#rex sanctus
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Thinking about Rex Sanctus and how the only thing holy about a man-made saint is the way people are deluded into believing in them. About how each character functions as a breakdown of chronic illness or masking or gender or complicated family relationships, how every single person is a victim to the beliefs forced upon them. About how the only way they can survive is if they put aside their prejudices and their pre-formed beliefs and pay attention to what they’re up against instead of brushing it off as extremist nonsense. About how names are just as much a prophecy as they are a burden, how being forced into belief can be ruinous. GOD IS COMING HELL IS HERE. Nobody makes it out alive.
#slooowly getting back into creating original wips and I grrrrr woof bark#playing with how christianity is forced upon people and made to be the default and how there is no escape from its reach#and then flipping it around! Jesus died for your sins? you’re going to die for a Saint’s.#holiness is self defined and holiness is not rigid and the people who believe they are holy have the most blood on their hands#I’m not doing RS the justice it deserves but MAN am I having fun working on it#horror novels my beloved :]#rex sanctus#cats.writes
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@glimpsesofeuterpe replied to your post “Religious Leader Rex is all kinds of fucked up,...”:
cultist guru rex woah 👀
Oh you have no idea how many thoughts I have about this. Cult Leader Rex has been on my mind for a whiiile
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Blazblue ASMR
Some of the stages in Blazblue are so beautiful...
I was playing around without the HUD to make a match intro for one of my videos; enjoy the "outtakes"
#tsubaki yayoi#blazblue central fiction#blazblue continuum shift#mods#benedictus rex#blazblue#impish gypsophila#sanctus aequum
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Johannes Ockeghem (ca. 1410–1497)
Missa pro defunctis (Requiem) [(125v—136). MS Chigi C.VIII.234 (Chigi Codex). Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy]
— Introitus Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, / et lux perpetua luceat eis. // Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion, / et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem. / Exaudi orationem meam; / ad te omnis caro veniet.
— Kyrie
— Graduale Si ambulem in medio umbrae mortis, non timebo mala: quoniam tu mecum es, Domine. Virga tua et baculus tuus, ipsa me consolata sunt.
— Tractus Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum: / ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus. // Sitivit anima mea ad Deum fortem vivum: / quando veniam et apparebo ante faciem Dei? // Fuerunt mihi lacrimae meae panes die ac nocte, / dum dicitur mihi quotidiae: Ubi est Deus tuus?
— Offertorium Domine, Iesu Christe, Rex gloriae, / libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum / de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu. / Libera eas de ore leonis, / ne absorbeat eas tartarus, / ne cadant in obscurum. / Sed signifer sanctus Michael / repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam, / quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini ejus.Hostias et preces tibi, / Domine, laudis offerimus. / Tu suscipe pro animabus illis / quarum hodie memoriam facimus. // Fac eas, Domine, / de morte transire ad vitam, / quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini eius.
_ Ockeghem – Requiem / Missa Mi-Mi The Hilliard Ensemble (1985, His Master's Voice – 27 0098 1)
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Requiem: 1. Requiem • Requiem: 2. Куrie • Requiem: 3. Dies irae • Requiem: 4. Tuba mirum • Requiem: 5. Rex tremendae • Requiem: 6. Recordare • Requiem: 7. Lacrimosa • Requiem: 8. Domine Jesu • Requiem: 9. Hostias • Requiem: 10. Sanctus • Requiem: 11. Benedictus • Requiem: 12. Agnus Dei • Requiem: 13. Credo • Requiem: 14. Requiem • Three Sacred Hymns: No. 1, Hail Mary, Full of Grace • Three Sacred Hymns: No. 2, Lord Jesus Christ • Three Sacred Hymns: No. 3, The Lord’s Prayer
Spotify ♪ Youtube
#hyltta-polls#polls#artist: alfred schnittke#artist: moscow state academic chamber choir & timofei golberg#language: latin#decade: 2020s#Contemporary Classical#Classical#Avant-Garde#20th Century Classical
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i'm going to go back to playing pen.acony in a bit and catch up on the game overall, but before i do, i have some plots i want. well, more general ideas, but it's hopefully something people can bounce off of.
• yaksha!chongyun. i loved that verse on my solo blog, and i'm missing it something fierce. basically, chongyun is a missing cryo yaksha, sealed up by rex lapis to hide his identity for eons as a way to prevent him from getting torn apart by the karmic debt. in current times, chongyun is regaining their memory of being a yaksha little by little.
• kami meeting back up with the other harbingers. since he is canon divergent and never went through the magic tree, there's plenty of opportunity for angst there. i really want him to reunite with the others and have that delicious juicy angst and betrayal.
