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purple-eyesgreydragon · 2 years ago
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In Mario and Luigi: Musical Mayhem. They are guided by Ze and Tempo to find the five powerful music stars. They are the source of the Music Kingdom's magic. They are not where music comes from, the notelings invented that themselves. They made the music stars to help music go above and beyond simply sounding pretty. With them music can calm the fiercest of rage, fill a valley with flowers, stop a rainy day and bring the sun out to shine, and so much more. If one gains possession of anyone of them, they're musical prowess on that type of music intensifies. Each color star represents a section of the Music Kingdom and the type of instrument it features. The Windy Whistles, Percussion Plateau, String Strum Forest, Synth Storm Shores, and Chorus Castle.
The Blue Music Star of Winds
The Green Music Star of Strings
The Red Music Star of Percussion
The Purple Music Star of Synth
and the Orange Music Star of Vocals
In order to defeat Rhythmax. The bros will need all five if they hope to stand against his diverse musical knowhow. But bringing music out to its fullest potential requires more than the stars, or even knowing how to play their instruments. It requires heart. If you don't truly feel the music when you play, it'll never fully blossom.
I’ve noticed in the new Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Those music note blocks, which in my imagination would be creations of the music Kingdom. Even have chorus-sponding colors to the music stars! Minus the purple synth star at least. I mean maybe Nintendo would be down with my idea. Something’s have already turn out so similar. Maybe not as a Mario and Luigi game, but I’d prefer that combat system.
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thetigers · 5 years ago
Cosmic Tiger by RhythmAx
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bak62 · 7 years ago
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Zoroark Dark Pulse by RhythmAx
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whitewolfy93 · 7 years ago
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Midnight Werehog by RhythmAx
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yuyuuuuuuuuuuu · 5 years ago
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Fragments Series 8
BY RhythmAx
Log #003
Trying new things
I feel good, mainly because im back with the person I love. and not just that but I finally feel my relationship with her healing. Nothing much to report at the moment. Today I will start ingesting this “mental suplement”. I heard Joe rogan talk about some of those suplements so I want to try it out, see if I note any differences. We are strange beings that are learning about ourselves and the world around us each day. We are always students in this life NEVER forget.
we are always sikh.
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pokepazion · 7 years ago
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Project Mega PokéArt:
Primal Kyogre (RhythmAx)
Project Mega PokéArt is part of Project PokéArt, the longest running segment of Pokémon Passion. Click here to know more.
See more PokéArt here: 1st gen, 2nd gen, 3rd gen, 4th gen, 5th gen, 6th gen. ;)
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carlsbailbonds-blog · 7 years ago
RT LACountyLibrary "Head to Rosemead Library today at 3:30 pm for a holiday performance by the Garvey School District, RHYTHMAX: https://t.co/Txk3TMhZkW http://pic.twitter.com/lVQU2I7o62"
— Carl's Bail Bonds (@CarlsBailBonds) November 30, 2017
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lynnnguyen626 · 11 years ago
The best part about my job... :) #children #choir #rhythmax #RosemeadLibrary #rosemead #626 #librarian #librarianlife (at Rosemead Library)
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purple-eyesgreydragon · 2 years ago
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"When two new friends come seeking Mario and Luigi's help. The bros travel to a new kingdom, where music is both life and power. The whole place has been thrown out of harmony since the musically maniacal Rhythmax took over. In order to beat him and save the Music Kingdom. The bros must learn to fight music with music, and master each kind of instrument there is."
