#riva the queer light party
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lal-ffxiv · 6 months ago
Prompt #10: Stable
"Is this safe?" Haran ask while looking looking up the cliff.
"Is anything we do ever really safe?" Riva retorted feeding more line to Luka as they climbed the rock face. "Luka would have done it eitherway, at least now we can be such to catch them."
The somewhat pulley was an improvement to Luka's plan to climb the rock with the pickaxe in their mouth. Luka only has to solo the climb once in order to find an stable place for the anchor.
Riva readjusted xyr position as Luka now freely dangled to quarry the rocky outcrop.
"How do they even know the stone they need is up there?"
"You don't understand the lay of the land as you never prospected before."
Haran huffed as zie took part of the the rope as Luka's end became heavier with the requested stone. Haran didn't feel the need to correct Riva as his tribe did mining, shepherding and dyemongering, but could have.
Eventually, Luka dropped the bags of ore to ground and began their descent from the cliffface.
"Why did we need to collect all this again?" Riva looked at bags of chromite ore.
"Because it is what we do. Someone asks for aid and we give it." Haran answered as zie shouldered the bags.
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kathyreviewsbooks · 3 years ago
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Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Rating: 4/5
Summary: In august 1983 and it's time for the annual end of summer party hosted by Nina Riva. A party that no one knows what is going to happen every year. Everyone wants to get close to the famous Rivas;Nina, Jay, Hud, and Kit. Nina isn't looking forward to the party having recently been left by her pro tennis player husband. Hud has a secret that should have long past been confessed to his brother Jay. Jay just counts down the minutes for when the girl he can't stop thinking about will appear at the party. Kit is hiding a few secrets of her own. By midnight the party will have spun wildly out of control. Come morning Nina's house would've gone up in flames. Before all that, however, things will come to light.
Review: I really liked this book, it had a slow start and it definitely took me a few pages to get into it. However once I got into the book I couldn't put it down.
The plot was great, it was an action packed plot. It wasn't my normal kind of read. This book did read slow at times but otherwise it was a nice quick read. I like how it changed between the present and the past, giving you the backstory behind the Rivas.
Getting that backstory helped you to grow more attached to the characters. I liked all of the characters, but especially related to Nina Riva. As an older sibling, reading from her perspective always hit me hard. As an older sister I was able to connect with her struggles and fears.
This book was going to receive 5 stars but it was dropped down to 4 due to how many different POVs there were near the end. It made it all feel very disjointed and brought me out of the story a bit.
Other than that I definitely recommend this book if you're into historical fiction, Hollywood drama, and family struggles. And definitely a book you should read if you enjoyed The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo. I don't recommend this book if you're looking for a more action packed plot or if you're not into more introspective books.
TWs: parental death and abandonment, heavy drug use
Rep: queer main character, heart illness
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lal-ffxiv · 1 month ago
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The Queer Light Party
Riva - "We're gonna die trying then?" Riva saw this was Luka's usual method to solve problems"
"We write our stories together with yours." Haran affirms, and zie can see relief come over Luka. - Haran
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lal-ffxiv · 6 months ago
Prompt #9: Lend an Ear
Riva came up to Haran a few minutes ago, and stood in of zir without saying a word as Riva tinkered with an aetherotransformer.
When Haran tried to move around xem, Riva made a negative sound and moved in Haran's way again.
"Lend me a ear. Is this humming?" Riva finally said.
Riva brought the box closer to Haran as xe held xis breath for added silence.There was robust vibration emitting from the box.
"It is more of a buzz than a hum." Haran stated.
"But there is a sound?" Riva asked pointling.
"Yes." Haran affirmed.
"There is no any sound!" Luka jumped literally into the converstation and took the transformer into their hands.
"Carefull with that! I just put it back together!"
Luka shook the box, but failed to hear any sound as held it to their ear.
"Other ear." Haran suggested.
"Oh there it is" Luka switched hands to hold aetherotransformer until they hear the thrum their friends could hear. "Sounds like a midge swarm, yeah."
"Wonders! Time to test the gun."
Luka tossed the box back to Riva, and the two walked off together.
"One of these days the items you take apart will explode, and I won't be able to revive you!" Haran called after them.
Haran had half a bell of silence before a blast resonated to his hearing.
Riva was on the ground. Luka stood over xem as the black cloud dispersed around them.
"Do I still have my eyebrows?" Riva asked through coughs.
The smithing gloves left soot on xyr face as Riva tried ascertain the damage xemself.
"Yes. A lil' bit" Luka said
"No." Haran answered. "And I can't heal that."
"Wonderful. Back to the workbench with this one." Riva sighed.