• i want to go very deep into kazuha's life during the vision hunt decree. his life before he became a wanted man, his life during, and how he's coping after. i already have one thread going during this period, but i want more.
• more chongyun in general. i love this exorcist and you will too if you let me show you what they're capable of!
• harbinger era kaminari. scaramouche. i want to dive more into the stinky bastard that he was and find out what makes him tick.
• will think of more.
• i want to explore kami's story more. how he feels about the stelleron hunters, how he feels about pena.cony, and his fear of the luofu in general and his own role in sanctus medicus.
• more chongyun in general. i've necglected the poor boy and want to explore them in hsr overall. please i beg
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Camille Saint-Saëns ( 1835-1921 ) - Requiem, Op.54
For choir, organ & orchestra, performed by 'l'Orchestre National d' Île de France' : conductors : Jacques MERCIER and Michel PIQUEMAL :
'Choeur Régional VITTORIA d'Île de France' : - Françoise Pollet, soprano - Magali Chalmeau-Damonte, mezzo-soprano - Jean-Luc Viala, ténor - Nicolas Rivenq, baryton
REQUIEM ( 1877 ) - 1 Requiem Kirie 2 Dies Irae 3 Rex Tremendae 4 Oro Supplex 5 Hostias 6 Sanctus 7 Benedictus 8 Agnus
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In Nativitate Domini ad secundam Missam. In auroram.
Introitus (Lux fulgebit) Graduale (Benedictus qui venit) Alleluia (Dominus regnavit) Offertorium (Deus enim firmavit) Communio (Exsulta filia Sion)
Introitus (Is. 9, 2 u. 6) Lux fulgebit hodie super nos: quia natus est nobis Dominus: et vocabitur Admirabilis, Deus, Princeps pacis, Pater futuri sæculi: cujus regni non erit finis. (Ps. 92, 1) Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est: indutus est Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se.
Graduale (Ps. 117, 26 27 u. 23) Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini: Deus Dominus, et illuxit nobis. Domino factum est istud: et est mirabile in oculis nostris.
Alleluja. (Ps. 92, 1) Dominus regnavit, decorem induit: induit Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se virtute. Alleluja.
Offertorium (Ps. 92, 1 - 2) Deus firmavit orbem terræ, qui non commovebitur: parata sedes tua, Deus, ex tunc, a sæculo tu es.
Communio (Zach. 9,9) Exsulta, filia Sion, lauda, filia Jerusalem: ecce, Rex tuus venit sanctus et Salvator mundi.
_ Gregorian Chant for the Church Year Choralschola der Wiener Hofburgkapelle. P. Hubert Dopf S.J. (1991, Philips – 432 089-2)
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Noble inglés, que vivió en el siglo VIII, padre de tres santos: Villibaldo, Vunibaldo y Valburga, evangelizadores en Alemania. Era un hombre de oración, que tenía una gran veneración por la Sagrada Familia. Peregrino en Roma, muere en su camino de regreso a Lucca.
San Ricardo el Sajón (El peregrino de Tierra santa)
San Ricardo el Sajón: de los caminantes, montañeros y peregrinos
Más que como rey, Ricardo debiera ser venerado como un santo peregrino y no solamente esto, sino que por derecho propio le corresponde el patronazgo de todos los caminantes, montañeros y peregrinos
En Inglaterra, antes de Ricardo Corazón nacido el 8 de septiembre de 1157 y muerto el 6 de abril en Francia, no había no había existido rey alguno con este nombre. Esto es históricamente constatable, por ello resulta muy chocante que el Martirologio Romano Antiguo nos hable de un personaje que vivió e en el siglo VIII con la denominación de “sanctus Richardus rex Anglorum”, en clara referencia a Ricardo el Sajón. Todo hace suponer que el título de rey que se le atribuye no es más que una atribución generosa por parte de sus conciudadanos, aún con todo se le sigue incluyendo en la lista de los “Reyes Santos” pero en realidad se trataría de un Reyezuelo, Noble o Señor de un gran feudo, eso sí, querido y respetado por su gestión de gobierno y que fue también admirado por sus virtudes cristianas lo que le mereció ser reconocido santo por aclamación popular.
