#richard sterling x you
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Inspired by art from @/jackthepeeper here
Rated: Mature | Warnings: Richard calls reader 'princess' but still gn (trust me in none affectionate way), reader calls Richard 'dick'
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Richard Sterling is the classic beautiful knight, the sort to save a princess from a high tower guarded by a fearsome dragon. It is undeniable his beauty, storybook to the letter, yet you find yourself unable to trust a pretty face like most do. Most ladies would think you are being too cautious, clearly you should be swooning and falling over him. It is made to seem like something is wrong with you, which you are not going to feel about! Father says to trust your instincts; trust and verify.
Richard Sterling probably sees you as the princess in need of saving, Florian did too, but you are quite clear that his assistance will only be called upon if necessary.
As one who practices the art of escape as, once the great Houdini did, you have not always needed rescuing.
Jose Baden and you have come up with plenty of ideas of how to use your talents combined when dealing with the most difficult hunters to contain. A bit of confusion can do wonders against those like Ivy or Percy.
You are not sure Richard— Dick, you call him when he gets on your nerves— Gets it, yet your luck has been shit as he has been saving your ass far too much. Jose had thought he could tease you about it but you make it very clear to him to stop.
This last match would have nearly cost you if he had not stayed behind to save you from Discipline. It was risky but it got a tie.
“There is no need for thanks,” Bowing, “After all, any princess needs a knight.”
“Not a princess or prince, pretty boy.” Florian has a hero complex, easy to deal with. Richard, you think would be the same way but there's something off. Heroic deeds yet it is like he is playing a practiced role. Florian at least wants to save people though he seems to get off on it. Fucking weirdos all in this place, at least they put their differences aside to survive.
“My apologies for assuming. It could not be helped given your current circumstances of late.”
“We all have bad days… or weeks.” Mumbling with this pleasure, “Just have to go practice.”
“If you are in of company—”
“William is already joining me.” You cut him off, “See you whenever.” Going to the left of the intersecting hallway and heading to your room.
“Farwell, princess.” That last part is said with a sly smirk.
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All of your lockpicks have been used, Jack is relentless, and Night Watch is quick with chairing. Duo hunters are always a pain in the ass to get through as certain hunter combinations make or break a match.
Both Jack and Night Watch's abilities are a great combo and there are only four remaining survivors…
The Knight is containing the hunters as they decide to tag team against the newest survivor. You use this opportunity to save Luca and Lucky Guy from their chairs, Luca has the crowbar but the dungeon location is a mystery currently on the snow version of the Arms Factory map.
You could leave Richard, he has helped you but he a dick about it as he calls you “princess”. Luca pings no dungeon where he went to and Lucky Guy pings the hunter is on him.
“Evening, princess.” Richard finds you decoding in the factory, you see the hunters did a number on him before both hunters saw Lucky Guy who shot Night Watch with a flare. Merc's armbands will only get him so far. “Might I request a touch from the fair nimble-fingered princess?”
“Ew, why do you talk like that?” You hate his laugh that makes him wheeze in pain, “Stop that. Here,” Handing him Demi’s Dovlin you bought, “Drink this it will help the pain.”
“Wine? Rather unwise to be inebriated in our current situation.”
“Dick, it will heal you. I don't know how but does so fucking drink it!”
“As my princess wishes. Perhaps after, we could enjoy a glass of wine later?”
You stare at so long enough to fuck up the cipher for a second, “Get us a win and maybe I will entertain that.”
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Holy shit… A tie… You cannot believe the… Lucky Guy and Luca are cheering while you are completely flabbergasted. A two-person kite and the dungeon were found just in time.
Dick got his dinner and wine because that win was impressive. The dinner was added because you want food with your wine.
You figure dinner in the sunroom is safe. Though private and often reserved for tea parties, at night you found it to be the best spot to gaze upon the stars.
“Princess,” Dinner and wine, “There is no reason to shy away.” It makes you both too bold and stupid.
You have slept with Florian. He is attractive and you are weak for a man in uniform. Slept with Mike too, he made you laugh your first week here. Made out with Mary during a Valentine's Day celebration. In short, you are not surprised you are on the floor with the pretty boy playing knight. Without the vest, his blouse partly open, and his tight pants not leaving anything to guesswork; his is gorgeous.
“I'm not shy. You're just so much.” You open his shirt as he takes off his trousers and shoes. “A lot much.” Your fuzzy brain from drinking is not giving you the ability to form proper words or find the right one. You are not the type to drink, socially you drink rarely, so your tolerance is low. Especially given the vintage is from Antonio's secret stash he tries to hide in the wine cellar.
The food helped until the night grew longer and longer, more cups of wine poured, your inhibitions lowered, your tongue loose— There is an old saying ‘loose lips sink ships’ and boy was your ship sinking.
Richard seems to be able to hold his liquor, you envy him, he is so pretty and… Your mind is too fuzzy to figure out who leaned in first for the kiss.
By now, you both are on the floor near the large glass ceiling, two bottles empty, both glasses fallen and rolled somewhere, and both sitting under the stars. Romantic.
When he kisses you, it is the perfect kiss, you are swooning a bit. Perfect then demanding with his tongue in your mouth, his hands on your face keeping you in place so he can steal your breath.
The escalation was so close from how his hands wandered and groped you; your hands tugging at his clothes yet there was not much you could do in your current state. The kiss is hot and heavy, and you swear you are ready, then he stops. Not panicking or pushing you away abruptly, he is gentle and lays you under him.
“As much as I would enjoy ravishing you,” You have no idea how he can speak so clearly with two bottles in both your systems, “However, I would much prefer our night of passion to be recalled not forgotten.”
And in the most gentle way, he did not sleep with you that night.
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Princess. You hate being called that. You are no princess or prince in need of a knight. You see yourself more as the jester who struggled to amuse the crowd unless you were escaping impossible odds— Life-threatening ones often. Yet, to Richard, you are a princess running away from impossible horrors and narrowly escaping.
The a few ladies like him, a few of the guys, and you still believe under that facade is a dragon rather than a knight.
“Princess?” Answering the door surprised to see you there. The only visitors he gets usually is Vera (he likes her perfumes) and occasionally Margaretha (stress relief), and maybe Evelyn for a nightcap.
Here you are looking crossed with him, he does not resist when your hand touches his bare chest shoving him back, this allows you to enter his room and slam the door behind you.
“If you are looking to manipulate me into some alliance with you, well, you're a dumbass. Alliances will not help you. We have to all work together if we are going to survive this.” The rant is long as you jab your finger against his chest not noticing how he is allowing you to vent until you are out of words. You glare and then look down seeing where you are touching the knight.
It might not have been the best idea to corner him in a nice room that smells of perfume and is well organized— You pull your hand back realizing your hand is on his partially exposed chest. His usual fencing vest and sash are gone, his undershirt open making him look like a damn male lead of a romance novel cover.
You look away then point to the closed door in the heat of your anger about how things were different between you and him (he had even been in your room helping you with your hangover), you came upon him at an inappropriate time, “I uh, bye.”
“Wait,” Grabbing your hand and for the first time since that tonight over a week ago, you can feel his bare hand. “My apologies for being so forward; it lead to this miscommunication.”
You hate how eloquent he speaks, Norton might be rubbing off on you.
“You are correct about me seeking something from you, princess. We were close to it, however, it would be wrong for a gentleman to take advantage of a princess at their most vulnerable.”
“... You can just ask me for sex.”
He laughed, “How crude. Though I suppose a blunt request would have caused less stress.”
You roll your eyes, “Dick—”
“Richard, (Name).” His hand traveling up your arm, “I wish to bed you. If you wish, perhaps we can share our desires often with one another.”
You hum, “Friends with benefits?” Thinking it over for a second,  “Alright.” Not like there are strings attached or love involved.
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Chemistry is just as vicious as love.
Desire can twist infatuation into obsession.
Sex with Richard is amazing! You were so sure the man was gonna chivalrously vanilla, not there is anything wrong with that but you have your tastes and thrills. Florian liked it when you poured candle wax on him, Mike liked how playful you can be, and Mary adored it when you let her use her mirror shard to slide against your skin (never cutting you). Richard is… Very experimental.
When his hand is wrapped around your throat; when his usual gentlemanly demeanor switches to this sadistic man who wants to break you; the fact he is thankful after the rough sex he takes care of you— Thinking about right now as you walk to your room is making you giddy.
You love it when he uses his sash to bind your wrists or use it as a leash, your next favorite is when he has you wear his helmet so you can not see making it partly difficult to breathe. It thrills, risks, and you both feel alive.
Sex is sex, the highly stressful situation and often traumatic matches, you find for a few hours it keeps you from attempting to set the manor on fire. It is a tool and the chemistry between you both is perfect. There is no love, Richard is a decent guy but not someone you can picture yourself in love with.
Even when the sight in your bedroom is him wearing his underlings and blouse, the seductive look of a promised bliss. The invitation of his finger beckons you to him.
And you go to him all too willing to have an hour or two of escapism, to pretend you are not in some hellish manor, to have your thoughts halted and voice made horse from saying his name rather than from terror.
“Good princess.” He is going to ruin you within these four walls, strip you bare, ravish the princess in need of saving.
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lumenwoodd · 2 months
Quick doodle of Richard if he were in the new event….. miss him badly
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weeping-statue · 6 days
“I Don’t Care What You Think As Long As It’s About Me.”
I don’t care- fallout boy
Richard Sterling x AFAB!Reader
A little long 😔 also Richard fans please!!! Lemme know if this is good!!! I need feedback guys cause then I just think my work is buns😞
Positive and negative (politely) feedback is appreciated 🫶
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So from what I saw, or should I say what we saw, we definitely know he’s a manipulator.
