#rip bear you would’ve loved swimming pool and looking like you just woke up and father and lone star
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punkishtoxtricity · 4 months ago
band au for the animal army but instead of some cool rock band it’s just bear, pony, and rhino in what is basically the front bottoms
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elevenhoursinfront-blog · 7 years ago
10th December 2017
We woke up and decided that we were going to go to the Water Park! I was so excited – I love water parks. Steve and I are avid water lovers anyway so adding slides in makes it twice as good.
We got the table and chairs out of the front seat and set them up. We had no electricity so it was cereal and iced coffee for breakfast. We really enjoy our iced coffees in the morning, more so than a normal coffee. I guess the heat has a lot to do with that.
I suggested that we stay at this place for another night but we're used to having electricity now. Steve said we'll have a look around later on. I went to the bathroom to get myself sorted whilst Steve shoved everything back into the van. I had to put my swim stuff on underneath my clothes, brush my teeth, wash my face. I didn't shower – grubby as that sounds. The showers were full of the children getting washed. I was going to get into the water straight away so I cut my losses.
I got back to the van and sorted the rest of the stuff out whilst Steve went and chucked his trunks on. He only ever takes 5 minutes and the majority of that time is walking to and from where he needs to be!
We were on the road by 0930. We were half an hour out and the park opened at 1000. I was dreading the queue mind you, it was going to be a nightmare. Steve was driving and I was passenger which was what happened 65/35. Steve loves to drive (as do I) but he comments on my driving ALL the time and I can't bare it. He used to do it when he didn't have a license! I reckon I'm the better driver anyway but at least he agrees that I'm better at parking.
We pulled up at the park and tried to find a space. There were loads but much further away from the park which isn't an issue. We got our stuff together and walked over to the main door. Our tickets are considered a 'Season Pass'. If they were working, we'd have a photo card pass. I was gutted when I found out, I would've been able to keep it for my travelling book.
We queued up in the pre-paid ticket queue. We weren't sure whether it was right but they were technically already pre paid for. I found a member of staff and they already knew what was wrong with our tickets and let us go straight in. What a result! I was expecting to be sent to another queue and then explain the situation all over again.
We walked through and went straight over to the map. We found our bearings and then went to the wave pool to get some sunbeds. People were actually running to get good seats... We grabbed two sunbeds and then sat down to sort our stuff out. We had to put our sun cream on and let that sink in before going on any of the rides.
We shoved our stuff under the beds and went to the first water slide! There weren't really any queues yet which was great. The first slide we went on was called 'Hydro Slide'.  After climbing around 10 flights of stairs, I was dying, naturally. We had to sit in a ring of 3. Steve was at the back and I was in the middle, nobody was in the front. The guy pressed the button and we were off!
We went down a drop first which was dark and then we were shot up into the sky. The ring followed the track round, with drops and shots all over the place. This ride took our photo at a drop which I can imagine being a hilarious capture. We ended up in a massive pool of water and I couldn't get my fat behind out of the ring!
First ride complete and we were smiling from ear to ear. We were the oldest children there, besides the actual adults with their children (who probably say it's for the kids but it isn't).
We were straight up the same tower but different stairs. The next ride was called 'The Green Room'. This was a big rubber ring that sits 4. Steve and I had to sit opposite each other – facing each other. The slide was dark and there was an immediate drop. We eventually came out into a massive bowl which shot us up to the top of the bowl. We were almost at a complete vertical angle. We continued going round and eventually went down into a big pool. I liked this ride but when we went vertical, I could've cried! I thought we were definitely going to tip out! Steve went backwards the whole time thankfully.
The other ride on this tower was called 'The Wedgie', which was a no from me. These are the only water rides I can't bring myself to do. It's the ones where you stand in what looks like a capsule and then they press a button. The floor below you disappears and then you fall down. At the end, you come out with a massive wedgie – hence the name. I told Steve to go on it but he wouldn't if I didn't. There was no way I was going on it, I hate those ones.
