#rex cody echo fives anon
clone-anon · 1 year
Your writing is absolutely amazing!! It makes my heart melt! I stumbled on your blog while looking for GN/masc and/or platonic stuff and was absolutely thrilled!
If it's not too much trouble could I request a small platonic drabble with Rex, Cody, and the twins? Maybe like helping their transmasc little brother figure with their dysphoria? If not I completely get it ofc! Thank you so much for at least reading this! ^^
Hello! Thank you for your kind words! I hope it's okay for me to answer here instead of in an ask so I can have the prompt right in front of me.
This is my first time really writing for multiple clones at once (except for some minor cameos) in this capacity anyway. I hope I did an okay job.
You sat at the table with Echo and Fives, both trying to eat some breakfast while you tugged at your shirt. Rex and Cody both looked up from their meals. It hadn't gotten past them that you were seeming less comfortable in your own skin and they were smart enough to guess why. This was new territory for them, but they wanted to help someone they all considered a friend, and more recently, had come to see as a brother.
"You know, I, uh," Rex cleared his throat and looked at you, "Well I need to shave this down," he rubbed his hand over his head, "and I was going to help Cody with a trim too."
"I struggle to get the back just right," Cody added.
Rex took on a tone that made it clear he was wondering if his suggestion was even helpful. "Would you also be interested in a haircut?"
You smiled a little and nodded. A change might do you some good.
Fives decided to pipe up. "Echo and I have to pick up a few shirts later. You could come with us if you'd like."
"I'd like that," you replied quietly.
You all finished eating and you followed Rex and Cody. Rex made quick work of his own hair and Cody's cut was simple enough.
"Your turn," said Cody. "How do you want it cut? We can break out the scissors too if you want to keep part of it longer."
You didn't have to think very long. You knew what you wanted it to look like, but were afraid you'd mess it up yourself. Rex nodded as you described what you wanted. You and Cody watched as he went to work. You felt nervous at first, but the end result was everything you could have hoped for.
"What do you think," asked Rex.
"Looks great," said Cody.
Rex rolled his eyes. "Yes, thanks, but you weren't the person I was directing the question towards."
Cody just grinned while you replied with a huge smile. "It looks perfect."
You ran your hand over your head a few times, feeling the new length of hair and correlating it to the person you saw in the mirror. Your own reflection a little more in line with who you knew you were.
Echo and Fives showed up in the door way.
"Looks great," said Echo with a smile. "Ready to go?"
You nodded and thanked Rex and Cody before heading off.
The boys weren't ones for taking their time shopping. They knew what they wanted and bought it, but today was different because they wanted to give you a chance to figure out what worked for you. Fives pointed out some clothes that he liked and why he liked them. Echo held everything you and Fives gave him for you to try. Although there was no one else around, they stood in front of the dressing room while you were in there. When you came out to look in the mirror, they both stood behind you, shielding you during this new experience, like it was just the three of you.
They asked you questions about each article of clothing. What you liked, what you didn't, so they could help more effectively. Once you had some new clothes picked out, you headed past some soaps and deodorant. You looked at the items on the shelf but didn't say anything.
"Pick one," said Fives.
"Or pick many," countered Echo.
You picked up a few items, removing the caps and trying to figure out what scents felt like you. The boys waited and gave you space to think about it. You selected two.
On your way back you thanked them for their support on the outing.
"Any time," replied Fives.
"You might not be a clone," said Echo, "but you're still our brother."
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
Lady Vee: how the lovely gents take their coffee or tea? I see Cody’s choice being all black. Rex maybe cream with no sugar. Wolffe also all black or cream and no sugar. Jesse maybe almond milk or something.
Ahhh I love asks like this 🤍 They’re so wholesome.
Totally agree about Cody’s choice is black coffee.
Fox's favorite coffee is free coffee. He's a no frills kind of person. You can keep the foam, syrup, and toppings - just give him the coffee.
I don’t think Rex or Gregor are big coffee people. They'll drink whatever is available.
Although if the option is there, Rex will get a fancy frappuccino. Not because he likes it, but because it reminds him of when he first met Ahsoka. She would drag him to the local coffee stand to get a sugary frappuccino.
Wolffe loves a good cappuccino. He doesn't mind a little bit of cream, as long as the coffee is hot. Wolffe detests iced coffee.
On the other hand, Jesse loves a good cold brew. It doesn't matter where, Jesse will always have an iced coffee. He could be stationed on Hoth and still drink his cold brew.
Tup is the latte lover - his favorites are a lavender latte or matcha latte. He also likes teas, especially Southern iced teas.
Echo and Fives have a tradition of getting Cuban cafecitos before big missions. It's their favorite place to go when on shore leave. Loves a nice lavender latte or matcha latte.
Kix prefers tea over coffee (he can't stand coffee breath), and drinks more tea than water. But his guilty pleasure is an energy drink. And not even the pseudo healthy energy drinks like Celcius. No. He wants a classic Monster or Redbull.
also tagging @samspenandsword cos her fic The Coffee House is *chef's kiss* and she's an expert about clones and their coffee orders
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five-oh-thirst · 4 months
I'm Thirsty, and I made this blog to freely release all of my unhinged love for cloneship.
It's sad that the Clone Wars community has such a deep hatred for cloneshipping, and to be honest, when I first joined the fandom, I was in that circle of "hate". It was all I knew.
However, over time, I started to fall in love with the idea. Unfortunately, by the time I realized I was a closet cloneshipper, it was too late. My followers were many, and I was in too deep with my fans and readers. I'd lose all of them if I ever came out of the closet.
Some of you may know me as [👤 Incognito Anon], and others may not know me at all because I never signed my anon ask, but I've been loving everything you content creators have been making; the art, the fics, the headcanons, and this wonderful community.
So, I made an entirely new Tumblr account, away from my "non-ship" account, to be free. I may not push out any content, I may just reblog and love on other's content, but I hope you'll let me be part of your world 🫶🏻
With love, Thirsty 💙
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Oh, no, I started writing...
Mine - Jesse/Kix - [Parts 1/2]
18+, NSFW, omegaverse, rape/non-con, whump
In Your Head - Fox/Thorn
18+, character death, alcohol, hallucinations, whump
My favorite cloneships:
Jesse/Kix (otp)
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fionajames · 2 months
I dare you to write the most wholesome, amazing disaster trio fluff ever
Flocks of Fireflies
A/N: Ayyy, thank you so much for the request, anon, I hope this lives up to your expectations. I apologise for how long it took me, I wanted to make it THE BEST that I could. Not sure how I went, to be honest. Anyway, please leave comments and send requests, it means a lot to me. And most importantly; ENJOY READING ! ! !
