. “Or should we stop here?”
Things had been escalating, but now that they've slowed down a bit, Levi wants to be sure about how far Mikasa wants to go tonight. He'll follow her lead, whatever it might be.
Mikasa looks up at her boyfriend. His usually kempt dark hair is mussed up from her fingers carding and gliding through it, and some beads of sweat start to form on his temple. His grey shirt hangs completely open, exposing the smooth muscles of his chiseled chest and torso. The heated gleam in his steel-blue eyes intensifies when she meets his gaze.
“I…” she starts to say, meeting and matching the intensity of his gaze, “… want to continue this in my room.”
Their lips latch onto each other even before Mikasa’s bedroom door completely shuts closed, and Levi's hands are on Mikasa’s hips, pressing her against the door. Mikasa rests her back against the door and pulls Levi even closer to her. Their momentum had slowed down somewhat in the time they took to turn off the lamps in their office before moving to her room. But as their mouths clash, the fire between them is steadily reigniting.
After a hot minute of hot kissing, Levi glides his hands up to start unbuttoning Mikasa’s shirt again. He briefly wonders why they even bothered to re-do the buttons of their shirts before they left the office – since it was near midnight, the corridors were expectedly empty when they practically dashed through them.
But once Levi undoes the last button and shrugs it off Mikasa’s shoulders, he realizes that it's good for foreplay since it gives him the pleasure of completely undressing her from top to bottom. When her shirt falls to the floor, he unhooks her brassiere next. Once her upper body is bare, Levi takes advantage of the unrestricted access to touch every bit of skin he can reach – he massages her freed breasts, strokes her bare back, brushes her sides…
“Oooh…” Mikasa moans at the feeling of Levi’s calloused hands on her. The rough texture of his palms raises goosebumps all over her bare skin.
“Good?” Levi asks, ducking his head to kiss her neck and shoulders.
“Yes,” she whispers in reply.
Mikasa rests her head against the door as she savors the feeling of Levi’s hot lips on her neck and his hands roaming over her skin. She sighs longingly when she once again feels the urge to touch him without any barriers. So, she slides her hands down from his shoulders and unbuttons his shirt as fast as she can without ripping it open.
When Mikasa gets the last button, she moves to push it off his shoulders. Levi pulls back a bit and pauses his fondling of her to let her slide the sleeves down his arms. Once his shirt is discarded, Levi catches Mikasa’s lips again and resumes touching her. As Mikasa kisses him back, she glides her hands over his biceps, shoulders, and every bit of newly-exposed skin and muscle she can reach.
Levi hums lowly at the feeling of Mikasa’s hands on his skin. Her touches trail fire everywhere they go, and he growls against her lips when her hands tantalizingly slide down his hard abs.
Mikasa feels his abs flex against her palms, and she slides her hands lower until they reach the front of his pants. She feels his cock shift under the cloth when she unclasps his belt buckle and unbuttons his pants. She is about to tug his pants down when Levi suddenly grabs her wrists and guides them to his shoulders.
“Wrap yourself around me,” he whispers, nibbling on her lower lip and pulling her closer by the hips. “I want to take you to bed.”
Mikasa shivers with delightful anticipation. “Okay.”
She kisses him fully and wraps one leg around his waist. Levi then hoists her up, and she wraps her other leg around him. Once he secures his hold on her, he strides over to the bed, their lips still locked in a kiss. He's seen where her bed is when they first entered, so he has no problem navigating.
Levi lays Mikasa down on the bed. As soon as her back hits the mattress, he stands upright and unhooks her legs from his waist to take her boots off. Once the boots are on the floor, he slides his hands across her thighs until he reaches the waistband of her pants.
Once Levi unbuttons her pants, Mikasa readily lifts her hips up to help him discard them. He slides her pants down her legs, with her underwear included. Once he yanks them down her ankles, Mikasa slides herself back on the mattress, catching his stare as she does so. Mikasa holds his gaze even after she lies down on the bed completely naked.
Levi feels his already hard cock twitch almost painfully in his pants as his eyes rake over her bare figure. The only light source in the room is the moonlight coming in from the nearby window, and the pale light casts a nearly ethereal glow on her lithe and toned body.
Levi keeps his eyes on her gorgeous figure even as he starts removing his own boots. He then starts pushing his pants down, and Mikasa's eyes follow his movements. She watches his powerful thighs flex as he steps out from them before standing upright, and that’s when his long erection springs up and greets her.
Mikasa’s eyes roam all over his nude form. Levi’s powerful body in its most naked form wordlessly announces his strength. The sight of him like this – standing tall, proud, and aroused because of her, heightens the arousal already stirring in her lower belly.
Levi kicks his pants to the side, and Mikasa feels pleasurable anticipation run through her when he crawls over the bed to join her.