For whatever reason, you caught his eye, probably because you had money, but anyways, he knew he had to have you. All to himself. He doesn’t like to share. And he doesn’t play nice.
It started off gently with flirty lines and kind gestures to mask what he was really planning. And you almost could tell. He had this feeling to him that something just wasn’t right. But he was kind and surely you were just overthinking.
Spoiler, you were wrong.
So wrong.
He had approached you one day after he felt like he had done enough for you to favor him, and confessed. Reaching his hand out to you.
“Ah my dear, you’re special.. and I must have you. Please, give me your hand, let me court you properly.”
But you declined, respectfully, it didn’t feel right.
Richard looked at you a little stunned. What..? You were supposed to say “yes.” Not “no.” What was wrong with you? He had done so much to make you fall and you’ve declined him? This.. no he wasn’t going to stand for this. He grabbed the nearest object and whacked you in the head with it. Hard enough for you to black out.
When you awoken dazed and confused, with a pounding headache. You saw him brushing your hair with his fingers. A light ‘comforting’ smile sketched on his face. You couldn’t remember much, and looked at him with those curious eyes, asking him what had happened. To which he answered,
“Just a little tumble, my love. When I couldn’t catch you in time, I was devastated. But that doesn’t matter anymore, you’re fine now, and we are in due time to be joined in matrimony.”
You nodded and leaned into his touch. He seemed to care about you, and with your current situation you had to trust him. For now.
Months had gone by and you hadn’t a clue you were saddled in a relationship made of lies.
Richard during this definitely acted a tad suspicious. Either love bombing you or keeping you at an odd distance. Getting overly paranoid and possessive when any males come by you. Simple conversations or not. He’d have rules in place for you, making you heavily dependent on him. Though when he’d get annoyed he’d push you away without a second thought, not apologizing.
What a confusing(red flag)guy
So finally here is where the song comes into play <3
Richard was acting a bit more paranoid than usual. Biting his lip till it bled, pulling at his hair, biting his nails, and mumbling to himself as he stalked you from a distance. He watched as you and Kevin hung out, talking aimlessly about the previous matches. He was flirty and touchy, and loud, and obnoxious. Something that didn’t belong around you. You, in his eyes, were something from the heavens. You deserved better. You deserved him. In a moment of paranoia and anger he came from the shadows he hid in and grabbed you by the arm, whisking you away. Closing the door to the nearest room which happened to be the library. His hands gripping your shoulders as slammed you against the books, leaning down with a crazed look, mumbling to you,
“Say my name and his in the same breath. I dare you to say they taste the same. How he can compare to me. He doesn’t love you, not like I do. He’s a no good, scoundrel, liar and fiend. Unworthy of your attention. These friends you have, don’t love you. They only love your generosity.”
For the rest of the day you were attached to him and he didn’t let you out of his sight for a moment. Even taking it as far to move into your room for the night. Claiming he didn’t trust the people in the manor.
All while poor Kevin was so confused😞
Sorry Kevin, your no fiend <3
trust ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ )
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Sorry Kevin lovers for doing your man like that😞 BUT let me have redemption if you bring me a Kevin fic idea..? Or.. perchance headcanons..? ANYWAYS LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
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orpheusluvr · 4 days
The Knight’s Princess (Richard Sterling x Female Reader)
A new survivor has arrived at the manor, and he seems to take a huge interest in you.
Decided to make this in honour of his official release in 17 days!! <33 (also good luck to anyone that is planning on pulling for his S-tier costume!)
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There was a lot of chatter around the manor today, because a new survivor had arrived. The last survivor, Evelyn, also known as the “Faro Lady” was a mysterious woman of high class. But you managed to get along with her quite well, and matches with her were pretty fun especially with her unique abilities.
The new survivor’s name was Richard Sterling, from what you heard among everyone’s conversations. You hadn’t met him yet, but you heard he was in the lounge right now. So that’s exactly where you decided to go see him.
You cautiously approached the group of survivors that were sitting in the lounge, and there he was. From his clothing, he also seemed like someone of high class.
“So why did you come to the manor then, Mr Sterling?” Norton asked.
“My reasons shall remain unknown.” He said, with a smile.
Norton then noticed that you were standing there and looked up at you.
“Oh hey, Y/N!” He waved at you, a sweet smile on his face.
“Hey Norton.” You smiled back.
Richard also looked up, his unique brown and blue eyes enlarging at the sight of you.
“My…goodness…” he said, getting up.
He walked towards you, taking a good look at you.
“I did not know, that someday I’d come across such a beautiful lady.” He said, getting on his knees. He gently took your hand.
“Allow me to be your knight in shining armour, my princess.” He said, as he kissed your hand.
Your heart was beating fast, and your cheeks were warming up.
Why was everything happening so suddenly? You only just met this man. You didn’t even introduce yourself either.
But, he was extremely attractive. Good mannered too. It made your heart melt.
“Your name is Y/N. Am I correct? I heard that fine gentleman over there mention it.” Richard said, as he got up. He was still holding your hand.
You nodded.
“Such a beautiful name.” He smiled.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Norton get up and leave.
“Thank you.” You said.
You felt slightly uneasy in the way Norton just suddenly left.
Was he alright?
“My princess, I’m not the type to court a lady but you are different to any other woman that I’ve came across.” Richard said, interrupting your thoughts.
He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Please, follow me.”
You didn’t expect to find yourself in the new survivor’s bedroom out of all places. But gosh, you were a mess of emotions right now. You were excited, nervous and confused at the same time. This handsome man was in love with you, even though you just met him today. It felt off, but feeling loved made you feel amazing.
You patiently walked around the room as you were doing so for the past few minutes, waiting for Richard to return from whatever he was doing. You then finally heard the sound of the door opening.
You turned around to face Richard, and almost passed out from the view in front of you.
He was shirtless, wearing nothing but a towel around the top of his legs. His hair and body were dripping wet. His skinny yet somewhat muscular figure had you trying to fight back your lustful desires.
He walked up to you, drops of water falling to the ground as he moved.
“Enjoying the view?” He smirked, cupping your cheek.
You nodded.
“Who would’ve known that I’d be the first one to see the new survivor like this?” You said, tracing your finger along his chest. Richard gave a slight groan.
“I want to see you like this too.” He said, and your stomach did a flip.
Richard carried you into the bathroom, then gently placed you down next to the bathtub. It was already filled with water.
“Allow me to wash you up, my princess.” He said.
He tugged at your shirt.
“May I?”
After you nodded, he lifted your shirt up and removed it from you. He then helped to take your pants off, and ended with your bra and panties. He then took a few moments to admire your figure.
“Oh…how lucky I am, to be standing before someone like you and seeing you in all your enticement.” Richard said, his eyes filled with lust.
He went behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as his hands travelled down your body. His cold breath tickled your skin, sending goosebumps throughout your body. He was so mysterious, but it turned you on even more.
He then motioned to you to get into the bathtub, and so you did. You lowered yourself into the water, the warmth kissing your skin. Richard watched you in awe, before removing his towel and stepping inside the bathtub with you. You managed to take a quick glimpse at his cock, which was evidently hard. He was highly aroused.
Richard leaned forward, and kissed you. You closed your eyes, allowing him to taste you. You both were grabbing onto each other’s backs, slippery from the water. You both pulled away.
“Turn around, princess.” He said.
You turned around, the water slightly splashing around you. Richard held onto your waist. His hand travelled upwards to your breasts, squeezing them and circulating his fingers around your nipples. You tried not to moan too loud, worried that someone might hear you. After all, you weren’t the only ones staying at the manor.
Richard kissed the side of your face, while he continued to squeeze your breasts, lovingly kneading them.
He then slightly got up and lifted you up, placing your hands on the sides of the bathtub. Your ass was directly facing him.
“Prepare yourself.” He said.
You bit your lip, knowing exactly what was coming next.
Richard slides into you, as you both let out a moan from the sudden sensation. Once he has fully entered, he grabs onto your waist. He thrusts at a slow speed at first.
“Good girl. You’re taking me in so well, my beautiful princess.” He praised.
He immediately quickened his pace, without warning. You let out a loud moan which motivates him even more.
“R-Richard!!” You moaned out his name. This almost made him cum instantly.
“Ngh…Y/N…you sound as beautiful as you look…” Richard groaned.
With a few more thrusts, Richard was about to pull out. But you stopped him.
“Fill me up.” You said, turning to look at him.
Richard gave a smirk.
“At your service, my princess.”
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nortonluv · 11 days
If you don’t mind sharing, I’d love to hear what type of Richard fic you’re planning 🫣
:0 ofc Im happy to share the stuff I have for now!!
Currently not a lot cause im trying to not overload myself with fic ideas so I avoid getting burnt out but I know there is a Soulmate Au I want to be writing (I'm a sucker for it im sorry 😔✌️), a request for a Hunter reader that I've started and a wip for a series sort of thing of a Florist reader.
With the Florist reader I kinda wanna do like multiple short drabbles, headcanons or oneshots maybe a miniseries and such because idk they've got a cute dynamic in my head I just need to write the initial fic and see how people like them.
Sorry I rambled a bit but if you have any ideas please feel free to send them in and I'll try to get to them with time :3 I'm gonna be putting a masterlist together for him too so it should be organised too!!
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solreblogs · 6 months
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧ Reads ☆⋆。𖦹°‧ ——> ☆⋆。𖦹°‧ masterlist ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
Antonio finding out that the new survivor is his biological child
Aesop with a female!reader getting a bride and groom skin
naib subedar with an assassin s/o headcanons🗡
joseph with a s/o who knows french hcs📷
Purple Flowers ; Antonio x Reader (SFW)
𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Ganji plush self getting kisses
Kisses with Ganji Gupta
Norton x Hunter Reader
Joseph x mute!Reader
Richard sterling x prince (hunter) reader
Norton Campbell Headcanon Summery: a mysterious and enigmatic individual, whose inscrutable demeanor conceals a complex and intriguing past.
