#risen answers 👋
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
Jealous Quinn imagine, please? 🥺
Sure Angel!
"That's so interesting! What did you say your name was again?"
"Mark. What was yours sweetheart?"
"Quinn, mate you look like you're going to kill that poor boy." Brock stated as he sat back down into the booth with his new beer.
"I might just. She giggled at him, giggled! What could he be saying that's giggle worthy?" the man exclaimed
"Your focusing quite a lot on this for someone who says he couldn't care less about who she talked to." Brock spoke matter of factly.
"I don't!" Quinn exclaimed
"Are you sure about that? Your trust seems to have flown out the window 25 minutes ago." Brock the ever observant best friend was treading the very thin line of Quinn's patience.
"It's not her I don't trust. It's the clown sitting next to her." Quinn mumbled into his drink to avoid sounding as petty as he was feeling. However his eyes never left the pair sitting at the bar. "It's fine. I just have to get over myself, she's a big girl she can take care of herself."
"Alright then! How about some pool, I saw a table on my way back from the bar."
"Yeah," He sighed eye flicking back over to the pair once more, "He's touching her!"
Shooting out of the seat and winding his way through the tables he reached the bar, "Hey mate, great conversation. Touch my girlfriend again and I'll touch you rather violently."
"Qui-" you tried to fight as he pulled you from the bar stool and through the patrons to the exit. Once on the side walk he stopped rather abruptly causing you to collide into his muscular chest.
"You still love me right?"
"Are you sure."
"I don't want to be seen as toxic but I hate when other guys touch you."
"Well you don't need to threaten them."
"Duly noted"
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hells-wasabii · 1 year ago
Hi 👋
Could I trouble you for a Zestial x wife reader drabble please?
And maybe a seperate Carmilla x reader drabble too because I ship them and just can't choose between)
A/N: Have I mentioned I'm a sucker for domestic fluff? So I've actually decided that from this point on, if I'm requested more than one drabble per ask, I'll make seperate posts, but still include the ask via screenshotfor easier navigation.
Character: Zestial
Type: Drabble (Zestial x wife!reader, Drabble, Fluff)
It was amazing. Truly, it was.
Despite how 'modern' hell had become, the feel of the city somehow managed to remain the same. You imagined that it would so long as you remained by Zestial's side. It quite honestly reminded you of when the two of you had been alive. You could remember it so very vividly. Even then, your dear husband had been a lord residing over territories. It was similar to how things worked now, something that you had noted many times before. Though now, instead of able-bodied men and resources, power stemmed from souls.
While he had been a lord, you had been his lady, his darling wife who was unafraid to bare her fangs at the other nobles to put them in their place while he dealt with the more bloody matters. Your marriage, though initially arranged, was loving, fulfilling. It had been for several centuries. He was your everything and you were his. You had even been childhood sweethearts, falling in love effortlessly despite your marriage having already been arranged since birth. You very well could have been soulmates.
So it was only natural that you would die together, rising again to create a new empire to rule together.
Several centuries had passed. Overlords had risen and fallen like the tide, however, you and your dear husband remained steadfast.
"Dearest, is all well?" Ah, speak of the devil. Turning your head, you find your darling lord standing at the door. It never failed to surprise you how your husband could move with such grace as to walk nary without a sound. "Thou hast yet to come for dinner."
Even in small moments such as these, your dear Zestial remained attentive.
"Just reminiscing, dear. We have built much together." You pointed out, hoping to ease his mind as you turned back to look at your shared territories. He nodded, moving from the doorway to join you as you softly conversed.
"That we have, my dear wife, and so we shall continue to do."
"I greatly look forward to spending the rest of eternity with you, dearest. Our love is not one to be sullied by the sands of time. We have grown stronger, together." His expression turned content as his hand found the small of your back. A small but welcome gesture as he gently guided you closer to him. Truly, it didn't matter where you went or what you did. You were more than content so long as Zestial was there with you.
"May we remain here, just a little longer?" You asked, though truly, you already knew the answer.