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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Darkness coated Ahsoka’s body in velvety contentment as she ducked and weaved through the brush and flora, relying on the hazy vision courtesy of her nocturnal ancestors as her guide. The forest was dark and would have been frightening, if not for the waterfall of giggles falling from her lips with every frequent glance behind her.
The first time Ahsoka had played hide and seek - or the first time she could remember - was a game with her Youngling clan. They’d been allowed a large area of the Temple to hide in, with certain restrictions with different rooms, but it had been wonderful. She’d climbed a pillar and hidden in a tiny corner between the top of the pillar and ceiling, and been one of the last found.
The dark, harsh burning of the war that raged through every soldier’s being like a blistering fire was hard to escape, bright red and empty void at every turn, blood and screaming, death and maim, and defeat. And so her Master and Obi-Wan had devised a series of different games they could play to keep their minds off the horror all around them.
And soon, some of their Clones would join in. 
Today’s game consisted of Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Waxer and Boil. The night was a nice content temperature and the forest was thick, yet rather safe compared to some of the other terrain they’d experienced. 
And so Ahsoka continued, searching for her place of hiding.
The real competition was of course her fellow Jedi, with the Force by their side, and unfortunately it was Anakin’s turn to seek. He usually found a way to cheat. 
Which was why Ahsoka now had two hands firmly gripping a rope of vine, gazing out at a chasm etched deep into the ground ahead. The vine was attached to the branches of a tree overhanging the chasm, approximately midway over the abyss.
The rule was that you had to tag the person you’d found to declare them ‘found’, otherwise they were not yet eliminated. It made things difficult, especially when you had Fives and Anakin playing in the same game.
Swinging over the chasm and hanging there was not something Ahsoka fancied doing, and the other side of the deep gash in the earth was the boundary. Instead she began to climb up the vines easily, slinking into the dense foliage above. 
The rough bark of the elderly tree cut at her palms, but they were mere grazes and light enough to heal quickly. She scampered along a thick branch, two feet on the tree and standing upright, her arms shot out straight to keep her balance. Once she’d gained enough balance, her arms dropped to her side, unafraid of the drop below. 
Vines around her curled around her frame as she delved deeper into their cover, climbing higher and higher, and further away from the tree’s trunk and the edge. 
Grasping a branch in one hand and a vine in the other, Ahsoka pulled herself up onto a branch. Her eyes widened when she’d relaxed onto the bark and she realised her montrals were brushing the last leaves of the top of the tree.
Without hesitation, she stood up with ease, and her jaw fell slack at the sight ahead.
The forest ran on for miles with no visible end, bright green and dotted with other eye-catching colours, more like an artwork than a natural growth of flora. The tree she was perched upon seemed to be the tallest she could see, but there were other trees that reached similar heights.
But the real beauty were the bioluminescent insects flying slowly through the air, lighting up the entire forest from above. Ahsoka hadn’t even noticed them on her way up into the tree, perhaps because she’d been so aware of the mental countdown until Anakin began his hunt ringing in her head. 
The fireflies were a bright gold, and there were so many of them that Ahsoka wondered momentarily what they ate to sustain what appeared to be millions of the little insects. A singular little firefly lazily flew over Ahsoka’s shoulder, and came to rest on her forearm, before taking over a moment later.
Swarms of them flying slowly over her head were like starships, or perhaps even shooting stars. They moved like one giant creature, never out of sync or one flying at a different pace than the others. It was mesmerising, and unlike anything she’d ever seen before.
Distantly, she heard what sounded like a groan from Waxer upon being found, but frankly, she’d long ago forgotten about the game, the peace surrounding her too calm to disrupt. 
Then the leaves of the tree rustled behind her, and a familiar mop of ginger hair parted through the green as Obi-Wan emerged from the tree’s shelter. He had a content grin on his face as he silently crawled to sit next to her on the curved branch, observing the overhead flock of fireflies as they slowly glided through the air. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Obi-Wan mused, his eyes locked on an area of the night sky completely covered by the easy traffic of the insects. Ahsoka hummed in response, leaning into his side and shifting to comfortably rest her head on his shoulder, eyelids drooping, threateningly close to shutting completely.
“We had fireflies on Shili,” she mumbled, the memory of a jar with holes poked in the lid and a few of the amber insects inside its glass walls wafting through her mind. “But not like this.”
Obi-Wan agreed with his own soft hum, reaching an arm around her back and shifting so her cheek wasn’t resting on the bone of his shoulder, stroking up and down her right arm soothingly. 
It was beautifully picturesque and content, the quiet buzz of the fireflies and the general chirp of the forest easing Ahsoka’s nerves like warm tea or a fire in the cold. The gold glow was coating her own body, and she could see out of the corner of her eye that several locks of Obi-Wan’s auburn hair dipped in the gold light.
The dull stinging from the scrapes on her palms had melted away at some point, leaving her with a gentle hum in her body that was so pleasant she feared flinching if it might drive the contentment away. Warmth licked up her bones gently as she yawned softly, pinpricks of pain stinging her eyes as the world blurred momentarily.
She didn’t fully realise how much time had passed until a familiar presence lingered near her, and Anakin appeared from the leaves and vines only metres away. He made no teasing quip or begrudging congratulations, only smiled softly. She would’ve muttered something playfully about his unusual gentleness if it wasn’t for the fatigue trickling down her limbs and torso.
Wordlessly, Anakin settled down on their curved branch on Ahsoka’s right, gently shifting in place as to ensure both of his companions’ comfort. Obi-Wan yawned now, which was no surprise to the Togruta, as she was well aware he’d barely slept the last few days, spending the nights desperately scribbling down battle strategies and tactics.
They stayed there for a while longer, until the pressure bearing down on Ahsoka’s eyelids was too much to withstand and the stinging behind her eyes was too sharp to ignore. She let her eyes drift shut and not open for a few minutes. 
“I think, perhaps,” Obi-Wan yawned mid-sentence, “that we should head back to the camp.” Anakin mumbled something softly, and stood up, sliding down to a lower branch. Ahsoka let out a gentle whine that had both men chuckling faintly, before the brunet turned in place and Obi-Wan eased her onto his back. 
