#rhiannon lewis i won’t you
spidermasc · 2 days
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 9 months
Summary: One thing Steve should have learned when it came to Darcy Lewis, never give her ideas because she won’t ever let them go. After Pepper’s baby-shower Darcy finds Steve in the kitchen trying to get drunk, who would have ever thought that the conversation that would come would lead to her pregnant with Captain America’s baby? Not Darcy, and certainly not Steve.
Author: @rhiannon-a-christy
Note from submitter: I know the summary makes it sound like a one night stand and unplanned pregnancy is about to happen, but what actually happens is a convo about them both wanting kids but thinking it's never gonna happen for them, and deciding to work out the logistics of doing fertility treatments together to have a baby they'd co-parent as friends (but then as they plan all this, they do fall in love along the way and it's very sweet).
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empyrean-thrones · 8 months
Chapter 2
“Bàsgiath War College is the oldest institution of higher learning in Navarre. Since its establishment, the college has survived countless wars and managed to preserve over 10 million books in their original text dating back to 200 years before the country’s unification in the Archives.” — History of Navarre by Colonel Lewis Markham
Ao3 Link
As we gather into the teardrop-shaped clearing, some third years go around passing hand towels and small umbrellas for us. Some of them have a scar or two running down the base of their necks or across their face, but none as visceral as the redhead’s. I take one with a nod of thanks and undo my braid to wipe it down as I head for a corner. I frown at a tiny knot stuck between my fingers, tugging at it a few times before stumbling into someone’s back. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to–” My voice dies in my throat when the stranger whips around to glare at me. He’s taller than most of the cadets here with dark brown skin, a large nose, and thick black hair combed back to one side so it falls over his left shoulder to look like a puffy cloud. The brand mark in the shape of erratic swirls crawling down the base of his right ear tells me everything I need to know about who he is. Xaden Riorson, the son of Fenrir II, glares down at me with nothing but pure malice.
“Sorrengail,” he says in a low poisonous tone, narrowing his eyes. I swallow and hold his gaze. The last thing I want to do is cower before a traitor’s son. He should be dead or working in the most dangerous coal mines like the rest of his comrades. Instead he’s here, proudly wearing the Rider Quadrant’s black leather uniform as though doing so might prove his loyalty to the king. As if it could erase the fact that his father and grandfather had attempted to tear down the walls of Bàsgiath not even thirty years ago. “Watch where you’re going.” It’s a warning I’m more than happy to follow. I lift my hands in surrender and he shoves past me, despite the open area, to a girl with short pink hair, pointed ears, and a similar mark burned into the left side of her neck. I don’t linger around to eavesdrop. The tension in my body only eases when I spot Rhiannon a short while later and hand her my towel to dry off.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she comments, patting her hair down.
“A few of the Tyrrish revolters’ kids are here,” I explain, nodding to the two I just passed as I put my rucksack on the ground. “Can you believe it?” Rhiannon raises a brow at them as I continue, “Their parents tried to overthrow the king and now they’re… I don’t even know what they think they’re doing here.”
“Maybe they want to make up for their parents’ mistakes,” she suggested, leaning against the wall next to me. “I heard surviving members have to take an oath of loyalty and get branded if they want to be considered full citizens again.” I scoff, shaking my head. It’s ludicrous. There’s only a handful of Marked Ones in the clearing but just the sight makes my skin crawl. Who knows what they could be plotting behind our backs?
“None of them can ever atone for the sins they’ve committed. Those bastards killed my brother. They deserve more than just a painful death.” I fold my arms across my chest and let out a huff of air. “It’s fucking bullshit.” Rhiannon doesn’t speak for a minute. Her gaze is locked on the pink haired girl who’s frowning as she listens to something Xaden says. I open my mouth to tell her not to stir up trouble when a familiar voice calls my name from afar. I turn my head as a man with sandy brown hair weaves through the crowd to get to us. “Dain, over here!”
“Violet!” he exclaims once he’s close enough, pulling me into a tight embrace. I quickly notice that he’s gained some more muscle over the past few years. He’s grown a beard which looks… a bit odd on him, I won’t lie. I was kind of liking the stubble he’d had the last time we met. Well, whatever. It works for him, I guess. His warm calloused hands cups my face gently as he checks me over. “Mother Amari, what are you doing here?” Concern laces his voice. “I thought you were supposed to be with the scribes! You have to–”
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” I chuckle, prying his hands from my cheeks. “Mom signed me up a few months ago and I passed all the requirements.” His brows knit together and I see his pupils start to narrow like a cat’s. It’s one of the many offputting quirks being bonded to a dragon brings. Yeah, no. Fuck that. I swiftly spin on my heels to face Rhiannon. “Uh, this is Rhiannon,” I say in a chipper tone. “We met before crossing the bridge.” He blinks, shifting his attention to her. Thankfully, his eyes are normal now. “Rhiannon, this is my friend Dain. He’s Colonel Aetos’ son.”
“Hi,” he says stiffly, shaking her hand. “Can we have a moment, please? We won’t be long.” He steers me away to a separate corner before she can utter a response and folds his arms. “What do you mean your mom ‘signed you up?’” he demands, brows creasing.
“I meant exactly what I said,” I sigh. Gods, I should’ve prepared for this. Dain can be such a mother hen sometimes. “She made me take the test and I passed. Simple as that.” He shakes his head in disbelief.
“No, no. That can’t be right. The Board’s super strict with who gets in and who doesn’t. They’d never let someone like you into the Rider’s Quadrant, let alone Infantry.”
“Well, I’m here now!” I raise my arms to show him I’m perfectly fine. “See? No injuries so far. Nolon and Winnifred can patch me up if something happens–”
“But what if they can’t? What are you going to do if you’re stranded with only your dragon and no one else is there to heal your injuries?” I open my mouth to respond but he cuts me off. “You might survive on the mat during sparring lessons but you certainly won’t last a second in war. It’s hell out there, Vi.”
“I know–”
“No, you don’t! The records in the Archives only scratches the surface about the shit going on at the border. You couldn’t even spend a few days without constantly hurting yourself as a scribe. You’re going to get more than just bruises in here.”
“I’m not some porcelain doll,” I counter. “I already proved myself by crossing the bridge in the middle of a thunderstorm. Have you done that yet?” He doesn’t respond. He just stares at me. “Look, even if you did somehow smuggle me into the Scribe’s Quadrant, Mom would just drag me back.” I let out a frustrated huff of air and jab the toe of my boot into the mud. The rain starts to settle into a drizzle as the last few candidates walk in. They’re all bulky or built well enough to have a good chance in hand-to-hand combat. I almost envy them. Almost. “This place is supposed to make you strong, right?” Dain looks away from me. “Right?” I prompt.
“Sure,” he sighs, voice softening just a bit. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
“Okay, so I get stronger. Then you won’t have to hover over me like an obnoxious fly.”
“I am not –”
“Mom will be happy and I’ll finally be able to follow in Mira’s footsteps.”
“Is that what this is all about?” he asks, raising a brow. I blink, tilting my head slightly as I study him.