Glimmers of Gratitude         Summary: You've become close with Norton Campbell despite his erratic behavior. On a particularly bad day, you have something that cheers him up!
fool's gold: imagine...⛏️       Summary: after a night of exploring a blown up cave reader comes across Norton? But not the Norton they know
A Memorable Face       Summary: Norton's reaction if Nurse Reader if she got invited into the manor
A Little Support       Summary: The boys just need a little love to ease the pain
Like as in, like like you?       Summary: How yandere Idv boys would react to being asked if they 'like like' you after confessing (Survs + Hunters)
falling slowly 🪡       Summary: Matthias has a fat crush on MC who is extremely kind to him despite his insecurities.
spellbound      Summary: weeping yearning and pining from afar
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jendoe · 2 years
ockiss 23 💘 jen doe x frankie sterling (@phillipsgraves!)
wc: 524
Frankie was having a bad day.
Then again, when wasn't he? It seemed that every time Richard called him into the office, his day immediately went down the drain and right now, all he was looking forward to was climbing under the covers to hide. He loosened the suffocating tie his father preferred he wore for business meetings, allowing him to breathe better, as he climbed the steps to his and Jen's front door.
It opened before he could fish his keys out of his pocket. Jen had clearly been waiting for him to return, Kai resting on her hip, and she leaned up to meet him for a kiss. He smiled against her lips. Exactly what he needed after a long, hard day.
"Hi honey," he said with a soft, fond laugh, taking their son from her. He pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, delighting in the baby babble he gets in return. Just being with them, he already felt better. "You two miss me?"
"Always," Jen said, and she laughed, too. "He did good today, though. I'd say that's an improvement over the hours of screaming he did the last time you had to leave for something."
He held Kai up to look him in the eye. "That separation anxiety's a bitch, huh?"
"He takes after you," Jen said, gesturing for him to hand him back. She held him close to her chest once he was in her arms again. "Remember that first competition you had where I couldn't come with you? That phone bill was something else."
Frankie clicked his tongue. "Bully."
"Love you," was all she had to say in return, as she headed towards the kitchen. He followed after her, now noticing how good the house smelled, and she seemed to guess what he was thinking, as she continued. "I made your favorite dumplings. I figured you would need a pick me up."
"You know me too well," he said, peering into a pot on the stove while she busied herself with getting Kai settled in his high chair. She'd made his favorite soup, too, and briefly, he wondered what he did to deserve such an amazing person. "Hey, Jen?"
She glanced at him, brows raised. "Yeah, babe?"
"I love you so much."
That got a laugh out of her. "And here I thought I was just a bully."
He shook his head and moved away from the stove to pull her in by her waist. "No, you're the best wife I could ask for," he said, a little dramatically just to get his point across. He leaned in for another kiss, full of love and longing from being apart from her for so long. "Seriously."
"Hey, I already made you your favorite food." Her laugh made his chest ache, but in a good way, which was a welcome change from how he'd felt all day. "You don't need to butter me up."
"Ah, but maybe I do," Frankie said, and he kissed all over her face. "I love you. I love you. I love you."
Jen melted in his arms, still giggling softly. "I love you, too."
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fictionkinfessions · 8 days
Can't beat the evil twin allegations I guess with these kinfirms. Sometimes you just want money ✨ oh well I’ll see if I get any memories to see my proper motivations.
— Richard Sterling (Identity V) #📺🎙️💥
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stoptellinglieslois · 10 months
Love fair Act 17
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Vampire fanfiction Clark Kent human x Richard Grayson vampire no capes and tights but fangs and might.
Richard pov
I entered the cottage and went straight down stairs to the basement where a coffin was waiting for me, As dawn is approaching slowly into my system and telling me to take cover.
I left Clark to dwell with my brothers soon Tim will be down here with me in his own coffin, I can't force myself awake and carry on a conversation with them I needed to talk to all of them but my curse is to sleep during the day I can't even use telepathy talking to anyone my mind will go automatic blank are situation is dier and we need to put are heads together.
I crawled into a coffin and closed the lid and fell quickly into eternal slumber for a short while as the day permitted me.
I get psychic dreams and vision or previous life dreams and today is no different than any other day.
Past life dream
"I want you to marry her at once Richard you can't stay like this forever." I remember this like yesterday I hated having discussion of marriage even till this day I didn't want people forcing my hand in anything that I know would be not in my best interest, I wanted nothing to with a woman in any regards I wanted to just deal with my life in my own way and it had nothing to do with woman.
My father wore gold blacks and yellows apparel the heavy silk cape that was fastened on each side was held by a peridot stone brooch's his attire glimmer in the stained glass window he walked back and forth pacing trying to rearrange my life that didn't need his help at all.
I didn't want to marry Lady Kori I wanted to see the fisherman this instant and leave this death sentence that my father was trying to set me up. "Father Lady Kori is promised to another since birth and I would rather be able to keep the peace and not start too much commotion." I counter.
"You're a prince you could be forgiven." Father said looking at me watchfully frowning at me not understanding that I didn't want to be in this auction. "But I won't forgive myself. I would prefer just to see how others can come along and be more.... better for me I can pick a bit more for me I think I could look around and see if there is someone out there for me that I could get that would be more not so engaged or promised to another." I lied to him it was better that way he could just let me do what I needed to do which is none of his concern.
"I see ok I will leave into your own hands for you to find someone but we need to throw a celebration an event and you could do what needs to be done." I was relieved I got out of this one but I am not sure about the next one it would be more difficult to weasel my way out of the next one.
I dismissed myself and went to do what I normally did which is prepare to leave gifts for the fisherman without being seen. I went to collect things around the castle and went into the kitchen in particular and gathered food no one was in here at this particular time of day so I took liberties.
I roamed around taking anything in sight and left going threw a secret passages through the castle, And found myself putting things together and descending in the late afternoon and on my horse and went into the forest.
It is very cold for an October wearing robes that didn't belong to a prince, I was playing a part of a merchant I reached to the fisherman little house slash cabin that is falling apart.
I climbed off of my horse and broke into his house knowing no one would be home. And I am right as always no one is in here I left him gifts and food on the table and looked around like I always did and I remember my father gave me something today and I forgot it in my pocket.
I pulled it out it is a small bottle of sterling silver in crusted of different quartz crystals of fresh water pearls and clear crystal quartz, green malachite and of blue and brown topaz garnets and rose quartz.
The bottle is filled with crushed mushrooms these mushrooms are against evil and wicked lycanthrope, The mushrooms are crushed into powder and added with a bit of poison ivy it will make them leave your home as fast as they came.
I placed the sterling silver bottle on the table my father was teaching me magic in secret, This was the time when my father was getting more and more involved with the Al ghuls.
Their influence was massive around my father and I didn't realise at the time how big it was. I would wander around his place touching things but today I didn't know why but I felt like I wanted him to catch me. I think the conversation with my father got me a bit rattled I lingered knowing the fisherman is close to coming home.
I saw him by the window coming closer to his home a basket full of fish, He got closer and closer until he reached the door handle and I leaped out through the window like a thief in the night.
He pulled the handle and let himself in I watched by the dirty smudge small window. He walked directly toward the table where I left the loot for him. He watched it for a while and sat down on a stump of a chair and started picking through the food.
I swept my hood over my head pulling it down as I gazed in the room I really shouldn't be here watching this man, But I couldn't turn away I had to stay I wanted to be near him I stayed by that window the whole night watching him do his day and night routine that day.
That day like many other days I never wanted to leave hoping he would catch me.
Clark pov
I slept in a chair and I talked to Richard two brothers. They seemed so understanding and told me to rest where I sat and I slept so long on that chair and well I haven't had a night rest like that in a long time it felt so good I was in unfamiliar territory but I felt like I could be at rest here the energy here was loving and caring that's what I felt from the immortal beings.
Morning came and I woke up and walked out of the house and watched the scenery like a fairy tale in the wilderness, The crisp late fall air as I walked a little around I felt tranquil here at peace it felt a bit like home but not really.
I went in the house and found Jason. "Hey hungry Mr. Kent I made pancakes it's about the only thing I can make for breakfast and any type of pasta." I smiled at him and said yes to pancakes I would love pasta for later I don't know why but I felt like I haven't eaten in days and that wasn't true.
I ate my pancake and it had walnuts and chocolate chips. "Do you have a charger I don't have anything with me." I asked him I am pretty much coming here with nothing except the clothes on me.
"Yeah just hang tight there." Jason got up and left to go and fetch the charger. I couldn't believe he is a werewolf and I can't believe he was once royalty and I also can't believe I am here knowing all of this.
And still sitting here and not running out the door.
The evening came and my phone was charged it was about six in the evening. I called mom she said dad is in steady condition as I talked on the phone it is getting dark a lot quicker I walked around a bit in the house Jason said he was getting ready to meet with people and discuss what was happening to us that a dilemma was going to happen and he needed to talked to vampires and werewolves from other tribes.
Of course I knew nothing of what he was saying but it was nice to feel included.
As I walked towards the front door and opened it while I was still on the phone with mom and looked down.
And found the head of what it looks like to be a dog it was big blood all over the door and steps.
And I screamed like I never screamed before in my life and it even surprised myself but it woke the whole house up.
End act 17 next is act 18
Thank you for reading
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vadergf · 4 years
The Backyard
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I think this is one of my favorite pieces of writing ever because it can be taken both literally and metaphorically. I dont want to sit and explain what it means to me because I think , it means different things for different people.
This was inspired by Garden Song by Phoebe Bridgers, Right Where You Left Me by Taylor Swift and the entirety of Crush by Richard Siken.
