#riri's drabbles
enreveriee · 9 days
. , lilac , p.js (☂️)
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IN WHICH: you liked jay a lot, but your innocent crush soon spiraled into an obsession, blurring the line between fantasy and reality, as your thoughts twisted into something darker than you expected. GENRE: fluff, slightly dark (?). WARNING(S): obsession, stalking, mentions of accident, kissing, not proofread, lmk if I missed anything. WORD COUNT: 7.8k
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LIKE THE FLOATING CLOUD — Changing schools wasn’t on your wishlist, but here you were. It had been a long time since you’d recovered from the accident, and life had thrown you yet another curveball—starting over in a new place. Just weeks ago, you'd woken up from a coma, expecting some form of respite from life’s relentless challenges. But the world doesn’t pause, does it? You were thrust into yet another whirlwind, this time, school. New faces, new halls, and new pressures to bear.
The morning sunlight gleamed off the freshly polished windows of the sprawling campus, casting reflections that danced across the pavement. The building loomed before you—its modern glass façade glimmering in stark contrast to the worn, familiar bricks of your old school. You stopped for a moment, taking in its sheer size. “Damn,” you muttered under your breath, barely aware of the words slipping from your mouth. “They have a better infrastructure than my previous school.”
Stepping inside, the scent of fresh paint and newly waxed floors hit you, a stark reminder of just how new everything was. The halls were alive with the buzz of students rushing to get to their first classes. Lockers slammed, sneakers squeaked against the tile floors, and the faint hum of conversation filled the air. You watched them—groups of friends laughing, others buried in their phones or textbooks, weaving through the maze of hallways like they’d been doing it forever.
It felt strange, seeing all this after months confined to the stillness of a hospital bed. A stark contrast to the sterile walls and cold, white lights you had grown so familiar with. The vibrant chaos of school was both overwhelming and comforting in a way. You stood there for a moment, just observing, soaking in the life you’d almost forgotten. The sight of students hurrying to their classes, backpacks bouncing against their shoulders, gave you a sense of normalcy. The halls were bright, lined with posters of school events, sports team victories, and upcoming dances—everything you’d missed out on for what felt like a lifetime.
You clutched the straps of your bag a little tighter, pulling it further up your shoulder, almost as if it would anchor you in this unfamiliar place. You could feel the faintest bit of nervous energy rising within you, the kind that makes your heart beat just a little faster. But you weren’t going to let it overwhelm you. Not today.
As you passed by a few students gathered in the corridor, you could hear bits of their conversation. “Did you finish the homework for Mr. Park's class?” one asked, flipping through her notebook. The other girl nodded, her head buried in a thick textbook. You glanced at them, envy prickling the edges of your mind. They belonged here, and you… well, you were still finding your place.
“Alright,” you whispered to yourself, straightening up and taking a deep breath. “New school, new start.” With one last glance at the crowded hallway, you made your way toward your first class, determined to make this day yours, no matter how alien everything felt.
HELLO, HELLO LIKE A PETAL — Not even a week into your new school, you saw him for the first time—the class president. You didn’t know his name yet, but something about him drew your attention. He moved with quiet confidence, guiding students through their doubts with ease, his voice calm, yet commanding. His presence was magnetic, the way he gestured with his hands as he explained a complex problem, or the soft smile he gave when someone finally understood.
“Do you like him?” Semi, the girl sitting next to you, nudged your arm gently, her teasing grin barely concealed behind her hand. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t fight the heat creeping up your neck. How could you like someone this early? It was ridiculous.
“I’ve never even seen him before today,” you muttered, pretending to focus on the scribbles in your notebook, though the lines blurred together as your thoughts wandered. “I don’t like him… not yet, at least.” You added a nervous chuckle, but your eyes refused to stray from him.
It wasn’t until he glanced back—straight at you—that your heart betrayed you, hammering against your chest as if it had been caught in the act. He walked over, each step deliberate, his posture straight and assured. You could feel Semi's gaze burning into the side of your face, her amusement at your sudden silence barely restrained.
“You haven’t submitted your assignment yet,” he said, his tone polite but firm, snapping you out of your daze. His eyes were kind, though, like he didn’t even notice the way your hands fumbled nervously with your pen as you nodded, barely able to form words.
“I’ll, uh, get that to you… soon,” you stammered, mentally kicking yourself. Of course, a guy like him wouldn’t even blink in your direction beyond official school matters. He was the class president, for crying out loud—probably too busy managing a thousand other things to even notice you.
As he turned to walk away, Semi was quick to jump in with a teasing whisper, “Girl, you’re down bad.” She let out a soft snicker as you glared at her, your heart still racing from the brief encounter.
Your eyes followed him despite yourself, as if they couldn’t tear away from the sight of him—his tall figure moving with that same effortless grace. It was just a simple conversation, nothing more than a sentence or two exchanged. But it left a mark, one that you knew would linger. Something about him seemed like a beacon, and you weren’t ready to look away.
“Well, that’s one way to make an impression,” you murmured to yourself, sighing quietly. It was ridiculous how so little could feel like so much.
LIKE THE SPRING BREEZE — You were still new at school, trying to adjust to the routine, but at least you had made one friend—Semi. She was your lifeline in this sea of unfamiliar faces, and with her by your side, school didn’t seem as daunting anymore. And then, there was Jay. You’d finally learned his name, not that it had been hard. He was popular, almost too popular.
One search of his Instagram, and you were greeted with hundreds of likes and comments from not just your school but people outside as well. He had that effortless charm, the kind that made people gravitate toward him. Maybe that was why you were crushing on him so hard—or maybe it was the way his smile seemed to light up the hallway whenever he passed by.
You found yourself scrolling through his feed late at night, learning everything you could without actually knowing him. You knew when his birthday was, how he liked his coffee, and what his favorite band was. And today, you decided to make a move, something small but hopefully memorable. You bought him a pastry, a cute little cupcake from the bakery down the street, wrapped it in a box with a neat little bow, and headed straight for his locker before school started.
Standing in front of his locker, you took a deep breath, placing the box inside. The nerves were eating you alive, but you didn’t want to back out now. Just as you turned around to leave, you froze. There he was. Jay, standing right behind you, his expression a mix of curiosity and confusion.
His voice broke the silence. “What are you doing?” He asked, his hand brushing against yours as he reached for the box. The contact sent a jolt up your spine, making your heart race even faster.
Your mouth went dry, but you managed to stammer out, “It’s your birthday, right? I, uh... got you these.” You held out the cupcake, your smile shaky as you tried to mask how flustered you were.
Jay blinked, glancing between you and the cupcake before offering a polite smile. “Thanks, but... do I know you?”
The words hit harder than they should have. You felt your heart drop into your stomach, the awkwardness thick in the air. He didn’t even know you? All this time, you’d been working up the courage to talk to him, and he didn’t even recognize you. Ouch. You forced a smile, trying to save face, but the sting of embarrassment was hard to shake off.
“We’re in the same class. I’m the new student,” you muttered, your voice a little quieter, hoping this wouldn’t be as humiliating as it felt.
Jay’s eyes widened slightly, realization dawning. “Oh, right. I must’ve forgotten. Sorry about that.” He gave you another smile, the kind that was polite but distant. “Thanks for this.” He held up the box, gave you a nod, and with that, he walked away, leaving you standing there with your pride in pieces.
You couldn’t help the frustrated sigh that escaped your lips as you watched him go. “Such a bastard,” you mumbled under your breath, though there wasn’t any real anger behind it. Just exasperation. Despite the awkwardness, you still found yourself drawn to him. How could you not? The way he walked, the way his shoulders moved with an effortless swagger—there was something about him that just pulled you in.
But then again, you weren’t the only one. You’d seen the way other girls looked at him, the way they’d flock to him like moths to a flame. You were just another admirer in a sea of them. And yet, here you were, feeling like this tiny interaction, awkward as it was, was something special. Maybe it was your first real conversation with him, but it was something.
LOVE RESEMBLES MISTY DREAMS — Love, for you, felt like one of those foggy dreams you have just before waking up—the kind where everything is hazy, but you can still remember the emotions. It was no longer just a feeling but a reality you crafted for yourself. Everything was deliberate, including the way you “accidentally” bumped into Jay in the hallways or “coincidentally” ended up in places where he usually went after school. Some might call it stalking, but you thought of it as strategic planning. After all, you just wanted to talk to him—get to know him.
And then, one day, you got your golden opportunity. How? You joined the History Club. You absolutely loathed history. Memorizing dates, names, and ancient events was the last thing you wanted to do, but none of that mattered when Jay was the club leader. You’d force yourself to endure it, just for a few moments with him.
Today was one of those long club meetings, the kind that dragged on forever as Jay led the discussion while you sat across the room, your eyes barely leaving him. The topic was something about ancient dynasties—honestly, you weren’t paying attention. Instead, you had focused on making your notes look as neat and perfect as possible, hoping to catch his eye with the colorful highlighters and meticulous doodles. When you finished, you slid over to where he was sitting, your heart hammering in your chest.
“Jay, how does this look?” you asked, handing over your notebook with a hopeful smile.
Jay barely glanced at the notes before his brows furrowed in confusion. “It’s... nice. But, um, you shouldn’t have used so many highlighters. It’s kinda hard to read with all the colors.” His tone was polite, but it still stung a little. Semi, who was sitting beside you, covered her mouth to hide her laughter, shaking her head as she continued working on her own notes.
