#richie. aes
hvndredbattles · 7 months
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bold what applies to your muse, italics for things that apply situationally and/or only in certain verses, strikethrough what never applies.
Richie Arden
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a small home full of medals || the scent of justice || the adrenaline rush before busting a crime scene || trusting in the team || sworn oaths || the city’s skyline from the roof of the police station || radio chatter || protecting those who can’t protect themselves || a last stand || crime scene tape
a revolver resting in the drawer || the taste of cheap whiskey || constant reminders of past mistakes || a shadowy figure in the alley || being known in every bar || a fight in the backroom || blood on leather gloves || your name whispered in the underworld || broken laws for the greater good || an act of defiance against the system
a drawer full of candy wrappers || an unexpected knack for solving cases || a fascination with the improbable || the comfort in eccentricity || midnight oil burning for a case || chaotic notes leading to the truth || a genius in their own world || the thrill of a new challenge || the final piece of the puzzle falling into place || a colorful scarf among the grey suits
worn out gloves from punching the bag || a growl in the voice || a reputation that precedes you || a fist through the wall || harsh words with a caring undertone || a cigarette burning in the ashtray || the anger that fuels everything || a grudge held too long || begrudging respect from colleagues || an unexpected show of loyalty
working late nights || a plan that doesn’t include going home || being unable to return to the way things once were || a whiskey bottle in the bottom drawer || the cold touch of a gravestone || silence in a room once filled with laughter || old photographs gathering dust || the echo of a voice no longer there || a past that refuses to be forgotten || knowing that nobody knows what to say
a flask of strong coffee || a siren in the distance || the familiar smell of gunpowder || a smoker’s cough || secrets buried deep || a sigh of frustration || a heavy sense of cynicism || crime scene photos that haunt dreams || a stare that has seen too much || a cold case reopened
the sharp smell of chemicals || a doctor’s coat stained with blood || hands that have tried to mend too many || the solemn silence of the dead || the precision in every movement || the precise language of medicine || a race against time || the responsibility of life and death || blood spatters on white walls || an oath never to be broken
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tagged by: YOINKED
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autistic-crunchwrap · 3 months
I watched all of The Bear Season 3 and I have so many thoughts... SPOILERS BELOW
TL;WR: It was not all bad... There were high points and low points for sure, and I did enjoy the high points! but the stress and chaos this season brought was not worth the few and far between moments of goodness we saw.
First, the good:
Liza Colón-Zayas. Oh my god. A true standout, as always. If her episode doesn’t win her an Emmy, I will be fucking furious. Ayo also deserves an Emmy for directing that episode. Every second of the episode was beautiful and moving and added significantly to the overall plot and character development of the show (as every episode of a 10-episode season show should… but more on that later)
Abby Elliot, I love you. I am a Nat Berzatto stan through and through. Ice Chips was my favorite episode of the season. AE’s chemistry with Jamie Lee Curtis is unmatched. I was so genuinely touched by this episode. This episode was family therapy for me, I think. Thank you Abby Elliot, very cool.
Richie gets some great family time with his daughter and Tiff this season, and it’s genuinely so good to see him continue to grow and support his family even when it’s really hard for him. I see how hard he’s trying and I love him for it.
Ted Fak gave some really great energy that really worked this season. Him and Neil were consistently funny and entertaining to watch. I enjoyed their bit about haunting that came up several times throughout the season
JOHN FUCKING CENA being a Fak was an INSANE choice but I loved it. This show has gone off the rails and goddamn it I need more John Cena immediately
Joel McHale is back and as bitchy as ever! I love the havoc he wreaks on Carmy. His line from episode 10, “I don’t think about you” (paraphrasing, I’m not going back to watch it for the exact quote) made me gasp watching it. If Carmy wasn't such a prick, I would feel bad, but Season 3 Carmy deserves the shit Chef David deals him.
Olivia Coleman. That is all.
