#ring on jaehees finger btw
phobohobo · 1 year
Stuff I drew last year on year 5 of annual mystic messenger play through (am now on year six)
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mysticm3ss · 4 years
Could u pls write headcanons/a fanfic about RFA+(V & Saeran if u want to) getting MC pregnant but MC tries to hide her pregnancy (for any reason) and around 3 months later when her stomach starts to grow RFA find her pregnancy test hidden away somewhere and confront her about it. I know u already wrote a headcanon about their kids but I just love any sort of headcanon/fanfic about baby’s and pregnancy’s yknow. Btw I love your requests broski. Your a good writer. Sorry if my English not good lol
sure thing, thank you for requesting and thank you for the compliments! don’t worry your english is perfect! 
so i wrote this literally months ago and forgot it was in my drafts, i’m sorry it’s taken so long to get up!! i rly enjoyed proofreading this bc i’m studying developmental psyc at uni right now and it’s lowkey giving me mad baby fever lmao
(leaving out jaehee for this one bc she ain’t out here getting anyone pregnant, like even if she had a penis she’d be too responsible for that to happen unless it was planned anyway let’s b real. also i varied the way the boys found out a bit as well just so things don’t get too repetitive, hope that’s okay!) 
The thing you have to know about Yoosung is that he is very small and has no money, so you can only imagine the stress he’s under~
Jokes aside, when you realise you’re pregnant, your first reaction is panic.
You and your boyfriend are both so young–you’re not even old enough to have graduated college yet, how are you going to take care of a child?
It takes you a solid month or two just to come to terms with the pregnancy yourself.
When you finally think you’re feeling brave enough to bring it up to him, the thought of what his family might think acts as another hindrance–he seemed to have a perfect family, and Yoosung himself had admitted they were somewhat conservative… how would they react to your situation?
While you’re busy still coming to terms with it, however, Yoosung accidentally stumbles upon the pregnancy test you had so cleverly hidden in the bathroom cabinet.
You’d slipped it into a box of toiletries, snugly hidden between the myriad of tampons and pads that it held. When Yoosung accidentally knocked it from the cabinet, he scrambled to tidy up, cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he tucked away the sanitary products.
He froze when he saw the test, mind whirring as he struggled to explain away the white stick in his hand.
There was no explaining away those two pink lines, however, and so that night, he dared to broach the subject with you.
He fiddled nervously with his hands as he sat on your shared bed, eyes looking everywhere except your face when you entered the room.
“Yoosung… is everything okay?”
A shaky breath. “MC… are you… you’d tell me if something big happened, right? Like… like if you got pregnant or something?”
The guilt-ridden look on your face was all the answer he needed.
Your eyes welled up, and Yoosung’s arms were instantly around you, pulling you against him as he squeezed you tight despite his own shock.
“MC, why wouldn’t you tell me? How long?” His words were soft; gentle whispers into your ear as his fingers combed through your hair.
When you explained your worries, Yoosung’s heart instantly melted, and he felt guilty that he’d never realised what you’d been going through the past few months.
“Don’t worry about my family, MC– don’t worry about anything at all. I love you, and I love this baby, and we’re going to be so happy, okay? I’m right here, cutie, I’m right here…”
And though your face was buried in his shirt, Yoosung could still feel your smile.
We all know that Zen is super-focussed on his career, and in turn, works long hours with early starts and late finishes.
His busy schedule and blooming career is the first thing to cross your mind as you stare at the two glaring pink lines on your pregnancy test.
How were you going to tell him? How would he react? His career was just beginning to take off… what if he didn’t want children so soon?
How were you supposed to deal with that..?
And so, spiralling into uncertainty, you decide to put off telling him for as long as possible; to enjoy your relationship for what it was now, in case it all fell apart.
As a result of Zen’s schedule, it’s not too gruelling to hide your pregnancy from your boyfriend.
You usually wake up to brutal morning sickness hours after he’s already left for work, and your fluctuating hormones generally only make their presence known while you’re on your own.
Regardless, Zen is extremely observant, especially when it comes to his jagiya.
He idly notices that you’ve gained weight, but he’d never bring it up; he honestly doesn’t care, so long as you’re healthy, which you certainly seem to be with how radiant you’ve been the past couple of months.
He does, however, notice that you’re keeping something from him. As to what, he’s not sure.
Zen trusts you wholly and completely, so it doesn’t even cross his mind that you could be hiding anything too big from him (at least, at first).
He figures that maybe you’re just planning a surprise for him, as he’s done a number of times for you in the past few years that the two of you have been dating.
When he comes back early one evening to see that you’re not at home, he sets about making dinner for the two of you and decides to get a head start on the chores.
He knows that he’s slacked off on his household duties lately, and the least he can do is pick up a few now that he has some time at home so that you don’t have to worry about them later.
While your favourite meal is warming on the stove, Zen strips the bed of sheets and gathers your dirty laundry into the hamper. 
When he returns with a load of freshly dried clothes, he begins to pack them away. As he folds your underwear and tucks them into the drawer, he notices what seems to be a piece of paper peeking out from beneath the neatly folded fabric.
Confused, he pulls it out, his breath catching as he sees the ultrasound.
He reads your name and the date over and over, unable to even comprehend that you could keep something like this from him.
He’s crushed that you hadn’t told him, and immediately falls into denial.
This has to be a prank, right? MC would never keep something like this from me…
He’s still frozen, sonogram clutched in hand, when you arrive home.
Zen looks up at you, eyes pleading and face soft with vulnerability as he wordlessly begs an explanation.
His voice is so quiet and broken that it kills you.
You gently explain that it’s real; that this isn’t a tasteless prank but, in fact, reality. Zen takes a deep breath to steel himself.
“Why wouldn’t you tell me? Don’t you think I’d want to be there, especially for this?” he demands, voice ringing with pain and rising in anger as he holds up the sonogram still crinkled in his fist. 
It takes a bit of explaining on your part, but Zen’s hot temper gets the best of him as he shakes his head and turns away from you. Tears prick your eyes.
