sanzuqu · 5 years
high hopes
( 乌鸫 ) — The final deliberations come sooner than he expects. Though, he expects it is because of no shortage of folly as the last days of their assignment creep upon them. Dead end leads to another dead end. False leads, temporary hopes that the situation may change. There was more time wasted in trying to appease the mages of this desert land and only briefly do his thoughts flicker to the dark mage that follows, followed behind the old tactician like a shadow. Appeasing the mages, trying to capture the damned beast. None of those responsibilities were his.
The lot of them had tried to play nice. Now, the others tired of waiting. They would take the battle to Leto, whether she perished or was captured by their hand would be left to the fates. He couldn't care less either way. Still, their plan is flawed. There's too many variables, too much left to chance. All of it hinges on the implication that he could get her to give the chase without the beast fleeing outright.
The entire plan is flimsy. Contrived at best, but he can offer no other suggestion. They had little to work with. Precious less to confirm what was true and what was false and the overgrown lizard that calls itself Yevaud provided less help. ( He was not interested in this hunt. Happy to answer questions, but never to provide straightforward answers. ) But, Morfis grew impatient with them. As did the church as they return queries with no more answers than they had before. No more solutions than they had before.
In the end, all that he was tasked with was making sure that the beast came, followed, died in the catacombs. Exactly, in that order. He is not asked to think.
The wind picks up and the sand swirls beneath his feet, dyed red with the blood, with the strains of a hunted quarry strewn about their feet. ( What a waste, he thinks, to be using what they had so dutifully hunted as precious little more than a lure for the serpent. ) It's luck. Sheer, unbridled luck that he spies the serpent coiling, unfurling in the skies at the edge of the island where they had seen it last. Wounded from her previous altercation with Yevaud, but a stubborn enough of a creature that it has not yet fallen.
His hand is already at his sword but does not draw it. It would serve them no purpose yet. Instead, he turns toward the archer that accompanies him against his better wishes — "Mozu." He murmurs in a soft voice, hesitant to speak any louder at the risk of drawing any more of its attention than they need. "Send the signal."
No sooner does the flare go up that there is a wail, a scream and it is neither of their own.
@ team leto!
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theindigoflirt · 5 years
Stage Fright || Inigo & Catherine
starter for @rheasknight
An expectant air hung over the training grounds. Students chattered to one another, restless with excited energy. The crowd stood outside the grand doors leading into the grounds proper.
Inigo paused, evaluating the scene. Had he missed an announcement of some kind? It was after breakfast; the doors should have been open.
“Thunderstrike Catherine—“
“Said she arrived today—“
“You didn’t know?”
Inigo heard snippets of conversations as he threaded his way through the crowd. He turned to a classmate, curiosity finally getting the better of him.
“Hey, what’s everyone waiting for?”
The boy gave Inigo a quizzical look. “You haven’t heard? Thunderstrike Catherine is arriving today. Back from a mission for Lady Rhea.”
That didn’t really answer his question, but he decided not to push the issue. With a name like that, she sounded rather important. Inigo jostled his way to the front of the crowd. Far be it from him to miss the arrival of this Catherine!
He continued listening in on whispered conversations, trying to gather more clues. The pair of students behind mentioned something called a Hero’s Relic. Thunderbrand, they said, naming Catherine’s sword. Inigo fiddled with his earring, an absentminded habit he’d developed while concentrating. Unable to bear waiting any longer, he had just resolved to turn around and ask the students when the doors opened.
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nobletoatea · 5 years
Piece of Cake [Catherine & Lorenz]
@rheasknight continued from here
Lorenz huffed with amusement. “Behave myself? Catherine, of course. It is my nature to be well mannered at all times.” Standing in a crowd of people enjoying their festivities didn’t make for an ideal date or conversation. He was pleased she enjoyed the cake and gestured away to an empty bench at the fringe of the crowd.
“Shall we? I wouldn’t want to have a mishap with the plate.” Lorenz tried a bite himself and let the sweet fruit and cake sit on his tongue for a moment, savoring the treat. The only thing he was missing was tea, but that was only because tea made everything better.
