#riddlerverse hc
skye707 · 1 year
Okay, hear me out. How would the Riddlers feel about finding fanfics of themselves, particularly the romantic ones, maybe even the insert-y(?) ones
Well, some of these losers already read them, so there's that.
Unburied - Oooh, that’s weird you’re writing fiction about him! Kinda joking, kinda not. He doesn’t get it. Why not just get out there and get it irl? I guess not everyone can be as romantic as him.
ZY - Of course, the common people want more of him than he can possibly provide on a daily basis. However, the works are going to need to be submitted through his quality control database so he can approve them. Can’t have just anyone writing who knows what about him.
Dano - He reads them. Every night before he sleeps. They make him feel powerful.
YJ - People write WHAT about him??? I mean- of course they do! He’s uh…no he doesn’t know how to handle this. There are people who think he’s cool enough to make romance novels about?
Gotham - Huh. While that should feel like a serious invasion of his personal privacy, the Riddler in him is dying for the attention. So, I guess he’s cool with it? But don’t think you know him based on someone else’s fictional work, please and thank you.
BTAA - Finally, someone who’s willing to ghostwrite his biography! So, here are the hours you can come in- and congratulations you are now writing his 36 chapter autobiography because he liked how to described him in a oneshot.
Arkham - They’re doing WHAT???! The people think they can make a fool of him?? AGAIN??? No, this will not be tolerated. Let him see the author…well, I suppose he could take a quick look (to degrade it of course) and…hm, well he IS quite handsome, isn’t he, heh.
BTAS - How interesting. He’ll take a quick peek, get a few chuckles, but overall the thought of people writing and reading about his romantic escapades isn’t something he’s particularly fond of. Not that it can’t be fun for others, but he won’t go looking for them.
Telltale - The morons he inhabits this planets with truly have nothing better to do with their time than make up romantic bedtime stories about him? This is why humanity is in a downward spiral toward calamity. Perhaps he should motivate these people toward more intellectual endeavors…
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skye707 · 1 year
Unburied Riddler is afraid of big dogs (Ace). Does the other Riddlers bully him for it now that YJ tried to bring a dog home or do they also have their silly little phobias (or maybe both)?
P.S : I do feel like I'm feeding the Cranes with this question.
Don’t worry. Y’all may not realize this, but the good Dr. Crane also lives rent free in my brain.
ZY - Rejection. Too real? Too bad. You absolutely cannot tell me that at one point he wasn’t the nerdy little kid in school who got shoved into a locker. That kind of unwavering confidence is only gained through utter rejection for a large portion of your life. But if someone he genuinely admires rejects him? Worst nightmare.
Dano - This might be a little strange, but I hc that Dano can’t swim, so I’d say he’s afraid of large bodies of water. It’s not like he got many (if any) opportunities to learn to swim, so some office jerk throwing him in a pool at a party is a reoccurring nightmare.
YJ - Frogs. Why would he be afraid of frogs? Who knows. But he won’t go near them. Imagine this: he’s walking alone at night and stops dead in his tracks at the small form in the middle of the sidewalk when suddenly it starts hopping toward him. That’s true fear.
Gotham - Being poisoned. It would be so easy to kill someone by simply adding a tasteless odorless poison to their morning coffee, and that thought haunts him. I mean if he can do it to several other people, what’s stopping them from doing it to him?
BTAA - Thunderstorms might seem a little cliché, but I think there’s some history there. A bad storm when he was a child and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a life long phobia.
Arkham - Bugs. He’s fine with the little rats and raccoons and opossums that he cohabitates with, but bugs are a whole different story. Mosquitoes are the worst and a real problem when you live near standing bodies of water, so he’s constantly doing what he can to keep them at bay.
BTAS - This take goes a little on the subliminal side, but I think it’s fair to say that he fears disarray. Having a room that is completely thrown apart, paper on the floor, furniture on its side, is something he just doesn’t have the emotional capacity to deal with and that scares him.
Telltale - Nothing scares grandpa This may also seem a little obvious, but I think more than any other Riddler he is afraid of losing his mind. If something terrible were to happen and he became nothing but a shell of his former self? He can’t handle the thought.
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skye707 · 1 year
According to you, what would be the Riddles most and least likely to accept a sugar mommy/daddy? God, it's two in the morning in my country, why do I think it's a good idea to ask something at this time...
That's the best time to ask your questions because your brain is working without filters.
