#riding the adrenaline high to shitpost because nothing better to do until the cops arrive
I fucking hate Provence holy shit. I almost fell into a ditch and die today because a retard saw the Bol D'Or circuit race this week end and felt like doing some Akira shit with his motorbike.
No one ever heard of a fucking blinker down there. Traffic signs are suggestions to those genetic dead-ends. Stop means feel free to slow down, orange light means accelerate, clear the way means free-for-all. I cant believe i got slapped on the wrist during my driving exam for not crooking my neck to check the rear view mirror when 200 metres prior i had seen a car nonchalantly drive past a red light.
Fuck Marseille and its inhabitants, insulting the Homo Sapiens kind through their sheer existence, whose brains got fried under the Sun and whose only goal in life is to watch the next upcoming OM match.
Fuck you Toulon, the last time you were relevant is when you scuttled the French Fleet to avoid having it fall to the Germans, because ruining shit is all you're ever good at.
And with retrospect, Fuck the Var in its entirety and fuck its 60% Le Pen voterbase, so afraid of being replaced by Arabs as if every ethnicity that sailed the Mediterranean at one point in History didn't stop by to run a train on your grandmothers which is the only reason you deficients aren't inbred vegetables bound to a wheelchair since birth which you still ended up upon since you tried one night to mimic a formula 1 race with your shitty Peugeot 308 and crashed into a plane tree paralyzing half your nerves.
Every French kid born South of Avignon should be thankful the catholic church lobbied against eugenism back in the 30's or this entire region would have been sterilised into extinction.
My only consolation when I'll be back in Finnmark next january, stranded in the vidda and eating my frostbitten toes off to survive is the knowledge that I will still be 35 parallels away from this shit region and the dicks that occupy it who only deserve to be visited by a nuclear warhead.
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