Supporting himself on his hands and knees, Levi bends down to kiss her defined abs. Mikasa sighs dreamily as she reaches down to card her fingers in his hair. Levi lavishes each divot with hot kisses. Working his way up, he reaches her breasts and lingers there.
“Ah!” Mikasa gasps as her back arches from the bed. She clings to Levi’s hair even more tightly as his hot mouth lavishes attention on her bosom, alternating between mouthing, licking, and nibbling them.
“Oh!... Ah!”
Hearing Mikasa’s gasps and whimpers shoots sparks into Levi’s groin, and he grunts into her chest before quickly lifting his head up to kiss her properly and fiercely. As Mikasa eagerly matches the frantic strokes of his tongue, he settles his lower body between her thighs and she spreads her legs to better accommodate him.
The underside of Levi’s shaft briefly brushes against Mikasa’s slick folds, causing them to groan simultaneously and briefly break their kiss.
They both breathe heavily, their hot breaths fanning each other’s faces. When their eyes meet, Mikasa quietly cants her hips against his. Her clit rubs against his shaft, and she whimpers softly. Levi’s breath hitches for a second before he starts slowly grinding himself against her. Mikasa meets his movements, and together, they synchronize their rhythm.
Now supporting himself on his hands, Levi watches Mikasa's eyes close as her mouth opens in silent pleasure. With every synchronized roll of their hips, his stiff cock rubs against her clit and slides against her wet folds, brushing against her entrance without pushing in any further.  
Sweat forms on their backs as they continue their gyrations. Soon, the tension inside their bodies grows, and they both start craving for more.
“Levi…” Mikasa calls out, opening her eyes and peering up at him with a glazed, dreamy look. “… I want more.”
She slides her hands down his back to cup his ass, nudging him further into her.
Gripping the bed sheets beneath his hands, Levi exhales heavily as he stops grinding.
“Mikasa… are you sure about this?” he asks, staring intently into her eyes. Once they cross this boundary, there’s no undoing what comes next. So, he wants to ensure that she’s ready to take the next step with him.
“Yes,” Mikasa answers, voice steady and holding his gaze the entire time. She places a hand on one side of his face to caress his cheek. “I want you, Levi.”
Still looking into Mikasa’s eyes, Levi shifts his head to press a kiss on the palm of her hand. Mikasa taps her fingers on his lips while he lowers his head to her. When their faces are barely an inch away, Mikasa moves her hand to the back of his neck.
“I want you, too, Mikasa,” Levi whispers, reaching down to properly align his cock with her entrance. “If you want to slow down or stop at any time, just say so,” he says before closing the gap between them to kiss her.
When their lips meet, Levi places the tip of his cock against her folds and presses into her. He slides himself slowly, careful not to hurt her with any abrupt movement.
Every nerve ending in Levi's body comes to life as her warmth envelopes him.
“Shit… fuck…” Levi groans, breaking their kiss. His breathing becomes uneven as he slides in deeper and deeper.
Mikasa throws her head back when Levi pushes in.
Her mouth remains open in a wordless cry as his cock starts to stretch her, not having expected that he’d feel so wide. The sensation momentarily overwhelms her, and her breath staggers as she feels more and more of Levi inside her.
When her lover's hips meet hers, Mikasa feels a pleasant fullness, and she lets out a sigh of relief. She takes a moment to catch her breath before righting her head into a more neutral position.
She then looks up at Levi. He's still supporting himself on his hands, and beads of sweat run down his forehead, the smooth muscles of his chest, and his biceps.
But what captivates Mikasa the most is the look of pure ecstasy on his face. His lips are parted, letting out small puffs of air as he evens his breathing. His usually sharp eyes are also hazy.
But his steel-blue orbs sharpen with intensity when they meet her dark grey ones, and his breathing eventually returns to normal after a few more puffs.
"Are you okay?" he asks, eyes roving her face for any sign of pain or discomfort, but there’s none. Instead, he sees only pure want in her heavy-lidded dark eyes.
"Yes," Mikasa whispers. She slides her hands up and down Levi's arms, making him breathe deeply, before wrapping them around his neck to bring him down to her for a kiss.
Levi gently lowers himself down to her, still supporting most of his upper body weight on his forearms to avoid suddenly crushing her. He then reaches for one of her hands and pins it down beside her head, tangling their fingers together.
For a moment, they simply kiss; they brush their lips and slide their tongues as they savor the new sensation of being connected this intimately. Mikasa’s free hand wanders across Levi’s smooth back muscles, wanting to feel as much of him as she can.
They eventually break away for air, and Mikasa cradles Levi’s face with her hand.
“I love you, Levi,” she whispers softly, opening her eyes to peer up at him.