Unburied - You wanna give him free money? Sure, you're loss <3. He sees this less as a degradation of his character and more as a strategic move on his part. The openly giving affection part is just a bonus.
ZY - He got confused and thought HE was becoming the sugar daddy. Once he realizes this, he's absolutely livid that you would think he needs anyone's help in terms of money, affection, etc. HE's the biggest sugar daddy ever! or he would be...if someone wanted him to be.
Dano - This is a true war in his mind. On the one hand, he can't stand the thought of being the pawn of someone with expendable wealth. On the other hand, what better way to infiltrate high society to better bring about its demise. He might change his mind on the demise part if you're super nice, but probably not.
YJ - Yes, of course he'll be a sugar baby. Please take care of him. Please hug him and kiss him. He doesn't even care about the money part. He just wants someone to tell him how sweet he is and that they love him.
Gotham - It would have to be a very special person, but I do think he could be a sugar baby. Someone who truly has his best interests at heart and deeply cares for his well-being. And he'd like to have an allowance for his various criminal hobbies.
BTAA - Let him think about it. No. He doesn't need your money and he doesn't need your smooches. He gets plenty of both on account of his outstanding personality and brain. That's what he tells himself at least.
Arkham - Also confused as to what is happening, except he thinks you're just an investor dedicated to the success of his projects. Admittedly, he thought the requests for affection a little strange, but he'll take free money any day. You might have to sit him down and explain what's happening. Be prepared for a tantrum.
BTAS - Can you two be co-sugar mommy/daddy's? He'd like to spoil you as well, if you don't mind? Goodness knows he has enough money for that kind of lifestyle. The two of you might just end up the richest and most extravagant people in Gotham. A true power couple.
Telltale - This is a joke, surely. You didn't actually believe he'd subjugate himself to the humiliation of financial dependency in exchange for his affections? Yeah, I wouldn't even try it with this one. You might not see the light of another day.
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skye707 · 1 year
Who's that most ticklish out of the Riddler's?
Unburied - So ticklish. Like a little baby. But he runs if you try to tickle him because it’s not very good for the whole brand thing he’s got going on. Hard to be a hardened criminal when you giggle if someone touches your sides.
ZY - He is ticklish but he’s got an unfortunate reflex: punching/kicking. Last time someone tried to tickle him, they ended up with a black eye. He was in fifth grade.
Dano - Scrunches up to escape the tickle. Again, it’s a natural reflex. Being ticklish is a sign of weakness and he is not weak! But if you do manage to unscrunch him, he rolls around in a fit of giggles.
YJ - At first attempt, it would seem that he is not at all ticklish. Sides, tummy, and neck get no response. However, a gentle brush of a hand on the bottom of his foot is enough to make him leap three feet in the air.
Gotham - Not ticklish. Has learned how to turn off that behavioral response. But if he sees it’s making you sad, he can get a chuckle going just for you.
BTAA - Very ticklish in his sides. You’ll get a couple of giggles out before he leaps away and threatens to throw you off a building if you try it again. Another who’s trying to keep a reputation going.
Arkham - Ticklish on his tummy and no where else. If you can manage to corner him and get the laughing fits going, he’ll sporadically swap between giggling and screaming in your face about how unprofessional this all is.
BTAS - A little ticklish but not too severely. Honestly, having someone tickle him feels good in a way? Like a muted tingling along the arm, something akin to white noise, that eventually dulls the senses.
Telltale - Questionable, because it has been over a decade since someone has gotten close enough to try and longer still since someone has made an attempt. Would you like to be the next to try?
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skye707 · 1 year
What do you think the Riddlers' would teach as High School teachers and/or College Professors?
They would be outstanding at the art of roasting high schoolers
Unburied - Debate. I feel like this Riddler in particular can talk his way out of any jam. Also, it's awesome for his ego to destroy a high schooler's argument.
ZY - History. Any kind of history, or all of them? He'd showboat on his knowledge and ability articulate historical themes until the institution gave him every history position. Also gets a power trip from roasting high schoolers.
Dano - Computer Science. Programming. Anything that has to do with computers. All the nerdy kids in his class love him, and he eats lunch with them in his room. But that's definitely not because the other teachers think he's weird, so don't even think that.
YJ - Dorky Coach that got asked to teach math because he said he was good at it once in passing and the school can't find a teacher. Steps in the room on the first day and is immediately out of his depth. But he is good at math, so the kids that want to learn get a lot out of it.