Ricardo había nacido en Wessex, posiblemente en la segunda mitad del siglo VII, sin que se sepa con precisión y habría muerto en el año 722 en Lucca (Italia). También es lógico suponer es que fue un esposo solícito y padre amoroso, un varón responsable en definitiva, cabeza de familia ejemplar que supo transmitir estos valores a toda su familia, conocida como la familia de Wessex. No solo él sino todos los miembros de esta familia son venerados como santos; su esposa Wunna, posiblemente hermana de S. Bonifacio y sus tres hijos Winebaldo Wilibaldo y Walpurga. Pocos cabezas de familia han tenido ese privilegio de conformar una familia en la que más que hogar debía parecer un templo. No hay noticias, pero yo me imagino que en una familia así hasta la misma servidumbre se contagiaría del ambiente y al menos alguno de ellos llegaría también a alcanzar la santidad, porque el ejemplo acaba arrastrando.
Ricardo el Sajón
Si hubiera que destacar un hecho trascendente en la vida de Ricardo el Sajón este sería sin duda el peregrinaje emprendido en la primavera del año 720 para ir a Roma a venerar las sagradas reliquias de los santos apóstoles y conocer al papa San Gregorio y visitar los santos lugares de Tierra Santa acompañado de dos de su hijos Wilibaldo y Winebaldo. Toda una aventura en aquellos tiempos para la que hacía falta valor, fe, dinero y de todo ello andaba sobrado Ricardo. Salieron del Hamble, realizando una travesía por el Sena para desembocar en Rouen, donde visitaron varios santuarios franceses, todo parecía ir divinamente, de aquí salieron para Roma, pero sucedió algo inesperado, en la villa francesa de Lucca, Ricardo enfermó y murió inesperadamente. Fue sepultado en la iglesia de san Freudiano; allí habrían de quedar sus restos y su memoria celebrada por sus devotos admiradores. La crónica de este viaje quedó reflejada en un libro titulado “La vida de S. Wilibaldo, escrito por la religiosa Ugeburc. Según la tradición fueron muchos los milagros que en torno a su tumba tuvieron lugar, lo que como suele suceder fue motivo de ensalzamiento. Los hijos continuaron su camino convirtiéndose en apóstoles evangelizadores, lo cual contribuyó para la mayor gloria de su padre. Más que como rey, Ricardo debiera ser venerado como un santo peregrino y no solamente esto, sino que por derecho propio le corresponde el patronazgo de todos los caminantes, montañeros y peregrinos.
Reflexión desde el contexto actual:
Podíamos decir que de tal palo tal astilla, o mejor dicho: al final uno acaba practicando lo que ve. Para que luego digan que la familia es una institución que ha quedado obsoleta y que ya no sirve para nada. Ni las guarderías, ni las escuelas, ni las catequesis, podrán suplir nunca la labor formativa de la familia. Desgraciadamente en nuestra sociedad los hijos sufren de orfandad, primero aprendieron a crecer sin padres y luego posteriormente se han visto obligados a crecer también sin madre, porque ni al padre y a la madre les queda tiempo para pasarlo en familia todos juntos.
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yes baby youre so Introitus Kyrie Sequentia a Dies irae Tuba mirum Rex tremendae Recordare Confutatis Lacrymosa Offertorium Domine Jesu Hostias Sanctus Benedictus Agunus Dei Communio, now take your pills
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Jehovah creates a blinding light, piercing the nowhere mortals all at once, seeing them as more of an issue than he first thought. The angels sing, loudly in one, making the light more devastating. The light pulls the nowhere mortals under, and they begin to drown in all that is holy. The angels cry out together.
"Namedurgon! Namedurgon! Namedurgon! Gedurmeddongon pagraph gisgnagraph vehgondruxged! Sanctus! Sanctus! Sanctus! Gloria rex est! Namedurgon! Namedurgon! Namedurgon! Gedurmeddongon pagraph gisgnagraph vehgondruxged! Sanctus! Sanctus! Sanctus! Gloria rex est! Namedurgon! Namedurgon! Namedurgon! Gedurmeddongon pagraph gisgnagraph vehgondruxged! Sanctus! Sanctus! Sanctus! Gloria rex est!"
The multiverse is full of infinite possibilities...
Most worlds tend to connect through similar builds. Through stories, people, themes...
It's no surprise seeing a stranger to the multiverse. What IS surprising, however, was his condition. Covered in deep wounds, limbs twisted and torn, and he appeared to be drowning in his own blood by the time he was found. Holy weapons were embedded in his skin, and the flesh sizzled liked bacon around it.
He had red skin, gray hooves, horns that looked far too round and circular to have normally grown out of his head. His long pointed tail is covered in hand prints, and there are bones exposed out of his back. He lays face first in a pool of his own boiling blood, barely breathing or moving.
Cry’s come from the mass amounts of strangers, many just back away to cowedly to do anything, but a few step up, and begin to heal him. Mainly the younger, less evil Malak’s, a few Doug’s that are just simply concerned, and only one Bierce.
