countrymadefoods · 6 years
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11 Presidents related to the Roosevelts (above)
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10 Things You May Not Know About the Roosevelts
“It seems like every day there is a new report tracing the genealogical roots of the American presidents: Abraham Lincoln and George W. Bush were seventh cousins (four times removed), and Jimmy Carter and George Washington were ninth cousins (six times removed). No president, however, can boast as many commander-in-chief connections as Franklin Delano Roosevelt who, by blood or marriage, was related to 11 other former presidents: John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison, William Howard Taft and, of course, Theodore Roosevelt, FDR’s fifth cousin.”
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“Roosevelt’s famous family tree doesn’t end at the White House. He was also reportedly related to several other historic figures, including Winston Churchill, Douglas MacArthur and two famed Confederate leaders: Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee.”
(via 10 Things You May Not Know About the Roosevelts | History Channel)
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U.S. Presidents Who Were Related to Each Other
“Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the 32nd president) was a fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt (the 26th president). Genealogists have determined that FDR was distantly related to a total of 11 U.S. presidents, 5 by blood and 6 by marriage: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ulysses Grant, William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, James Madison, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Zachary Taylor, Martin Van Buren, and George Washington.”
(via U.S. Presidents Who Were Related to Each Other | Fact Monster)
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General Robert E. Lee's Buried Treasure — Washington's Silver
“Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee, Martha Washington's great-grand­daughter and wife of General Robert E. Lee, buried her family heirlooms and avoided the destruction of valuable Washington objects during the Civil War.”
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(via General Robert E. Lee's Buried Treasure — Washington's Silver | Mount V ernon Ladies Association)
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The Favorite Foods of the Presidents, from Squirrel Soup to Cottage Cheese
“There's something about the President of the United States. It's often hard to see candidates and office-holders as everyday people when they hold one of the most powerful titles in the world. However, if there's one thing that brings people together, it's food. Everyone's gotta eat.So, to make some of our favorite historical icons seem more, well, relatable, we've scoured the internet for every President's favorite food. A large part of research is due with gratitude to Food Timeline, a group that continually scours food writing to compile historical and academic databases...
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(via The List of Every President's Favorite Food, from Trump to Washington)
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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed to be distant cousins as family trees show they share same set of royal ancestors
“Clinton is related to John of Gaunt and his mistress-turned-wife Katherine Swynford through her father’s side while Trump is related to the royal through his mother Mary Anne MacLeod...In 2008 it was revealed that she was a distant cousin to Celine Dion, Madonna and Alanis Morissette.”
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Hillary Clinton has a couple famous cousins! Madonna & Angelina Jolie!
“Hillary recently discovered she is cousins with both Madonna and Angelina Jolie...Madonna and Clinton are 10th cousins...Jolie and Clinton related...the two are 9th cousins twice removed...she also had blood line ties and distant relation to both Celine Dion and Alanis Morisette.”
(via Hillary Clinton has a couple famous cousins! Madonna & Angelina Jolie! | kiis 91.7)
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How Queen Elizabeth is related to Count Dracula (Vlad the Impaler)
“Vlad was from a Romanian noble family known as the House of Draculesti and was Voivode (Duke) of Wallachia...The British Royal Family is not directly descended from Vlad the Impaler but they are however descended from his brother, Vlad the Monk.”
(via How Queen Elizabeth is related to Count Dracula (Vlad the Impaler) | Useful Charts)
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Countess Claudine Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde
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“Countess Claudine Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde was the Hungarian wife of Duke Alexander of Württemberg. Her son, Francis, Duke of Teck, was the father of Mary of Teck, queen consort to George V of the United Kingdom.”
“The Countess was born in her family's castle in Erdőszentgyörgy, Transylvania (then part of the Austrian Empire, today...Romania) to Count László Rhédey de Kis-Rhéde...the Hungarian prince of Transylvania between 1657 and 1658. At birth, she was styled as Countess Klaudina (Claudine) Rhédey de Kis-Rhéde.”