Ahsoka clung to Anakin, her head resting gently on his shoulder as they climbed down through the foliage, vines draping over her body as they moved. Navigating their way down the tree was the hard part, especially with Ahsoka half-asleep and clinging to Anakin, but they managed.
The trek back to the campsite was easier, with Obi-Wan walking ahead to navigate the smoothest track to not disturb the resting Padawan. When they were nearing the camp, Ahsoka mumbled softly; “can we go see the fireflies tomorrow night?”
Neither male had the heart to say no to the gentle tenderness of her youthful whisper, and neither wished to deny the excursion either. And so they agreed gently, just as they stepped from the brush of the forest and into the clearing. 
They went to see the fireflies the next night, and the night after that, and the night after, until they were forced to depart from their current camp and move on. But none of the three would ever forget the gentle, content, humming warmth of the scene, and the fireflies that came with the memory, even if the best part was just that it was them. Them three, together.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!! Please send requests and leave comments, they mean the world to me :D
(taglist: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902, dm me if you wish to be added or removed)
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yandere-wishes · 9 months
I just found a love in your almost cult yandere clone tropes and their cyares with the Jedi blessings. I mean damn you (later than ever). I'm imagining Cody and Rex and the bad batch. Or just Cody sharing with 😉 .
You made sprout the cult follower in me.
Here at Yandere-Wishes HQ, we try to inspire the inner cult follower in all our fans. We want the dark, deranged side of all our clients to shin through and someday even start cults of their own. 💜💜
I'm very sorry for how all over the place this is, tried to section it off as best I could. I'm still incredibly jet lagged😭😭
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I think the reason behind the Jedi giving their blessing so freely to the clones comes from an inner yearning to be loved. The Jedi know their place in the universe, know that a sentiment-free life is what they must endure. Still, if those around them can be happy, then (in a selfless way befitting a Jedi) they can be happy too. Although I'm rather curious as to what would happen if say Anakin or Obi-wan fell for the cyare of their commanders. 
Personally, I think Rex and Cody would definitely share a darling. Same with Echo and Fives (and maybe Tup too). Maybe if you REALLY  want to lean into the cult aesthetic Anon, then what if each squadron has its own cyare?? A darling shared amongst all of them (That's a lot but I'm kinda only referring to the relevant troopers from each squadron 🤣🤣) it would be super cute if all her dresses were in said squadron's colors. Kinda like a personal cheerleader for them. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here lol. 
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🧡💙Being Cody and Rex's darling.
💙They're both very busy men. Constantly being deployed to the front lines. Always busy with some mission or another. They've tried to make sure at least one of them is with you, so you're never alone. It doesn't work, there are always long periods of time when you are trapped in isolation. 
🧡I truly believe that Rex and Cody's cyare wouldn't really "feel" like a "cyare", per se. Sure she doesn't have any freedom and is never permitted to make any decisions on her own. But they treat her so well, give her anything she could ever want, and they never hurt her in any way. 
💙Rex and Cody are both strict, not much leniency coming from either one. They have strict rules for they're cyare, under the pretext of keeping her safe. They've seen and experienced all the cruelties of the galaxy. And they don't want ANYTHING to ever hurt you. 
🧡Cody is more affectionate. More open with embracing and kissing you. Rex is much more reserved, stiffer. Yet he can't help but melt whenever your lips push against his. 
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501st sharing (Rex, Fives,Echo, Tup, Jesse, Hardcase and Kix)
It's honestly exhausting belonging to all of them. Constantly being pulled in every direction. Sure the 501st is one of the gentler squadrons per se. But they are smoldering, constantly wanting to touch you in some way. It also doesn't help that regardless of the mission one of them is left behind to "watch" you. Not so much out of a fear of you running away but more out of concern for your well-being. I wonder what would happen if Anakin began to develop feelings for this particular cyare.
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As for the bad batch I've yet to watch it (Although I've only heard good things) So I can't make a full observation just yet. Although I'd like to think that Hunter and Wrecker are on the "tougher" side, using force to make their cyare submit. Tech falls more into the stalker category. Take all this with a grain of salt, these ideas will 100% change once I've actually seen the show. 
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.... All this aside can you imagine Obi-Wan and Cody sharing a darling?? Or even Anakin and Rex sharing a darling?? I mean every cult needs its leader right 😉😘
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intermundia · 8 months
@ anon with the lovely hospital AU, apologies for the delay i was chewing on this for a couple days haha there's a whole season of grey's anatomy primetime soap worthy material. i love how fully you've filled out the AU with characters and unspooled all the drama. i can see why it would be difficult to write, it does have a big scope of imagination there. thank you for sharing it with meeeeeee
for everyone 700 words of lovely obikin hospital AU worldbuilding, continued beneath the cut!!
Shmi is a renowned heart surgeon. Best there is in the country (not just the state thank you very much) and she did it all while her son was young. Her grandmother (Grandma Mira) and her two cousins (Peli Moto and Beru Whitesun ) both helped her out a ton. She is admired and Skywalker is a name very well known in medical circles.