“Oh... okay.” You tried not to let your disappointment show, but it was hard. Your enthusiasm had deflated like a balloon, and the frown tugging at your lips was a clear giveaway. Trying to keep your cool, you casually pulled out a small, wrapped box from your bag and slid it toward him, as if this were a completely normal thing to do.
Semi’s eyes widened, her shock evident. She was always amused by how bold you were when it came to Jay, but this—this was a new level. Jay blinked in confusion, his gaze flickering between you and the box now in front of him.
“What’s this for?” he asked, a small crease forming on his forehead. He picked up the box, turning it over in his hands as if trying to figure out why you’d given it to him.
You swallowed nervously. “I, uh, made some cookies for you.”
There. You said it. No going back now. You could practically hear Semi holding back her laugh, but you didn’t dare look at her. Your eyes were glued to Jay, waiting for his reaction. He stared at the box for a moment, looking almost... awkward. His smile was tight, as if he didn’t quite know how to handle the situation.
“Oh... thanks,” he said, his voice uncertain, like he was trying to be nice but wasn’t sure how to accept this gesture. He shifted his weight, glancing around the room as if searching for an escape route, and that small gesture hit you harder than you expected.
Your heart sank. The realization washed over you like a cold wave—he wasn’t interested. He probably had girls giving him gifts all the time, and you were just another admirer in the crowd. The worst part? He was too polite to brush you off outright, which only made you feel worse. The room began to clear out, and soon, it was just the two of you left, the silence hanging heavy between you.
You fiddled with the edge of your notebook, finally breaking the quiet with a question you dreaded asking but couldn’t keep inside any longer. “Do I... do I annoy you?”
Jay’s head snapped up at your words, his eyes wide with surprise. “What? No! Of course not.”
But you could tell from the way his smile didn’t reach his eyes that he wasn’t telling the whole truth. He was trying to be kind, but his discomfort was impossible to ignore. You forced a smile, but the hurt still crept into your voice.
“It’s fine,” you muttered, waving it off as if it didn’t matter. As if your heart wasn’t breaking a little.
Jay hesitated, his fingers tightening around the box of cookies you had given him. He looked almost guilty now, as if he knew how much his reaction had affected you. Without saying anything, he opened the box and took one of the heart-shaped cookies, biting into it quietly. You watched as he chewed slowly, his gaze drifting to the floor.
The silence that followed felt heavy, awkward, and filled with all the unsaid things that lingered in the air between you. It wasn’t much, but seeing him eat the cookies you made—even though you knew they weren’t going to change anything—was enough to make you feel a small flicker of hope again, even if just for a moment.
I LIKE THE SCENT OF TODAY — As if life had its own twisted way of pulling strings, you eventually grew closer to Jay—or at least, that’s what you told yourself. Bonding over history wasn’t something you ever anticipated, but somehow, there you were. It had been five months. Five months of stolen glances, hushed conversations, and countless moments where you felt your heart skip a beat just from being near him.
Five months of wondering why Jay didn’t push you away. Despite knowing your feelings, he had never told you to stop. Sure, you had followed him home once or twice—okay, maybe more than once. But the strange thing was, he noticed. He noticed and he never did anything to stop you. Instead, he fed your one-sided affection with smiles that lingered a bit too long and conversations that bordered on intimate. It confused you. Sometimes you wondered why he acted as if he was leading you on, yet at other times, it felt like he was just being kind out of some sort of obligation.
You remembered one afternoon clearly. It was just the two of you in the History Club room. The other members had gone out for a break, and the quiet settled between you like a soft, suffocating blanket. Jay was engrossed in some text about ancient civilizations, flipping through the pages with a look of calm concentration. You, on the other hand, couldn’t focus. Your eyes kept drifting toward him, your mind racing with the questions you had been holding in for weeks.
“Jay? Stop talking about historical monuments,” you muttered softly, breaking the silence. You’d lost track of how long he’d been going on about some ancient ruin. Normally, you’d let him talk—it was one of the things you liked about him. But today was different. There was something bubbling inside you, a feeling that couldn’t be ignored any longer.
Jay blinked, startled by your interruption. He looked up from his book, his dark eyes meeting yours with a curious glint. “Oh?” he asked, his voice tinged with confusion. He set the book aside, leaning back in his chair, and raised an eyebrow. “Then, what do you want to talk about?”
Before you could respond, he casually reached out, gripping the arm of your chair and pulling it closer to his. The sudden movement caught you off guard, and now your knees almost brushed his. You felt a blush creeping up your neck, your heart fluttering in your chest as you looked down, avoiding his gaze.
But you had to ask. You had to know. Swallowing your nerves, you looked back up at him, eyes searching his for some kind of answer. “Jay? Why are you doing this?”
He frowned, clearly not understanding what you meant. “Doing what?” he asked, his tone casual, but you could tell he was puzzled. His gaze flickered to the small, wrapped gift boxes and notes that littered his desk—tokens of affection from his admirers, yourself included. You watched his eyes settle on the trinkets, as if they might hold the answer.
You followed his gaze, feeling a knot of frustration tightening in your chest. “Accepting my gifts, I mean… and talking to me,” you clarified, your voice quieter now, but firm. You hated the way your heart felt heavy, as if you were bracing for a truth you didn’t want to hear. “Why do you talk to me like this? Why do you make me feel like there’s something between us?”
Jay seemed taken aback by your bluntness. He glanced back at you, a small, almost imperceptible sigh escaping his lips as he looked away again, his fingers tracing the edge of the nearest gift box. “Oh, that… they were nice,” he muttered after a moment, his tone flat.
Nice? That was it? You felt the sting of his words, the casual way he dismissed what meant so much to you. “That’s the only reason?” you asked, frowning as you leaned back slightly, feeling the weight of disappointment settle in.
“Yeah.” His response came without hesitation, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Your frustration simmered, but more than that, there was a growing ache in your chest. How could he be so oblivious? You stood up, pushing your chair back with a scrape that echoed through the empty room. “Jay, don’t you think someone might not give this kind of stuff to just a friend?” You didn’t care if you sounded angry now—hell, you were angry. Angry, hurt, and confused.
Jay met your gaze, his expression unreadable. He didn’t flinch. “I know.”
You blinked, your frown deepening. “You know?” The words felt like a punch, your hands balling into fists at your sides. “Then why are you leading me on?”
Jay lowered his head, his hair falling slightly over his eyes as he let out another sigh. His voice was quieter when he spoke, tinged with something that almost sounded like regret. “I know that you like me,” he admitted. “But… I don’t think I want to love anyone anytime soon.”
You froze, the air between you thick with unsaid words. The way he said it was like a door closing—a gentle but firm rejection. He wasn’t even trying to keep you there, to stop you from walking out. He just sat there, looking down, his hands resting on the table as if he didn’t know what to do with them.
Your heart squeezed painfully in your chest, but then curiosity took over. “Why not?” you asked, stepping closer. The hurt was still there, but now there was something else—an ache to understand. “Why don’t you want to love someone?”
Jay looked up, his eyes meeting yours for just a moment before they darted away again. He hesitated, his voice barely above a whisper when he finally spoke. “I’m afraid of loving someone… and getting hurt.”
His words hung in the air, and for a moment, you didn’t know what to say. There was a vulnerability in his tone that made you hesitate, but you pushed that aside. Instead, you took a deep breath, letting the silence stretch for a moment before you stepped even closer, a sudden idea forming in your mind.
“Then…” You paused, feeling the weight of your words. “How about you date me until graduation? And once the spring comes, we’ll part ways.” You smiled softly, the sadness lingering behind it as you met his eyes again. “Love me only until this spring.”
Jay’s eyes widened slightly, surprised by your proposal. You could see the conflict in his gaze, the way he wanted to say no but hesitated. He looked down at the pile of gifts again, his fingers brushing the edge of one of the boxes before he finally sighed, shaking his head softly.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he murmured, his voice unsure.
You bit your lip, stepping even closer. “Oh, c’mon! Please?” You knew how desperate you sounded, how much like a lovestruck fool you must’ve appeared. But you didn’t care. You couldn’t let this chance slip away—not when you were this close.
Jay looked up at you, really looked at you this time. His eyes searched yours for something, and after a long pause, he let out a resigned sigh. “Fine,” he muttered, his voice soft but clear. “I’ll love you… only until this spring.”
And as he spoke, he gazed at you, his expression unreadable as his eyes flickered to the gifts on his desk—reminders of the fleeting nature of the affection people offered him. You couldn’t help but wonder if, just maybe, this was the start of something that could last longer than a single season.
LOVE ME ONLY ‘TIL THIS SPRING — Spring had barely begun to unfurl its vibrant colors, but you already felt the weight of an unspoken clock ticking down. Two months remained until graduation, and with it, the end of your deal with Jay—no strings, no lasting attachments, just a fleeting experience of dating. But for you, it was never just that. You had been attached long before this "spring romance" ever started, yet here you were, clinging to his arm like a lifeline, trying to savor each moment despite the cold reality of an expiration date.
Walking down the crowded hallway, your grip on his arm tightened. The judgmental glances from other students followed you both, sharp and filled with disdain, as though they couldn't understand why Jay, the untouchable, mysterious boy, was with you. You knew the looks well—they stung, but they didn’t surprise you. This whole thing was supposed to be temporary, just a silly experiment. Yet, the knot in your chest told a different story. You were already in too deep.