"You can go fuck" is my favorite Bear quote, especially when Nat says it
Always happy to see Will Poulter as Luca. His lil mullet is adorable and I love him. I hope he and Syd connect even more in Season 4
Pete asking Syd if different foods make different levels of noise was the funniest bit the whole season. Protect Pete at all costs.
Now for the bad…
Where’s the fucking character development??? Carmy and Syd in particular felt very stuck this season. The whole season is very stuck in the past and pays a lot of lip service to 'working through your shit'... but no one ever works through their shit this season (save for Richie, sort of) and it annoyed the hell out of me.
The whole first episode felt like a waste of time. Almost no narrative development, 20+ minutes of montage and fancy shots of cooking? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the food porn in The Bear. I live for that shit. But the narrative went NO WHERE in Episode 1 because of how much fancy cooking footage was there instead. Gurl, get on with it. I’m bored.
There are several secrets being kept this season. Syd being offered another (possibly better) position and never talking to Carmy about it, Cicero not telling Carmy that he's now broke and can't help pay for the restaurant anymore, and the details of the restaurant review being kept a secret from the audience (and the characters) for most of the season. And like, we just never really get any payoff from it?? We barely see the restaurant review at the end, Syd doesn't tell Carmy about the other job, and Cicero doesn't tell Carmy about being broke. We ended the season where we started. Re: a waste of time!
Another waste of time was the slight of hand/magic trick theme thing they tried to do but didn't fully develop. I was confused as to what the point of all that was, but it was never fully resolved. Don't give me that 'to be continued' shit because you didn't tie up your loose ends this season. I know bad writing when I see it.
Cicero was especially difficult to watch this season. More antagonistic than usual (which, fair, The Bear is a very expensive shitshow) but it makes a big deal about saying he wishes he would've shown up for the Berzatto kids more, but for what purpose? He says this twice, only for it to be revealed to the audience that he's basically lying to Carmy about having money. Bad writing makes this character more scummy than I think he needs to be.
The Claire subplot went absolutely nowhere this season. I think the only time we actually see Claire in present day (and not just in Carmy's blue-tinted 'Supercut' by Lorde memories of her...) is when Neil and Ted Fak are fucking with her at work about Carmy. She was a major trigger point for Carmy this season, but he never does anything to make amends to her, which I found strange considering there's a WHOLE EPISODE about Carmy "considering apologizing." Shut the fuck up. Apologize to her or don't, but she is not haunting you, Carmen. Goddamn.
Speaking of Carmy never apologizing, this season is SO full of callbacks to previous seasons and makes such specific references that the audience is expected to remember, but there are giant plot holes and references that are all but forgotten. The "I'm sorry" sign that Carmy taught Syd to do on the line when they're upset at each other is never brought up once this season, which feels lazy. Carmy did that sign when he was being an asshole last season, and it felt like that was missing. Also, some of the motifs this season just didn't make sense to me.
Finally, Carmen Berzattto is a grade-A asshole the whole season. Like, just a massive prick with no character development, no arc, no interest in healing or working through his shit or connecting with other human beings in really anyway, and honestly? He was antagonistic and demanding and harsh in a way we've never see him before, and I don't think it was for the better. I understand that it's because he's lost this humility and is turning into Chef David, which is the worst thing in the world to Carmy, but he shows 0 remorse for being an asshole this season. Him 'not being able to say sorry' isn't a good enough excuse for how truly grating his character was the entire season. I didn't enjoy watching him on screen. My favorite moments this season were the ones where Carmy was no where to be found. I loved Carmy in Seasons 1 and 2, but I wanted nothing to do with him this season. That's just bad writing.
PHEW, that was a lot! Okay my loves, thanks for sticking through all that. Please let me know your thoughts and hot takes too!! Anyway, stan Natalie Berzatto, and pick up some fucking C-folds, yeah?
