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raxistaicho · 10 months ago
find it funny the edelcrits are still going after you and this red character. How did u get looped in racist accusations, didn't one of them write that one horrid throuple fanfiction that was racist af to Claude and a total character annihilation of edelgard or is it someone else away from their circle?
Good luck as always
No, you're thinking of Reynaattheend, she's on the same wavelength in terms of analysis of the game, but since she's not on Tumblr (to the best of my knowledge anyways) I wouldn't call her an Edelcrit.
Her fic is pretty dang yikesy though, featuring such wonderful features as,
some Nabateans leaving Fodlan to go "fix" other nations and being the apparent source of all religions (not beating the colonizer allegations at all)
Dimitri being a white savior for Claude
Byleth struggling with her emotions to hysterical woman levels and constantly relying on her two boyfriends to save her from almost getting herself killed (to give an example, Byleth struggles for page upon page against the Death Knight only for Dimitri to show up and one-shot him)
Just... everything to do with Edelgard
The Agarthans and Almyrans, despite their cultures very strongly and clearly leaning Greek and Persian, having German and Japanese as their languages, as though Reyna just thought any foreign language was as good as any other.
Byleth taking measures to hide Rhea's knowing distortion of Fodlan's history.
Sothis's destruction of two city states being lauded as a good thing for which holidays should be thrown (because I guess it was a Sodom and Gomorrah situation where literally every living soul in both cities were evil and deserving of death, meaning double genocide is heroic!)
Characters just swearing constantly because I guess she thinks that makes the fic more mature
Really glad to see people are starting to treat her fanfic with a more skeptical eye, I've done my bit to help push things along there.
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croclovmoon · 1 year ago
Check out this amazing AU from ReynaAtTheEnd
This not my story but the person who owns it doesn't have tumblr. So I decided that the one piece tumblr fandom needs this in their life. The synopsis is that king finds out the seraphim exit 7 days before marineford. Three hours before the execution is to acure Sengoku gets a call from Egghead. Chaos insues. Chapters 1-20 up now the author does not have an upload schedule. Now for just one interesting insight to the story, the author is making Moria a bigger threat than he already was.
Ch. 1-17 arc 1
Ch. 18-24 arc 2
Ch. 25-33 arc 3
Ch. 34-43 arc 4
Ch. 44- ongoing arc 5
The author has decided to call it the "Age of Emperors AU"
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Luffy in a wedding dress, based on ReynaAtTheEnd's fic.
No background version
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Goddamn, trying to design a wedding dress was so stressful!!!😩 Especially when you need to colour it as well... My poor finger has been through a lot these days so I'm glad it's over... However, that's my fault because I decided to do other projects before finishing this one. Procrastination should be my middle name at this point.
There's gonna be a background for it, but at this point, I just want this to be finished before the wedding itself. I'll probably post the background version later...
Me: I'm gonna take a rest now that this is do- *closet doors creaks* (Drum of Liberations starts playing)
Me: ........
(slowly turns towards closet)
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Me:..... Nika, not you too...😫
Nika: it's my turn now, Artist, shishishishi...
Nika!Luffy in a wedding dress 2, Electric Boogaloo
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thesharktanksdriver · 5 months ago
I'm sorry but I'm a real sucker for more King platonic fics, (which is VERY RARE???)
And I gotta ask though, reading ur response on about Black Maria hating Robin, and then seeing King get mentioned,
Well, That's not exactly what I'm going to ask but had Y/N been very hesistant or so to even go in wano? Saying that as they did... yeeted themself,,
(and how did they react to seeing that most of their family figures are just fighting each other to death,, though I think Y/N wouldn't have any err, closer bond to Kaidou due to being forgotten and buried in the depths of their many memories,, )
I LOVE UR FICS BTW!!!! I especially love Determination!, Thank you for making this platonic fic💗💗
Bro I just want more king content in general 😭 he’s such a fucking cool character! I wish there was more content of him and lunarains in general because they’re so fucking cool. If you want a good recommendation I’d suggest summit apocalypse by ReynaAtTheEnd on ao3. It’s chefs kiss perfect so far and I highly recommend it
As for your question! Yes! Y/n was very hesitant In going back to Wano. During Marineford and the timeskip y/n had to essentially hide out not just because of marines but because both Kaido and big mom were desperately trying to find them. So coming out of big cake island and immediately heading for Kaido’s home turf is extremely harrowing for them. But at the same time y/n would follow Luffy and the straw hats to the end of the earth
And more importantly y/n feels as if they owe it to Oden and momonosuke. Oden died for Wano and his people, momonosuke will never be safe and desperately wants to save his home. They owe it Oden the ensure his son and their friend is safe, and even if it’s hard to do y/n knows that the beast pirates aren’t good people even if they were good to them. That doesn’t make up for the fact that they’ve killed hundreds if not thousands of innocent people, especially since they let Orochi continue his reign of terror on wanos populace.