"As you wish, my wife."
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
"Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!" with Jack please !!
Can do, angel! I have had two requests for this so I'm going to just mesh them into one!
You had just finished decorating for Christmas with your boyfriend Jack, you had put up the tree, hung the Christmas lights off the balcony and put little Christmas themed nick nacks you had found at target earlier.
While all the decorations were done, you felt like something was missing, more like smelt like something was missing. That's why you had told Jack you were heading out, jumped in the car and drove down to the grocery shop to purchase the ingredients to make gingerbread cookies!
What you hadn't anticipated was your boyfriend's evil streak to shine through while you were gone.
"Jack, I'm home!" you called out, kicking off your shoes in the entryway, and manovering around the dinning room table to get to the kitchen so you could place your bags down onto the bench.
"Hello, baby!" he smiled as he traipsed into the kitchen. You should of suspected something when he moved you to certain spot in the kitchen. "You've gotta kiss me."
"Look up, baby." he spoke lowly.
Looking up you saw the clusters of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling fan.
"Jacky!" you laughed, faces moving in sync to get close enough so you could share a sweet kiss.
"I've go the stuff for cookies, want to help me bake them?"
"Yeah, I'll help!"
"Ok, I'll unpack the stuff and you go put on some Christmas music." you instructed, already starting to pull ingredients from the bag."
"Alright, but wait."
"What?" you asked as he pulled you back under the ceiling fan. Half laughing, half sighing you leant up and kissed him again. He pulled away with an excited grin and rushed off to presumably, retrieve his phone.
Once he was back, the Christmas songs blasting, and the bench covered in flour, Jack had made it a game to see how many times he could pull you under that piece of fake mistletoe plant.
Twice when you went to pre-heat the oven, once on your way there and once on your way back. Once when you moved to the sink to wash some of the sticky dough of your hand. Thrice as you put all the trays of gingerbread cookies into the oven. Twice while you were waiting for them to cook, and finally when you was trying to pull the burning hot trays of biscuits out of the oven.
"Jack!" you shouted "Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!"
"I'm holding a burning tray of biscuits and could hurt someone with it." you reasoned "let me get them out, and while they're cooling, we can move the mistletoe to just above the couch."
"Now that's a compromise I'll take!" he said, reaching for the fake plant on the fan, grabbing it and running of to the living room with it.
Thank you requesting, hope you enjoy!
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
it’s 5am go back to sleep with jack hughes and platonic luke hughes
dating jack and him waking you up on christmas morning super early and you trying to go bakc to sleep and cuddle in bed but him still trying to get you to get up to open presents when luke rushed in jumping on both of them and cuddling with his brother and future sister in law telling them to get up and she gets up for luke almost right away making jack pout the fact his girlfriend favorite is his little brother
Of course! I hope you enjoy it angel!
"Y/N, baby, baby."
"Mhm-phf." you groaned as Jack rolled on top of your small frame.
"It's Christmas, we have to get up, we have to see if Santa came." he spoke in an excited childish tone. You rolled your eyes at his antics, and shuffled out from under him slightly.
"What's the time," you mumbled to yourself, neck craning up to see the red numbers flashing on the 5:00. "Jack Rowden Hughes, it's 5am, go back to sleep!"
"But! It's Christmas! We have to get up and open pres-"
"We can do that."
"When it's not 5am."
"AWHH." Jack whined comically.
"Just come here and give me a cuddle for a bit." You opened your arms and with a cute grunt Jack snuggled down into them, arm draping over your waist and head coming to rest in between your boobs.
"That's it, maybe just another hour or so." you whispered stroking your hand through his hair in a vain attempt to sooth his excited self back to sleep.
The attempt was credited vain when the door burst open an in a blur of 6'2 Christmas pyjama clad Hughes, Jack's younger brother Luke flew onto the bed.
"IT'S CHRISTMAS! GET UP WE HAVE TO OPEN PRESENTS!" he screeched, very youngest sibling like. He pulled the covers back and slid in between you two, poking his head up and with a sleep laced smile grinned up at you.