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thatliminal-wanderer · 5 months
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Gnarpy (Regretevator) ID pack
Requested by anon
Abby, Aguistin, Andean, Apollo, Aristeides, Aristeo, Asmita, Astrea, Astro, Aten, Bazeelle, Bengal, Candace, Canopa, Caracal, Cressida, Duke, Dyuthi, Einar, Eric, Eris, Fakhr, Felis, Galaxy, Gaurav, Geleexa, Geoffroy, Guina, Haben, Harold, Harry, Iarlaith, Jupiter, Kellan, Kimball, Korat, Leo, List, Lykoi, Lynx, Manx, Mars, Mau, Meissa, Miranda, Naaz, Nova, Oz, Ozell, Pallas, Paza, Pazit, Perseus, Peter, Phaedra, Phoebe, Pollux, Pranet, Raheesh, Ra’ed, Rex, Richie, Ricky, Rigel, Ronald, Savannah, Seren, Serval, Sidra, Sirius, Star, Suchi, Swarnalakshmi, Thaman, Tiza, Torion, Ujval, Umbra, Vega, Wahhaj, Walt, Walter, Xannon, Xanto, Xing, Zafar, Zafir, Zahavi, Zahi, Zaim, Zaima, Zarad, Ziram
UFO/UFOs, above/aboves, ae/aeir, ae/aer, alien/aliens, astro/astros, cele/celestial/celestials, claw/claws, comet/comets, exper/experiment/experiments, feline/felines, glow/glows, gnarp/gnarps, green/greens, hate/hates, kat/katz, leader/leaders, mew/meow, nebula/nebulas, neon/neons, nova/novas, paw/paws, planet/planets, pride/prides, scratch/scratchs, shimmer/shimmers, star/stars, sting/stings, strong/strongs, top/tops, umbra/umbras, whisker/whiskers, xe/xim, zap/zaps, 🌌/🌌s, 🌟/🌟s, 🌠/🌠s, 🌵/🌵s, 🎚️/🎚️s, 🎛️/🎛️s, 🐈/🐈s, 🐉/🐉s, 🐱/🐱s, 👽/👽s, 💉/💉s, 💚/💚s, 💛/💛s, 📡/📡s, 🛸/🛸s, 🤖/🤖s, 🦂/🦂s, 🪐/🪐s, 🪚/🪚s
An Alien of Green Hue and Striped Fur, The (Gnarpian) Army Leader, The Alien With a Meow, The Alien with No Mercy, The Cat From Space, The Cat With Scorpion-like Tails, The Cat With Stingers, The Cat With Two Tails, The Cat-Like Alien, The Green Cat, The Mad Cat, The One Who Will End Man Kind, The One of Glowing Yellow, The One of Green Fur and Yellow Glows, The Space Born Cat, [prn] Which Will Harm You, [prn] Who Hates Earthlings, [prn] Who Is Above You
Aliencatgender, Aliengender, Alienhonum, Aliensphynxic, Evilfelin, Genderabductus, Genderalien, Gleepcatgender, Gnarpygender, Phosalienbeam, Planetgender, Pridefilled, Starcatgender, Vastspaceic
Other mogai
Alderalien, Alderanthrocat, Aldergreen/Alderyellow, Alienvesi, Assigned Alien at Birth/AAliAB, Regretevatorhearthic, Regretevator Perspesque, Spacestelic
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dawns-beauty · 1 year
I've been meaning to overhaul Argonians but don't even know what mods are the best to go for. What would you recommend for eyes and skin(that isn't fetish stuff)? Most of the skins I've seen are geared towards sex mods and that just makes me uncomfortable.
Ohhh yeah, I get where you're coming from 😬
I'm not sure if quality is an issue for you, but I'm not too bothered with lower-res Argonian textures because ALL textures are blurry on their faces for some reason.
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Richy's ESO Argonians
Probably my favorite despite being a little blurry because it's uniquely cool. Makes Argonians look like the ESO cinematic trailer Argonians, with crocodile-like plates. While it was only released on LE, it plays fine on SE/AE.
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Riverborn Argonian
Pretty cool, gives them a sort of draconic look. Very good quality, too. The author recently added a female version :D
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Forgotten Argonian Roots
An oldie but a goodie. I think the female variations are neat! Defintiely download the 4k version and use Cathedral Assets Optimizer to downscale if you need it: the 2k textures are bugged.