But even with this all it’s hard for them. Because they know Sasaki, king, Black Maria, Ulti, whos-who, etc are shitty people but they knew them personally. Saw the humanity in people considered to be ruthless monsters.
As for Kaido…..☺️ well looks like y/n gets to see their old friend who they didn’t remember again because the moment they show up in wano they see their face plastered literally everywhere on wanted posters demanding they be brought alive with a reward too big to count.
The reunion with him and king is certainly awkward.
Especially with king
Especially after Marineford lololololol
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teaveetamer · 2 years ago
It's okay if butwhatifidothis risks leading people to harass Captain Flash by going over his fic but it's not okay if Raxis does the same to reynaattheend?
Okay I feel like I want to get one thing out of the way before I go into this.
BWIIDT agreed to remove parts of the old reviews that were particularly rude or offensive if they were pointed out to her, something that was literally promised to the MODS of the Edelstan discord server (who claimed to have a direct line of communication to Cap).
So the guy literally had a chance to air his grievances with the posts and have the parts he didn’t like removed within reason, and we never got any examples of things to ask her to remove. So either she’s not as rude as people make her out to be, or they never actually cared about her critiques and haven’t bothered reading them, even when handed the literal opportunity to edit things out they didn’t like.
Additionally BWIIDT has said that she would be willing to remove all the postings completely if the guy would just hear her criticisms and learn from them, so he could better handle the racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. in his fic. Of which there is a lot.
I don’t know how you could possibly compromise more without just straight up being a door mat and pretending like this white man never had any issues with the way he wrote race and women.
Anyway as for why I view these as two completely different situations that are not really comparable IMO:
1) Cap’s fic is/was at the time literally being shoved at people. We were told to read it to “understand canon better”.
This isn’t just me saying this. I remember around the time before/slightly after BWIIDT started giving her criticisms of the fic I was seeing it getting recommended to a bunch of people. There were people on various social media sites complaining about the Edel crowd shoving the fic down their throats. I had it recommended to me on some different platforms, etc.
And that’s not just fans of the fics’ perception. Cap himself has stated that he views the fic as meta commentary on the game/discussion of canon, not just a fun little fic he did. And he’s happy people view it as essential for understanding canon.
As far as I’m aware, Reyna’s fic has never had that sort of culture around it, nor has she wanted it to have that kind of impact on fandom. I’m pretty sure she’s even explicitly stated that she KNOWS it’s not always aligned with canon and she doesn’t care, because it’s just a fun little project for her.
2) As far as I’m aware, BWIIDT never linked to Cap’s fic? I don’t even think she gave the title of it at first, it’s just that most people figured out what fic she was talking about BECAUSE of the aforementioned it getting shoved down everyone’s throats. But I wasn’t really following her in the beginning so I don’t remember, I’m sure she can reblog this posting if she wants and further clarify.
Raxy has literally been linking to Reyna’s fic on every posting and spelling out the full name of the fics and the author. Given his followers’ propensity for harassment (which he claims to not support) he really should have known better. He wasn’t “risking” sending her harassment it was basically a foregone conclusion.
He definitely should have taken all of the links down and stopped linking or naming the author or fic after it became clear people were literally going and harassing her, using his posts and material to throw at her. But as far as I’m aware he hasn’t done ANY of that.
3) I know from talking with BWIIDT since Raxy started harassing everyone here that she wasn’t going to bother with Cap’s fic originally, but then the annoying fans shoving it down people’s throats + she noticed a lot of very problematic handling of race that she wanted to talk about in greater depth = her discussing the fic at length.
