#rightless slave
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enkisstories · 5 months ago
I never got into kylux as a ship, or even remotely friendly interactions between Kylo and Hux. But now that I have started the android AU, I really enjoy writing them/their android selves as friends and maybe lovers.
Removed from their usual environment they actually complement each other instead of getting forced into the rivalry. Says a lot about the First Order that even getting reinacarnated as rightless slaves of a greedy company is the better option for Kylo and Hux.
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fastwalker · 3 months ago
there's entire books written about the incel/blackpill sphere how these people are NOT nice and supporitve of each other, but just encourage each other in their misery and delusional world views of strict societal hierachies. these men don't respond to love and friendship, they actively reject it and rather lock themselves in a toxic echo chamber calling each other ugly and unfuckable and inventing stories how every woman has sex with 10 different "chads" everyday just to spite them
women can't ever heal misogynistic men with love, they see us as domestic animals to be worked and bred and don't take anything we say seriously, our affection is worthless to them.
allied men (or jfc even just normal men like their dads) who try to reach them are just pussywhipped simps in their mind, and just as unworthy of respect. I genuinely believe you can't "rescue" blackpill/incel/mannosphere guys, everything you or a man says that challenges their worldview just gets twisted into proving their worldview. their gurus blowing up their ass that even if they're failed men they still deserve a rightless domestic sex slave is just too alluring and too in tune with their morals they held even before joining their cult.
OP you're basically blaming opressed groups for their opression for not coddling their opressors enough. deradicalization doesnt work like that every interview of ex nazis, ex cult members etc can attest to that.
women publicly voicing their disgust of men is a very new phenomenon, somehow they treated us like cattle for the past several thousand years withot twitter anyway, even in cultures and countries where we're not allowed to speak at all.
posts about the alt-right pipeline being compassionate towards young men while radical leftists shun and shame them are not fucking saying "the men are becoming violent because feminists are too mean!" and if that is your takeaway you need to get off tumblr until you've better honed your critical thinking skills.
those posts are talking about how effective the language and approach you take in your activism can be. this is literally cult deprogramming 101. if someone is being taken in by a violent or dangerous group, that violent or dangerous group is usually offering them compassion and solace while working hard to convince them everyone else in the world is their enemy. you are under no obligation to coddle or act compassionate toward these men and their violent ideologies, but if you have the means to try, it is something that you can do to make a tangible difference.
radicalized people are often only one loving friend or family member or external voice away from being de-radicalized. of course that is not always the case, but it very often is. a lot of y'all rightfully understand that you do not carry the burden of being that voice, but a lot of y'all also have a lot of internalized ideas about morals and punitive justice and have simply written off these people as deserving of only the worst and not worth saving.
ten years ago, my grandmother was a fox news watching republican who voted red in every election and very well could have fallen down the qanon rabbit hole if not for me and her daughter challenging her compassionately, walking her through hypotheticals that validated her feelings & proving why they were false, & being patient with her despite our extreme division in political ideology. it was frustrating fucking work! but i decided i wanted to do it, because i could see the horizon and i could see me making a difference!
"misogynists have been saying feminists are too mean for years, get new material" that is not the fucking POINT. the point is that you, feminist, can be the compassionate voice that guides your brother, your father, your cousin, your grandfather away from fucking becoming or staying a nazi. you can show them compassion and companionship. you can be the woman they think of when their alt-right bros try to convince them that women are the enemy. and you can choose to crystallize that image of yourself so wholly in their mind's eye as worth protecting that they may very well choose to reject those harmful ideas.
it's not saying you HAVE to do it! it's saying you CAN do it! don't you 'firebomb a walmart' people all love taking change into your own hands? where the fuck is that energy right now, huh?
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nwaakwna · 1 month ago
Wow, you are really pathetic, niggercunt. I hope your owner treats you like a rightless slave. Even worse than sub-human trash like you seem to crave
Thank you for that significant morning arousal boost! 😉💧💧💧
I'm not sure if that's what you are asking but I can assure you my Owner treats me just like He thinks a pathetic niggercunt should be treated. By default, that's the right way
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lunelantern · 4 years ago
{---Reasons why CF people will **NOT** have kids::---}
CF people will **not** have kids just because:
1. They lack a life purpose
2. They've been battered and bludgeouned by the inevitable existential crisis
3. They're good with kids and are apt and jolly to interact with kids
4. They're women and they face an insurmountable social pressure and conditioning
5. It supposingly binds a decaying marriage
6. Their partner is coercing them into continuing "MuAh LiNeAgE" / they are desperate to keep a natalists partner by their side.