She decided to became a heart surgeon when her own mother (insert name here) died from a heart issue that no one wanted to touch surgically. Anakin was 9 years old. Anakin has his mom up on a pedestal - she is perfect and smart, the best surgeon, the best mom, she’s done it all. Anakin feels the pressure to be just as good as his mom. People expect him to be just as brilliant and successful as his mother. He expects it from himself. Shmi just wants him to be happy. Anakin is ready to start his residency at 25. His mother is in line to be chief of surgery at the hospital she works at (Twin Suns Medical Center). Its considered the hospital to intern at if you want your specialty to be heart surgery. Anakin isn’t really sure what he wants to specialize in, and he doesn’t want people to say that he got it easy during his internship. So he goes to the next best thing (it’s actually the number one hospital overall in the country but to Anakin is second to the hospital where shmi works because Shmi works there). He goes to Jedi Coruscant General Hospital. Chief Executive officer (in charge of whole hospital) : Breha Organa Chief of Surgery : Bail Organa (general surgeon) Brain Surgeon (top brain guy in the country) : Obi-Wan Kenobi 4th year resident: Padme Amidala (Anakin’s assigned resident) Heart Surgeon: Mace Windu Trauma Surgeon: Shaak Ti Pediatric Surgeon: Plo Koon Neonatal Surgeon: Siri Tachi Plastic Surgeon: Quinlan Vos Orthopedic Surgeon: Qui-Gon Jinn Head of the hospital board: Mon Mothma Cancer surgeon: Jocosta Nu Eye Surgeon: Dooku Vascular Surgeon: Wolffe Yoda - retired chief of surgery and general surgeon Anakin’s cohort: Aayla, Ferus Olin, Rex, Jesse, Echo, Fives 4th Year Residents: Sabe, Clovis, Bly 5th year residents: Depa Billaba, Bultar Swan, Cody Anakin’s running late on his first day, in the parking lot he’s too distracted trying to make sure he has everything in his bag that he bumps into a red head and spills the red head’s hot tea all of his shirt. “shit. Fuck. Sorry. Sorry.” Keeps walking but turns around to walk backwards to meet the really pretty blue eyes of the definitely pissed off red head “I owe you. I’ll bring you a … a coffee? Was it coffee during lunch. Sorry!” Ferus Olin, a childhood nemesis makes his appearance. He’s assigned to be Padme’s intern (the woman who gave him back his engagement ring when he was 22 and 27. He hadn’t realized she was back in town and that maybe it was purposeful that he didn’t know). Its turning out to be a truly shit day and then the pretty red head from the parking lot makes his appearance and anakin wants to sink into the ground. But. The red head picks him to help him with a surgery. … Its pretty much a grey’s anatomy AU. Obi-Wan and anakin start hooking up pretty much immediately. Ferus Olin and Anakin make nice and turn out to be pretty decent friends. Then. Anakin realizes that Padme had kids, with him. The twins. And never told him. 🤯. That’s smoothed over. He’s a dad now. He loves it. Obi-Wan’a supportive. Their secret relationship is starting to not be so secret anymore. Then. obi-wan’s ex wife (Satine Kryze) pop in with a kid. obi-wan’s kid. Obi-Wan never told him that he’d been married or that he had a kid. They break up. Anakin thinks about quitting. Then about transferring. Then gets side tracked because Aunt Beru (his mom’s cousin) got married and her husband’s dad was in a bad car crash. Its all hands on deck to save his life. Shmi makes an appearance at the hospital and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin is Shmi’s son 🤯 Owen’s dad makes it. Anakin and Obi-Wan make up. Their relationship is outted but everything works out. There’s other small and big dramas but thats pretty much it lol
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vincentferard · 7 months
@clone-anon here with some big brothers.
You couldn't hide that you were feeling down lately. Some days were better than others and when you hit a low rut it was hard to find the energy to reach out. It was like you wanted to, but the words wouldn't come.
Rex, Echo, Fives, and Cody were heading out for a drink tonight and asked if you wanted to grab a bite to eat and catch up. You went silent on the other side of the comm.
"I'm not sure," you said. "I'm sorry. I'm just really tired."
Rex said he understood and what you didn't know was that on the other side of the comm, Echo and Fives shared a look. Once Cody caught up with them, it was decided that they'd make their way to your place. On the way there they picked up plenty of carry out for dinner.
You were a bit surprised to hear the door buzzer about an hour after you finished talking to Rex, but opened the door to find the brothers walking in. You smiled to yourself a bit as they each greeted you with a hug. You should have known they would know what wasn't said over the comm.
Echo grabbed plates for the food even though Fives was already eating out of one container. Cody made sure you'd all be hydrated and Rex quietly reminded you that you weren't alone. They cared about you.
"Come on," Echo said. "Let's put on a holo."
You all gathered around to watch a holovid. You had a couch and a chair and while you normally took the chair, Fives grinned as he flopped down sideways in the chair and Cody nodded for you to sit between him and Echo with Rex on the other end of the couch.
You sat back and ate as the movie started. The food was warm and one of your favorites. Your home felt a little brighter and friendlier. They ended up spending the night, finding any space between the bed, the chair, the couch, and a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. Nights like these were never a cure for what you were going through, but these men felt like family and having them around reminded you that you weren't alone and you didn't have to go through these things alone.
In the morning, you stepped into the kitchen to find Echo making breakfast. You made caf and as Cody, Rex, and finally Fives joined you, you knew it was going to be a better morning than yesterday's.
This made me cry for a good minute (in a good way I think), thank you so so much. Your writing always helps me on my really bad days and I really really appreciate it. I laughed so loud at reading about Fives eating of the container. This made my day, thank you so much
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
you made a post a while ago about a bad batch au where fives lives- any new thoughts on that given the newest season?
this is going off of Fives' murder being faked, and Fox, Cody, and Rex being the only ones (besides the Batch) who know everything.
i mean... just imagining the first night on the Marauder after Echo's brought into the Batch. It's been years since the Domino twins have been able to sleep beside one another, since they've been able to reach out after a nightmare and feel their twin already moving to hug them.
The Batch was worried about not having enough bunks, but Fives and Echo were a tangled mass of limbs and passed out on Fives' bunk before they could say anything, so that solved that issue.
(seriously though, imagine not having the other half of your soul next to you for years, and then you get them back after you've both been traumatized to hell and back? the twins aren't letting go of each other any time soon)
i think the training exercise that the Batch does in episode one of the first season would 100% bring up some very not great memories for Fives and Echo, both of training with Domino, and the day at the citadel. While they obviously trust the Batch, there's still certain things they keep within their little bubble, so the Batch doesn't really comment about how glued to each other's sides the twins are after everything.
Fives remembers Omega from when he and Tup were on Kamino, and she remembers him. It's not until they're on board the Marauder leaving Kamino that Omega hurls herself at him, latching onto the Arc and hugging him as tightly as she possibly can. Fives can't resist hugging her back, and they're attached at the hip after that.
Fives also would (as I've said before) want nothing more than to help Crosshair, because he knows what it's like, and while the current season 2 doesn't exactly support this scenario, i can never get the thought out of my mind of Fives and Echo sitting down on the landing platform on Kamino, Crosshair between them, and the three of them just sitting in silence. After an hour of waiting, Hunter steps out of the Marauder, and he sees Crosshair laughing at a story Fives is telling about Hevy, Echo's arm around his shoulder.
so moving into the canon season 2, Echo and Fives are absolutely in the same mindset that they could be doing more.
Everyone still things Fives has died. the clones heard the whispers of the 501st soldier who was killed for asking questions.