I haven’t read through Raxy’s criticisms, but I feel like there’s a BIG difference between a woman of color pointing out the problems regarding race and gender in a fic (written by a white man) that’s being recommended to everyone as ESSENTIAL FOR UNDERSTANDING THE GAME vs. Some Guy Who Doesn’t Like A Random Fic
Additionally, I don’t really feel like it’s my place to tell her to shut up because, uh, it just feels kind of gross to tell her to just not be mad about the way the white guy is butchering the biracial experience when she’s a biracial woman and I’m not? Which again, very different from telling a 35 year old cishet white guy who is acting like a dick about anime chess to be less of a dick about anime chess.
4) And again, I also know for a fact that BWIIDT is just interested in critiquing/venting about the fic, and would be willing to stop making postings about it if Cap actually bothered to read the critiques and learn from the mistakes he’s made regarding the racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. in his fic.
But like, he keeps doubling down on it insisting that because he grew up next to a reservation and he has one queer woman doing his beta reading there could never be any problems with his handling of any of these sensitive topics, so he doesn’t need to listen to any of us ever, and people are still touting it as essential for understanding canon, and he’s still okay with that, sooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s VERY different from what Raxy is doing, which is basically just calling Reyna’s fics “cringe” and “not canon” from the snippets I’ve seen. He’s also blasting them over LITERALLY every social media platform he has for some godforsaken reason. Which like. If your goal was just to critique the fic why are you posting that shut EVERYWHERE?
5) I really don’t think Raxy is that bothered by the criticisms of Cap’s fic. He harasses people regardless of if they’ve talked about Cap or his fic, and after his aborted attempt to drum up harassment against BWIIDT on GameFaqs he came to Tumblr and started begging her to “do his fic next”
Like honestly I don’t even know what goes on in that guy’s head. Weird ass behavior. I really don’t care what he has going on, it’d just be nice if he’d act like the 35 year old he actually is and quit being so petty and childish.
Even if you think what BWIIDT did with Cap’s fic is wrong, why would it EVER be acceptable to drag an uninvolved third party into the mix and bash their fic and send them harassment as “retaliation”? Reina has nothing to do with this. She doesn’t even have fucking social media accounts outside of AO3. I know because I literally left her a comment to warn her about this clown and she told me.
What BWIIDT has done with Cap’s fic is admittedly a bit of a grey area, but ultimately I fall on the side of “whatever” with it because of the notoriety and influence on fandom fans of the fic desperately want it to have, and because of just how problematic elements of it are for various communities.
I mean you can’t go reccing a fic as essential for understanding the game and shoving it down the entire fandoms’ collective throat and then expect it to be treated like a 14 year old’s silly self insert fic when the people you told to read it critique it with the gravitas you assigned to it.
If you wanna critique BWIIDT for what she did with Cap’s fic, or critique me or anyone else for interacting with her, or you just think my logic is stupid and you want to critique that, then that’s… fine? I’m an adult, I’m a person, I know there’s places I can grow. But I’m sick of people acting like it’s okay to be a shitty person just because you got your feelings hurt once, so now it’s okay to go making it everyone else’s problem. And I don’t know if it was your intention to defend the guy with this ask anon, but it’s definitely happened too damn much with this guy and the Edelgard fandom as a whole.
That was another thing that really fucked me off in that conversation with the Edelstan server mods. I had one of them acting like I run fucking Reddit and I’m somehow responsible for some trolls calling Edelgard fans Nazis four fucking years ago. You can bet your ass I would get crucified if I tried to shit talk some random ass Edeleth fic and tried to justify it with “but it’s ok cuz some Edelgard fans were mean to me once :(“. There’s a reason why the fic being touted as essential for understanding canon is the one getting critiques and not any of the THOUSANDS of other Edeleth fics in existence. Because no one fucking cares about fanfics when they aren’t getting shoved down your throat and touted as “essential”.
I mean fuck dude, I got called a fake queer and an r-slur and intentionally triggered with genocide bullshit and had people talking about killing me. Am I going around harassing random fic authors over it? No, cuz I’m a grown ass fucking adult and I know how to act like it, and I know that 99% of the people who write/have written Edeleth fics had absolutely nothing to do with that.
So if you’re justifying going after Reyna with “but BWIIDT was mean to Cap!” Then knock it off, Reyna has literally nothing to do with this and you’re being shitty by trying to drag her into it. If you just did this to spork a fic, then you’re currently being a dick over a fanfic for no reason and clearly it’s leading to the author being harassed.
@butwhatifidothis if you wanna add onto this feel free.
