#rgb roach
[seizure warning apparently]
I just found out that you can use gifs for tumblr pfps what if we all changed our pfps to the dancing cockroach like that one time before reddit disabled animated profile pics
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I got a trans flag one too since this is 196
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princess-viola · 2 years
first post of saturday
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What the cyberpunk future should be: RGB gamer hair, body modification to make furries and shit real, neon everywhere, playing Doom in your brain
What the cyberpunk future currently is: Phone spy on user. self-driving car shuts its self off before fatal crash to avoid lawsuit, bachelor pad covered in roaches for $12000 a month
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Simon “Ghost” Riley general headcanons
• Authors note: First post on this blog WOOO let's GO DUDEEEE ☾ • Warnings: none, just ghoth ☾ ☆ Not as “strong silent type” as one might imagine. He’s kind of a loudass, no? At least around the people he’s comfortable with. I think people resign him to that trope because he might not say as much as the rest of 141, but he’s definitely borderline yelling even in casual conversations. I blame the protective headphones. Plus dude’s from Manchester, tell me again he’s silent, go on! ☆ Autistic. Totally, entirely, Autistic. You see them stares? 👁️👁️ Headass. I see it in so many of his behaviors. Plus the military grade protective headphones would be a blessing to someone with sensory issues. Also the mask! He needs it to feel comfortable in my opinion. And I have a personal headcanon that his inspiration behind the skull mask wasn’t as scary as people make it out to be…simply put: Pokemon. Duskull. Tell me young Simon wasn’t trying to get comfortable away from home enlisting into the military and making a mask inspired by one of his special interests? ☆ Sleeps like he’s in prison. Very light sleeper, even when he’s home. The sound of the wind blowing outside a little too loudly can cause those heavy, tired eyes to open and check what time it is, for the eighth time in the night. I do believe if he’s with someone though, it becomes a little easier, more so with someone he trusts with his life. ☆ Nightmares. On the topic of sleep, Simon gets really bad nightmares. I think he has bouts where he doesn’t dream at all due to how little he’s actually sleeping and dozing in and out frequently, and other times it’s filled with flashes of the past whether from home or on the field. ☆ If Simon gets too many nightmares in one night, he’ll just decide to stay awake until the sun comes up or take over-watch to let someone else more capable of rest get some shuteye. ☆ Simon likes gaming and anime. Might own one or two figurines at home posted up in his nice gamer PC with red and black RGB lights. He and Roach like to keep up with the latest figurines in the stuff they like, even if they aren’t buying them. ☆ Speaking of gaming, dude’s nutty at FPS games. He’s got the whole sniper trope down in his own military career…but it’s the same exact way in games too. Can wipe a whole team clean and leave whoever is on his team screaming “LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO”. Hurts his ears. ☆ Simon and Johnny play games together sometimes, but Johnny is a bit of a knob when it comes to games. Think dudebro taste buds, Fortnite, FIFA, any games similar to CoD. Simon bears it though, mostly with Fortnite, the skins are worth it to him. Simon rags on him for playing on console. ☆ As untrustworthy Simon is, he prefers people to make his tea for him. I think something about it comforts him, probably reminds him of his mother. Whenever he’s home it’s some of the highlights of his time off when he gets to visit his brother and mum to have tea and catch up. ☆ I believe Simon makes his own masks, and his needlework isn’t anything to scoff at. To close off these headcanons I’ll share a wholesome thought I think to be true. Whenever 141 has a piece of equipment or clothing that they need to patch up, he’ll do it for them. Sometimes without them even knowing. He doesn’t need his friends complaining about the cold because of one tiny hole in their tactical hoodie. *Autistic staring at Soap*
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nikkeisimmer · 3 months
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Now we are about to set up the Happiness points for Careers now that our individuals here have retired. Hey, they were in the military – they deserve some happiness. Yeah, Admirals get a lot of happiness points – that’s from their gigantic monthly salary and being able to be in command of things of strategic importance.