Gotham - English. He's got a knack for literature and composition as well as an innate desire to tell people the right way to say something. However, students hate him because he's the strictest grader on campus. Never given a perfect score in his life.
BTAA - Drama. The biggest drama queen. Finds ways (ethical or not) to help his students find their inner artists. Gets his high from the applause after a performance, even if he wasn't the one actually performing. His students' parents are clapping for him in his heart.
Arkham - Engineering, but only at the university level. He doesn't have time for the childish ways of teenagers. Gets way too excited during lectures and always ends up screaming by the end. Sometimes a student will try to debate a topic and the rest of the class can break out the popcorn as the two begin to verbally spar for the duration of the class period.
BTAS - Digital Art. He knows how to use every computer program every created and will teach his students how to as well. May or may not have found a way for his students to illegally download whatever they need, but no one needs to know that. Plus, their art is amazing so who cares!
Telltale - Psychology and Sociology. Another one that's only working with adults. Understanding the mind is the first step to taking advantage of it. People are very stupid and teaching a class like this could possibly improve the intelligence of the youth of tomorrow (but his hopes aren't very high).
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skye707 · 1 year
what's the preferred energy drink/gatorade/coffee flavor of each Riddler, or which category do they each prefer?
Gotta stay hydrated when you're busying conquering the world.
Unburied - Coffee, something sweet like a mocha frappuccino
ZY - Energy drink (and by energy drink I mean water that's been flavored with a power mix containing electrolytes, vitamins, etc.)
Dano - He drinks those instant caffeine shots, 5 Hour Energy and whatnot. Something that's very likely to send him into cardiac arrest one day.
YJ - Gatorade, and his preferred flavors are blue and green.
Gotham - Coffee and, when he can get it, tea. Three sugars, please and thank you.
BTAA - He's got an espresso machine that is always on and always working just as hard as he is.
Arkham - Stale coffee that's been sitting on his workbench for at least two days, but there's still some in there so he might as well drink it.
BTAS - Coffee and only coffe. Get that gross leaf water out of here.
Telltale - Tea and only tea. Get that gross bean water out of here.
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skye707 · 1 year
All the Riddlers are villains, but if you had to rank them all from least to most evil, how would you rank them?
This is an interesting question...
1 being baby, 10 being evilest little villain ever:
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skye707 · 1 year
Sorry if this one is a little bit personal, but how would the Riddlers react to you coming out as autistic? I was diagnosed when I was really young and everytime I've told people, I've been immediately socially ostracized, no matter how hard I try, so I kind of want some comfort. Also thank you and I hope you have a nice day!!
I'm sorry to hear that people have been lame to you, but just know that in this town (e.g. my blog) we show love to all people 💙
Unburied - That's cool, he says kind of sing-songishly. Don't be fooled, he really is intrigued by this development in your character. To him, it's just something that makes you that much more interesting, more of a puzzle to solve.
ZY - Really? Oh, that's going to make this new friendship very stimulating. He likes having to work for an answer. Too often, people are dangerously easy to read. But you? He's going to take his time trying to figure out every angle of you, for better or worse.
Dano - Hm, thank you for telling him. He thought he could sense some kind of special connection between two people with similar experiences. btw, if you choose to tell him about your past trouble with social groups, he has immediately taken it upon himself to relieve your anxiety whenever possible. He will now stick up for you till the end.
YJ - Oh, you are? He didn't see that coming. I MEAN! It's fine that you are! He likes you better since you are! NO! That's not what he meant either!!- He just thinks it's cool to be around someone who sees the world a different way. Maybe someone who will see him a different way? cries
Gotham - Ah, I see, very interesting. Filing that one away in the "Things I Know About My Friends" cabinet. Like with most things, he wants to hear everything you can tell him, about your experiences, tendencies, etc.
BTAA - Finally! Someone who isn't just going to hit him with the same dumb questions (Why riddles? How'd you come up with your name? What's your show size?). He's gotten so bored with the general population. He welcomes your presence with open arms! Please! For the love of everything evil, say something that will make him have to think about an answer!!
Arkham - Join the club! I mean, he was never diagnosed (blame that on a very poor childhood), but I think most can agree that there are some indicators in his general behavior. He also finds difficulty in engaging in social interactions, so that's something you two can bond over. Right after you hand him that wrench and make it snappy.
