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The #autobiography seen here has given @brethitmanhart the title of bitter. I disagree. Brutally honest? That's more like it! In this bible sized MASTERPIECE of an autobiography, Bret breaks down in AMAZING DETAIL the inner workings of wrestling's backstage politics, his steroid use, sometimes hilarious stories of the rats he banged while on the road, snorting coke with Roddy Piper and The Iron Sheik, what really happened during the Montreal Screwjob, and his exposure of how truly fucked up his family is, including certain sibling undermining the Owen Hart lawsuit. This is the Canadian release of Hitman: My Real Life In The Cartoon World Of Wrestling, released in late 2007. I didn't feel like waiting for the American release. Funny story: @ajepyx and I went to get our books signed by Bret at the now defunct Borders in Bridgewater, NJ in October 2008. I brought this copy instead of buying the American version. No one noticed. Not even Bret....or he just didn't care. Also, while waiting on line to meet Bret, I noticed a ring rat with her two kids. She apparently had a crush on Bret since the Hart Foundation days and she wanted her kids to go up there since she apparently was nervous. She asked me if the book was for kids. Yeah, ok. Trust me, this is totally not for kids, which is probably why it fucking rules. #confessionsofanangrymetalhead #metalhead #brethitmanhart #myreallifeinthecartoonworldofwrestling #whenwrestlingwasawesome #hartfoundation #owenhart #ripowenhart #jimtheanvilneidhart #ripjimneidhart #daveyboysmith #ripdaveyboysmith #brianpillman #ripbrianpillman https://www.instagram.com/p/CNuiVoLJ4EE/?igshid=1cb5x42i03h0h
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naturalbornthriller · 5 years ago
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Happy 55th Birthday to the late great Owen Hart #OwenHart #TheRocket #TheKingOfHarts #Owen316 #TheBlackHart #TheHartFamily #NewHartFoundation #TheNation #HartOfGold #CanadianWrestlingHallOfFame #ProfessionalWrestlingHallOfFame #PrairieWrestlingAllianceHallOfFame #LegendsProWrestlingHallOfFame #GeorgeTragosLouTheszProfessionalWrestlingHallOfFame #RIPOwenHart https://www.instagram.com/p/B_59fpKg69H/?igshid=sflswc38idyz
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dominicarzapalo · 5 years ago
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Came across these photos of wrestlers and there fanny packs lmao nothing screams 90’s better than this! 😂🤦‍♂️ #Nineties #Nostalgia #Wrestling #Wrestlers #FannyPack #TheRock #StoneColdSteveAustin #RockyMaivia #StunningSteveAustin #BigDaddyCool #BigDaddyDiesel #KevinNash #WCW #NWO #WWF #AttitudeEra #PreAttitudeEra #TheHeartFoundation #RIPOwenHart #BlueBlazer #ECW #ExtremeChampionshipWrestling #EasternChampionshipWrestling #RVD #RobVanDam #FiveStarFromSplash #Tazz #Tazzmission #Goodmorning 😎👍👌✌️ (at San Bernardino, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8tUMx7A1lB/?igshid=h24i6tdre6f5
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phenomenal410 · 5 years ago
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"Dungeon Wrestling". That's What This Was. In A Match 2 Pay Tribute 2 A Man They Both Loved Owen Hart, Chris Benoit & Bret Hart Had 2 Me The Greatest Match In The History Of Nitro. It Is My All-time Favorite Match From Nitro, & From Wcw. It Showcases Y The Hitman, & The Crippler Are The 2 Greatest Technical Wrestlers In Wrestling History. #worldchampionshipwrestling, #wcwmondaynightnitro, #chrisbenoit, #thecrippler, #therabidwolverine, #brethart, #thehitman, #theexcellenceofexecution, #dungeonwrestling #ripowenhart, #ripchrisbenoit, #thankyouforthememories (at Bronx, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B29jtAMJOHN/?igshid=12lmhb1xpsrnm
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Hart was transported to Truman Medical Center in Kansas City. While several attempts to revive him were made, he died due to his injuries. The cause of death was later revealed to be internal bleedingfrom blunt force trauma. Rest in Peace Owen Hart You will never be forgotten man sorry for his family lost and his buddy stone cold and wwe and wwf fans we all will miss you and always have you're memroies in are hearts 💕 #ripowenhart #wwestar #wwesuperstars #legend #family #respect #hornor #memroies #courage #bravely #neverwillbeforgotten #Owenhartfamily #sorryforyourlost #:( https://www.instagram.com/p/B198VtxF9zp/?igshid=1f1kph7wctvc0
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themovievato · 6 years ago