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If you’re wondering why Ensigns (2nd Lieutenants, USMC) through Lieutenants (Captains, USMC) don’t get any happiness points, well, 2nd and 1st Lieutenants (Ensign and LTJG) are too junior to have earned any happiness – they’re still trying to figure it all out while getting caca dumped on their heads and well Captains (LT, USN) are pretty much unhappy because they don’t have any power at all like the senior and flag officers, and they’re just in charge of scut-work. OK...maybe I’ll give them SOME happiness at having their rank and all that, like maybe about 10,000 happiness points. Maybe I’ll give 1st Lieutenants and Lieutenant Junior Grades about 2,500 happiness points...y’know, they’re happy that they’re no longer butterbars and politely told by non-commissioned officers to shut up and listen you Academy or Rotsee puke.
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Earlier that morning, Animal decided that he was going to put the RGB Gem Cutter to good use after conjuring a few gemstones.
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And Mac and Jugs decided they were going to work on the potion tables – hopefully they would come up with something useful rather than stink potions.
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Keeter headed to the dumpsters to look for things. Hopefully he would find things more useful than maggots or roaches. At least roaches could be turned into some pricey plasma bugs if someone was able to get their science skill level high enough.
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Meg was busy harvesting the lettuce and wondering why she wasn’t gaining any experience in the gardening skill. Well, it’s because harvesting doesn’t take skill. So better pull out that gardening skill book you bought and start reading up as well as doing your daily requisite handiness and inventing skill reading.
Meg: “Jeez, you’re pushy, Narrator!”
Narrator: “Well someone has to keep ya’ll motivated.”
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Metalman started working on an invention, not aware of the fact that these things can potentially combust and turn him into a flaming torch, though he would find out eventually…
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Meanwhile Animal decided to head for the elixir shop to consign his gemstones.
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Animal (thinking): Jeez, civvie pukes are weird, sunglasses inside?
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Maegyn was working on the science station trying to get her skill level high enough that she could turn bugs into plasma bugs. Goodness knows that bugs don’t like being bombarded by radiation which is one of the key elements of turning an onrdinary insect into a radioactive super-bug.
Maegyn would find out they have a propensity to escape.
Narrator: “watch it...they bite”
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Jugs was trying her level best to ignore Maegyn.
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Well Monday didn’t start off great for Metalman. In a fit of rationality, went and paid off the semi-weekly bill (yes, that is the correct terminology, though we do not hear it very often – we have heard of the term semiannually – which means something that happens twice a year)
Animal had also returned and was working on the second inventing table.
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Metalman: Help, help...I’m on fire…
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Animal: Go take a cold shower, Metalman.
The second attempt didn’t fare much better.
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Mac: That’s the second time he’s set himself on fire, sir. Is he normally that clumsy?
Animal: I presume so, Major, it’s not for the lack of trying. His last fitrep came in as. This officer has amazingly attained new heights of ineptitude never seen before in an officer of his calibre.
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Mac: Please don’t give him a command position, sir.
Animal: Not my call, if he gets recalled. That’s on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
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Metalman: I think I’m going to go read a book.
Instead of making himself an incendiary for the third time in as many minutes, he decided to park his butt in a chair and read the inventing book. Hopefully it will help him to not set himself ablaze, but well…that might be hoping for too much.
Animal: Try reading your handiness skill book. Commander, maybe that might help in keeping you from lighting yourself in flames a third time.
Metalman: What’s that saying about...oh, I forget.
They say three times the charm, but Metalman wasn’t about to take that risk – not if Animal could help it.
Animal: I wouldn’t count on that.
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Metalman: Hold on, I need to take a phone call. Oh, you need some plumbing cleared out? Sure, I can do that. Narrator (picturing a deluge thanks to a cracked water-main): Oh God...
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Animal: Bloody HELL! Keeter. How in the flaming blue blazes did you set the damned table on fire!
Keeter: I don’t know, I don’t know...it just went kablooey on me.
Harm (speechless)
Maegyn: Animal’s gonna go kablooey on you too in another minute! Haven’t you read the MSDS safety data sheet on Working With Combustibles?!
Keeter: Too many big words? Maegyn: How in the hell did you get through flight school?
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Jugs: That’s the last friggin’ time you get assigned to fly with me as my wingman, Keeter. I probably would end up getting my ass shot off.
