#rinnosuke ibaraki
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kamisamawashinda-tte · 2 years ago
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kansai boy x yankee boy
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mkoookm · 11 months ago
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pablocarlos · 2 months ago
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gluttondraws · 6 months ago
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Toho Vote 2024
I'm not completely happy with the piece, but I've worked so long on it that I just wanted to be done. The list of characters can be seen below:
Ibaraki-Douji's Arm
As noted, this piece took me so long. Thus, I'd really appreciate if you could 🔁reblog this artwork! Thanks!
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devout-of-gensokyo · 2 months ago
Basics of Gensokyo: The Hakurei Shrine
The Hakurei Shrine sits inside the border, the Great Hakurei Barrier. It's on the eastern side of Gensokyo. It is inhabitated by:
Reimu Hakurei
The Hakurei Kami/God
SinGyoku (unknown, no longer canon due to being PC-98)
Genjii (pond behind the shrine, dubious canon despite being a PC-98) (ZUN has stated he's there but no canon info exists)
The Three Fairies of Light: Sunny Milk, Luna Child, and Star Sapphire (tree behind the shrine)
Clownpiece (underneath the shrine)
Some other characters attributed to the Hakurei Shrine but are not permanent residents are:
Mima (haunts occasionally, no longer canon due to being PC-98)
Kana Anaberal (haunts occasionally, no longer canon due to being PC-98)
Suika Ibuki (visits)
Kasen Ibaraki (visits)
Shion Yorigami (temporary resident)
Aunn Komano (occasionally guards)
Originally, the Hakurei Shrine was the only shrine, before Moriya Shrine came to Gensokyo, in which then the Buddhist Myouren Temple and the Taoist Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum showed up later on.
The Hakurei Shrine also predates the existence of the Barrier, and is known to the outside world, albeit it appears old and abandoned there, but it is near a city. More info on its existence in the Outside World is unknown other than it being in Japan, obviously. Before the existence of Gensokyo, the shrine was maintained by the Miyadeguchi family, making it likely that Mizuchi Miyadeguchi is in somewhat linked to the shrine itself.
On the Gensokyo side, it's high in the mountains which is about an hour on foot from the Human Village. It's not a difficult trip, except for in heavy snow, but most humans don't make the trip due to danger of the trail.
Officially, the shrine neither exists in Gensokyo nor the Outside World, due to existing on the Hakurei Barrier. Traveling through the shrine to either other side requires certain unknown conditions to be met.
However, due to being on the barrier, items and people fall through the barrier from time to time. This leads for youkai and collectors alike to be very wary of the shrine, even if they don't always understand the items that come through.
The shrine is a hangout for lots of youkai, and is at the other end of an animal trail which is also frequented by youkai, so (normal) human visitors are quite slim. Even fewer humans leave donations, leaving for Reimu to live in relative poverty, though it's known that Yukari Yakumo makes donations behind Reimu's back to support her.
The God of the Hakurei Shrine is known canonically to be very angry at not being worshiped, in part because they no longer have much power due to it. It's possible that, if we follow canon lore about forgetting = vanishing, the only reason the Hakurei God still exists is because they technically have not been forgotten. This is also supported by the fact that Rinnosuke Morichika claims to know the name of the Hakurei God, and Byakuren Hijiri claims that she can sense that the God is very angry.
The Hakurei Shrine gives out omamori, but because of all of this, it's unclear if they actually work. No canon information exists on the effectiveness of the omamori.
The Hakurei Shrine has been attacked and even destroyed by youkai several times over the course of the games. It can still serve as a shrine in these cases, but not a place to live. It's usually rebuilt quickly, on one occasion by a group of celestials as apology from Tenshi Hinanawi from destroying it.
The actual shrine is old-fashioned and offers poor protection from the cold. There is a grove of cherry trees behind the shrine, which remains a particularly popular spot for flower viewing in spring, at least for youkai. There's a donation box, but it's usually empty. There also exists a warehouse for the shrine.
Since the events of Mountain of Faith, Reimu constructed a small shrine, about the size of a birdhouse, to Kanako Yasaka and Suwako Moriya at the edge of the Hakurei Shrine's grounds in an attempt to gather more faith for her own shrine. Despite its very small size, it does get occasional visitors from the Human Village.