“Yeah, why?” He hesitates for a moment before exhaling through his nose.
“Nothing, I just… I thought you liked being a scribe, that’s all.” Oh . Of course I liked it. The Archives is probably my favorite place in the entire college. I love it there but… well, it was never really my passion. Dad always said it was my destiny to be a scribe. There were no ifs, no buts. Just do your book work and one day it’ll all pay off. So, I rose to the top of my class because… well, what else was I supposed to do? Flunk and disappoint my family?
“It was great there,” I tell Dain. “But, you know. I don’t want to be stuck in a dark cave wearing musky old robes for the rest of my life. Someone probably died in those things at least twice.” That gets an amused huff out of him. “You know I’ve always dreamed of flying. This is my life’s goal; I’m gonna achieve it no matter what.”
“The dragons,” he begins, “don’t tolerate weakness.” He nods towards the redhead I met earlier. “See her? That’s Amber Mavis. A scorpiontail did that to her during Threshing and she almost didn’t get a chance to bond because her wounds were so bad. If something like that happens to you…” His expression turns pained. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“I’ve been through more pain this week than she ever will. You, of all people, should know that by now.” I soften my voice just a little and squeeze his hand reassuringly. “I’ll be fine , trust me.” He finally relents, stepping back with a reluctant sigh. Amber approaches but stops a few feet away from us, arms clasped behind her back, and clears her throat to get our — well, Dain’s attention. She locks eyes with him for a moment until he gives her a small nod and heads off towards the dias where a few other riders gather on a slightly lower platform. “So what was that all about?” I ask.
“They’re going to start soon.”
“No, I mean that look Amber gave you.” I narrow my eyes in mock suspicion. “Are you two fucking?” His cheeks instantly flush and I gasp. “Oh my gods, really?”
“No!” he says instantly, abandoning his anxiety for once. I stand on my toes to get a better look at her. She moves in purposeful strides that scream elegance and authority; her uniform is mostly dry as she stands next to a woman with short black hair and a rapier strapped to her side. “She’s my superior officer. It would be too awkward between us and… well, she takes her job very seriously. Besides, it’s against the Codex anyway.” I roll my eyes. Typical Dain. Facial features aside, her legs are a work of art even from here. “You should go find your friend. We’ll meet up later.” He gives me a pat on my back before joining a group of cadets near the podium. I can’t help but crack a smile as I head over to Rhiannon who’s still by the wall, polishing her greatsword with a black cloth.
“We’re about to start,” I say, grabbing my bag. We follow the other cadets to the edge of four large squares painted on the grass in black. As the bell clangs overhead, Commandant Panchek strides towards the front of the dias above the platform where the four riders stand. His medals glimmer in the faint early rays as he moves.
“Good morning cadets,” he says in a voice loud enough for all to hear, “and welcome to Bàsgiath War College. Three hundred and one of you stand here today before us and, I must say, that is significantly better than last year’s. Many of you are returning to complete your three year course while others are just starting out on your journey to glory. As the Codex says, your true crucible begins at this very moment!” He grins, bearing his teeth, as he stares down at us with pale blue eyes. “The number of cadets the dragons found worthy of being riders were few last year, but I believe this new batch has what it takes to mount our most powerful assets.” His gaze flickers towards me for a split second before they land on someone else. “In this mighty fortress, you will learn and know what it truly takes to be a dragon rider. Your superiors, teachers, and even fellow peers are all here to guide and mold you into strong, resilient warriors. How well you learn from them is entirely up to you. Discipline falls to your units, and your wingleader is the last word. Should I need to get involved…” He pauses for dramatic effect then chuckles. “Well, let’s pray that day never happens. With that, I leave you to your wingleaders.” One of the four below him, a woman with short brown hair steps forward, summoning a large scroll in her hands as Panchek leaves.
“I am Nyra, the senior wingleader of the quadrant and head of First Wing. For the uninitiated, this Quadrant — Navarre’s aerial force — is divided into four battalions called Wings. These are split into three sections: Claw, Flame, and Tail.” She nods to the three giant squares in the first painted column before her as she continues in her posh Deaconshire accent, “Each section hosts three squadrons; each squad is led by a squad leader who in turn is led by the section leader. As Panchek stated before, the wingleader has the final say in critical matters and punishment regarding faulty squads. Section and Squad Leaders step forward.” I blink in surprise as Dain steps toward Fourth Wing’s Flame section and stops a good distance from a man wielding dual swords. Holy shit, he’s a squad leader? No way he climbed the ranks that fast. I look up to where Amber Mavis stands over him on the podium. Her face is as emotionless as a stone slab. Hell, she doesn’t even look at him. Guess he was right about her taking her job seriously. If that were me, I don’t know if I’d ever be able to take my eyes off my lover if they ended up in Dain’s position. “When we call your names, step forward,” Nyra instructs.
She starts with Claw Section then down to Tail. The squads are lined up into three neat rectangles before the squad leaders who then turn to face the section leader. This goes on until Amber finally steps forward. My eyes widen as a small spot in front of her warps and births a pitch black hole. She doesn’t even hesitate to shove her hand in and pulls out a scroll. “First Squad: Claw Section — Fourth Wing,” she reads aloud. The black hole vanishes as she goes down the list.
“Was that her signet’s blessing?” Rhiannon whispers next to me, raising a brow.
“No, that’s object storing. It’s one of the lesser magical abilities riders get after bonding with a dragon but I’ve never seen it look like that.” Mira’s usually just looks like a deep blue tear with shimmering stars, not… whatever this is. I guess it looks different for everyone.
“Second Squad: Flame Section — Fourth Wing,” Amber calls without a hint of emotion. “Xaden Riorson…” My heart tries to leap out of my throat as he stalks forward to stand in front of Dain. Fourth Wing. That means... Shit. I desperately pray to Zihnal to put me in Tail when Rhiannon is called alongside him. I do not want to be paired with him, not even in death. “Violet Sorrengail.” My gaze immediately snaps to Xaden who visibly stiffens. He looks like he’s trying really hard to set her on fire with his mind.
“I-I’m sorry?” I squeak out.
“Violet Sorrengail, you now belong to Second Squad, Flame Section of Fourth Wing.” Amber lowers the scroll to look at me. “Step forward.”
“Wh- I… he’s–”
“Step. Forward.” My legs obey and I soon find myself standing a few people behind the Tyrrish bastard, hands balled into fists at my sides. Zihnal hates me. There’s no other explanation. Why else would he curse me with this weak ass body and put me in the same squad as Xaden fucking Riorson? I try to scour through my brain for anything I’ve done in the past to warrant such a fate. Was it because I couldn’t remember that prayer on the Bridge? Was this my punishment for not having a perfect memory? I close my eyes, inhaling slowly through my nose. This is the price I have to pay. Fine. I’m not going to push my luck by insulting him. The last thing I need right now is even worse luck. When Amber finishes listing off Tail’s cadets, she drops her scroll into the black hole of hers as if it were nothing more than garbage.