Keeter: Aren’t we retired?
Jugs: I meant in the colloquial sense of the word.
Narrator: Yeah, after that, pretty much everybody decided that working at the Scraptonics Incendiary Workbench wasn’t the way to go to increase their invention skills though they’ll need it in order to put windows and doors in. Well hopefully no-one sets themselves on fire yet again.
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thelamentknight · 1 year
how would you feel if an rgb led spinning roach was in a 2-meter vicinity of you
Considering that I have a fear of bugs, I would probably squish it in fear 😅
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purewater100 · 2 years
omg:3 explodes all my guts and organs evrrywhere thank u so much 4 the tag @/goosesteeth ....
relationship status : umm.... im in qprx2 so in some sort of relationship, yeah. the aro life🇺🇸
favourite color : hex #406954 , rgb (64,105,84)
last song you listened to : every single grievance by james roach
song stuck in your head : death note musical eng demo, 'the way it ends'.
three favorite foods : popcorn . cracker...saltine cracker, ????? is diet dr pepper a food? mint gum? idk
last thing you googled : light yagami
dream trip : bottom of cliff:3 drive ....drive off cliff. joke, i guess. i dont have one i dont leave the house, maybe target i guess?
anything i want right now : food. i want dinner lol.
tag moment umm 🔥🔥 @trying-to-eat-the-stars @ending-boy-hansel @bitchbur @hearts4hasumi hope u guys dont mind T_T 2 scared 2 tag anyone else ueue but @ other mutuals 🫶
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kfbradshaw · 4 years
Okay, Bioware trailer breakdown.
The Bioware trailers at The Game Awards were some good damage control for sure.
NGL I’m not really excited about DA4 right now - I would really prefer they show some gameplay...something to confirm the game actually exists. I’m sure once they show that I’ll be screaming alongside everyone else. It’s a video game. Show me the video game.
While also a teaser, the Mass Effect trailer was super well done--that Reaper SFX! I’m more forgiving of this because we just heard about a new game a month ago and they’ve already given us a fairly lengthy teaser that wasn’t just a pulsing red light and a sound bite mixed from previous games. To cope with what will most likely be another disappointing 6 years of waiting, I’ve broken down the teaser for you.
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A mass relay...remember in ME3 these were not in great shape afterwards. Also, there’s a lot of crap everywhere so whatever’s happened here didn’t have a good time.
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A planet with the Mass Effect lens flare and a moon. Earth? Nah, look at the other moon hanging out back there. Maybe we borrowed a moon from someone. Plus this planet looks a little too “cool” to be Earth. Unless they’re just pushing some fancy CGI here?
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Hello mysterious hooded person walking on a giant metal thing. That shrimp roach thing in the background is a dead Reaper if I ever saw one, which implies Synthesis and Control might not be happening here, which would suggest Destroy is canon. (The Reaper isn’t moving) But why give us RGB if you were going to pick one anyway, Bioware? And why is there snow everywhere? 
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Kind of seemed like she knew exactly where to look. 
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Being buried under that much snow I’m guessing this is a while after whatever happened here. SPOILER ALERT if you have a high enough score at the end and pick Destroy you’ll see Shepard for a split second as they take a breath. So..what is this, just collecting the armor? Some other N7 that was hanging around !Earth?
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Oh hey there, giant moon. It’s possible that something majorly screwed with Earth’s weather systems and the moon or this really isn’t Earth and we’ve got a very familiar asari digging up N7s on random snow planets that were invaded by Reapers. Also, cool ship. I see a salarian and a krogan in the background and someone else that’s a bit hard to tell (a prothean maybe -- in which case they really did just decide to go with a canon ending)
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I think we can probably guess this is Liara, though she looks a bit older, which makes me think this isn’t some in-between ME1 and ME2 story. Actually a lot older. She’s a pretty recognizable asari and given the connection between her and Shepard regardless of if they were a couple or not in your playthrough, it’s likely it’s her.
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SHE’S HAPPY. I wonder why. Still also wondering about that giant moon.
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the-musical-cc · 6 years
Peter Venkman + 10 or 15 ;;
10. Fears/phobias.RGB says bugs and while I agree it may also be the case in Movie/IDW verse I think it goes deeper than that. 