That was the first tower of rides complete. We walked back over to our chairs to make sure that our stuff was alright, which it was. We went onto the next 'tower' of rides. We walked over and saw 'The Bro'.  The Bro was one for the kids but we still decided to queue up for it. We had to grab a mat with handles from the bottom of the slide and carry it up with us. It was basically like a waterproof yoga mat with handles. At the top of The Bro, there were 8 slides. We had to stand with 6 others and wait for the green light to go. We had to kneel on the mat in the top of the slide which was almost like a mini pool. Steve and I were egging each other on by saying who was going to win. Obviously, I was going to win. I go down slides really fast and it's 100% nothing to do with how large I am...
Red light... Amber light... GREEN LIGHT!
I launched myself forward, head first holding onto the handles. It was pitch black and I was going so fast. I smashed my elbow on the side of the slide at one point which really hurt but I wasn't concentrating on that. I was concentrating on whether I was going to come out before Steve.
We were out into the light on the slides to the ground now. I saw Steve behind me! I was in the lead! In fact, I was in the lead out of all 8 slides! The last bit was going downwards, wibbly and wobbly bits up and down into a pool.
I got up and Steve got up. We were laughing at each other. I was claiming victory! We handed our mats to the next lot of people in the queue and walked over to find the next ride. I told Steve that I hurt my elbow on the way down and he had a look. I had actually cut it and it was bleeding. Cuts always look worse when they're wet because the blood travels with the water. I thought I'd cut it open! Once I cleaned it, there wasn't really a mark I could go on about (which is a shame. I love the sympathy vote, me).
We walked over to get on the Triple Vortex. We had to queue downstairs again this time to grab our rubber ring. It wasn't actually a ring though, it was a 3 man rubber ring with the holes in a row. We waited for people to come off so they could give us theirs. Steve carried it up the stairs which was great because I was knackered climbing like 20 flights of stairs let alone carrying something other than myself!
We got to the top and the queue's were picking up as the time ticked on. We eventually got on and Steve and I had to sit opposite each other with our feet in the middle hole. I was a little worried because I have a very large behind and it was touching the floor! How embarrassing?! Oh well, I just had to push my hips up slightly so I didn't get water slide burn.
Triple Vortex consisted of 3 (funnily enough) 'bowls' as you go down the slide. This had drops and darkness and I hated the idea of going backwards. Steve was going backwards the majority of the way though so I didn't have to worry about that. I'm hoping he offers to go backwards all the time.
We got to the bottom and he was laughing so much. I couldn't get my fat arse out of the hole and everyone was watching! They were obviously all waiting in line to get their rubber rings to take up. I fell out of the ring into the pool. Why couldn't I have been swallowed up then and there?!
We went onto what we believed to be the last ride in the park. The RIP. I was hoping it was called rip as in 'Let one rip' rather than Rest In Peace. The Rip was a 4 man rubber ring in a circle and Steve and I had to sit opposite each other to even out the weight. The Rip had a massive drop to start with and I screamed the moment we were off. It was another bowl type ride but they were all different. Again, the man that pushed us off let Steve go backwards so hooray for that.
We went back to our beds to check on our stuff. Everyone was fine so we decided to go into the wave pool for a swim. It was as busy as anything with all the children waiting for the horn to go off. I would rather no waves but that's because I get awfully bad travel, motion and now apparently sea sickness!
We were in the deep end, singing away to the music being played. We swam around and then the waves started. They were quite big to be fair. There was one thing missing from this water park though – a Lazy River. One of my favourites. Who doesn't love sitting in a rubber ring, doing absolutely nothing, as it takes you down the 'river' around the park!?
We got out for some lunch. We had bought our own with us. Ham and mayo wraps with apples, crisps, cereal bars. Steve obviously went to have a look how much fish and chips was but it was something ridiculous like $20. I told him that it's going to be mega expensive at Theme Parks hence why I packed our own!