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If you can get past the shitty pics, MonsterRaider's Masculine and Feminine textures are good quality: the Default scale versions don't have the weird human-skin torsos. The Chameleon one is unique, and the Lizard one is similar to vanilla, but higher quality. If you can't get past the mod page pics, DM me and I can set you up with the files.
There are a few that are just upscaled versions of the vanilla one too, but I haven't really looked into them.
(Just to be sure you know, a texture mod won't make your character naked, so if you see one you like that only has naked screenshots know it won't do that in your game.)
I honestly haven't found one particular eye mod I love for all Argonians: I think the one in the screenshots is Natural Eyes. Improved Eyes, Kala's Beast Race Eyes, and Argonians Enhanced are neat. Unfortunately all but Kala's are vanilla texture replacers, so you can't use them together.
For more recommendations for Beast races, check out this list. It's quite comprehensive!
Anyways, hope you like one of these :)
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roses-bah-garden · 1 month
oooh! can you make us a muppet? giving you my lil aesthetic moodboard i made for myself lol if that will help
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ooo this is giving off MAJOR vibes of one of the most underappreciated muppets, so here's a lil computer guy for you! if you want, i can send you a compilation of his moments on the show :)
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
muppet bah game, techy, retro ... [LVL 4 PACK]
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name(s) ;; digit
pronouns ;; he/him, it/its, byte/bytes, ze/zem, ae/aes, pix/pixel, .mp3/.mp3s, digi/digital, mus/music, prime/primes, glitch/glitches, tv/tvs, 🎹/🎹self, 💿/💿self, 📺/📺self
age ;; cassage
species ;; computer muppet
gender(s) ;; tessemasculine, novtechic
orientation(s) ;; beyondsexual
role(s) ;; [some options...] online manager, work alter, body dysmorphia holder
source ;; the jim henson hour
sign-off(s) ;; [🎹📺]
appearance ;; tall and a little chubby. pale purplish fabric. wires fanshioned into a hairstyle. bright green eyes. unsettling appearance. wears odd patterns and colours. see below for picture.
personality ;; nerdy and easily confused. he's a lover of all things science fiction, and likes to ponder on the future of the world. byte can sometimes have difficulty controlling zyr volume. a bit foolish, but quite loving.
likes ;; photography, analog horror, psychedelic rock, science fiction, rocky horror picture show, puppets
dislikes ;; real life gore or violence, misuse of AI, sweet foods
possible front triggers ;; going to work, anything involving kermit, unsettling AI images
cisid(s) ;; artificial intelligence, keyboardist, technical director, robot
transid(s) ;; transautistic, transdissokleptomantal, transglitchedvoice, transalien, transadored, transMADD, transsemiverbal
trisid(s) ;; trisuncannyvalley
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; anthrophilia
bonus info ;; typing quirk o = 0, i = 1 (the qu1ck f0x jumps 0ver the lazy d0g)
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patiencesinners · 2 years
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Emma Bürklin (@plush__baby): 
Earlier this year we completed 6 videos for @panicatthedisco filmed over the course of 9(.5) days. This was a massive undertaking for our crew and cast and this entire team knocked it out of the park. I will never get over the intricacy and care of every aspect. Thank you to everyone who made these happen❗️