7. Is supposingly selfish to not bring an innocent into existing to make yourself less selfish (breeders logic, I know, I know 💣🧠👀)
8. Their parents / in-laws **demands** grandkids
9. ITs tHe BeSt ThIng EvEr
10. They need an insurance policy when you grow old and need free slaves to be your obedient caretakers
11. They feel useless and need someone to fill in the
12. THeIr bIoLoGiCaL cLocK iS tiCkIng
13. The global population ages
14. He might find a panacea to the gravest world problems
15. They need someone to love them unconditionally
16. Their friends and colleagues and bosses are breeders and are mentally trying to coerce them into following the 🐑🐑🐑
17. EvErYbOdy DoEs iT
All of the bingos contain the element of selfishness in it because when it boils down to the source of the reasons to breed, they all end up to **me, myself, I**.
1. There's no purpose for our existence. *We* are thr only ones who are cabaple to give our lives a meaning and there's limitless possibilities through which one can use his abilities and latent potential to produce something beneficial and fulfilling
2. Children aren't a panacea to vanquish fear of death and existential crisis that's specific to every age. People must come in terms with their ephemeral condition and make the best of their existence without forcing an innocent into existence who'll NOT solve any crisis; that's a mirage, a fallacy pushed down our throats by the system.
3. This bingo is illogical beyond belief. Just because I have certain social skills and abilities to interact with children doesn't qualify me for parenthood as parenthood is more compelling and ample and is not limited to communication skills.
4. Fundamental human rights is all I have to say about this. Women only have the obligations that the *laws* impose. "society" isn't a legitimate source of law, sorry coercitive manipulative breeders.
5. No, this will only make things worse because alany persons natural survival instinct and inner mechanism of defense will make them react violently and aggressively in a coercitive situation.
6. Never ever will a child be able to switch someone else's moral compass and feelings for the other. Not even hormones triggered by the birth of a child will be able to overcome the social and psychological barriers between two people. Never try to engage anyone in such a toxic bond.
7. Common breeders logic: I need to selfishly create a sentient being to make myself feel selfless...
Want something genuinely selfless? Go adopt!
8. Body autonomy. No one can ever legitimately make demands over my freedom and my body and mind. Never!
9. No one can be so contemptuous in asserting that he experienced everything in life to venture into such remarks. Plus, everyone's best in life is unique because **individuals are unique** and have unique dreams and hopes and worldviews.
Just because something is the best for one doesn't automatically imply that's good for everyone else.
Uniformization propaganda at its best.
10. Children aren't slaves to cater to your needs
11. Children are not your psychologist. Inner issues should be solved by professionals.
12. This bingo is a misunderstanding propagated by the mass media. A journalist used this phrase to pinpoint that there is NO BIOLOGICAL CLOCK or something else bodily and hormonally related to announce a woman that's she must breed.
13. Ponzi Scheme is a wicked, hoary system which must end. We can't continue to enslave the population for this pyramid to work
14. Forcing a sentient into existence under the premise of solving our mess is crooked and so so wrong. Why can't the already existing people solve their problems that they've caused?
15. No one can be forced to switch his feelings in an unwanted direction. Your kid will not love you unconditionally just because he shares a set of genes. We're human beings with feelings and superior brains, nor animals purely relying on hormones.
16. Life Script and one's inability to stray from the herd doesn't suffice in bringing a sentient into existence.
17. "everybody" does it, but I am *me* and you are *you*. *I* am not a faceless individual with no voice or individuality. We're unique individuals with human rights and not simply rightless cogs in the mechanism of the narrative.