“I admire your talent, Catherine. One of Rhea’s top knights, and bearing a Crest of course. You’re practically a legend- yet rather modest about your lineage.” Lorenz perched on the edge of the bench, holding the plate of cake steady and trying to not look too excited at the prospect of Catherine being nobility.
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godlessarrow · 5 years
“Just follow my lead.”
“You know I’m not one to follow orders.” Shamir retorted– a major lie, that, allowing herself to play the more ‘feminine’ role between the two. It felt a touch frustrating to be it, that her cheeks were flushed with crimson. It was an royal ball the two attended, incognito as guests of nobility from a distant land. The sniper herself thought this was a rather obtuse idea- dressing up in all too fancy outfits that hardly suited them. Though if Shamir were to admit, Catherine did suited well dipped in red. Her violet eyes looked towards her as they danced on the floor.“…Do you find it strange to have two women dancing?” She turns the tables, making attempts at taking the lead herself. “Or is it that you prefer to play the knight in shining armor?” A gentle spin, but it did not take too long for Catherine to take back over.“Well? Do you consider me as a princess? A damsel in distress?”They both knew the answer to that.Shamir mysteriously smiled, looking into those ocean blues. “I wouldn’t mind saving you for a change, my dear lady knight.”
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theofficersacademy · 5 years
So I said I wasn’t going to do this so I’d be able to focus on Catherine, really flesh her out, chill, you know. But like right now I got a big ball of otherworldly amnesiac energy called Morgan (female) that’s all like “I’m here to ruin this man’s career.” So yeah.... can I reserve someone who is here to absolutely ruin my career? I know this ask could have been much shorter but I was like “Eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I’ll make it longer.” So yeah. Have a good day!
F!Morgan has been reserved!
You have one week (11/09) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Ree
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harvestrose · 5 years
hardy gals and recipes
Mozume had been working at the Monastery for a month or two when she realized all the folks there- faculty, staff, and students alike- were all skinnier than freshly emerged bean sprouts, with only a few exceptions- like the boy who looked like a paler, younger Benny- that boy was honestly one of the only folks she wasn’t real worried about, seeing how much he ate! His voracious appetite was endearing, especially since it reminded her fondly of Effie, but that was besides the point- None of these folks were getting all the nutrients they needed, so she was determined to make sure they ate properly!
Which is why she was in the woods just after dawn, tracking a bear. She had her bow and a couple different hunting knives with her, and she was sure she’d get this done by late morning, which would give her enough time to make the best damn bear stew she could manage for dinner! And after two hours or so of tracking, she’d finally found the little bugger- well, big bugger, but that was besides the point too. She got within range and carefully notched an arrow, doing her best to keep silent- spooking the bear now would just make things harder, after all, and 3 well aimed arrows to the head downed it, but she made sure to get her hunting knife in it’s throat to make sure the thing was gone- she wasn’t gonna leave an animal to suffer, after all! She made quick work of the field dressing- it was simple enough once you did it enough, after all, and she’d done it real often over her 26 years of living. But she was blown away by how massive this bear was! This was easily 2 or 3 hand lengths longer than the average bears back home, and she was pleasantly surprised to find this breed had more usable meat than the ones back home, even in proportion to it’s increased size! She hummed happily as she finished her work, hoisting the bear onto her back- Good dragons above, it was bigger than she was. 
She huffed as she shifted the creature until she found a placement that was best for going back up the hill to the monastery, and she happily noted it had only been half an hour, tops, since she started field dressing her catch. She was also pleased as punch that she’d managed to maneuver the enormous bear into a position that wouldn’t strain her back too bad while still letting her walk. She thanked the divine dragons for that kindness, letting her find such a good catch and all too.
She kept humming as she made her way back up the hill- it was a little harder than she thought it would have been, considering the bear was heavier than she’d anticipated, but she still managed it without straining herself, so that was good! She hummed as she went, but when she noticed a woman in armor staring at her, slack jawed, she tilted her head in confusion. 
“Hey there, Miss, what’s makin’ you look a lil’ bit like a beached fish over there? Yah ain’t never seen a dead bear ‘fore or somethin’?” Did the folks in this country not usually eat bear?
