#rey fenix fanfic
amalia-uwu-writes · 2 years
Bad idea/ Leave
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by their own companies. I only write for the characters. I do not write for the real actors/people/athletes. The rights go to the respective owners!
For reasons of privacy I'll give penta's mother and father fictional names. The names are Magdalene /Magda and Julio.
Warnings ⚠️ : light angst, angst
Tags: @windhamsrotunda @earl-01 @dominikmysterio619 @wrestlingwerido36 @wrestling-fangirl93
One more day... One more day where Fénix bothered Penta and Penta lost his patience. One more day where Fénix blamed Penta. One more day where they argued and upon the argument Fenix took Penta's toy car and threw it at him. Penta obviously ducked his head and the toy broke a vase...
Guess who got in trouble...?
Yes, yes that's right. Penta did. Penta did.
They gasped as both of them saw the vase of flowers falling down and breaking into small pieces.
Their mother entered in "What's going on in here?!" just from the tone of her voice.. They understood... that she wasn't happy. Fénix run and hugged her dress "He broke the vase mommy!"
Magdalene spoke and pointed her index finger at Penta "What did you do again? You are the oldest! You should know, how to behave! What if you get hurt! What if he gets hurt? How can you be so irresponsible!!" she kept speaking and lecturing him. Fenix was holding his mother's dress burying his face in the fabric.
Penta had his arms crossed over his chest. His face upset, annoyed. He looked down and then at her. He had enough..
"How come you always yell at me?! He always gets away with everything. You always blame me! You don't even hear my point of view! Do you love him.. More than you love me? Ever since he came you mostly pay attention to him! He is your favorite! You love him more than you love me!" he yelled fed up with the whole situation and ascended the stairs going to his room.
Fénix felt slightly bad.. He didn't pay much attention though.. «He would get over it.. He always does..» he thought. He let go of his mother's dress. Magdalene looked up and sighed.
His father Julio came some seconds later "what happened? What's all this noise? I can hear you from outside!"
Magdalene had just finished gathering the broken pieces and collecting the red roses that had scattered all over the floor.
She got up "Penta broke the vase, I talked to him and he left". Fénix was sitting quietly and drawing on the table, all the while seeing upstairs. He felt slightly bad about what had happened..
"Did you see him breaking it? Did you really had to behave like this for a vase? He has every right to be upset you know I love our kids but I am fair. If fenix is at fault, I will punish him. Im not gonna blame Penta for it and vice versa. You can't blame him for everything Magdalene..
So what? What if he is the oldest?! He is still a child. Magdalene... I don't understand what's wrong with you now lately. You know that I am here to talk about anything that bothers you .. You can't unleash your stress on our children.. ".
She lowered her head "You're right.. It's been a rough week I guess.." she looked at him guilt in her eyes.
"Everything will be okay! I'm here.." Julio put his hand on her shoulder.
She smiled softly yet sadly "I was too harsh to him.. I'll.. I'll go talk to him". She attempted to go upstairs. "Wait! Don't go! Not yet!" his voice slightly stern. She listened and nodded her head. She went to the kitchen to continue her cooking.
Back to Penta
Penta slammed the door of his room. He jumped on bed burying his face on the pillow. A few tears rolled down his soft cheeks. He turned around and saw his teddy bear 🧸, he hugged it and those tears turned into a quiet sobbing. He looked at his teddy.
«I don't understand why I am to blame for everything! These last few days Mom has been blaming me all the time... Maybe.... Im not good enough... Mom doesn't love me..» he thought.
"What do you say teddy? You understand me... Right? Oh.. What's that?" he brought the teddy bear close to his ear.
He looked at his window.. An idea showing up in his mind... A bad idea.. "We need to leave... I mean... Let's just get out of here... " he said quietly.
It pained him to think such thing.. He looked at the window and then at the door. «What's even the point of staying here...? Maybe mom won't be so angry if I leave.. » he thought.
He took a small backpack, a blue one with dragons on it. He took his teddy bear with him. In order to «fool» his mother he put some toys and pillows under the covers so it will look like his sleeping..