The 'workbench' being a boulder the self-taught machinist had laid xyr tools on. Luka didn't have any interest in the tinkering process, so they wander off. Haran gave it two bells be zie would need to check if zir friends were still in one piece, and sat back down under the tree for the duration.
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lal-ffxiv · 5 months ago
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Either I messed up real bad on the camera angle on this poorly made edit or Luka is very short.
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lal-ffxiv · 7 months ago
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The Queer Light Party
Haran, Riva & Luka 
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lal-ffxiv · 5 months ago
Why yes I was listening to my aroace playlist and thinking about Luka. Full ramble below. But conclusion: Being friends and all that means to Luka is everything to them
The playlist is just Aromantic Moodboard;Crush Culture- Conan Gray;Will Jay - Never Been In Love repeatively with 1 Jenny by studio killers thrown in.
anyways I think Luka from early on would be  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about romance and sex and the junkmonger as supportive as she was would be like youre probably a late bloomer. And let me say this no one knows Luka's age. When Luka arrives at Forgotten Springs very malnourished and until they start eating regularly does Luka grown up a bit. And then everyone goes oh well I guess they aren't like 12 afterall. But also Luka really has about the 5 years of life experince because they lose their memories and starting fresh in Forgotten Springs. 2 1/2-3 years in Forgotten Springs. Then half a year in uldah before setting off for a year and ending up back in Ul'dah as an adventurer according to keikaku. And Luka spends those years before adventuing between two co-dependent friendships. As intensely curious and naive and blindly optimisitc Luka is, I try my best not to have them too child-like and innocent. I just doent vibe for Luka to be aroace because they too 'pure' sterotype. Luka is an adult learning how to live and being a warrior of light gives them thier lens that they see the rest of world in. And yeah Luka doesn't have free time to process attraction but also they dont feel it so its not a concern. Luka is touchy yes and is taught not to be too touchy with people (because uketzia didn't like it). But that all changes when Luka meets Loonh Gah. And ranked by quest level Luka develop these feeling
Neutral - who is this person who doesn't want to be my friend??
Recognized - okay this person is cool and we can fight together
Friendly - actually i want to be her friend and fight together
Trusted - I want her to be my friend and fight alongside her in battle then everything is good.
Allied - to be friends and fight together in everything and we'll acomplish anything together.
And since in Luka's Story the predominant romantic relationship Luka sees is the Ranger & Healer of the drake and Luka would considered themself and Loonh at that same level its just different since the two arent married. But anyways Luka finally has something they feel and this why Luka would id as Demiplatonic instead outright aroace. Because romantic/sexual attraction? What is that even mean. Friends? Yeah I love my friends so much and we can be friends. Of course Luka doesn't feel the same intense desire to be friends with everyone they meet. Example: Haurchefant; Ysayle and Estinien. Luka does think that Haurchefant is great buddy and he wants to their friend and thats cool. But Luka doesnt feel that 'i need' this person to by my friend. While Luka did almost feel it with Ysayle. Getting to know her and her beliefs and something Luka would agree with but then she does and that why this is that heartbreak is the catalyst for the crescent au. And with Estinien Luka does think he cool and strong and likes him a frienf but doesnt feel that strong platonic attraction Until Luka views him as their like pokemon rival. And they just friends and thats enough there and its important friendship. And of course there is The Queer Light Party Luka's Story therorictial QPR. Actually Luka and Haran butted heads on this for a while since Haran kept trying to adopt Luka as a sibling and Luka was like noooooo. Not that Luka resents family. Its just family isnt friends. Family doesnt stick with you like friends do. Family gets left behind (junkmknger) or leave you (luken) but friends are with you (scions. Riva and Haran). Then Luka meets Riva and who says assassination isnt a bonding experince and Luka is just like yeah we can best friends.
And just Luka has big heart with love to give and best way and really way for Luka to give that love is through friendship. Casual friend, best friends, forever friends. Luka wanting friendship with someone is something so strong and important to them. I mean Luka had to erase a whole section of their little life experince because their onlyish friend (u'ketzia) hurt and betrayed them. I don't know how else to express Luka being demiplatonic. This is a cat that would die for the world, would die for anyone that needs saving but lives for their friends and its more than enough. Its everything.
my headphones are now dying and I need sleep so I might explore Luka being adverse/favorable another time but dont think it very much important to them unless they forced into a situation where they need to consider it which I probably won't write. Because irl too make time is person forced to consider and choose a space to fit in and and Luka should be free of that because by hydaelyn! the world is ending and it doesnt matter.