Fives hearing that more of his brothers are dying, dying for the same reason he nearly did? He'd jump at the chance to help Rex save them, and Echo would too.
the reunion with Cody is honestly all I can think about, just Cody running through the underbelly of Coruscant, tailed by one of the assassins, and as he ducks into a shadowy alley, the assassin is stunned, and Cody's pretty sure he's seeing ghosts as Rex and Fives and Echo step out of the darkness, and all his adrenaline just leaves him as he collapses, but Rex and the twins are at his side, pulling him into a hug, and the four of them are reunited, and Rex and Cody can't help but breath sighs of relief because they're okay, their twins are okay, and they can help the rest of their brothers.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
2023 spring ficlets!!
i am currently on spring break rn and i've been having a kind of miserable semester if i'm being honest, so i've decided that on friday night (4/14), i'll be cracking open the biggest bottle of wine i can find and writing some fic requests, no matter what. if you've been following me for a while, you might remember that i've been doing spring ficlets each year since 2021, and it's that time again!
i'm posting this now so people can send requests in as early as they'd like! the cutoff for requesting is 11am saturday morning, eastern daylight time zone (gmt-4).
here are the request rules:
send me an ask with your request (anon is okay if that's your thing)
short dialogue prompts, tropes/situations, even a vibe is all fine, just nothing that would require a super long fic (my goal is for the fics to be between 500-1000 words)
and the characters:
star wars clones: crosshair, tech, echo, hunter, wrecker, cody, fox, wolffe, rex, kix, jesse, thorn, fives, gregor, howzer
star wars non-clones: anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, padme amidala, phee genoa, bo-katan kryze, poe dameron, cassian andor, din djarin (nothing with s2 spoilers of the mandalorian please, i haven't seen any of it yet)
marvel: peggy carter, wanda maximoff, natasha romanoff, carol danvers, sharon carter, maria hill, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, loki laufeyson, clint barton
other fandoms: benny miller (triple frontier), dieter bravo (the bubble), harley quinn (dc)
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sergeantgoggles · 1 year
Title: Chaser of Stars Ship: Techo [Tech/Echo] Rated: T Summary: Alternate Storyline of the Anaxes Arch. Tech doesn't take the news of Echo's death at the Citadel well, but when the opportunity comes to rescue him, he feels guilty for ever having doubted he was still alive. Warnings: Guilt, Survivor's Guilt, Angst, Happy Ending, Canon Divergence, Crosshair Is Still A Prick. Word Count: 1462
For the Techo Anon that keeps breaking my heart.
It’s been exactly seven hundred twenty seven rotations since comm chatter relayed the words that Tech had nightmares of. 
“Echo, no! Wait! ECHO!”
“Leave him! We have to move! Fives!” 
Reports would later confirm that CT-1409, nicknamed Echo, was lost to the mission of the Citadel rescuing Jedi General Even Piell. At first, logic kicked in. There had always been the chance that every time he and Echo met it would be the last time. They were soldiers of the Galactic Republic. These sorts of things happened, and sacrifices made. 
Thinking along those lines, that logic was what Tech had hidden behind for weeks before he remembered he had asked for leave that he no longer needed. There was no Echo to fly to Coruscant to see. There was no Echo to hold him, tell him how special and important and brilliant he was, kiss him and lay him down to make love to him. Why did he need the time off if there was no one to see? 
Despite Hunter’s suggestion at taking a few days to collect himself, Tech had reassured him that he would not be a detriment to the team, and he wasn’t. He was the same as he’d always been up until now. There was no need to take a break, he thought. 
He didn’t take a break, but for the first time since getting the news about Echo’s death, Tech cried himself to sleep and slept through an entire day. His squad promised that it wasn’t an issue, but Tech prided himself on being needed. If they didn’t need him to be awake, alert, and functional, then what good was he? 
That was how he spent the last two years, throwing himself into everything tenfold, burying himself in work, researching, learning anything and everything that he could absorb that would help win the war so that no more brothers, or in his case, lovers, could be lost. 
Until Hunter had received a message from Commander Cody himself needing some help on a mission on Anaxes, Tech was fine to live by that. He would figure out what came later if he ever solved the galaxy’s problems, but that was for a different time. For now, there was a mission to focus on. It seemed simple enough. Recon, mostly, because the famed 501st and 212th were struggling. Cody told Hunter it was as though they knew every step they took, and they needed some thinking outside of the box. 
Luckily, that was their speciality. 
It was a shame that Commander Cody didn’t get to partake in much of the mission. Tech rather enjoyed the previous times he’d worked with the Marshal Commander. Anyone that was willing to roundhouse kick a droid in the chest was a good man. Words to live by, in his humble opinion. However, that left Captain Rex in charge, and Tech even though he seemed a bit stiff initially, he couldn’t hold it against him. Captain Rex had lost many soldiers recently, and good ones at that. Many of his elites in Torrent Company were gone, Fives, Tup, Dogma, Hardcase, and…
Tech swallowed thickly, remembering that Rex had been Echo’s Captain at the time of the Citadel mission. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. The cyber center was just ahead, and he had work to do as soon as they entered. 
When the mechanical voice spoke to him, Tech almost dropped to his knees. His mind reeled and raced, but there was no time to further question him to get the answers he needed. They had to make their escape, and now that they had the data that they needed, they could make a new plan. 
“Echo…he’s alive.” 
Rex said it, and Tech nodded as they sped back to the base. 
“He talked about you a lot, you know.” 
Tech looked up and smiled sadly. He hadn’t known that. He didn’t think he was anyone to brag about to anyone. 
“Echo…cared about you. If there’s anything–” 
“There is nothing,” Tech said too quickly, but Rex seemed to understand. They left it at that. 
Skako MInor was about as inviting as Tech had expected it would be, being a neutral territory. Truthfully, he was thankful that his ability to speak a number of different languages had at least gotten them access to the city where the Techno Union stronghold was, but his mind was racing otherwise. Echo was alive, or at least that was what they’d been led to believe. Hunter was skeptical, and Tech had no problem reeling back and punching Crosshair square in the face when he suggested leaving him like Rex had at the Citadel. 
“Whoa! Easy, Tech!” Wrecker had picked him up, but he still squirmed and kicked his legs. 
“Put me down! I will–”
“Everyone calm down!” General Skywalker ordered, which was for the best. Tech wasn’t sure he’d have listened to anyone else at that moment. Not even Hunter. 
They fought their way into the base and into the room where Echo’s signal was transmitting from. Tech’s chest ached with how fast his heart was racing as he plugged in his datapad and got to work. His fingers flew over the buttons and switches until it was safe to open the compartment. 
Tech had prepared himself for a lot of things. This was not one of them. His racing heart came to a screeching halt and his eyes welled with tears for the first time since he’d cried himself to sleep over two years ago. “...Echo?”
