richonnefics · 5 years
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Right In Front of Me by SBK 
It was another Friday night and another dinner with friends.  Rick Grimes can’t even recall how long they’d been doing this, getting together and enjoying each other’s company.  There used to be five couples but now there are only three, Sasha and Bob, Glenn and Maggie, and Andrea and Shane.  He and Michonne were the single ones now.  His marriage to Lori ended amidst a cheating scandal and Michonne and Mike called it quits after he decided to move abroad with a woman he’d only interacted with online.
The sound of Michonne’s voice pulls him away from his musings.  He listens attentively as she gives some vague details about a case she is handling.  Andrea asks a question which leads them to share legal notes.  Sasha sighs impatiently and states, “Leave the office at the office please.”
Maggie agrees.  “Yeah.  Let’s talk about our upcoming trip.  I’m so excited.”
Michonne rolls her eyes heavenward and asks, “Do we have to?  I seriously cannot believe I let you guys talk me into paying for this.”
“It’s going to be fun,” Andrea inserts.  “We haven’t taken a trip together in years so don’t try to back out now.”
“But a ski resort on Valentine’s Day weekend?”  Michonne asks.  “I hate to point out the obvious but I’m minus a plus one now so what do I look like going on a romantic ski trip?”
“You’re looking at this all wrong.  There’s plenty for a single woman to do on a ski trip.  It doesn’t have to be about couples only,” Maggie adds.
“Yes, you keep reminding me,” Michonne retorts.
“Besides it wouldn’t be the same without you there,” Andrea includes.
Shane looks to Rick.  “She makes a valid point, man.  I know you want to back out too, but you’ll have fun. You gotta come with us.”
Rick shakes his head. “I don’t know.  I…..”
Michonne interrupts with, “That’s it.  If Rick’s not going, I’m not going.”
“Oh no!”  Maggie whines.  “Look what you’ve done Rick.  Come on don’t back out now.”
They continue to go back and forth before moving on to another topic.  Hours later, the friends are preparing to leave Sasha and Bob’s place. Rick watches Michonne from a short distance.  He has known her for years and considers her a close friend.  They were there for each other when their marriages collapsed and he knows she is someone he can always depend on.  He figures they could probably make this upcoming trip bearable if they decide beforehand to basically spend their time there together. They already know the couples would be doing couple activities so there was no reason for them not to enjoy themselves as well.
He walks toward her.  “Hey.  How about we make this trip worth our while?”
“Oh no.  They’ve convinced you, haven’t they?”
“Well we’ve already paid for it so let’s just go.  You wanna be my Valentine for the weekend?  Nothing heavy.  Just two friends enjoying the slopes and the attractions.  We might as well make the best of it right?”
Michonne considers his words, thinking that she’d enjoy the trip more with someone by her side. Maggie, Sasha, and Andrea would be there, but she knows majority of their time would be spent with their significant others as it should be.  She is sure Rick is feeling the same about his friends.  She gives him a quick once over and offers her hand.
Rick grasps her hand gently, giving it a light shake.  “So, we have a deal?”
“We have a deal.”
The ski trip was off to a great start.  They traveled there together and Rick was most attentive.  He and Michonne have always gotten along but she never considered him as anything other than a friend.  She is seeing a side of him she had never noticed before.  She knew he was a good husband to Lori, but she concludes she was too distracted with her own marital issues to notice anything more.
They arrive at the resort and although they are all a bit tired, they have to make it to the slopes for their scheduled guided tour.  They agree to meet back in the lobby in forty-five minutes.
Michonne looks around, admiring the décor and the huge fireplace in the corner of the room.  The champagne chilling in the ice bucket and the roses decorating the table bring a smile to her face.  She believes she will enjoy this trip more than she ever thought she would.