Jay, on the other hand, remained indifferent. His usual stoic expression hadn't changed much since the two of you began this strange arrangement. He didn't stop you from holding his hand, from clinging to his arm, but he didn’t make any gestures that suggested anything deeper. He had agreed to this—dating until spring, no more, no less—but you couldn’t help but wonder: Was this all just a façade?
“Don’t you dare hurt her.” Semi, your friend, shot Jay a warning glance as the two of you passed by her near the lockers. The sharpness in her voice cut through the haze of your thoughts, bringing you back to reality. You almost winced at her words, remembering how you’d bragged about dating Jay. What would she say if she knew this was all temporary?
Jay glanced down at you, sensing your discomfort, and squeezed your hand gently. It was a small gesture, but one that momentarily eased your embarrassment. For a second, you allowed yourself to imagine that this wasn’t just for show, that maybe—just maybe—he felt something too.
The walk home after school was quiet, as usual. Jay walked beside you, his hands in his pockets, while you clutched your bag, the silence between you growing heavier with each step. Even though you had been dating for a month, it was nothing like the relationships you’d imagined. There were no sweet goodnight texts, no surprise visits, no real affection beyond holding hands. He never let you into his world—into his home or his heart.
Finally, when you reached the school gates, you couldn’t hold it in any longer. The words spilled out before you could stop them.
“Jay...” You called his name softly, biting your lip, your hand clutching your bag tighter.
He turned to you, his expression unreadable. “Mm?” was all he hummed in response, his voice low and casual.
You felt your heart race, unsure if you were being too bold or foolish, but you pressed on. “Can you kiss me?” The words came out rushed, your face heating up instantly. You almost couldn’t believe what you’d just said. “I mean—I'm your girlfriend, right... So, can you kiss me? A peck is fine too.”
Jay froze, blinking in surprise. His eyes widened slightly as if he hadn’t expected such a request from you. “Huh?” He coughed, nearly choking on his breath, clearly caught off guard by your sudden boldness. The corner of his lips twitched as though he wasn’t sure if he should laugh or be serious.
You immediately regretted it, feeling your face burn even more. The silence that followed felt agonizing. You could practically hear your own heart pounding in your chest. “Nevermind,” you mumbled, waving it off as you turned away, your shoulders slumping in defeat. Why did I say that? Embarrassment flooded through you, and you started to walk ahead, putting distance between the two of you.
But then, before you could take more than two steps, you felt a sudden tug on your wrist. Jay had grabbed you from behind, his hand firm yet gentle as he pulled you back toward him. You barely had time to turn around before he was there—his lips crashing onto yours.
The kiss was sudden, forceful, and filled with an intensity you hadn’t anticipated. His lips were soft, warm against yours, but there was something almost desperate in the way he kissed you, as if he was letting out something he had been holding back for too long. You were momentarily stunned, eyes wide in shock, but your body responded instinctively, your hands coming up to gently hold onto his shirt for support.
Jay's other hand slid to the back of your neck, his touch delicate but firm, pulling you closer as though he needed to feel your presence, to make the moment real. The world around you seemed to blur, the whispers of students, the hum of cars in the distance—all of it faded as the kiss deepened. You could feel your heartbeat hammering in your chest, but it wasn’t just because of the kiss—it was the realization that, in this brief moment, something shifted. This wasn’t the kiss of someone merely fulfilling a temporary deal.
After what felt like an eternity, Jay slowly pulled back, his breath warm against your lips. He gazed down at you, his usual calm demeanor replaced by something softer, more vulnerable. His hand lingered on your wrist for a second longer, as if he wasn’t quite ready to let go.
“I... I didn’t expect that,” you breathed out, still dazed from the kiss, your cheeks flushed as you stared up at him.
Jay didn’t say anything for a moment, his eyes searching yours, as if debating whether to speak or to leave things unsaid. Finally, he muttered, “You asked for it.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
He shrugged, his lips quirking up in a faint smile, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Maybe I wanted to.” His voice was low, almost as if he hadn’t meant for you to hear it.
For a moment, you stood there, staring at each other, the weight of the unspoken emotions between you heavy in the air. Maybe this spring wasn’t just a fleeting experience. Maybe, just maybe, something real was growing between the two of you. But neither of you dared to say it aloud.
THE DAY THE LILAC FLOWERS FALL — The weekend sun shone brightly, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets as you wandered aimlessly with Semi by your side. It was a rare day of freedom, a chance to escape from the chaos of school and simply relax. Laughter filled the air as the two of you shared stories and jokes, weaving through the crowd in search of the next spot to explore.
But then, everything shifted in an instant.
Distracted by Semi's teasing, you hadn’t noticed the tall figure walking toward you until it was too late. Your shoulder brushed against his, and before you knew it, the man was glaring down at you with a look that sent a shiver down your spine. “Sorry,” you muttered quickly, lowering your head in hopes that your apology would be enough to diffuse the situation.
It wasn’t.
“Girls like you always do this.” His voice was a low, menacing growl, filled with disdain. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he suddenly reached out, grabbing your wrists with a force that made you wince. The sudden, painful grip startled you, your breath catching in your throat as fear surged through your veins.
Semi, ever the protective friend, immediately rushed forward. “Hey, let go of her!” she demanded, her voice firm despite the obvious tension. But even she hesitated slightly, clearly aware of how much stronger the guy was.
You struggled against his hold, trying to pull away, but his grip only tightened, making you feel more trapped with each passing second. Panic set in, and just as you were about to call out for help, a blur of movement caught your eye.
A sharp, powerful punch connected with the man’s face, and the sound echoed in your ears, causing everyone around to freeze. You gasped as you realized who had thrown the punch—Jay.
Your eyes widened as you watched in stunned silence. Jay had appeared out of nowhere, and now, he was standing protectively in front of you, his fists clenched and his expression dark, far more intense than you’d ever seen before. The guy stumbled back, groaning in pain, but Jay wasn’t done. He lunged forward, landing another punch, and then another, each hit more brutal than the last.
“Jay, stop!” you cried out, rushing toward him, your heart pounding wildly in your chest. You had never seen him like this before, this fierce and angry. He was relentless, and the guy, now bleeding and terrified, tried to shield himself, but Jay didn’t let up.
You reached out, grabbing onto Jay’s arm from behind, desperately trying to pull him away. “Jay, please!” you pleaded, your voice shaky. “That’s enough. Please…”
At your touch, Jay finally froze. His body stiffened as if suddenly aware of what he had done. The guy on the receiving end of his punches scrambled to his feet and fled, not daring to look back, his face bloodied and bruised. You stood there, still gripping Jay’s arm, your breath shaky as you tried to process what had just happened.
Before you could say anything else, Jay turned toward you. In an instant, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest. The suddenness of it made your heart skip a beat. His embrace was tight, protective, almost as if he was trying to shield you from the world. One of his hands gently stroked your hair, his touch surprisingly tender considering the fury that had consumed him moments before.
“You could’ve gotten hurt,” he muttered, his voice low and filled with concern as he buried his face into your hair, breathing deeply as if needing to calm himself down.
You stood there in his arms, completely speechless. This wasn’t the Jay you were used to—the distant, indifferent guy who rarely showed emotion. This was different. The way he held you, the way he had rushed to your side without hesitation… it felt real, it felt genuine. For the first time, he felt like a real boyfriend, and the warmth that spread through you at that realization was almost overwhelming.
Your heart pounded in your chest, and you couldn’t help but smile as you wrapped your arms around him in return, hugging him tightly. His scent, the warmth of his body pressed against yours, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat—it all made you feel safe, like nothing in the world could hurt you as long as he was there. You wanted to stay in that moment forever.
But then, of course, Semi broke the silence with a loud, exaggerated cough. You could hear the barely-contained giggles bubbling up in her throat, and when you looked over, she was smirking, clearly enjoying the display of "live romance" that had unfolded before her eyes.
You felt a rush of embarrassment flood through you, your cheeks heating up as you quickly pulled away from Jay’s embrace, though part of you didn’t really want to let go. Jay cleared his throat, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he glanced between you and Semi.
“Um…” you started, but you weren’t even sure what to say. How could you even begin to explain all of this?
Semi, however, wasn’t going to let you off that easily. She raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a mischievous grin. “Well, that was… something,” she teased, folding her arms across her chest. “Didn’t know Jay had it in him to be a knight in shining armor.”
Jay rolled his eyes, though there was a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I wasn’t trying to be anything,” he muttered under his breath, but his hand found its way to yours again, fingers intertwining with yours in a gesture that felt so natural, it made your heart flutter.
“You definitely looked the part,” Semi added, winking at you. “Seriously though, you okay? That guy was a creep.”
You nodded, still a little shaken but grateful. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks to Jay.” You glanced up at him, unable to hide the soft smile on your face. He looked down at you, his expression unreadable for a moment before he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Good,” he said quietly, his eyes lingering on you for just a second longer. There was something in his gaze, something unspoken that made you wonder if this moment had changed things between you two—if maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t just for show anymore.
CLIMAX OF OUR WHITE SPRING DAYS — Graduation day had arrived like a ticking clock you couldn’t silence. The weight of finality pressed down on you, making it hard to breathe. You stood in the sea of students, watching the world pass by in slow motion as the sun bathed everything in warm light, but inside, you felt cold.