Add yourself to my Taglist
(Also please tell me about URL changes. I can't find half the blogs in the Taglist. )
Reblogs and Feedback very much appreciated!
@stars-triumphant @alcor-posts @keenmarvellover @will-die-without-chai @lyonyaonthemoon @dead-potato-monster @grace-k-sterling @xlexicxax-blog @naerysthelonesome @aster-tyche @i-love-books-and-i-cannot-lie @lifehas0meaning @sherlockisactuallyagaysname @stargazing-at-the-moon-deactiva @doremifasolangelo @not-today-thx @callitgolden @x-elena--alvarez-x @addies-invisible-life @stardust-and-swords @nyx-is-a-blanket-burrito @outerviolety @ohyoumeanher @firestarsandseneschals @uvindi @tothestarsandback @dragonsblowingoutbirthdaycandles @ineedbackgroundmusicinmylife @b-a-d-a-m @thalia-exe-has-stopped-working @idontknows-world @hero-complex-sufferer @teenageshizz @rainbowsnowflake @totallyforgotyouwerehere @neon--mess
188 notes · View notes
glytchfic · 3 years
We started as a spark. PART 1.
David Dastmalchian x Fem!Reader
Hellooo guys! So i’m back for the official Part 1. I’m glad so many of you enjoyed the Prologue, it’s really appreciated. I don’t know at what frequency exactly i’ll be able to upload because i’m in college - you know the drill with college lol fml - and i’ll probably get busier and busier as the week goes by, but i’ll keep you posted as much as i can! As usual, if you have any criticism or anything, just let me know.
Rating: 18+
Warnings, i’ll probably add more as i go: slow burn, foul language. 
Inspired by the song False Alarm by Matoma & Becky Hills.
I hear a knock on the door and I open my eyes a little bit. I turn around, hide under my blanket and close my eyes again. I can feel myself dozing off again and I hear another knock, louder this time. After a sign of despair, I get up and stumble to my front door, not entirely awake yet. I open it and see a red-haired man walking right through it. I groan. Here comes the legendary Steve Agee with his early morning attitude. 
‘I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes downstairs.’  
‘How come Richard let you through?’ 
‘The man at the lobby? I told him your darkest deepest secret to prove I knew you and he let me through. Now get dressed, we’re gonna be late.’ Steve commands. 
‘Late for what?’ I ask, apparently confused.  
He frowns at me and tilts his head a bit. After a couple of seconds, it hit me. 
‘Aw fuck the table read!’ I scream as I run to my room.  
‘Nice PJ by the way.’ 
I mutter a ‘Fuck you’ under my breath as I search for something decent to wear to our first table read. I put on something quite simple – black leggings and a white T-shirt – and grab my phone on my bedside table. One text from my mom, eight missed calls from Steve and one text from – oh my god – David.  
‘I reserved a seat for you and Steve right next to me. You’re welcome.’ 
I can’t help but smile. I first met David a month ago when James – James Gunn – decided to organize something at his place so the crew could get to know each other. To my biggest surprise, David and I hit it off immediately. But if I’m being honest with myself, it does not help the huge attraction I have for him.  
‘Are you coming or not?’ Steve yells while jingling his car keys.  
‘Oh my god, I hope you got us coffee before you got here because you’re insufferable right now!’ I yell back. 
I take a sip of my coffee as I look out through the window.  
‘Sorry for making us late.’ I say calmer than earlier. 
‘Don’t you have an assistant to help you keep track of all that?’ Steve points out.  
‘Yep. Might fire him.’  
Steve parks the car and I get out of it, coffee in hand. I gaze at the building, and I see the Warner Bros logo at the top of it. I look at my phone and see we’re only ten minutes late, which is not so bad. Chances are we’re not gonna be the only ones late. We enter the building and I follow Steve, who knows this place much better than I do. We arrive in front of door 171 and he opens it for me like the gentlemen that he is. With a loud bang, the door closes behind us and everybody turns around to stare at us. 
‘Hey.’ I say with an apologetic tone.  
‘Have you, at least, brought coffee for everyone?’ James chuckles. 
I mouth a sincere ‘Sorry’ as I look around for my place. I see David in the corner waving at me and Steve. He smiles at me as I sit next to him, and I can feel my face getting a little bit hotter. I really need to calm down. I can’t let him have this much effect on me. 
‘Did you get lost?’ he whispers to me. 
‘Worse than that. I forgot.’ I whisper back and he chuckles a bit.  
He hands me a copy of the script and we finally begin our first table read for The Suicide Squad. James shares with us his thoughts about most parts of the movie, some information we need to know about the underlying messages and all the important dates we need to know about the productions. After a few hours of reading and re-reading some parts, we leave the room and the first I do is lean against the wall in the corridor, holding my rumbling stomach.  
‘Are you pregnant or something?’ Steve said in his mocking tone. 
‘Fuck off, Steve.’ 
He laughs. Being very vocal about not wanting kids, he knows it annoys the shit out of me when he makes those kinds of comments. But since I’ve known him for years and we became good friends, it just became – in a way – a running gag between us. And maybe because most of my attempts at the relationship thing failed because of the baby thing and he knows all about it. He’s an asshole and I love him for that. 
‘All jokes aside, wanna grab a bite? You look like shit.’ 
‘You look like shit.’ I smile at him, and he smiles back, ‘but yeah, we should. Coffee only diet is not good.’ 
‘Wait here. I’ll ask David if he wants to come with us.’ 
Hearing his name makes me a bit weak. I see Steve walking away from me to join another group of the crew a bit farther in the corridor. I lean my head against the wall, and I close my eyes. I’ve only seen David face to face a few times this last month – and never completely alone – so I’m not really used to having him around me yet. Our brand-new friendship mainly developed from the fact that we realized from the get-go we had a lot of things in common and we shared those interests via text messages. You know, Youtube videos and memes as any friends would do. Let’s put the emphasis on the word friends here since, you know, we’re gonna be weeks long together filming and stuff. 
‘Well, hello Clarice.’ 
I smirk at the nickname and open my eyes to see David looking at me with a grin. Since he’s learned that I’m a huge fan of The Silence of the Lambs - and of horror movies in general – he's been calling me Clarice or Miss Sterling from time to time.  
‘Doctor Lecter.’ I say as professionally as possible which makes both of us laugh. 
‘Stop playing around kids, I’m hungry let’s go!’ Steve exclaims. 
‘Uh-huh, I can’t agree with that, I’m sorry but -’ I say while chewing on my burger. 
‘Oh my god, really?’ David replies, interrupting me. 
‘Let me explain,’’ I swallow my bite and wave at them to calm down before I continue, ‘look, I do think George Lucas was right to change a few things about his original Star Wars movies since we do have better VFX and CGI for it now. It doesn’t change anything story wise so who cares?’ 
‘Unbelievable.’ David simply said under his breath. 
‘Okay, that’s enough. I don’t care, I’m gonna say it: I’m ashamed to be your friend.’ Steve dead-pan comments. 
‘I have every right to say it and I’m gonna say it goddamn it! George was right!’ I exclaim. 
Both take their faces in their own hands, and I can’t help but chuckle as a sip my milkshake. There’s nothing like creating pure chaos with Star Wars fans. I let them try to explain to me how wrong I was, and I continue eating, amuse. As I am looking at Steve explaining a deep theory about the Star Wars universe, I see from the corner of my eyes that David is glancing at me. I subtly look in his direction and he immediately turn his stare away when our eyes connect. I smirk and turn my attention back to Steve.  
‘So, anyway, that’s why you’re wrong.’ Steve says as a matter of fact. 
‘Sure buddy.’ I laugh.  
Steve rolls his eyes and looks at his phone. He sighs, gets up and puts some cash money on the table. 
‘Gotta go. I have a meeting with some friends for a photography session. You guys have fun.’  
We wave him goodbye and in just a few seconds, he was gone. I turn my attention to David, and it hit me. It’s officially the first time we’re completely alone. Completely, not really, we’re still in a public place but there’s no Steve or no James to keep the conversation going. I’ve never struggled with small talk or any talking really, but somehow, it’s the first time in my entire life where I’m legitimately concerned about me not knowing what to say or what to do.  
‘I didn’t know you were such a drama queen about Star Wars’ I say to David, trying to mock him a bit. 
‘I thought they were called public nuisance now?’  
I let out a sincere laugh, ‘In no way whatsoever you could be a public nuisance.’ 
‘I will take that as a compliment’ he says with a lovely smile. 
Fuck, this friendship is gonna be hard to deal with.  
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lumenwoodd · 2 months
Kissing Richard’s beauty mark
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agentsterling · 3 years
Continued from X 
“Erikson.. that’s a very unusual name.”  A warm smile that looked a lot like what Germaine’s tentative, twitchy smile should have if he’d been confident enough to maintain it.
“Victoria Richards, but please.. call me Vicky. It’s a pleasure Erikson.” She paused as her eyes took in her surroundings one more time.  “I’m sorry I don’t understand what you’re asking … part of what? Is that some sort of church organization or charity? Oh.. where are my manners.. would you like a spot of tea?”
The hologram seemed as if it were going to move, but then it flickered and she returned to her original position and the idea of tea seemed to have completely vanished.
“I’m sorry, what can I do for you?”
It was like talking to Google Home or Alexa. Or Jarvis. Some sort of AI programmed to be polite and helpful. Sterling leaned in and took a slightly closer look, brows lowered in focus. His instinct was to ask if he could call her Ms. Richards but decided against it. 
“What is it that you do, Vicky? What can you help me with?” 
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suoirallesalta · 4 years
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A Masterlist of all @suoirallesalta edits!
Every edit is tagged under #suoiredits. edits are sorted acc to their books! enjoy
click here for my art masterlist!
