#riling up people’s anxieties about automation and the erasure of a niche artist community
chewwytwee · 5 months
The thing about AI is like, what if someone just doesn’t wanna be an artist? What if someone doesn’t wanna sink a bunch of time into learning how to draw?
The whole argument surrounding art’s accessibility kinda misses the point by assuming everyone wants to dedicate the time to learning how to draw and the only thing preventing them from drawing is their own sloth and entitlement. If you wanna criticize AI tools find a better point than reactionary pearl clutching about the sanctity of human art and the inherent importance of ‘effort’. Y’all sound like fucking Ben Shapiro when you decry anyone who would dare to create art in an easy way, they’re ruining our great ‘culture’ and are degrading ‘human nature’ by breaking from tradition (which is inherently good and should never be challenged) by using new ~Technology~ (which is inherently bad and needs to be STOPPED at ALL COSTS).
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