#riad satouff
mrfoxtalbot · 10 months
Les Cahiers d'Esther - Riad Satouff
Hemos descubierto que hay una serie de animación de Canal + de Los Cuadernos de Esther de Riad Satouff.
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deniskhenry · 3 years
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23° Resenha do dia 2022 O Árabe do Futuro - Volume 4/5 Uma juventude no oriente médio (1987-1992) . . Autobiografia em Quadrinhos (releitura) da literatura francesa, Com Roteiro e Artes por Riad Satouff, contém 288 páginas e compila os capítulos 17-25 da edição originalmente publicada como L'Arabe du Futur 4: Une jeunesse au Moyen-Orient de 1987-1992 by Allary Éditions de 2017/2018 e no Brasil pela Editora @intteiseca em 2020. . . "Meu nome é Riad, em 1988, eu ia fazer dez anos e era bem lindinho." Assim começa o penúltimo volume e talvez o mais dramático e tenso de todos até agora (espero mesmo mesmo a @instriseca lance logo o volume final desta o ra maravilhosa) Após uma grande reviravolta na vida da família Satouff, onde o pai de Riad aceitou 8 cargo de professor honorário na universidade de Riade na Arábia Saudita e os conflitos de família uma vez que a mãe não queira ir de jeito nenhum (principalmente pelas leis sauditas que desfavorece em muito qualquer atividade das mulheres) além do jovem R7ad lidar com a rotina da escola e a saudade do pai, e entre idas e vindas o casal se entendia bem pouco por conta dessa situação, mas o pai de Riad tem um plano genial e um golpe de estado começa a ser arquitetado. . . Ao longo da narrativa vamos ter inúmeras situações complicadas e desta vez haverá poucas cenas engraçadas, uma das pouca é o novo corte de cabelo de Riad ao estilo "Ton Cruz"  e momentos tensos onde o pai exige que se mantenha os costumes muçulmanos, e idolatrar Saddam pela retomada do Kuwait pelo Iraque... até o momento mais tenso que o pai de Riad aprontara que ficará para o último volume! Uma leitura que é quase impossível não te cativar e se empatizar de algum forma. . . #Coleção #Colecionador #ArabeDoFuturo #RiadSatouff #Intriseca #Quadrinhos #Hqs #Comic #Resenha #Review #Leitura (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZbfYgNONqd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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btscultureg · 5 years
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Le film de Riad Satouff sur deux adolescents boutonneux, qui se cherchent. 
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sissypan · 7 years
Just a point of view...
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When I have some free time, I sometimes check the blogs of some friends. I see that many of them are preoccupied by various social issues. The ones about children and about sexism and feminism attract my attention more - obviously I have a greatest interest in this kind of issue than in political stuff. Unfortunately, and even though I see many interesting articles, I have no time to discuss on line. I thought I would write a few general things here - just to let out my thoughts about those issues too. Please be aware that this is by no means the moral equivalent of a gospell or something in the kind. It is just my point of view and it is very mnuch influenced by my experiences and my emotions. So please feel free to disagree and to object to this as much as you like, provided you do this with politeness and respect.  Thanks to those who will read this-now I will try to start and keep some order in my chaotic thoughts and keep my wandering mind under some discipline...
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When I consider issues such as sexism or equality between sexes (I will stay to those for now ; this will help me to avoid confusion), I usually take into consideration two aspects of those problems. One aspect is objective - you can be angry or frustrated at a general injustice, but no other personal feelings are involved. You can even express compassion toward people who have lived an experience that you have not been through. This is perfectly fine to consider a problem under this angle. It shows that you are a sensitive human being and that you care about people, you want them to be happy. Regardless if your points of view are entirely correct or not,the fact alone that you care has a grea merit. If everybodycared a little bit about other so as you do, the world would probably be a better place. Now, a few examples of what I call an “objective”consideration of a problem (I will not give an exhaustive list- just a few examples). If the access to a job is easier to men than to women just because of the predjudice that “women would not be good at it”or any other similar thought,, there is an objective injustice done to women. If a man does the same amount of work , with the same efficacity as a woman collaborator, but he gets a higher salary or he gets a promotion because he is a man, there is an injustice. If in a professional environment women are not respected, if they are harrassed or ill-treated in any way, physical or psychological, there is an objective problem. Something is VERY wrong in the place where this kind of thing happens. If in a society men have more rights and more respect than women, something is obviously wrong. I apologize if I forgot some issues- as I wrote, I merely give a few examples to explain my point of view. A more detailed discussion about one of those issues mentioned here or not could take plece another day. For now, I just remain general. OK, we come back to the objective problems: if you want to help with this kind of problem, what is the best thing to do?