“I love you, too, Mikasa,” he tells her, looking into her dark eyes. Apart from the desire he saw earlier, there’s now also warmth and affection in her eyes. The look she gives him spurs him to take action. He kisses her softly and sensually before whispering: “Let me show you just how much.”
Levi pumps his hips, gently thrusting into her. He grunts as his cock slides in and out of her warm and wet core. Mikasa gasps softly and tightens her fingers around their clasped hands. She shuts her eyes again, and breathless moans flow from her lips as her pleasure slowly increases with every thrust from her lover.
“Levi,” Mikasa mewls, keeping her eyes closed to focus on the sensations at her core.
“Does this feel good?” Levi checks, still moving against her while observing her expression. His lover's eyes are screwed shut, and her lips tremble as she gasps and moans.
“Yes,” Mikasa answers, opening her eyes to look at him again. She slowly trails her hand from his face and down to his neck. “You feel so good,” she states, idly stroking the side of his neck, “… and so much bigger than I expected,” she adds, smirking slightly.
“‘Bigger’, huh?” Levi smirks back at her, still thrusting into her. “Does my size make this better for you?”
“Much, much better,” Mikasa purrs, her voice turning velvet because of her arousal.
Her brazen admission stirs Levi’s own potent arousal, and he leans forward to kiss her. He kisses her deeply, matching the strokes of his tongue to the tempo of his thrusts. The kiss breaks when Mikasa bites his lower lip.
“Do I feel good for you, Levi?” she asks, nibbling on his lip.
She emphasizes her question by purposefully contracting her inner walls around his cock when he pushes back inside her completely. Levi’s breath hitches at the sudden pressure, and he groans when Mikasa gyrates against him. His lover bites her lower lip and whimpers when she moves her hips in a circle, stirring his cock inside her.
“Fuck... Mikasa…” Levi groans, feeling jolts of pleasure shoot through his groin. “… You feel so fucking good for me.”
Mikasa takes her time stirring him, and Levi savors the sensation. The tightness around his cock, mixed with being stirred slowly and purposefully, only heightens his already-simmering arousal.
When Mikasa relinquishes her delicious hold on him, Levi instantly starts thrusting again. His pace is quicker than earlier, and Mikasa moans loudly as she rolls her hips up to his to get more friction. Levi buries his face into her neck, muffling his groans against her feverish skin.
For a long while, the room is quiet except for the sound of their skins slapping, their ragged breaths, their moans and groans of pleasure, and whispered encouragements. Eventually, their movements become more frenzied when they get closer to their respective climaxes.
“Levi…” Mikasa breathes out his name as she feels the pressure in her lower belly rising, “… faster!”
Levi gladly complies and thrusts faster. He groans at the feeling of his cock rapidly slamming in and out of his lover. Mikasa gasps and squeezes their joined hands even more tightly while digging the blunt fingernails of her other hand into his shoulder.
“Mikasa…” Levi calls out, breathing raggedly as he lifts his head from her neck. “I’m close,” he tells her, looking at her flushed face. From the tense tilting of her brows and the glazed look in her eyes, he can tell she’s close, too.
“Me too…” Mikasa whimpers, confirming his thoughts. Peering up at him, she sees his short dark bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead and the almost primal look in his steel-blue eyes as he looks at her.
The sight of Levi like this makes Mikasa want him even more.
“Levi…” Mikasa drags her hand from his shoulder and up to his face, “… keep going. Don’t stop… please,” she pleads, clutching both his face and hand almost desperately.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Levi grunts, his thrusts losing finesse as he feels his arousal building inside his shaft. He bites the inside of his cheek, willing himself to hold out until Mikasa comes first.
Levi doesn’t have to wait for long. A few seconds later, he feels Mikasa’s body tensing beneath him.
“Ah!” Mikasa gasps sharply as the tension in her core builds. She bites her lip and closes her eyes as the pressure rises and rises…
“Oh… OH!” Mikasa wails as she finally reaches her peak. She breathes erratically as her inner walls clench around Levi and her back bows off the mattress with the extra stimulation of his cock still thrusting in and out of her.
“Levi! Oh, Levi!” Mikasa moans, clinging to her lover. She half-dangles as she locks her legs around his waist to take all of him inside her. She throws her head back as her climax wracks through her body.
“Mikasa…” Levi grunts out her name as the crushing pressure around his cock sends him spiraling, “… you’re so fucking hot.”
With his entire length sheathed inside her, Levi grounds his hips. He groans as he ruts against her clit and rides her through her climax. Mikasa moans his name again and clutches his neck to pull him for a bruising kiss. He crushes his lips against hers, swallowing her cries of pleasure. Seconds later, an animalistic growl comes from his throat when he finally combusts inside her.
