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themotherofallthings · 5 months ago
I am beyond devastated right now. I never thought in a million years I would ever have to write the words #RIPLiam in my lifetime. I pray for his family and friends. I pray for their strength and patience in the coming days, weeks, months and years as they mourn Liam's loss. I pray that their anguish is made bearable, however slight, by the love he had for them and they hfor him. Their shared memories of his beautiful smile. His gorgeous voice and his immense heart.
I pray for the boys: Harry, Niall, Zayn and Louis. Especially Louis. I know in my heart right now his heart is extra heavy. I know that he will blame himself. That they will all blame themselves in some way or other. I pray God lessens their burden in time and realize that they loved him the best they could and it still wasn't enough. I hope they will eventually find a way forward together. To honour Liam everyday in the way the continue to live their lives.
And mostly I pray for Liam that his soul has found peace at last. He will be so missed but he left us a beautiful, if short, legacy.
I love you Lima bean. Spread those wings and soar free my angel.
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honey-worm · 3 months ago
seeing the photos of the boys arriving to liam's funeral (AT WORK IF I MAY ADD) tore me to pieces. you can just see and feel how upset they all are.. like my heart literally dropped the first time i saw the pictures. god and louis... his face screamed 'sorrow.' i don't want to comment on their looks since it was such an unfortunate event but he looks so fucking tired from all the heartbreak he's had to endure. he deserves an endless amount of endless love and happiness (as do the rest of them.)
and to be completely fucking honest, i never even wanted to see these photos of the boys in the first place. i remember telling myself that i just didn't want to see them all together for this funeral. i didn't want to invade and pry on something so personal and private. though, the internet/people are so balls deep with being psychotic and insensitive that there was actually no way of avoiding it. it was plastered all over every social media platform and yeah i'm not even surprised people showed up on the sidelines during this. which is so fucking inconsiderate. what was the actual point of that!!!! i just.... i don't even know what to say. it feels like i'm grieving all over again. being an empath, seeing everyone talking about this makes me feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders.
i am praying to the fucking gods and universe that we do not need to experience this again any time soon.
the only thing i can hope for is that the four of them, along with liam's close friends and family, know how much love and support is being sent their way during this time.
i wish i could hug every single one of them.
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thesadstoryofme · 5 months ago
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I am absolutely devastated in hearing about the passing of Liam Payne. My heart lived and breathed One Direction for many, many years. The first band that I had ever loved and that introduced me to so many friends. I started this blog because of One Direction. It will never be the same! I hope Liam is resting well, and I hope his next life is kinder to him. We love you, Liam, and we will miss you for the rest of our lives. I'm thinking of his family, his son, his friends, and every single Directioner. I am so heartbroken.
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karishmaniazkilam · 5 months ago
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adeadoll · 5 months ago
Rest in peace to Liam, it’s said the Payne train detoured so soon. This news was definitely a back hit to my little old directioner heart
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disneysdick · 5 months ago
rip liam payne
i had log into this account for the first time in 8 years to be amongst my people while i mourn.
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wishingicouldfly · 5 months ago
I'm just sad
Grief will come tomorrow. Tonight, it's just numbness. And tears. And begging that it's fake news. And so much sorrow for the family and friends who found out the same time we did in real time through social media. Life isn't fair. #RIPLiamPayne Love you.
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Grief will come tomorrow. Tonight, it's just numbness. And tears. And begging that it's fake news. And so much sorrow for the family and friends who found out the same time we did in real time through social media. Life isn't fair. #RIPLiamPayne Love you.
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littlehannekin18 · 4 months ago
I don't know if anyone will see this, but I needed to get it out.
Liam Payne's death has been heartbreaking in ways I honestly didn't think was possible. I didn't expect to have so many feelings about it, and yet here I am. Reading the letters and the autopsy report absolutely broke me.
For context, I was only maybe 9 when One Direction debuted. I only really fell in love with them when I was 11, so I didn't get to have some of the more personal experiences that older fans (like teens) may have had. I never had the pleasure of going to a concert or meet&greets. Even so, every girl has the right to choose her boy band and One Direction was what I grew up listening to in my formative years.
Liam was always my favorite. He had this bright smile and such a chill personality. After everyone split, he kind of went quiet for a while building his family and living more privately, but I always silently wished him the best, as I did all the boys. Hearing the news surfaced so many new emotions for me. Like, he has a 7 year old son that he loved dearly. That's crazy to me. He still spoke with the boys and even met with them and Simon on occasion. Reading all of their kind words about him, his son, and his career really made that evident.
Not only is it heartbreaking to lose such a wonderful human being, but the context around his death just makes it that much worse. There has been talk amongst the community of a possible reunion in the hopes that they could sing together again (Louis even touched on it in his letter). But, the timing of this tragedy has swept that dream out from under us. I keep thinking, "well, maybe they will still come together, for Liam's sake." But I just can't imagine One Direction without him. You turn on any given song, and the first voice you hear 8/10 times is Liam. He was such a key part of who they were as a band, it will never be the same.
The worst feeling to me, is that I don't feel like I can share this anywhere else but here. I can't post on my personal accounts like Facebook or snapchat because people will make fun of me. I was made fun of all my life for listening to silly little boy bands. Classmates would draw over their faces on my notebooks and tease me for my backpack.