The sound of flapping wings fills air and large shadows momentarily block out the sun. A weyr of eight dragons fly overhead then dip low, tilting their powerful wings as they curve over us like vultures circling a corpse. The wind is so powerful, it almost knocks me back. They hover momentarily before dropping onto the thick outer wall. There are three prickly looking dragons in varying shades of red with scales like a pauldron running down the back of their neck, an upward pointing snout and curved bull horns. Two of them — one navy blue, the other red-orange — have smoother scales and long horns. Judging by the two small horns sprouting from above their eyes, they look like blue-tongued daggertails. The other three are brown and green with the same frills Teine has. My heartbeat quickens as the blue daggertail lowers its head to glare at me with its piercing golden eyes. I focus instead on my new wingleader, feeling my palms start to sweat.
“Congratulations,” she states, “you’re all officially cadets. Look at your squad mates, look at your wing. These are the people you will entrust with your life. These are the ones who will save you from danger should you need it. They are your beating heart and they are the blood coursing through every intricate part of your inner body. You must never fail them, never betray them, under any circumstances.” She gives Xaden a meaningful look that forces him to lower his head slightly in submission. “Navarre is the last bastion of sanctuary in this forsaken world and we are the wall that protects its citizens — not infantry, not the nobles, not the guards patrolling the streets. We are the defenders of the breach, the shelter from the oncoming storm. In this quadrant we are one mind, one body. I expect cooperation and perfect coordination between all squad members by the time you leave these doors as fully graduated riders. Is that understood?”
“Yes, ma’am!” we say in unison.
Nyra steps in to say, “First years, after you eat, you’ll be taken to your dorms to change and report to class. I look forward to seeing your full potential.” The dragons exhale hot blasts of steam from their noses at us before flying off towards the Vale where their dens are. “You’re dismissed.” Gradually, we all flock to the rotunda’s doors that lead to the main hall and dining area. The scent of bacon wafts through the open mahogany doors, causing my stomach to growl.
“I can’t believe we’re paired with Riorson,” I grumble. “It’s like the gods hate me.” I clench my jaw as I watch him weave through the crowd to get ahead. They give him a wide berth as if he’s a leviathan and they’re all minnows. If he wants to atone for his father’s sins, he can do it by bleeding out on the floor.
“I’m pretty sure they’re just trying to test you,” Rhiannon says, shifting her sword from one shoulder to the next. “Gods like to do that all the time. He’ll probably try to make your life hell but he can’t exactly kill you.” No, but we’ll be forced to work together and that’s close enough in my books. The interior of the rotunda is shaped like an oval with five evenly spaced marble pillars carved out to resemble the dragon breeds of Navarre supporting the three stories overhead. Light pools through the stained glass ceiling and the tiled floors are almost as reflective as a mirror. To the left are two massive arched doors leading to the academic wing, echoed by the same on the right, which leads to the dorms. Up ahead between the stairs that climb to the study lounge, lies our destination — two wooden doors that open up to the largest dining hall I’ve ever seen.
 We take a seat close to the edge of one of the long rows of polished tables stationed in the middle of the room. To our left towards the wall sits an extravagant looking table with embroidered purple tablecloth and cushioned armchairs — even the way the napkins are folded on their plates give off an air of luxury. The wingleaders take their seats at the center while section leaders sit at the edge, observing us with curious analytical eyes as they murmur to one another. I wonder if Mira’s ever sat up there. Mother certainly had.
“Hey, look who made it!” a chipper voice says, pulling my attention away from the elites. A boy with rich brown skin and soft brunette curls covering his brows slides in across from us, sporting a giant grin. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon, Ree.”
“So your plan failed, huh?” Amusement flickers in Rhiannon’s eyes as she sits next to me.
“Plan?” I echo, raising a brow at the two of them.
“Ridoc here tried to avoid getting drafted by pretending to have a fever.” That gets a scoff out of me. “Honestly, what were you thinking?”
“It’s nearly impossible to avoid the draft. You’d have to be severely wounded or clinically insane for that to work.”
“Oh, I should’ve tried that,” Ridoc murmured. “Do you think they’ll let me go if I hit my head hard enough?”
“Doubt it. Why do you want to get out of here so soon? It hasn’t even been a day yet.” I’ve seen a few people piss their pants about getting drafted but those were usually poor commoners. These two don’t look anywhere close to poor. Well, their clothes are pretty bland and seem a bit worn at the edges but they don’t seem too malnourished. Ridoc’s grin falters slightly as he shifts a bit in his seat.
“Ah, well, you know how it is.” He waves a hand dismissively as if I should know. A moment passes between us as I wait for someone to explain. “N-never mind, it’s not that important.” He chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck in an embarrassed manner.
“We live near the border,” Rhiannon explains simply. She unfolds the napkin wrapped around her utensils and places it over her lap.
“So you’ve seen gryphon riders before?” I ask. “I heard they’ve been getting more aggressive in their attacks over the past few years.” Most of the news I’ve gotten have been from the reports brought into the Archives; those bastards have tried crossing the border more than once and even raided a few villages close to the Esban mountains despite the Resson trading post being on their land.
“I guess? We’re not that close but we’ve heard a few stories here and there.”
“That should give you all the more reason to fight back though. If it were up to me, I’d burn every gryphon rider to a crisp.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Ridoc responds. “Those things spawn like hydra heads. Kill one and five more show up out of nowhere!”
“That’s why we have dragons. If it weren’t for them, we’d be bird food.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nyra get up from her chair. Several servers in gray outfits station themselves outside the doors to the kitchen next to food carts packed with trays.
“Before we begin, would one of our second years like to offer a prayer to the pantheon?” she asks. When no one responds, her dark eyes lock onto the pink haired girl. “Imogen! How brave of you to volunteer!” She smiles as the Marked One begrudgingly rises from her seat.
“Thank you, Mother Amari, for blessing us with another day and for breathing life into the souls of the animals we’ve bred for slaughter,” Imogen begins once we’ve bowed our heads. “Thank you, Zihnal, for blessing us with a bountiful crop season and fair weather; Dunne, we thank thee for guiding the hunt and providing us with bountiful meat. And lastly, Malek — you’ve given us the power to take the lives of our prey whilst sparing our own kind. Bless the less fortunate and guide our hearts. Amen.”
“Thank you so much, dear.” Imogen offers the wingleader a tight-lipped smile before settling down again with a disgusted look on her face. Nyra remains standing as the servers gradually make their way down the table rows to serve our breakfast. Ridoc is about to dig into his meal before a third year sitting next to us hisses at him to put his fork down. The servers finally retreat back to the kitchen — aside from the muffled clatter of pots and pans being washed and hung up to dry, the dining hall is uncomfortably silent. After a minute of waiting, Nyra clasps her hands together and says, “Begin.” Life floods back to the hall and the tension quickly dissipates like melting snow.
“So where are you from?” Ridoc asks, adjusting his slightly worn shawl before digging into his eggs.
“I was born in Akdus, but since my mom got stationed at the school, I’ve basically been living here my whole life,” I explain. “My dad wanted me to be a scribe so I trained in the quadrant over there for a bit.”