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years ago
--- ACTIVE ---
Main: @lal-ffxiv​ Secondary: @lukawarrioroflight​ Side FFXIV Blog: @lightyouarelikes​ Personal Blog: @lal-ooc
Luka E’res | Light You Are
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Wanderer | Warrior of Light  | Adventurer They/Luka {More about Luka…}  {LFRP}
Luken Meharianni // The Beloved Starlight of a Bitter Sea
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The Spinner’s Fool // Forger // Fatalist He/Him {More about Luken…} {LFRP}
Asdis Heolstorm :: Goddess of The Hells Storm
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Unhinged Scholar :: Voidsent :: Hedonist :: Goddess unto Herself She/Her {More about Asdis…}  {LFRP}
____________________ AND SOME AUS ____________________
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🌳 “trees cast long shadows.” 🌳 | Lucian Lyzehbal and Luca Lyzehbal.
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🌗 “Halves to a whole. Two bodies for one soul.” 🌓 | Luana Eres and Luthais Eres
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🌲 “There are more full moons in Gridania.“ 🌕  | Lujain and Luanne Lyzehbal
_______________ & ALTERNATE TIMELINE AU _________________
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🌖 is the crescent corrupt or curse? cracked moon 🌔
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 💫 Live in Legend or Rest In Peace? 💫
__________________ an OC x NPC ship ____________________
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⚔️⚔️ Demilune of Ash 🏹🏹
___________________ A Few Non-RP OCs ____________________
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The Queer Light Party Riva (Xe. Xem. Xyrs. Xemself) and Haran (Zie. Zir. Zis. Ziself)
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The Parents - Three Cats in a Band
... And some OOC ….
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[More about The Mun]
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lal-ffxiv · 2 years ago
(Carry Me Home - The Sweeplings)
Riva carried the ashes, Haran carried the weapons. The world had been heavy on their backs, but their hearts had never felt so. The wind scattering the sands, whistling through the dry rocks teased a familiar voice. Riva could imagine their humming as they walked, their ceaseless chattering. “Here where I fell while escaping a Peiste, Frynch couldn’t fly then and we fell to the river. It was a nice fishing spot while I waited for my leg to heal up, but I had to deal with some cultists. Or maybe not cultist. They wore robes and threw fire at me. And here is where…”. Riva’s dry eyes stung as sand blew into them. Squinting xe looked at Haran, and zie stood tall with eyes forwards. Riva wished zie would speak, say anything to fill the hollow of noise. Riva broached the idea of talking, to say any nonsense, but Riva couldn’t summon up xyrs voice either.
Riva and Haran passed the gates of The Springs of the Sagolii, and stood still attempting to reconcile the stories Luka told them with the place in front of them. The settlement has developed into a functioning sanctuary, once again connected to the rest of the realm. One thing that hadn’t changed was the U’s wariness of outsiders though. Especially outsiders as strange as Riva and Haran. The Huntresses encroached on them, and not subtly, as the Nunuhs approached them.
“What commerce brings you to our gates?”
Haran was still in mourning silence, so zie looked to Riva to speak of their purpose.
Riva brought out the urn, “Their memories are with us, and Mephina has surely embraced them, but their body was from these sands”. Riva tried xys hardest to use the language Haran would have used. Haran presented the last weapons with names etched onto the hearts. Not the names of past Huntresses, but simple words of meaning: Wind, Moon, Light, Sea, Sands, Sky, Shade, Freshwater. Now more of the U were drawn closer by curiosity, but no one moved to accept either the urn or the weapons.
“And who was this?”
Neither has spoken their name in sennights. They would always flick their ears to the sound of their name no matter how far the distance it was called over, or how quietly it was whispered. Always knew they were being called for something more, something important, and would give themself fully to that call. Haran was reminiscing on those memories when the Nunhs spoke again,
“That is not a name common to the U, no matter whom it belongs to.”
Haran nearly spoke, but held. Riva also held xymself back. Xer hands clenched around the urn, and through gritted teeth Riva said, “They were cared for by the junkmonger of this tribe at the dawn of the seventh umbral calamity.” Riva had a promise to keep, and would not be refused. “They were from here more than anywhere else. This is where they wished to return. This is where they should rest.”
“Our traditions are not often broken.” The Nunh stood resolute, but shared a look of doubt. “Follow us.”
The Huntresses stood back, but followed as way all the way to the foot of Nunh’s door. Once the door was closed Haran and Riva knew the huntresses were still standing behind it. Neither could retell the stories they heard of the U’s Huntresses as told to them, so neither would hear the stories be told the same way again.
The scroll detailing the births and deaths of the U was well preserved and honored. Riva and Haran were instructed to turn when it was brought out. Haran could hear the parchment be unrolled and how lightly it was touched while each name was searched.