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First of all, when you care about an objectively unfair issue, never mind how angry or frustrated you are, try to do those two things: keep your objectivity and try to stay realistic. Don’t just get your anger out, there is no point to this. Don’t think that you will change the situation with swords and fire. Agressiveness will probably only make things worse and you will end up arguing with people you don’t know (or you simpley don’t care to argue with them. They are not worth your energy, but you just waste it with them because you are so damned angry). You need to keep a cool head , never mind how frustrated you are. Stay calm. Use arguments- not swears. Don’t just blame or criticize other people; explain what you think as clearly as you can. Avoid arguing for arguing- keep to the point. Realize that some things need TIME, so don’t raise your expectations in changing things too quickly. You will only be disappointed. Don’t expect everybody to understand you or to agree with you. If you open such subjects be ready to discuss with those who are able to discuss and just ignore or avoid those who want to take their anger and frustration out (and DO NOT be one of the latter!)  BUT, what is the best way to have an opinion about an issue that concerns you so much? How can you stay objective and keep calm ? How can you face arguments of your opponents without anger?
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The answer is not so complicated: try to be as informed about the issue that interests you as possible. Do not just read one or two impressive articles that draw your attention. Read as much as possible about the issue. Go and do some research. Cross- examine the information you have to see if all you know about the issue is true; if there is not intox or biaised info in what you know. Try to find testimony by people who have been victims of the unfair treatment; if possible get some testimony by “real”people too. This is the only way to have an objective point of view of the problem that will give you the possibility to better help with your acts or your opinion. But then also and above all....
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...alway- ALWAYS keep your mind open. Consider the “other point of view”. Do not only take the elements that prove yours; take some time to read arguments opposite to yours. However you support the victims, keep your mind open to the point of view of the wrong-doer too. NOT to say that he is right. To make your arguments stronger and more clever. To better help the ones treated unfairly. To better support your cause. I give you a concrete example of what precedes.
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There is much talk about sexism in comics. If you are interested in the subject, you will find articles about this; you will find stories and testimony. That there is sexism in an artistic field is outrageous. Thet this particular field is one of the most open-mided and free fields (comics) is almost mad. And if you are a woman creating comics (artist, writer or whatever else), this is enraging and you feel personally concerned and twice more angry as you are involved in the field. The things you can hear or find quite easily: In the famous festival of Angoulêmme (France), no awards were given to women comic creators. There have been testimonies of various ladies in the comic field being considered with less respect than their male colleagues. In a few cases, harrassment was reported. All those things are negative- about this, ther is no discussion. BUT are those elements enough to conclude once and for all that “Comics are a Sexist Field”, take a katana and go and attack the managers of big comic companies (or even lesser ones?
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First of all, and before starting to throw fireballs, take some time to THINK and get some correct info. We start by the issue of the awards at Angoulême: unfortunately this info is as true as it can be and proved by many serious articles in French and in English and by various international publications. Creative ladies are not candidates for awards in this renowned festival. OK. Can you then conclude that “comics are sexist”because of the attitude of the jury at Angoulême? Please let the sword down and listen for one m,ore minute before you start the massacre...