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20 years ago, Owen Hart tragically died from a stunt that was gone wrong. He left a family and a legacy that will never be duplicated. A IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, A 4-Time WWE Tag Team Champion, A 2-Time WWE Intercontinental Champion, A WWE European Champion, A 3-Time Slammy Award winner, and the 1994 King Of Ring Winner. A nice guy in professional wrestling and is missed by all... R.I.P. Owen #ripowenhart #kingofharts https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx1S6oSDlWo/?igshid=1o57dztbeu8p9
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thenelsonjames · 6 years ago
Tribute To Owen Hart
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raventhal · 6 years ago
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Remembering Owen Hart today ❤ Hard to believe that tragic night was 20 years ago today. I will never forget that night as a lifelong wrestling fan 💔 . . #OwenHart #Wrestling #legendofwrestling #hof #prowrestling #hartfoundation #hartdynasty #hartfamily #canadianheroes #canadian #canada #rip #ripowenhart https://www.instagram.com/p/BxzhDO2lQcz/?igshid=k18b3vhznc2r
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retrogamelovers · 4 years ago
22 years ago today #RIPOwenHart
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wrestlingincofficial · 6 years ago
Thank you #OwenHart #RipOwenHart #hartfoundation #WWE https://www.instagram.com/p/BxKoFxBHfo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kd46crp67h5t
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edswoggle · 7 years ago
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#RIPJimNeidhart #RIPDaveyBoySmith #RIPBrianPillman #RIPOwenHart #BretHart #JimNeidhart #BritishBulldog #DaveyBoySmith #LooseCannon #BrianPillman #TheRocket #TheKingOfHarts #OwenHart #TheAnvil #BretHart #TheHitman #HartFoundation #AvengersInfinityWar #Avengers #InfinityWar #InfinityGauntlet #Thanos ##WWE #WWF #IDontFeelSoGood #RIP
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Where does the time go, as @ajepyx asked me just last Saturday? Has it really been twenty years? I'll never forget waking up the morning after he died, hearing about it on the news. It was also my birthday. He was one of the best I ever saw while growing up in the 90's. If his older, way more successful brother was amazing, this guy was a phenom - and Bret would be the first one to say it! Bret worked hard to be as good as he was. But Owen? He was a goddamn natural. And of course he died way too soon. RIP Owen Hart 1965 - 1999. #confessionsofanangrymetalhead #owenhart #thekingofharts #whenwrestlingwasawesome #oldschoolwwf #brethart #therocketowenhart #oldschoolwrestling #metalhead #ripowenhart #wastedtalent #hedidntdeservethis https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx06ZSvpzVO/?igshid=1nrx5hg29affm
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naturalbornthriller · 6 years ago
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Today marks 20 years since Owen Hart tragically died on a WWF Over The Edge pay-per-view event on May 23rd 1999, I remember that night like it was only yesterday and still til this day something like that should of never happen to a wonderful human being like Owen James Hart. I still sent out my prayers & condolences to the entire Hart family especially to Owen's family from Martha, Oje & Athena who have to live 20 years without a husband & a father, 20 years later I don't blame Martha Hart for feeling the way she feels towards the WWE for being hold responsible for the death Owen Hart but not everybody was at fault just to those who force Owen to go through with the stunt knowing he didn't wanna do it. I wish Owen was still here with us no matter if he's still in the wrestling business or not he should still be here in the world if it weren't for Vince McMahon, call it conspiracy theory all you want but I believe Vince McMahon was fully responsible for Owen's death 20 years ago. Long live the King of Harts, Owen was a Hart of Gold, Rest in peace to the best there is the best the was and the best there ever will be Owen Hart. #TheRocket #KingOfHarts #2xSlammyAwardWinner #TheBlackhart #HartOfGold #RIPOwenHart https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0KrJMgYQ6/?igshid=1feuin1xn0rzv
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dasmuggler · 4 years ago
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Photo of The Great Muta paying respect to Owen Hart 🙏 #RIPOwenHart
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themovievato · 6 years ago
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Happy Birthday to the late Owen Hart. #kingofharts #owenhart #ripowenhart https://www.instagram.com/p/BxL4o63j_66/?igshid=183crbg1d3xuw
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retrogamelovers · 5 years ago
21 years later...#RIPOwenHart 🙏
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