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Making Sabina in the Character without using Character’s assets style (edit challenge
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Kepler, in only the harness. 
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Jen in her dress including the lingerie
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Simon Montjoy in Ava’s dress
younger Mitzi Montjoy
AVSP MC as on the cover
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💫 Nia Ellarious
the perfect pair? (Nia x MC in an AME crossover)
Goddess of the Sea (Nia x Sunkissed edit)
Nia and Imtura with... moustaches
Nia with TE Alma’s hair and MTFL Ava’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Nia as Neisha (new avatar)
Starry Nia (#BladesAW)
Empress of The Shadow (#BladesAW)
Nia as BloodBound women: Kamilah (#BladesAW)
Nia as BloodBound women: Rheya (#BladesAW) 
the pretty young girl next door (#BladesAW)
Quartermaster Nia Ellarious (#BladesAW)
Nia Ellarious as TE MC (#BladesAW)
Nia Ellarious as Shreya (#BladesAW) 
Nia Ellarious in her dress including her lingerie
nia ellarious hot goth girlfriend
The Priestess (GIF edit) (Nia in RC outfit)
Tyril Starfury
cold and broody™ vampire elf (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ bodyguard (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ elementalist (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ orc (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ designer; feat. f!Tyril (#BladesAW)
f!Tyril (#BladesAW)
Tyril with f!Blaine’s hair (#BladesAW)
rogue-ish Tyril Starfury (with a beard)
The Mage (GIF edit) (in RC outfit)
Scream(o)s from the inside (Kade album cover edit)
Bald-ur (#BladesAW)
Damn those elves and their magicks (Mal - Aerin hairswap)
Modern Rogue-ish Mal Volari (with a beard)
Blades of Lust and Sensuality
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Jax Tora and Robin Matsuo (face swap)
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Duke Richards in the banana mascot outfit from Platinum.
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Charlie Smith
A relaxing day at the waterfall! (edit inspired by Charlie Premium Scene!)
Quartermaster of the Dreadlord (DSAW)
Quartermaster of the Flotillan Pirates (DSAW)
Siren of The Light (DSAW)
Charlie as Atlas, Eli and Shreya from TE (DSAW)
Maggie! M-Maggie? (MM and DS Maggie Crossover)
Maggie with HC Hazel’s hair and QB Poppy’s outfit. (#suoirandom request)
Oliver Cochrane
Oliver Cochrane as Luke Hemmings
oliver cock rain (DSAW)
f!Oliver (DSAW)
Distant Sores (Charlie x Edward face swap)
DS MC using BaBu2 sprite (DSAW)
Distant Couture // Hot Shores (DS x HC crossover, DSAW)
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Ayna Seth
student!Ayna and professor!Ayna
Ayna as Imogen from ILB
buff ayna
Ayna as Jackie in the Open Heart 3 CG
Ayna Seth
Ayna Seth as a Lovelink Match
Ayna Seth as Robin Tora
aynia ellarious
TA meets TA (Ayna - Aiyana Midthunder crossover)
Blaine Hayes
m!Blaine in f!Blaine’s dress
f!Blaine as m!Blaine
Blaine with PT Raleigh’s Hair and MOTY MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Blaine Hayes edit inspired by @aestheteasteria’s icon
Tatum Mendoza
John Somerset x Tatum Mendoza crossover
Tatum in Ayna’s dress / Tatum as Ayna
politics reporter and student (FA mc x WT mc)
MC with ATV Pax’s hair and TNA Robin’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Ayna x MC
Bodyguard Murphy (lmao)
Murphy Icons <3
I think I got the address to the wrong Murphy
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Skye Crandall x Gerard Way
Dark Mage Ajay (choicedits challenge)
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Power Duo (Luz x MC)
Bridgette Gardner with TRH Cedric Vescovi’s hair and PM Hayden’s Outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Luz Estrada in her dress including the lingerie
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Noah Marshall in the banana outfit (edit request)
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Sadie McGraw
Sadie McGraw (in the TNA MC’s Golden Dress)
A bit younger Sadie McGraw
Sadie McGraw (in casual(?) outfit)
Aislinn Tanaka
Aislinn Tanaka in QB Poppy’s outfit and diff black hair
aislinn tanaka hot goth girlfriend
aislinn tanaka hot goth girlfriend 2
aislinn tanaka girlfriend
aislinn tanaka’s v short hair
Gabe and MC as Mal and Nia
Babe Ricci with long hair
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The Boys
Ava as Britney from ILITW
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IGHT (NB face swap)
MC with TE MC’s hair and BB MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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bryce.. lahela .. and,, uh.. bryce sterling..
Rookie Ramsey
Rookie Varma
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Raleigh Carrera
Raleigh Carrera with AME Mackenzie’s hair and VOS Naomi’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
An exclusive sneak-peek at Raleigh Carrera’s fuck-the-stereotype Vinyls look that has got the fandom in meltdown!
Raleigh Carrera with BOLAS MC’s hair and THM Eris’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
A Very Wilshere Christmas! (Album Cover)
The Hottest Couple of the Industry (Avery x MC)
Poppy is just angry Avery
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Zoey Wade
“Besties!” (mc and Zoey as Mc and Ava from MTFL)
priestess zoey wade
zoey in floral
zoey in floral (beach-wear edition)
TA Zoey Wade
Zoey Wade as Atlas Ernhardt
Zoey Wade in TE MC’s gala outfit
zoey in the dress she gave to mc in the first chapter
Ina/Ian Kingsley
Ina Kingsley with TF Becca's hair and BB Kamilah's outfit. (edit request)
Ina Kingsley with TNA Sam’s hair and WT MC’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Veronica with TNA Sofia’s hair and ACOR Sabina’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
MC with BP Courtney’s hair and QB Poppy’s outfit.
how (ridiculous) mc would look if she actually wore that ligerie under that dress
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📰 Robin Tora
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL (#2)
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL (#3)
Robin as Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Jax Tora and Robin Matsuo (face swap)
Robin in an oversized baggy shirt
wait, wrong Robin- shit (Sofia TNA edit)
Robin Tora as Robin Tora and Robin Tora as Robin Tora
Robin as Cassian in Witness
Robins at the beach
robin hood
asian f!robin tora as blaine hayes
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Flame the Crow & Me : One Boob (TC&TF face swap)
Annia Adairious (TCTF AW)
orc!Val (TCTF AW)
Kenna Rys with NB Katherine’s hair and HSS Principal Rivera’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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🌙 Atlas Ernhardt
Atlas Ellarious
Atlas, the adventurous elf
Queen of Vampires, Atlas, of Clan Ernhardt
Vampire Queen Atlas (edit #2)
Atlas, the Snow Princess
Atlas, the Moon Princess
Atlas in genderfluid flag colors!
m!Atlas in f!Atlas’s Gala dress
f and m!Atlas swapped
☀️ Eli Solaris Russell (my mc)
Eli’s first (accidental) spell cast!
Eli’s momentous first day at Penderghast
⚙️ Beckett Harrington
“Small dapper Beckett… confirmed.”
Beckett as Connor from Detroit: Become Human
Shreya Mistry
Shreya “Wonder Woman” Mistry
❣️ Pend Pals
“All dressed in black.”
Pend Gals on a night out in matching black outfits (#1)
Pend Gals on a night out in matching black outfits (#2)
Magick Docs (OH crossover)
Pend Pals in Belvoire attire
Pend Gals on a night out after the Amorelia Day Gala (faceapp faceswap edit)
The Elementalists - Across the Dimension (2D art crossover)
💞 Shreya x Atlas
“your eyes, they shine so bright”
“Hey Shreya.. Marry Me”
“Wedding Day!”
💞 Beckett x Eli/MC
Beckett and Eli in a western setting
Eli x Beckett face swap
Eli x Beckett in Robin x Sofia art (lmao)
🌟 Double Trouble (Eli/MC + Atlas)
Hydrobreath (Eli + Atlas)
“my younger twin sister” (double trouble x mtfl edit)
Blood of the Sun (a spinoff movie poster)
Coolness of metal and water-atts (meme)
Alma with FA Dionne’s hair and D&D MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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Sam Dalton
Sam Dalton as Sam Dalton and Sam Dalton as Sam Dalton
Sam Dalton with BB Serafine’s hair and TCTF Val’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Sofia as Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil
the cake on sofia’s skirt works as floral print
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John Somerset x Tatum Mendoza crossover
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Vampire Harlenay
Flynn o’Malley in fem VOS characters’ hair 
Flynn o’Malley in fem outfits
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Anna Koishi
Anna Koishi, at the club, with short pink hair
Anna Koishi with TE Atlas’s hair and PT Avery’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Anna Koishi as Atlas Ernhardt
politics reporter and student (FA mc x WT mc)
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Asian f!Dakota with Hispanic f!Dakota’s hair
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Daenerys, the mother of dragons (using TRR mc)
TRR mc as Daenerys (edit #2)
the greatest witch of our time (BB mc as Hermione Granger)
me before you (poster edit with TRR Mc and AME Adam)
Aquaman (ft Cassian and Ava)
Wolf Bride wolf in Poppy’s outfit
Imogen Dragons
rip fallen books
The Crew (DSAW)
Wizards of Waverley Place (THOBM edit)
omg a hit tweet (pb meme)
Choicedits Challenges
ACOR Sabina without using her assets
OpH Jackie without using her assets
Harry Potter and Hermione Granger using Choices assets
Priestesses of the Light
Coldplay’s Higher Power album cover using only Choices assets
Asian Wolf Bride MC as TE MC
Lovelink Edits
Nicholas Adley in Pirate Outfit
Jamie Grant in multiple outfits from HERO
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nortonluv · 4 days
Richard sterling x prince (hunter) reader. I really like the classics 😒. I also think it would be a cute dynamic
Alr thank you for your time I'll get to writing now :3 I'm going out on a limb and guessing you want a male reader and not a gender neutral reader, but lmk if you want me to rewrite it for that.