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“Prince Francis of Teck...married Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, a granddaughter of George III and became a member of the British Royal Family. His only daughter, Mary of Teck, married Prince George, Duke of York in July 1893, becoming queen consort on her husband's accession to the throne in May 1910. The current British monarch, Elizabeth II, is Mary's granddaughter.”
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Her Majesty’s Transylvanian great-great grandmother 
“In 1830 Claudine met Duke Alexander of Württemberg, nephew of King Frederick I of Württemberg. At [the] time...the duke could not speak Hungarian. For that reason, Alexander learnt the Hungarian language and five years later he could marry Claudine.
Due to the German laws relating to the line of succession, she was viewed as being of non-Royal rank and the marriage was declared morganatic. She was denied the title of Duchess. However, she was later created Countess von Hohenstein and her entire family were granted German titles and styled as Dukes and Princesses of Teck.”
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“Claudine and Alexander had three children: two daughters, Claudine and Amelie, and one son, Francis. Francis married Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, a granddaughter of King George III. Their eldest daughter, Mary of Teck, was to marry the future King George V.
Regretfully, Claudine...died in 1841 in either a horse or a carriage accident, while visiting her husband at a military training camp in Austria, at the young age of 29.”
(via Her Majesty’s Transylvanian great-great grandmother | Transyvania Now)
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Could Anyone Have Saved the Romanovs?
“Nicholas' five children were shot, bludgeoned, stabbed and then shot again. Could the Romanovs' many royal relatives across Europe have helped prevent the slaughter?”
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“Nicholas and his family were related to many other royal families, thanks to Queen Victoria’s habit of arranging marriages for her offspring across Europe. In the 15 months from his abdication to his death, royal relations still in power debated if and how they should grant the family asylum, with many of the Romanov descendants believing King George V of England, the tsar’s cousin and grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II, could have saved them...The web of royal marriages across the continent was so interconnected that King George V of England was first cousins to both Nicholas and his wife, Alexandra.”
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“[T]he new Provisional Government in Russia...faced its own looming threat: what if pro-monarchist groups try to restore Nicholas to the throne? Because of this, they wanted to Romanovs out of Russia—and fast. They asked other Governments to grant the Romanovs asylum. The British agreed. Britain regretted the offer almost immediately. The government was nervous having the Romanovs on British shores, while George V...feared an uprising against the monarchy. The king soon urged the government to rescind the offer, leaving him open to claims that he abandoned his family for politics...Members of the British royal family had hoped to at least save the children. In 1919, the British sent a ship to Crimea to evacuate the remaining Romanovs. Descendants of Nicholas II’s two sisters, Olga and Alexandra, survive, as do descendants of previous tsars.”
(via Could Anyone Have Saved the Romanovs? | History Channel)
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Prince William to Genghis Khan
“Thocomerius "Toq-Timur", Prince of Wallachia ~1290-~1310. Toq-Timur was born the son of Mongke-Timur who was the 5th Khan of the Golden Horde. Mongke-Timur ruled the Golden Horde from 1266 to 1282 when he died.In Wallachia arose a Prince Basarab I who ruled from about 1310 to 1352 when he died. His father is called "Thocomerius". The speculation is that Thocomerius and Toc-Timur are the same person.“
(via Prince William to Genghis Khan | County Historian)
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One of the world's largest tombs is a keyhole-shaped forest
“When viewed from above, however, the massive forest becomes a green keyhole surrounded by three moats in the shape of a doorway.This is Japan's Daisen Kofun, an ancient burial mound shrouded in mystery, massive in scale, and surprisingly little-known to the rest of the world...Between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century A.D., during Japan's Kofun period, an estimated 200,000 keyhole-shaped tombs were constructed throughout the Japanese archipelago.”
(via One of the world's largest tombs is a keyhole-shaped forest | Mother Nature Network)
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Yamato period
“Most scholars believe that there were massive transmissions of technology and culture from China via Korea to Japan which is evidenced by material artifacts in tombs of both states in the Proto–Three Kingdoms of Korea and Kofun period, as well as the later wave of Baekje refugees to Yamato.
