myshipsareendgame · 4 years
adolin kholin calling his wife, shallan kholin, “love” was in fact the death of me
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doitforthevinebud · 4 years
Tags I will be using for Rhythm of War spoilers: #RhythmofWarspoilers and #RoWspoilers
Mute accordingly.
If it's generalized information, something that would be in the teaser synopsis, or something very similar to previous books (Shallan needing therapy, for example), it's not going to be tagged
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
you know what? rhythm of war isn’t my favorite book of the series, but it left soo much space for fanfiction and i love it!
• kaladin and lyn dated? cool, i guess i’ll be reading that on ao3 (bonus points to this one cuz it’s canon that it was because adolin and syl set that one up)
• shallan says she and adolin have sex every time he comes back from training? cool, guess there’ll be a lot of smut being released. they had sad sex after the second day of trial? cool, sad smut then as well
• little gav had to learn how to trust his own family? cool (and heartbreaking), guess i’ll be reading about the new angsty kholin child
• kaladin’s mom new about him and lyn? cool, give me an uncomfortable kaladin telling his mom he has a girlfriend and hesina getting all excited
• adolin taught little gav how to ride a horse? cool, give me that family bonding time
• dalinar had released the early drafts of his book and that was read to renarin and adolin? cool, make me cry
• navani made the fourth bridge? cool, give me the reactions of others, give me all these people applauding her genius, my queen deserves it
• jasnah and wit date now? cool, ( i had really high hopes that jasnah was a lesbian and i really didn’t see this relationship coming, so it isn’t something that really excites me or i wanted to see, but now that it has happened, it does leave a lot of questions) so how did they get there? i may not ship them, but how do our fandom’s fanfic writers think they happened? do they go on dates? how far in the relationship are they? also... how many girlfriends has hoid even had by now?
• dalinar doesn’t really like shallan? cool (not really because i wanted them to be on good terms), then how about the rest of the family? what about renarin? shallan says she came around and knows he is “the good kind of weird”? give me those sister/daughter- in- law moments!!
• shakadolin go to that tavern regularly? cool, now give me drunk shakadolin all having fun for hours playing games and teasing the hell out of each other
there is so much POTENTIAL for so many fanfics after rhythm of war, and i am so excited to see what people write!!!
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
There were lots of things I think could have been better about this book, but one thing I cannot complain about is the shadolin moments
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
rhythm of war spoilers:
worldhoppers shallan and adolin y’all
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
I haven’t even finished reading part 2, but the Shadolin content has been impeccable
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myshipsareendgame · 4 years
maybe it’s just due to my OCs i created in my head and wrote, but i really do want to see the back five of the stormlight archive to include our main characters’ children.
the first child is evi kholin II, shallan and adolin’s daughter. she’s rebellious, mature for her age, beautiful (like her parents, duh) and smart as hell. she’s sassy and almost not afraid of anything. almost- because she’s afraid of anything happening to her family or those she cares about. that’s why she’s always pulling a kaladin and tries to take care of everyone, even if it means putting others’ needs before her own. but through it all she’s kind and bright. she brings in laughter into the room and she’s truly is a mix of both her parents.
second comes tenadal, evi’s younger brother. he’s only two years younger, but they aren’t that close. however, they still appreciate each other and if anything happened to one of them, they’d literally go out of their mind. tenadal is a mini adolin, energetic, good hearted and awkward, but still successful with girls. he plans to one day be a great duelist, just like his father
next comes nili, kaladin’s adopted child. nili is a year younger than tenadal, three years younger than evi. however that doesn’t stop those two from being best friends. sometimes evi is more like her older sister, but a sister nevertheless. where evi is confident, nili is shy. where nili is anxious, evi is sure of herself. but they both want to study, they both love talking about boys and books and gossip and shopping. they’re urithiru’s duo. adolin and kaladin’s daughters that make mischief (95% of the time as evi’s idea), but everyone still adores. they do all kinds of stuff together: study groups, shopping days and even sleepovers, so much so that the kholins keep and extra pair of pijamas in the kids’ closet for her. tenadal and she don’t meet for a while, even after a long time of being evi’s friend, but once they do, tenadal doesn’t think he ever saw such a pretty girl. and they grow up together, liking each other in secret.
then kala, she is the youngest girl, evi’s five years yonger sister. kala was named after kaladin and is the youngest child for a while. still, her siblings (including the girl they treat as their own) accept her into their company. where tenadal looks like a mini adolin and evi as a little shallan, kala is a true mix. although all shadolin kids have a very distinctive hair, a mix no one’s seen before, kala’s faciak features truly are a combination.
then, the babiest baby to ever appear and bless their worlds comes. the softest softie ever to soft. little nalan, the youngest kid. everyone wants to pinch his little chubby cheeks, to give him a hug, hold his little figure in their arms. he’s a mama’s boy. all the kids like to paint and do it with their mother as a free-day activity. but nalan showes so much TALENT at such a young age
of course, there are gavinor and danid. gavinor is the eldest kholin kid (in my story he was only three years older than evi) who we all know and love. danid is his best friend. like evi and nili, they met each other when they were little but became insepersble friends very quickly. evi and danid didn’t exactly hit it off, as danid pulled her hair when they were at practice. since then, they decided they hated each other, spatting insults at each other and denying all and every alligation that they have feelings for each other.
so yeah, yep. i guess that’s about it
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