“Oh? What’s that like?” I shrug, tugging my knife from the napkin bundle.
“We had to learn at least three languages by the end of our apprenticeship and memorize every major battle since the unification of Navarre. Most of my time was spent reading so we couldn’t really go outside as much as my other siblings.” I spread some raspberry jam on my slice of toast and take a bite. The bread isn’t too dark or crunchy, like the ones served in the Scribe’s Quadrant. In fact, the food itself is much better here. There’s a savory sweetness to the baked beans, the juicy sausage has a hint of asurra pepper that lightly pricks my taste buds, and the coffee that comes with the meal isn’t as bitter as the ones I’m used to. “You know, the food in the Scribe’s Quadrant is mostly tasteless,” I comment before stuffing a spoonful of pudding into my mouth. “We’re told that flavorless meals are what enhances our minds and give our brains more space to retain information.”
“That’s insane! No wonder they look so pale and miserable all the time. You guys have got to eat better.” I laugh a little.
“Which dragon do you think you’ll bond with?” Rhiannon asks, leaning forward a bit. “I’m hoping to get something big like a clubtail.”
“Well, I want a daggertail. That blue one looked so badass.” I hum in agreement and take another sip of my coffee as I listen to them debate over which breeds are better. Ospon clubtails are pretty well known for their strength and ability to endure even the most deadly attacks but they’re also the slowest fliers. In my opinion, they’re not that impressive — they don’t have the kind of ferocity needed to win this war. The blue-tongued daggertail on the other hand? Those things are born to kill. Whoever bonds one is definitely worthy of joining the wingleader table.
I’m not sure which breed I’d want to bond with. Father always said it wasn’t up to us to choose; the dragons have their own way of determining a human’s worth. He considered the presentation ceremony and Threshing as their way of “sorting the wheat from the chaff.” It’s better not to put too much effort into hoping you get the one you want. There’s always a chance you get one that has an insufferable personality. Everything from getting a dragon to earning a signet blessing relies on pure luck. And if the odds aren’t in your favor then you might as well be scorned by the gods. Given the way my day’s starting, I only pray that I get something that isn’t a clubtail.
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bubblestheraccoon · 3 years
Music Mixes
Lumberjanes “Arts and Crafts” Program Field
Treble Maker Badge
“Some Risks are worth the Reward”
Music fuels the mind and thus fuels creativity. A creative mind has the ability to make discoveries and create innovations. The greatest minds and thinkers like Hildegard von Bingen, Barbra Strozzi, and Florence Mary Taylor all had something in common in that they were constantly exploring their imagination and creativity. As a Lumberjane it will be vital that we not only enrich our minds, but enrich those around us. Music is just one of the many mediums that can create an empowering environment, it is one of the few mediums that can be enjoyed at any time.
Finch’s Notes:
This post is based on a section from the bonus content from Lumberjanes: To The Max Edition Volume One. I did not create these playlist, their titles, or the blurb at the top of the post. If any of the links are wrong or broken, or if I should add any more disclaimers for song content, please feel free to let me know!
*D-Slur Warning.
**Only version of the cover I could find on youtube, here’s a version of song without the extra audio but it’s on a Russian website that overwrote my adblocker a little bit so visit it at your own risk. Here’s the song it was covering if you want that instead.
***Could not find cover on youtube. Link instead goes to band camp.
****F-Slur Warning.
Fox Fight Jams! By April!
Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett
Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce
Northshore be Tegan & Sara
Woo Hoo by The 5 6 7 8s
Wilderness by Sleater-Kinney
Wolf by Now, Now
Spin Around by Josie and the Pussycats
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme
Jet Pack by Dog Party
Pirates by Jenny Owen Youngs
Dance Apocalyptic by Janelle Monae
Bamboo Bones by Against Me!
Push It by Salt-n-Pepa
I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift
Up All Night by One Direction
Roar by Katy Perry
Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor
Say You'll Be There by the Spice Girls
Ribs by Lorde
Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks (”Best Song Ever”-April)
River Adventure Mix of dooooom by Mal
I Was An Island by Allison Weiss
Shark In The Water by V.V. Brown
Let's Submerge by X-Ray Spex
Eyes Open by The Gossip
Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill*
Giant Kitty by Shonen Knife
I Won't Follow by the Secret Someones
4Ever by The Veronicas
Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne
Take Me Away by Fefe Dobson
Borne On The FM Waves by Against Me! & Tegan Quinn
Ain't It Fun by Paramore
3 Small Words by Josie and the Pussycats
Anchor by Letters To Cleo
That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings
Independent Woman Part 1 by Destiny's Child
Crush by the Sleigh Bells
Oh! by Sleater-Kinney
Tropical by Plumtree
Rhiannon by Best Coast or Fleetwood Mac 
The Con by Tegan & Sara
The Competition by Kimya Dawson
Cave Tunes by Molly
I Have Confidence by Julie Andrews
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
Tightrope by Janelle Monae feat Big Boi
Just A Dream by Taylor Swift
Heartbreak Dream by Betty Who
Corner of the Sky by the Jackson 5
Valerie by Amy Winehouse
I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston
Call Your Girlfriend by Robyn
Let It Go by Idina Menzel
Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations
Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash
Jolene by Dolly Parton
Rock ‘n Roll High School by Shonen Knife
Don’t Save Me by HAIM
The Cave by Dia Frampton**
She Keeps Me Warm by Mary Lambert
This Is For by Ingrid Michaelson
Cut It Off by Mal Blum
Smash Into You by Beyonce
Jen’s Perfect Camp Mix by Ripley
Gravity Falls Theme Song
Summertime by Audra McDonald
Strong Enough by Kina Grannis
(You’re So Square) Baby, I Don’t Care by Cee Lo Green
Waterfalls - TLC
Just A Girl by No Doubt
Nobody Knows Me At All by The Weepies
I’m Beginning To See The Light by Ella Fitzgerald
Bad Girls by M.I.A.
Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls
Magic To Do by Patina Miller & Ensemble
***Flawless by Beyonce
Come On by Josie And The Pussycats
Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey
Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
Jo’s really rad! Mix by Jo
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Theme
Androgynous(Live) by Joan Jett and Against Me!
Tous Les Memes by Stromae
Sunshine by Rye Rye feat M.I.A.
L.E.S. Artistes by Santigold
What About Your Friends by TLC
Just One Of The Guys by Jenny Lewis
Melody by Kate Earl
Red Cape by Priscilla Ahn
No Wow by The Kills
I Found You by Tilly and the Wall
Do You Remember the Morning by Kid in the Attic***
Cheerleader by St. Vincent
Concrete Wall by Zee Avi
You Can Count On Me by Panda Bear
Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac (”<3″-Jo)
Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds
Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie
Oblivion by Grimes
Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae and Eryka Badu
Rapid Decompression by Against Me!
Roanokes Rule: The Mix[!][!][!] by April
Rattlesnake by Saint Vincent
Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me!****
Amazon by M.I.A.