"Good Morning!" He chirped, "can we open presents please?"
"No Luke, it's 5 am go back to sleep!" Jack spoke grouchily.
"Oh Jack, don't be a grouch." you smiled down at Luke fondly. "We can go open presents if you want to Luke!"
"Yes!" he exclaimed, " thanks Y/N," he hugged her, rolled on top of her, out of the bed and took off down the hallway.
You pushed the covers of stood up and slid into your slippers.
"Baby! Are you kidding!" Jack called to you from the bed.
"What? Oh stop pouting!" you told him after seeing his silly facial expression.
"By extension your getting what you want, anyway."
Hope you enjoy!
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
'It's 5am, go back to sleep' with Quinn pleaseeee xx
Of course, angel! I hope you enjoy.
"Gagh! what in the name of-" You heard your boyfriend Quinn mumble, still in a dreary state after being abruptly woken up.
"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" you shouted, with way too much energy for the time of morning.
"AH! HeY." he groaned with a embarrassing voice crack, fumbling with his eyes shut to grab your frantic figure that was trying desperately to shed the covers off.
"No, let me go! We have to go open the presents!" you replied after stilling so you could look at his scrunched face and squinting eyes.
"Y/N, Honey." he spoke, scrubbing a hand over his face. "What time is it?"
"5am!" you spoke proudly, grinning like a child on Christmas, except you were grinning like and adult on Christmas.
"5am!" Quinn spoke incredulous, "honey, that's way too early, go back to sleep."
"Bu-" Sitting up slightly he grabbed your legs and pulled your back, flush against his body.
"Y/N." he spoke sternly, in his newly acquired captains voice. "It's 5am, go back to sleep."
With a whine, you rolled over and tucked up into his side. Not liking that he was winning the mini argument you two were having, you took to pettily poking his ribcage.
It took about 3 minutes for him to get annoyed,
"C'mon then,"
"What are we doing."
"We are opening the presents."
"I want to marry that." he whispered to himself as he looked in the bathroom vanity mirror. Shaking his head in disbelief he continued washing his face of the tiredness.
He smiled fondly and whispered, "I want to marry that."
Before putting his towel down, grabbing the little box tucked deep in his tie draw, and making his way down stairs.
Hope this was okay!
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puckingeccedentesiast · 11 months ago
"what if y-" "if you seriously propose that i sit on your lap, i will kill you."
with trevorrrrrrrrrrrrr
"I am not a hermit, Lukas!" You huffed to your best friend as he ferreted through your closest.
"Don't call me Lukas," he replied, trying awfully hard to say his not so name in the vain tone of voice you did. "And. Yes, yes you are."
"You've watched three seasons of Gilmore Girls in two days!"
"There is nothing wrong with that Luke!" You exclaimed. "No, no. The brown doesn't go with the Khaki."
"What do you mean? Khaki goes with brown!" Luke said placing the pants over the shirt and looking in the floor to ceiling mirror.
"Not unless you're aiming to look like a tree in a pre-school play!" You raised from the bed and stalked over to your closet, flicking through pant options. "What are we going to do again?"
"We are going bowling with some of the guys." Luke states taking a seat on the ottoman at the end of your bed.
"Define some of the guys." you continue, taking off to the dresser for your trusty set of Lorna Jane's.
"Jack's buddies." Luke vaguely specifies. "Plus Quinn. Cause he's a loner and has nothing to do."
"Quinn isn't a loner, his girlfriend is just out of town." you call walking into the bathroom. "Wait. Luke. By Jack's buddies do you mean Trevor included?"
"Luke! You know Trevor and me in same environment does. not. work." you walked out of the bathroom changed and trying desperately to clasp your chain.
"You don't have to talk to him at the event!" Luke pleads desperately with you. "I'm pretty sure Jack booked seperate cars anyway."
"Alright then."
"Ah, guys! I fucked the Ubers, we've only got one and we need to get 6 people in a 5 seater." Jack called to the remains of the group on the nature strip.