“Don’t you see, Zen? This is what I was afraid of!” Your voice cracks, and Zen spares a glance back at you, immediately softening as he sees your glistening eyes and the tears beginning to stain your cheeks.
“MC… I love you. I love this baby. I’d never leave, you know that, don’t you, jagi?” His voice is hushed, his heart breaking as he leans in to brush a tear from your face with his thumb.
“You can’t keep things like this from me, princess… not something this big. If you’re worried, talk to me, okay? I’m in this with you. Forever, remember?”
His arms fall around your shoulders as he crushes you to his chest, before pulling away in panic.
“Crap! Was that too tight? Did I hurt the baby?!”
You laugh, and the sound is music to Zen’s ears as you drag him in for another hug.
When you wake up to a sudden wave of nausea, Jumin’s first reaction is concern.
“O-oh, it’s nothing, it must just be something I ate…”
“I see. I must speak with the chef who cooked for us last night, this is a disgusting oversight on his par-”
No Jumin don’t fire the chef ohmygod
You barely manage to calm Jumin down before you’re huddled over the toilet once more, and he lets all remaining traces of fury evaporate as he focusses on holding back your hair and rubbing your back soothingly.
All the while, your mind can’t help but dart back to the pregnancy test that you’d hidden at the bottom of the wastebasket.
You knew you couldn’t keep this a secret from your husband forever; and in your head, you knew that everything would work out just fine. It wasn’t like you couldn’t afford a child, you had more than enough money to provide for them, it was just…
The two of you hadn’t been together for that long; not really. And although that didn’t diminish your love for one another, it didn’t change the fact that Jumin was still just getting used to being emotionally vulnerable and opening himself up to other people.
Would children be too much, too quickly?
He’d never even expressed interest in having children before; he was far too occupied with you and your relationship, enjoying the joys of the present and letting the future bring what it may.
And although you manage to hide your continual morning sickness from him for a little while, you know that as soon as you start to show, you won’t be able to put it off any longer.
When you wake up feeling nauseous yet again, Jumin declares it the final straw.
“MC, you’re clearly ill. I’m phoning a doctor,” he says, voice stern and leaving no room for disagreement. “I should let Assistant Kang know that I won’t be in for work today…”
Your weak protests fall on deaf ears, and barely half an hour later, Jumin is opening the door…
You didn’t realise that “phoning a doctor” entailed bringing in a whole team of specialists in various medical fields.
They check your vitals, and when you hear them begin to murmur about blood tests, you break.
“Jumin, this isn’t necessary!”
“What? Of course it is–they can help, MC. There’s clearly something wrong-”
“Jumin, I’m pregnant!” you snap, the words falling from your lips before you can register their utterance. Jumin’s eyes widen, and he clears his throat as deafening silence falls over the room.
“Excuse us,” he manages, and the team of specialists quickly and awkwardly take their leave.
Honestly, he’s lowkey offended that you kept it from him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice is stiff and cold, and your heart sinks as you feebly attempt to explain.
“Do you honestly think so low of me? Do you truly not trust me, after everything that we’ve been through?” he asks, voice hard.
That’s when you start to cry.
Damn hormones!
Jumin immediately softens, pulling you into his arms.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… you’re right. I do trust you, I swear, I was just… I was scared,” you finally managed, voice thick with tears.
And though it takes a little while, Jumin understands. And once the shock has faded, the small smile that tugs up the corner of his lips betrays the excitement that your news has brought him.
“We’ll have to start thinking of names, hmm?”
You could hardly call the life that Seven led “safe.”
The risks that come with his job hardly provide an environment fit to raise a child, a thought that instantly flashed through your mind the instant you saw the two lines on the pregnancy test.
You swallow hard, hands shaking as you move to rest a hand over your stomach. If you had to guess, you’d wager that you were at least eight weeks along…
God, had Seven ever mentioned even wanting kids before?
But despite your worries, you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of delight at the idea of raising children with the man you loved so dearly.
Still, that didn’t mean you knew how to tell him.
Luckily, you had time. Seven had been sent on a mission for the agency only that morning, and he wouldn’t be back for at least a month.
Although the news had been initially devastating, you were half-beginning to consider it somewhat of a blessing in disguise… at least you could figure out how to break it to him now, right? It wasn’t like you could break news like that over the phone, after all.
When Seven does finally arrive home, he wastes no time in sweeping you into his arms and planting tiny kisses all across your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, drinking in your warmth and softness and desperately attempting to atone for all the time with you that he had missed.
After finally pulling away, Seven easily notices that you’ve gained weight–of course, he’d never mention it; you were always beautiful to him.
Regardless, he can’t help but observe that you really do seem to be glowing. 
Saeyoung knows you well enough to easily realise that you’re keeping something from him. He sees the nervous twitch of your fingers, the tightness of your smile…
And so, when the two of you cuddle up on the couch later that evening, Seven pressing kisses to your hair and clinging to you like a baby koala, he finally brings it up.
“Sooo… what aren’t you telling me, MC?” he asks, playfully poking your side despite the worry that claws at his chest.
What if they want to break up? Oh god, what if-
He finds himself so lost in his own concerns that when the words finally fall from your lips, it takes him a moment to process them.
“I’m… I’m pregnant, Sae.”
You hold your breath, and only release it when you see the huge smile stretch over his face, brighter than the sun and just as warm.
And just like that, you know that everything is going to be just fine.
“If it’s a girl, can we name her Elizabeth?” “Seven nO-”
hope you enjoyed, please reblog/comment if you did! ^^
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kirishwima · 4 years
Hey! can I request first love(childhood love?) hcs with RFA +Saeran (I think you did this one with Jihyun and Jumin?) if it's too much you can just do Yoosung and Jaehee (I your stuff btw keep up the good work!)
hello! I received a couple more asks similar to this, and I’ve actually answered them before (you can find them here), so I’ll just do Yoosung and Jaehee here ^^ hope you like it nontheless! 