Sources/Further Reading:
Hakurei Shrine | Touhouwiki
Hakurei God | Touhouwiki
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gensokyogarden · 4 months ago
So, a question for Reimu. An orphan in the village wants to be adopted by Kogasa. However, if this goes through, it's with the understanding that the child likely will never be able to live as a human going forward. Would Reimu allow this to go through?
The question was given and she did not answer. Instead Reimu took a seat before her shrine and began to meditate. Did it matter if she would allow it? Shrine maiden or not she wasn't their leader. Why did her opinion matter? Perhaps the village simply wanted her to nip it in the bud for them. Well, she wasn't anyone's errand boy anymore. This was a decision she'd come to on her own.
A human raised by youkai, it was not an unprecedented idea. The Yamanba of the mountain were known to adopt lost children. The hero that'd defeated Ibaraki Douji had been one. Tengu were rumored to take in youths to train as warriors, though Reimu had never witnessed this from the tengu of Gensokyo. Yes, there was a precedent for it.
But what of Kogasa? She was one of the must human like youkai. It was not usual for her to interact with the human village. Reimu would go as far as to say they interacted too much. It made human and youkai relationships too casual. Still, she was reliable and honest. Not someone that would hold any malice in her heart. Kogasa could probably be trusted. Yet, there was a real chance this would destroy her relationship with the human village. Was Kogasa truly prepared for that? Well, what of it? That was her decision to make, not Reimu's.
The more significant problem was the reaction humans would have to the boy. Would a man raised by a youkai ever truly be accepted in either society? Even the famous Kintoki had to live as a wild child and was only accepted for being Raikou's retainer. The chances humans would let a man like that into their ranks were slim ... though it did become more accepting of youkai with every year. And youkai? Well Reimu knew exactly how a youkai thought. They'd become more like humans in the modern era but they were still an enemy of humanity. There was that miniature community at the foot of youkai mountain or the Myouren Temple. They may well take him as a symbol of human-youkai unity. Perhaps Rinnosuke could be of assistance. If she did not need to make a decision now she would travel to consult with the man.
She sighs. Why would they come to her for such decisions? Weren't Keine and Akyuu meant to be the reasonable ones in the village? Well, it'd been an hour. She has to do something. Reimu opens her eyes and gently rises to her feet. Before giving an answer, she gently dusts off her uniform. Then nonchalantly shrugs.
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"I'll allow it. If Kogasa has somewhere appropriate to stay and raise a family. Otherwise, we'll have to find somewhere for her first."
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inari-kitsune00 · 11 months ago
If you must choice 12 of them to make an adventure team on gensokyo, who ones would you pick?
*Aki Minoriko *Chen *Cirno *Eiki Shiki Yamaxanadu
*Fujiwara no Mokou *Hakurei Reimu *Hearn Maribel
*Hijiri Byakuren *Hinanawi Tenshi *Hong Meiling
*Hoshiguma Yuugi *Houraisan Kaguya *Ibaraki Kasen
*Ibuki Suika *Inubashiri Momiji *Izayoi Sakuya
*Kaenbyou Rin *Kagiyama Hina *Kamishirasawa Keine
*Kawashiro Nitori *Kazami  Yuuka *Kirisame Marisa
*Knowledge Patchouli *Kochiya Sanae *Komeiji Satori
*Konpaku Youmu *Lorelei Mystia *Margatroid Alice
*Mizuhashi Parsee *Morichika Rinnosuke *Moriya Suwako
*Nagae Iku *Nazrin *Nightbug Wriggle *Onozuka Komachi
*Reiuji Utsuho *Rumia *Saigyouji Yuyuko
*Scarlet Flandre *Scarlet Remilia
*Shameimaru Aya *Tatara Kogasa *Udongein Inaba Reisen
*Usami Renko *Yagakoro Eirin *Yakumo Ran
*Yakumo Yukari *Yasaka Kanako
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danproshops · 2 years ago
Ibaraki Rinnosuke
Naughtye Boy
"Speaks with the Ibaraki dialect¹, a boy who's flashy, sloppy, and a rascal."