“Mikasa…,” Levi hisses her name in relief, his hips stuttering as he releases his climax inside her, “… fuck... yes…”
The smell of sex permeates the air, and they're a tangled mess of limbs once they finish. Levi lays on top of Mikasa, panting heavily against her neck with his cock still inside her. Beneath him, Mikasa lays back, catching her breath as she idly strokes the hairs of his undercut.
When their breathings have evened out, Levi raises himself on his forearms to peer down at Mikasa. Her eyes find his immediately.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks, brushing some of her hair away from her face. “Did I hurt you in any way?"
Mikasa did not complain once during their intimate session, but Levi still wants to be sure.
Mikasa shakes her head with a small smile. "No. You were delightful the entire time,” she assures, brushing back his bangs from his sweaty forehead.
Levi smiles. “So, how do you feel now?” he asks, gently stroking her hair,
“Tired,” Mikasa admits, “but very pleased,” she adds with a sly look.
Levi smirks. "Glad to know that my performance was satisfactory."
Mikasa giggles. "Well, I hope you also liked my performance."
Levi's smirk widens. "'Liked' is an understatement."
They meet for another kiss. This time, the kiss is tender and more languid.
“Levi?” Mikasa calls out when he trails his lips to her cheek.
“Yeah?” Levi halts, raising his head to look at her again.
“I need to use the bathroom.”
Levi huffs an amused sound, “Of course.”
He shifts his weight onto his palms as he pulls out of her. They both exhale when their intimate parts separate. After Levi rolls off Mikasa, she sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed.
Levi lays on his side and props his head up on one arm as he watches Mikasa stand up. Even with only a sliver of moonlight, he can see the definition of her back muscles. He also notices the burn scars she got from the flare incident nearly two years ago. The said scars have faded into light brown splotches over time, and they now blend in more naturally with her skin tone.
Levi watches her back muscles flex when she raises her arms over her head to stretch. His eyes linger on them before trailing down to her firm ass.
“Like what you see?”
Levi’s eyes dart up, and he sees Mikasa looking at him over her shoulder with a self-satisfied look on her face.
“I do,” he replies, not shying away from her gaze, “Can I use the bathroom when you’re done?”
Mikasa smiles. “Of course.”
She stretches one more time before lowering her arms. As Levi watches her walk to her bathroom, he knows that she’s swaying her hips on purpose.
“Tch. Tease,” he calls out. Mikasa just laughs as she enters the bathroom.
A few seconds later, Levi sees a small light suddenly flicker from the bathroom doorway. He deduces that Mikasa must have lit some candles. He then lays down on the bed and listens to the sound of water running from a showerhead.
Levi briefly considers joining her for more pleasurable activities. Yet, as he lays on the bed, some exhaustion sets in. Levi muses that tediously working on papers all day with the addition of vigorously making love to Mikasa has considerably drained him of energy. So, he decides to save the idea for another time.
Mikasa reappears after some time, now dressed in a white robe.
“Bathroom’s all yours,” she says, walking over to her vanity area. “I also put out a towel for you.”
“Thanks,” Levi replies as he gets up from the bed. He stretches his neck, arms, and shoulders, and Mikasa watches as the muscles underneath them flex with every movement.
Levi turns to her, having noticed her staring. She simply stares back with a smirk, unabashed by her ogling. He smirks back before sauntering to the bathroom, not bothering to cover his nudity. She keeps her eyes on his naked figure until he enters the bathroom. When he disappears from sight, she continues walking to her vanity table.
She grabs her comb and runs it through her tangled hair. Untangling her dark strands is relatively easy since her hair is still dry. After their passionate love-making, she wants to rest soon. But going to sleep with wet hair is unpleasant, so she decided not to wash her hair since it’d take too long to dry if it gets wet now. She'll rinse it in the morning.
Once her hair is straightened, she walks to the table near her window. On top of the table is a covered jug of water and an empty cup. After she pours some water into the cup, she pulls the table’s drawer open and takes out a bottle capped with a medicinal dropper.
Uncorking the bottle, she squeezes on the rubber bulb of the dropper before taking it out. She then squeezes 5 drops of the bottle's contents into the glass of water. Afterward, she re-corks the bottle and stirs the cup so the contents will mix with water more quickly.
Once she’s done stirring, Mikasa raises the cup to her mouth and takes a drink. She blanches a bit at the unpleasant taste, but she still swallows.
As she continues drinking the mixture, she hears footsteps approaching her from behind. Soon, a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around her waist.
Mikasa lowers the cup from her mouth as she leans back into Levi's embrace.
“Done cleaning up?” she asks, shifting her head to look at him.
“Yeah,” Levi replies, before looking at the cup in her hand. “Is that contraceptive tonic?”