* We’ve all met Yoosung as the bright, cheerful, shooting star of the RFA, the naive yet sweet bundle of joy everyone adores
* What fewer people know however, is the shy, innocent little child he once was, big doe eyes peering out beneath raven black tufts of hair, mostly seen hiding behind his mom’s skirt as he cocked his head curiously to glare at strangers
* This was the Yoosung MC had met back when they were both barely 5 years old, a shy little kid crying on the first day of kindergarden, his mother trying fruitlessly to push him away from the deathly tight grip he had on her leg.
* “No! I don’t wanna go mommy, don’t make me go!” Yoosung begged, hiding his face onto his mothers pants, wiping tears and snot onto his arm. 
* MC had just been dropped off by their own parents, had been waving goodbye at them when they heard Yoosung cry, saw his fluffy locks and shaking shoulders as he clung to his mom.
* MC pouted. Something in his cries tugged at their heartstrings, an instinctual need to protect this boy with all their might.
* Without second thought, they marched towards Yoosung, much to their own parent’s confused stares from across the kindergarden’s yard, and tapped on Yoosung’s shaking shoulder, making him turn to face them with a pouty look, tears still pooling in their eyes.
* “Hi! I’m MC!” they greeted, flashing him their best bright smile. Yoosung’s frowned deepened at first, cautious of this strange kid suddenly approaching him. But MC didn’t give up. 
* Before Yoosung could turn back around, MC gripped his shoulder, tugging him back and away from his mom. “Your mommy’s leg will hurt if you keep pulling!” they said, scolding him like their mom had scolded them many times before-even Yoosung’s mom couldn’t help but snort a laugh at that, the way MC had put their hands on their hips like an angry mom.
* Yoosung blinked owlishly, looking up to his mom. No matter what, he was never one for being mean, and thinking he might have caused his mom harm even by accident made his stomach churn.
* MC patted his back, letting their hand rest there as they smiled at him. “Wanna say bye to your mom and go play with me? I know how to make sand castles!” MC proudly exclaimed. 
* Yoosung eyed them for a long moment, took in a sip of their bravery. With a shaky intake of breath he squared his shoulder, looked his mom straight in the eyes as he waved ‘bye bye’ to her, and without thinking, reached for MC’s hand, holding it tight as he let them tug him towards the kindergarden’s playground.
* True to their word, MC did make a great sand castle-and they let Yoosung decorate it whilst the two got to know each other, talking about everything and nothing, and before either of them knew it, they’d become inseparable, refusing to let go of each other’s hand even during nap times.
* Their moms ended up becoming close friends, the two staying over at each others’ house more often than not, staying up past their bedtime playing videogames until someone yelled at them to turn off the consoles and go to sleep, at which they’d sneakily giggle to each other.
* But as these things go, the years passed, and by the end of middle school, they each entered a different high school, and ended up drifting apart, it being a time before social media was such a big thin in kids’ lives. 
* Yoosung never forgot about MC though-how could he? The first time he’d ever wanted to hold someone’s hand, the first time he felt such comfort hugging someone, falling asleep with their head on his shoulder-how could he ever forget his first love?
* And how could he not fall in love all over again when the very same MC stumbled into the RFA, saving him from the darkest time of his life? When they extended their hand to him once more, smiling at him the same gentle way they did all those years ago?
* Yoosung had been hooked on day one and he knew it-but he didn’t mind one bit. This was a ‘game over’ he’d gladly accept.
* They met before either of them was old enough to be aware of what they’d mean to each other. 
* Their moms had happened to give birth on the same day, and the two not only shared the same birthday, but also the same hospital room, their mothers slowly becoming friends over the course of their short hospital stays. 
* They both cooed over their adorable newborns, laughed about how the two would constantly whine and cry unless their cribs were near each other-it’s as if a magnet pulled the two together, and nothing could pull them apart.
* Trying to leave the hospital was a nightmare-Jaehee was crying up a storm, and so was MC, their eyes barely open, their vision still hazy and blurry yet their little hands reached over their mothers shoulders, trying to reach for one another-they videotaped the whole thing, finding it too cute for words.
* MC’s and Jaehee’s moms both promised to keep in touch, knowing it’s no coincidence that their children loved each other so much.
* So the two were practically raised together, took their first steps together, spoke each others name as their first word-they smiled at one another so dearly their parents had already started making wedding plans, jokingly calling each other ‘in-laws’. 
* In daycare, the two were inseperable; in kindergarden a teacher tried to put the two in different classrooms, but found Jaehee simply came into their class nonchalantly, placing her books right next to MC as if she belonged there. When the teacher raised a brow and asked Jaehee why she wasn’t in the classroom next doors, Jaehee simply shrugged and said ‘I’ve already taken care of that’.
* As it turns out, she’d switched places with another kid and simply took her rightful spot besides MC and...that was that lmao
* No one dared seperate them after that, mindful of the consequences-and honestly, seeing how happy MC and Jaehee were together was too cute for words, their cheeks flushed pink and their smiled big and toothy whenever they looked at one another.
* Their birthdays were the biggest celebration, always becoming big joint birthday parties-they’d share a birthday cake, would write their names with frosting, helping one another decorate with edible sugary flowers and stars.
* Jaehee still remembers a time when they were maybe 4 or 5 years old; their parents had taken them to a cafe so the grown-ups could enjoy some down-time whilst the two played at the playground right besides them, but Jaehee and MC were more interested in watching the barista grind up coffee beans, two pairs of curious wide eyes watching as they steamed milk and created latte art, swirling hearts over white foam.
* “MC”, Jaehee said, her voice soft and breathy as she observed the barista in awe, “when we grow up, we’ll get married, and we’ll make our own cafe and do that” she said, pointing her finger to the cup of capuccino the barista held, not knowing the poor dude was biting back a giggle at Jaehee’s awed speech, “and we’ll make the best coffee, and make many cakes too!”
* Jaehee expectantly looked to MC, her eyes near damn sparkling, holding out her pinky for MC to link theirs with-the ultimate form of promise.
* MC cleared their throat, sagely nodding before linking their pinky with Jaehee. “Yeah”, they said, “yeah, let’s! And we’ll get married in the cafe too!”
* “Yeah!” Jaehee agreed.
* A few decades later found the two laying in bed, matching sets of engagement rings in their interlocked hands.