Echo’s eyes moved, but not of their own accord. He was still being accessed and used like a machine, which made sense with the amount of mechanical ports and cords hanging out of him. Waves and waves of emotions flooded his system, but he had work to do.
“Help me get him down! We need to unplug him!” Tech ordered. He didn’t care that Rex was over him, he was going to get the help he needed to rescue Echo if he had to demand it of General Skywalker. As he set to work, tears pooled into his goggles and dripped down his cheeks in slow trails. Obviously there were differences. For one, being frozen in cryosleep for so long had sucked the color from him. His head was shaved, or more likely, the hair follicles were destroyed. 
What struck Tech the most was exactly how much of Echo’s body had been replaced by mechanical parts: both legs, half of his right arm, and most of his torso. There were ports where his ears used to be, and his spine was fused together by metal plates and wires. To be honest, it was a lot to take in, but Tech kept working. WOrking out the logistics could come later. Right now, he needed to focus on freeing Echo from the Techno Union’s control. 
Finally all that was left was unplugging the wires in his back. Rex helped him disconnect the ports and they hissed, making Echo jerk in pain and groan. 
“I am sorry, Echo. Just a few more,” Tech soothed. 
Echo nodded. Good, he was becoming more aware. That was a good sign. 
When they pulled the last port Echo slumped back to the ground with a loud cry. Before he could hit the ground Tech had him in his arms, holding him close to his chest and rocking. Slowly, a cold, flesh hand settled on the back of his bucket and tore it off. 
“...Tech?” Echo’s voice was raspy from being unused, but it still made Tech’s spine stiffen and his stomach flutter as tears kept pouring down his cheeks. 
“You are alive,” Tech stated the obvious as he cupped Echo’s cheeks in his hands. “I looked for you. I looked everywhere for you!”
Guilt and fear rose in Tech’s throat, and he coughed harshly. He’d spent years searching, but never found any leads. He’d had suspicions. There was no body, but oftentimes bodies didn’t turn up. That was just how it was, but Tech had held out hope, no matter how pointless it seemed. 
“Hey, I’m right here,” Echo soothed as though Tech had been the one that needed rescuing, like the stars themselves were touching his skin and it burned in the absolute best way. “No more tears.” 
Sniffing hard, Tech nodded and moved his goggles to wipe his eyes. There was so much to say, but time was of the essence. He could say it later, he hoped. 
“I…” He tried, but trailed off when Echo kissed his cheek, cutting off any other trains of thought. 
“You can tell me everything once we get out of here,” Echo promised, and Tech believed him.
Echo was alive, and Tech was never letting him out of his sight again.
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nottonyharrison · 6 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to pop in and say that Cody/Rex/Fives/Echo art you posted on Patreon is amazing 🤩
I never really thought about putting all four of them together like that, but I'm totally here for it! They look gorgeous. I love the bite marks, too! And trans!Cody is *chef's kiss*
👤 Incognito Anon
Thank you so much for such kind words! You can thank @elthadriel for the pose and prompt. He always picks such fun subjects to draw and is responsible for some of my favourite pieces existing in the first place 💙💙💙
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cloneshipping7567 · 1 year
Romantic Confessions Part 6
Part 6/30
5. "Are you really so oblivious?"
Pairing: Fox x Cody (as requested by anon)
Rating/WC: T/ 4006
Warnings: this one is a bit different to the other fics I’ve made so far, this one is more like a few drabbles put together. I hope you like it!
Cody doesn’t look up as Fox sits next to him, he simply scoots over so his friend has more room.
Cody understands where the rumors that Fox is cold and distant comes from, but it always amuses him how very wrong they are.
Sure, he isn’t throwing his arms over other troopers, isn’t the first to laugh or joke. But he’s never cold, never pushes people away.
Fox is quiet. He observes, takes in everything around him. He’d always rather listen to his brothers joke and talk than join in himself.
That isn’t because he doesn’t like his brothers, though. That’s just how he shows his affection.
Everyone in the commander class understands; Fox has always been like this. That’s even how Fox and Wolffe got their names in the first place; Fox is the type to curl up and sneakily observe, while Wolffe is always howling with laughter and barking out another story.
Cody knows this. He knows Fox. He knows Fox better than anyone else, if he does say so himself.
So Cody doesn’t look up when Fox sits next to him, nursing what is, more than likely, his third or fourth cup of caf of the morning. He doesn’t greet him or try to get him into a conversation. It isn’t necessary, Fox doesn’t need all of that to feel welcome.
Cody sighs and submits the report, checking the time on his datapad. 0800, Coruscant time. He still has half an hour before he really needs to get started with his day.
“Aren’t you on leave?” Fox asks softly, after taking a slow gulp of caf.
Cody smirks and turns to face Fox, letting his datapad rest in his lap. “The 212th is on leave, yes,” he says.
Fox gives him an unimpressed look, and anyone who isn’t Cody would probably take it as a sign Fox was disinterested or even upset. But Cody knows; Fox is amused by Cody’s work ethic. “Did you at least get to sleep more than usual?”
Cody doesn’t need to answer; he just smiles wider, his scar pulling at the eye.
Fox sighs, handing Cody his precious cup of caf.
Cody gasps, eyes going wide as he takes the mug. “Oh, Fox, I had no idea you felt this way about me,” he teases, scarfing down a few swallows before the addict can change his mind and grab it back.
Fox makes a noise halfway between a hiss and a scoff, but his lips twitch in an aborted smile. “Love of my life,” he snarks back.
Cody’s heart swells, but he looks down at the cup before he gives too much away. “I-“
A sleepy Rex drags himself into the room, grunting a quiet hello as he makes a beeline for the caf machine.
Fox pulls away-when had he gotten so close?- and scoots down the couch. He doesn’t say hello.
“Rough night?” Cody asks in his own greeting, drinking the last of the caf and setting the empty mug down.
“The twins won’t leave me alone,” Rex grumbles, punching the on button a little more forcibly than necessary. “We painted our armor sir, look sir, we can refresh your paint for your sir, we can can help with the flimsiwork, come watch us spar sir-when is it your weekend?”
Cody snickers, and Fox is even looking at Rex, indicating he finds the story just as funny. “Oh no, you got full custody, remember? I get visitation rights.”
Rex grunts again, shifting his weight impatiently as the coffee starts to brew. “Deadbeat dad,” he mumbles under his breath.