He took some bedsheets and curtains, tied them on bed and climbed out of the window. He quietly run off the streets. He stopped for a while and looked back at his home.
He didn't know where he was going... He just left. A few tears rolled down his cheeks.. He looked ahead and just run off.. Leaving his home and family behind.
Back to Magda, Julio and Fenix.
They had just finished eating. It was oddly quiet. She expected her son to come and eat. His food was getting cold. She looked at her husband and he looked at the clock, then at her and he nodded.
She ascended the stairs. It was quiet. A feeling of dread weighting her heart. She knocked on the door "Penta? I'm sorry... Could we please talk?".. Silence.. "You have every right to be upset. Can we just talk? Mi hijo.. Perdóname..." she said. Still silence... "Im coming in" she entered and walked towards the bed. "Oh you are sleeping?" she said.
She walked towards him "Penta darling come to eat..." still no answer "Come on!" she was getting slightly annoyed.
She removed the covers only to find out clothes, pillows and toys ... She looked around the room. "Penta?" she asked... Now she felt fear..
Silence. For parents silence was never good. "Mi hijo?!" she shouted, looking around the place, voice trembling. Penta was nowhere. She noticed the window opened, the curtains waving on the wind. She looked out of the window only then she realized what had happened.
She panicked "oh.. no.. JULIO!! OUR SON IS NOT HERE! OUR BOY IS NOT HERE!" she screamed. Julio run upstairs. He looked at the room and he swore under his breath. She took her husband, her son and went to find him. "Let's go find him! He can't go far!" she said. The three of them entered in the car and started looking for him, praying that he will be safe.
Back to Penta
Penta was walking around the streets. At some point he reached a playground. They weren't many people around. He decided to go play a little. He sat in the swing "Come on bro! Pu- (push me)" he looked behind him. Fenix was nowhere. His smile slowly disappeared "Oh...right.. They are not here..." he lowered his eyes.
He played alone for a while lost in thoughts.. No, no it wasn't the same without them. He looked at his teddy "Come on.. let's go... It's not fun.."
He walked down the beach, "Teddy look the beach". He walked by the coast and a little below he saw a family playing and having fun. He stopped and sighed. A wave of sadness covered his body. He turned around and left.
He was walking around the streets the sun setting behind the mountains. At some point his stomach rumbled.
"Oh right... I didn't eat... I don't have enough money... I guess... Oh... It's getting late... Maybe I should go home... Maybe I should have listened to mom, talk to her...it was a bad idea to come here alone...Yet with what face Am I gonna appear? What do you say teddy?
Hey don't give me this look teddy...
Ugh fine.. I'll go back... She will ground me for sure... At least I'm gonna be in my bed and eat my mom's food. Well first I'm gonna eat the chancla and then her food. Okay... I will go back.. and.. apologize...".
He decided to return home. The thing is.. He didn't know which way to go. He facepalmed "Ugh..which way did I come?.. Was it that way..? Or... Uhm.. Teddy..? Which way was it?
You don't know?! Really?! Why am I having you here?!
ugh fine I'll try find it". He kept walking..
Back to Magda, Julio and Fenix
They drove around the city for some hours and still not a trace of him. Magda decided to walked around the place for some time. She kept asking "Have you seen this boy?" most of them shook their heads no. She panicked. Fear, disappointment, dread shown on her brown eyes..
After many tries one woman walked towards her and said "Excuse me ma'am I saw this little boy by the public market, close to the park and the beach". The woman gave her directions. Magda thanked her"thank you so much!!" hope sparkled in her eyes.
Julio and Fenix looked around as well with no luck. Magda called him and said where to go. They went there. They looked around the place and saw nothing. It was late.
She found a man (Carlos) and woman (Angelica) who were cooking "Have you seen this boy?" they shook their heads no. Magda close her eyes for mere seconds, the hope she had, had just faded.
She gave them some money "If you see him, he hasn't eaten anything, please cook something for him. Here is my phone as well" they nodded their heads.
Magda's eyes teared up. Julio and Fenix hugged her "We will find him". Fenix admitted that he broke the vase and he blamed penta for it, that he began annoying him and he started it. Magda gave him a stern look but she decided that they should solve this later..