Another One Bites The Dust by Queen
Art-I-Ficial by X-Ray Spex
Separate Rooms by Now, Now
What’s Mine Is Yours by Sleater-Kinney
Sci-Fi Wasabi by Cibo Matto
Tennis Court by Lorde
Son Of A Preacher Man by Dusty Springfield
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Desire Lines by Deerhunter
Hot and Cold by Ex Hex
White Daisy Passing by Rocky Votolato
Misguided Ghosts by Paramore
For The Best by Gregory and the Hawk
The Hymn Of Acxiom by Vienna Teng
Capture The Flag by Broken Social Scene
From A Shell by Lisa Germano
Rosie’s Turn
Feeling Good by Nina Simone
Annabelle Lee by Sarah Jarosz
Terrible Things by April Smith & The Great Picture Show
You Can’t Be Told by Valerie June
Wild Geese Blues by Gladys Bentley
The Day Is Short by Jearlyn Steele
One Dime Blues by Etta Baker
Hard Way Home by Brandi Carlile
The Devil’s Paintbrush Road by The Wailin’ Jennys
To The Bone by Okou
Panic Cord by Gabrielle Aplin
Cups (You’re Gonna Miss Me) by Lulu and the Lampshades
Crayola Doesn’t Make A Color For Your Eyes by Kristin Andreassen
Complimentary Me by Elizabeth & The Catapult
Blue Spotted Tail by Kina Grannis
Sorry About The Doom by Slow Club
You Know I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse
From Texas: Big “D” by Julie Andrews & Carol Burnett
Finch’s Notes Cont:
Hi! I made this post to avoid work. But mostly I made this post because Lumberjanes is something really important to me, and these playlist are a part of my enjoyment of Lumberjanes I don’t see people talking about a lot! So I decided to make a post in order to share them with y’all. I remember hunching over my phone making a spotify playlist (here, though it’s missing a few songs that aren’t on spotify) while on a trip to California in the summer of 2018 when I first got into Lumberjanes. I probably listened to these songs while I made my first ever Lumberjanes fanart. These mixes helped me to discover artist I really love, like Janelle Monae and Mal Blum. I hope you enjoy them as well!
Other notes: Sk8r Boi is crossed out as that is the way it appears on Mal’s playlist. Also, I tend to shy away from music videos as a personal preference, so that’s why there are so few included on this playlist, though I’m sure many of these songs have beautiful music videos. I might reblog this post in the future with some youtube playlists of these mixes, but if you want to find them yourself there are a lot of playlists of these songs made on youtube already! Or you can make your own playlists using this post. 
And, just for fun, have one final Lumberjanes themed music recommendation:
Lumberjanes by Various
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booklivin · 5 years
March TBR 2020
This month I am in the mood for a retelling; there is no good reason I am in the spirit just what I have a taste for. It started out being just for a fairytale retelling, but I just got the whole trilogy for a Sherlock Holmes retelling, so no, I will be reading all the retelling that I own. While I don't think I will get to all of these by the end of the month, I will try.
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The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd (a retelling of H.G. Wells _the Island of Dr. Moreau )
For fans of Libba Bray, this first book in a gothic suspense trilogy is inspired by H. G. Wells's The Island of Dr. Moreau. It has been hailed by New York Times bestseller Carrie Ryan as having "beautiful writing, breakneck pacing, a pulse-pounding mystery, and an irresistible romance."
Following accusations that her scientist father gruesomely experimented on animals, sixteen-year-old Juliet watched as her family and her genteel life in London crumbled around her—and only recently has she managed to piece her world back together. But when Juliet learns her father is still alive and working on a remote tropical island, she is determined to find out if the old accusations are true. Accompanied by her father's handsome young assistant, Montgomery, and an enigmatic castaway, Edward, Juliet travels to the island, only to discover the depths of her father's insanity. Torn between horror and scientific curiosity, Juliet knows she must end her father's dangerous experiments and escape her jungle prison before it's too late. Yet as the island falls into chaos, she discovers the extent of her father's genius—and madness—in her own blood.
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Ash & Bramble by Sara Prineas ( a Retelling Of Cinderella )
"A delightful deconstruction of society's fairy tale myth, wrapped in an exquisite, spellbinding adventure. A must-read for teens who yearn to forge their very own story." —Rae Carson, author of the bestselling Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy
The tale of Cinderella has been retold countless times. But what you know is not the real story.
Sarah Prineas's bold fairytale retelling is a dark and captivating world where swords are more fitting than slippers, young shoemakers are just as striking as princes, and a heroine is more than ready to rescue herself before the clock strikes midnight.
Pin has no recollection of who she is or how she got to the Godmother's fortress. She only knows that she is a Seamstress, working day in and out to make ball gowns fit for fairy tales. But she longs to forsake her backbreaking servitude and dares to escape with the brave young Shoemaker.
Pin isn't free for long before she's captured again and forced to live the new life the Godmother chooses for her—a fairytale story, complete with a charming prince—instead of finding her own happily ever after.
As Pin tries to fight her arranged path, she finds that a sword is a much better fit for her than a glass slipper and that the boy who she escaped with is still searching for her, and won't stop until he rescues her—if Pin doesn't save herself first.
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Crimson Bound By Rosamund Hodge ( A Retelling of Little Red Riding Hood)
An exhilarating tale of darkness, love, and redemption inspired by the classic fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood," from the author of Cruel Beauty.
When Rachelle was fifteen, she was right—apprenticed to her aunt and in training to protect her village. But she was also reckless—straying from the forest path in pursuit of a way to free her world from the threat of eternal darkness. After an illicit meeting goes dreadfully wrong, Rachelle is forced to make a terrible choice that binds her to the very evil she had hoped to defeat.
Three years later, Rachelle has given her life to serving the realm, fighting deadly creatures in a vain effort to atone. When the king orders her to guard his son Armand—the man she hates most—Rachelle forces Armand to help her hunt for the legendary sword that might save their world. Together, they navigate the opulent world of the courtly elite, where beauty and power reign, and no one can be trusted. And as they become unexpected allies, they discover far-reaching conspiracies, hidden magic, and a love that maybe their undoing. Within a palace built on unbelievable wealth and dangerous secrets, can Rachelle discover the truth and stop the fall of endless night?
** **
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Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige ( a Retelling of The Snow Queen by Hans Christan Anderson )
Seventeen-year-old Snow has spent her life at the Whittaker Institute, a mental hospital in upstate New York. Deep down, she knows she doesn't belong there. When she meets a mysterious new orderly and dreams about a strange twisted tree, she realizes she must escape and figure out who she really is.
After Snow breaks free and races into the nearby woods, she stumbles into icy Algid--her true home--with witches, thieves, and a strangely alluring boy named Kai, none of whom she's sure she can trust. As secrets are revealed, Snow discovers that she's on the run from a royal lineage she's destined to inherit, a father more ruthless than she could have imagined, and choices of the heart that could change everything . . . Including Snow's return to the world, she once knew.
This breathtaking, New York Times bestselling volume begins the story of how Snow becomes a villain, a queen, and a hero.