BTAS - At first, it's not something he thinks about too much. Just another aspect of your character to consider. But then he realizes that you're different and in a very delightful way. You see his puzzles differently. Finish his games in a different way. Look at things from vibrantly new angles. And suddenly, he wants you around all the time when he's up to his newest scheme.
Telltale - Interesting, and what does that mean? He's not trying to be an asshole (even if it looks and sounds that way). He wants to hear from your mouth what that means for you. In his own strange and standoffish way, he's trying to get to know you better. Whether that's for your or his benefit is yet to be seen, but ya know.
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skye707 · 1 year
Slightly curious, who would make fun of me for heartburn/acid reflux? Like on a scale of would chuckle to just full on laughing-
I deal with acid reflux 24/7 in the form of belly cramps, and I don't mind if the silly bois laugh at it cus I find it funny myself-
Hope you're having a good day! and maybe I might give myself an emoji later cus idk ya cool and stuff-
Oh, I’m sorry you’ve got a dumb fleshy body thing to deal with, but I’m glad you’ve found some joy in it (??) so hell yeah! On a scale of 1 (would laugh at you) to 9 (this isn’t funny??im worried about you???)
ZY - I mean yeah he’s a jerk. Anything that makes some else less evolutionarily fit than him is something he can and will laugh at. But what a loser.
Unburied - What? Are you serious? That’s hilarious. He’s more dumbfounded than anything, like you’ve got acid reflux and you’re not using it as like an out for social events? If you’re not doing that you definitely should.
BTAA - First, he thinks you’re joking. Once he realizes you’re being serious, it gives him a quick chuckle. Until he sees it firsthand. Then he immediately feels bad for laughing.
Telltale - This Riddler draws the line from finding it funny to being indifferent. Okay? So does he, you’re not special. He has some antacid tablets if you need them, but you’ll have to ask nicely and answer a riddle.
Arkham - Another little guy that doesn’t really care either way. Join the club! He doesn’t like dealing with body stuff like acid reflux or eating or sleeping, but I guess good for you for getting a laugh out of it. He doesn’t get it, but whatever.
BTAS - And from here on out, they are worried. He’s not overly anxious; he knows it’s relatively normal, but he still would feel bad that you’re in pain. But he’s willing to support your personal humor in it.
Gotham - Once you tell him, he immediately gathers any and all supplies necessary to help you easy the pain. Here, I have something for your tummy. Are you laughing? Don’t laugh?? I’m trying to be helpful???
Dano - Uh oh. You’re in pain. But you’re laughing? Why are you laughing?? I guess he’ll start laughing too, but on the inside he’s screaming. He’s waiting for you to busy yourself with something so he can run to the nearest pharmacy and beg the person at the counter to help him.
YJ - NOT FUNNY?? Your tummy hurts, and that’s not fun. He should know, his hurts constantly! You’re not at all worried about this?? You’re going to have to sit him down and explain why it happens and why it’s not a big deal. And probably tell him that his tummy hurting doesn’t mean he’s dying either.
ps I’m glad you think I’m cool and I’d love if you had an emoji
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skye707 · 1 year
Ok but which of the Riddlers would actually get along with their fem!selves? I feel like at least some of them would develop crushes, and the rest would develop rivalries
Oh, definitely lots of rivalries. But I think they'd accept it more if the loss is coming from a version of themselves in a way.
Unburied - Not even a rivalry, they're just friends. Probably get along the most of any of the Riddler pairings. Like a sibling relationship in a way where they can just about finish each other's sentences.
ZY - Rivalry. The most intense rivalry. Neither can handle the idea that there is another version of themselves that is actively trying to outdo them. Masc is doing it because that's just how he is with everyone, but Fem is doing it because she's so sick of dudes belittling her. Either will do whatever it takes to "win".
Dano - Actually very little interaction between these two. It's the same thing that happens when you put two extreme introverts in a room together: neither will speak unless absolutely necessary. If someone says something about Renewal in Gotham, then they'd become a dangerous duo, but if not, both are silently judging each other.
YJ - Goofballs who try to commit crimes together but end up tripping over each other's feet. So, when that doesn't pan out, they just stick to normal activities like seeing who can stack the highest card tower.
Gotham - They'd get along...at first. However, they would both quickly realize that they can't impress the other with fun facts, because they already know...and interrupt them. Aaaaand it would quickly devolve into an intense rivalry to prove the superior Riddler.