They kept searching around the place.
Back to Penta
Penta was getting tired by walking around. The temperature on the atmosphere was low. He regretted leaving home. He hugged himself. He was thirsty and hungry. He sat down on a bench. He covered his face with his hands...
He looked around, there were trees and lattices. "Wait... This place looks familiar.. Oh! Im at the public market well close enough and - what's this smell... So beautiful..." He found a woman and a man there, cooking. Whatever they were cooking smelled nice for sure!
He was at a distance and ran towards them as fast as he could. He tripped and fell down, scratching his knees and elbow. He took a deep breath and got up. He walked slowly close to them. He looked at the coins..
He didn't have enough money how is he going to pay?
He looked at them and then at the ground.. He was about to leave.. However Carlos called him
"Hey you? Come here! I'll make you something." Penta looked at Carlos "I don't have any money sir". Angélica said "It doesn't matter kid, sit there". He sat down and waited patiently.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you so nice?" Penta asked.
"We are not" Angelica spoke while cooking.
"Your parents and a younger boy were looking for you" Carlos said.
"They love you!" Angelica spoke softly.
When she finished cooking, she offered him his meal. Shrimps with rice.
"Eat so they can come pick you up and don't do something like this again!! You were lucky you weren't killed!"
"Gracias!" he began eating. Damn it tasted so good. He teared up a little bit.
Carlos called the family "We have the boy here, we cooked him something as we promised. You may come!"
Magda finished talking "Okay, yeah I know how to come there we aren't far away! Yes, thank you so much!"
Magda, Julio and Fenix hugged each other "Gracias Dios!!! Let's go take our boy back" Julio said and began driving.
After a whole adventure the family reunited.
Penta was sitting on the table. He heard his mother's voice and looked up.
"My son!" she said. He saw his family and run at his mother's arms "mom... MOM! DAD! HERMANITO!"
They hugged him "Im sorry..." he said "I'm sorry too!".
She hugged him. They thanked them and went home, the way back was silent, Fenix hugged Penta and apologized.
When he reached home he took a shower and put on fresh washed clothes. He was sure he is escaping punishment. He walked into the kitchen. Fenix was there. Soon Magda and Julio came.
"Fénix please leave the room.." her voice sternly. Fenix looked at Penta who was looking on the floor.
Fénix exited the room and Julio close the door.
Julio calmly walked closer and hugged him tightly "WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?! WE LOVE YOU! WHAT WOULD WE DO IF SOMETHING BAD WAS HAPPENING TO YOU?! DAMMIT?! HUH?! DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE!! TO SCARE US AGAIN LIKE THIS! YOU UNDERSTAND?!" his voice strictly. Penta nodded he attempted to speak but Julio raised his hand "Silence! Let you mother speak!", Penta obeyed.
Magda spoke
"I am sorry.. You are still a child and you are still learning that's true. Im trying my best. I love you the same! My love for both of you is equal! Both of you are a part of me and your father. I'm sorry If I was harsh on you. I shouldn't unleash my stress on you. I love you and I.. We want the best for you and your brother! You are my babies.. Our babies! Promise me you won't do this again. That you will tell me everything!" when she was done she gave him permission to speak.
"I'm sorry mom! I'm trying to be a good son for you..... You blamed me for things that wasn't my fault. I accept your apology. I promise I won't do it again. We will talk and I'm sorry... It was a mistake I won't make again".
"You are still grounded" they said in unison. He shrugged "At least I'm here with you, dad and my brother".
He spent a few days grounded. At least he was home with his loved ones.
The End! 😘
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crisischild92 · 5 years
My Butterfly (A Lucha Brothers Fanfic)
Relationship: Rey Fenix/Original Female Character, Pentagon Jr./Original Female Character
Age: 18+
Summary: Pentagon Jr. is sick with the flu. Fenix sends him home for his wife to take care of him but Pentagon cannot hold onto the secret that he has carried for so long
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, blow jobs and belittling women. Mild illness. Unrequited love.