(Was written before I gained better understanding of his character so he may be ooc)
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Warnings: Nothing you wouldn't expect of an Idv fanfic ig. Swearing, Mentions of aggression. (They kinda hate eachother through the first bit but trust the process), Fluff :3
Info: I originally intended to go for headcanons and then short little drabbles.. but ig this is what you get when you're hit with horrific brainrot for one character. [WRITTEN BEFORE HIS OFFICIAL RELEASE, I DONT REMEMBER IF PEOPLE LEAKED HIS ABILITIES SO IM KEEPING THAT DESCRIPTION MINIMAL]
Richard Sterling x Male! Hunter! Prince! Reader
This Manor isn't to my liking. Too small. Compact. Nobody listens to me either. Disrespectful little rats. Have they no idea who I am?
Have I really been forgotten by the world that quickly? Surely not. Sister would not have let that happen, I'm sure. Of the entire family, she loved me. She saw me. She saw me as I am, not as the misconceptions they've had of me since the day I was born.
My eyelids finally force themselves open as the curtains of the room I've been placed in are pushed open by an unremarkable face I will likely never remember. Nobody of importance, however, the woman bows and makes a swift exit as she meets my eyes. She had quickly muttered something along the lines of "Breakfast is ready to be served."
Hm. Food didn't seem to even get a rise out of me anymore. The thought having lost its appeal after my incident. Court of fools. Court of shrivelled cocks and frog faced women. Neither appealing yet praised as though they are Gods greatest gifts. Can't even protect their prince from something as simple-minded as poisons in his meals. I suppose I should make an appearance before my "games" today, see who I am to be matched against to begin with.
The newest survivors are often who I am matched with as I am a new hunter. The Lady Nightingale, as I have learned to refer to her as, has insisted that it is the best way for us to adapt to our situation. The Fire Investigator seems particularly taken by the poor burnt Puppet man. Ms Mora, although sometimes able to fool me, often lacks the correct facilities to correctly defend herself against me. However, the role that catches my eye upon the list of survivors I am to play against is The "Knight". A name not seen by the other hunters, according to Mr Desaulnier. He claims to have heard whispers amongst the staff attending to us all but he merely thought it to be just rumours and gossip. Of all the Hunters, Joseph Desaulnier has been the best example of what a friend is in this sort of situation. He has been respectful and taught me the ropes all he asks in return is my reciprocated respect.
My eyes scan over the heads of the survivors currently nearby, all familiar faces in a sense. Although I have not been here long, I am aware of the majority of the survivors present in the manor and their general styles. Nothing out of the ordinary, I suppose.
I have vague memories of a handful of matches I've played in this place. The Red Church. Lots of walls and the main church building is rather open, often a cipher placed on there making the chase for the survivors slightly harder if they do not get enough distance in time. My goal for this match, however, is not to find my usual survivors. I understand them, I wish to study the new puzzling enigma that is the "Knight".
An odd sort of sight is given to us hunters that allows us to see the machines being worked on. Slight shakes on multiple at once, its only a matter of figuring out which would be best to go to. Church it is. Whoever is there, regardless of it being the one I want or not will likely try to pass off the kite to another as there was a sudden switch of the journalist to the composer. I am more likely to find one of their decoders but one can only hope to be so lucky.
As I make my way to the church an odd figure is there to greet me. He looks up from the machine in shock and takes a defensive stance, this allows me to get a better view of the man. His hair is long and perhaps considered unneat but in a charming sort of way. He wears an outfit that exudes the very concept of nobility to a high level most of my fathers court could not even pull off. His face is angular and a beauty mark sits below his lips to his right side. He regains his composure as he realises I am not here to attack him. The church is quiet as a cipher is finished most likely by the composer in the far corner. Aside from the large popping noise it makes nothing is said between us, not until he decides to open his lips.
"Are you not the one sent to hunt us all? I am I truly so intimidating that you have become incomplete." Stern words, harsh even but it does not bother me as it is the sort of taunting I have received many times through my time. His eyes narrow viciously. Two colours? I would not have noticed had I not taken this time to study him, his left eye a stony blue colour and his right, a deep brown with green tints in both. At this point to have been able to see this I have since gotten closer subconsciously. As though drawn to his prescense. I catch myself before i get too caught up in it all however.
"I am the Prince. Your Prince. Show more respect, if you truly deem yourself to be an honourable knight." He seems to smirk at my title and his confidence only appears to double.
"So a spoiled brat, demanding obedience as though all around are his new pet puppy dogs?" He's trying to get a reaction. His arrogance is almost reflective of my own however he must have a means to be doing this or is it simply for his own pleasure, as my reason had been to observe. "How rude. You are no Prince of mine, not until you prove it. So, shall we dance, Your Grace?"
My composure slips at the words and I feel the angered snear take over my features, my stance becomes more offensive and I begin to hastily move towards the cocky man. "Speak not of being a brat. You're disobedience will get you nowhere but a chair back to the manor."
The chase was not as long as I was expecting, I suppose he truly was arrogant in his abilities today. Time will tell if he masters his skills. A tie was all I could manage with the hinderance the Knights and my initial meeting gave me. I am forever grateful that the Faro Lady believes she can be a rescuer with her ability, a terrorshock is all it takes.
The Knight appears to want to become my antithesis. So that is all he shall be. An idea abstracted from my own and strange.
- After the first meeting they appear to be forced together through consistent matches against one another or rumors spreading that the two knew eachother prior to the manor.
- False rumors but you suppose it is not completely unreasonable that a prince and a knight, or so his name claims him to be, to be closer than other roles within the manor.
- He says little to others, and when he does it is often sickeningly sweet words. Sugarcoated truths made to seem like the words are kinder than they are just to draw others in.
- few had fallen for it so he had abandoned such a tactic in favour of bothering you in some form.
- be it in matches, his improvement in the way he moves through each map having improved significantly. Easily gliding past obstacles and dodging your skills. A real pest.
- Tension seems to continuously rise with no seeming resolve in sight. That is until one day you walk past the music room.
- Expecting the violinist on the other side of the door as the melody continues on, only to be met with the closed eyes of the Knight as he plays a somber tune.
- You go unnoticed until the end of the song, a smile forming on your face. His eyes flash open as though some otherworldly being made him aware of your presence.
- A silent understanding forms between the two of you. As though no words were ever needed between the two of you, simply because you both understood.
- The tension dissipates within seconds.
- You and the "Knight" seem to find a deeper understanding of eachother over time. He learns of your past and attempts to sympathise with your unjust demise, while he shares stories of his past before the loss of his family.
- He wishes to find his 'sister' but as time passes he finds himself drawn to you, wishing never to leave your side.
- That is exactly what he does. He takes the role of a true Knight that protects his master, although he still has a tongue as sharp as a blade and swift wit that goes completely unmatched by most others in the manor.
- He cannot seem to ever truly listen to your commands, but suppose it is the thought that counts.
---- fin.
(Not proof read, I'll go back and get that done lol)
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 4 years
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Small Time Witch (19)
Settled inside of Tongass National forest Sector Juneau responds to the most treacherous of missions in the Pacific. They are hosting members of SHIELD and the Avengers and offering support for any civilian casualties. The servicemen at Sector Juneau do not venture too far into Tongass as those are tribal lands. This was the perfect place to hide a smallish Hydra encampment. There were dormitories already in the building. The Haida people inhabit these lands and know it well. They noticed some movement weeks ago. Tribal stakeholders already tried to intervene when they spotted children on the grounds and men with large weapons. When they were told this place was property of the US government they called in support from other known entities. They saw no other adults and feared the worst. Now the Avengers were on their way though they were not exactly who the Haida had in mind.
The first plane to land on the airstrip was the X-jet. On board were Logan, Wade, Ororo, Jean Scott and Kurt. They were greeted by Colonel Sterling Davis. He was a hard man who successfully carried out thousands of deep water rescue missions. Now he teaches at Sector Juneau. Ororo introduced herself and they were escorted to a conference room to wait for the other two teams. Next to land was the Quinjet. Col. Davis sent a few men out to bring them in to the same room. Logan was on the edge of his seat ready to pounce on whomever was holding you. When he didn’t see you his heart sank. Ororo greeted Steve and introduced him to the rest of the team. Tensions were high. Leave it to Wade Wilson to make matters worse.
“Holy. Oh my goodness. It’s Captain America! You are outstanding.” He inhaled deeply as he circled Steve, “Smell that? It’s freedom.”
“Wade! Sit down.” Logan barked. “Where is Y/N? We received a distress call from her friend a few hours ago.”
Steve straightened his spine making himself look more menacing than he actually was. “She was taken on another aircraft by Tony Stark. We weren’t meant to be here.”
“He’s the boyfriend, Logan.” Jean offered.
“The boyfriend?” He walked over to Steve with his claws peeking through the skin of his knuckles. “So you’re the one who got her into this mess.”
Steve’s hands curled into fists. Bucky was at his side poised to fight. Hitting Clint wasn’t enough. He was ready to get into it.
“As much as we would love to see this fight, and trust me we do, we have a more pressing matter to take care of. You’re here. We’re here. She’s not.” Wade stepped between them praying that Steve would hit him. It would heal but for a few precious hours his face would be dented where Cap slugged him. The men retreated to their neutral corners still seething.
Sam went to find the Colonel to ask if any other planes landed or if they spotted anything on radar. Everyone in the conference room was quiet. Everyone was worried. They were entering this operation with very little intel. Jean tried to reach out to any of the children who may share her same powers. She touched the fringes of one of the children and recognized him as Franklin Richards. “Franklin! They have Franklin Richards. They’re children. Oh my...” She brought her hand to her mouth looking horrified.