Several kinds of goods were imported. Books from China were one of the most important trade goods. Chinese philosophy that had been introduced in this era, had a big influence on the history of Japan. Decorated bronze mirrors (Shinju-kyo) were imported from China. Japan imported iron from Korean peninsula until the latter half of the 6th century...In this period, Baekje received military support from Japan. According to the Samguk Sagi, King Asin of Baekje sent his son Jeonji to Japan in 397 and King Silseong of Silla sent his son Misaheun to Japan in 402 in order to solicit military aid.”
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“Yamato Imperial Court officially edited the Shinsen Shōjiroku in 815 as a directory of aristocrats which lists 1182 names of clans which were in Kinai area, it lists a number of clans from the Han China, Silla, Baekje and Goguryeo.  According to the directory, 174 clans have roots in China, 120 clans have roots in Baekje, 48 clans have roots in Goguryeo, 17 clans have roots in Silla, then 9 clans have roots in Gaya of the Korean peninsula.
There is suspicion that Emperor Keitai (c. 500 AD) may have been an unrelated outsider, though the sources state that he was a male-line descendant of Emperor Ōjin. However, his descendants, including his successors, were according to records descended from at least one and probably several imperial princesses of the older lineage.”
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“Since the 1947 constitutional reforms, the imperial family has been supported by an official civil list sanctioned by the Japanese government. The largest imperial divestments were the former imperial Kiso and Amagi forest lands in Gifu and Shizuoka prefectures, grazing lands for livestock in Hokkaido and a stock farm in the Chiba region, all of which were transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.”
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“Kinai is a Japanese term denoting an ancient division of the country. Kinai is a name for the ancient provinces around the capital Nara and Heian-kyō. The five provinces were called go-kinai after 1760...The region was established as one of the Gokishichidō ("Five provinces and seven roads") during the Asuka period (538-710).”
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Kinki region
“The Kansai region or the Kinki region lies in the southern-central region of Japan's main island Honshū...While the use of the terms "Kansai" and "Kinki" have changed over history, in most modern contexts the use of the two terms is interchangeable. The urban region of Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto (Keihanshin region) is the second-most populated in Japan after the Greater Tokyo Area.  
The terms Kansai, Kinki, and Kinai have a very deep history, dating back almost as far as the nation of Japan itself...the Gokishichidō system established the provinces of Yamato, Yamashiro, Kawachi, Settsu and Izumi. Kinai and Kinki, both roughly meaning "the neighbourhood of the capital", referred to these provinces. In common usage, Kinai now refers to the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto (Keihanshin) area.
Noh and Kabuki, Japan's traditional dramatic forms both saw their birth and evolution in Kyoto, while Bunraku, Japanese puppet theater, is native to Osaka... Kansai's unique position in Japanese history...resulted in Kansai region having more UNESCO World Heritage Listings than any other region of Japan...Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto...and Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range.”
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Emperor Keitai
“Emperor Keitai also known as Keitai-okimi, was the 26th emperor of Japan... Sumeramikoto or Amenoshita Shiroshimesu Ōkimi (治天下大王), meaning "the great king who rules all under heaven." Alternatively, Keitai might have been referred to as the "Great King of Yamato.”
If Emperor Keitai began a new dynasty as some historians believe, then Emperor Buretsu would have been the last monarch of the first recorded dynasty of Japan... Keitai was not the son of the immediate previous monarch. According to the Kojiki (712) and Nihon Shoki (720), Buretsu died without a successor, at which time a fifth generation grandson of Emperor Ōjin, Keitai, came and ascended the throne.”
“[M]any scholars acknowledge the blood relationship with the Okinaga clan, a powerful local ruling family or the collateral line of the Imperial family-governed Ōmi region (a part of present-day Shiga Prefecture). This family produced many empresses and consorts throughout history. According to the Nihon Shoki, Ohohoto no Kimi, the great-grandfather of Emperor Keitai, married into the Okinaga clan...Regardless of speculation about Keitai's genealogy...Among his sons, Emperor Ankan, Emperor Senka and Emperor Kinmei ascended to the throne." 