We sunbathed for a while afterwards, letting our lunch go down. We then decided to give the same rides, in the same order another go! 
We started again with the Hydro. The queues were so much longer now. I presume more people have turned up mid-afternoon. The weather forecast was cloudy and miserable but that's turned out to be wrong. How lucky are we?
We did the two rides on the same tower, ignoring the Wedgie again. We went straight over and did the three rides on the other tower again, too. Steve and I were worse off this time in regards to competitiveness when we went on The Bro. Steve was determined to win and I was even more determined to keep my winning streak!
I did win on The Bro again. The gold trophy remains mine. What also remains mine is a severely bruised elbow and a bashed up knee. Serves me right really. I literally launched myself down that slide like I was some sort of missile.
We went back to our chairs, checked the stuff and went into the wave pool. There were no waves for ages and we waited for them, for about 40 minutes. I said to Steve as soon as we get out, they would start... They did.
We dried ourselves off and decided to start packing up to head home. We were checking into a new camp ground and we were treating ourselves to a more expensive one. We were going all out with power and water. Woop woop!
We decided to stay at the Big 4. The Big 4's in Australia are quite well known and they're usually for big families. You find that in Australia, there are more motor homes on the road than cars!
Big 4's are big – obviously, with pools, camp kitchens, trampolines, kids parks and all sorts. They're very much like holiday parks. You would happily stay there for a long period of time and be well away with the facilities provided. Some though, are not up to standards that they usually give. They're boring and expensive for no reason. It would be good if they had wifi mind you. You'd think by charging $40 a night for 2 people is enough to provide good quality wifi. Apparently not.
We checked it and it was posh. The reception area was really nicely decorated. We were shown to our spot by a care taker who spoke so passionately about the Gold Coast Big 4. We only booked in for one night but he said he was positive we would book for another. We'll see, Brucey! (His name wasn't Bruce).
He showed us where all the good bits and bobs were – toilets, showers, swimming pool, koala walking track, where the kangaroo's would be etc. He was quite the asset to the company if you ask me. I was very pleased so far.
Steve suggested a walk around the grounds which was nice... Ish. I was tired, quite moany too actually. I wanted to sit, or lay, and do nothing. My usual wants though.
We walked around and he stopped to watch someone fish. How exciting. I was thrilled, kicking dust around. He eventually left and we walked back to our van. It was time to shower and get dinner going.
The showers were lovely. Really posh. We had a separate part to get dried in and hang our clothes up. It was amazing. Like, an actual door to stop everything getting soaked. That never happens?! We have never had such luxury on our way down the coast. I was in heaven and I didn't want to leave.
I got back to the van and Steve was already out of the shower cooking dinner. He was doing Alfredo sauce with chicken tortellini. The usual stuff that we have. We were both starving so dinner went down a treat. It got dark pretty quickly though so we didn't really get time to sit outside the van and chill as the sun set. We got our stuff in and sat in the van. We played a few games of cards, of course.
Just before I went to brush my teeth, I saw a dog walk in front of our van. Except, it wasn't a dog when I looked closely. It was a KOALA! There was a koala walking around our van! Oh my God! I was so excited. I screamed to Steve to look and we were staring at him. I was slightly worried though. When we went into the hospital, they said that if a koala is ever on the ground, they are most likely dehydrated looking for water.
I saw a bunch of kids chase after the koala – I wanted to scream at them! They were trying to film it on their Snapchats with their flash on. The poor thing was so scared, it ran up a tree that wasn't even a food tree. Once they all left, I filled up my cereal bowl with water and left it at the bottom of the tree. You know, just in case. I knew 100% that it wouldn't drink from it, but I'd rather it just be there, as an option.
We got ourselves ready for bed and laid down. I kept trying to look for the koala but it was too dark.
Tomorrow, we're off to the other half of the water park – the dry half! We're going to the theme park. I was so excited. Time for sleep!
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