Cody chuckles, throwing an arm over the back of the couch and therefore over Fox’s shoulders. Fox indicates he enjoys the closeness by not moving. “Echo and Fives are not that bad. I think they’re great.”
“Yeah, because you only work with them on missions,” Rex snarks. He hits the side of the machine in annoyance. “They’re great on missions. Best couple of shinies I’ve ever- why the hell wasn’t the pot already started?” Rex turns his prideful smile back into a scowl when he notices Cody smirking at him. 
Fox’s lips twitch, Cody notices. He might actually smile. “They’re still babies, they’ll grow out of it,” Cody soothes. He sneakily pushes Fox’s coffee mug further out of sight.
Rex shoots him a glare, and Cody’s smile only widens. “I’m never going to sleep again,” he grumbles dramatically.
“I heard it’s best to sleep when the baby sleeps,” Cody suggests, and laughs as a sugar packet hits him in the forehead.
“They never karking sleep,” Rex complains, finally able to pour himself a mug. “They’re too amped up to prove themselves.”
Cody’s smirk fades into a soft smile. “They want you to be proud of them,” Cody says softly. He sneakily shifts his arm so it’s fully over Fox’s shoulder and not the couch. “Take it as a compliment.”
Rex makes a disgusted sound, but his lips are finally twisted up into a smile. “I’m sending them to boarding school, first chance I get.”
Cody’s eyes widen. “ARC training? Really? You think they can handle that?”
Fox has wiggled his way out from under Cody’s arm, stealing his mug back and pouring himself a cup. Cody fights back a sad sigh.
Rex doesn’t respond, a proud grin tugging at his lips as he leaves.
Fox turns to Cody, mug in hand and hips leaning against the counter. “When did you and Rex get divorced?” He asks drily; but Cody hears the humor behind it.
Cody rolls his eyes. “Rishi. We adopted the twins, had a massive argument about how to raise them, and the rest was history.” He stands up himself, stretching his arms above his head and groaning as his aching muscles protest.
Fox stares at him over the lip of the mug for a moment, before clearing his throat to answer. “And by massive argument, you mean-“
“He called dibs,” Cody says, rolling his neck and grinning. “He’s always had more patience for shinies, you know that.”
Fox hums, hiding his face in his caf.
When they were cadets, Cody and Fox were the best fighters. Out of all the CC’s, no one could best either one of them in combat.
Wolffe got close a few times, but the only CC able to beat Cody or Fox, was Fox and Cody.
But they aren’t cadets anymore, and clankers don’t follow sparring rules.
To be fair to Cody, he’s kicked countless droids into broken messes. It’s almost his signature move. (It impresses the hell out of the shinies, okay? So he likes to show off, so what?).
He just wasn’t expecting the droid to move when it did, and he didn’t expect the extended arm to slam into his ribs that hard.
“Honestly, sir,” Stitches grumbles, tightening the bandage around Cody’s ribs far more than is strictly necessary. “How many times do I have to tell you not to kick the kriffing droids?”
Cody winces, shooting his medic a pained grin. “Technically, I didn’t actually kick the droid. It got me first.”
Stitches pats the bandages closed with just a tad too much force, making Cody wince again. “Idiot,” he hisses under his breath, before taking a step back. “Take it easy for the next week, use ice if the pain gets unbearable. Nothing more to do for broken ribs.”
Cody nods once, throwing his legs over the side of the bed. “No pain stims?”
Stitches gives Cody an unimpressed look. “Do you promise not to kick any more droids?”
Cody sighs in defeat, and then winces as his ribs hurt. “Probably better to save them for my shinies anyway,” Cody grumbles as he makes his way out of the medbay.
“Sir,” he’s greeted as soon as he’s stepped out the doors. Cody fights back another sigh; duty never stops. “Glad to see you’re okay.”
Cody nods once; he hates being out of armor. He’s just in his lower blacks, having had to remove the top for Stitches to look at. His hands twitch for his bucket, which is with the rest of his kit in his room. “Of course, Waxer. It would take more than a rogue punch to take me out.”
Waxer grins, his own bucket under one arm. He holds out a datapad. “Not according to the casualty reports, sir. Some idiot marked you down before verifying if you were actually dead.”
Cody groans in annoyance, grabbing the datapad and looking it over. “Dammit,” he mumbles, one hand running through his hair. “Who has seen this?”
“It’s already been sent to the top, sir, Coruscant has seen it by now.” Waxer shoots a guilty look at Cody; he probably feels responsible, but the casualty report wouldn’t have fallen to a lieutenant. It would have probably fallen on Rex’s shoulders to double check, or some other captain working the mission.
Cody groans, punching the bridge of his nose. “That’s great,” he grumbles. “Do you have any clue how hard it is to come back from the dead?”
Waxer chokes on a laugh, clearing his throat as he tries to remain professional. “I imagine it would be quite difficult, sir.”
Cody rolls his eyes, rubbing a hand over his face. “You know what? I’ll be dead for a few hours. Maybe I’ll finally get a break.”
Waxer smirks, taking the datapad from Cody. “I’ll inform the general of your untimely demise,” Waxer says, saluting once.
“Great idea Lieutenant, I knew I promoted you for a reason.”
“While you’re dead,” Waxer says, still looking straight ahead. “Might I delegate some of your responsibilities for you? Maybe the general can handle botched reports, for example…”
Cody’s eyes light up, and he pats a hand on Waxer’s shoulder. “Brilliant idea Waxer. Feel free to inform General Kenobi of any flimsiwork I might not get to while I’m still dead. Maybe he’ll shed a tear over his lost commander.”
Waxer snorts once, before stopping in front of Cody’s quarters. “Of course, sir,” he says, giving a quick salute.
Cody opens his door and locks it behind him, sighing heavily. He makes his way to his desk, grabbing his comm before gently lowering himself on his bunk. The pain is intense, sure, but he’s had worse.
A few messages from the general asking about his location, with a follow up of ‘let me know when you’re out of the medbay.’ Well, considering Cody is dead for the next few hours, he chooses to ignore that.
A couple from Rex. One indicating that he’s back on his own ship. Then, ‘lol congrats on being dead enjoy your nap.’
He sends Rex an ‘I will’ and checks the rest of his comms. Mostly a bunch of updates and requests for his advice or presence. All of which will be ignored until after he’s been revived.
He’s about to put his comm down when a new message pings through. He debates ignoring it anyway, but sighs and checks.