Your fingers fidgeted with the edge of your gown as you glanced over at him—Jay—standing with his friends, laughing about something that seemed distant and unreachable. The end of your three-month dating experiment loomed over you like a dark cloud. It wasn’t just the end of school. It was the end of him, of being close to him, even if it was just pretend.
“Go talk to him.” Semi’s voice broke through the haze as she nudged you, her eyes filled with that encouraging spark she always had. But you didn’t move. How could you? You weren’t his girlfriend anymore, not even in the superficial way you'd been for these past few months.
You had no right to approach him.
Your chest tightened as you tried to steady your breath, but your eyes betrayed you, drifting back to him once more. The laughter, the movement, the noise—it all blurred, dimming around the edges until it seemed like everyone was fading away, disappearing like smoke in the wind. And then there was just him.
Only him.
The background turned white, stark and empty. The vividness of the graduation, the bright colors of everyone’s robes and caps, the cheerful chaos—all of it vanished, leaving you standing in this surreal silence.
Jay stood alone now, the only one left in this strange world that suddenly felt more dream than reality. He started walking toward you, every step deliberate, but there was something different—something ethereal.
You blinked, unsure of what you were seeing. There was a faint shimmer behind him, something soft and luminous, like wings. Wings? You blinked again, and there they were, delicate and translucent, fluttering gently with each step he took. His face was calm, serene, almost unrecognizable from the boy you'd dated. He was... otherworldly.
Your heart pounded in your chest, confusion twisting through you. “What…?” you muttered to yourself, trying to make sense of it, but nothing made sense anymore.
Jay stopped in front of you, his gaze soft and yet so intense, locking onto yours with an emotion you couldn’t place. Slowly, as if afraid he might shatter the moment, he reached up and grazed his fingers across your cheek, his touch light as a feather.
“You need to wake up now,” he whispered, his voice deeper, gentler than you'd ever heard before. “It’s been too long since you’ve been in the dark.”
His words cut through you, leaving you more confused than ever. Wake up? What did that mean? What darkness was he talking about?
You flinched at his touch, stepping back as your breath hitched. “What are you saying?” The tremor in your voice betrayed your panic. You looked around, desperate to find something familiar, something to cling to. But all you could see was the white, stretching endlessly around you. You couldn’t make sense of anything. Nothing was real.
Your hands flew to your head as a sudden pain pulsed in your temples. Flashes of light blinked before your eyes—images you couldn’t fully grasp, memories or maybe dreams, flashing too fast for you to catch. You dropped to your knees, the weight of it all crashing down on you, confusion and frustration mixing until you couldn’t breathe.
“I don’t—” Your voice cracked as you clawed at the air, scratching your head as if trying to tear away the confusion. “What’s happening?”
The ground felt soft beneath you, like clouds, but the pressure in your chest grew tighter, heavier, as if the world itself was closing in.
Jay knelt down beside you, his movements slow and calm, his eyes filled with something deep, something almost tender. He reached for you again, but you flinched, not wanting to feel the foreignness of his touch.
“Shhh,” he whispered softly, his voice like a lullaby, as his hand hovered over your head. He didn't push. He simply waited, his presence both grounding and terrifying at once. You wanted to push him away, to demand answers, but at the same time, a strange comfort wrapped around you, like a blanket in the middle of a storm.
The world flickered around you, the white light growing brighter, almost blinding.
Jay leaned closer, his face inches from yours. “It’s time to say goodnight,” he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. Before you could protest, before you could even think, he pressed a soft, lingering kiss to your forehead, his lips gentle and reassuring.
And then, just as quickly as he had appeared, the world around you shifted. The soft white light began to darken, curling at the edges, growing darker and darker until it swallowed everything whole. The last thing you felt was Jay’s warmth before it, too, faded into the blackness. You were alone.
Your breath hitched, and you closed your eyes as the darkness wrapped around you like a heavy blanket, pulling you under.
THE END OF LILAC SPRING — The world felt like it was spinning, even though you were lying still. Blinding light from the overhead lamp above your hospital bed seeped into your barely-open eyes, burning your retinas. The persistent beep of a heart monitor echoed in the room, in time with the erratic pounding of your heart. But the voice that broke through it all— Semi's voice—was frantic, pulling you back to the surface.
“Wake up! Wake up!”
Your eyelids fluttered open fully, only to meet the concerned face of your best friend, Semi. Her hands hovered just above your blanket-covered arms, as if afraid to touch you. Her wide eyes, framed by disheveled strands of hair, looked both relieved and shaken. This wasn’t the Semi you’d known for years. There was something different about her—something less familiar, almost like she was a stranger. And that strange feeling twisted in your chest like a knife.
You blinked, trying to adjust to the light, to the sudden rush of sensations hitting you all at once—the smell of antiseptic, the sound of footsteps outside the door, the faint chatter of doctors and nurses.
But none of that mattered. Where was Jay?
“W-where’s Jay?” you gasped out, sitting up too quickly, causing a sharp tug on the tubes attached to your arms. You barely registered the IV drip dangling beside you or the oxygen clip on your finger. Your mind was racing, your heart thundering against your ribcage as you searched the sterile, white room. He had to be here. He always was.
Semi blinked, her brows knitting together in confusion. “Jay?” she echoed, her voice hesitant as she sat down on the chair beside your hospital bed, shifting uncomfortably. You could see the confusion written all over her face, like she was trying to solve a puzzle but missing the pieces.
Your heart lurched. Why wasn’t she answering? Why wasn’t he here?
“Jay!” you nearly shouted this time, the panic rising in your throat, making your voice crack. “The class leader! He was in the history club too—he was my boyfriend!” Your words tumbled out, desperate, almost pleading with her to remember.
But Semi’s expression only grew more puzzled, her lips parting slightly as if trying to find the right words. She didn’t know him.
“There’s no Jay,” she said, her voice flat, her eyes searching yours as if waiting for a reaction. “What are you even talking about? You’ve been in a coma for almost a year, and the first thing you ask about is some guy?”
Her words hit you like a punch to the gut. No Jay? No Jay?! You stared at her, wide-eyed, the room tilting dangerously around you. Your breath caught in your throat, and you glanced around again, your head pounding as if your brain couldn’t process what she was saying. You could barely hear the doctors' voices outside, your parents’ relieved murmurs from the corner of the room.
“I—I don’t understand.” Your voice trembled, and your fingers clutched the thin hospital blanket in a white-knuckled grip. How could Jay not exist? How could she not know him when every single day had been filled with him? “We were together, Semi. He was real. He was real!”
But Semi wasn’t budging. She leaned back, crossing her arms, frustration flickering in her eyes. “You were in a car accident. Do you remember that?” she asked, her voice softening slightly, though there was still a hint of disbelief. “A car crash. Blood everywhere. That’s why you’ve been in a coma.” Her voice dropped to a whisper as her eyes flickered to the tubes attached to your body. “That’s why you’re here.”
Your body went cold. A coma? Blood? The words bounced around in your head, but they didn’t stick. Your hands trembled as they reached for the bed’s railing, trying to anchor yourself. You could still feel Jay’s presence, still remember his smile, his touch, the way he’d whispered goodnight to you... before everything went dark.
A cold shiver ran down your spine, and your throat tightened as you managed to ask, “W-what date is it?”
“September 20, 2024,” Semi replied, her voice barely audible, but it hit you like a tidal wave. September.
Your eyes widened as the pieces began to fall apart in your mind, crumbling like ash in your hands. The school year, the three months with Jay, the spring—none of it had been real. None of it.
Tears welled up in your eyes as the weight of it all settled in your chest like a boulder, pressing down, squeezing the air from your lungs. A quiet tear slipped down your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away, turning to look out the window as if the outside world could give you some semblance of reality.
Beyond the glass, the sky was painted in soft shades of pink and orange, the setting sun casting a warm glow over everything. Lilac flowers fluttered from a nearby tree, caught in the gentle breeze. They swirled in the air, delicate and fleeting, just like the memories of Jay.
You watched them fall, your heart aching with a bittersweet pang. Was it all just a dream? Had Jay been nothing more than a figment of your comatose mind, created to fill the emptiness while you lay in the dark? The thought was unbearable, but the more you tried to hold onto him, the more he slipped away—like the lilac petals, fading from your reach.
But somewhere deep inside, beneath the confusion and pain, a small part of you hoped—hoped that he was real. That maybe, somewhere, in some other world, Jay existed, waiting with that final page of your story. And though you couldn’t be sure, you held onto that hope, because the goodbye—his goodnight—had been too sweet, too tender to be nothing at all.
With trembling hands, you let the last tear fall, watching as the petals danced in the wind, disappearing into the horizon. Even if it was just a dream, you wished for one more chapter—one more part in the story that had been left unfinished.
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erinfern0 · 1 year
lazy mornings; drabble.
simon "ghost" riley x gn!reader
warnings: sleepy morning sex, spit as lube, soft and fluffy lovemaking.
— gender natural anatomy, only pronouns used are you, etc.
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He'll never truly admit how much he loves those days when the two of you can just wake up next to each other, slowly embracing yourself in each other's presence as soon as you open your eyes. You can feel his arms slowly wrap around your waist as he peppers tiny kisses all over your neck. He loves the way you throw one hand back to caress and play with his hair as he slowly grinds his hips against you, showing you exactly what he needs.