* “Do you remember that?” MC asked, snorting with laughter, “and look at us now-we’re getting married in our own freaking cafe-and Zen the musical actor’s our man of honor!”
* Jaehee rolled her eyes, squeezing MC’s hand in hers. “Yeah”, she said, “yeah, I remember.”
* How could she not? No matter how much time passed, no matter how much distance was put betweenthem over the years-the two had always been like magnets, since the day they were born. Pushing and pulling at one another, finding their way to each other time and time again. This time, forever.
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon for character(s) reactions!-
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mysticmelove · 6 years
Hello ! Im the anon with Bothersome Jumin ! And it's totally fine hehe~ I cannot remember well what I have asked but it was with Jumin being the clingy one (like kissing MC every time he can, MC having to go early in the morning but Jumin is holding her and doesn't let go, sitting close to her on the sofa while they have enough place for at least 5 persons, etc) oh btw, maybe u can refind it via your email ? I personally got a message every time I receive a question !)
(Jumin x MC)
Jumin was lovesick. A lovesick man who was only really now getting a chance to express the feeling. He was 28, in love for the first time, and obsessed with his wife.
It’d probably began when he relinquished himself of his innermost thoughts. His words of love were utter poetry as they fell from his mouth. It felt like a slip of the tongue; his words were not one of his own and he’d never thought of himself to be able to do such a thing, but it was romantic nonetheless. Those words as tender as his affection for her- the physical affection that didn’t lack in any area.
MC became a magnet to Jumin, the most beautiful and enticing magnet he had ever laid eyes on. He was drawn to her every feature and he found he was unable to restrain himself around her. And, for quite some time, she too was the same: at her husband’s side both night and day, lingering on his sweet kisses, relishing in his gentle touch, holding onto his every word- the honeymoon phase was bliss beyond explanation. Unfortunately, life had to go back into its regular routine and there’d be no more excuses to lay in bed together for another 5 minutes. Still, Jumin wasn’t ready to reform back to routine; he wanted MC in his grasp at every waking moment. And, of course, with Jumin being Jumin, he always got what he wanted; with high renowned comes every opportunity. Yet, MC had the power to go against this rule. She could deny him of anything she wished and he wouldn’t dare fight her. She was his only weakness.
MC’s groans filled the room as she reached for the alarm clock beside the bed, the sound was a symphony to Jumin’s ears. He was barely lucid in his state but he wasted no time securing his hold around her waist when she ventured slightly from him. “Good morning, princess...” His voice was groggy as he pulled her closer.
“...I need to get up...” she groaned once more, though not making an attempt to fight his grasp.
Jumin’s nose found its way to the crook of her neck, breathing in that scent he was so terribly fond of. “Spare me five minutes.” He drew her chin in line with his own, “You haven’t even left and I feel so lonely without you.” Their gazes didn’t falter for a second, their lips touched, and the room fell deathly silent. His touch was gentle, exploring every part of her tender skin. The moment as intimate as any other experience they had had, and Jumin was careful as he shifted his position. Cautious hands weaved within her fingers as he knelt above her. Pleading words fell from his mouth as his eyes begged her for more, “Please...”
MC let out an exasperated sigh, her skin flushed and her features evidently tired from their antics the night prior, “I said I need to get up.” Her hand cupped his cheek gently before she struggled to escape from beneath him. He didn’t resist, simply watching his wife waltz away as he pouted from the bed.
It didn’t take him long to go back to pursuing what he wanted. He crept up behind her silently, his robe hung carelessly over his broad shoulders, and wrapped his arms around her waist. MC gasped, her back straightening almost immediately and her eyes wide in the mirror, his touch wasn’t foreign in the slightest just unexpected. “You’ve ruined my eyeliner,” she explained bluntly, stroking over his knuckle and paying close attention to his wedding ring.
“Forgive me.”
She allowed him to continue; he was no more than a needy puppy really, begging for her undivided attention. However, Jumin wanted more than her presence- as hungry for her as always. MC’s breath hitched in the back her throat as he drew he closer. “Jumin, you know how much I love you... but I really need to get ready and leave.”
Jumin sighed heavily, placing his lips against her neck softly. “My day off and I can’t even spen it with you, sweetheart,” his murmurs sent shivers down MC’s spine. For a moment she’d almost forgotten that she was due elsewhere in less than an hour, her husband’s antics were too distracting. “Just tell Jaehee you’ll reschedule breakfast, I’m sure she won’t mind,” his lips danced teasingly up her neck.
“You know I can’t do that,” she whined, tilting her head to the side and allowing him more coverage. “But I’m all yours when I get back; we’ll have the whole afternoon,” she turned to face him, placing her open palms to his chest, “I promise.”
Spending endless hours in the penthouse without MC was more than tedious. He had no work to complete, there was no need for him to go into the office on that particular day, and even Elizabeth seemed to have lost interest in him as the hours passed. It was now just a case of waiting impatiently for his wife to return. The hands on the clock seemed to be moving painstakingly slow, the day passing slowly around him.
Jumin hadn’t heard his wife return, too invested in his new-found reading material. MC trudged into the house, flinging off her coat, and kicking off her heels. She’d always known business was difficult but she’d never understand how Jumin did it; helping Jaehee with her café was one thing but running an entire company must have been another.
His head rose immediately from his book when he finally heard her enter, a huff audible as she did. “My love, how was it?”
MC fell back onto the other side of the sofa, her eyes shut and her shoulders finally relaxing. “Never again will I attempt business.”
Jumin crossed the sofa to sit next to her, abandoning his book on the far side. “Really?” He wrapped a reassuring arm around her waist. “I was hoping, after your business venture today, you’d spend more time with me in the office.”
She rested her head on his shoulders and sighed: “I don’t think I could do that. We’d only spoken for a few hours and I’m completely tired out already.”
Gently, he took one of her hands in his own and placed a chaste kiss atop her knuckles. He didn’t threat in the slightest over the way she repositioned herself to rest comfortably against his bicep. “We have the whole afternoon,” Jumin hummed quietly as his wife shut her eyes peacefully.