Luke lost about six inches in height at the look you levelled him with.
"What if Y/-"
"If you seriously propose that I sit on your lap, I will kill you."
"I-" Trevor started, he stopped abruptly when your voice over powered his.
"Jack, Luke, Quinn and Cole, get in the car." Noticing the tone of the situation all four of them followed instructions.
"What about me!" Trevor exclaimed, looking stupidly adorable in that god forsaken pink beanie. He looked back and forth at you standing in the doorway of the car.
I'm sorry it's on the shorter side! I hope it's adequate. I certainly look forward to writing more! List of Prompts here.
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puckingeccedentesiast · 10 months ago
Prompt Poll - One
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Jack Hughes x sister!Y/N
Prompt: “You don’t have to tell me anything, we can just sit here”
Description: Jack’s sister has relationship troubles, Jack knows what she needs.
A/N: I hope you enjoy! Would be greatly appreciated if you could reblog. I love talking to people so say 'Hi' if you want to. Feel Free to send in requests as well. I'm happy to write for most hockey players.
Warnings: Crying, swearing, thats probably it! Mainly just good brother Jack fluff.
-Sincerely thedevilrisen.
Wet sniffles and the front door opening and closing with a quiet click an hour before it was suppose to is something that concerns three exceptionally protective brothers very much.
Quinn was the first to launch into action, tearing off the couch and toward the sound that scares them all half to death. Their sister, crying.
Before he could even leave the room in walked a sodden, puffy cheeked, red eyed girl. Her dark hair was plastered to her forehead and across the sides of her neck.
"What the hell happened?" asked Luke, half hysterical. Turning around on the couch, bug-eyed at sight of his normally well-put together sister a wet shivering, mess?
"Nothing Luke."
"Well that's bullshit." the troubled boy shot back.
"Lukey, just calm it for a second." Jack asked, significantly calmer than both of the other boys.
"No, Jack, Luke's completely correct in his statement!" Quinn, normally level headed, fired off. "She's crying and home way too early aren't you meant to be at Jessie's?"
"I'm not crying Quinn! I'm cold and Jessie is at her dad's!" the young girl warbled. "I'm going bed. Goodnight."
"Like hell you are!" the oldest shouted. "You're going to sit and tell us the truth."
She hated the way Quinn spat the word truth like he knew she'd been lying to them. She hadn't been lying per-se, not to all of them and not in great amounts, just leaving out certain details.
"Y/N, it's okay go upstairs and sleep if you would like to." Jack spoke sternly, more so at Quinn then at then now shivering girl standing meekly at the bottom of the staircase.
"Jack! Are you with us or against us?" Luke stated betrayed, the slight recognition in his features as he slowly realises his older brother's nonchalant-ness.
"I'm on neither side. If she doesn't feel comfortable talking then I don't think we need to pry." Jack continued, trying to diffuse the situation.
"What do you know." Luke's eyes narrowed along with his accusatory remark.
"Nothing more than you do." Jack stated calmly. He wasn’t fond of hiding information from his brothers especially when it involved their sister. He had his reasons though.
Jack’s Friday night plans did not consist of comforting his devastated sister.
A quiet shuffle of footsteps along the carpet in the hallway was barely noticeable amidst the cacophony of a summer storm. Light crept slowly into Jack’s room.
“Jacky?” an unreasonably timid voice asked into the darkness.
“mh- ompf.” he had grumbled, back digging into his phone which had been lost when he drifted off. “what’s up kid?”
"can i talk to you please?" she had mumbled through the small gap.
"yeah," he hoisted himself up from the bed. "come in kid, what's going on?"
"ihaveaboyfriend." she spoke at lightning speed. standing by the door apprehensively almost like she was ready to run if she needed.
slowly comprehending jack blinked drearily. "im sorry what?"
taking a deep breath she took a few steps and sat on the end of the bed. "i have a boyfriend," she spoke solemnly.
"shouldn't that be a happy thing?"