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exalteye · 5 years
to train with the best
Huffing slightly, Lucina slowed her movements as she caught up with the ever-elusive knight of Seiros. “L-Lady Catherine!” She nearly stumbles over herself (dear Naga she was acting as clumsy as Cynthia!) slowing her movements to match pace with the older woman. 
“If it’s not too much trouble, would you please spar with me when you have some time? I feel I have much to learn from someone like you--I’ve only ever learned swordplay from my father...” For a moment she was lost in memories, expression twisting slightly before her face smoothed out, looking expectantly up at Catherine. “I don’t want to cause you trouble, of course. But should you ever have some time...I would appreciate if you would consider my offer.” She bowed, head inclined as her blue hair draped over her shoulders. “Thank you.” ( @rheasknight )
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vonvestra · 5 years
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
Late Night Self Reflection | not accepting
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have? (also asked by @fraldariius)
"Nothing," he answers at once with unshakable confidence. "Lady Edelgard's dreams will be realized, and I will walk my path at her side."
Nothing else matters. His mantra.
Not even the melancholy that presses into his chest like a dull blade when he lies awake in moonless darkness, listening to the murmur of voices on the other side of the wall.Or the isolation from a smile that is not meant for him.Or the cup of a hand against his cheek as it disappears in waking light.
None of it matters.And one day he will find the knife that will free himself of those burdensome thoughts, and kill those impossible dreams.
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strongdragonmother · 5 years
"Hey Almedha! I remember saying you liked spicy foods, but there isn't much around here at this festival. If you want they've got something called chewing gum. It starts off bitter, but ends up being pretty refreshing. If you've never had any, you might like it." Catherine offered, handing the woman a small pack of chewing gum. "Oh, you're not meant to swallow it immediately, but rather chew it over a long period of time."
“It’s bitter? That’s interesting… most sweets are, well, sweet.” Almedha unwrapped the paper and put the gum in her mouth. It WAS bitter, but not overpoweringly so. Still, she could not wait for it to change its flavor as she began chewing. “Thank you for the gift. What did you say this was called? Chewing gum? I think I prefer regular sweets to this.” She laughed, careful not to let the unusual treat fall out of her mouth.
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godsmercie · 5 years
How long does it take your mun to draw/write a piece of work?
Mercedes hums, tapping her arm as she thinks. “Well,” she starts, “They really do vary on things, but they have a habit of setting their expectations much too high and then backpedaling later and being a tad disappointed in the final product to some extent, even if they like how the work turned out.” She sighs, shaking her head slightly. “And that’s mostly for visual art- I’m told they either overextend themself and write a tremendous amount in one sitting and finish a piece like that, or they start with that tremendous amount in one sitting and don’t finish before they get distracted by another task, chore, or necessity like sleeping and lose their train of thought and let the poor work in progress just collect dust in the strange glowing folder they’re always using!” She puts a hand on her cheek as she sighs again. “It really is a shame- I’ve read some of the unfinished works, and there truly are some lovely lines and interesting ideas that fell through the sieve of their mind, never to be seen again.”
She chuckles to herself softly as she thinks more. “But, apparently Mozume and I have been helping them finish works, little though they may be! I’m rather pleased to help them like this- it gives the two of us so much extra love and energy to interact with others like this, so everyone wins!”
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hotheadhero · 5 years
"Hey Caspar. You've been getting better training. Tightening up the form real well. Here's a treat on me." Catherine offered, giving the man a candied onion. She had a candied apple behind her back to actually give him after he took a bite and spat it out, but she thought if anyone could take a fun prank, it'd be him. (Prank and Gift)
“Darn right I’ve been working hard! I’m glad you noticed!” Caspar happily accepts the first candied treat she offered him and chomps deep into it. His brow wrinkles as he chews some more. Wait a minute… Something’s off–
“BLEGH! YUCK!” His reaction is immediate: Caspar spews the thing out like hard poison and only barely remembers to turn his head so the soggy, spit-filled mass doesn’t just splat straight onto Catherine’s impeccable white armor. Angry eyes threatening to tear from ingested lacrimal acid, he whirls on her only to find that she is laughing at him, loud and uninhibited, like he’s never seen before. Sometimes in the past, he’d wondered if the knight ever truly loosened up–seeing this, he can’t bring himself to even try walloping her now. The boy even manages a bit of a sheepish grin as Catherine’s laughter dies down and she reveals another candied apple from behind her back.