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Giru of Baekje
“Giru of Baekje (기루왕) was the third king of Baekje, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea...[Giru’s uncle] Tokusa-Ō - his name in Baekje would have been Buyeo Deokjwa, recorded in...the Shinsen Shōjiroku as ancestor of several clans making him one of the earliest people from Baekje to settle in Japan.”
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Emperor Kanmu
“Emperor Kanmu was the 50th emperor of Japan...reigned from 781 to 806...According to the Shoku Nihongi (続日本紀), Yamabe's mother, Yamato no Niigasa (later called Takano no Niigasa), was a 10th generation descendant of Muryeong of Baekje.”
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Emperor Kanmu's Imperial family included 36 children.
Nyōgo: Ki no Otoio (紀乙魚; d.840), Ki no Kotsuo's daughter 
Court lady: Ki no Wakako (紀若子), Ki no Funamori's daughter
Seventh Son: Imperial Prince Asuka (明日香親王, d.834)
Court lady: Fujiwara no Kawako (藤原河子, d.838), Fujiwara no Ōtsugu's daughter 
Thirteenth Son: Imperial Prince Nakano (仲野親王; 792–867)
Thirteenth Princess: Imperial Princess Ate (安勅内親王; d.855)
Imperial Princess Ōi (大井内親王; d.865)
Imperial Princess Ki (紀内親王; 799–886)
Imperial Princess Yoshihara (善原内親王; d.863)
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”In 2001, Japan's emperor Akihito told reporters "I, on my part, feel a certain kinship with Korea, given the fact that it is recorded in the Chronicles of Japan that the mother of Emperor Kanmu was of the line of King Muryong of Baekje." It was the first time that a Japanese emperor publicly acknowledged Korean blood in the imperial line. According to the Shoku Nihongi, Emperor Kanmu's mother, Takano no Niigasa, is a descendant of Prince Junda, son of Muryeong, who died in Japan in 513 (Nihon Shoki, Chapter 17).“
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Yenisei Kyrgyz
“The Yenisei Kyrgyz, also known as the Ancient Kyrgyz or the Khyagas (Khakas), were an ancient Turkic people...By the fall of the Gokturk Empire in the eighth century CE, the Yenisei Kirghiz had established their own thriving state based on the Gokturk model...The Kyrgyz Khagans of the Yenisei Kirghiz Khaganate claimed descent from the Chinese general Li Ling, grandson of the famous Han Dynasty general Li Guang...the Tang royal Li family also claimed descent from Li Guang, the Kirghiz Khagan was therefore recognized as a member of the Tang Imperial family.”
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“In 758, the Uyghurs killed the Kirghiz Khan, and the Kirghiz came under the rule of the Uyghur Khaganate...However, the Yenisei Kyrghyz spent much of their time in a state of rebellion. In 840 they succeeded in sacking the Uyghur capital, Ordu-Baliq in Mongolia...driving the Uyghurs out of Mongolia entirely...When Genghis Khan came to power in the early 13th century, the Yenisei Kirghiz submitted peacefully to him and were absorbed into his Mongol Empire, putting an end to their independent state. During the time of the Mongol Empire, the territory of the Yenisei Kirghiz in northern Mongolia was turned into an agricultural colony.”
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Marriage of Nicholas II and Alexandria
Royal Intermarriage
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Qin Dynasty (China’s 1st imperial dynasty) coins
“Marriage policy in imperial China differed from dynasty to dynasty. Several dynasties practiced Heqin, which involved marrying off princesses to other royal families.The Xiongnu practiced marriage alliances with Han dynasty officers and officials who defected to their side. The older sister of the Chanyu (the Xiongnu ruler) was married to the Xiongnu General Zhao Xin, the Marquis of Xi who was serving the Han dynasty. The daughter of the Chanyu was married to the Han Chinese General Li Ling after he surrendered and defected. The Yenisei Kirghiz Khagans claimed descent from Li Ling. Another Han Chinese General who defected to the Xiongnu was Li Guangli who also married a daughter of the Chanyu.”