Birthday: December 8th (Sagittarius)
Height: 173 cm (5'6")
Best Subject: Math
Hobby: Bikes
Bad with: Haunted houses
Blood Type: O
Sibling/s: Older sister
Club: Helps out various clubs
Likes: Shurabito-senpai to Yorushikumo-san²
¹ The Ibaraki dialect is a Japanese dialect spoken in Ibaraki Prefecture.
² A fictional series shown in one of the comics (i'll come back and link it once i translate it!)
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fukinkitty · 2 years ago
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anueutsuho · 5 years ago
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doesnteggs · 7 years ago
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Here’s the (for real this time) second to last MS paint 2hus. It sure as been a wild ride. Includes a remastered Kasen.
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mkoookm · 1 year ago
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twinfoxtails · 5 years ago
Touhou Arcana write-up
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((So... my internet was out for a few days, and I have been playing Persona 4 Golden for a while, so I decided to do a write up for all the major arcana.
Everyone’s list is very different, SO THERE’S DEFINITELY GOING TO BE DISAGREEMENTS, but if you have any, let me know what you think!
Note: This is strictly going through Arcana descriptions and meanings!
0: Fool - Cirno, The Three Fairies The Fool represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos and creativity.
Aside from the memes of Cirno being an idiot, I couldn’t think of a better tie than these two. (four?) All of them are leaders of their own right, they’re pretty much free to do what they please, and most importantly, creative and inexperienced.
I: Magician - Marisa Kirisame The Magician Arcana is commonly associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, immaturity, manipulation, and power.
THE STAPLE GIRL OF THE MAGICIAN ARCANA, MARISA HERSELF-... She’s the self confident one, immature to a fault, and her whole stick is ‘DANMAKU IS POWER’. So yep, this fits her extremely well!
II: Priestess - Rinnosuke Morichika The Priestess Arcana is a symbol of hidden knowledge or other untapped power, wisdom, mystery and patience when it appears in tarot readings.
Can’t get better than Rinnosuke himself, IMO. Father figure of both Reimu and Marisa, people approach him for wisdom at times and he’s also shrouded in mystery, and not to mention a really patient person.
III: Empress - Hong Meiling, Shinki The Empress represents mothers, prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility, protection, and comfort.
I really don’t have to explaint his one! Meiling is the bind which ties everyone together, as well as Shinki does, not to mention the bit about protection and comfort. There’s no better arcana for a motherly figure.
IV: Emperor - Remilia Scarlet, Toyosatomimi no Miko The Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable.
‘BUT REMILIA IS BEST FIT FOR DEVIL’ you say! Devil’s more of temptation, and Remilia’s more controlling than being the symbol of temptation, and not to mention that she isn’t entirely selfish, actually caring for the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Either way, both Miko and Remilia do sometimes cause trouble around them (Remilia especially), and not to mention really ambitous.
V: Hierophant - Keine Kamishirasawa, Byakuren Hijiri The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine.
Keine and Byakuren being both teachers in their own right, and also quite lawful as well. Byakuren also gets the extra point of being in a relationship with the divine, being head monk and all.
VI: Lovers - Alice Margatroid, Sakuya Izayoi The Lovers Arcana initially represented two paths life could lead to, and thus a symbol of standing at a crossroad and needing to make a decision.
Between Alice being in Hell with Shinki and choosing her life to be in the forest, as well as Sakuya either being a vampire killer and serving one, I think this fits pretty well!
VII: Chariot - Chen, Yuugi Hoshiguma The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war, and command.
Ah yes, the arcana usually tied with war gods. Both are self-confident, and these usually have a goal they wish to attain at any cost. In this case, I’d put Chen and Yuugi!
VIII: Justice - Shiki Eiki The Justice Arcana symbolizes a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. In tarot readings, it means that one will have to face a trial of their justice.
OKAY I’M SURE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DISAGREE WITH ME ON THIS BECAUSE SHE’S NOT JUDGEMENT-... But Justice is very different from Judgement, which I’ll explain below. But I feel Justice fits Eiki more, as she is the pinacle of rationality and objectivity.