All female soldiers on active combat duty are given free supplies of contraceptive tonic every month. Developed by apothecaries using special herbs and figs, the tonic prevents unplanned pregnancies if taken within 24 hours after sexual activity.
“It is,” Mikasa confirms, swirling the cup’s contents.
Levi presses a kiss to her neck. “Carry on, then.”
Mikasa smiles before she resumes drinking, and Levi alternates between nuzzling and kissing her neck as she consumes the water-tonic mixture. Once she’s done, she places the cup down before turning to face her lover.
The first thing Mikasa notices is that Levi wrapped the towel around his waist. And as she wraps her arms around him, she looks over his shoulder and sees that their clothes are still strewn across the floor.
“I’m surprised that you didn’t pick up our clothes from the floor,” Mikasa teases, referring to his pseudo-obsession with neatness.
“It’s the kind of mess that I don’t mind making. So, I can tolerate it,” Levi responds, tapping his fingers against the small of her back. “But I will get to it eventually.”
Mikasa giggles before kissing him on the lips. Levi cradles one side of her face as he kisses back. He presses their foreheads together when they pull away.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” Levi asks, stroking her cheek.
“Yes, of course,” Mikasa responds, smiling gently. "I was hoping you would stay."
Levi smiles back and kisses her forehead. When he removes his lips, Mikasa lets out a light yawn.
“Tired?” he asks, sounding amused.
Before Mikasa can respond, Levi suddenly bends down and hooks one of his arms behind her knees. She yelps when he lifts her in the air.
“Let’s go to bed for some sleep, then,” Levi tells her, unfazed by her surprised expression.
Mikasa laughs and circles her arms around Levi’s neck as he carries her back to bed bridal style.
End Note: So... Levi and Mikasa finally did it. Hahaha.
Let me know what you think! As always, comments, reviews, and critiques are most welcome!
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bryhaven · 2 years
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YouTube | Twitter | DeviantArt | AO3
Second smut fic posted and available on my DeviantArt now as well. Please do check it out if you haven't yet 🙏
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infinitify · 2 months
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(art by @novalise1 on X)
Levi's taken it upon himself to raise his orphaned cousin, Mikasa. Devoted entirely to keeping her safe from the dysfunction of the Ackerman family, he strives to give her the type of life she deserved from the very start. Now depressed, emotionally damaged, and entranced by heavy eyeliner and sad song lyrics, seventeen-year-old Mikasa struggles through growing pains during her pursuit of happiness - all while being so hopelessly in love with a boy who sometimes can't keep his mouth shut.
Mid-2000's Modern/High School/College AU. Goth, angsty Mikasa and protective father figure Levi. Eventual Eren x Mikasa, eventual Levi x Petra.
CW: Graphic depictions of violence, blood, alcoholism. Attempts of suicide/completion of suicide. Mentions of molestation/attempted molestation (no graphic depictions). Dysfunctional family life.
NSFW content in the future.
✮ ✮ ✮
Hello there! I thought I'd finally share my story with the tumblr side of the AOT fandom, so if you're into character studies of your AOT faves, a ridiculous amount of teenaged angst, and horrifyingly tragic backstories, then this if the fic for you! Take a dip into the complex familial bond Levi and Mikasa share while you discover all the heart-wrenching pain between your favourite ships!
Big big big credit to @novalise1 on X for their amazing art that you're seeing above. They drew these a while before my fic was even conceived, but I stumbled upon them about a year or so later and they coincidentally fit the fic so well. I knew I had to show you all their talented art!
If you would like sporadic chapter updates, you can also find me on X @infinitify_ or feel free to shoot me a message in my asks here on tumblr!
But anyway, happy reading!
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warbarbie · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi Ackerman/Mikasa Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman & Armin Arlert Characters: Mikasa Ackerman, Levi Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Porn With Plot, First Time, Explicit Consent, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, Soft Levi Ackerman Summary:
A change of location and the dwindling titan threat allows Mikasa a chance to think of something other then survival, but with Eren pushing her further away, her frustrations mount. Armin's whispered suggestion on a remedy for her problem lead her to Captain Levi, and she finds more then she knew she needed in his company.
Hella late, but @a-slut-for-smut it’s here! Based off your prompt from ages ago.
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A little distraction from my main wip. And while things there are getting angsty, things here are getting spicy.
Summary: Mikasa was planning to have a peaceful evening after a long day, resting by the tree and listening to the distant voice of Onyankopon. But Levi had different plans for her.
Word count: 1,8k words
Rivamika. Pre-Marley. Canon-divergence. Rated E.