------> reposted from my reddit account
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babyawacs · 3 years ago
lawyers thiscase was functional inalloftheir harms but the mess during isnot stalled idontthink you kicked ass how themframed rapedmolested asstoyed harmed gasedcatsauutled teorised mengeled from commute to it-like-work formonths to volunteering what youletem is othinghapepend thenthatguy and his aeh aeh aeh aeh p e r s o na l i t y sowemust chain him as 0wage slave to ae aeh s w e e t e n him usuk 20years not apenny of myownfortune: boooh! hes nice to russia ! furious disgusted disappointed between fuckoff *insult* and indepednendence haha insimple security threat for charging whattheydo shuffles nut docifiication whichyou r e p e a t let whiletheyshuffle harms but them makeit look asif its thatguy whilethe game is to steal harm fringequellkill and shuffle newfools that think they germancure aeh aeh aeh aeh whatever else sticks thistime andifnot aeh sssexxxbadensen ssssexxxxxxmembership as rightless possessed by sssexxbadensen insurance salesman
lawyers thiscase was functional inalloftheir harms but the mess during isnot stalled idontthink you kicked ass how themframed rapedmolested asstoyed harmed gasedcatsauutled teorised mengeled from commute to it-like-work formonths to volunteering what youletem is othinghapepend thenthatguy and his aeh aeh aeh aeh p e r s o na l i t y sowemust chain him as 0wage slave to ae aeh s w e e t e n him usuk 20years not apenny of myownfortune: boooh! hes nice to russia ! furious disgusted disappointed between fuckoff *insult* and indepednendence haha insimple security threat for charging whattheydo shuffles nut docifiication whichyou r e p e a t let whiletheyshuffle harms but them makeit look asif its thatguy whilethe game is to steal harm fringequellkill and shuffle newfools that think they germancure aeh aeh aeh aeh whatever else sticks thistime andifnot aeh sssexxxbadensen ssssexxxxxxmembership as rightless possessed by sssexxbadensen insurance salesman
lawyers thiscase was functional inalloftheir harms but the mess during isnot stalled idontthink you kicked ass how themframed rapedmolested asstoyed harmed gasedcatsauutled teorised mengeled from commute to it-like-work formonths to volunteering what youletem is othinghapepend thenthatguy and his aeh aeh aeh aeh p e r s o na l i t y sowemust chain him as 0wage slave to ae aeh s w e e t e n…
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gayguybln · 6 months ago
Imagine you will be the sex slave of one of these guys for one year. Your only purpose will be getting fucked in ass and mouth, abused whenever your master wants. You'll live in a small room with the master for 24/7. You won't leave that house for one year.
Which one would you choose? I would take the right one to be his rightless and obedient sex slave for a year.
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rashiidakazan · 7 years ago
a shitload of headcanons about Zerrikania
*While Zerrikania is a matriarchy and may be seen to foreign feminists as more peaceful because of it, that’s very far from the truth. Zerrikania has an incredibly bloody history with it’s surrounding neighbors, Haakland in the Northeast and the Ofieri empire in the Southwest, both invading and invaded. 
*The recent peace with the Ofierians that has only been brought due to equal opportunity to trade with the Nilfguaardian Empire, who have foreign goods that both Ofir and Zerrikania desire. While the two nations have vastly different political systems, they remain on friendly, if somewhat tough rival, terms.
 *Zerrikania is still at incredibly tense relations with Haakland due to their constant expansion in East and west from their raids. Haakland nomads have attempted several times to invade Zerrikania, and Zerrikania in turn have taken several of the captured prisoners of war and either put them to the elephant (they publically execute criminals by having an elephant step on their head) or take them as slaves.
* Women are allowed to have up to two husbands at a time. No such luck for men, however. When a woman takes a second husband, the first husband is considered to be married to the other as well.
*While Zerrikanian men are not completely rightless, they are seen as less than women. While men do have the right to own property and work, there are only a select few jobs they are allowed to have, such as scribes, bards, dock loaders or other heavy labor/lifting jobs, but they are not allowed to join the military or guard, being thought of as either too big or slow, and are seen as more aggressive, less merciful towards civillians, and let their emotions get the better of them, even though they are on average physically stronger.
* Men are allowed to become mages, but they are restricted from learning offensive/attacking spells, and most are encouraged to become healers or use their magic for farming. Azar Javed was illegally using magic to fight.
* While Zerrikania does have religious freedom, it is seriously frowned upon if you are of another faith other than their worship of dragons. It is best to keep religion to yourself.
* There is a large temple north of Zerrikania simply known as the Dragon temple. This is the most sacred place to the Zerrikanian religion, as it is home to the bones of  Zerrikanterment, the Golden dragon by which the country is named after. Above the bones is a giant golden torch of green fire that was said to be  Zerrikanterment‘s last breath. Several hundred nuns and monks call this temple home, along with one head priestess. When the head priestess of the temple dies, she is burned in this flame, and is said to become one with the spirit of Zerrikanterment
* Along with  Zerrikanterment, there are dozens, possibly even hundreds of other named dragons that the Zerrikanian’s worship. Similar to how real-world pagans have multiple gods that rule over different elements or ideals, these dragons do so as well. Many Zerrikanian’s have a matron or patron dragon they personally worship to. These dragons, while they may not have their bones, also have their own temples.
* When a Zerrikanian citizen dies (provided they were not executed for crimes), they are set on funeral pyers on top of temples, and their bodies are not allowed to touch the earth until the ashes have cooled. The reasoning behind this is because they believe that the hot coals and ash that blows out from the wind is the soul flying away from the body to find their matron dragon.
* Should a woman die of childbirth, then the father of that child is accused of murder, and must be thrown on the mother’s funeral pyre in order to atone for his deeds. If the child survived childbirth, then the child goes to the dragon monks if male, or given to the Zerrikanian Guard to train as a warrior if female. If the child is born visibly intersex, then the child is raised by the state until they choose their gender/sex at age 7. 