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Last year, a great number of artists renounced to their nominations in fact of the prestige those nominations (or the awards that they would eventually receive) could bring them. French artist Riad Satouff, Italian artist Milo Manara, American artists Chris Ware, David Clowes et Charles Burns, and other French artists- Pierre Christin, Étienne Davodeau, François Bourgeon, Christophe Blain et Joann Sfar. renounced the award. Most of those names are famous in the comic field. Other important creative people in the comic field reacted by writing articles or criticizing what happened in Angoulême: Frank Miller, Bill Sinkiewitz, Alan Moore and many other important names participated in the “boycott”of the vote. Now, have you noticed? Of course women protested. BUT they were supported by their MALE colleagues of a very important renown. Which brings to the conclusion that maybe there is a lot of work to do in Angoulême as regards the equal distribution among male and female creatoirs, but in no case is this an indication that ALL the comic field is sexist. Not with so much support to the wronged women by their male colleagues...Please note that after all those rections, the attitude of the Angoulême jury is slowly changing. Now, they start including SOME women in their lists.
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Harassment and a lack of respect toward women in comics has been reported. Some women were harassed at work (usually big comic companies). Others reported disrespectful behavior towards them by their male colleagues or by people working in various fields in comics that the ladies met at conventions. There is also the mentality in the comic books: they will often depict beautiful ladies with superbe athletic figures and (lightly) dressed so that their alluring figure is well visible. Of course, many will utter the conclusion with out a second thought: “But what are you expecting? Comics... are SEXIST.” Now, are they? Wait and listen before you start throwing fireballs and before you cause a powerful storm...
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One cannot contest the complains of the harrassed ladies. BUT this is not a generality: in many of the greatest comic companies in the world (American DC Comics- Dark Horse Comics) the highest positions in thehierarchy are held by women. In France (and in spite of the old-fashined mentality of Angoulême) , the director of Dargaud -Lombard (Christel Hollans) and many other stuff members high in the hierarchy of companies are women. In a panel about “Women in the Comics World”, cartoonist and director of indie comics festival at Melbourne Sarah Howell said that “ in general, sexism [in comics]is not overt, but accidental.” Women are not as good as men as self promotion and don’t attend conventions as much as male comic creators do, she said. I will add my own thought- for many years, comics were almost exclusively reserved to a male audience. A majority of this audience included sensitivce and rather introvert young men, who were socially awkward with women. This can explain part of the behavior toward women: more often than not, it is awkward- not really offending or sexist. Of course exceptions exist, but to say that “comics are sexist” is rather exaggerated.  As for the ladies with alluring figures...You know, comics are a visual medium. So as in the movies, you need to show beautiful people in order to make the reader happy. If you look at the men in comics, you will find out that they are as good-looking and as the ladies. Frankly, do you know many males with a figure as perfect as Superman’s or with the superb muscles of Thor? (I know MANY ladies who are fervent fans of Thor. Not so much for his bold performances...It’s more about his looks. And I cannot say that I blame the ladies ;) ) .I happen to know some of the artists who draw the beautiful women in comics. I can assure you that they are excellent people , good companions , loving husbands and wonderful fathers (to their DAUGHTERS).
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If the ladies with the alluring figures have their (well-deserved ) success and their fans, one must not forget that this kind of character is also connected to a kind of story. You will see more of those superb ladies among super-heroes. You will find some of them in comic versions of fairy tales. But fairy tales are often peopled with breathtakingly beautiful fairies and gorgeous princesses. You cannot blame comics for reproducing this model. In the recent years, other types of comic heroine has appeared, and they are extremely popular: Lady Death of the Endless in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman looks like a young girl dressed in a gothic style. She is brilliant albeit dark (what else does one expect Death to be? :) ) Her sister Delirium, with her multicolored hair and her incoherent sentences competes with Death for popularity. The female characters in Bill Willingham’s FABLES are beautiful, dynamic and not overwhelmingly sexy. Comics are an inventive medium- as their audience grows and times change, new types of female characters appear - and I am sure that we have only seen a few of them so far.
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If I may add my own experience: I certainly had some issues with comics. But in the ten years that I am in the field, sexism was not one of those issues. I can attest that until now, I have been treated with more respect and consideration in the comic field than in other jobs I have done before (where I have experienced sexist behaviors...) Now, my research on the subject is not yet over, but with what I know until now, I would not accuse comics of being a “sexist”envirionment. On the contrary, hardships in comics are the same for male and female creators and if you have solid nerves, you can do it- regardless of your genre.