BTAA - Very similar to Gotham, these two start off friendly but neither can stand the fact that they're both intelligent. There is never any actual confrontation, more like sly comments and passive aggressiveness. They're both adults, so they can refrain from childish behavior, right?
Arkham - Reluctant friends. They both tell themselves they don't need help with their projects, but the other is right there and no one else knows how to properly wire the joints of the robot so that the reaction time is flawless. So, only an idiot wouldn't take advantage of that opportunity, or that's what they tell themselves.
BTAS - Literally parents. If Masc BTAS is a mom friend, then Fem is an actual mom. Someone asks BTAS if they can do something, he says ask her. What did she say? She said to ask you. Everyone except them notices this strange relationship.
Telltale - Best friends. Both of them have thick skin so the barbed comments don't bother each other, and it is so refreshing to be able to be themselves around each other. If someone says something about the two of them, they can expect their life to become a living hell courtesy of the local grandparents.
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skye707 · 1 year
How would the riddlers respond to being asked what their pronouns are?
Before they are anything else, they are menaces to society.
Unburied - Just tells you. Not a big deal for him, he gets asked all the time. Sometimes takes it as an opportunity to mess with people but can't keep it together and dissolves into giggles.
ZY - what? he was in the middle of monologuing and you stopped him to ask what his pronouns are? fine. He tells you and continues what he was saying giving you a little side eye for not being intimidated by his genius.
Dano - ...why do you want to know? He'll tell you, quietly. He's just not used to people being concerned for his preferences, so don't take it personally. He looks at you in a better light after you thought to ask so good for you!
YJ - Oh. OH! Yeah! Stutters through the whole thing. No one has ever asked before, so he's a little flustered.
Gotham - How polite of you! He tells you with a little muppet smirk on his face. Now, what are yours? If you know his, he should know yours.
BTAA - Edward/Nygma. One of a kind, baby. Ha! Okay, you're not laughing like he thought you would. Oh fine, he'll tell ya. Don't sit there looking all peeved.
Arkham - Huh? What? Oh, okay. Quickly tells you, but in the grand scheme of his genius, does it really matter??
BTAS - You... want to know his preferred pronouns? Well, that's new. Normally, he'd just say the Riddler and get on with things, but you asked so nicely, so he'll give you a straight answer. And thank you for asking!
Telltale - He will say the Riddler and mean it. When interacting with him, you should only be referring to him as the Riddler, and you shouldn't even consider discussing him with other people. He is a being of mystery that should be respected as such.
If he likes you, he'll tell you for your own benefit, not because he accepts your olive branch of mutual understanding.
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skye707 · 1 year
How would each of the Riddlers react to being told by someone that they enjoy their company? Like someone talks to him, enjoys doing it, and tells him up front they they think he’s cool, fun to hang out with, and that they genuinely like him. How would the boys take such a compliment?
Unburied - Of course, you do. He's so cool! And smart! Who wouldn't want a friend like him? Inside he's a little worried that this is just a ploy to get something from him, but he'll ride this high out for as long as he can.
ZY - Honestly, he's a little baffled. He's gotten so used to everyone telling him how obnoxious he is that his brain short circuits for a second. However, he's quick to recover, immediately going into a classic rant on how his company is probably making you smarter and that's why you would say something like this.
Dano - Tears. He's never really had a friend, so having someone who's willing to listen to his grievances is like waking up in a whole new world. This is what life is supposed to be like? This is friendship and kindness? No wonder people always told him to try and make a friend.
YJ - Blushing and giggling. Oh! That's great! heh. He likes your company too. Then he starts to think and tells you that he really does appreciate you saying that. Sometimes it's hard for him to tell who actually cares, so you saying that really puts his mind at ease. So, thank you.
Gotham - "Hm, I enjoy our conversations too. Even if I do most of the talking". Insert muppet smile. Finally, it's about time he had a good friend. He's been trying so hard for so long to fit in, and this time it just came naturally without him having to struggle.
BTAA - Huh? You do?...I mean, of course you do! You get to learn something new every time you see him, and that's great. You said that once, right? Since you mention it, you wouldn't be interested in becoming part of the team would you? Make this duo of him and Miss Tuesday into a trio! Then he'll outnumber the Batman and his stupid sidekick!
Arkham - What are you going on about now? Did you hit your head on something and rattle that miniscule brain around? He's insufferable! A sign of his superior intellect, he says. But on the inside, he's gasping and crying with the knowledge that there could be someone out there that won't absolutely despise him and his riddles.