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A Study in Charlotte By  Brittany Cavallaro (A retelling of the A Study in Scarlet   by Sir Authur Conan Doyle)
The last thing Jamie Watson wants is a rugby scholarship to Sherringford, a Connecticut prep school just an hour away from his estranged father. But that's not the only complication: Sherringford is also home to Charlotte Holmes, the famous detective's great-great-great-granddaughter, who has inherited not only Sherlock's genius but also his volatile temperament. From everything Jamie has heard about Charlotte, it seems safer to admire her from afar.
From the moment they meet, there's tense energy between them, and they seem more destined to be rivals than anything else. But when a Sherringford student dies under suspicious circumstances, ripped straight from the most terrifying of the Sherlock Holmes stories, Jamie can no longer afford to keep his distance. Jamie and Charlotte are being framed for murder, and only Charlotte can clear their names. But the danger is mounting and nowhere is safe—and the only people they can trust are each other.
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Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes  ( a Retelling of the of Life of the Red Queen from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll)
Only queens with hearts can bleed.
This is not the story of the Wonderland we know. Alice has not fallen down a rabbit hole. There is no all-knowing cat with a taunting smile. This is a Wonderland where beneath each smile lies a secret, each tart comes with a demand, and only prisoners tell the truth.
Dinah is the princess who will one day reign over Wonderland. She has not yet seen the dark depths of her kingdom; she longs only for her father's approval and a future with the boy she loves. But when a betrayal breaks her heart and threatens her throne, she is launched into Wonderland's dangerous political game. Dinah must stay one step ahead of her cunning enemies, or she'll lose not just the crown but her head.
Evil is brewing in Wonderland and maybe, most frighteningly, in Dinah herself.
This is not a story of happily ever after.
This is the story of the Queen of Hearts.
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WinterSpell By Claire Legrand  ( A Retelling on of the Nutcracker by E.T.A. Hoffmann)
The clock chimes midnight, a curse breaks, and a girl meets a prince…but what follows is not all sweetness and sugarplums.
New York City, 1899. Clara Stole, the mayor's ever-proper daughter, leads a double life. Since her mother's murder, she has secretly trained in self-defense with the mysterious Drosselmeyer.
Then, on Christmas Eve, disaster strikes.
Her home is destroyed, her father abducted—by beings distinctly not human. To find him, Clara journeys to the war-ravaged land of Cane. Her only companion is the dethroned prince Nicholas, bound by a wicked curse. If they're to survive, Clara has no choice but to trust him, but his haunted eyes burn with secrets—and a need she can't define. With the dangerous, seductive faery queen Anise hunting them, Clara soon realizes she won't leave Cane unscathed—if she leaves at all.
Inspired by The Nutcracker, Winterspell is a dark, timeless fairy tale about love and war, longing and loneliness, and a girl who must learn to live without fear.
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A Wicked Thing By Rhiannon Thomas ( a retelling of Sleeping Beauty by the Brothers Grimm)
Rhiannon Thomas's dazzling debut novel is a spellbinding reimagining of _Sleeping Beauty _and what happens after happily ever after.
One hundred years after falling asleep, Princess Aurora wakes up to the kiss of a handsome prince and a broken kingdom that has been dreaming of her return. All the books say that she should be living happily ever after. But as Aurora understands all too well, the truth is nothing like the fairy tale.
Her family is long dead. Her "true love" is a kind stranger. And her whole life has been planned out by political foes while she slept.
As Aurora struggles to make sense of her new world, she begins to fear that the curse has left its mark on her, a fiery and dangerous thing that might be as wicked as the witch who once ensnared her. With her wedding day drawing near, Aurora must make the ultimate decision on how to save her kingdom: marry the prince or run.
Rhiannon Thomas weaves together vivid scenes of action, romance, and gorgeous gowns to reveal a richly imagined world … and _Sleeping Beauty _as she's never been seen before.
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prawnlegs · 7 years
I think I broke my links page with too many links, so it’s about time I made a rec post for some of my favorite webcomics! MAYBE YOU’LL FIND SOMETHING NEW TO LOVE.
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This will always and forever be an incomplete list as I am always finding/looking for more stuff to read. I’ll probably reblog it every so often when I add more.
COMPLETE: Lady of the Shard by Gigi D.G. - I still haven’t gotten to Cucumber Quest but you had better believe I read this the day it came out. Follows a temple acolyte who is in love with the goddess she serves, and all the complicated turns of events that come out of this. Drawn in a loose, experimental pixel art style that makes it all the more immersive to read. The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by E.K. Weaver - Eisner-nominated gay roadtrip romance you’ve probably already heard of. Some of the best character acting I’ve ever seen. The Muse Mentor by Amy King - Artistic muses (and one vague notion) try to find their purpose on the astral plane, which happens to look sort of like a cute fantasy version of San Francisco. A sincere and kind-spirited read, highly recommended if you struggle with feeling adrift and inadequate. Also, many drawings of delicious-looking food. Power Ballad by Molly Brooks - I just started this but it’s really fun and funny. A masked vigilante/pop star’s personal assistant develops a crush on her boss. It’s gay, it’s got superheroes, and it’s complete! IN PROGRESS: Agents of the Realm by Mildred Louis - I had a couple false starts getting into this one, not having grown up on Sailor Moon, but then I picked up the first volume at a con and I’m really enjoying it. The unclear, complicated intentions of the mentor figure(s) are intriguing, and I love how the artist draws faces, especially funny reaction faces. Alice and the Nightmare by Misha Krivanek - A magical uni/boarding school piece with super cute art, compelling mysteries, and a Lewis-Carroll-inspired world that’s fresh and fun I.E. not another Hot Topic rehash. FINALLY. Away to Nowhere by Ezra Shape - Monsters and magical beings adapting to life in our world (or a world like ours)--currently just scratching the surface of what seems like some really cool worldbuilding. Features Zio, my nonbinary dragon grandma. Balderdash by Victoria Grace Elliott - Cute coming-of-age witch adventures. Beautiful colors and a richly-textured world. FOOD. So much good food. Banquet by A. Szabla - [coming soon]
Beauty by Eric J. Lee and Rhiannon Rasmussen - From the about page: “Bugpunk Beauty and the Beast” and honestly WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED TO KNOW. Okay I’ll tell you some more: There’s a baroque alien bug civilization rendered in incredible detail. It’s gorgeous.  Blackwater by Jeanette A. and Ren Graham - Episodic supernatural comic set in the small fictional town of Blackwater, Maine. Just started, but the art is extremely polished, expressive, and atmospheric, and the characters are cute. Also it’s queer and full of monsters. Sold.
Brainchild by Suzanne Geary - Paranormal mysteries on a college campus with supremely cool monster designs and great art. The monsters: So cool. I also really like the attention to fashion details on the characters--you can tell a lot about each of them by how they present themselves. Demon Street by Aliza Layne - All-ages fantasy adventure starring queer kids with magic powers! Great use of vivid, saturated color to set otherworldly scenes. Excellent queerification of folkloric tropes.