IX: Hermit - Satori Komeiji, Patchouli Knowledge The Hermit is associated with wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches.
With Satori being the philosophical mind reader she is, along with Patchouli being the moving library, this is pretty much a big given.
X: Fortune - Tewi, Joon Yorigami The Fortune Arcana is portrayed by the Wheel of Fortune and symbolizes fate, luck, fortune and opportunity.
Can’t get any better than these two, for self-explained reasons!
XI: Strength - Momiji Inubashiri The Strength Arcana is associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force. It can also represent creative or physical energy that needs to be or is about to be unleashed, sometimes out of desire to be recognized.
This is not physical strength, but inner strength, and IMO, Momiji is the most self-controlled yet also desires to be recognized by the higher ups for PUTTING UP WITH TENGUS-
XII: Hanged Man - Hina Kagiyama, Medicine Melancholy The Hanged Man Arcana is associated with self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment, the bindings that makes one free, paradoxes and hanging between heaven and earth.
Can’t think of anyone else but these two in this category. People in this Arcana are really self-sacrificial, and both of them fit the bill .
XIII: Death - Yuyuko Saigyouji The Death Arcana symbolizes metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles.
Do I need to explain this :D
XIV: Temperance - Reimu Hakurei, Konpaku Youmu The Temperance Arcana is a symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites.
No better person than Reimu herself. She’s the Hakurei Shrine maiden, mediator of both humans and youkai, going out to restore order after every incident and to keep the balance in check. Depressing job 10/10.
XV: Devil - Seiga Kaku, Kanako Yasaka The Devil Arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones' own impulse and feelings. Occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation.
I don’t think I need to explain Seiga, but Kanako literally tempted Okuu with the power of the Yatagarasu so SHE FITS HERE VERY WELL. MORIYA SHRINE CONSPIRACY.
XVI: Tower - Junko, Tenshi Hinanawi The Tower Arcana is commonly associated to overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organizations, which walk to their own ironic demise. Furthermore, it is also more generically used as an omen of doom and disaster.
The worst card in the deck. This card barely means anything good at all. Both are somewhat prejudiced, and Tenshi fits this arcana like A SHOE.
XVII: Star - Sanae Kochiya The Star Arcana is also commonly associated with hope, self-confidence, faith, altruism, luck, generosity, peace and joy.
Miracles. Faith. Joy. I don’t think I need to explain much about this one!
XVIII: Moon - Reisen Udongein Inaba, Flandre Scarlet, Koishi Komeiji The Moon Arcana is associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery.
Three of them are quite creative people, with Flandre leaning quite alot into the ‘madness’ part of it. They can also sense things around them without being told, and these three are usually quite in touch with their senses.
XIX: Sun - Utsuho Reiuji, Aya Shameimaru The Sun symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment. Occasionally, it is also associated with one's initial happiness.
Both of them are just the biggest optimistic and energetic ball of fun you’ll ever meet, and Okuu does her job quite well! Aya... not so much, since her newspaper isn’t very popular-
XX: Judgement - Kasen Ibaraki, Hata no Kokoro The Judgement Arcana is associated with realizing one's calling, gaining a deep understanding of life and a feeling of acceptance and absolution.
You’d expect Eiki here, but Judgement is the reflection of one-self, and accepting who you are. They view the world with infinite possibilities, and I believe Kasen and Kokoro fits this out to the letter.
XXI: The World - Yakumo Yukari, Okina Matara The World Arcana is a representation of the world's totality, the symbol of fulfillment, wholeness and harmony. 
Don’t need to explain this, really! Gensokyo is primarily their creation, after all!
Anyways, if you made it this far, thank you very much!))
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Yeet tis low class sage wuz able tuu best her mentor Kasen Ibaraki. Tis is knot includeth thy time, aye wuz wit Reimu Hakurei resolven aun incident involving shopkeppa rinnosuke whom turneth tuu thy tyrant Buyking. Oar howabouteh thy time, aye giveth aid fore Reimu fighten Sanae, Tenshi, Suwako, Kanako, Marisa. How doth thous feats compareth wit mine?
aunt futo we uh got our butter kickstarter funded and we didnt even uh get investigated for fraud this time
Next To Us You Are Fucking Nothing.
remember to check out our next project butter 2
See You Later, Dildoes.