"he stood me up three nights in a row."
"ah, a not so happy thing." jack mumbled now realising the gravity of the situation.
“what can i do to help?” Jack sighed. at this statement the smaller girl launched into his arms.
“don’t tell Quinn or Luke.” she cried into his chest.
“is there something else you need to tell me?”
“I do, but not now.” the girl crawled up closer to the head board with her brother and tucked herself under he arm.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, we can just sit here.”
“Thanks Jacky.”
This is probably the most half-assed thing ive ever wrote. im terribly sorry. 👍
if anyone cares i will be putting out the next prompt post later today and something about the au im creating!
find the prompt list for requests here.
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
Nico Hischier, " stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe* please and thank you
I hope this is up to your standards!
"Do you like the decorations, neeks!"
"I love them, Elfchen." Nico responded, smiling gently at his girlfriend.
"Yay! And look over here!" she called as she ran through to the kitchen. "Aren't they cute!" pointing out the ornaments scattered along the kitchen bench.
"Yes they are!" he responded with a bright smile and almost as much enthusiasm.
"and look over here." she led him into the hallway, stopping in the doorway.
"What?" He questioned looking around.
"Up!" she exclaimed.
Above them hung mistletoe, glimmering in the light. He smiled down at her, "You flirt." she giggled in response and leaned up to peck him on the lips.
"Nico! c'here! quick!" she called, standing under the arched doorframe leading into the hallway.
"What is it? What's wrong he looked around franticly, trying to find the source of her distress.
She looked up smiling, he followed her gaze, looked back down with a fake frown, amusement dancing in his eyes and leaned down to peck her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, deepening the kiss.
This continued to happen throughout the week, it happened when they were by themselves, when Nico had teammates over to celebrate after games, and most annoyingly when he was trying to leave for games.
"Elfchen! Where is my tie!" Nico called down the hallway from the bedroom.
"It's out here, neeks!" she called back out to him. With a grumble he walked down the hallway to where his girlfriend was standing under the, what he had declared the very stupid mistletoe, much to her upset.
"Elfchen, I love you, but for the love of god, stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!" he exclaimed, through all his sternness there was still a hint of humour in his voice.
"But why!" she whined.
"because I'm going to be late for the game!"
"fine." she grumbled "one last kiss!" she asked cheekily.
sighing he leaned in a gave her peck, retrieved his tie and turned back down the hallway to get back to the bedroom and finish getting ready for the game.
Thank you for requesting! I hope you liked it!
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
can you do a jack hughes imagine after a break up inspired by the song logical???
i love you’re writing
Sure thing angel!
Master manipulator 
God, you're so good at what you do
Three dates and she was a goner. 
His charming smile, charismatic, playful tone, gentleman like manner when he picked her up, dropped her off and was with her in public.
Jack Hughes was, in her opinion, destined to be her forever. After three dates turned into daily events, whether it be Netflix and chill, a fancy dinner or just a spontaneous late night drive. Three months in she met his family and when the season approached with an unsavory haste she made the bold move to follow him to Jersey.
Then it started.
And I'd put myself through hell for you 
Hear all the rumors lately
That you always denied
Throughout the preseason, you were just naively learning the lay of the land. Jack being his usual charming self helped, he introduced you to the other wags and showed you around the city, he quelled your fears and held you while you cried about missing home.
Scared and quite frankly, alone in this new city you just continued following blindly.
Three weeks into the season, Jack had seemed to settle back into his habits. The good and the bad.
Partying most nights after wins, most you weren’t invited to go with him to. You always obeyed him, if he asked that you stayed home, you did. Even though this meant you spent most nights at home, crying yourself to sleep after scrolling through social media and seeing the various photos of Jack with other girls. Close enough with these girls that the tabloids were speculating about who he was dating.
How silly you were to trust him when he came home, kissed the tears off your cheeks when you confronted him about them and reassured you that you were the only one he wanted.
You mean all the words you said.
I’m sure that girl is really your friend.