Mikasa sat with her back propped against the tree, her ears catching the soothing voice of Onyankopon and the quiet laughter of her friends. Everyone moved closer to the fire as it got colder, but she felt fine and decided to stay resting by the tree, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and fresh air.
A slight rustle behind her drew her attention, but she didn’t turn her head, assuming it could be any soldier currently residing at the Survey Corps’ base by the sea. Only when a blanket was thrown in her lap, Mikasa lifted her head and saw Levi. As far as she knew, he was supposed to be busy with paperwork for the whole evening, but apparently he’d finished earlier than expected.
He signaled her to move away from the tree, and she frowned, but still did as he asked. Soon, Levi took her place and pulled her body to himself, situating her between his legs, Mikasa’s back resting on his chest. His hands grabbed the blanket and began covering her legs with it, lavender irises observing all these movements with a clear confusion.
Such a sight shouldn’t be surprising to the people around, not anymore. Right now, only their squad and Commander Hange with Onyankopon were enjoying the free evening in the small wood near the sea. Mikasa had personally told Eren, Armin, and Sasha about her relationship with Captain. Though, out of those three, only Eren seemed to be genuinely surprised. She could probably kiss Levi with all the fervor in front of him, and Eren would still question what that meant. There was no way Sasha hadn’t told Connie, and there was no way Connie hadn’t told Jean, even though the latter still preferred to be in denial.
But what was Levi doing here when he had a good reason to avoid people, and why did he sit so close to her? Public display of feelings wasn’t really their thing. Done with adjusting the blanket, he pulled her knees softly, making her bend them.
“Levi…” she frowned.
“Shut up,” he whispered, “Onyankopon is telling something very interesting, listen to him.”
Slowly, he hiked up the hem of her long skirt under the blanket, proceeding to glide his fingertips along her thighs. A dazed gasp escaped her lips.
“I said shut up, brat,” he breathed in her ear. He moved his hand higher, trailing his fingers along the fabric of her underwear, making Mikasa sigh. “Well, now you’ve put them on.”
Oh. She bit her lower lip, realizing what that was all about. “Levi, that’s not really appropriate, there are people here.”
“Don’t you tell me, brat, what is appropriate,” he hissed, his thumb touching her very sensitive spot through the fabric. She sank her teeth deeper into the soft flesh of her pink lips, eyes checking if someone by the fire paid attention to them. So far, everybody was too focused on the Onyankopon’s story. “You came to the morning meeting and didn’t forget to tell me that you had nothing under your fucking skirt.”
Mikasa barely smirked. “I knew the meeting would be boring for you, so I wanted… to cheer you up.”
“Yeah, you fucking did. And what did you do next? You fucking went to train other brats for the whole fucking day. Leaving me like that.” His free hand was wrapped around her waist, fingers under her skirt sliding slowly along her covered folds. As much as it all seemed wrong to her, Mikasa already couldn’t wait until he touched her properly.
“I… I didn’t think the meeting would be that long. I…” Her words turned into a shaky breath as Levi’s fingers finally slipped into her underwear. He slid them down and, instinctively, she arched her back, her legs parting a bit further. Aroused since the second Levi drew her body to him, Mikasa decided to give into the tempting sensation. Not that he would let her go away without executing his plan, whatever it was. Not that she really wanted to stop all this.
“You what?” he asked, the sound of a triumphant smirk well heard above her ear. She pulled her hands out from under the blanket and gripped his forearm, digging her nails into his pale skin.
“I thought we’d have a little time before the training.”
“Yeah, too bad, but we didn’t.”
His fingers found her wetness, his movements followed by another smirk and a tighter grip on her waist. He spread her slickness along her folds, avoiding the spot where she needed him the most. A needy whimper escaped Mikasa’s lips, still hushed but louder than any other sound before that.
“So now, you better be quiet, because this”—he drew a small circle around her clit—”is all you’re getting tonight. Don’t ruin the fun for yourself.”
Her eyes squeezed shut at the sudden jolt of burning pleasure, her head falling back on Levi’s shoulder. He continued his circular motions, her mind quickly forgetting that there were other people not so far away from them. Levi wasn’t the only one who she’d left highly unsatisfied for the whole day. She’d been probably as frustrated as he’d been, spending every free minute imagining what he would do to her tonight. What she would do to him. No wonder that it had only worsened her condition.
Painfully slowly, Levi trailed his fingers lower, moving them around her entrance. Mikasa tightened her grip on his forearm, definitely leaving prints of a half-moon on his skin. An impatient huff came out of her mouth.
“Want my fingers now?” he whispered, not even trying to hide his teasing tone. She barely nodded, her hips rolling back and forth unconsciously. “But what about the people here?”