It may not have been much, his wife asleep against his side and only the sights from the nearby window to keep him entertained, but Jumin couldn’t have asked for anything more. The love of his life was near and it made his heart complete.
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you've heard of RFA & Minor Trio proposing to MC, now get ready for: MC proposing to all these dorks ^^ hope you're doing well btw
✿ sasjh ahh thank you for your ko-fi support, you’re all so generous. ♥ I tried a bit of a different format for this, please tell me if you like it!
You propose to Yoosung in possibly the most stereotypical way imaginable – by trying to spell it out on the high score field of your favorite arcade game.
Unfortunately, you and Yoosung share the same favorite arcade game (Honey Buddha Racers) and Yoosung is dense as a brick, so when you get the highest score on the game and input ‘Yoosung’ on the line, he finds it later, laughs at you and, thinking it’s some sort of joke, proceeds to beat your score and input your name on the top line. You beat him back, putting his name first again and thinking you should ban him from the game parlor until you’re freaking finished, but you don’t want to arouse his suspicion just yet.
The next day, you manage to get just under your high-score and input Will, but you have some trouble getting the other words to align right (including being undermined by some jerk who apparently was obsessed with getting onto the leaderboards) so you can only get two parts of your message before your prescribed playing time for the day is over.
The third time you try, you dedicate your entire Saturday afternoon to setting up your proposal, and approximately fifteen minutes before you’re supposed to meet Yoosung for dinner, you finish. Pleased, you go out to a restaurant with him, and then casually say you should check out the arcade afterwards.
He agrees. You both go in and, immediately he suggests a round of Honey Buddha Racers. You bring him to the machine, and on the screen, is…
“What?” Yoosung asks, squinting at the screen, and you clench your fists, seething and cursing to yourself. You were gone for like, an hour tops, and someone had ruined your proposal by beating one of your scores?
You get on one knee and propose anyway, because SCREW KEVIN, you were not letting him ruin your STUPID PROPOSAL.
(Despite the hiccups, Yoosung has stars in his eyes as he accepts.)
You propose to Zen with a smile, a rose clenched between your teeth and glittery flower petals strewn on the bed around you.
You’d gotten the idea from one of his musicals, specifically the one where Zen played a womanizing cat-boy who proposed to the female lead in the third act while wearing a diamond-encrusted speedo. Not to be outdone by your (soon-to-be) fiancée, you consume as many romantic movies, tv shows, and songs as possible in an attempt to melt down their contents and create the ur-proposal that would dominate all proposals for decades to come. They’d teach classes on your romantic ability, studying your silver tongue and your amorous passion! Stand aside, Cassanova! It was time for you to dominate history!
…Which is why you had a camera set up to record the entire thing.
Zen walks in to see you, in an exactingly pressed tuxedo, lying with one hand propping up your head and the other holding out a ring box. After a moment, you get up, and you do not climb off the bed, no – you billow. You sweep. You do a number of grand, romantic movements before you end up in front of him, on one knee, presenting him a diamond.
You whip the rose out of your mouth. You present it to him. He takes it, avoiding the spot that’s kind of shiny from your spit, and you recite a sonnet that you wrote and practiced extensively in the mirror specifically for him. You expected a lot of things – for him to swoon, for his knees to tremble, for him to grab your hands and say Yes, yes! Absolutely, yes! Let’s get married tomorrow!
Zen only does one of those things, instead bursting out laughing, putting his face in his hands… and saying that he loves you so much and that he will, without a doubt, promise to spend the rest of his life with you.
You propose to Jaehee with a cake.
Honestly, your planning could have been better. It was nothing to do with the cake itself! It was perfect! Handmade icing topping a perfectly moist chocolate body, gorgeous floral decorations, and a fondant that didn’t actually taste like shit with the words will you marry me? in a perfect, calligraphy-esque script on the top. It was her favorite color, favorite flavor, and your presentation was spot on, delivering it to her at the end of her shift along with a cup of coffee and a kiss on her cheek. No, your mistake was much smaller, much simpler than that.
After Jaehee squeals, hugs you, and says yesyesyes! About a million and one times, she asks you, like – not to be weird, but – where’s the ring?
And you look at the cake.
And you sweat, because you thought it would be cute to bake the goddamn diamond inside.
“Uh,” you say, and Jaehee facepalms and laughs.
You eat the entire cake during an all-day Zen musical binge, while making sure to take small, careful bites as you look for the ring.
[the rest are beneath the read-more!]
You propose to Jumin in a book.
Not a book you’ve written, to be precise, though that sounds like an excellent way to deliver your feelings in a way he can understand, and you wish you had the writing talent to deliver. No – it’s much simpler than that.
You don’t want to propose in public, as Jumin is such a Presence that it would naturally be co-opted by some sort of reporter or another, and you have nothing to prove to the world, wanting it to just be between you and him. So – you find an old, gold-leaf embossed volume from an antique store, hollow out the inside, and place a velvet box with a diamond ring and a letter that espouses your feelings for him. It’s Jaehee who sets it on his desk – you ask if she’d please do her this favor, just this once – and the rest of the day, you wait for him to get to it, and to… well. Call you back.
Or whatever he’ll end up doing.
It’s evening when you get your reply. There’s a knock at your door, an urgent, insistent rapping, and you open it, seeing Jumin panting and out of breath from just having run up four flights of stairs. Without a word, he embraces you – holding you close, closer than he’s ever held you before – and in the crook of your ear, he says a single word that makes your heart soar.
You propose to 707 on the radio.
You and him, you love going for car rides. Top down, blazing fast scenes, seeing the countryside whirl around you – and leaving a roar of laughter behind, intermingled with the rumbling engine. It’s great! It’s a hoot! And the two of you always blast the radio, normally oscillating between your and his favorite stations on the way.
While your rides aren’t always predicable, you always go out for a Sunday drive, and that’s when you’ve asked his favorite DJ to read your proposal on the air.
You’re anxious, waiting for the arranged timeslot. It makes it harder to enjoy Seven’s company, because this awful queasiness is dominating your thoughts. What if he says no? What if he gets weird about it? What if – man, what if he doesn’t even notice it, being so focused on the road that the words slip over him like water?