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With this, I will ask your permission to take my leave for tonight. It is late and I really need some sleep. But I will be with you again to continue this discussion.
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Next time, I will talk you about the second case: when things are NOT objective. When the issue is emotional rather than unfair. In this case, things become much more difficult as you can already imagine. But this will be for next time. For now...
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I am off. Don’t forget: kep your mind open and clear and stay far from extreme reactions. And always search as much info as possible to defend the causes you stand for.
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Good night and sweet dreams ;) <3
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lacascade · 10 years
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deniskhenry · 3 years
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22° Resenha do dia 2022 O Árabe do Futuro - Volume 3/5 Uma juventude no oriente médio (1985-1987) . . Autobiografia em Quadrinhos (releitura) da literatura francesa, Com Roteiro e Artes por Riad Satouff, contém 152 páginas e compila os capítulos 11-16 da edição originalmente publicada como L'Arabe du Futur 3: Une jeunesse au Moyen-Orient de 1985-1987 by Allary Éditions de 2016 e no Brasil pela Editora @intrinseca em 2017. . . "Meu nome é Riad em 1985, eu tinha sete anos e chamava a atenção por onde passava" Assim continuamos com as Crônicas de histórias verdadeiras do jovem Riad Satouff, um cimério louro e de sua família na Síria de Hafez Al-Assad, ainda continuando morando em Ter Maaleh na Síria com os pais e seu irmãozinho e seu pai ainda ia algumas vezes para Damasco dar aulas, o problemas dentro de casa de convívio é falta de manutenção prejudicava o saneamento básico de toda família, as brigas eram inevitáveis principalmente por Riad constantemente humilhava seu irmão chamando de retardado, mas isso era retrato do que era vivido na escola, Dentro do decorrer da narrativa vemos que muitas das inconstâncias eram absurdas como em momentos que saudita batiam em mulheres e crianças por não girarem direito por exemplo, uma das referências legais foi quando foram ver o filme do Conan o Bárbaro que influenciou Riad e seus amigos a agirem como Bárbaros Cimérios e uma série de situações dramáticas e cômicas, até a decisão de seu pai de ir morar na Arábia Saudita. . . Mantendo o alto nível de enredo e ótimas cenas o Árabe do Futuro mostra com muito texto e cenas interessantes que cativam o leitor de ponta a ponta! . . #Coleção #Colecionador #ArabeDoFuturo #RiadSatouff #Intriseca #Quadrinhos #Hqs #Comic #Resenha #Review #Leitura (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZY6aLlO2IL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deniskhenry · 3 years
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20° Resenha do dia 2022 O Árabe do Futuro - Volume 1/5 Uma juventude no oriente médio (1978-1984) . . Autobiografia em Quadrinhos (releitura) da literatura francesa, Com Roteiro e Artes por Riad Satouff, contém 160 páginas e compila os capítulos 1-4 da edição originalmente publicada como L'Arabe du Futur: Une jeunesse au Moyen-Orient de 1978 by Allary Éditions de 2014 e no Brasil pela Editora @intrinseca em 2015. . . "Meu nome é Riad, em 1980 eu tinha dois anos e era um homem perfeito" assim começa uma das melhores leituras que já li, falo isso com todas as letras porque trata-se de uma história cativante, intrigante, com momentos cômicos, choques culturais e claro momentos dramáticos. . . O Jovem Riad meio que conta toda sua trajetória Juntamente com seus pais (o pai Sírio-Libanês e a mãe da Bretanha) de maneira precisa e irreverente, e aqui nós veremos a transição da sua família para Líbia onde seu pai assumiria o cargo de professor adjunto, mas até tudo bem pois o que deixa mesmo o leitor motivado é sua forma narrativa, a riqueza de detalhes e informações históricas da época e claro as inúmeras curiosidades a cerca de outros povos e