False Edge by M. R. Shaw - Just started, but a long-awaited comics debut with fantastic art. Features adorable big-cat shapeshifters. Warning, it’s supposed to get nasty (there’s an advisory page with specifics when you start). Feast for a King by Kosmicdream - I just started this (”just started” = 300+ pages in) but HOLY CROW it’s one of the most bizarrely creative comics I’ve seen. Warning for like, unrelenting gore/body horror (and eventually monster sex I think?) Gotta admire the scope of this one. Galanthus by Ashanti Fortson - [coming soon] Goodbye to Halos by Valerie Halla - Fantasy/action-adventure with an all queer-and-trans cast! Huge-scale, trans-dimensional cosmic plot stuff. The art is supremely cute and the color design is fantastic. Harlowe Vanished by Amy King - A lonely teenage girl accidentally finds herself in some kind of oceanic fantasy world! Scary military stuff is going down! BEAUTIFUL scenic art and a colorful cast that we’re currently just getting to know. The latest from Amy, who did The Muse Mentor, rec’d above. Heirs of the Veil by Phineas Kaldinski and Jassy Klier - Urban fantasy with lots of cool magic, a queer cast, and amazingly detailed environments that feel lived-in and full of history. Can’t wait to see where it’s going. Hilga from Below by Val Wise - This just started but that means I’m COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP on the  archive and so far I can tell that it has: Excellent colors, a cute dog person, a fallen angel or alien or something, and some really unsettling stuff lurking under the surface. How to be a Werewolf by Shawn Lenore - Another one I just started, but really enjoying it so far. After twenty years of isolated lycanthropy, an urban werewolf is mentored by the first of her kind she’s ever met, amidst a mysterious lurking threat to their kind. Kidd Commander by Aria Bell - This is the most fun I’ve had reading a webcomic in a long time. Kidd Commander is an epic shonen-style adventure with an immensely likable cast. Seriously, I love every last one of the characters, and their perils and triumphs and misunderstandings hit me right in the emotions like a ton of bricks. I’m probably gonna cry at some point in this comic. I KNOW I’m gonna cry at some point in this comic. But it’s also hilarious, with really well-timed comedy beats and expertly deployed reaction faces. The world also feels HUGE and full of interesting lore. This is just one of those ones where you can tell it’s an absolute labor of love and the creator enjoys every minute of making it. I could gush about KC forever. But I won’t. This time. I’M DONE. Kids These Days by Noora Heikkilä - Fresh webcomic from the creator of Judecca and Letters for Lucardo, which, if you’ve read either YOU’RE FREAKING OUT TOO, RIGHT. It’s about a group of young adults in the eighteenth-century-flavored city of Osk, refusing to fit the molds society has created for them. And it’s already great. Killjoys by Woods - Criminal mayhem set in a squishy cartoon circus toyland. Had me at “Fluffy hot-tempered clown bunny with they pronouns, in a suit.” Something about this one speaks directly to my id. Kill Six Billion Demons by Tom Parkinson-Morgan - SPRAWLINGLY EPIC action-adventure in hell with vast-scale environments that will make you fall to your knees weeping. Also, like everyone in it is super hot and also a monster or some kind of divine construct. Violence. Lots of that. Larkspur by Grace Mulcahy - Post-apocalyptic action/crime/comedy piece centering on girl gang rivalries. Everyone is some kind of really cool-looking post-radiation mutant. Lush, vibrant colors set against dark comedy. Warning for some sex trafficking stuff at the start (not explicit) and general CRIME/VIOLENCE. Log Date by H. Kasof - [coming soon]
Monster’s Garden by Ash G. - Urban sci-fantasy about a misunderstood prizefighter (who happens to be a lizard-man) who just wants to be left in peace--but is suddenly faced with the challenge of caring about others and having them care about him. Full of cute and sympathetic characters. Monster Pop! by Maya Kern- Light and fun college dramedy with a cast of colorful monsters (and some humans), including a cyclops, gorgon, and witch. The art is super cute. Queer and trans characters! Never Satisfied by Taylor Robin - A group of flawed, complicated teens compete for a prestigious role that is basically something like State Wizard. The characters are SO GOOD, sympathetic across the board even when they’re being misguided jerks, and the comedy highs and dramatic lows are equally prime. The main character is nonbinary and they are my sweet, emotionally stunted child. Oglaf by Trudy Cooper and Doug Bayne - Everyone’s favorite bizarro-comedy-porn medieval fantasy comic. NSFW, as if I had to tell ya. Parhelion by R. Smith - Sci-fi adventure featuring a huge and hugely-gender-various (and queer) cast with a lot of choice trope subversions. The writing is super witty and I find myself laughing out loud a lot. Puu by Ashkay B. Varaham - An own-voices slice-of-life webcomic about gay/trans roommates and the people connected to them, set in India. Look, I am a huge goopy romantic and this comic has EVERYTHING that feeds my soul. The Sea in You by Jessi Sheron - Lonely, environmentally-conscious goth girl with a jerk boyfriend makes the acquaintance of a MUCH BETTER (girl?)friend in the shape of a mermaid. Another one with very cute art and an interesting, creative mermaid design. Everything teen me ever wanted in a comic. Warning for the boyfriend being an emotionally abusive jerk. String Theory by Dirk Grundy- Probably the comic I’ve been reading the longest. Sci-fi/post-apocalyptic/alternate history/crime stuff centering around morally sketchy characters on their path(s) to super villainy. The art is frigging phenomenal and the comic has been going for like, ten years so if you wanna see some art evolution, check it out. Laurence is my fave. Superpose by Kieran and Han - [coming soon] Unconvent by Emil N. Tót - Romantic historical fiction about queer nuns in eighteenth century Brazil! I like how simple and straightforward this comic is. We are promised happy endings. (Update: Unconvent is now on indefinite hiatus but the author has started a new comic, Dead Scholars’ Whispers) That’s it for now! Let me know if I screwed up any of the links or attributions.