I know I never got to meet him or see him in person. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't special to me. It would be no different if it had been Harry or Niall. I deserve the right to grieve a person that I looked up to as a child, that I admired and adored, without being scrutinized.
So, if you are reading this, please be kind. People are allowed to feel strongly about grief. Greif is different for everybody, and no one should ever feel ashamed for grieving. Show some love to the Directioners out there who are grieving silently like me.
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alphaniall · 5 months ago
i need my support group 😭
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starboyyzayn · 5 months ago
I can’t enjoy my two favorite things in the world watching friends and listening to 1d songs
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1dtohogwarts · 5 months ago
Waking up to such a devastating news and I'm honestly heartbroken.
I could never imagine the pain his family must be going through.
Rest in Peace Liam Payne!
You've been too good to us but alas! We couldn't do the same.
Always will be missed.
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gio2247 · 4 months ago
Carta aberta para o Liam
Assim como já tive primeiras experiências com você, novamente estou fazendo algo novo por você, escrevendo uma carta. Quero colocar para fora o que tô sentindo sobre sua partida porque parece que ninguém entende esse sentimento. Quando eu digo para as meninas que não entendo e não aceito o que aconteceu com você é pq eu te olho e lembro daquele liam mais novo do x-facto, porque lembro daquele homem de midnight memores e pq lembro de você, Liam. Pode parecer estranho mas parece sim que te conheço a uma vida, que já vivemos momentos juntos e conversas profundas que não tive com ninguém, por meio da arte nos conhecemos e tivemos uma ligação que  ecoava pelas músicas, fanfics, fotos, entrevistas... Eu gostaria realmente de ter te conhecido, um pouco porque acho que poderia ter feito algo por você no meu  pensamento mais egoísta mas também porque só por um momento sei que teria amor no nosso encontro, imagina encontrar alguém que vc admira que escreveu suas músicas favoritas, que te fez rir diversas vezes, que no sentimento de solidão parecia que te dava tapinhas nas Costas e Pedia para levanter  e encarar o mundo. Liam, eu realmente te amei da forma mais inocente e genuína que eu poderia amar alguém, o amor de uma criança, virou amor de adolescente e virou o amor e admiração de uma adulta. Eu espero que aonde você esteja seu coração esteja em paz, sua luz brilha  através do horizonte. Não foi nessa vida que eu casei com você mas graças a Deus foi nessa vida que eu te conheci pelo menos um pouco porque não sei como seria a vida sem ter tido a experiência de ser fã de uma boy band.
Te amo e fica em paz 💚
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aammyyss · 5 months ago
There's a lightning in your eyes I can't deny Then there's me inside a sinking boat, running out of time Without you I'll never make it out alive But I know, yes I know we'll be alright There's a devil in your smile, it's chasing me And every time I turn around it's only gaining speed There's a moment when you finally realize There's no way you can change the rolling tide But I know, yes I know that I'll be fine This time I'm ready to run (oh-oh) Escape from the city and follow the sun 'Cause I wanna be yours Don't you wanna be mine? I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night This time I'm ready to run (oh-oh) Wherever you are is the place I belong 'Cause I wanna be free And I wanna be young I will never look back, now I'm ready to run I'm ready to run There's a future in my life I can't foresee Unless of course I stay on course And keep you next to me There will always be the kind that criticize But I know, yes I know we'll be alright This time I'm ready to run (oh-oh) Escape from the city and follow the sun 'Cause I wanna be yours Don't you wanna be mine? I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night This time I'm ready to run (oh-oh) Wherever you are is the place I belong 'Cause I wanna be free And I wanna be young I will never look back, now I'm ready to run This time I'm ready to run (ready to run) I'd give everything that I got for your love This time I'm ready to run (oh-oh) Escape from the city and follow the sun 'Cause I wanna be yours Don't you wanna be mine? I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night This time I'm ready to run (this time I'm ready to run) (oh-oh) Wherever you are is the place I belong 'Cause I wanna be free And I wanna be young I will never look back, now I'm ready to run Songwriters: Jamie Scott / John Henry Ryan / Julian Bunetta / Liam James Payne / Louis William Tomlinson
Damn if these lyrics don't hit hard tonight
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onedirectobsession · 5 months ago
even if I’m the fucking only person, I’m making sure he gets remembered for all he was to all of us at one point. he was. don’t rewrite history. he deserves that at least.
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karishmaniazkilam · 5 months ago
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thecheshireking · 5 months ago
It’s weird. Being transported back to 2010, being 15 years old. Watching YouTube videos of the X-factor diaries and performances, hoping that the live performances were uploaded ASAP. To then watching the people you idol become the world dominating phenomenon known as One Direction.
As you follow them through your teens and grow into a young adult in your own sense, life doesn’t focus too much on them any more, but you always keep tabs of them individually.
You begin to realize that the age difference ( 1-4 years) doesn’t make too much of a difference any more. Everyone is young adults and navigating through this lifetime in their own way.
The moments, hours, and years spent on this platform seems like a distant memory. But you always know this is your home, where you met like-minded individuals and a sense of family who all loved the same 5 boys as much as you did.
Here we are, many years later … having experienced our own personal grieving, struggles and experiences that come with life. We always had a glimmer of hope that we would get our 1D reunion once again.
It wasn’t meant to be and they say everything happens for a reason. Although we may not understand it, One Direction will live in our hearts, minds, and souls forever.
#RIPLiam 🤍
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