The guided tour was informative and she wasn’t as stiff and out of practice as she thought she would be. Rick flew across the snow like he’d been doing it his entire life.  Of course the guys had to make it into a competition instead of just enjoying the slopes.  The ladies enjoyed their time but ended the outing watching the guys act like they were participating in the Olympics.
That night, Rick and Michonne sat together during dinner and basically formed their own little world. They talked and laughed and occasionally included their friends.  Sasha watches them closely and hides a knowing smile.
They walk from the resort restaurant to a small bar/nightclub where the ladies take to the dance floor and the guys stand by and watch in awe.
The next day, Rick and Michonne are seated in the lobby waiting for the others.  They had planned a shopping excursion in town.  He grabs a brochure and shows her services offered by the in-house spa.
“They’ve got a couples package.  You game?”
“Why not?  We’re here.  We’re enjoying ourselves.  Let’s live it up,” she adds.
He reaches for the resort phone on the table next to them but is interrupted when a young man holding an expensive looking camera approaches them.
“Excuse me.  My name is Roger.  I handle PR for the resort.  I noticed you two out on the slopes yesterday and at the restaurant last night.  You seem to really be enjoying yourselves and I wanted your permission to use photos of you for our new brochure.  I’m willing to show you what I already have.  I showed them to my boss and he thinks you embody what we want couples to experience if they visit here.”  He preps his camera to show them the images.  “So how long have you two been married?  Do you have any kids?”
They look at each other and then back at Roger.  She starts with, “Oh we aren’t…..”
Rick interrupts her and says, “Let’s look at those photos.”
Michonne hides a small smile and swallows a bit nervously as Rick holds the camera and Roger scrolls through the photos.  She will admit they look more than happy in those photos and they look good together.
“So, what do you think? Do you like them?  Can we use them for our brochure?”  Roger asks.
“It’s fine with me as long as it’s fine with you,” Rick tells Michonne.
“The photos are beautiful and I’d be honored to be part of your promotion.”
Roger smiles widely.  “That’s great.  Thank you so much.  We have a form for you to sign and we’ll mail you copies of the finished product.”
Once Roger exits, they share another look, a knowing look and Rick offers his hand to Michonne. She smiles and places her hand in his.
“I think we got more than we bargained for on this trip,” he states.
She smiles.  “Yeah I can agree with that.  But then maybe it’s just this place.  It’s romantic and meant for couples.  Maybe we’re just under its spell.”
“Is that your way of asking me out on a date once we get back home?”
“It might be the only way to dispel the magic of this place.”  She answers.
He smiles.  “Maybe.  But I think we should continue to enjoy the magic while we’re here.”
She nods in agreement, noticing as his eyes drop to her lips.
His heart races as he thinks she’s been right in front of me all long.  
She was sure Rick was leaning in to kiss her but a clap on his back and Shane’s booming voice stifled the moment.
“You guys ready to go?” He asks.
“Actually, Rick and I planned a spa day.  We’ll see you guys at dinner,” Michonne says.  She wanted him all to herself for just a while longer.
Sasha, Bob, Maggie, Glenn, Andrea, and Shane look on as their friends walk off hand in hand smiling and talking like they are the only two people in the world.
“What just happened?” Bob asks.  “Rick and Michonne?”
Sasha smiles.  “Rick and Michonne.”
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richonnefics · 5 years
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Leap into Love
Leap day comes around just once every four years. Some people use the rare occasion as an opportunity to take a leap of faith...either by making a change or taking a chance in their lives that they normally wouldn’t.
This month, we want you to write about Rick and Michonne stepping far outside of their comfort zone to take a leap of faith into love with each other. How would you imagine our faves falling in love through one of the scenarios below:
Speed dating Using a dating app Love at first sight Blind date Revealing a crush Contestant(s) on a dating show Eloping as strangers Reuniting as former loves  Tag @richonnefics in the body of your fics and hashtag your work #richonneleaps and we’ll reblog them all month long.
Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a newcomer, take a leap into this challenge! Happy writing!
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