An idea for a Mario and Luigi game I came up with. The Music Kingdom is where music came to be in the Mario world. A peaceful and harmonious place where the notelings (Or note sprites) live free without the need of a leader. They welcome any musicians, music lovers, or even those who simply want a peaceful place to call home. In their kingdom music can do more than sound nice. The notelings' greatest creations the 5 treble stars, make musical magic happen. With the music can make the flowers bloom, the sun come out, and put a smile on any face. It was actually with the notelings aid that the dreambeats came to be. The notelings also created the Music Park racetrack. Not just for kart racers to drive on, but to share their gift of music to the galaxy. My OC Ze the little draggle. Grew up in the Music Kingdom to be the bros' biggest fan. While she loved it there with her best friend Tempo the noteling. She dreamt of meeting and befriending her heroes. Once old enough, she left to go find them. But the notelings hospitality is taken advantage of soon after her departure. A beyond talented musician by the name of Rhythmax comes to the Music Kingdom. Claiming there isn't an instrument he couldn't play nor a note he couldn't hit. He arrogantly claimed to be the best in all the world, and demanded he be made king of music. The notelings were against this, they've never needed a king, and him taking charge would only throw the kingdom out of harmony. Given their peaceful nature however, they could do nothing as Rhythmax made a thrown for himself and forced himself as leader. Him and his lackeys took over all too easily. Rhythmax rules tyrannically, even forbidding music playing without his say so. But life is literally music to the notelings. If they don't play, they'll get very sick. So the noble noteling Tempo decides to follow the trail of his friend Ze, find the famous Mario Bros. and ask for their aid in saving both the kingdom and all of music. Things however work differently in the Music Kingdom and the bros usual skills won't be enough to defeat Rhythmax alone. They must travel to the five part of the kingdom to search for each of the treble stars. The Windy Whistles, Percussion Plateau, String Strum Forest, Synth Storm Shores, and the Chorus Castle. While learning how to master and play each kind on the way. With their new friends, soon to be acquired musical talents, strong hearts, and the treble stars. Rhythmax surely won't stands a chance.
Disclaimer: The Mario and Luigi series, characters, mentioned canon locations, and the Nintendo Switch belong to Nintendo.
Ze, Tempo, the Music Kingdom, and Rhythmax belong to me.
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pokemonarts · 11 years ago
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Drawings by ~RhythmAx
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thetigers · 7 years ago
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Cosmic Tiger by RhythmAx
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moralitea · 12 years ago
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Oceans Wrath by ~RhythmAx
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purple-eyesgreydragon · 2 years ago
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In my Mario and Luigi game idea, Musical Mayhem. Rhythmax is the antagonist. And yes, he has four arms. Master of all Music, and King of the Music Kingdom. Or so he self-claims. He can however put his instrument where his mouth is, quite literally, and its really more instruments. While he most definitely is obnoxious and incredibly arrogant. Rhythmax can back his cockiness with incredible music skills. He has mastery over practically every instrument he's come across. May they be winds, percussion, strings, or synths. And don't get him started on his singing. Even high long notes can be reached by him, for a guy. Of course with his four arms, its easy to see why he thinks he'll always be twice the musician anyone will ever be. Not just two instruments at once. His personal favorite is his double riff electric guitar. He also can have different outfits at times to suit whatever music he may play, if he's in the mood.
Since Rhythmax thinks so highly of himself. Everyone loves music. So as such an master everyone must love him too, right? When he learned of the Music Kingdom and how leaderless they were. Of course, its only natural he should step up and make a thrown to take. The main populace of the kingdom the notelings, as hospitable as they are. Welcomed him like everyone else, much to their misfortune. Being how aggressive Rhythmax and his lackeys are to assert dominance. The notelings don't do conflict, it's just not their song. But Rhythmax reign, rules, and ruffians are throwing the entire Music Kingdom out of harmony. Everything is getting all out of whack! Plus if notelings aren't allowed to play whenever they please, they'll all get very sick. So the noble noteling Tempo goes out to find his friend Ze in search of the famous Mario Bros. In hopes they can save yet another kingdom.
But can the bros learn the musical knowhow they need to beat Rhythmax at his own game?
Rhythmax almost never takes off his headphones, at least not in public. When he's not using his extra arms, he folds them behinds him. The crown is a clip-on for his headphones he made when he anointed himself king.
I think I did well designing a Mario styled story main bad guys.
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