He also loves the way your sleepy voice gives him permission, almost begs, to take off your pajama shorts and throw them somewhere on the ground to be forgotten in just seconds. The way your voice shivers when he kisses the side of your neck, burying his face in your skin.
You grip his hair tighter and spread your legs, getting him to hold one of them in the air as he spits on his other hand to lube it up. No matter how badly he wants you – he'll always prepare you first. His nose traces over your shoulder as he makes you turn your head around just enough to kiss him. This is the only thing he does purely for himself, needing to kiss you as he slides inside with such ease, since your body remembers him so well. His fingers stretch you just enough for him to fit perfectly. You whimper and squirm as he looks for that spot, hidden a little deeper into your tightening hole, as he praises you for being so good for him.
His head feels heavy upon your shoulder as he tries to control his grunts. It's far too early to annoy your neighbors, but he won't stop you, he can't fight but craves to hear your soft gasps. Especially when you throw your head back against him and just breathe with your mouth agape, allowing his ears to hear how much pleasure he makes you feel with just those slow, calculated thrusts.
None of you really care if any of you come or not. You two just focus on feeling each other close for a little longer. To get that special bond between you a little stronger almost every day. Especially right after he comes back from deployment.
Later on, you either go back to bed if it's early enough, or you two take a shower together, where he makes sure you're fine and perfectly clean to move on with your day. Then, he makes you breakfast while you prepare a fresh cup of tea. Those parts are usually pretty silent, only interrupted by his quiet jokes or him, guiding you around the kitchen since he most definitely knows exactly where everything is placed.
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masterlist | request info | kinktober 23
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roseamongroses · 8 months
a lil torn up
Shuri/Riri Williams [hurt/comfort] [unresolved feelings] [drabble] [post-mission][sleepy time gays series] riri takes care of shuri post-mission. - shuriri week - day three - "shuribble" - prompt: mission gone wrong, trust -- @shuririweek ao3
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“Don’ t you trust me?” Riri said, kneeling down. She rested her hand on Shuri’s thigh as she looked over the wounds. 
The suit was a goner. 
Shuri took a hit for her today. Some stupid, bird-freak of a villian tore up her sides with stolen, vibranium infused claws. 
Shuri glanced down before pointedly looking away, “With my life,” she said easily, “Not my stitches.”
“C’mon,” Riri huffed, “I’ve done mine since I was like twelve,”  
Shuri winced at that ,“No,” she said, “Absolutely not. It’ll heal on its own anyways,”
“You’ve performed spinal surgery and I don’t see your medical license,” Riri muttered, raising a warm, wet cloth, “Classism is a disease, y’know.” 
Shuri rolled her eyes. She wasn’t injured badly, mostly sore by now. She could’ve managed cleaning herself off with only some discomfort, but Riri insisted. 
The bed creaked as Shuri leaned back, better accommodating the other woman. 
Riri wiped down the grime, careful to avoid the skin knitting back together. 
Shuri watched fondly as Riri fussed. The exhaustion from today’s mission settled on her all at once. In the quiet of the dorm, beneath such careful hands, her mind lulled. 
Riri tossed the rags into the laundry bin once she was done. That out the way, she paused studying the tattered suit--eyes lingering on the lean muscle underneath. 
She shook her head, reaching to grab some spare clothes.“You should change,” she said, hoping her voice won’t betray her nerves, “It’s getting late.” 
Shuri yawned, eyes stuttering open before closing again. 
“You can’t sleep like that,” Riri sighed, watching as their weight sagged into the pillows. She sat down on the edge of the bed, prodding them carefully, “Take these off,”
Shuri managed to raise her head, “You’re so eager to undress me,” she said with half lidded eyes. Words slow, teasing, and thick with sleep. 
Riri schooled her expression, stomach fluttering as she watched that smug, pretty face relax all at once. 
Riri pulled the blanket over them.
“Fuck,” she cursed under her breath, dragging her hands down her face.
That little flutter grew. It gnawed at her chest only leaving aches behind. 
What were they doing?
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generallysapphic · 1 year
another short and sweet +18 (riri williams x reader)
more and more ik
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“riri, eyes on the fucking road, girl,” you joke as you feel your girlfriend’s hand start rubbing your thigh once more. you hear her smack her lips, squeezing your flesh under your dress, “it’s a stop light baby, damn,” and you know she being agitated because of how long it’s been since you two have had sex.
after spending the bulk of winter semester apart, you were finally together again for break but you hadn’t slept together yet at all. your period starts first, then riri inevitably comes on hers the next week. today was really the first day you two could actually do something.
you feel her play with the fabric of your dress, your eyes still on your phone, “riri! we’re literally down the street, don’t tell me you wanna fuck me that bad?” you tease and finally look up and catch her eyes; she’s looking at you like she’s mentally undressing you with her eyes and it makes you hot and she nods to your question, “yeah, i do,”
the light thankfully changes, and she pays attention to the road, smirking at your face and turning up the music and driving, moving her hand from your thigh and back in the wheel. you huff, looking around for an empty parking lot because now you’re anxious and excited to have sex too.
riri see you, “i already found one,” she admits, obviously reading your mind. you laugh, “great minds think alike, huh?” and she laughs too, making a sharp turn and, as she said, it’s an empty parking lot, one other car to the far left of you and riri parks fast. you’re already unbuckling your seat belt and so is she and you meet in the middle, right over the emergency brake and your lips crash into each other like you haven’t had her in months.
and she tastes good, just as always, you’ve kissed in her in your time together but you haven’t tasted her, felt her pulse and cum around your fingers, and the thought that you finally can, albeit in her car, still has you excited. you flick your tongue against her lips and riri opens up nice and easy, sucking right back on yours.
her hands fondle your braless chest and she’s able to maneuver your tits out if your dress, squeezing your nipples in her hand. you moan, happy to take any friction but you really need more, and riri could feel that. she pull away first, small salvia trails still connecting your mouths, and huffs, “backseat?” and you nod like she even needs to ask.
you climb back, settling with a small giggle as riri does the same and you both laugh, before finally, finally kissing properly, the music in the background fading out quickly under your hot mouths.
riri finds your thighs in her hands again and you gladly open your legs and invite her in. she fondles your clit through your underwear before pushing the fabric aside with two fingers, moving your click around your lips. you sigh against her lips, grabbing onto her wrist with your hand. you pull away once she adds more pressure to your clit, “oh, ri, baby—” and she smiles, kissing your neck and staying there, moving her own body to get a better angle of your clit. “yeah, feel good mama?” and you nod, her voice right in your ear.
she moans with you as your volume increases. you buck your hips to get more but it’s not enough. you whine, “ri, ri need more baby, more,” you sigh out and she nods leaning you both all the way back in the seat, your legs and body out stretched and it does help; once her hand finds your clit again, it’s a different and more exact pressure, one that was just right. you toss your head back, and moan loudly, “yeah, yeah, right there! uhhaaa, so good,” and riri uses her other hand to fondle your breasts, nipping dark hickies into your neck.
your thighs start shaking after a song passes, your clit beginning to pulse under her fingers and she feels it too, sighing. you use one hand to pull riri’s face closer to yours, moaning and sighing, “baby, baby, i’m gonna cum, gonna cum for you, oh fuck—!” and she nods, rubbing your clit in harder circles, adding more pressure and squeezing your nipple harder and harder until you finally cum, pussy opening up and cum leaning out on her backseat, and you sigh once it’s over.
your head is spinning as you turn around and kiss her, fumbling around to reach her cargo pants open them, kissing down her neck as she giggles. you lean all the way down, your open pussy definitely right against the window, and slide her pants down.
riri’s pussy is so gorgeous, her clit jumps under your eyes and her slick is stuck to her thighs. you moan, “all for me, ri?” and she nods, bottom lip stuck between her teeth, “all for you, mama, please..”
so sweet, your riri. you nod and lean forward, butterfly kisses are applied to her clit, your fingers slide between her lips to open her up and she groans once your two fingers enter her, thrusting slowly as your lips engulf her clit and suck.
her head tosses back, “yeah, fuck y/n just like that, baby,” and she’s so honest, her one hand coming to your curls and holding you there. you moan and suck harder, using your free hand to keep her thighs open and she allows you to do so, opening her legs more herself as her hot moans fogging up the windows.
it suddenly occurs to you that you’re out in public; anyone could walk by and see you, see riri, see how desperate and hot she is and easily she opens up for you. the thought makes you moan and the vibrations cause riri to shoot up, “fuck! hmmm, fuck fuck i’m cumming, fuck i’m cumming, shit—ahhnnnn—”
and you open up for her, widening your mouth and slowing your fingers as her pussy squeezes and opens up and she cums everywhere. riri’s always been the one to make a mess, her thick, milky cum leaks everywhere and ruins all your sheets but it’s so fucking sweet that you never mind. her juices flow down your fingers and all over your chin, all the while riri moans loud and unashamed, thighs shaking once she’s done.
you release her sensitive clit once she’s whining in the back of her throat, obviously overstimulated. you moan and take your own fingers out, bringing all the cum you can with you as her pussy pulses and squeezes. you look up at her after a moment and notice the fogged up window behind her and smile, “we should go home, yeah?” and she opens her fucked out eyes and nods, drawing you up for a kiss that you happily accept.