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“During the Qing dynasty (1644–1912), emperors chose their consorts primarily from one of the eight Banner families, administrative divisions that divide all native Manchu families. To maintain the ethnic purity of the ruling dynasty, after the Kangxi Period (1662–1722), emperors and princes were forbidden to marry non-Manchu wives. Imperial daughters however were not covered by this ban, and as with their preceding dynasties, were often married to Mongol princes to gain political or military support, especially in the early years of the Qing dynasty.”
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“The Silla Kingdom had a practice that limited the succession to the throne to members of the seonggol, or "sacred bone", rank. To maintain their "sacred bone" rank, members of this caste often intermarried with one another in the same fashion that European royals intermarried to maintain a "pure" royal pedigree...Joseon Korea was forced to give several of their royal princesses as concubines to the Qing Manchu regent Prince Dorgon... married the Korean Princess Uisun.”
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“The Japanese may not have seen intermarriage between them and the royal dynasties of the Korean Empire damaging to their prestige either...In 1920, Crown Prince Yi Un of Korea married Princess Masako of Nashimoto.”
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“[I]n May 1931, Yi Geon, grandson of Gojong of Korea, was married to Matsudaira Yosiko, a cousin of Princess Masako. The Japanese saw these marriages as a way to secure their colonial rule of Korea and introduce Japanese blood in to the Korean royal House of Yi.” 
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Korean Princess Dukhye and Prince Takeyuki
“ Pujie was a Qing imperial prince of Manchu descent. He was born in the Aisin Gioro clan, the imperial clan of the Qing dynasty. Pujie was the younger brother of Puyi, the last Emperor of China. After the fall of the Qing dynasty, Pujie went to Japan, where he was educated and married to Saga Hiro, a Japanese noblewoman.
After graduating from the Imperial Japanese Army Academy, Pujie agreed to an arranged marriage with a Japanese noblewoman. He selected Saga Hiro, who was a relative of the Japanese imperial family, from a photograph from a number of possible candidates vetted by the Kwantung Army. As Puyi did not have an heir, the wedding had strong political implications, and was aimed at both fortifying relations between the two countries and introducing Japanese blood into the Manchu imperial family.”
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“As Puyi had no children, Pujie was regarded as first in line to succeed his brother as the emperor of Manchukuo; the Japanese officially proclaimed him the heir apparent. However, Pujie was not appointed by his brother as the heir to the throne of the Qing dynasty, as imperial tradition stated that a childless emperor should choose his heir from a subsequent generation instead of from his own generation.
Pujie was arrested by the Soviet Red Army...along with his brother and other relatives. He spent about five years in the Soviet prison camps until 1950, when the Sino-Soviet rapprochment allowed him and his fellow captives to be extradited to the newly founded People's Republic of China. On his return to China, Pujie was incarcerated in the War Criminals Management Centre...A model prisoner, he was eventually pardoned and released from prison by the Chinese government. He joined the Communist Party and served in a number of positions...Pujie was also a technical adviser for the 1987 film The Last Emperor directed by Bernardo Bertolucci.”
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Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king
“What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins.  The remarkable discovery was made by...BridgeAnne d’Avignon, of Salinas, California, who created a ground-breaking family tree that connected 42 of 43 U.S. presidents to one common, and rather unexpected, ancestor: King John of England...The only former commander-in-chief not linked to King John is the eighth president, Martin Van Buren, who had Dutch roots.”
(via Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king | Daily Mail UK)
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Ancestry of Alexander Hamilton
“Hamilton is considered one of the great patriots and Founding Fathers of the United States...His portrait currently adorns the U.S. $10 bill...Unfortunately Hamilton's life came to a tragic and early end at the age of 49...in a duel at dawn...Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded from a shot by then Vice President Aaron Burr.
His ancestors includes Scottish nobility such as Sir Reginald de Crawford and Margaret de Loudoun...and Sir William Wallace. Sir William who was a Scottish knight and one of the main leaders during the Wars of Scottish Independence. Sir William Wallace's story was brought to the big screen in the Academy Award winning film Braveheart in 1995.”
(via Ancestry of Alexander Hamilton | Famous Kin)
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