#rip and booster's personal timelines are just. the most fucked up
mydetheturk · 2 years
i remembered rip hunter is booster gold's son in comics canon and i was like "well that could make post-oculus stuff Interesting" and also booster's supposed to be like, the person fixing the timeline. so. i don't know, i chucked canon in a blender, have rip calling booster "Dad" for six sentence sunday
Gideon’s calm “Captain Hunter, Marshal Carter is on the bridge waiting for you,” had Rip on even more on edge than he already was; the Legends had blown up the Oculus, had stopped Vandal Savage, but he’d still lost Miranda and Jonas, and Snart had been lost with the Oculus. Rip wanted nothing to do with whatever Marshal Carter was doing on his the Waverider.
Storming into the Waverider’s bridge, Rip was stopped by the sight of Marshal Carter, in his stupid, six and a half foot tall glory, saying, “Before you bite my head off, Captain Hunter, you have a man that’s supposed to be dead and a delightful woman and little boy in your medical bay.”
“With all due respect, dad,” Rip said, eyes welling up with tears, “go fuck yourself.”
“Go see your wife, Mickey,” Rip’s dad said, a sad, sad expression on his face. “The timeline’s fixed, she’s safe, and we’ll have a good long talk about how we can get rid of the Time Bureau again later.”
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ty-talks-comics · 6 years
Best of DC: Week of January 2nd, 2018
Best of this Week: Heroes in Crisis #4 - Tom King, Clay Mann and Tomeu Morey
The mystery of the massacre of Sanctuary continues as the waters continue get even more muddy.
Investigations produce different culprits. Magical methods produce a truth, but even that is cast in doubt given a character’s mental state. Two characters come together out of a sense of broken-ness and a bromance continues in an epic way that only leads me to believe that one of the bros isn’t there.
Heroes in Crisis comes off as a some kind of weird experiment that differs in quality from issue to issue. It’s a slow, slow burn that produces great character moments and reflections for heroes that we haven’t seen in a while and some that we’re familiar with and how they might deal with their own past traumas.
The storytelling, with sparse dialogue in most parts, is powerful with only small actions and scenery. The depression of thinking of the good times while being slumped over a bar, knowing that your best friends are dead or broken in the case of Tempest. Booster Gold fearfully grips the lasso of truth as he tells the story of Harley killing Wally. Batgirl calms a frantic Harley Quinn by holding her hand and then hugging her finding common ground in the fact that they were broken by The Joker. Hell, even a fist bump made this issue more than worth it.
Heroes in Crisis may not be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s morose, needlessly brutal and maybe would have fit better if it were taking place as part of DC’s Black Label Imprint (it likely will be added later much like Batman: White Knight). Honestly, I hated the last issue, but I have to give credit where it’s due in that this issue was beautifully done and despite what I think, I hope that this will have a good outcome, going back to the hope that Rebirth was built on.
Personal Theory - I think that Booster did it. King has been playing with this idea that Booster shaking up Batman’s timeline affected him more than he thought and maybe that made him easily susceptible to Psycho Pirate’s mind control. I believe he committed most of the murders alongside a crazy Harley Quinn and that he too murdered Blue Beetle in Sanctuary and his appearance in this issue is a figment of Booster’s imagination and maybe Booster kills himself at the end just because fuck me, I guess.
Runner Up: The Silencer #12 - Jack Herbert, Dan Abnett, Tom Derenick and Mike Spicer
The Silencer continues to be surprisingly one of the more emotional comics from DC currently.
Talia al Ghul made The Silencer into what she was and promised to let her leave the life of an assassin, much like John Wick, but Talia is far more of a snake than the Russian mob and never fully intended to let Silencer go.
For eleven issues we’ve been on a roller coaster of action, death and near misses as war brewed within Talia’s criminal organization, Leviathan. We find out, however, that everything aside from Silencer murdering Talia in issue 5 or 6, was all a part of Talia’s plan to test the mettle of Leviathan - to weed out the weaker elements of the organization. Everyone that was left pledged their loyalty to a newly resurrected Talia al Ghul, everyone except for Honor Guest, The Silencer.
Silencer effectively faked her death, making her family think she was dead for the last two issues and gave Talia the upper hand to make Silencer come back into the fold, threatening to kill her husband and son if she didn’t while also knowing that if she did, then The Silencer would stop at nothing to see her permanently dead.