Directed by @breadandwalter Executive Producer: @jesyodio Producer: @plush__baby Director of Photography: @ericbader Production Designer: @sokocreations Editors: Brendan Walter, Kevin Hindriks Production Company: @teenager.ent Color: Bryan Smaller, Kevin Hindriks
UPM: @doriansthomas 1st AD: @taylormade215 Script Supervisor: @andishezohoori Choreographer: @monikafelicesmith Costume Designer: @stylistbrooke Key Hair & Makeup Artist: @makeuphair_mayra Groomer: @aikafloreshair Gaffer: @kylebartreid Key Grip: Anthony Schrader, James O’Connor Sound Mixer: @life_jedy Location Manager: Pete Abrahams VFX: Taylor Armstrong Animators: Kevin Hindriks, Gon Borela, Glen Dones, DJ Belga, Paula Gohing SHIFTai @fotokem_la Stunt Coordinator: Travis Wong Casting: @rebelcasting
AE: Jonathan Rosenblit 1st AC: Rich Hawkinson 2nd AC: Brian Freeman, Kyle Deven, Greg Hatton, Deepak Adhikary DIT/Utility: Jacob Seldes Ronin Op: Ben Fredman Steadicam: Will Sampson, Quaid Cde Baca B-Cam Op: Geoffrey Brent Shrewsbury BBE: Justin Sadler, Jim Ed Willis, Sam Needham 1st SLT: Mike Winokur, Paul Kane 2nd SLT: Sam Needham Best Grip/Driver: Richie Brush Dolly Grip: James O’Connor Grip: Nick Limina, Abel Soto, Rich Ferrat, Christian Andrew, Shane Greavette Boom Operator: Ethan Rhanielle, Alex Gilroy Art Directors: Devin Parker, Spencer Trent Set Dresser: Mitch Dillon, Reno Bennedetti Leadmen: Shay Turner, Zach Riddle Pyro Tech: Anthony Delzio Lifeguard: Tony Whitmore Production Coordinators: Kalid Hussein, Nathan Vaughan Office Production Coordinator: Ariel Hutchins-Fuhr 2nd AD: Alexandria Cardiel 2nd 2nd AD: Teck Holmes AD PAs: Nafeisa Johnson, Anthony Sturdivant Office PAs: Jubilee Daws, Jane Kim, Hollis Dohr Truck PAs: Alex Reyes Méndez, Colin Hagiwara, Sean Lass, Jay Arias, Jordan Pelzl Set PAs: Collin Wade, Kyle Ali, Jem Murillo, Corey Cunningham, Skylar Conner
Assistant Costume Designer: Anastasia Magoutas On-Set Costumer: Maggie Kimball Costume Assistant: Lucas Ciotti, Rachel Apatoff, Brooke Mulkins Seamstress: Olga Podymova Costume PA: Marissa Channing SPFX Makeup Artists: Brittany Fontaine, Sam Tansey HMU Assistants: Rob Sheppy, Sophie Guzman, Julie Dinh, Ashley Lee, Kandi Hernandez, Charde Thompson, Stacey Gonzalez, Nadine Robinson, Megan Gray, Carmen Martinez Assistant Choreographer: Riley Roberts Key Crafty Attendant: Sabino Salas Miranda, Raul Aguirre, Josh Gresham COVID Officer: Stephen George, Caitlin Hiroto Set Medic: Melissa Reed Security: Crew Protection Stunt Double: Nikita Teterev Studio Teacher: Bettina Russo Drivers: EJ Smith, Bill Colino, Josh Collins, Malik Riley
Starring: @onlyleah as Maggie Mike Naran on Guitar Nicole Row on Bass Dan Pawlovich on Drums The Beer Boys: Mike Viola, Rachel White, Jake Sinclair Robert Javinett as Manager Jesse Merlin as Host & Stage Manager Angel Ahabue as Salesperson Galen Howard & Nafeisa Johnson as “The PAs” Mauricio Marte as Medic Zak Cassar as Masked Man Monika Felice Smith as Teacher Christian Valentino Maita as Young Brendon Nora Harriet as Young Maggie Kids: Dominic McDonald, Aurora Lewis Jester: Galen Howard
Dancers: Crystal Chestnut, Cierra Crowley, Edith Morales, Genna Moroni, Katherine Cheng, Adriano Bettinelli, Cedric Thane Sanders, Hugh Aparente, Nicolas Karosy, Robbie Bianton
Cameos: Mike Naran, Nicole Row, Dan Pawlovich, Morgan Kibby, Butch Walker, Brandon Dermer, Suzy Shinn, Rachel White, Pete Wentz, Betty Who, Spencer Smith, Evan Taubenfeld, Nina Jordan, Tatjana Vujovic, Jake Wesley Rogers , Sam Barbera, Linda Ignarro Smith
Funeral Extras: Hannah May Evans, Jasmine Wilson, Abraham Baltazar, Robert "Rexx" Gonzales, Galen Howard
