tjsnyder · 1 year
Location: Rhett's Construction Company
TJ's brows raised as he looked around at the home base of Rhett's business, a smirk on his face as he nodded approval before seeing the man. "So you still got this going on then?" He smirked, "you uh... you need a mechanic again?" He had once worked for Rhett when he was younger but he didn't know if he would be welcomed back, he was a good worker but had other things on his mind. He sighed, "no, I haven't spent it all yet, if that's what your about to say. Just can't live off it forever, ya know." His win just made it where he didn't have to worry about the roof over his head.
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santaluciarp2 · 2 years
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RHETT CASTILLO (peter gadiot) is looking for A SECOND IN COMMAND. To find out more about this connection, please click below:
Second in Command
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Contact WREN at @rhettcastillo​
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ironliam · 2 years
a little starter for @rhettcastillo​ !
“Hey, Sarg,” Liam yelled, trying to get the man’s attention. Waving manically like an idiot, catching his occasional employer in a fucking parking lot on a whim was not how he wanted to approach Rhett. But, Liam reasoned to himself, it was going to have to be now or never. “I am practicing a thing a weirdo called politeness. I know you weren’t so happy back when I skipped out on some, well, maybe majority of that one construction project a while back.” As in, Liam gave a six word text to Rhett before bailing on the work to go to a rave festival. When Liam rambled – which was rare as he disliked saying more than three syllables at once – it made his accent stronger as if the words were clinging to the back of his throat. As if, Liam had to choke before his body would let him continue with normal human conversation. “And I do appreciate the chances you’ve given me, being able to help run the fights and all that.” He gave a dramatic pause. Liam really hated disappointing Rhett, and he was one of the few who commanded a sliver of discipline from Liam. “I know we’re doing well, getting some rowdy newcomers, but uhh-” He wasn’t really sure how to continue, taking consequences for his actions was a genuine allergy. Liam took a pause, not sure how to continue, crossed his arms as this exercise gave his brain the most painful workout on the planet. 
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