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hestolibrary · 7 years
Larry fics - A playlist
a list of songs that inspired fic titles
A All My Stars Aligned - St. Vincent: i'll be someone who won't be forgotten (read here)    Angels in the Room - Delta Goodrem: i just know i have found the place my heart belongs (read here) All of Me - John Legend: Both Showing Hearts (read here) A Little Death - The Neighbourhood: make me feel like i am breathing (read here) All You Need Is Love - The Beatles: Nothing You Can Do (But You Can Learn How To Be You In Time) (read here) Alone Together - Fall Out Boy: Let's Be Alone Together, We Can Stay Young Forever (read here)
B Back for Good - Take That: Just Tell Me The Song And I’ll Sing It (read here) Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran: feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream (read here) Bend me, shape me - American Breed: bend me, shape me (read here) blue jeans by lana del rey: Say You'll Remember (read here) // Promise You’ll Remember That You’re Mine (read here) Breathless - The Corrs: Come on, leave me breathless. (Tempt me, tease me until I can't deny this) (read here)
C Cake By The Ocean - DNCE: Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving (read here) Cherry Wine - Hozier: walk my days on a wire (read here) Come & Get It - Selena Gomez: So Baby Whenever You're Ready (read here) Closer - Tegan and Sara: The Night Sky is Changing Overhead (read here)  Crazy For You - Madonna: It's All Brand New (read here)  Canvas - Rezonate: this unnatural path, it spans infinitely (read here)  Crystalised - The xx: things have gotten closer to the sun (read here) Colly Strings - Manchester Orchestra: like dying young idols (read here)  
D Daughters Of The Soho Riots -  The National: i have your dreams (and your teeth marks) (read here) Don’t Stand so Close To Me - The Police: Just Like That Book By Nabokov (read here) Dreaming of You - The Coral: Dreaming of You (read here)
E Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran: Everything has Changed (read here) Everybody - Ingrid Michaelson: Happy is the Heart that Still Feels Pain (read here)
F Feels Like Coming Home - Jetta: Feels Like Coming Home (read here) Fader - The Temper Trap: hold a hand for cover (read here) Friends - Ed Sheeran: we're not friends, we could be anything (read here) Fallingforyou - The 1975:  In This Light (read here) Fire and Ice - Olivia Bray: We’re mesmerized (we’re fire and ice) (read here)
G Gods & Monsters - Lana del Rey: Gods & Monsters (read here) Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran: we'll play hide and seek to turn this around (give me love like never before) (read here)
H Happiness Is A Warm Gun - The Beatles: I Need A Fix Cause I'm Going Down (read here)    Heart Out - The 1975: Figure My Heart Out (read here) Heroes - Mans Zelmerlöw: don’t tell the gods (we left a mess) (read here) Hero - Sterling Knight: If you're the one for me then I'll be your hero (read here)     Human - Gabrielle Aplin: come closer show the marks upon your skin (read here) Home - One Direction: baby we could be enough (i'll make this feel like home) (read here) Happier - Ed Sheeran: I'll smile to hide the truth (read here) Happily - One Direction: Be with me so happily (read here)
I I want to fuck you like an animal - Nine Inch Nails: like an animal (i wanna feel you from the inside (read here) I’ll be yours - Placebo: You’ll Breathe Me in (You Won’t Release) (read here) In The End I Started - Brinck: in the end I started thinking about the beginning (read here) I’ll Be Home For Christmas (If Only in My Dreams) - Frank Sinatra: If Only In My Dreams (read here) I Miss You - Kacey Musgraves: Every Arrow That I Aim Is True (read here)
J JFK - Lana Del Rey: a million roses (bathed in rock n' roll) (read here)   
L Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley: Just Hear This and Then I’ll Go (read here) Laura Palmer - Bastille: led by your beating heart (read here) Lego House - Ed Sheeran: lego house (read here) Look After You - The Fray: What's mine is yours to make your own (read here) Losing My Religiong - R.E.M.: That’s Me In The Spotlight (read here) Light Year - Gregory Alan Isakov: another hazy may (read here)
M Magic - Coldplay: call it magic, call it true (read here) Miss You - The Rolling Stones: You've Been Starring In My Dreams (read here) Mercy - IAMX: could make your whole world sweet (read here) Moth’s Wings - Passion Pit: like a bastard on the burning sea My My Love - Joshue Radin: It's All Brand New Because of You (read here)  
N Not The Sun - Brand New: you've set on me (read here) No Control - One Direction: in the heat where you lay (read here) // taste on my tongue (read here) National Anthem - Lana del Rey: Baby Heaven's in your Eyes (read here) Nothing Is Too Wonderful To Be True - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (The Musical): turn any corner, there's something new (read here)      
O Oath - Cher LLoyd: for now (and forever) (read here) One - Ed Sheeran: take my hand (and my heart and soul) (read here) Oh So Quiet - Betty Hutton: it's oh so still (read here)     
P Enya - Paint the Sky with Stars: Paint The Sky With Stars (read here) Punk Rock Princess - Something Corporate: i’d burn this city down to show you the light (read here)     
R Relief Next to Me - Tegan and Sara: Relief Next To Me (read here) Red Brick Heart (Album) - Performance: Red Brick Heart (read here) Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac: taken by the wind (read here) Ribs - Lorde: reeling through the midnight streets (read here)
S Scar Tissue - The Red Hot Chili Peppers: I'll Make it to the Moon if I Have to Crawl (read here)    Something Great - One Direction: come on jump out at me (read here) Someone New - Hozier: electing strange perfections (read here) Some Trust - The Fray: Fake you're full and feel tomorrow (read here)   Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood: So Put Your Hands (In The Holes Of My Sweater) (read here) Sing When You’re Winning - Robbie Williams (album): Sing When You’re Winning (read here) Still Take You Home - Arctic Monkeys: But I'll Still Take You Home (read here) Sunday - Earl Sweatshirt ft. Frank Ocean: Loving You's a Little Different (read here) Shine - Years & Years: everything i can arrange, every part of me you change (read here) Stones Around The Sun - Lewis Watson: we're only stones around the sun (read here) Speak Now - Taylor Swift: speak now or forever hold you peace (read here) Sugar - Maroon 5: don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) (read here) Sk8er Boy - Avril Lavigne: Can I Make It Any More Obvious? (read here)    
T True Love - P!nk ft. Lily Allen: you’re an asshole (but i love you) (read here) Tröjan Du Hatar - Norlie & KKV: The Shirt You Hate (read here) Take Me To Church - Hozier: let me give you my life (read here) Thinking About You - Radiohead: shit, i still love you (still see you in bed) (read here) This Is Gospel -  Panic! At The Disco: Truth Be Told (I Never Was Yours) (read here) Temporary Fix - One Direction: we’ll call this what you like (read here) // feel you on my neck (read here) Thunder - Boys like Girls: you’ll always be thunder (read here) Tea for Two - Doris: Tea For Two and Two For Tea (read here) Toxic - Britney Spears: Taste of a Poison Paradise Tomorrow - Daughter: just the outlines of our hands (read here)
U Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend: Unbelievers (read here) Underwater - Mika: with your love we could breathe underwater (read here)
V Various Storms & Saints: Florence + The Machine: you’re bleeding, but you’ll be okay (read here)
W When We Were On Fire - James Bay: A Fallen Star That Shines No More (read here) Whirlpool - Sea Wolf: hoping this cold blue water scrubs me clean and spits me out again (read here) Whatever You Like - T.I.: it ain't trickin' if ya got it (read here) Whatever You Like (T.I. Cover) - Anya Marina: whatever you like (read here) Wake Me Up - Ed Sheeran: and now a piece of me is a piece of the beach (read here) Wolf Am I (And Shadow) - Mewithoutyou: walk heavy on delicate ground (read here)    Way In The World -  Nina Nesbitt: Way in the World (read here) Wear It Like A Crown -  Rebekka Karijord: Wear It Like A Crown (read here)
X XO - Beyoncé: your heart is glowing and i'm crashing into you (read here)
Y You Got Time - Clare & the Reasons: You Got Time (read here) Young and Beautiful - Lana del Rey: Young & Beautiful (read here) Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart - Screeching Weasel: Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart (read here) You Drive Me Wild - The Runaways: you drive me wild (you know you do) (read here) You Are The Blood - Sufjan Stevens: You Are The Blood (read here)
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