You finger the box in your pocket and hope.
The interrupt in the music at exactly 4:42 PM causes your breath to catch, and at first, Seven doesn’t seem to notice it, only groaning about another commercial break. But then, the announcers voice catches his attention – that this is a special message for one Saeyoung Choi, from a partner who loves him very much.
Saeyoung laughs a bit, not believing it, and then looks over at you, who is smiling at him enigmatically. A strange expression on his face, he slows the car to a stop, pulling over at the side of the road.
And he listens, his face heating up with every word.
So, what do you say, Saeyoung? The announcer asks. Ready to get married?
He doesn’t respond at first, hands gripping the steering wheel tight – but then he looks at you, smiling through a glistening sheen of tears, and says yes.
Yes I will.
You propose to V by a fountain, the water rippling over your feet as you sit on the brim of the basin.
He sits beside you, and the scent of flowers fills the enterity of the park, coating everything in a thick, floral haze. It’s a lovely spring day, you’ve taken him on the prettiest, most pleasant date you can imagine and now, at the end of it, you sit with him, cooling your feet and staring at the coins glinting in the water. A million wishes lie there, you think to yourself, and you ask V what he wishes for the most in the world.
He laughs, saying there are a lot of things. He wish he’d handled the Rika situation differently. He wishes he’d been there to save Saeran. He wishes he had helped Saeyoung. Sometimes he wishes he’d never met Rika, but then he’d never have met you, would he?
…Perhaps it’d be best to say, he wishes the path to you hadn’t contained so much suffering.
You take a coin out of your pocket and flip it, letting it plop into the water. As circles ripple, you look at him, and say that you only have one wish.
“What’s that?” he asks, and you pull a ring out of your pocket.
“I wish you’d marry me.”
V cannot say anything for a moment, as overwhelmed as he is – but tentatively, like this is a dream that might disappear if he touches it, he reaches for the ring and says…
“I think I can grant that for you.”
You propose to Saeran by accident.
It’s during an argument. It’s hard to exactly pinpoint how it started, really, but it eventually morphed into you bickering about which of you would be better than the other at being married. I’d do the dishes! Saeran says, crossing his arms and letting out a noise of discontent. And do the vacuuming, and earn ALL the money! I’d be the greatest husband!
Well, yeah? you respond. I’d take the trash out EVERY DAY, and clean the stove, AND I WOULD BUY YOU FLOWERS EVERY WEEK.
Every week? Says Saeran. I’d buy them every day!
Every HOUR, you say, and Saeran is like – PROVE IT.
And you, being an easily riled up moron, get on one knee and say, “You know what? I will! GET MARRIED TO ME RIGHT NOW AND I’LL SHOW YOU THAT I WIN AT MARRIAGE.”
“FINE, I WILL,” Saeran says, and the both of you stare at each other, not really sure where to go from here.
In lieu of a ring, since you don’t really have one, you end up making him a band out of a dandelion you find growing nearby out of the sidewalk. “The puffball can be the diamond,” you say. “Until I can get you a better one.”
You propose to Vanderwood while you’re running for your life.
Neither of you meant for this to happen. Neither of you really understand how things came to this, but as you book it through an abandoned dockyard and hide in an alley, all you can figure is that this is Seven-oh-Seven’s fault. Did he have to tease the agency?! Did he have to pull one last prank on them before trying to disband them for good?
As armed mafia goons comb the area looking for you, you peek around the corner, and then – staring dead-straight at Vanderwood – say, “If we get out of this, I am marrying the shit out of you.”
Vanderwood clears their throat, cocks their pistol, and says that’s some pretty good motivation for staying alive right there.
After a sneaking sequence straight out of a Metal Gear Solid game, you manage to find a car, hot-wire it, and book it out of there as gunfire sounds behind you. Vanderwood is driving, you’re in the passenger seat, and as you wipe the sweat from your forehead, you ask, So, what do you like better? Spring weddings? Autumn ones?
“Anything but summer,” Vanderwood replies, still shaking a little bit from your narrow escape. “I hate the heat.”
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Hey! I don't know if requests are still open but I'd like to request a hc about how the RFA+V+Saeran ,started a friends w benefits relationship and how it goes with MC. Sorry for bad english! I love ur blog btw!♥♥
Requests are permanently open so no worries my friend! This was a unique request that I enjoyed writing! Your English is a-okay and thank you for liking my mediocre blog, it means a lot to me!! Thank you for the request and I hope that you enjoy!! ^^
Yoosung was inexperienced with any sexual activity to say the least
He’s always wanted a partner but he’s never found the one and only love of his life
When you entered the chat room, Yoosung felt like the two of you instantly connected and wanted to have a relationship with you
But you weren’t ready for one so you and Yoosung settled on being friends for now
That is until one night you made a surprise visit to congratulate Yoosung on passing his exams when you walked into his room to find him masturbating
You instantly felt a rush of excitement to your core as Yoosung let out a yelp of surprise and embarrassment when you caught him
As the two of you looked into each other’s eyes, neither one of you cared about your friend status and made love to each other
The two of you reveled in each other’s bodies and started your friends with benefits situation to pleasure each other as yours and Yoosung’s friendship blossomed as well
After some time, Yoosung gathered the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend while being a blushing mess but you hugged him and instantly agreed, making Yoosung the happiest boy alive
Zen had been longing to find his true love for as long as he could remember
So when you first entered the chat room, he knew that you were the one, his perfect princess
He had approached you a few times about being in a relationship with him but you didn’t feel ready plus it would hurt his reputation as an actor
But deep down you felt sparks of love and wanted to be with Zen, your prince
One night when you were helping Zen go over his script for an upcoming performance, he suddenly threw the papers down and crashed his lips onto yours
Zen explained that he needed you, not caring about what your relationship status was he genuinely wanted to show you his love for you
You had no arguments against him so you wrapped your legs around his waist as Zen carried you to the bedroom to fill you with his essence
The two of you continued being friends with benefits for about three months, but Zen was about to change that as he held a promise ring behind his back as he went to your house to confess his love for his princess
Jaehee has never had time to deal with her own feelings as work was always too important for her to worry about it
She never found herself attracted to anyone and she was sure that no one found her appealing either