“I’ll call Susan and Reed!” Ororo was up and out of the room.
“Susan and Reed run a small team out of the Baxter building in Manhattan. Their son Franklin has been missing for a week. This whole camp is housing children. All mutants.” Jean explained.
Wanda started to panic. If this place was anything like the place Hydra kept her and Pietro these children were terrified. They were likely experimented on and tortured until their powered peaked. “What are his abilities?” She asked her voice breaking.
“He’s a lot like you, Wanda. He was born with his abilities and is extremely powerful. More powerful than any of us.” Jean held her hands to show her. She saw him as a young man battling demons and monsters. He made them weep in pain.
“That’s it. Those are the powers they mean for Y/N to take.” Steve was at her side.
“Wanda, what happens if she does?” He stood up and looked at Jean searching her face for an answer. They both looked away. The door to the room swung open. Ororo came back in with Strange and two very frantic people he assumed to be Franklin’s mother and father.
“She won’t be able to absorb his powers. If she tries it will kill them both.” Strange heard the whole exchange as he walked in. He was of no comfort to anyone. Steve thought he must have the worst bedside manner.
Everyone introduced themselves and the team discussed the safest way to get into the building without any children getting hurt. Kurt could carry three small children at a time and get them to safety. The rest would have to fight. This was a balls to the wall dangerous fight that some of them may not make it out of safely. None of them cared least of all Steve.
“Cap! A plane landed thirty minutes ago on the east side of the complex. It has to be them. There are vehicles waiting outside.” Ahead of them lightning crackled announcing Thor and Loki. Steve didn’t even care at this point. He just wanted you safe and whomever it was who saved you was not important. The plane was empty. A member of the tribe boarded one of the vehicles carrying Col. Davis to show them to the site. Steve shook their hands and asked them to wait with transport on the other side of the building.
Jean reached out once more finding you inside of the building. You were already with Franklin. She asked if you were ok which you responded with yes. She asked who you were with and was Franklin safe. You didn’t know the doctor’s name and Franklin looked to be physically safe yet unconscious. He had puncture marks on his skin. He was fading which would open him up for you to take his powers. Allowing his mind to roam free would be dangerous. He is a child who can alter reality. No telling what dreams he could manifest.
You counted five guards outside of Franklins room. Fury and Tony stood outside. Nat and Rhodey stayed at the main corridor. Nat knew Steve would come for you. Knew Clint would not stand in his way. She wouldn’t have either. They saw the guards moving children. Some walked on their own some were on gurneys. They hoped the rest of the team showed up soon. Rhodey wasn’t sure how he was going to get all these kids out. He knew Tony better than this. He wouldn’t let these kids just stay behind. Would he? Some of them looked to be no older than five. No way Tony would let this go now that he’s seeing it. A clap of thunder never sounded as good as the one they just heard.
You held Franklin’s hand pretending to do something so you could hear Jean. You showed her what you saw of the building and where there may be trouble. None of these men would have any qualms about hurting a child. You thought about how you could take out all of the guards and the doctor but you feared for Franklin. You wouldn’t leave him. You pet his hand and hoped he knew you were a friend.
Once you got the message that everyone was ready you threw the doctor against the wall knocking him out and slammed the door closed. You barricaded it with whatever furniture you could and froze the door shut. Your whole body crackled ready to take out whomever got through the door. Something heavy was slamming against it now. The wood started to splinter. There was another heavy thud this time against the wall. You took out the entire power grid leaving the room pitch black. You saw Kurt’s eyes shining from the upper corner of the ceiling above Franklin’s bed. You disconnected his heart monitor and IV. “Take him to safety!”
“I’ve come for you too, love.”
“Get him out of here. Get as many kids as you can!” He nodded and disappeared delivering Franklin to his mother’s waiting arms.
Ororo followed your lead freezing the doors to the entrance to the dorms. Scott crumpled a wall and they started handing the kids off to Sam and Wanda. Once you knew the medical wing was clear you blew the door open. You grabbed the doctor by his collar and dragged him into the room where he conducted experiments. You saw your friends fighting and dodging bullets. Wade saw you and fought his way over to you. Without having to say a word he knew what you were doing. He shielded you so you could get away with the now conscious doctor. You pushed him into a chair that was so small he barely fit. You pulled a sword from Wade’s belt and speared him through the shoulder effectively pinning him down. He screamed and blood sprayed all over your face. Wade wouldn’t stop you. None of them would. They all knew a doctor like this no named freak. This insignificant shit stain who no longer had the right to be called human. When the last shell hit the floor and all the children were safe only the doctor’s screams echoed through the halls.
Loki had a very small girl wrapped in a blanket on his lap. She was barely breathing and her heart was beating in a terrible rhythm. Her eyes focused on him. He held her close whispering words of comfort in her ear. He handed her off to a nurse who promised to take care of her. He had never seen anything like this before. He vowed by all the nine that he would find the people who did this and they would pay dearly. Steve, looking just as shocked, found him sitting on the ground. “Where is she?!” That’s when they heard it. A quick scan of the crowd showed you weren’t there. When they found you you had a blade in your hand peeling off his skin layer by layer. Slowly. Methodically. You were covered in blood. It was greased into your hair and stained your skin.
For a moment Loki stood with Wade not willing to stop you. You were a woman possessed. The doctor screamed and cried under your weight. You felt Loki’s hands on your shoulders. You fought against him. He turned your head to look at him and that’s when he saw your eyes were completely white and you looked feral. With a strength he didn’t know you had you broke away from him and propelled him across the room.
Steve and Tony ran into the room. Steve was horrified. Tony launched himself toward you trying to break you away from your work. “I hate to say I told you so, Cap but...” before he could finish you held your hand in the air towards him and started crumpling his suit around him. He finally let go and initiated the protocol to take it off.
Loki bear hugged you from behind and Wade grabbed your feet. You fought so hard that Wade almost lost you a few times. After checking on Tony Steve was at your side. Your eyes went back to normal and you started to cry. Loki and Wade set you down. You crumbled into a heap on the floor. Loki kissed your head whispering to you, telling you it was over.
“No!” you screamed, “he deserves to die!”
“Y/N, no!” Steve grabbed your hand, “We don’t make that call!”
“Yeah well I can’t say I agree with you, Cap. When you’ve been tortured within an inch of your life you can decide who makes that call. He’s one of a hundred doctors and scientists who want to touch our no no spots.” Wade’s eyes were not focused on anything in particular. He was deep in a memory of when he was in a place just like this.
“They’re babies, Steve.” you sobbed.
“I know and he’ll pay. Justice will...”
“Who is going to check him? You are so naive! This isn’t the work of Hydra! Our own government did this. Project 66 is turning our children into weapons. Tell him, Tony.”
“Tony what is she talking about?” Steve was beyond anger. Tony looked away from him with tears in his eyes.
“I didn’t know that part. I didn’t know. Ok? I thought this was a rescue mission.”
“Bullshit!” You freed a hand from Loki and pushed towards Tony sending him back to the ground. Loki held you down tighter. He placed his hand on your forehead and saw the memories of your own torture. You were just a girl. You were terrified. It was two days before Logan found you. You cried out at the memory. He loosened his grip on you.
Steve and Tony continued to argue when you broke loose. You summoned every bit of energy you could and raised your hands. Steve stood in between you and the doctor. “Move, Steve. I have to end this.”
“Don’t do this, baby. You take a life you can’t come back from that. It’ll haunt you. Please. We don’t come back from that. I can’t let you do this.”
“What are you going to do, Steve? Arrest me? Go ahead! Just let me finish.”
This place echoed with the screams of innocent souls crying for their mothers and fathers. The level of cruelty this man brought down upon them should not go unpunished. A jail cell was too good for him. The government will dismiss this as a rogue agent. They’ll sit before Congress and ask to be forgiven but they’ll never know the atrocities seen here. This is justice.
Tears left streaks in the blood that was smeared on your face. “Loki, get him out of here.” You pushed them both out. Steve fought hard but Loki was stronger.
“She’ll never be the same, Loki. This will ruin her.” Loki let him go into Bucky’s care. Bucky didn’t run in to stop you either. None of them did.
Wade stayed with you knowing you’d need someone when you were done. You pushed Tony out of the building through the already crumpling wall. With all of your strength you sent a bolt through the doctor that liquified his innards. You collapsed into Wade’s arms. He carried you out to Kurt who transported you to the X-jet. Wade hopped in a vehicle with Logan and they sped away.
When you woke up you were in a hospital bed. Professor Xavier and Logan were at your side. “Am I in trouble?” Your voice was low and husky.
“No. Considering what we’ve uncovered the FBI was more than willing to let you go with a warning. There are two very worried gentleman outside of your door. Logan was insistent that they wait outside.” You smiled up at Logan who was holding your hand. Xavier left the room to give you some privacy.
“For someone who is not my father you sure act like it sometimes. Is Wade ok?” He stroked your hair and rolled his eyes.
“Wilson is fine. I stopped him from giving you a teardrop prison tattoo under your eye. How are you?”
“A little upset with myself. I don’t know what came over me.”
“We’ve all been there, kid. We’re here for you. You’ll come out ok. It takes time.”
“I killed someone, Logan.”
“Yeah, you did. The day you can live with that is the day we’ve lost you to the dark side. One day it will get easier. It won’t hurt to breath. Until then, you stick around with us and we’ll get you through it.”
There was a knock on the door. Steve entered slowly, “Can I come in?”
“I’ll come back later.” Logan squeezed your hand and ducked out of the door.
In the hours before you woke up Steve sat alone at a table in the cafeteria at the school. Tony went back to the tower. He had a lot to think about. Fury was headed back to DC.