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riri my love you will be destroyed in this upcoming story i’m so excited 🤭🤭
hope y’all enjoyed heheh
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bitey tim biting!
Raylan’s got a spot, right where his neck meets his shoulder, that’s sensitive. If Tim brushes his lips over it, grazes it with his fingertips, that’s enough to make Raylan’s eyes flutter shut. That’s enough to make him moan.
Tim likes to bite that spot. Never hard enough to draw blood, but just hard enough to feel. Because when he nips at Raylan’s neck, sucks a mark right there where he’s sensitive, Raylan jerks underneath him, his breath hitching and his knees shaking – and if Tim’s lucky, if he bites hard enough to bruise, Raylan will whimper, pretty and perfect.
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chaoticcatbunny · 10 months
Talokanda Ball
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Shuri’s dress is the dark purple one. Okoye’s dress is the wine red one. Namora’s dress is the light green one. Riri’s dress is the dark blue one with sparkles. Namor’s suit is the dark green one. Attuma’s suit is the gold one. Nakia’s dress is the dark blue one with the spaghetti straps. Toussaint is finally introduced to wakanda at this ball and of course his little suit has to match his mama 🥹.
It’s been nearly a year since the battle between Wakanda and Talokan ended. Things are still tense between the two nations so Black Panther Shuri, King M’Baku and the council decide to extend an invitation to Talokan. They are invited to a ball that will host both nations so that their peoples can interact together. The citizens of both nations are practically vibrating with excitement as they prepare for the ball.
Once everyone arrives at the citadel for the ball it’s seen that Namor can’t keep his eyes off of Shuri. Attuma had immediately left Namor’s side as soon as they stepped into the ballroom in search of Okoye. Namora remains seemingly glued to her older cousin’s side until he disappears to talk with Shuri. Riri finds the young general by herself and invites her to dance. Namora is hesitant but accepts.
Shuri is trying to shake Namor from her tail with Toussaint’s hand clutched tightly in her own. Attuma is seen swaying off the side of the room with Okoye wrapped in his big arms. Namor and Shuri pause in their game of cat and mouse when they hear gasps and whispers from the crowd. They share a look with each other before gently pushing their way closer to the dance floor. They see Namora leading Riri across the dance floor in a traditional Talokan dance. They stare in awe as the two young women move gracefully together around the dance floor.
Shuri sighs and realizes that she can’t run from Namor forever and that they need to further discuss the alliance between their nations.
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pandagirl45 · 10 months
"I'm sorry..."
Ultron heard the voice of captain America speak to their father. He watched how riri held back miles from racing to the man in the armor.
Their father had wet stains in his eyes, soot and caked on blood decorated his face. Ultron wanted to run to their father and get him away from him. That steve.
A Steve that returned to break his father heart again. It's bad enough his real father was sent on mission, after years of them rekindling. Steve... came back.
Ultron wanted to scream his father was married. He wanted to shout, when he felt his gaze focus as miles whispered, "Steve doesn't have a metal arm..."
"What the hell Bucky..."
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I feel like I want to start up
again….idk I miss writing drabbles.
And I have so many new ideas
They would all be x reader of course
Unless they’re paired with someone else specifically
Idk I might not…I’ll sleep on it
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seokmashu · 1 year
aw thanks!! ngl i tried to be more ambitious with the coloring this time and was worried it wouldn't turn out well 🥲 but i'm glad it's getting such a positive response!!! ilyyy 🫶💓
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w4yf1nder · 2 years
HAHDHWH I SWEAR THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT U CAN TAKE KUNI /lh /aff. okay but jokes aside andhwjdna tighnari rlly wont let me win. i mean yes the tickling will cheer me up if im in a bad mood but if he doesnt let me win then im back to pouting smh. but yea!! i think tickling could be one of his biggest love languages considering he isn't uh. emotionally repressed. now for u and kuni. i like to think he is ticklish but gives i this,,angry cat glare when u try ~Lycoris
FRFR when you pout about losing one of your little tickle fights he just flicks your forehead (AGAIN???) with a smile and says, "if you wanna win, you've gotta try harder than that." (let's just say you went in for round two and won this time, you were merciless 💞)
AND YES SCARA PLS i think he's so ticklish too 😔 but please don't try anything if you value your own life. he gets all pouty (and it's so cute) but he's like genuinely mad about it 😭 you're gonna have to apologize and give him tons of kisses now 😡🤬 "you wanted to hear me laugh? *scoffs* weirdo, maybe develop an actual sense of humor instead of relying on cheap tricks like this."
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erinfern0 · 1 year
NSFW alphabet with: König
warnings: somno, cnc, anal play, könig being a switch disaster (mostly sub tho), mention of injuries/blood
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
most of the time he just let's you rest, because let's be honest - you'll be exhausted every time. if you dom him, he's just going to kiss all over your body, thanking you for taking care of him, leaving dark hickeys over your skin if the ones he previously made faded away. if he doms you, he'll make sure you're okay, bring you some water and clean you off. usually just caresses your body, making sure you're not too sore. sometimes he pulls you closer and cages you better his arms, his head resting on top of yours as he praises you until you fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he truly likes his hands and back. He takes pride in watching his fingers travel over your skin or just interlocking with yours or deep into your tight hole. he never really cared for his back until he met you. He started liking it when you started digging and dragging your nails over his skin when he made you loose your mind beneath him. he loves the way it looks, covered with red strokes, sometimes blood staining the sheets after you two are done.
he's obsessed with your thighs and stomach. He squeezes on them a lot, sometimes in public just to tease you. he adores your little squeaks when he stands behind you and wraps his arms over your belly, tracing over your curves with his fingers as his face is buried in your neck. as of your thighs, he loves to see you wear shorts that end mid-thigh to see how tight the material squeezes them. he loves to grab on them, dig his digits until he bruises you if you let him. Sometimes he's just right there, between your legs, kissing your inner thighs unlit his lips are sore. Not only in the sexual way, sometimes he'll just cover you with butterfly kisses and whisper how much he loves them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
his loads are huge and he loves to see them over you or leaking out of you. a few first times he was worried it was too much for you, so he would pull out and just cover your stomach, back or chest, making sure to clean you afterwards. the first time he came inside of you was when you two were too carried away while you rode him, you assured him you're okay and he finally relaxed, giving in. he was truly obsessed with the view and begged you to keep going just to see how his cum that leaked out of you made a beautiful, slick ring over his cock. Now he just wants you to milk him any time you desire.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he has a full folder of your private pictures/videos, he looks through them every time you're away. when you're away he'll call you if he truly needs you, asking you to just talk about your day while he looks through it, getting himself all worked up, hearing your voice and watching your body on the photos while just bucking his hips into nothing, imagining himself thrusting into you. most of the time you have no idea that he does this.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
before meeting you he didn't really have any experience and was happy to discover everything beside you. he didn't really watch porn or anything like that, he was mostly too busy or just not interested. but then you appreared in his life and helped him to gain his experience. he spent hours just touching you, getting to know your body, most sensitive spots and limits and was happy to hear you want to do the same with him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl. he just loves to see you bounce off his cock, especially when you just make him lie down, your hands on the bed on both sides of his head as you struggle to keep your body up, whimpering above him as you speed up. he just melts under you and pulls your body even closer. he also loves when you just lean back, rolling your hips over him while just throwing your head back, your hands either supporting you by holding his knees bent behind you or focused on teasing your nipples just to add to the pleasure.
he also loves missionary, just watching your face as he takes care of you, his hands focused on caressing your body as he makes you arch your back with pleasure. he just loves the faces you're making.
bonus: anything against mirrors as he loves to see you so much.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he takes your intimate time very serious, especially when he's supposed to dom you. he likes to be prepared and organized, that's why it's always so perfect. the only time he laughs during sex is when you fuck him dumb, especially when you overstimulate him, he'll just cry and chuckle, chocking on his own saliva as you keep going.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
he used not to care about grooming that much before he got more intimate with you. after you left hickeys on him, he wanted them everywhere. Especially on his v-line and inner thighs, right beside his cock. That's when he decided to give it a try and he loved it. He can't imagine covering that area ever again.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he's very sweet, always asking if you're okay, if you need a break and stuff like that. he can praise you for hours, worshipping your body. he cares about your enjoyment more than his and it shows. he also loves to be as close as possible to you, hates to move away at any point.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he only masturbates when you're there with him either by his side or talking to him through the phone, he can't do that by himself, he just can't cum without you. he loves when you guide him, tell him how to do it, when to speed up and when to slow down. bonus points If you call him your good boy for listening to your instructions so well.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
somno - he was very scared to tell your he didn't want you to think he's some sort of a freak. he never thought you'd like it as much as he did, so he was shocked when you said you want to try it. he always asks for consent before you two fall asleep, you also have a safe word just in case. it started off very slow and careful, he would just fuck your thighs as your asleep, gently sliding his cock between your legs right over your pyjamas. then he would just give you head while stroking himself. the more you did it, the more he would try and over time he finally allowed himself to do more, eventually just stretching your hole, lubed with his spit and slowly fucking you while you're unconscious, trying so hard to keep quiet not to wake you up. never goes too fast before you wake up, he needs your full consent to try going any rougher so you can't be unconscious.