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nyarmand · 5 years ago
Nya’s Special Touhou Character Titles: Modern Windows Games Pt 2 + Print Works
Kasodani Kyouko - Could Be a Tennis Player, With That Racket Skill!
Miyako Yoshika - Welcome to Sotoba, Bitch
Kaku Seiga - [Redacted]
Soga no Tojiko - Do You Even Science?!
Mononobe no Futo - Girl Who Probably Says ‘Oops’ A Lot
Toyosatomimi no Miko - Shoutoku Says Trans Rights
Futatsuiwa Mamizou - Somehow, Both Suspicious and Motherly
Hata no Kokoro - Youkai of Fun Expressions and Clothes
Sekibanki - So, No Head?
Imaizumi Kagerou - Fuck ‘Team Jacob’
Tsukumo Sisters - Not Feeling It Today, Huh, ZUN?
Kijin Seija - Something Something Something, Defying Gravity
Sukuna Shinmyoumaru - BABIE. PRINCESS BABIE
Horikawa Raiko - Are You Ready, Gensokyo?!
Usami Sumireko - Psychic Sleeping in Class
Seiran - Please Don’t Hit Me With That Mallet, Miss
Ringo - Om Nom Moon Rabbit
Doremy Sweet - Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku?!
Kishin Sagume - Suck It, Seija
Clownpiece - America, FUCK NO! The Fairy from Hell Itself
Junko - Actually, the Fox Says ‘Chang’e, Are You Watching?’
Hecatia Lapislazuli - Nice Greek Mythology Reference
Yorigami Sisters - Siblings Who Swindle Together Stay Together
Eternity Larva - Butterfly of... Well, She’s Just A Butterfly, Really
Sakata Nemuno - Cutout Clothing Connoisseur
Komano Aunn - Small Statue Child
Yatadera Narumi - How Can You Move In That?
Nishida Satono/Teireida Mai - Aren’t You Tired?!
Matara Okina - Yukari... 2!
Ebisu Eika - Cute Girl who Reminds of Jellyfish
Ushizaki Urumi - A Sea River Cow, Huh...
Niwatari Kutaka - Weird Job for a Chicken Goddess
Kitchou Yachie - Manipulative, Aren’t We?
Joutougu Mayumi - Orange is the Color of Her Loyalty!
Haniyasushin Keiki - Please Be My Art Teacher
Kurokoma Saki - Magic Horse Mafioso for whom Every Day is Leg Day
Morichika Rinnosuke - Kourindou Man Allowed
Sunny Milk - Fairy with an Unappetizing Name
Star Sapphire - Doesn’t Live Up to Her Namesake
Luna Child - Probably Needs the Caffeine, Really
Watatsuki Sisters - Lunarians OP, Please Nerf
Motoori Kosuzu - Unhealthy Bookworm
Ibaraki Kasen - Where Is Your Arm, Ma’am?
Ibaraki-douji’s Arm - Oh, There It Is.
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margieargie · 7 years ago
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And the final result!  Surprisingly quickly, mostly since I've developed the skill (maybe a bit too much?  It might have affected the accuracy, but oh well) of making snap decisions for arbitrary reasons.  Still, it's at least very good near the top, and the trends are there.  Some notes:
I'd completely forgotten who Orange was; I can't believe I forgot an entire character from Lotus Land Story.  I need to watch the PC98 games played again...
I was probably too harsh on the Fortune Teller.  Oh well. but not as harsh as reimu was am i right
Neither Tupai nor Marisa's tsuchinoko were options and I'm very unhappy about this.
For characters who all literally only showed up in that one game, the PoDD crew rank pretty highly.  Well, maybe not Mimi, but she(?)'s barely a character to begin with.
Don't ask me what Merlin's doing so far below the other Prismrivers.  Blame those snap decisions.
why are there two choices for shingyoku seriously
I'm a little disappointed the Three Fairies aren't next to each other, but I do have actual favorites there so that's fair.  They're still fairly close and with Clownpiece, at least.