“Jacky, talk to me. What’s going on, you barely talk to me anymore!” she had exclaimed in frustration after Jack had again stumbled in reeking of floral perfume and alcohol.
“What are - hic - you talking about, baby! We live together, it’s hard not to talk to each other!” he grinned dopily at her whilst toeing out of his shoes, shrugging off his jacket and stumbling towards her. “Let's go to bed, I’m tired!”
“Alright Jack.” she sighed disappointedly accepting his over the top embrace as he pulled her clumsily down the hallway to their shared bedroom.
“Hey Jack, could we talk about something really quickly please.” she called out into the hallway from the door frame of the bedroom.
“Yeah sure, but make it quick. I’m going to Nico’s for drinks and I need to leave soon.” he spoke distractedly looking at his phone as he walked down the hallway and into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Ok, uh. It’s about more photos that have surfaced of you… with other girls.” you spoke quietly but after the look that crossed Jack’s aggravated face your rushed, “I know you wouldn’t do anything! I just get scared.”
She had every right to be.
“She’s just a friend Y/N! You have no right to be scared! Are you really that insecure!”
'Cause loving you is loving every
Argument you held over my head
Brought up the girls you could have instead
“Y/N I swear to God! If you talk to me about one more picture of me with girls I might be dating! I might just!” Jack screamed
“You might just what Jack?” You yelled back “what might you do!”
“I might just go to some of those girls! They’re perfect Y/N, they would bug me about this plus, they have very nice bodies!” He yelled, and under his breath I swear I heard him mumble “better that you.”
And now you got me thinking 
Two plus two equals five
And I'm the love of your life
'Cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine
Then changing you is possible
“Y/N, you can’t keep coming to my place like this after you and Jack have a fight saying you can fix him.” Your friend chastised, soothingly rubbing your hand and you sobbed in her arms on her entryway floor.
“But I can!” You sobbed “I can-plea-let me!”
“Honey, for your own sake.” She whispered resting her head on yours.
‘Goodbye Jack,’ you mumbled to the apartment you once called home. ‘I hope your happy.’
A single tear rolled down your check as you dropped the note.
No, love is never logical.
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
are you going to help or stand there dancing like a fool with trevor
the two are in a relationship and the reader is trying to wrap all the christmas presents and trevor isn’t helping and just dancing around with the music and makes her get up and dance with him
of course, angel! Hope you like it 😊
Picking up the scissors, you cut along the edge of the wrapping paper, pulling the roll of tape closer so you could cut some off to secure the edge of the wrapping paper over the scented candle so you could fold the ends in.
"Rockin' 'round the Christmas tree!" Your beloved boyfriend Trevor chorused awfully off pitch with the song playing from the youi-boom speaker.
Laughing at his antics and at the huge smile on his face, you shook your head and continued to fold the red wrapping paper around the candle, securing the intricate folds with some more sticky tape, before pulling, and sticking a label onto the front of the present. Reaching for a pen to sign the label with, Trevor changed the song.
With Last Christmas blasting through the speakers, and the off-pitch singing having developed into off-pitch singing and dorky dancing. You reached over for the next present laying it onto the wrapping paper.
"LAST CHRISTMAS!" Trevor screamed with a voice crack, "I GAVE YOU MY HEART." he gripped his chest dramatically. "AND THE VERY NEXT DAY." a deep breath. "YOU GAVE IT AWAY!"
Dramatics over he continued dancing and singing the lyrics, albeit a little less enthusiastically.
"Are you going to help, or stand there dancing like a fool?" you asked, struggling to wrap the paper around the present.
"You did not call my dancing foolish." he stopped, hair falling over his eyes.
"I did, now are you going to help or not? you asked.
He gasped dramatically, "I'm offended! You're dancing with me. C'mon." he walked over dragging your reluctant form out of the seat.
"Trevor the presents have to be wrapped!" You argued, fighting to get out of his grip.
"They can be wrapped later. You're dancing with me now!" he spoke, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
He started spinning you around the living room, cautious not to accidentally run into the coffee table. Both of you giggling like fools in love.