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Honor worked hard to escape from the life of an assassin. She met an amazing man and had an awesome kid only for it all to be ripped away from her as part of someone else's game. I felt the despair and rage from Silencer, getting in her headspace, likely thinking “I killed her once, I can do it again and anyone else standing in my way,” but knowing that if she did, then she’d condemn her family.
I can’t wait to see where Silencer’s story goes from here, especially with Leviathan starting to pop up in Action Comics, will she fight against Superman? Will she violently rebel if she sees an opening? What will she do? No matter what, I am here for it.
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afspfsjklf · 4 years
name: michael jon carter
alias: booster gold
age / birthday: -421/34 // december 29th, 2442
gender / pronouns: cis man // he/him
sexuality: bisexual
team affiliation: the justice league
earth of origin / source material: like, 90% new earth, 10% prime earth
faceclaim: aaron tveit
occupation: businessman (ceo of booster gold international)
identity status: public
positive traits: amiable, diligent, gregarious, jovial, respectful, self-sacrificing.
negative traits: arrogant, easily distracted, forgetful, impulsive, overconfident, self-doubting (those are conflicting personality traits, and yet.... a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.)
where was your character during the invasion?: he was having a _grand_ disagreement with rip hunter over whether or not the invasion was supposed to be a part of the timeline. _it was_, but booster, being the impulsive man he is, still took some of the equipment to travel back and try to stop it before it began. he was almost killed in the process and, in the future of his altered timeline, he realized he fucked it all up. so then rip had to help him undo things, dammit booster.
what are they doing now?: biding his time and trying not to fuck up the time stream anymore, no matter how many things he thinks don’t line up. he’s following rip’s protocol and just protecting the earth when it needs it as the greatest superhero the world will never know.
how has the invasion and superheroes being public figures changed their life?: it hasn’t! hell, his first move when he got to the 21st century was to save the president and become famous! of course, that had to be undone, but he had his taste of fame. he’s still largely enjoying the limelight that superheroes are in now, but he’s seen what that can do to people.... aka, what that can do to him.
any canon divergencies: well! travelled to the 21st century instead of the 20th, but that’s all i can think of _for sure_ as of right now!
like many gothamites, he has no inherent powers. but what he does have? cool gadgets from the future! -legion flight ring: you can probably gather what it does: this gadget helps him fly. -powersuit: arguably the most important of the gadgets he stole from the space museum before traveling back in time to gotham, this provides him with: --- enhanced durability --- super strength --- forcefield generation --- time-travel circuitry: OBVIOUSLY VERY IMPORTANT TO A GUY WHO HAS MANY MISSIONS THAT TAKE PLACE IN THE TIME STREAM --- gauntlets ( blasters ) --- enhanced vision --- enhanced hearing -skeets: my favorite of them all - and probably his too. skeets is a cute little drone who came along for the ride to the 21st century. he provides companionship, advice, security, and is pretty small - can fly places booster can’t and report back to him. -time sphere: belongs to rip hunter, but he uses it often to enter the stream. -also i can’t get over that his ‘prime earth’ wiki lists ‘Mental Illness’ as his weakness that KILLED ME ALFKHOAIELJSDK
-ted kord: he ain’t here yet i’m just manifesting -selina kyle:  -pyro: chaos buddies -rip hunter: boss but also son who i’m manifesting <3 -goldstar: sister who i’m manifesting <3
- 110% has adhd. i can write an essay on this. - his canon birthday makes him a capricorn, which i can believe. but he’s def sag rising.
-my sister’s ex-boyfriend. big himbo. (thought bermuda shorts were a brand and said he was going to buy the company with his beanie baby money, used to say “living bicuriously” instead of “living vicariously,” referred to audio books as “reading books with your ears,” etc. but also gave her many flowers and drank his respect women juice. only broke up with him because things were getting too serious too quickly.) -favorite quotes: -- “living down to expectations!” - his motto with ted kord -- “disgraced and desperate, michael jon carter of the 25th century traveled into the past to recapture his fame and glory. accompanied by his security droid, skeets, michael failed miserably due to his pride, ego and arrogance. but unknown to anyone, that's all changed now. michael protects all of time and space from evil exploitation as the greatest hero history will never know... BOOSTER GOLD ☆” (intro to his 2007 comic series) -- “you put a STARRO in a JAR? HOW are we RELATED?”
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