#risotto the snarky bisexual
How does Risotto respond to Sorbet and Gelato being just heads 😂
Riz: "metallica please stop eating their neck bases. here, have some old screws instead"
Sorbet: That's not right!! Aaaghh!
Gelato: Cut that out! I don't want to be naked!
Ghiaccio: *head on the counter with his arms over his head, simmering with rage*
Risotto: Sorry, they haven't been fed yet. *Shaking a pack of screws* Come get some snacks! *Tosses some screws on the ground like he's feeding chickens*
Ghiaccio: I- WHAT- DUDE.
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Risotto the snarky bisexual and Vanilla the sarcastic gaaaay
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Meanwhile Tiramisu and Tippy are off doing Dio knows what-
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