I’ll explain myself- my mom has a terrible phobia of roaches. She can’t stand the sight of them or the thought that they could be near her. This comes from something that would happen when she was in her early teens: She and her mother would clean up the whole house from tip to tip and at nigh-time, roaches would come out of places like the toilet and the shower drain. No matter how much they made an effort at keeping the place clean for them and the family (My mother was the second-born of 9 siblings) it just wouldn’t stay clean. And roaches are fucking insane, man, they are HARD to kill, and they leave eggs everywhere, they can fucking EAT THROUGH DRAINS and they generally aren’t above walking on you when you’re asleep or even if you just happen to be standing on their way (I had a big one walk all over my foot one time. It feels super gross, I get goosebumps just thinking about it). 
I think Peter’s phobia may come from a similar place where he grew up in an environment where vermin was VERY common despite the hypothetical efforts made by his mother and maybe even himself to get rid of it. That kind of helplessness sounds to me like it could spark phobia. He doesn’t quite reach a level where you obsessively clean around you (We all know he’s kind of a slob) but he WILL get very upset upon finding bugs. The one time they had ants in the firehouse, he flat-out refused to eat there for days. I can’t see him minding mice much, tho, he probably even feeds them.
Outside from that, loneliness. His head is not the kindest place when he’s alone.
15. What it takes to make them cry
Oh dang, let’s see. I feel like the loss of a loved one, but that’s kind of a no-brainer. Be it death or just someone who isn’t in his life anymore by either his own choice or theirs. He also strikes me as someone who would cry out of helplessness -for instance, when GB was shut down between GB1 and GB2-, but it’s an angry cry.
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gamingslots · 3 years
A great gaming PC with some clear oversights
Storage expansion is excellent, too. The case includes two hot-swappable SSD bays at the front, as well as an extra slot for a 3.5-inch hard drive in the HDD cage. The motherboard has two M.2 expansion slots — one of which is filled from the factory — though you’ll have to wrestle with getting the GPU out to access them.
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
The port selection is great, rivaling the likes of boutique designs like the Falcon Northwest Talon. I like the extra storage space, too, but I would’ve liked Asus to put those efforts toward swapping other components, not adding more storage.
Specs and internals
Asus had four models of the GA35 that offer different GPU and CPU configurations. Every model comes with the same specs otherwise — 16GB of DDR4-3200 memory, a custom Asus X570 motherboard, an 80 Plus Gold power supply, and 3TB of total storage (1TB NVMe SSD and 2TB HDD).
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 5900X GPU Asus ROG Strix RTX 3090 Motherboard Custom Asus ROG Strix X570-F motherboard Case Custom Asus ROG case Memory 16GB unbranded DDR4-3200 Storage 1TB PCIe 3.0 NVMe SSD, 2TB HDD Power supply Delta 850W 80+ Gold USB ports Nine USB-A, three USB-C Networking 1Gbit Ethernet
I tested the GA35DX-XB999, which comes with a Ryzen 9 5900X and RTX 3090. This machine retails for around $5,000, which is a better deal than you might think. I configured a machine identical to the GA35, and it actually came out $100 more expensive (thanks, GPU shortage). A similarly configured Origin Neuron came out $500 more expensive, though with better cable management and more RGB.
The GA35 is a good deal on the component front. My only complaint is the PCIe 3.0 NVMe SSD. Ryzen 5000 chips support PCIe 4.0, so this is just a matter of Asus cutting where it could.
I like the dual-chamber design of the GA35, but I don’t like how closed it is for upgrades.
The GA35 has some internal problems outside of the components. The cable management is sloppy, component swaps are annoying at best and impossible at worse, and the case actively fights against you when you’re trying to get inside. I like the dual-chamber design of the GA35, but I don’t like how closed it is for upgrades.
It isn’t anything like the Alienware Aurora R10. You can still swap out components because everything inside adheres to ATX standards. It’s just a hassle to get there. There are extra screws at every turn, and they’re buried. There aren’t even thumbscrews to unlatch the side panels, much less a tool-less design like the HP Omen 30L offers.
