mageofspacemultiverse · 11 months
The 'Even on the Battlefield' Collective
Alright, Anon, you wanted this so. Here we go...! In sequential order!
NOTE: This is a LONG POST. Click the cut-off at your own risk, pfft.
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The burly hunter throws back a half of whiskey, and exhales with a sigh.
There's hardly a better motivator. he sneers confidently. What gets their t*ts harder than watching a man rip out another's tongue with his bare hands, or drive a dagger through his belly? Violence is a language all its own, with grunts and moans aplenty. And what more devotion is there to prove to a partner than the promise to kill the weasely fuck that's bothering 'em?
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Nah, not really--. The only thing you really learn to love out in the battlefield is how much you love living--.
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Though I did love Zaldes as a friend, I think--. In my own...--special way...--
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The prophet stares at you from behind his mask, taken aback.
A battlefield, persay? A pity the concept seems; introducing passionate divinity to an ever-innovating machination of evil incarnate, the blueprint for endless slaughter justified through arrogance and plausible horror. Idiosyncratic.
He places his hands behind his back.
I'd venture to exclude such ideations from gestating any further in your conscious, ye of anonymous tidings, else it bring ill to you. Stray from strife, and passion will arrest you where you stand in Life, in harmony and unison.
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Yea, I've seen it happen before, actually. Juicy stuff, warriors turned star-crossed-lovers.
It's not really all that uncommon with violets, since 3/4 are too hemo-ist to interact with anyone beneath them, and any fuchsia worth a damn to them's out of their league! So they just pick their annoying neighbour, duel them, then make a mess in the grass later. Kinda borders on cliché...
However, it makes for quite the cover story in a pinch~!
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N̾o̾t̾ ̾s̾u̾r̾e̾,̾ ̾r̾e̾a̾l̾l̾y̾.̾.̾.̾ ̾I̾ ̾t̾h̾i̾n̾k̾ ̾l̾o̾v̾e̾ ̾c̾a̾n̾ ̾b̾l̾o̾o̾m̾ ̾w̾h̾e̾r̾e̾ ̾y̾o̾u̾ ̾l̾e̾a̾s̾t̾ ̾e̾x̾p̾e̾c̾t̾ ̾i̾t̾,̾ ̾s̾o̾ ̾I̾ ̾g̾u̾e̾s̾s̾ ̾y̾e̾s̾,̾ ̾b̾u̾t̾ ̾I̾'̾m̾ ̾n̾o̾t̾ ̾r̾e̾a̾l̾l̾y̾ ̾s̾u̾r̾e̾.̾ ̾ ̾ ̾.̾.̾.̾s̾o̾r̾r̾y̾ ̾i̾f̾ ̾y̾o̾u̾ ̾w̾e̾r̾e̾ ̾l̾o̾o̾k̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾f̾o̾r̾ ̾s̾o̾m̾e̾t̾h̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾m̾o̾r̾e̾ ̾i̾n̾s̾p̾i̾r̾i̾n̾g̾,̾ ̾b̾u̾t̾.̾.̾.̾d̾o̾n̾'̾t̾ ̾r̾e̾a̾l̾l̾y̾ ̾h̾a̾v̾e̾ ̾i̾t̾ ̾i̾n̾ ̾m̾e̾ ̾l̾a̾t̾e̾l̾y̾ ̾t̾o̾ ̾g̾e̾t̾ ̾i̾n̾t̾r̾o̾s̾p̾e̾c̾t̾i̾v̾e̾.̾
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Duh. GoeZ without Zaying. Fighting bringZ you cloZer. People make more ZenZe when you watch how they Zize you up, and being able to count on Zomeone in a fight iZ a truZt you can't replicate. Not Zaying it'Z better outright, but...it makeZ ZenZe, to me, I gueZZ.
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After all, it'Z why that dumbass and I can Ztand each other. Battlefield'Z all we know.
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TAT> Jul!An AlreAdy told me About th!s one
TAT> good try though ! guess...
TAT> though !f you Are be!ng ser!ous ! suppose !t !s compl!cAted
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TAT> !t !s just As eAsy for love to bloom on the bAttlef!eld As !t !s to w!ther
TAT> ! would rAther just f!nd love As fAr from Any bAttlef!elds As ! cAn thAnk you very much
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Thunder cracks above as the shopkeep busies himself with a spool of silver thread, face obscured by the eyes of his hoodie.
Why, if love were not birthed in the confines of an unwavering squalor, then were it love at all?? Maxulu chuckles, pulling the thread through the loop and through the hem of a pair of black cotton leggings. A defiant statement to make in the presence of the Almighty. I shall grant your safe passage before you incur his fury! Go! Flee, before he trembles into the waking world!!!
With a flourish, he stands and pulls a curtain to obscure his workspace, a Closed sign attached to the blue fabric.
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She narrows her eyes, pondering.
^@w@^>> it'& be a weiR& ch*ice 4 me, but i guess i've heaR& *f weiR&er sp*ts t* h**kk up! then again if it were anything likke *uR battlefiel&...
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^@w@^>> -ahh! haha! s*RRy, just...talkking *ut l*u&! anyway, l*ve... i &unno, neveR seen the fleet s* maybe they get s*me acti*n L*L!!
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That's deep as heck, dude. Maybe that's all life is is a battlefield, and we'rre waiting frr lOve tO blOssOm like cherrrry trrees in the sprring. Maybe...
