#rip nurbo
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i wish wilhelm had warned simon but honestly i think he chickened out..he didn’t have the heart to tell him until the interview was done. he would’ve gotten into his head and just… tried to rip it like a band-aid except some skin and blood went with it 😭
I also wish Wilhelm would have warned Simon. I don't think he chickened out, though. I think he just didn't plan to tell Simon until after. I don't blame him for denying the video. At the end of the day, I think it was the best decision for him and Simon at the time. He should have told Simon that, though. He shouldn't have waited until after he did the interview, and he definitely shouldn't have waited until Simon found out from someone else.
Send me your wildest Young Royals opinions/ headcanons/ thoughts (you can do it anonymously if you want) and I’ll react to them. I want to shake the fandom about anything other than the LT or Omar and Nurbo for a second.
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royalsimoneriksson · 3 years
17 questions and tag 17 people
Thanks Mattie for tagging me even though I never remember to do these, you twisted my arm! @swedishyr
nicknames: Nat, Nannymoo, Nat the bat (because I would go to my cave like room to read while company was over, don’t ask), Nart, Nate, but most people call me Nat or Natalie lol.
zodiac: Libra, and I have no idea about astrology whatsoever so this is meaningless to me except I hated that my zodiac sign were scales as a child...
height: 168 cm or so or 5′6?
hogwarts house: Slytherin
last thing you googled: how to convert cm to feet (lmao) but also “what is considered a bad fever” because Nurbo has me worried out here...
followers: 581 (I’ve been on here since 2014 so most of my followers are from other fandoms I’m pretty sure)
song stuck in my head: Santa Maria by Trooper (yes I’m Canadian, what about it)
how much sleep: I usually get a solid 5-6 hours but I’ll nap after work sometimes to catch up on sleep
lucky number: 6 or 11, because both were my jersey numbers in basketball back in the day
aesthetic: I never really understood what this meant, sorry 😭 Omar Rudberg? does that count?
dream job: winning the lottery lmao
wearing: white and black plaid long underwear, a t-shirt nighty that says “I love you, but I’ve chosen naps” and a burgundy, white and grey sweater overtop. I work from home so like..don’t judge me haha
favorite instrument: I played the cello when I was younger, even got to perform at Magic Kingdom in Orlando with my orchestra so maybe that?
favorite song: Jeez this is hard. ummm...I love 70′s music. Maybe Band on the Run by Paul McCartney and Wings
favorite author: I really liked Johanna Lindsey when I was younger (RIP :( ) I mostly read romance because I need happy endings haha
favorite animal noise: my friend’s cat makes the cutest little trilling noise when he’s excited to see you. But I also love fox laughs
something random: I’ve been to more concerts in my life than I can name and count but my favourite was probably the first time I saw the Rolling Stones in Boston back in 2006
I tag anyone who wants to do this haha
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