A plastic shroud covers the outside of the chassis, which is as cheap as it is frustrating. I immediately broke one of the plastic tabs holding on the front cover, and I wasn’t applying enough pressure to get off. There are long plastic tubes in the middle of each piece of the shell to keep you out, and that’s all they’re good for.
Cable management is sloppy, but you don’t see it right away. It’s like shining a flashlight on a dusty desk in a dark room, revealing all of the messy bits that you’ve been unaware of. Opening up the case, I quickly noticed ketchup-and-mustard cables going to the graphics card, an extra CPU power connector just hanging off the side, and several small wires for RGB and fan connections pressed into crevasses around the motherboard. All of the chunky cables are routed through a single channel, too, revealing a small bird’s nest of cables up front that only grows in the back chamber.
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
The vertical GPU mount is a welcome addition, but it’s your only option. The RTX 3090 just barely fits when laid flat, and the GA35 doesn’t have a bracket for this type of configuration. It only has two vertical brackets, locking you out of upgrading to a triple-slot GPU in the future.
For specs, the GA35 is as high-end as PCs come. Asus made some clear design choices to discourage users from upgrading down the line, even though the form factor allows those upgrades.
Productivity performance
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
The Asus GA35 is a performant machine, but the Ryzen 9 5900X is starting to show some age compared to the best and brightest from Intel. It’s still leagues ahead of 10th-gen and 11th-gen Intel chips, and the single-core performance is great for gaming. However, the higher core count of the Ryzen 9 5950X and the hybrid architecture of the Core i9-12900K give them an edge over the Ryzen 9 5900X.
Asus ROG GA35 Custom PC (Core i9-12900K, RTX 3090) Origin Neuron (Ryzen 9 5950X, RTX 3080 Ti) Cinebench R23 multi-core 21,907 27,344 25,166 Cinebench R23 single-core 1,501 1,989 1,587 Geekbench 5 multi-core 12,695 18,282 15,872 Geekbench 5 single-core 1,692 1,962 1,682 PugetBench for Premiere Pro 1,115 1,283 1,088 Blender (Average in seconds, lower is better) 53 N/A 53 Handbrake (Seconds, lower is better) 58 47 50
You can clearly see that in my results. For single-core performance, the machine matches the Ryzen 9 5950X in the Origin Neuron in Cinebench and Geekbench. Unsurprisingly, the Ryzen 9 5950X performed well above the 5900X in the multi-core tests, with the four extra cores bringing as much as a 15% increase.
Outside of pure processor benchmarks, the GA35 shows more power. It was able to achieve a higher score than the Origin Neuron in PugetBench for Premiere Pro, showing the small acceleration provided by the RTX 3090, and it matched the Neuron in Blender. I tested Blender with CUDA rendering, so this is my most interesting result. The RTX 3090 showed no benefit over the RTX 3080 Ti.
Intel’s Core i9-12900K throws off this delicate comparison between the Ryzen 9 5950X and 5900X. It’s faster across the board, sometimes by as much as 25%. This isn’t true of older Intel chips, though. Step back to the Core i9-11900K, and the GA35 can wipe the floor.
The GA35 performs about where I expected it to. It’s great, but I wouldn’t recommend the configuration with the RTX 3090. It provides a minor uplift in some cases, and in others, it offers no benefit at all. That’s all the more true when it comes to gaming performance, which is probably why you’re interested in the GA35.
Gaming performance
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
The GA35 is built for 4K — and it better be with an RTX 3090 under the hood. I ran a suite of benchmarks across resolutions, but I only included my results at 4K with the highest possible graphics preset. This should bind performance to the GPU, removing the CPU from the equation. But my results show some big differences.
Asus ROG GA35 Custom PC (Core i9-12900K, RTX 3090) Origin Neuron (Ryzen 9 5950X, RTX 3080 Ti) Forza Horizon 4 147 fps 160 fps N/A Red Dead Redemption 2 73 fps 79 fps 72 fps Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 69 fps 66 fps 55 fps 3DMark Time Spy 17,356 19,511 17,937 Fortnite 78 fps N/A 89 fps
In Forza Horizon 4 and Red Dead Redemption 2, the GA35 underperformed compared to my custom-built rig with an RTX 3090. The processors are different, but they shouldn’t be impacting performance much. Even the aging Core i9-10900K put up better results in these two games when paired with RTX 3090.