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alphaman99 · 3 years ago
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AYN RAND: "Fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory . . . both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state." "Modern collectivists . . . see society as a super-organism, as some supernatural entity apart from and superior to the sum of its individual members." "The philosophy of collectivism upholds the existence of a mystic (and unperceivable) social organism, while denying the reality of perceived individuals—a view which implies that man’s senses are not a valid instrument for perceiving reality. Collectivism maintains that an elite endowed with special mystic insight should rule men—which implies the existence of an elite source of knowledge, a fund of revelations inaccessible to logic and transcending the mind. Collectivism denies that men should deal with one another by voluntary means, settling their disputes by a process of rational persuasion; it declares that men should live under the reign of physical force (as wielded by the dictator of the omnipotent state)—a position which jettisons reason as the guide and arbiter of human relationships. From every aspect, the theory of collectivism points to the same conclusion: collectivism and the advocacy of reason are philosophically antithetical; it is one or the other."
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objectivistnerd · 8 years ago
The social theory of ethics substitutes 'society' for God—and although it claims that its chief concern is life on earth, it is not the life of man, not the life of an individual, but the life of a disembodied entity, the collective, which, in relation to every individual, consists of everybody except himself. As far as the individual is concerned, his ethical duty is to be the selfless, voiceless, rightless slave of any need, claim, or demand asserted by others. The motto 'dog eat dog'—which is not applicable to capitalism nor to dogs—is applicable to the social theory of ethics.
Ayn Rand, “The Objectivist Ethics��
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babyawacs · 3 years ago
lawyersmake sure they dont doom minors onpretend or unprecise terms instead of that and that and thisperson pretended believed as c o n v i n c e d thatguy surely this orthat or the sex underhuman membershipof immunised slaves that are rightless propertyof these and these for a sexbmw we pretended he was because they brought him in rubbertitts for anight and returnedhim themorning and pretended hes someone else ******** who pretended what when accurate precise terminology vs noooo really!!!! here!!! takemyblood! iwasnt evenborn he iiiismother shabooobooo nooo really!!!! ******** and when do iget money or ihavenothing from it but the causing system: you h e a r d her! he was mother shabooboo ifyounow could please takeaway his rights and giveme hisinventions icouldnt keep for 20years
lawyersmake sure they dont doom minors onpretend or unprecise terms instead of that and that and thisperson pretended believed as c o n v i n c e d thatguy surely this orthat or the sex underhuman membershipof immunised slaves that are rightless propertyof these and these for a sexbmw we pretended he was because they brought him in rubbertitts for anight and returnedhim themorning and pretended hes someone else ******** who pretended what when accurate precise terminology vs noooo really!!!! here!!! takemyblood! iwasnt evenborn he iiiismother shabooobooo nooo really!!!! ******** and when do iget money or ihavenothing from it but the causing system: you h e a r d her! he was mother shabooboo ifyounow could please takeaway his rights and giveme hisinventions icouldnt keep for 20years
lawyersmake sure they dont doom minors onpretend or unprecise terms instead of that and that and thisperson pretended believed as c o n v i n c e d thatguy surely this orthat or the sex underhuman membershipof immunised slaves that are rightless propertyof these and these for a sexbmw we pretended he was because they brought him in rubbertitts for anight and returnedhim themorning and pretended…
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
@potus @joebiden @gop @thedemocrats the gigeconomy is afcukup  these people remain un stable and itgets worse theyare factually a n d virtually rightless they are not paid su fficiently for a stable society all gig economy is is leeching slave labour rightless lsavelabour itis not about theyget as wellpaid as the yperform as if there are no costs a nd ifnlation itis in allthe pressures they can barely get from gig to gig whielthe cum ulatedprofit goes into a tech website that basically is an onlineplatform the misery it creates of unaffordable things makes then bullshit hypes like a car?forwhat do people need a car they can geta gig economy driver what a disgrace ******* what do you pay them for and so thatits wellpaid s u s t a in ab l y thatpeople canmake livings and stability andso thatyou lead the econ omies in cutting edge things ********* instead of underpaid slavelabour peasants tha t increasingly cannot afford eventhe basic things  in a domest ic demand economy ******* the uneducated have always a hard time before they are unemployed it may help some income but gig economy as carrying pricnicpl e itis not the solution ******* I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS .com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@potus @joebiden @gop @thedemocrats
the gigeconomy is afcukup these people remain unstable and itgets worse
theyare factually a n d virtually rightless they are not paid sufficiently for a stable society all gig economy is
is leeching slave labour rightless lsavelabour
itis not about theyget as wellpaid as the yperform as if there are no costs and ifnlation
itis in allthe pressures they can…
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