Dream Malak very hurriedly takes him to his hospital, with the help of the others.
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Cult leader rex and cult leader raphael should fight homosexual style
YES. They should.
It starts at them calling each other flukes in their speeches and ends with them doing a lot of Bible Discussion Study and Meetings.
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Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605) Missa Pro defunctis [Missarum senis et octonis vocibus. Liber primus. (Angelo Gardano, Venice, 1607.)]
– I. Introitus: Requiem aeternam Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, / et lux perpetua luceat eis. / Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion, / et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem. / Exaudi orationem meam; / ad te omnis caro veniet. / Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine / et lux perpetua luceat eis.
– II. Kyrie.
– III. Graduale: Si ambulem. Si ambulem in medio umbrae mortis, non timebo mala: quoniam tu mecum es, Domine. Virga tua et baculus tuus, ipsa me consolata sunt.
– IV. Sequentia: Dies irae Dies iræ, dies illa, / Solvet sæclum in favilla, / Teste David cum Sibylla! / Quantus tremor est futurus, / quando iudex est venturus, / cuncta stricte discussurus! // Tuba mirum spargens sonum / per sepulcra regionum, / coget omnes ante thronum. / Mors stupebit et Natura, / cum resurget creatura, / iudicanti responsura. / Liber scriptus proferetur, / in quo totum continetur, / unde Mundus iudicetur. / Iudex ergo cum sedebit, / quidquid latet apparebit, / nil inultum remanebit. / Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? / Quem patronum rogaturus, / cum vix iustus sit securus? // Rex tremendæ maiestatis, / qui salvandos salvas gratis, / salva me, fons pietatis. // Recordare, Iesu pie, / quod sum causa tuæ viæ; / ne me perdas illa die. / Quærens me, sedisti lassus, / redemisti crucem passus, / tantus labor non sit cassus. / Iuste Iudex ultionis, /donum fac remissionis / ante diem rationis. // Ingemisco, tamquam reus, / culpa rubet vultus meus, / supplicanti parce Deus. / Qui Mariam absolvisti, / et latronem exaudisti, / mihi quoque spem dedisti. / Preces meæ non sunt dignæ, / sed tu bonus fac benigne, / ne perenni cremer igne. / Inter oves locum præsta, / et ab hædis me sequestra, / statuens in parte dextra. // Confutatis maledictis, / flammis acribus addictis, / voca me cum benedictis. / Oro supplex et acclinis, / cor contritum quasi cinis, / gere curam mei finis. // Lacrimosa dies illa, / qua resurget ex favilla / iudicandus homo reus. / Huic ergo parce, Deus. / Pie Iesu Domine, / dona eis requiem. // Amen.//
– V. Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe Domine, Iesu Christe, Rex gloriae, / libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum / de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu. / Libera eas de ore leonis, / ne absorbeat eas tartarus, / ne cadant in obscurum. / Sed signifer sanctus Michael / repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam, / quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini ejus.
– VI. Sanctus
– VII. Agnus Dei
– VIII. Communio: Lux aeterna Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, / cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, / quia pius es. / Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, / et lux perpetua luceat eis: / Cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.
Orazio Vecchi – Requiem. Rubens's Funeral And The Antwerp Baroque. Graindelavoix. Björn Schmelzer (2017, Glossa – GCD P32113)
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Misc. OC/Character Things 22/???
Incorrect Quotes feat. SnapCube Real-Time Sonic Fandub quotes:
Zura and Ayame: *arguing in the hospital over Ayame challenging Owen to a fight*
Rex: Can you guys, like, stop having relationship issues while I’m on the phone with my dentist?
Lugina: Do you think I’ve been a dick to everybody?
Lachesis: *stares at him*
Lugina: I need you to answer me, please! Please tell me I’m a good person. Please, deep down, just tell me I’m a good person.
Lachesis: *sighs*
Lachesis: Bitch...You have been SO fucking rude. To EVERYONE. All the time.
*shortly after the Seltavia Epilogue*
Argus, backing away slowly, then running away: Top 30 Reasons Why Argus is Sorry. Number 5 Will Surprise You.
Shannon, running after him: Top 30 Anime Deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW.
Haruto: Honestly, I’m not fucking with any more RedBoxes. Last time I did, it spit a bunch of Zel Coins at me.
Ren: Wait, you don’t put quarters in there.
#Rubi says things#Zura Fontaine#Ayame Sorano#Rex Sanctus Crux#Lachesis Parcae#Lugina Beil#Shannon Ramona Maher#Argus Lyon#Haruto Hawthorn#Renata Diés Crux
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