Extras: Ronee Collins, Chibuike Nwuda, Born M'Allah, Graham Selden, Gigi Ganza, Toky Mahamaro, Ludovica Rossato, Elise Biscaro, Jimmy Lee Nguyen, Stephanie Paige, Daniel Stonewall, Olivia Lodge, Hayley Olivia Strubbe, Mariah Salae Jackson, Mary Morgan Bond, Laura Dromerick, Drake Williams, Molly Malin, Shreya Jhalani, Zachary Colvin, Hakop Mkhsian, Michael Parker, Brittany McVicker, Umar Saqid, Romy Evans, Harsimran Ghotra, Andreina Boada, Richard Follin, Brianna Gurdzhyan, Andejela Belosevic, Cairo Spencer, Angela Lin, Robby Ché, Jonel Awit, Pearrie, Darius Levante, Stefan Freeth, Julia Cornell, Gordana Simunovic, Cort King, Robert Rodriquez, Ramona Tibrin
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loiwkaoxm12225 · 6 months
🔥 สมัคร บาคาร่า เว็บตรง สมัครสมาชิกใหม่ รับเครดิต100% 🔥
🔥 สมัคร บาคาร่า เว็บตรง สมัครสมาชิกใหม่ รับเครดิต100% 🔥
คลิ้ก ✅เข้าสู่ระบบเว็บสล็อตออนไลน์ คลิ้ก ✅เข้าสู่ระบบเว็บแทงบอล คลิ้ก ✅เข้าสู่ระบบเว็บแทงบาคาร่า
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bacgaming55123 · 6 months
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hvndredbattles · 8 months
richie, singh, yves, rhys, harris. tag drop.
richie. ic, richie. visuals, richie. writing, richie. isms, richie. aes, richie. misc,
singh. ic, singh. visuals, singh. writing, singh. isms, singh. aes, singh. misc,
yves. ic, yves. visuals, yves. writing, yves. isms, yves. aes, yves. misc,
rhys. ic, rhys. visuals, rhys. writing, rhys. isms, rhys. aes, rhys. misc,
harris. ic, harris. visuals, harris. writing, harris. isms, harris. aes, harris. misc
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littleturtle95 · 4 years
Listening to the wind of change
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“Eddie Kaspbrak is a sixteen years old boy living in Munich in 1912. He has a breathing condition, an overbearing mother, and, most importantly, he likes other boys.
Eddie Kaspbrak knows the world is not made for people like him, and the world reminds him that pretty often.
He is confident that this is not going to change, and even if it is, he knows he’ll never live long enough to see it with his own eyes, so he doesn’t even bother to hope he will.
Then immortality enters in the picture.”
This AU is eating me alive my eyes are bleeding I can’t stop writing send help.
(link in the title)
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rians--world · 5 years
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fanon richie tozier from it
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trshmouth · 3 years
[peggle 2 voice] tags TWO! i would like to do some tags for dynamics as well soon but we will see....
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applesouletly · 5 years
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You punched me in the face, made me walk through shitty water, dragged me through a crackhouse... and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown.
IT aesthetics: Richie Tozier
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fervour-a · 4 years
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richie tozier & eddie kaspbrak edit;  i want your stupid fucking sense of humour making me laugh at 4am when i have to be up at 6. @fierytragcdy
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thesillies · 6 years
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🚬 bev and richie are best pals 🍒
a moodboard for my best friend richie! this is 4 my canonmate nyehehe
srry to be that guy! but feel free to reblog just dont tag with kin/id/me tags cuz this is Very specific to our canon!
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pepsi bigender richie tozier aes x x x  x x x x x x
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