breeding kink all the way 🫡
being called your good boy or your puppy, this makes him squirm like a whore. he turns into your obedient toy in just that moment. he doms you for two hours already? call him a good boy and he'll cry and beg you to finish him off however you please.
and obviously - size kink. he loves to remind you how small you are in comparison to him. he's not mean about it tho. he doesn't like degrading you, feels wrong to do so. he's just a fucking tease.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
your couch is his favorite place in the world. so many options to go for, so many positions you two can pick. You spend a lot of time on it, just cuddled up to each other while watching movies together. sometimes you eat in front of the tv. It's obvious that after some time you start doing naughtier things on it. He loves the way you two reflect in the tv, he adores to watch you like you're his favorite tv show.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
you turn him on. just you, in general. you can make him weak in the knees with just one specific look in your eyes. he loves to pleasure you so no matter what - just ask and you'll receive. your fantasies keep him inspired and motivated to try out new things.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he would never do anything before asking you, he also doesn't do things that he believes might hurt you in long terms. yeah, leaving marks and bruises, sometimes just his hand prints over your skin but never anything to leave scars. he also wouldn't do anything more than teasing in public, feels wrong and his anxiety makes him overthink it a lot every time you mention it. so he'll definitely leave a tiny kiss on your neck as you stand before a store isle or touch your sex through your clothes while having dinner at a restaurant/sitting in a bar with his team, just barely running his fingers over it to make sure you know what he wants.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
when it comes to oral, this man strongly prefers giving. he's a sucker for anything he can taste on you and watching you squirm and cry out in pleasure as he moves his tongue and lips over your sex. definitely grips on your hips to keep you still as he overstimulates you over and over. he's a fast learner, he didn't have much experience before but he watches your reactions and know exactly how to please you. his skill is only about you, he doesn't care about learning in general, just you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he's very slow at first, always makes sure you have everything you need and you're stretched enough for him. loves to take his time while thrusting into you. he wants to let go, be rough and fast, fucking you into your bed, making you scream out in pleasure under him but is very careful and patient. sometimes too much. you need to literally beg him to go deeper, harder or faster. he loves to hear you beg but always goes so slow at first that it drives you crazy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he prefers to take his time with you like I said. sometimes spends hours with you under or on top of him but will do it if you're just too desperate and will ask him nicely, he can't deny you for long. he'll take you right before you go to take a shower for work. press you against the sink of your bathroom, smile as he slowly slides inside of you, one hand on your clit/cock while the other grips your hip tightly. He'll grunt and whimper behind you, hoping you're quiet enough so your neighbors won't hear.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
he likes to try out new things, especially when you bring them up yourself. Will try any toy you give him, either on you or on himself. doesn't take the risk in public. you can do anything to him. Bite, scratch, god, you can even carve your name on him - he'll take it. Any position, no matter how difficult, he'll just smile and nod his head.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
as.long.as.you.want. no matter how tired he might be, no matter how overstimulated he is - he won't stop until you're fully satisfied. the safe word you picked will just rush through his thoughts but every time he's about to say it, he's realizing how much he enjoys it and just lets it disappear off his mind. another thing is that he always let's you cum first. no matter how much time he has to wait - he will. you want to edge him a little more? he'll cry and beg but not disobey.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
as you wanted to experience a lot together you two have an impressive collection already. his favorites are your bullet vibrator you always have on you and a small anal plug that you two got just to try it. allows you to wear it in public but will never touch it when you're outside and you have it in. again, too anxious for public play. if you ever want him to try it on himself, he'll get himself prepared before you come back from work and ask you to use it on him as he doesn't want to do it alone. surprisingly loves it and wants to experiment more with anal play.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he might be cruel but most of the time he's just too weak to say no to you. the only teasing you'll get is the one over your clothes while you two still lie in bed in the morning, he's just so desperate he has to touch you. he might rub his crotch against your butt while you two stand in the kitchen together but the moment you ask him to do something he'll just do as you please.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he's very vocal, not only with his words by praising and begging, but also - he's a whimpering mess for you every time you two take some time together. stumbles over his words a lot, usually mixes german and english when overstimulated. his voice cracks a lot when he feels good.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he definitely loves to see the bulge your belly has every time he's deep inside of you. If you go missionary, he'll lean back just to press his thumbs over your stomach, pushing it down on the sides to see his tip hit you from the inside. maybe run his thumb over it just to feel more pressure over his cock.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's a big guy in all ways possible. He takes lots of pride in it, despite being insecure about his body for most of his life. loves to see dark hickeys over his chest, neck and v-line. his nipples are way more sensitive than you could ever imagine and he adores to see your hands play with them as he looses his mind underneath you.
like I said - he's big. in all ways possible. you might already guess he's big down there too, thick also. you though he was big when you saw him over his pants? wait till he's hard, you'll gasp at the view. his tip is big, bright and sensitive, works for you like a plug if you want. he's also pretty veiny, patterns spread all over his length. the slit is very visible, especially when he gets all hot and swollen from arousal.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he's very pent up after all that time he lived without you so now he wants to be with you all the time. not always having full on sex, taking all of your clothes off. sometimes he'll just make you sit on his lap, your back against his chest, head over his shoulder as he touches you under your pyjama shorts. he loves when you grind over his thigh, he doesn't care you'll stain his pants, no way he's stopping you. he gets frustrated easily, he has to do something about that.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
as soon as he makes sure you're okay he just passes out next to you, pulling you closer to him so he feels your heartbeat slow down after you both come down from your high.
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greycaelum · 6 months
Kidnapping of a Wife~
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's just basically just a drabble to get out of rusty era~
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It’s got to be those hips… those hips that filled up after three pregnancies, round and full against his palms every time he comes behind you and runs his hands to trace your enticing curves feeling your skin shiver against his callous hands and bite your lower lip with hazy eyes or maybe when he spanks your glorious bum cheeks and you gasp in surprise while he snickers and holds you against his body and your foreheads pressed against each other with that shit-eating grin he has that he knows never fails to get a rise out of you.
Satoru cleared his throat as he gazed at you playing with Saika on the couch, some kind of game about cats making soup or something.
Or maybe... it must be those heavy globes of yours that only grew more precious and milkier in his eyes, and let's not forget that tummy, good heavens, he's never found anything more fluffy and adorable to clutch and massage whenever his hands find your tummy… Motherhood only made you glow in his eyes.
“I win,” Kouki announces breaking the pattern of Satoru’s thoughts. His son’s white go stones capture his territory with no possible leeway to turn around.
“Lemme seeeee~” Satoru hums, as if trying to be seriously taking into account the game when for all the matter he knows he lost because he was too busy ogling at you than picking the right corner to place his go stones against his son.
“Mama, I won!” Kouki left him sitting on the mat and ran to you asking for the prize. A kiss!
Satoru pouted as you peppered his son’s face with kisses. He sighs. It’s no use arguing with his kids about wanting some lovin’ time with you. After they are his spawns, they’re bound to be glued to you just like he wants to stick around you too like a leech.
“What’s my consolation prize?” Satoru plops beside you and hugs you by the side, pouting with his chin on your shoulder.
“There’s a consolation prize?” You feigned innocence and asked your kids mooching you off with kisses and tickles.
“Nope.” Kouki shrugs.
“There’s none,” Saika added.
“Mama’s ours.” Kouki nodded and kissed your cheeks while Saika giggled and buried her face in your chest.
Satoru looked at you with a flat expression before sweeping you off your feet, hoisting you in his arms leaving the kids gaping on the floor, everything was too fast they couldn’t even hold on to your dress. His spawns are betraying him, bullying him.
“No husband has been jailed for kidnapping a wife from her clingy kids, yet.” Satoru stuck his tongue at his kids before running away with you in his arms and his two kids hot on his trails.
“Papa is a mommy kidnapper!”
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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weoris · 6 months
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이희승 drabble — silly idol boyfriend heeseung! 𐙚 𓈒 ݁ soft hours fem!reader silly bf hee , idol au requested by @isoobie >< four hundred thirty two cw. hugs kisses clickhere!
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IT WAS ALMOST 3:00 AM when you heard three exact knocks on your front door. You grumbled as this mysterious person rang the doorbell four more times. What were these ding-door-ditching kids doing at three in the morning?
“God, you damn kids-” you muttered as you opened the door while tying your robe. But you were met with a dopey smile from your dear boyfriend. “Heeseung?? What the hell are you doing here?”
He immediately pouted and walked into your apartment. “I was expecting a ‘hi my sweet hee’ but I guess that’s fine..” he said as he immediately hugged you. Chuckling, you patted his back and closed the door. “Sorry, just the self-invite was a bit of a surprise..” you giggled and ruffled his hair.
As heeseung pulled away and smiled at you. “I missed you~” he spoke in a sweet tone, making you giggle again and plant a kiss on his plush lips. “Mm~ I missed you too.. c’mon, let’s go to bed..” you held his hand gently and pulled him to your room.
He pursed his lips, kissing your cheek again as he changed into the spare pyjamas you had for him in your room. His arms wrapped around your waist softly from the back as he hummed and kissed your neck, making you chuckle at how cute sleepy-hee was.
“I missed you a lot, y’know..” he muttered with that pout again, head resting against your chest as you laid against the headboard with the sheets over you two and your limbs wrapped around each other like a pretzel. “Mhm.. really?” You smiled back, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “You have no idea..” he mumbled again, looking up to give you a peck.