RAM is the problem. The GA35 only comes with 16GB of RAM, which is a strange configuration for such a high-end system. Beyond capacity, Asus doesn’t use branded RAM modules. A representative from the company told me that the modules use memory from Samsung, Micron, and Hynix. And if you know anything about Ryzen processors, you know how big of a difference these dies can make.
I wasn’t able to verify the dies used for the modules inside my review unit. I used Corsair memory in the other two machines, though, which use Samsung B-die modules (known to perform best with Ryzen chips). By going with 16GB of DDR4-3200, Asus chose the lowest reasonable option — and that shows in my results. DDR4-3600 modules would solve the problem, but otherwise, you’re leaving some minor performance on the table.
The RTX 3090 actually shows a big benefit in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
3DMark Time Spy shows how well the machine performs relative to the Origin Neuron. My custom-built rig was able to achieve a higher score, but that’s on the back of the Core i9-12900K.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is interesting, too. This game still has problems with Intel’s 12th-gen platform, explaining the lower results I saw with my custom PC. The RTX 3090 actually shows a big benefit here, pushing the GA35 above the Origin Neuron. In most other cases, the extra power of the RTX 3090 provided no benefit.
The GA35 is a super-fast gaming PC. There’s no doubt about that. There are a few small problems, though, mostly centered around the system memory. In most cases, the differences aren’t any more than a few frames. But they’re present, and you should keep them in mind if you plan on dropping $5,000.
Warranty and support
Asus offers a standard one-year warranty for the GA35. Finding that out was a chore, though. The warranty information isn’t printed on the warranty card, and you can’t find it on Asus’ website. Instead, it’s listed on a sticker on the back of the machine, noted only as “12M” with no context. What’s frustrating is that Asus includes a copy of this sticker on the warranty card — just without the warranty information.
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
You can purchase up to three years of coverage plus accidental damage protection. The standard warranty only covers defects and issues with workmanship. One year is par for the course with desktops. That said, Asus could make accessing the warranty easier instead of splitting the information across three locations.
Along with the warranty information, you’ll find a product support card. Asus offers 24/7 phone support, as well as live chat and email. For the second two, the support pamphlet points you to a website that doesn’t work. I had to navigate through Asus’ support page to find the right spot.
Like the machine itself, Asus isn’t doing anything wrong with its warranty or support. There are just extra unnecessary steps that can make the process frustrating.
Our take
The Asus GA35 is one hell of a gaming PC. It’s stacked with top-of-the-line hardware that delivers in gaming and productivity without getting too hot (though, the fan is loud). It uses a standard form factor, too, so upgrades are possible even if they aren’t always practical.
It’s just not everything it could be. Thumbscrews, black power supply cables, and closer attention to upgrading would push it to the top of our list of the best desktop computers. I recommend the GA35, but you should know about its quirks before dropping $5,000.
Are there any alternatives?
Yes. The Origin Neuron and Maingear Vybe are the most direct competition, and the Vybe costs about $1,000 less. HP’s Omen 30L is also a solid alternative thanks to its high-end hardware and tool-less case design.
The Alienware Aurora R14 and Falcon Northwest Talon are high-end gaming options, too, though they are both slightly different than the GA35. The Aurora R14 is more restrictive when it comes to upgrades, while the Northwest Talon uses all off-the-shelf parts and costs a little more.
How long will it last?
The GA35 comes packed with powerful hardware, so it should last several years with what’s inside. You can always upgrade down the line, but the case doesn’t make upgrades as easy as they could be.
Should you buy it?
Yes, as long as you’ve considered the other options. The Maingear Vybe and Origin Neuron are both top-tier gaming PCs, and the GA35 is just a small step below them. It still performs well, but the Maingear and Origin options are a little easier when it comes time to upgrade.