Her head turned to his in a flash, glints of lavender shining with anger and lust. Her eyes met his steely-blue gaze, which turned out to be far softer than she expected. Without any doubt, Levi was more than happy to have her fully under his control, but his eyes spoke of adoration first, making her heart flutter. Mikasa softened his features, her lips ready to stretch into a gentle smile when two fingers slid inside her.
“Fuck,” she gasped, placing her head back on Levi’s shoulder. His erection twitched against her back. “Fuck…”
Reminding herself to be quiet, Mikasa pressed her lips tight together, lost in the sensation of his fingers pumping in and out of her, faster with every minute. Her mind drifted to the world of pleasure, only praying that Levi never decided to tease her again. She forgot about her squad that gathered by the fire a few meters away from them, the fire under her skin being the only thing she was focused on.
Softly, Levi kissed her earlobe, eliciting a sigh from her lips. He proceeded to trail light kisses along her jaw, shushing her every time her panting turned into quiet moans. It was a difficult task for her, to control her own sounds while he was steadily building up her orgasm. But if she were honest with herself, the knowledge that there was a real chance to be exposed like that, only added to her arousal.
If not for Levi’s arm around her waist, Mikasa surely would be writhing and arching her back. Her lower lip turned burgundy from constant bites in desperate attempts to muffle her sighs and breathy moans. His thumb found her clit, starting to draw languid circles over it, and it took all her willpower to not whimper into the air. Breathing shakily, she felt like with every second, she was getting dangerously close to her climax.
Levi licked her earlobe, his scorching tongue causing goosebumps to appear on her arms. “Maybe I should stop right now?” he wondered in a playful tone, suddenly slowing down all his movements.
Oh, hell no. “I’m gonna kill you,” she hissed, loosening her grip on his forearm only to dig her nails harshly into a still unmarked area of his skin. He didn’t even flinch.
“I’d like to see you try,” Levi smirked, but kept moving his fingers, making Mikasa relax back into his body.
She felt a few turns of his head, and slowly looked up to glance at him, her eyes struggling to remain open. His gaze was focused on the group in front of them, most likely evaluating if anybody paid any attention to them. Probably not (not that she cared at this point), because he instantly sped up the pace of his fingers, his thumb circling around her clit at a fast tempo. His steely eyes bore into her blissful face, glints of love and care in them the only thing that gave Mikasa strength to hold her eyes open.
Very soon, she started shaking in her arms, his grip not able to keep her in place. She was so close, and knew well that once all the euphoric sensations washed over her body, she wouldn’t be able to control herself. The feeling of his fingers inside her and the quick strokes of her clit were too much. “Kiss me.”
It was barely a whisper, but Levi complied immediately, crushing his lips against hers, a soft sigh coming out of his mouth. His taste was too delicious and Mikasa couldn’t last any longer. A dizzying feeling took over her limbs, moving further to the source of heat, everything behind her eyelids turning white. Her breath hitched as her walls started clenching around his fingers, sending an unbearable amount of pleasure through her whole body. Levi held her tightly, his mouth muffling every sigh and weak whimper escaping her lips while she was going through her orgasm.
He continued to move his fingers until Mikasa pressed her thighs together, signaling him to stop. Gently, she broke their kiss, her hazy gaze noticing a light smile on his lips. And an utterly contented look in his eyes. She would be mad at him, but was his plan that bad?
Slowly, Mikasa managed to lift her upper body, her eyes observing the situation in front of them. If anybody had noticed an interesting picture by the tree, they weren’t showing it. Her breath didn’t get to even out, as Levi had already moved away from her and stood up. She smirked, her gaze following an impressive bulge in his pants, but he quickly caught her chin and lifted her face up to his.
“My room. In half an hour. Get finished here and come. And don’t come close to Armin, Sasha or Hange. You’ve got fucked out written all over your face.”
Mikasa gritted her teeth, grabbing his hand before he walked away. “Your room. I’ll come whenever I feel like it. Be ready for me.”
Levi lowered himself to her face once again. “Listen, brat—”
“You’ve been waiting all day,” she whispered, catching his chin. “You can wait for another hour or so,” Mikasa murmured in his ear, knowing well that hardly fifteen minutes would pass before she would be planting kisses all over his body.
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chantalvonrosen · 2 years
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years
Your post appeared on my timeline just at the right moment, as I'm getting started with a fic in which i intend to write smut for the first time in my life. I love me some lemons but I've never mustered the courage to write one. Hopefully your wise words will help me climb that hill! 💟
awww this was such a sweet msg, and im glad my sl*utty "wise" words resonated positively with you, because i'll be honest at times it feels like it doesnt at all with some ppl (and sometimes the exact opposite!)
Like i always say, its key that you write what YOU want to write and have fun while you're doing it! Seriously, f*ck everything else because that is the whole point of writing (fanfiction anyway)- it aint a job (altho im sure we all wish it could be/get paid for it lol) so its important not to take it so seriously!