BTAS - Well, that's very kind. It's been so long since someone said something nice to him without expecting something in return from him. So, it's a breath of fresh air to have a true confidant once again. Expect to be more involved in his work moving forward.
Telltale - And what would you like him to say? That he looks forward to your interactions with bated breath? Oh, please...Fine. You are slightly less intolerable than the rest of humanity evident in the fact that you are still alive.
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skye707 · 1 year
Don't mind me but.. in that question where Danoriddler is "Hacking" with his little and cute pink cat Earphones, i read in his glasses "Hack Dad" instead of Hack dat? And in took me this long to realize, but yeah the question is, who of the riddlers is most likely to know about technology (?
(I love telltale grandpa but i genuinely feel like he would be like some older ladies who ask hers sons if they know how to send a voicemail to her friends 😔)
When you mentioned the part about Telltale being the older lady of the group who doesn’t understand technology, my dumb brain thought you meant that’s how he would hit on older ladies. This ask is good anon, but my idea might have the potential to be great…
Unburied - He’s moderately good with technology. Not a total computer genius but enough to get around. He prefers puns and word puzzles.
ZY - This guy ranks pretty high on the technology smarts. I believe he would make his own computers and I know he programs his own little robots. How well they work is another question, but that’s still saying a lot.
Dano - He's literally a little computer nerd. I hc that he also acted as an IT guy at his job, pre-riddling. He needs that kind of knowledge to hack into and sift through emails detailing dirty dealings.
YJ - He thinks he's such a tech guy, but in reality, he thinks resetting his password is a great example of his skill. Don't get me wrong, he is tech savvy, but if you asked him to build a computer, he'd look at you like a lost puppy.
Gotham - Not a computer guy. He knows bodies, not technology. Of everyone in the house, I'd say he's the most incapable. So, how do I create a...folder?
BTAA - Hack master. Girl, you don't know about his skills. Rivals Dano in his ability to hack into places he's not supposed to be. Loves to know everyone's dirty secrets for no good reason.
Arkham - So, we know he's good with heavy machinery, but he also shows himself to be pretty good at jamming signals. He didn't become the GCPD's data guy for nothing. Also likes to dig up secrets for no reason.
BTAS - Less malicious hacking for this guy and more creation. He loves putting pieces together and having them work in harmony to make something work, especially coding for a game. Honestly, his favorite part is when people get the chance to put his creation to the test.
Telltale - Okay, he could be good with computers. However, as funny as it might be, he was born a little too early to get a natural affinity for computers. If he put his mind to it, he could be just as good as any of them, but, honestly? He likes building the little puzzles and things. That's what does it for him.
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skye707 · 1 year
as someone with chronic pain 24/7 i was wondering which one of the riddlers would be the best at cracking bones if you asked really nicely? (btw i really enjoy your art it genuinely brings me much joy 💚!!)
While I won't say that I live with chronic pain (I'm so sorry to hear that btw, sweet anon), I do know the relief that comes with a good back cracking.
Arkham - It will take some convincing, however, if he can be persuaded to help, you are in for the best bone cracking session of your life. He goes at it methodically as if working on resistant cogs of a machine. Enough force to move and displace, but not enough to hurt. And this compulsive mechanic is not stopping until it's "fixed".
Gotham - This little nerd knows a little too much about the human body, but in this case it's beneficial. He has the correct placement of every bone and muscle in the human body memorized and is more than happy to correct any issues. Also, he knows the exact amount of pressure it would take to break vertebrae so no worries! He'd never do that! On purpose?
Telltale - Another old man that knows exactly how it feels to be in unavoidable physical pain. Normally, he'd revel in the power of inflicting pain on others, but he'll have some mercy this time. And oh, dear goodness, he's really good at this. But he's not at the top of the list, because he's an ass about it. He can't just help for the sake of being a good person, so now you owe him at a later date when you least expect it.
BTAS - Dedicated to this task and will not stop until he decides you're comfortable to a reasonable degree.
YJ - Stooping at a computer is awful, he knows first-hand. However, it also means that he knows exactly what spots to work to help the most, because they're the same spots he tries to reach on himself when he's in pain. A little hesitant at first, but he's got this covered.
Dano - This guy gets an E for effort. He really wants to help, but he's got absolutely no clue what he's doing. It's gonna be more massaging and rubbing than actual bone cracking relief, but he gets extra points for his willingness to proceed until you're adequately relaxed.