Suddenly, your sweet moment was interrupted by your loud phone ringing. Was everyone awake at three in the morning?
Grumbling again, you roll your eyes and check your phone. “Hello?” You tiredly asked, with your boyfriend pressing light pecks on your jaw and cheek. “Is heeseung there???” You heard the panic tone of Jake on the line, and so did heeseung as he rolled his eyes. “No one’s home..” he mumbled, pressing his lips to your cheek again.
You giggled and played with his hair again. “Yes, he is.. why?”you immediately heard six sighs of relief. “We’ve been searching for him everywhere for an hour.” Heeseung rolled his eyes again, tiredly pressing more kisses to your cheek. “Quit bugging..” he furrowed his eyebrows and mumbled quietly, falling asleep on your chest.
“I’m- I’m sorry..” You chuckled in surprise to the guys.
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© weoris | tumblr.
XiNYi 的 🔖 ⌑ for my love riri! silly loser hee is so cute
ׂ  TAGLIST  ׅ @w3bqrl @boowoowho @ahnneyong @kynrki @ixomiyu @yunki4evr @flwoie @bubblytaetae @ja4hyvn @dimplewonie @xiaoderrrr @trsrina @adajoemaya @stepout-09-15 @ineedaherosavemeenow @lcv3lies @violetinferno @woncheecks @mijuuv @enhapocketz @star4rin @bubblytaetae @dimplewonie @isoobie @whoschr @jiaant11 @yeomha @mosssi @j-wyoung @artstaeh @spilled-coffee-cup @cowsmicwu
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riiwrites · 7 months
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thinking about sigma falling in love w/ his waitress . . . ☁️
he watches you from a far distance, watching and practically staring as he sees the way your eyes light up when you rush over to your next customer. your bright smile adorning your most beautiful features he considered to just be oh so perfect.
he’d always wonder how you were always such a happy thing. you were almost delicate, sensitive, soft. he was afraid to even touch you because if he did he thought you’d just shatter. but he thought that was rather silly to think of such.
when you first came in to be interviewed, he stopped, just like his heart did as soon as he made eye contact with you. the same bright smile you wear now as you touch the hearts of many loyal and soon to be reoccurring customers of the sky casino.
if he had to describe you in one word, he just couldn’t. because there were just so many other words he could describe you in that would mean so much more than just one simple phrase.
he doesn’t know why he’s so scared to go up and talk to you. perhaps he was afraid of the rejection? or perhaps he was afraid of the way his palms would get sweaty and his heart beat was race faster than normal, or maybe it was the way he’d get the sick, nauseous feeling he gets whenever he becomes anxious god why was he anxious whenever he was near you? did your palms get sweaty too? did your heartbeat remain the same as it regularly does when you flash that signature beauty of a smile at him? he just wishes he could see right through you and crack you open and find out what it was that made you so…you.
but oh how he loves it. he relishes in it. it’s a shame he can’t be two feet near you without pivoting and backing out, running to the storage room to gag and throw up.
little did he know though, he wasn’t the only one who was piqued by a certain someone’s expressions and personality.
this was just the beginning.
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@heartsfourdazai @poedostoevsky11 @silverbladexyz @atlasnessie @atzuhi @xxcandlelightxx @melluvsuu @saelique @justcallmesakira @decaying-nevermore
woooaa riri is back with a drabble?! yeah im definitely not writing anything for a few weeks after sorry everyone i have NO motivation!! 3:
butttt drumroll please im actually thinking of making this into a series! a sigma x reader series hehe..this being the prologue kind of idk it started off a drabble but I guess we’ll see. i tagged those who i thought might be interested and if you ARE interested please shoot me an ask or comment below.
thank you my beauties, until then <3
✿ riiwrites 2024 ; please refrain from copying, plagiarising or reposting my work anywhere else without crediting.
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s0ulspen · 10 months
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[bestfriend!riri x reader drabble]
A/n: i just wrote what came to mind.
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“Y/N, If you like him…make a move.” Riri urges, blowing smoke out of her plump lips. You watch her as she holds the blunt in between two of her tattooed fingers and passes it to you. You want to say something.
You want to say that you like the boy that you’ve been gushing to her about. You want to say that you’ve been staring at him in class.
But it’s been months since you’ve seen your best friend. The last time you saw Rianna was last summer and since then you’ve been keeping up via texts and Instagram stories (mainly yours since she never posts). Now that you’re both back in Chicago, there was no reason not to link up.
So you decided to, In the comfort of your own apartment.
She looks different. She doesn’t have her signature cornrows anymore. Instead she has locks that are still curly at the ends but matured for the most part. She has a sleeve of tattoos that she’s yet to tell you about. She’s so toned now, not that she wasn’t before but now that she’s on the Track team, you can see the definition in her limbs and core.
She must have someone at MIT, you think. She’s too fine not to. You’ve always thought she was pretty and not in a friendly way.
You feel incredibly stupid for lying about this crush of yours. Maybe it’s to soften the blow when she tells you about someone she’s been eyeing at MIT.
She’s so close, sitting across from you on your bed just like she always did in high-school. She cuts her eyes at you when she receives no response to her question, running her fingers through her locs and flipping them out of her face.
“Y/N, do you want him?” She questions, her voice clear as day while she gazes at you. She’s never looked at you so Intensely.
To distract yourself, you take an inhale of the blunt but it doesn’t help. You don’t know if it’s the weed, or if it’s you.
You feel your throat go dry.
“I mean…nah, I’m sure I can find better.” You murmur as a gentle smirk forms on her face.
“Yeah, I’m glad you know, baby.” She chuckles, light laughter escaping her lips. She’s so pretty. The pet name is nothing old but for some reason it feels different.
She stretches out of nowhere and all you can focus on is the twitching and flexing in her biceps. When she’s done, her eyes are trained on your lips. Her hand reaches out to touch your cheek, they’re surprisingly soft.
You think she might kiss you. But instead, her thumb drags at the skin below your lower lip.
“Don’t fuck up your lip combo.” She advises.
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@pvnks0ul @kissvamps idk who else to tag 💔
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brain empty just thoughts full of miguel having a soft spot for you and hobie's relationship
like if you were in different dimensions hobie would beg for miguel to let him visit you.
and if you were in the same dimension he would beg miguel to send him on missions with you
wait now i want to make it a lil fic
kind of a drabble? idk
ok afterthought this is way longer than a drabble lmao mb
word count : 561 😭
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it was a peaceful day at the spidersociety's headquarters. all the anomalies you and hobie have caught while patrolling were imprisoned in their cages, you did your daily patrolling chores and now boredom seemed to have gotten the best of you.
sometimes when you're bored, you wonder what your boyfriend was doing. well, factually speaking he was not quite your boyfriend, because of his "i hate labels" stuff, but it was most likely the two of you had something
sadly you spent most of your time wondering how he was going. you couldn't communicate because your communicator broke and miguel decided hobie had to give his to you.
you know what? fuck that hierarchy thing, just because some vampire spider man didn't want you to multi dimensional travel doesn't mean you wouldn't.
you then left your small apartment and headed to the headquarters.
"don't even think of it." firmly said miguel.
"what? i didn't even say anything yet-" you say.
"your backpack. it's the one you always bring with you when i send you in missions with hobie. considering the disaster it made when i left gwen visit miles last time, i am not letting this happen a second time." he said firmly.
"please." you try to beg. "it has been weeks since you last sent us on a mission together. plus it's soon our birthday and we celebrate all of them together. please? i promise you won't hear anything from me next."
"fine" he sighed, "but only for three days."
"four days? please?" you try to negotiate.
(i don't know how to describe it but imagine him pinching his nose yknow the thing he did In the movie)
"if i let you go, will you stop harassing me ?" he asked, visibly annoyed.
"pinky promise!" you exclaim, "thank you so much!"
he then opened a portal which led you to your boyfriend's dimension. you walked a bit to the bar where he probably was, as usual.
once you arrived, riri, one of hobie's best friend, warmly greeted you.
"glad to see you around!" she says with a warm smile. "if you're here to see hobie, he's in the back!."
you then headed to the room in the back of the building. you did find him practicing with his band. taking care to not disturb them, you sat on a small table in the back of the room.
you couldn't help but admire him. despite everything he went through, he always kept going.
"hobes", said a member of the group."i think someone's waiting for you."
as soon as he noticed your face, you could see his instantly lit up.
once his practice went all smooth, the two of you headed outside. a fresh breeze greeted you as the two of you tried to catch up on the lost time.
"i can't believe miguel let you come there" he says in disbelief. "i ain't complaining though, i missed my sunshine a whole bunch" he continues before kissing you.
"i missed you too, hobie," you murmur with a soft smile.
the two of you kept wandering in the streets, talking about random things.
"you down for cuddles, sunshine?" he asked as you came back home.
the two of you sat on the floor, your head on his chest, feeling his soft heartbeat.
eventually you both drifted to sleep, his hand playing with your hair.
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yoooo 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻 call me the ceo of ooc hobie atp x)
uhhh yea sorry the end is a bit rushed but 😭😭 also im in an agsty mood so i'll write smth when reader finds out hobie is cheating on them when they come to his dimension 😈😈
ALSO if you want some sleepy hobie hcs you can find them here ! :D
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