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deathbirby · 11 months ago
hi hi, got any good edelgard critical fanfics reccomendations? rlly enjoyed The only way by ReynaAtTheEnd on AO3, and looking for stuff thats similar. I actually rlly enjoy El as a villain but most fandom stuff often skirts around her bad actions and lumps the blame onto Twisted, so I'm looking for some fics that actually call out and challenge El's beliefs + actions :')
Tbh I don't read much 3h fanfic and when I do it's very niche ships lmao. There might be someone else who can help you with this. Or who knows maybe someone will respond with a 10/10 fic.
All I know is that "godspeed" absolutely trashes Edelgard but I'm not sure about its other contents.
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dragonprincess18 · 7 months ago
I've written fanfic for a while, across multiple fandoms, so I feel like I've gone through all the milestones. Stilted dialogue, Mary Sues, plotholes...What I haven't dealt with was having AUs for my own story.
The Dragon That Will Pierce The Heavens is the longest story I've written in a long while, and add in that One Piece is the largest sandbox I've ever played in, it kinda just...happened.
A few of those AUs and crossovers have been started but generally discarded, like Miraculous Dragon (basically a Miraculous Ladybug crossover), or one shots just to get the itch out, like in Moonbeams and Stardust, where I did chapters for Pokemon, Digimon Adventure, Harry Potter and even a modern chapter.
Lately, I've even been collaborating with ReynaAtTheEnd to do a collaboration with her amazing story Summit Apocalypse, which will hopefully see the light of day at some point.
But there are definitely divergent ideas I've had that are too big for me to write, and those are the ones that gnaw at me.
For example...
What if Hikari never escaped Estrella to the East Blue?
What if, when she was about to go over the coral, something happened with the other boat and she had to give up her chance in order to make sure they escaped? Leaving Hikari to be captured and shipped off to Dressrosa, where Doflamingo happily threw a lavish wedding to celebrate finally getting the queen he believed he deserved.
Over the course of two years, Doflamingo believing he broke Hikari down into the perfect doll, not knowing she was secretly coordinating the Tontatta and toys and gladiators to overthrow him.
Then Law and the Straw Hats show up with their own plans, throwing Dressrosa into chaos, and Law ends up chained to the Heart Seat, where he meets the infamous Ice Queen that acts as Doflamingo's most valuable council...Only to learn, much to his surprise, that Hikari has been undermining the Donquixote Pirates the entire time as she frees him from the Sea Prism Stone cuffs.
Having followed the Straw Hats since their assault on Enies Lobby, Hikari knows to just point Luffy in the right direction and let him rip, revealing her Celestial Dragon powers to tag-team Doflamingo with Law while Luffy deals personally with Bellamy before taking over.
In the end, once Doflamingo has been defeated and everyone bandaged up, Hikari is ready to leave on her own when Luffy obliviously offers for her to join his crew instead of be alone.
(Law may be a little jealous he didn't ask fast enough.)
What if, at the end, Hikari is mentally sent back in time to make things right?
If things ended badly, a la of pop greens and tangerines (which I started and never finished, seriously great but broke me), Hikari regretted leading her loved ones into such a bloody fate and is thus sent back to when she was eight years old.
With Lily to think of, and knowing that her crew and allies are currently suffering through their childhood trauma, Hikari pulls the trigger on her plan a decade early, escaping with the slaves to Fishman Island...Where she meets JInbei, and tells him she's looking for the man that her mother's locket names Eddy. Jinbei, recognizing said locket and seeing her resemblance to a lost friend, then takes her to Whitebeard, who is devastated to learn his love is dead but accepts her daughter with open arms.
Hikari tells him about Rosinante, that he had tried to help her but is in danger saving another child, and they need to go save both of them. So Whitebeard goes with Marco and a whole ship of his men to Minion Island, where he gladly stomps Doflamingo's face into the ground for daring to think he could just buy his precious daughter with favors, and taking in a very confused Rosinante and wary Law, who remembers his 'past' life once Hikari hugs him in tears over seeing him dying from Amber Lead.
Using her memories of stories told by her crew, Hikari carefully leads Whitebeard around to gather the entire gaggle of children that would one day become the Supernova Alliance and their various family and/or friends like Kaya and Nojiko, with Luffy, Zoro and Kid all getting their memories back after Hikari touches them.