BTAA - He's more used to being the one receiving massages, so he has a grasp on how it's supposed to go. However, he won't do it for very long. Unless you praise his bone cracking prowess the entire time. You're lucky he's so stunningly talented mentally, physically, and emotionally that he would offer his help like this.
Unburied - Not very helpful because he thinks he's going to hurt you, and the sound of popping joints kinda freaks him out. He'll try, but a shiver will go up his spine with every movement.
ZY - He thinks he's doing such a good job, but really he'd be more likely to do it worse. Subtlety isn't exactly his strong suit, and he thinks just a good snap ought to do the trick. Don't let him near your bones.
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skye707 · 1 year
Skye, another month appropriate one. Which riddlers do you think would have the most fun at pride, and who would be the most POPULAR, i can see unburied having a fucking blast and getting along with everyone. Meanwhile its a bit too loud for telltale, but he KEEPS, GETTING, HIT, ON, because dilf*cough*. You cant tell me the twinks wouldnt love him and arkham despite their grouchiness XD
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Being surrounded by lots of people may not be the first choice of most Riddlers, but I expect most would find a way to have a good time!
Unburied - This guy would be so popular in the street, but I think he'd be more likely to find a bar and sample their wares. Tries any specials for pride that might be available and leaves a ridiculously large tip.
ZY - He's going out there, causing a ruckus, and ultimately making himself the center of attention. No matter what. By the end of the day, everyone knows who he is, for better or worse.
Dano - I...don't know how he'd feel about a pride celebration purely because of how much is going on. Any party is a little overwhelming for an introvert, but I think the chances are good that he'll find a nice group and make some new friends :).
YJ - He doesn't know how it happened, but he ends the day with face painted, several pride flags on his backpack, and several phone numbers. It was all a blur that he can no longer recount with certainty.
Gotham - Does someone need water? Here you go, pal. Restroom? Right this way, he's already found the cleanest location. You look a little faint friend, take a second in the shade so he can tell you about the history of pride celebrations! Please, he's been dying for someone to listen to his fun facts and not just ask for a water bottle.
BTAA - He's making so many friends. Now, these are his kinds of people! Artistic! Flamboyant! Ready to help him commit harmless acts as a public nuisance! Don't be surprised if he doesn't end up back at the house. He was inspired and is currently setting up his next masterpiece of crime.
Arkham - His dumb kids dragged him up here and now he keeps getting hit on. It wouldn't be so bad except everything is so loud and it's so hot and "stop asking if I'm single! I've said a thousand times, I'm in a committed relationship with world domination!"
BTAS - He's just bouncing around getting to know people making friends, as in actual friends. Like he's going to be that friend you make on a whim and then all of a sudden, he's there in any time of need. But he originally came for fun knick knacks. He loves little knick knacks.
Telltale - He can't stand being in the heat street for too long, so he ducks inside the nearest bar only to find Unburied already inside chatting up the bartender. And now he's stepping back out into the street to find the next nearest bar.
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skye707 · 1 year
ok but can any of the riddlers (rizzlers) play instruments?? ik Gotham can play piano but i can see.... Zy being that annoying trumpet kid. Pause the ask brb. Ok I'm back look. There could be a riddler band. These people are miserable I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO COLOR YJ'S TIE IGNORE THAT..... - em-is
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We were so on the same wavelength. ZY is totally that trumpet kid who wakes the neighbors and doesn't give two shits.
Unburied - Violin. I don't care, he would make beautiful music with a violin/viola.
ZY - Trumpet for the previously stated reason.
Dano - That one guy that gets really into drumming. Will practice at his desk with pens until someone walks by and they both drop to the floor and he has to awkwardly pick them up and he bonks his head on the desk.
YJ - Electric guitar. Has never played for anyone. May never play for anyone. But he can shred.
Gotham - Piano. We've seen his skills in the show, but it also just fits his little muppet personality.
BTAA - Classical guitar, but I also think he has a thing for stringed instruments in general. I think he knows how to play the harp.
Arkham - Keyboard. Not piano. You can't make awesome synth on a piano. Picks his keyboard up and carries it around with him places.
BTAS - I... don't know if he is musically gifted. He can work computers like no one's business, but an instrument? *sad recorder sound*
Telltale - Also Classical piano. He learned as a child and kept up with practice into adulthood.
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