Steve rested his head in his hands and sobbed. He cried because of what you did. Cried because he lied to you and hurt you. Cried because he couldn’t save you. Cried because he couldn’t save some of the children who were held there. They lost four of them. The tiniest ones who couldn’t handle what the doctor had done to them. Cried because the remaining children are traumatized and our own government let it happen. The Professor was working on finding all of their parents. Some of them were in hiding. Perhaps they had secret powers of their own. Some of them downright didn’t want their children back. They would remain in the care of Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Maybe they would find a family there. Maybe they would feel abandoned. More than anything he cried because you were forever changed in his eyes. He didn’t know if he could ever again trust you. You lied to him about a lot of things. He lied to you too.
Later when he got to your room Loki was pacing in front of the door. He shared a glance with Steve letting him know he should go in. Loki knew he was the victor here but the cost was too great to be smug now.
Steve sat on the edge of the bed. You curled your hand around his. “Was my first instinct right? Should I have trusted you?”
He searched your face for any answer. You weren’t giving anything away.
You stared at him holding his hand letting his fear wash over you. “I can’t answer that for you. I can’t say that I’ve atoned for my sins. I haven’t. I stand by what I did. Doesn’t change how I feel about you. It has changed how you feel about me though.”
“We lied to each other. Big lies. Can you really forgive me for going behind your back? Can I get passed this? Will we ever really trust each other again? What does this mean for you? You can’t work with us again.”
“I’ll stay in Westchester until I figure it out. I can work with Logan and Wade.”
“That makes me trust you a whole lot more.”
“Hey! I’m not proud of what I’ve done here. And I’m not on some murderous mission.”
“Everyone here has done something they aren’t proud of.”
“Not you. You are the best of us all. You’re a good man, Steve. You shouldn’t have to live with something that goes against everything you stand for. You deserve to be happy with a sweet girl who bakes and wears sundresses and wants a whole mess of kids. That’s not me. I love you so much I feel like my heart could burst. Asking you to compromise your beliefs would be cruel. I want nothing for you other than for you to be happy.”
“I’ll never love anyone like I love you.” His voice cracked. The last thing he wanted was to let you go. He wished he could turn back the clock to before you fell in love. He wished he could spare you from each other.
“Yes, you will. It only feels that way right now because it’s ending. When you find her...the one. You’ll know.” He scooted next to you on the bed and pulled you to his chest. You clutched each other for a long time. He kissed you and it was passionate and deep. A kiss you reserve for a moment like this. He wanted to imprint this moment on his heart forever. This was the first time he kissed anyone like this and the last time he ever would again. This was the last time you’d see him for a while.
You went home with Loki after you were given the all clear. You talked a lot about Alaska. He assured you that he didn’t care about what you’d done. He only wished it didn’t torment you so. “What happened doesn’t change you, Pet. A small child nearly died in my arms. If you hadn’t done it I would have myself. Let me get my hands on the putrid waste of skin who hurt you. It will be far worse.”
In the days that followed you had little contact with the Avengers. Wanda texted a few times so did Nat. You checked on Steve via Bucky. You sometimes had Bucky to the house. You had trash tv marathons and he supplied the trash food. He told you he thought about his victims every single day. Being with people he loved helped bring him back. He wanted to do the same for you.
You wouldn’t go back to work for Tony. Loki assured you that you would be fine. Set financially for the long haul. And, if you needed more, he’d get it for you. Nothing to worry about.
You spent your days doing spell work. He taught you things you never imagined. You expanded the garden and added a few trees. You read a lot and made him watch ridiculous movies. You were currently binging Game of Thrones. No surprise to you Danerys was his favorite.
You had nightmares every night. He would hold you tight and help you ride them out. Sometimes sleep would elude you entirely. When you were too afraid to close your eyes he would take baths with you. He cast a spell to keep the water toasty. You’d stay in until your skin was wrinkled. Other times he would make love to you until you couldn’t fight sleep any longer.
When your birthday came around he convinced you to have a few friends over. It was very low key affair. A dinner really. He watched you looking at yourself in the mirror applying your makeup. You frowned at the lines forming next to your eyes. “Lok, do I look old?”
“Not at all, Darling. You are perfect as you are.” He answered rather quickly. He meant what he said but knew enough now not to hesitate with his answers.
“I wish I could stop time. Just stop aging all together. It will be centuries before you’ll look old. I’ll be a wrinkled old bag and you’ll be young and hot still.”
“I have something that can fix that. Come with me.” You follow him into the kitchen where he pulled out two of the herb drawers. In one hand was the cutting from the Yggdrasil and in the other sap from the manzanilla de muerte. “This one, when fused with a piece of me, will grant you immortality. You won’t age a day as long as you wear it. The catch is you die I die and vice versa. This one will make me mortal if I drink it. The choice is yours.”
“You’d give up your immortality for me?”
“If that’s what you wish.” Though he hoped you really didn’t.
“What about when we have children? Can they be immortal too if they choose?”
“If they choose I suppose they can be.” You asked if you could sleep on it. This was a huge decision. You had to give it some thought. Forever was, after all, a very long time.
You heard the telltale thrum and crackle of the bifrost in the back. “Thor and Jane are here. Can you let them in?!” You called. You heard Thor’s voice echoing off the walls. His laugh made you smile.
Loki peeked his head around the corner to see you standing in a beautiful navy blue dress. It was long and flowing with blousy sleeves and a low back. You checked yourself in the mirror a few more times. To him you were absolutely perfect. The way the candlelight illuminated your skin took his breath away. He couldn’t fathom you being anything less than stunning even if you let time ravage you. Your bracelet slipped down your arm when you hung your earrings. On your other wrist was a delicate silver watch with a brilliant blue face. He had only seen it in your jewelry box. You never wore it. Tonight was a special occasion and it did go so well with your ensemble. With a final pop of your rose petal colored lips you declared yourself ready.
He took your arm and lead you to the back garden. Everyone was passing dishes talking and laughing. Darcy was telling the story about how Dr. Selvig ran around Stone Henge in his underwear. You had heard it a hundred times and belly laughed the same way you did the first time she told it. The night ended late enough for everyone to have fun but early enough to get everyone home safely.
Loki sent you to get ready for bed promising he would have the kitchen spotless. You heard him cursing and dropping things. Domesticity would be hard for him. It was hilarious to see him bumble through something as simple as loading a dishwasher.
As you were wiping off the remnants of your makeup a text came in from Steve.
SR: Happy birthday. Hope it was a good day. Love, Steve
Y/N: Thank you. It was a good day. Hope you’re doing well.
He didn’t respond. You smiled at the watch on your wrist. The face the same color as his eyes. When you put it on you hoped he would think of you. You set it back in the jewelry box when Loki was walking into the room. “That’s a nice watch. Have you had it long?”
“A little over a year I guess. It was a birthday gift.” He didn’t ask who had given it to you. He already knew and he would not let such things ruin his mood. It was your birthday and you needed to be properly celebrated.
He moved behind you and unzipped your dress making sure his knuckles grazed your skin the whole way down. He trailed kisses from shoulder blade to shoulder blade pushing your dress off and letting it cascade down your body into a beautiful pool on the floor. Underneath you were trussed up and corseted and layered with enough spandex to choke a man.
“Norns, Darling. How do get into all of this nonsense?” He stared at you bewildered. You smiled back at him slowly unhooking and untying. He helped unlace the front of your corset with all the wonder of a child on Christmas morning. Your breasts were pushed up making them more round and pillowy on top. He thought of resting his head there. You wouldn’t stop him. He had undone quite a few corsets in his time but none excited him like this one.
Once you were free he ran his hands over your torso kneading out the sore spots where the wires pressed into your flesh. It was your softness that beguiled him so. He savored the weight of your breasts in his hands and the elegant curve of your hips. He loved how your skin always smelled of spices and alters and flowers from your garden.
He held your hands and lead you to the bed. “Relax, gorgeous girl. Let me take care of you.” He pushed your legs back and positioned himself at your entrance. Long graceful fingers swept through your folds. He lapped at your slit drinking in all of your wetness. You twined your fingers into his hair running your nails over his scalp. The more you scratched and pulled the harder he fucked you with his fingers. You rocked your hips fucking him back. You felt the wave building in your belly ready to break. You reached your peak and shattered around him.
“Lok, please fuck me.” You were breathless writhing in his grip. He did not stop licking you.
“One more, Pet and then I’ll give you what you want.”
“Oh please. I need to feel you.” He ignored your request and continued to suck your pearl between his lips. He held you down on the bed and brought you to your next orgasm. Your whole body stiffened and threatened to clamp shut around him. He kept his fingers working as he moved on top of you. He spread your legs wider with his knees. Your eyes were screwed shut the pleasure was overwhelming.
“Look at me, my queen. You’re so needy for your king’s cock aren’t you? Tell me.” You could barely speak. He ran the dripping head of his dick around your cunt and let it just enter at the very tip. Your hips moved to take more but he pulled away. “Tell me, pet.”
“I need your cock, my king. Please. Please fuck me.”
His face split into the most dazzling smile and he sheathed himself in you. His lashes fluttered when you clamped down around him. You wrapped your arms and legs around his body like the vines claiming the windows. You held each other’s eyes. His pace became more urgent. He untangled you so he could lean back and drive deeper into you. You were ready again. You pulled him back down to kiss him. “I love you, Loki.” You whispered. Your words were his undoing. He slammed his hips into you pushing you over the edge with him.
He kissed you again and settled next to you. Your thighs were sticky with the two of you. You couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Happy birthday, my queen. I love you endlessly.”
“Enough to spend eternity with me? That is of neither of us is too reckless.” He laughed knowing eternity may not be quite as long for the two of you fools.
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