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puckingeccedentesiast · 10 months ago
hi! new anon here!!! can i request a blurb of luke and nova’s first kiss?
- 🙈
Hi new anon!
"Luke! It's so cute!" Nova exclaimed seeing a little red and white check picnic blanket and a woven basket to go with it.
"You like it?" Luke asked hesitantly. Stepping over the branch into the little beachy alcove he set up earlier.
"It's so pretty, I love it! Plus it has food!" the brown haired girl smiled back at him, dropping to her knees and reaching into basket and pulling out various little snack items, sandwiches, mini cookies and some milky bottles which Nova loves.
Luke settled down beside her and reached in for a chicken sandwich he packed for himself, while he packed a roast beef on for Nova. With a childish smile she took an animated bite and sighed happily.
"Yummy?" Luke asked, humour displayed in his tone.
"Freaking delicious Lukey!" Nova smiled as she continued gnawing on the sandwich.
"I'm glad you like it Novs" Luke smiled, he swallowed his fear and said. "I think I have something you might like as well."
Nova made an inquisitive noise, flicking her hair back over her ear with one hand while chewing on her sandwich with the other.
Luke leaned in slowly, hand coming to cradle Nova's face. Thumb brushing over her temple, eyes studying her face as he contemplated his next decision.
"Don't hate me." he mumbled as leaned the rest of the way down to the captivated girls lips. He gently met her chapped ones with his, mouth moving smoothly over hers. Nova broke out of her mesmerized state and leaned up to meet Luke half way, allowing their mouths to move in sync.
Gently pulling away and looking into Luke's eyes Nova spoke, "Hi."
"Hey, sweetheart." Luke smiled
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
Trevor « if you throw that snowball you’re declaring war» please and thank you❄️
Of course, angel! I'm sorry I'm late on it.
It didn't snow in California, but it did in Vancouver, your home town. You and your beloved boyfriend Trevor were there for the Ducks and Canucks game.
You saw this as the perfect opportunity to have him meet your family. Your mother was excited, but your father and brothers were more then prepared to give him a full presentation on what they would do to him if he even thought of hurting you.
Post family meet, weird meeting between all the males in your life and lunch. Trevor and you finally took the chance to take the bags up to your childhood room and unpack the small amount of things you brought for the one night you were staying.
"You dad scares me and, since when did your brothers become that protective?" Trevor asked neatly placing his clothes into the drawers.
"They've always been like that, you've just never posed a threat. Until now." you responded casually.
"Pose a threat." he deadpanned. "I. pose a threat."
"Clearly." you spoke in a matter of fact tone
"I can't with you lot." he laughed.
You had finished your conversation and had ventured outside into the back yard to play in the snow. From making snow angels and snow men. Everything was going well, until Trevor had made the first move.
"Hey, Y/N turn around."
"Wha-," you started, "Trevor Zegras, if you throw that snowball you are declaring war."
"Guess you better start preparing then." he smirked and launched the bundled snow at you.
Sorry its short! I hope you enjoy!
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puckingeccedentesiast · 10 months ago
Prompt Poll - Two
Prompt One: "When you said you were sick I thought you meant a cold, not the freaking plague."
Prompt Two: "Your complexation is scaring me, please sit down."
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puckingeccedentesiast · 1 year ago
"Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe!" with jack please ^_^
Hello angel! I've meshed your request and someone who requested the same thing here!
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puckingeccedentesiast · 10 months ago
I have how Quinn and Jack apologise to Nova in the works, I also need to start the prompt poll, however i am procrastinating so :)
anyone got any ideas that they want to talk about?
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puckingeccedentesiast · 10 months ago
to the 75.6% of peoples who like my au’s but are scared to come into my inbox.
why? 🥺 I want nothing more than for some one to come talk! I will freaking cherish you and hold you so your safe !
my inbox and page is a safe place and everyone is welcome 🫶🏼
(you don’t have to say anything but hi!)
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