But the day you entered the chat room, Jaehee couldn’t shake the strange sensation she was feeling whenever you were there
So when she finally met you, Jaehee poured out her unknown feelings to you and you understood, she’s never been with another’s female before so she wasn’t prepared for a relationship
But the two of you felt a need to be pleasured by each other, one thing led to another and soon enough the two of you became friends with benefits
Each night you both spent exploring each other’s bodies was more one night that your feelings for each other grew stronger
Jaehee’s feelings for you would still remain a confusion for her but she would be continuously thankful to have a friend with benefit like you in her life to help her find love in girls
Jumin was never a fan of women in general, all his life they only lied and betrayed him
So when you came into the picture, Jumin was kind to you yet still wary of your presence
Until the day he met you at the party, Jumin’s feelings for you were strange, he felt like he could trust you but he wasn’t sure if he truly loved you
So he took you home that night to his penthouse and made love to you all night long, feeling your warmth and hearing you moan his name out just made Jumin even more confused
Since he wasn’t even sure what just happened, you explained to him that you both were now friends with benefits
You asked him if he wanted to continue this type of relationship or start a true one
After consideration, Jumin wanted to keep being friends with you until he could fully understand his feelings for you, to which you agreed
You and Jumin continued being friends with benefits until he discovered his love for you where he confessed his love for you one night when he was pounding into you, making you very confused but very happy
Seven knew that because of all the sins he’s committed, he never deserved love or pleasure
He’s never felt any sort of loving connection until he met you through the messenger, then he felt a spark
You would always be kind to him and give him encouragement, something that Seven wasn’t use to but it made him feel a certain way towards you
Seven would spend hours staring at you through the cameras of your apartment, even at times shamefully masturbating by just looking at you
So when the two of you met in person, he cautiously asked what the relationship between the two of you was
You awkwardly confessed that you weren’t sure about your feelings for him and wanted to get to know him more
And by getting to know each other more, that meant having sex with each other every other day
Your friends with benefits relationship with Seven was something that you both enjoyed but each of you wanted more
Seven and you may have started out as the two of you being friends but a relationship of love was quickly developing, something that the two of you were happy about
V wasn’t even sure what love was after Rika left him and he knew that he didn’t deserve any love himself
He never thought he could feel any love towards anyone until you entered the chat room
Your warm heart and kind personality made V attracted to you, but it wasn’t the same kind of love he had in the past
Once the two of you met in person, V was selfish and wanted to feel you, to understand you
You felt a connection with V and the next thing the both of you knew, you were back at V’s home making love to each other on his king sized bed
When V filled you with his seeds, he collapsed on the bed confused at the feelings he had
You left his home quickly, not sure of you own feelings, but you and V frequently visited each other to pleasure each other
Being friends with benefits with you was something was V enjoyed and he felt guilty because of it since he soon developed feelings of love for you
V confessed his feelings for you and much to his joy, you told him that your feelings were the same, making V believe that having a friends with benefits relationship was one of his best decisions
Saeran hated everyone, he thought that his brother loved him when he was younger but he was mistaken
When he picked you to go to the RFA he could of cared less about your feelings
But as he watched you, Saeran started to develop a strange feeling towards you
So he went to visit you one day after disarming the cameras and tried to look as presentable as possible
The moment you saw him, Saeran put a finger to your lips to quiet your surprise but you stared at his handsome features in awe
Words weren’t shared between the two of you as Saeran roughly pinned you to the couch and locked lips with you
Saeran was rough but loving towards you as he showed you his newfound affections to you
Once he finished filling you up with his seeds, Saeran felt too embarrassed to say anything and immediately left you confused
He came back after a few days and the two of you became friends with benefits, but you had stronger feelings towards him
After Saeran finished having another quickie with you, he was about to leave until you stopped him and confessed your feelings
Saeran admitted that he started to develop feelings for you as well and told you to wait until he could make you truly happy as he returned to Mint Eye for the first time in his life with a smile
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
Okayyyy I read your rfa reaction to witch MC and omg YES IT WAS FUCKING EVERYTHING PERFECT 10/10 would you be able to do one focusing on crystal healing specifically please? (Btw the sevens part in the bath oh my gods yes just yes)
For starters: I am so so sorry because I’m pretty sure you sent this after my first HC which was the Witchy MC on which must have been like 2 months ago and and and basically I’m so sorry for the wait
When I first read this prompt I was like “Oh man gotta research my crystal stuff” Cause I just know all the go-tos like the Quartz family, and Hematite and such and I wanted to look into and find more unique ones but I haven’t and ahhhhhh
Anyways, I was out with a few witches tonight and we made cute little gem charms for love and I was like “It’s a sign. Time to write the fic, Jackass” So here we are
Anon, if you see this please let me know because I’m gonna feel really bad if you never got to see it (TᨓT)
RFA + Crystals
You made him a charm, he could decide to put it on his phone or bag, or anything really
Actually you could have even made him a hair clip oops
Anyways, you had put a bunch of Tiger’s Eye stones on a wire and bent it into the shape of a star before adding a little strap to it
His eyes lit up when you gave it to him
“Whaaaa? For me?” He clenched it tight in his hand and pulled you into a hug. “Mc you’re too nice to me!?!?”
You chuckled as he pulled away, his eyes looked wet like he was about to cry
“It’s Tiger’s Eye!” You began to explain as he tied the strap to his phone case “It’s for motivation and success! So I figured it’d help you with school and with LOLOL.”
His eyes shot back to you again, even wetter. 
“Y-Yoosung you don’t have to cr-”
It was too late
He pulled you into another tight hug “I’M DATING THE MOST THOUGHTFUL PERSON EVER” He wailed as he squeezed the living daylights out of you.
“Yoo…sung…pls” You swear you saw your soul leave your body
The blonde boy just smiled as he pulled back, only to dart in for a quick but deep kiss on your lips.
“Jaehee! Hold your hand out I have a surprise for you!” 
She just stared at you for a minute before closing your eyes and putting her hand out, open and waiting to receive. 