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fboucheros · 3 years
@fboucheros I've really taken to audiobooks over the pandemic. Just finished Keep Sharp: Sanjay Gupta, RGB-My Own Words, Gulp: Mary Roach, Stiff: Mary Roach, Bad Blood: John Carreryrou & Born a Crime: Trevor Noah.
— Sharon Bennett (@SharonBennettLL) Aug 10, 2021
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valentinamandelli · 7 years
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Insects scanning: The roach
- RGB levels
Inspired by Lucien Bull
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gamingslots · 3 years
Asus ROG GA35 review
Asus ROG GA35
MSRP $4,999.00
“A top-tier gaming PC held back by some frustrating design choices.”
Stays cool under loud
Vertical GPU looks great
Two front USB-C ports
Hot-swappable SSD drives
Standard sized components
No horizontal GPU option
A little loud
Upgrades are more frustrating than they should be
If you want one of the best gaming PCs in 2021, building your own isn’t an option. Pre built used to be overpriced, underpowered options compared to building your own PC, but thanks to the GPU shortage, they are downright good deals. And that’s what the Asus ROG GA35 G35DX is — a great deal for 2021.
I have some issues with it compared to boutique options from Origin and Main gear, but the ROG GA35 still has plenty of power to impress. It’s not too expensive, either, at least in the pricing crisis that’s plaguing PC components right now. If I didn’t already have a graphics card from waiting in line at Best Buy, the ROG GA35 would be near the top of my list of options.
It probably quite wouldn’t make the cut, though. Small issues like poor cable management and the lack of thumbscrews hold the GA35 back from reaching the top tier of prebuilt gaming PCs. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad choice, especially with high-end Asus hardware under the hood.
Previous G-series Asus desktops used a taller, more traditional mid-tower case design, but the GA35 doesn’t. It has a stocky case design, measuring 16.5 inches long and just under 11 inches wide to accommodate a dual-chamber design. I’m a fan of dual-chamber cases, but it doesn’t feel like the GA35 uses the space effectively.
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
I’ll talk more about the internal build later. For now, just know that both chambers are the same size. The back portion holds the power supply and the cable mess, and the front holds all of the beautiful RGB components necessary to any modern gaming rig. Hide the ugly, show the glitter — that’s what dual-chamber cases provide.
There are some strange design choices, though. The all-in-one (AIO) liquid cooler is installed in the back chamber, exhausting air that doesn’t have an intake. It also causes the braided liquid tubes to lay awkwardly across the motherboard, which is a trend I noticed with the internal layout of the GA35.
Airflow wasn’t an issue, but it could have been better. The only included fan is a 92mm exhaust at the back of the case, and there isn’t space to mount any other fans. The machine was a little loud during my testing, but it wasn’t anything like the Lenovo Thinkstation P620. It didn’t get too hot, either, with the CPU topping out at 48 degrees Celsius after a 30-minute AIDA64 stress test.
The GA35 is a cohesive, RGB-ridden PC that looks wonderful.
That’s mainly on the back of the open case design. There are filters staggered around the angular edges of the GA35, cleverly hidden in the nooks and crannies of the case. None of them have dust filters, so you’ll have to be diligent to keep the inside clean.
The temperature surprised me given that the GA35 uses a vertical mount for the power-hungry RTX 3090. The vertical mount does wonders for the visuals, too. The GA35 is adorned with as many ROG Strix products as possible, including the RTX 3090. The result is a cohesive, RGB-ridden PC that looks wonderful when it’s lit up.
Jacob Roach / Digital Trends
Asus makes some of the best gaming motherboards you can buy, so I wasn’t surprised to the GA35 kitted out with excellent connectivity. You get a pair each of USB-C and USB 3.0 ports at the front of the case, along with separate headphone and microphone inputs, putting even pricey machines like the Origin Neuron to shame.
Around the back, you have access to a further seven USB 3.2 ports, another USB-C port, Gigabit Ethernet, and the standard range of audio connections. All of those ports are great, but the two front USB-C ports make the difference for me. My personal rig, which I built with a Lian Li PC-011 Dynamic, only has a single USB-C port up front. I’m jealous I don’t have a second now, as I was able to plug in both my Samsung T5 and the Steelseries Prime Wireless into the GA35 without reaching around the back.
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