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But Only if yOurr lusus is therre tOO lOlOlOl meOw.
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She's startled, holding onto an expensive-looking bottle of wine while shaking in her boots. She glances between you and the ground a few times nervously, then smiles and tries to meet you eye contact with a bashful grin.
I-I'm not too sure, actually. I'm usually pretty good about a-avoiding those kinds of scenes. Kind of hard to imagine people would fall i-in love during times that violent, unless....ah, unless they were into that? Not saying that's bad or anything, but it seems like it would be distracting.
With a gentle nod, Ribilo sets back to her work of examining the bottle, murmuring quietly to herself.
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I don't think I've ever been referred to as a mod before, but I guess it's accurate enough? XD I really don't know what possessed you to do this, but it actually turned out kind of...weirdly fun??
Still, I have to answer this correctly, so...here we go. *deep breath in*
I think that at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. But...if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them... ...Also werewolves and vampires, they're like really gay for one another, right? I'm not the only one who thinks that, c'mon now Colonel. - David the Hater, Metal Gear Solid the First
Had a blast, this format was dumb but at the same time I regret nothing. Thanks for the memes!!
Now... off my blog hufjdkfhdjfkd~
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mageofspacemultiverse · 11 months
Troll Tarots
Credits to @thestarlightbrigade for the idea :3
Gave each of my trolls a Major Arcana, but put other suits in brackets that I found that were also appropriate.
Trajes - The Fool (Queen of Cups)
Casitt - Death (Nine of Wands)
Pelexi - Justice
Yandin - The Lovers
Superego - Temperance (Page of Swords)
Devaron - The Hermit (Nine of Swords)
Zomson - The World
Kartun - The High Priestess (Ace of Wands)
Hidelord - The Emperor (King of Pentacles)
Maxulu - Strength
Ribilo - The Hierophant (Knight of Cups)
Midida - Chariot (Six of Wands)
Laqueu - Judgement (Page of Pentacles)
Pixcel - The Devil
May add to this when I introduce more trolls to the blog :3
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Awesomesauce'm MosM Muses!
Hello everyone, and welcome to my little corner of the galaxy~! B]
Below is a list of all the trolls that currently have some sort of content on the blog. While not all have a bio done yet, you can find them all by searching their first name in the tags.
See below for the link to Grey Sharpie Central, my personal Homestuck community Discord: https://discord.gg/EAhKPy9Xv4
I also have a Toyhouse that is incredibly W.I.P at: https://toyhou.se/StaticG703 that I may replace this with at some point.
Either way, thank you for popping in!
- Kilant
Normal text means they have sprites and profile link
Italics means they have profile link but no sprites
Pelexi Harrat
Aylein Settou - The Superego
Laqueu Sphyra
Maxulu Shroud
Kartun Eadcai
Aktaio Atalis - The Hidelord
Yandin Enrupp
Ribilo Hepsie
Midida Bosinc
Trajes Faurux
Casitt Resshi
Devaron Raliak
Pixcel Raliak
Zomson - The Diseased
The [Redacted]
Ynygme Ntrepi - The Voidmage
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19-22 for the ego meme!!
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19 - My most introverted muse
Ahhh, this one has to be Dev. He's so shy and reclusive, intentionally distances himself from people believing they dislike him (whether they actually do or not). Very nervous socially and wants to keep himself discreet in general. It's crazy his quads are popping with this in mind xD but yea, it's for sure Dev. Ribilo would be the runner up!
20 - My most ill-tempered muse
I'll give THIS one to Cassit. Traumatized depressed pessimistic mang. He can be very touchy and prone to attack those he deems as a threat or those who are needlessly happy-go-lucky. It also doesn't help he's in an alien world so he's quick to get ticked/angry.
21 - My silliest muse
Trajes! This guy radiates cartoon energy until the end of time, and his sense of humour treads the line between cringe and genuinely clever. He's definitely silly though, and doesn't mind it. Shoutouts to Kartun too-
22 - My muse with the most untapped potential
Alright, and now for the popular one, eh? Now, I have a boatload of stuff in the works for a lot of my muses, but out of the characters I have the least content but the most ideas for it would be Superego! I plan to eventually do a design for her when she was younger as a laughsassin, and I could honestly do a series of drabbles on her alone, but I digress.
This question is honestly the hardest yet though. Pelexi, Yandin, Hidelord, Pixcel...I have lots of backlog lore and lots of plans, and i just hope I can make the potential shine. :]] thank you for the Qs!
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Character Voiceclaims [WIP]
Making the list here so I don't forget and will update as I figure more things out!
Trajes Faurux - Kevin Hainline
Zomson - James Purefoy
Cassit Resshi - Lara Jean Chorostecki
Pelexi Faurux - WIP
Yandin Enrupp - WIP
Devaron Raliak - WIP
Pixcel Raliak - WIP
Maxulu Shroud - WIP
Kartun Eadcai - WIP
Aylein Settou - WIP
Laqueu Sphyra - WIP
Ribilo Hepsie - WIP
Midida Bosinc - WIP
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Anyone here into driving go-karts? 🤔
Ooh! Good question! Well, while I don't think I've ever established/brainstormed this before, I think Casitt would be willing to at least try go-karting.
Predictable pick, but he IS a speedster with a competitive streak >:P Additionally there's a troll not introduced to the blog named Ribilo who I can see doing it with friends!
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I'd nominate Trajes as well, but...that gremlin is more bumper cars than go karts, knowing him. XD
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