You ignore the open hand though and slide a Bracelet made of Rose Quartz beads on to her wrist
Her eyes open and she looks at the light pink minerals
“Mc? This is so pretty…It must have cost a fortune I can’t accept this!”
“Jaehee not at all, I made it myself!” A proud smile grows on your face as she stares at the bracelet in awe 
“Well then…what did I do to deserve such a wonderful gift??”
Your eyes and smile soften as they meet your girlfriend’s. “Well, Rose Quartz is supposed to be really soothing, you know, reduce your anxiety and stuff. I know you worry a lot..about our future in with the cafe and about plenty of stuff I’m sure you try to not tell me about..”
She looks towards the ground, a bit guilty
“Don’t worry!” You reassure her. “I know you just don’t want to make me worried to. But in those times when you don’t want to ‘worry me’ I want to make sure you can relax a little more and worry less…So when you wear that bracelet I’ll feel better knowing I’m helping in at least some way”
Jaehee just stared at you for a moment, mouth slightly agape. After a moment of silence:
“Mc….I know this bracelet will help, because from now on whenever I look at it I’ll remember that we’ll always have each other. That no matter what worries are troubling me…I’ll have you by my side. And if we have each other…well then there’s nothing that can worry me that badly.” 
You were ready to cry
Gdi Jaehee this was supposed to be a gift for you not a motivational speech for MC pls 
You two just stared into each others’ eyes for a moment before leaning in for a soft, reassuring kiss.
You made him a necklace. It was simple, just a black cord with one stone hanging off of it. 
“What is this?” He mused as he rolled the wire wrapped stone in his fingers.
“Blue Lace Agate.” You said with a smile
Honestly Zen was pretty well rounded and healthy aside from his smoking habit
You had a hard time thinking of a stone he could use
But you remember Blue Lace Agate
It’s said to aid in easing stress on the shoulders, neck, and most importantly, throat. 
Zen spent hours in rehearsal singing and monologuing, and sure he always drank his hot honey water and did warm ups, but some extra metaphysical cushioning couldn’t hurt ^^
A sweet smile plays on his lips as he turns the stone over and over before turning to you
“Mc…would you do me the honor?” He held the necklace out for you and bent his head downwards
You smiled as you clasped it behind his neck
When he tilted his head up your faces were inches away from each other
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips while your hands were still on his neck
You marveled at the chain once you finished
It was an average silver chain at first, but you managed to tightly wedge and place small Hematite stones in between the coils
The black and silver combo was perfect for Jumin, as well of the anti-stress properties of Hematite.
It’s supposed to absorb negative energies and turn them into positive ones, and even promote healthy blood flow to prevent headaches
You waited on the couch, chain held in your tight little fists, eager for Jumin to walk through the door
As soon as the lock of the door undid itself you jumped up
“Honey!” You exclaimed as you took his hand, giving him a bit of a shock
“Kitten? You’re exci-”
“I made something for you!” You didn’t even wait before putting the chain in his palm “I thought it’d be a nice new chain for your pocket watch, I remembered you saying you weren’t a fan of the gold one..”
“Kitten…it’s beautiful” He said staring at it. “Where did you buy this?”
“Well I got the chain from the jewelry store down the street, but I put the Hematite in myself.”
You read off your mental notebook of Hematite’s purposes and explained that you thought the black and silver was also a nice color combo
“You’re so thoughtful” His half lidded eyes fell on the chain as he ran his finger across it. Eventually he pulled out his pocket watch and swapped the chains.
He continued to muse with it for a second before looking to you, a grin on his face. 
He put the watch away and cupped the sides of your face in his hands
“Thank you, Kitten�� And you two shared a passionate kiss
If you could you’d dress Seven in all the gems
He needs all the healies for his feelies
But you figured you’d try to pick one stone
And you know one stone that is basically the grandaddy of dealing with grief, pain, and overall internal healing
You went to the local Health and Wellness store and browsed, looking for just the right piece of Amethyst.
You ended up seeing an already made ring
It was a gold ring with a messily cut piece of amethyst. Rough around the edges, varying shades of purple, a little cloudy but when you held it up to the light you could see it was a little translucent in some parts.
It was perfect.
You had the clerk wrap it and you practically skipped all the way home.
“Saaaeyooounng~~” You called
He poked his head from around the corner “You rang?”
You all but ran over to him, excitement pulling the corners of your lips up. “Close your eyes and put your hand out”
“Oooooo a gift?” He sang as he closed his eyes. “Gee I hope it’s not a kiss or anything~”
“Why would I have you put your hand out for a kiss??”
“I don’t know, so you can hold my hand while you do it?” His smirk turned into a joking pout. You rolled your eyes and ended up giving him a peck on the lips while you placed the little wrapped box in his hand
“oooOoOoOOOo” He started unwrapping it, his fingers working fast, but delicate enough to manage to not rip the paper anywhere aside from the tape.
Once he undid the box he marveled at the gift
“MC….are you proposing to me?” He giggled as he held the ring up to the light
“Not quite yet” You rolled your eyes for the second time in the last minute, but returned to his gaze with a smile. 
He put the jokes aside
“Mc…it’s really beautiful..But why?”
“Amethyst is supposed to help with, like, everything. It cleanses your aura, allegedly improves memory and clear thinking, helps sleeping, and balances your energy to be more calm or energized depending on what you need….But most of all it helps with inner healing”
You see a small glint behind Saeyoung’s eyes, a spark, a memory of something painful.
His smile shrinks a bit, but you decide to press on.
“It’s supposed to relieve feelings of guilt, of sadness…of pain.” You took a small step towards Saeyoung and slowly wrapped your arms around him. “I just want you to be happy, Saeyoung.”
The world was quiet for a moment and Seven didn’t move.
You were worried you might have overstepped his comfort zone by bringing up the past
Slowly he wrapped his arms around you as well and pulled you in tight, his lips by your ear
“Thank you, Mc”
You stood like that for a moment, just holding each other.
Eventually one of you pulled back a bit, but only for you both to meet somewhere in the middle where your lips pressed together in a loving kiss. 
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