And as far as smut scenes go- my only real advice is to know what you are trying to communicate as far as mood/dynamic for the scene so its comes off more natural/organic, if that makes sense? Like, the technical aspect is one thing, but getting into the headspace of either or both characters to depict what they're feeling (in the act as well as for each other) can intensify the scene, so to speak. This is coming off as the most basic advice ever but hopefully it helps lol
Anyway, good luck and happy writing! I'm assuming this is in reference to RM so I will tag so the fandom can look out for your future smutty fic 😁 (and honestly you couldnt have chosen a better ship to ship, the RM community is so lovely and supportive!!!)
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binibchielq · 1 year
I am craving for some Rivamika fluff fics. just them having fun, talking.. -- or something like that.
I am sort of tired of seeing Rivamika smuts, they're nice and well-written, but it'd be nice to see stuff other than that.
please reccomend me some good fluff stuff with no smut, please. ^^
that'd rock hard !!!
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byhimawari · 9 months
Paper Glass
Hello! I wrote a RM fanfic about how Levi handles falling and being in love (because Levi has feelings too ok??!)
It’s complete, totaling 3 chapters. Contains fluff, smut, angst, romance — it’s like a salad bowl of a story lol
If you read it, I hope you enjoy and I’d love to hear what you thought! 。^‿^。
This is my new account (formerly ninaelise) and I’m excited to be back on tumblr! I wish I had my old followings list to cross reference and help add everyone again ╥﹏╥ so now I gotta search for who I followed, and if you followed me, pls follow and I’ll follow right back ♡
Also if I may be personal for a moment.. my father, who has been battling cancer for some years, received a prognosis of it now being terminal with an estimated 6 months to 1 year left to live. There’s no cure or anything science can do for him anymore at this point. Cliché, but I humbly ask if anyone could be so kind as to just send thoughts and prayers. Because that’s all my family and I have left to rely on now. Thank you kindly ♡
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nuri148 · 2 years
My fics:
Clarity - In which Mikasa starts a new life, Levi has a tea shop, and they have a thing for each other. [multichapter, complete]. Updates/meta tagged as #clarity tea house
Not a Pirate - In which Levi Goes to Armin's Funeral. [one-shot, Clarity prequel]
Lapsang Souchong - In which Levi tries to resist a new, foreign holiday called "Valentine's Day". [post Clarity one-shot]
Arumika: - Paradis' Best Kept Secret series:
For Love or Science - In which Mikasa muses about Armin (and a bit about Ereh) and they discuss crushes. [one-shot]
0 to 100 - [NSFW] In which Mikasa and Armin hook up. [one-shot]
Interlude I - In which an embarrassed Mikasa tries to procure a certain medicine. [one-shot]
Wolf in Sheep's Clothes - In which Mikasa steps in to help Armin who is self conscious about having to pose as Historia. [one-shot]
Business as Usual New! - In which Mikasa reflects about what the Curse of Ymir means in her relationship with Armin
The Condition New! - M&A are together on one condition. But conditions may change.
Saving Private Zoë - A detailed account of how Hange did survive the Rumbling. [one-shot]
Bottle [Reality Fic] - New Squad Levi (aka the 104) play a game of spin the bottle. Hilarity ensues.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Okay, I caved and posted it to AO3 LOL. I want to value all of my writings and put it one place ;-; If hubby sees it, WHO CARES! NO SHAME FOR SHAMELESS SMUT *screams*
Title: Lonely Nights
Summary: On a night at sea traveling alone together to Marley, Levi accidentally finds something in Mikasa’s satchel.
"Is this what you were imagining, Mikasa...? Me fucking you like this?"
Words: 4981
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renaerys · 6 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "renaerys "?
Ten is a lot. I'll name three that I like.
and burn out (author is anonymous) is a plantcest fic and it is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read. Goals on every level. I go back to it often.
Death and All His Friends by @komorebi-rabbit is a very tragic, very beautiful TobiIzu fic that makes me cry. It will make you cry too, and you will say thank you for that.
Just Until the Storm Has Gone by @moraleewright is in my opinion the best RivaMika fic out there. Absolutely stunning character study, subtle storytelling and development, and extremely good smut.
My username is inspired by ASOIAF. I got super into the books in the early aughts and it just stuck. Now it's the brand.
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bryhaven · 2 years
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I uploaded the thing on DeviantArt as well. 😏 Let's see if there are any thirsty RM fans there 😂😅
Also I notice some artists and writers using their usernames as hashtags to organize stuff? So I thought of using similar things for my own hashtags as well. #haven fics 🥰
YouTube | Twitter | DeviantArt | AO3
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