I don't know why I have an irrational dislike of "Maribel" and Renko, I just do.
Full text list if the image is an issue:
1. Futatsuiwa Mamizou 2. Toyosatomimi no Miko 3. Kazami Yuuka 4. Kirisame Marisa 5. Hakurei Reimu 6. Okazaki Yumemi 7. Yorigami Shion 8. Hinanawi Tenshi 9. Hieda no Akyuu 10. Motoori Kosuzu 11. Sukuna Shinmyoumaru 12. Izayoi Sakuya 13. Hecatia Lapislazuli 14. Yakumo Yukari 15. Usami Sumireko 16. Star Sapphire 17. Clownpiece 18. Yatadera Narumi 19. Yakumo Ran 20. Moriya Suwako 21. Luna Child 22. Kochiya Sanae 23. Sunny Milk 24. Kotohime 25. Matara Okina 26. Asakura Rikako 27. Remilia Scarlet 28. Alice Margatroid 29. Fujiwara no Mokou 30. Kijin Seija 31. Kitashirakawa Chiyuri 32. Lily White 33. Houjuu Nue 34. Kawashiro Nitori 35. Chen 36. Reisen Udongein Inaba 37. Flandre Scarlet 38. Shameimaru Aya 39. Kana Anaberal 40. Hijiri Byakuren 41. Yasaka Kanako 42. Kamishirasawa Keine 43. Konngara 44. Komano Aunn 45. Patchouli Knowledge 46. Reiuji Utsuho (Okuu) 47. Yorigami Joon 48. Junko 49. Onozuka Komachi 50. Ibaraki Kasen 51. Himekaidou Hatate 52. Ibuki Suika 53. Cirno 54. Hoshiguma Yuugi 55. Konpaku Youmu 56. Hata no Kokoro 57. Eternity Larva 58. Kurodani Yamame 59. Letty Whiterock 60. Kishin Sagume 61. Shinki 62. Genji 63. Houraisan Kaguya 64. Komeiji Satori 65. Tatara Kogasa 66. Mai 67. Soga no Tojiko 68. Mima 69. Morichika Rinnosuke 70. Sariel 71. Mononobe no Futo 72. Kagiyama Hina 73. Lyrica Prismriver 73. Lunasa Prismriver 75. Komeiji Koishi 76. Yagokoro Eirin 77. Kaku Seiga 78. Nazrin 79. Rumia 80. Yumeko 81. Ruukoto 82. Imaizumi Kagerou 83. Wriggle Nightbug 84. Doremy Sweet 85. Inubashiri Momiji 86. Toramaru Shou 87. Horikawa Raiko 88. Gengetsu 89. Aki Minoriko 89. Aki Shizuha 91. Tsukumo Benben 92. Ellen 93. Inaba Tewi 94. Tsukumo Yatsuhashi 95. Hong Meiling 96. Saigyouji Yuyuko 97. Murasa Minamitsu 98. Meira 99. Wakasagihime 100. Elly 101. Seiran 102. Elis 103. Teireida Mai 104. Rika 105. Sakata Nemuno 106. Sekibanki 107. Merlin Prismriver 108. Shiki Eiki, Yamaxanadu 109. Kasodani Kyouko 110. Sara 111. Nishida Satono 112. Kisume 113. Mugetsu 114. Ringo 115. Kurumi 116. Mystia Lorelei 117. Kaenbyou Rin (Orin) 118. Louise 119. Watatsuki no Yorihime 120. Medicine Melancholy 121. Miyako Yoshika 122. Watatsuki no Toyohime 123. Shingyoku (Male) 123. Shingyoku (Female) 125. Mizuhashi Parsee 126. Nagae Iku 127. Kumoi Ichirin 128. Mimi-chan 129. Yuki 130. Rei'sen (Manga) 131. Daiyousei 132. Koakuma 133. Evil Eye Sigma 134. Hisoutensoku 135. Unzan 136. Great Catfish 137. Kikuri 138. Maribel Hearn 139. Tokiko 140. Usami Renko 141. YuugenMagan 142. Fortune Teller 143. Orange
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