Tumblr media
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Fenix Masterlist
Fics marked with * are 18+ only, more than likely featuring sexual content
Long Night *
Pawn *
30 Minutes *
My Everything
Just Short *
Fenix/FC/Pentagon Jr.
Between Brothers *
Remote *
Switch *
Watching *
Time to Play (continuation of Watching) *
Adios *
Just One Night *
Which One? *
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ayellowbirds · 2 years
state of the system, edit 2024/9/04
There's been a LOT of additions to the system, over the past few months! A mix of stress, and developments in our comfort being ourselves due to internal work.
2024 really seems to be the Year of the Fictive for us. Welcome, Harley and Scarlet!
@autobots-one-half: the Wreckers subsystem: Arcee¹, Concord, Hammerdown, Horsepower, and Mayday
@chateau-maupertuis: Fenix, Sienna, Rey (short for Reynartine), any pronouns. Pansexual fox of many names.
@dzhukhe: Kerys Freeman*, it/its or she/her. Pansexual lumin gyne.
@exit-running: Lina Inverse, she/her. Bisexual female fictive, first fronted completely by surprise on May 17th, 2024.
@faxedstar: Shavit MiBeyt-Halley, co/com or they/them. Asexual nonbinary coronis.
@flowerhurricane: Lita, she/her. Human woman, biromantic asexual. First fronted 2023/12/6
@fraylin: Aidel*** RS, she/her. Near-human woman, possibly bi? bisexual.
@galaxycrowned: Taylor Barzelay, she/her. Transbian superheroine fictive, first fronted properly on May 29, 2024.
@golemgirlgoop: Rainbow Taylor, it/its or she/her or they/them. Lesbian demigirl golem, median subsystem.
@gothamgirlie: Harley, she/her. Fictive of nonspecific source media. Don't talk to her about the 2019 cartoon.
@gymnosome: Sera (short for Serafina) and Ocean, the Café Sub-Subsystem. Both she/her fictives; a butch lesbian and shoregender trixensexual demigirl ghost. Fronted for the first time May 19 and 20.
@hebephage: Ran, she/her bisexual kijin, fictive² median subsystem.
@luckyno13: Sophie/Sophia, she/her small anthro cat. First fronted completely by surprise on April 6, 2024.
@neveyleh: Miriam** "Bone" Bowen, any pronouns. Genderfluid human (corpse), sexuality is "yes".
@notarockyet: Maia, young (60 years old, older than our body) troll maiden. Fronted briefly in the mornings for a few weeks of February 2024 before properly spending time in front March 7th. She/her.
@okonomiyakimeansiloveyou: Raleigh Westchurch, he/him or she/her (alternating) bigender bisexual fictive. Made himself known for a while before she properly took front February 5th of 2024.
@playplayplayletsplay: Sitari, she/her. Magical girl fictive puppy. Fronted properly for the first time on June 8th, 2024.
@responsiblyirresponsible: Justine Wakely Tylor, she/her. Trans woman fictive, sexuality is a noncommittal hand-wave. First turned up in headspace a while after Aidel, but only recently started fronting for more than a few minutes.
@sungsingsanguine: Scarlet, she/her. Heroic!Himiko fictive heavily inspired by the fanfic Adalheidis but with some notes of other sources.
@ultra-intergalactic-cybot-g: Marina Liteyears, she/her synthetic fictive. Turned up 7/12/24.
@urukuduk: Sylviandrine Augustina Attercop, fae/faer or she/her. Bisexual woman, orc/halfling mix.
¹: I turned up 8/15/2023! I was around in the background of headspace for a while but nobody was sure who I was until I pushed to front.
² Ran has been hiding in-system for a while (we're not entirely sure how long), but only actually fronted for the first time on 9/9/23
*: Kerys didn't have a surname, so it asked its husband Haskell for his. This caused Haskell to briefly bluescreen, it was cute as fuck.
**: Fuck yeah! That's me, I'm not new but the realization that I'm my own damn person is.
***: Aidel is a fictive but felt anxious about using the name she had in her source media since this body is of European/Mediterranean Jewish ancestry and she's from an anime/manga/LN franchise. She showed up completely unexpectedly on December 2, 2022.
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