“Sorry; that was just too funny,” she tells him. “I couldn’t resist. But this one’s a real one. Promise!“
“Really?” Caspar eyes it suspiciously, wondering if he’s only going to get pranked again. The knight’s mirthful countenance does not reassure him one bit… But he does like candied apples, and he doubts Catherine would be so bold (or cruel) as to prank him twice in a row. He shoots her a final dubious look before less eagerly taking the second metal skewer from her fingers and biting hesitantly into it, nothing like the whopper bite he took out of the candied onion. His eyes widen as honest-to-goodness chocolate-apple melts in his mouth; and after chewing and swallowing, the grin is back on his face. “Oh, you got me good there, Catherine!” he exclaims, laughing brightly as he scrubs away the residual onion-tears with his free hand. “But mark my words–I’m going to get you back just as good! Don’t wait up for it!”
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flowerofiris · 5 years
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
Nino cries quite a bit when she’s sad. Her crying can range from weeping to bawling her eyes out, it depends on how much she starts talking about what’s troubling her, and how alone she is. She’ll often try to avoid crying in public, but if she starts talking for even just a little bit about what’s wrong, she’ll start wailing until she’s comforted or gets to cry for a little bit. Physical affection also tends to calm her down really quickly.
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theindigoflirt · 5 years
What’s your opinion of the mun’s fashion sense? (the clothes they like to wear)
Inigo tilts his head, considering. “She’s very conservative. Not that it’s a bad thing!” He chuckles. “Always wears these cute little sweaters and jean jackets. Oh! She even matches the sweaters with her tennis shoes.” Inigo lowers his voice a little. “Though, between you and me, she should break out of her comfort zone a little. She’d be so stunning in a dress,” he sighs. “If anyone can convince her, it’ll be old Inigo!” 
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gallantgautier · 5 years
"Sylvain!" Catherine called from the far side of the aisle. She walked over to the man, holding out a caramel apple for him. "Your form with the lance is improving from what I hear. So I just wanted to give you something to congratulate you. Just don't go giving the apple out to the next pretty girl you see. You enjoy this one alright?"
Holy shit.
For a moment, Sylvain is just a little dumbstruck that Cathrine of all people had noticed his improvement. 
Well, no one could blame him if he preens a little. Just a little.
Reaching out, he takes the offered apple with an even wider smile, if such a thing were possible, full of teeth that he’s set to lose if he keeps being gifted so much candy, “Wouldn’t dream of it ma’am!” he says with a small two fingered salute, “Thank you so much!”
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godlessarrow · 5 years
but the sparrow still falls: what does your muse think of personal casualties in battle? (that is to say, when it's losses on your own side?)
At first, Shamir wants to believe she doesn’t care whether people live or die. It’s expected in war- and if she could detach herself to just about anything- have nothing holding her back– she would just move on.That is, unless its personal. There’s only one support in which she actually gets desperate sounding in battle, for a moment ( Caspar’s ) afraid to actually lose someone and?? Reprimands him after he wakes up. Returning back to her normal selfMan it’s midnight and I don’t wanna go on a tangent but let’s just say if– someone were to go.Say—Catherine for example, she’ll feel another hole in her chest. u_u It’s hard to lose someone you care about. That’s why she feels better off alone
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nobletoatea · 5 years
"Hey Lorenz. No flirting on the mission alright?" Catherine teased giving him a soft laugh. She put a hand on his shoulder and looked him square in the eyes. "Be safe, remember your training, and look out for one another. Alright? I want you back here in one piece."
“Have you seen the company I’m going with? I could only flirt should someone as worthy as you were with me.” Lorenz then shook his head and laughed, stepping away with his hands up as if to signal kidding, kidding! “I’ll be focused. The Kingdom is a dreary and cold place, Sreng even moreso from what I hear. We’ll both make it back with some stories to tell, I’m certain of it.”
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