No one else ever seems to remember, but Whitebeard and his commanders catch on and get Hikari to tell them the truth, including about Fairy Tail and Luffy's Fruit. That's when the training starts in earnest, only interrupted by visits from Shanks (who was worried about Luffy and then blubbering over meeting his 'baby sister') and Garp (who initially got into a knock-out, drag-out fight with Whitebeard until Hikari disabuses him of the notion his grandsons would be safe as Marines) and even Sengoku (who comes off-duty just to make sure Rosinante is okay and meet his 'grandson').
Luffy decides to set out from Dawn Island as originally planned, and everything is different.
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belletiger · 1 year ago
fem Luffy miko dress
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After reading the awesome fanfic The Many (Attempted) Marriages of the Sun Goddess by ReynaAtTheEnd, i decided to do a fem Luffy as a cute miko. I hope you all like it.
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siderealdei · 1 month ago
Ten fanworks, huh? Organized by fandom below the cut, held myself to the rule of only one rec per author.
Star Wars:
Wondrous Strange by thosenearandfarwars (@lttrsfrmlnrrgby on tumblr which for some reason I can't tag) - CodyWan; fusion with the Rivers of London starring Obi-Wan as the Nightingale stand-in and Cody and his brothers as newcomers to the London demimonde who between them cover police, fire, and medical. Like the original book series it's fused with, lots of London-isms and lots of (magical) cop talk. Ongoing.
A Star to Steer By by dogmatix and @norcumii - crossover/fusion with Stargate: Atlantis, featuring the Jedi as very much NOT Goa'uld running into SG-1 and the rest. First work in the series is complete, second is ongoing.
Post-Hoc by @trixree - Post-Melidaan Obi-Wan goes looking for someone to critique his report on his time on Melida/Daan. Oneshot.
a variable star by twigcollins - teenaged Sort-of-Sith Obi-Wan ends up in the middle of a Much Worse Mandalorian Civil War between the New, True, and Death Watch. Ongoing.
eastward and moonwhite (soft-petaled wounds) by @blackkatmagic - Agen Kolar/Commander Fox; Mandalorians sack Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. Ten years later, Agen Kolar and the twin Initiates in his care end up in the middle of the mystery of why. Ongoing.
Count Your Blessings by @madmothmadame - MadaTobi w/ a huge focus on Izuna&Tobirama friendship; Izuna sort of survives Tobirama's Hiraishin but no one knows other than Tobirama. This and a far-reaching conspiracy against Konoha leads to a complex web of relationships. Complete.
Boku no Hero Academia:
Frequently Asked Questions (series) by Vaimeta - after being told he can't be a hero by All Might, Izuku decides to ask a whole bunch of other heroes instead. Complete.
to forget is unforgiveable (series) by @toasty-writing - crossover with Jujutsu Kaisen; Midoriya Izuku jumps off a roof. Bakugou Katsuki is being haunted by a vengeful cursed spirit. Ongoing.
The Street Foods Job by @swordandstars - Eliot and street food. This is the best Eliot voice I think I've ever read. Complete.
Fire Emblem Three Houses:
The Savior King, The Master Tactician, and the Queen of Liberation by ReynaAtTheEnd - retelling of FE3H mashing together three out of the four routes (sorry Crimson Flower fans) and going into more depth about the Saints, Elites, and what really happened during the War of Liberation while also providing lots of information about the present in a way that fixes the plot holes in the game. Ongoing. Doorstopper.
Welcome to Feedback Fest 2025
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Welcome to International Fanworks Day Feedback Fest of 2025! To participate, leave a comment under our post recommending 10 fanworks and spread the joy of fandom! Read more at: https://otw-news.org/yckvy6vh
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Have you read A Dimiclaudeleth fic called The Savior King, The Master Tactician, and The Queen of Liberation? Ever since Hopes the Edelstans have been hating on it more than ever. There’s even a recent Reddit thread about it with the OP asking if it was good and many of the people saying no, calling it “biased” and “fetishized”, also like The Emperor and the Goddess, the same people who cried “Harassment!” when it got criticized for the same thing. The lack of self awareness with these people.
I've heard of it several times, but the sheer size and incomplete nature of it is intimidating (← total fuckin hypocrite fjdhsksl). I definitely wanna read it eventually, because dimiclaudeleth is near and dear to my heart.