“This was written in your father's own hand.”   “Yours was one to pave new traditions over the old.”
“Were you family with this miqo’te?” One of the Nunh’s asked, still reserving caution of these outsiders.
Tears brimmed quickly for Riva, and Haran’s mouth opened.
“There isn’t a doubt about that.” The other Nunh spoke for them. “You’re allowed to look now, as family to them.”
There was their name written in full, Luka E’res. Under U’kali, Junkmonger. One nunuh penned in Warrior of Light besides’s Luka’s name.
“Luka always spoke of returning here. This is where they should rest”. Riva finally let go of the urn, placing it on the table for the Nunh to take. One did, and promised for the rites to be held in the next sun for them.
In the morning it was only the Nunh’s and the Captains that came out for the respect for a warrior. One captain carried Sky and the other Sand. One Nunh prayed the rites and the other released the ashes.
Riva was seized with fear at the moment in a way xe had never been before. “This is the right place?”
Haran smiled. “Yes,” zie voice freed of mourning. Finally, Riva was relieved of everything.
A strong wind overcame the party, spreading the ashes far and freely to sands beyond the horizon.
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years ago
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Tagged by @cigarettes-n-daisies, Thank you Very Much!!
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years ago
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The Queer Light Party of Fate & Future (AT)
Haran Kindness and compassion are traits that define not only Haran’s character, but zir perspective on the world. Everyone should treat themselves and others with kindness and compassion. Called out by stars and encouraged by zir fathers Haran learned astromancy. Once with Luka has dedicated zis life to aiding others across the realm and beyond what zie has known. (Zie. Zir. Zis Zirself) 
Riva Riva  is an expert marksman and raised as an Ul'dah native. Xe didn't have a fabulous life, but xe did have a good one. Until xyrs adoptive father's debts forced Riva to use xyrs skills for unsavory means. Riva continues this line of work ultimately believing xe can be no better that a hired killer now. This changes when xe meets Luka, and joins Luka on their journey. (Xe. Xem. Xyrs. Xemself)
Luka This is just a wondering if Luka had chosen to be something less than the Defender of Eorzea, or there wasn’t a need for a grand hero than what would Luka do with the rest of their life? 
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years ago
Based on this meme
Haran: Riva, I need you to swear
Riva, tinkering with xer machinist’s arm: Fu-
Haran: No! Swear like promise.
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years ago
... "Damn it" Riva moved behind the pillar in time to save xerself from the beast's blast but xe still smelled the scent of singed hair in the air.
Riva looked aross to Luka. They had their axe in hand waiting for the beast to land and strike.
'This is impossible' Riva shouted over the whipping wind.
'It's not." Luka didnt move their gaze as they answered Riva. Which only prompted Riva to get the Keeper's attention again.
"We're gonna die trying then?" Riva saw this was Luka's usual method to solve problems. How Luka was still alive was a wonder to Riva somedays. It was no doubt to Haran's healing in more than some respect. Riva looked to where zie was was ready to draw a card when Luka made their move. Riva sighed in exhale,
We can't do this".
This time Luka did look right at Riva to answer xem. "We can... We have to."
Luka was looking at Riva when the beast landed landed.
It only took that second for Riva to believe Luka. And after that second Riva pulled xerself from the pillar to face the monster head on.
Luka leap into battle after Riva. Luka provoked the beast's attention away from Riva.
Riva grumbled curses under xer breath while having doged an absentminded swing the beasts tail as xe changed xer's ammunuation. It was take a long moment to charge but it get the battle done once for all.
Riva had no worry of Luka being in the line of fire Haran rescused them as Riva prepared to fire.
Without Luka in its face the beast turned to Riva.
"Well fuck it." Riva pulled the twin triggers as the beast opens it mouth. Riva stared down its flamed filled throat as the charged bullet fired out the barrel. The beast broke in corrupt aether in the same instant Riva would have become ashes.
It was impossible for Riva to believe xe was alive. But Riva breathed as sound came back to xem. Xe hear Luka's whooping cheer across the pit as Haran was still holding on to them. With zir free hand Haran gave thumbs up.
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years ago
You can either roll over and die or you can keep fighting, no matter what.
Dean Winchester, Supernatural, Season 2: In My Time of Dying
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lal-ffxiv · 5 years ago
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The Queer Light Party by the amazing @artofthestars/ @knightofthestars
They realized a vision I couldn’t even see properly in my mind. I love the way it came out so much. Thanks Elena I love it so so so much!!
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lal-ffxiv · 5 years ago
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Sketches of Riva and Haran by the awesome @artofthestars/ @knightofthestars
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