de como o choque cultural pode trazer situações curiosas e até mesmo engraçadas (mas só para quem está lendo rs) tanto por parte de seu pai, como pelo próprio Riad no dia a dia e principalmente na escola. . . Os desenhos e quadros tem o mesmo estilo que já encontramos nas obras de Fabien Toumé com um dinamismo incrível, atualmente esse volume encontra-se "fora de catálogo" e bem difícil de encontrar em marketplace e quando se acha é com aquele preço absurdo, resta para muitos esperar que um dia a intrínseca resolva fazer reimpressão, mas me parece que a editora pouco se importa com a classe de quadrinhos... Material excelente que vale muito a pena, e figura no meu top melhores leituras de todos os tempos sem nenhum exagero! . . #Coleção #Colecionador #ArabeDoFuturo #RiadSatouff #Intriseca #Quadrinhos #Hqs #Comic #Resenha #Review #Leitura (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZOnhAiuqrs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deniskhenry · 3 years
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A Odisséia de Hakim Volume 1/3 da Síria a Turquia . . Graphic Novel com Roteuro e Arte de Fabien Toumé, contém 270 páginas e compila os capítulos 01-08 publicados originalmente como L'Odyséee de Hakim volume 1 em 2018 pela Editions Decort  by Fabiem Toumé e em 2020 pela Editora Nemo do Grupo Autêntica. . . Depois da autoria de grandes trabalhos ao qual eu tive o prazer de ler e constatar a qualidade das obras como: Não era você o que eu esperava e Duas Vidas, o Francês Fabien Toumé, nos presenteia com uma obra maravilhosa, sim no sentido de sua forma narrativa e história de vida e superação que nos obriga a refletir aos horrores da guerra, do extremismo, contado a partir do Próprio Fabien como personagem nos quadros, ele passa a entrevistar e escrever sobre a vida de um refugiado da Síria chamado Hakim. . . O que impressiona assim como em outra grandiosa e maravilhosa obra, O Árabe do Fururo por Riad Satouff, nós vamos ver a trajetória de vida desde a infância de Hakim e um pouco mais sobre a cultura Síria e forma autoritarista do governo, desde eleições, grupos radicais, torturas, morte, prisão e maus tratos que fica difícil descrever aqui, pois eu entendo que seja necessário que você leia e sinta o quão poderoso é o depoimento de uma vida que teve que abandonar tudo vendo seu país desmoronar, tendo de deixar tudo pra trás, . . mas ainda sim tem momentos inusitados e até descontraídos com intervalos entre Fabien e Hakim, afinal eram encontros de tempos em tempos para continuar os seus relatos. A Arte segue o padrão de Fabien de suas outras obras e tem bastante texto para ser digerido de forma bem agradável, pois é difícil não se envolver na leitura! Leitura fantástica! Recomendo! . . #EditoraNemo #grupoAutentica #FabienToume #OdisseiaDeHakim #Coleção #Colecionador #Hqs #Quadrinhos #Comic #Review #Resenha #Leitura #GraphicNovel #Refugiados https://www.instagram.com/p/CWad_KJL3_1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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havaforever · 11 years
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JACKY AU ROYAUME DES FILLES - Un régal ! Une pierre semi-précieuse, un peu taillée à le serpe, qui brille pourtant de mille feux...
J'ai Ri ad Vitam, et j'ai savouré cette recette innée-dite que Sa-Sainteté Sa-Touffe nous a livrée.
(Essayez là en scred et vous saurez tout, tout, tout sur ... Charlotte Gainsbourg )
 * Mélangez un pincée très forte de Corée, un Big Broz cuvée 1000-neuf-sang-84mille, avec une bonne droite envoyée à L'ile Des Gauchers.
 * Dans le Cantique-2012 de Judith Buttler, faites mousser les mots, les genres, les pères-sévères et La-Mère-Tune avec la Critique de la Faculté de Jauger.
 * Réservez jusqu'à ce que St-Augustin, Khomeny, et Obama-IV s'allient à Carotte de Monaco.
 * Quand c'est chaud bouillant, faites fondre sans scrupules trois générations de LALANGUE de Jacky-Lacan.
La Bouillie-Boulga est à con-sommer sans modération à la mémoire de Got-Libre & Go-Cynique.
NOTE 20/15  -  ! ! !  L A I N É G    < =
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