All I'm gonna say is that labelling a work as a meta, or an analysis of the canon work, invites it to be critiqued as such. But if you're going around tearing apart a fanfic (that's been in the works for, holy shit, three years) and telling people not to read it when all it's doing is sitting there and vibing? You need to do some serious soul-searching. It does speak to a certain lack of self-awareness, though, that people will do the exact thing that's hurt them in the past under the pretense that they're somehow different. Again, I prescribe some soul-searching.
Anyway, I wish ao3 user ReynaAtTheEnd all the best. It sucks to watch people shit all over your hard work, especially when it's something born from joy like fanfic.
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raxistaicho · 1 year ago
Is it true that Reyna put the Edeleth tag on her bashfic for a time just to bait shippers into reading it? I can't confirm it, but i honestly wouldn't put it past her to do that.
Someone said they did do that, but I can't confirm it now. It wouldn't surprise me, Reyna thinks she "deconstructed" Edeleth by having Edelgard act like Byleth belongs with her.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years ago
If anyone is looking for good fics that criticize Edelgard, I highly recommend ReynaAtTheEnd's work! Their oneshot 'The only way' is a fantastic dialogue between Edelgard and Claude that thoroughly examines just how flawed Edelgard's rationale is. If you want something longer - their multichapter epic 'The Savior King, The Master Tactician and the Queen of Liberation' is also great - its a AM+VW joint route with fantastic worldbuilding and fight scenes - plus no Rhea bashing. Hope that helps!
yet again i am recommended Savior King lmaooooooo omg, but The Only Way is really neat! I’d forgotten the name but I recommend it too!
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Fem! Luffy in a cute little sundress. Planning on adding other cute outfits later.
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Based on chapter 8 of ReynaAtTheEnd's The Many (Attempted) Marriages of the Sun Goddess
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raxistaicho · 9 months ago
Hey are you the same Raxis that is being called a troll? Reynaattheend posted about burnout from dealing with you or something like that and the fic hivemind seems to treat you like some fragile Edelstan while I think some criticisms have genuinely good points
Yeah, I saw that AN. She was very upset at me for making the tv tropes page for her fic less biased. One of her fans even tried to go to the mods with a complaint, but that didn't go anywhere because I wasn't breaking any rules.
It's a shame Reyna chose to respond to criticism of her fanfic in such a negative way. Any writer who respects their craft should be willing to accept constructive criticism, and I was trying to be constructive with her. I guess she figured because I was an Edelgard fan, my advice was inherently less valuable? Idk.
And thank you! Clearly you aren't the only person who thinks that, given how there's been (relatively) more backlash against the fic since it first started.
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josephineaetos · 2 years ago
Author's Commentary: Chapter 5 - The Wolf Prince Returns
Summary: New information reveals the fate of Prince Dimitri, and a hectic battle ensues.
I was heavily inspired by the wonderful The Savior King, The Master Tactician and the Queen of Liberation by ReynaAtTheEnd to make more of a Blue Lions-Golden Deer path, with some more Silver Snow elements as well, albeit since that's already been done, I wanted to do something new.
I hope you'll all enjoy what's been done with the Blue Lions plot to separate it a bit later.
Also, I brought back Matodey because he's such a complete 180 on Fire Emblem characters that I felt he warranted a second look. I mean, the dude threatens to fucking eat you lmao
Also, polycule time.
A Beaten and Broken Land by EmpressJosephine
TW: Significant Blood and Violence Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses Relationship Tags: Dorothea Arnault/Petra Macneary/Byleth Eisner; Ferdinand von Aegir/Bernadetta von Varley General Tags: Polyamory, OT3, During Timeskip, Bittersweet, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-typical Violence
Dorothea's heart was shattered the day that Garreg Mach was. Byleth is gone, only her faint memory remains, and she is forced to watch as Edelgard not only desecrates that with her war, but tears apart the land and peace that the professor fought for.
A late-night visit by an old friend leads her on a journey to honor Byleth's memory alongside the rest of the House that she joined so long ago... but in the end, will it even matter?
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raxistaicho · 9 months ago
Do you have the original comments that were deleted? I get the feeling some unreliable narrator is going on and I just wanted to see from an unbiased perspective as someone who mostly skimmed through it. (Also care to explain what other people were saying about you stalking others?)
Reyna deleted them all, but luckily I shared some of them to a buddy of mine. Here's the ones I was able to find;
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