It’s from Fox. Shit. He might have read the report. Cody opens it quickly. ‘You better not actually be dead ’ is all it reads.
Cody smiles fondly. It may have read as cold if anyone else had sent the message; but he knows Fox, and he knows how scared he must be to have sent the comm in the first place.
Cody wastes no time, starting a holocall immediately.
Fox picks up just as quick, his eyes frantically searching Cody’s face. He visibly lets out a sigh of relief, before morphing his face back into an impassive one. “You look like shit.”
Cody snorts, and then winces as his ribs protest. “Oh, darling, you have such a way with words,” he retorts.
Fox grunts, taking in Cody’s face. “What happened? You’re reported as killed in action.”
Cody hums softly. “Nah, just got backhanded by a droid in the ribs. See?” He reaches his arm out, allowing the comm to take in more of Cody’s body, including his bandaged chest. “Stitches said I broke half of ‘em on my left side. A new record.”
“You never have been good at accepting second place,” Fox snarks, and his breathing is starting to slow again. “Puncture any lungs?”
“No,” Cody says, chuckling despite himself. “Room for improvement, I suppose.”
“Don’t,” Fox says, looking away after his sudden outburst. He clears his throat, looking back to Cody. “Don’t ever do that again. Don’t get hurt bad enough to show up on the KIA reports.”
Cody quirks a brow. “You really thought I was dead,” Cody says more than asks.
Fox narrows his eyes, shifting in his seat. “The reports aren’t usually wrong.”
Cody hums in agreement, staring at Fox’s face. Knowing the other clone was this worried, was upset, even, makes Cody’s stomach flutter. He knows Fox cares about him—they all care about each other to some degree or another. But this just feels different for some reason.
“I won’t do it again,” he promises softly. Any other day he might have teased a bit longer; but he just wants to let Fox know he’s taking the vulnerability seriously right now.
Fox nods once, taking a deep, steadying breath. He doesn’t end the call, but he doesn’t say anything else either.
Cody smirks, melting back into his normal joking mood with Fox. “I will be dead for the next few hours at least, though. Waxer is bullying Kenobi into undoing the report, and I’m not sure he even knows how.”
Fox laughs at that, almost breathless. “Do the Jedi ever file their own flimsiwork? Or do they pawn it all off on the clones?”
Cody grins, shifting to be a bit more comfortable on his bed. “Kenobi usually does his own, but Rex almost always does Skywalker’s. Honestly, I think he just doesn’t trust Skywalker to do them right.”
Fox hums, leaning back in his desk chair. “I would believe that, Rex’s general is crazy. Did you know he willingly spends time with the Supreme Chancellor?”
Cody lifts a brow. “You don’t like him?”
“He gives me the creeps!” Fox complains, a sly grin in place. “Maybe it’s just because he’s a politician. All the senators suck.”
Cody laughs softly, hissing in a pained breath. “I’ve met a couple. I like Amidala.”
Fox hums, pretending to think about it. “Actually, yeah, I like her. I saved her once from a Hutt, she was very capable. Could have mistaken her for a Jedi, the way she fought.”
Cody grins, eyes dropping in exhaustion. “I believe that,” he mumbles.
There’s silence on the other end, as Fox just stares at him. Cody’s eyes fight valiantly to stay open, but the battle is lost before long.
He’s almost asleep when he hears Fox whisper, “Sleep well, Cody.” He might have even imagined it.
Cody smiles fondly as he watches his troopers march off the ship in proper formation for exactly long enough to get off the ramp before booking it as fast as they can into the city.
Coruscant is a giant city - a planet-wide city - full of fun to be had and trouble to get into.
The 212th almost never gets to come here, what with shore leave being so rare and Coruscant usually being so far away from where their last battle was.
But Obi Wan was needed in the council, and it just so happened to line up with the scheduled week’s worth of shore leave the 212th earned. So here they are, more than ready to spend a week’s worth of off-duty time in the city.
As it just so happens, Cody also enjoys spending time on this planet whenever they can. And yes, that may have something to do with a certain member of the Coruscant guard.
“That’s all of them,” his general declares, voice just as amused as Cody feels. “How many do you think we’ll have to bail out of the brig?”
Cody smirks under his bucket. “I’ll bet you a week’s worth of flimsiwork it’s at least 20.”
Kenobi scoffs. “Jedi do not gamble,” he says.
“Two weeks that Wooley is one of them.” Wooley is usually a calm, mild-tempered clone, but Cody knows Ghost Company likes to party on leave. He hopes Kenobi doesn’t know this. 
“You’re on,” Kenobi says, walking off the ship without another word.
Cody shakes his head with a laugh, pulling up his comm. He pings Fox first, letting him know he’s planet side and free for a week. When he gets the coordinates to Fox’s apartment in the upper levels in response, he opens a comm to his entire battalion.
You have a week here to get arrested, don’t pull anything tonight or me and the general are leaving you there until the morning. Have fun, men.
With that done, he stretches himself out and starts the walk to Fox’s apartment. He could catch a speeder, but it’s been ages since he’s been allowed to walk at his own pace instead of march. And he’s been cooped up in that ship for the past two days as they made their way through hyperspace.
Cody loves Coruscant. Growing up on a planet where almost everyone looked exactly the same was tiresome, boring. It almost feels like no two people on Coruscant look the same, even the ones of the same species. They all look so unique.
Cody sighs as he checks his coordinates. He’s been walking for two hours, and he isn’t even halfway there. He grumbles to himself, pulling out his comm. Never mind, he just wants to be there, preferably before Fox gets off shift and worries.
Cody thanks the driver and gets out, making his way to the correct number. He punches in the codes for the door, and makes himself at home.
He sighs sadly at the state of the apartment. It’s dingy, and absolutely tiny, and the air tastes stale in here.
He puts his bucket on the tiny coffee table, and starts piling his armor on the floor in the corner. Down to just his blacks, Cody sits on the very uncomfortable couch and stretches out. He checks the time and sighs. He still has about an hour until Fox is supposed to get off shift.
Want me to get us some food? Your kitchen is depressingly under stocked. He sends comm quickly, looking around the apartment once more.
Aw, babe, were you gonna cook for me? How romantic. That’s not an answer, the asshole.
Cody rolls his eyes, but can’t help the smile from gracing his lips. His stomach warms at the thought of Fox calling him that seriously. He shoves that down, focusing on the pressing issue: what the hell they’re going to eat.
You don’t even have any ration bars, Fox. How are you still alive?
About ten cups of caf a day, and pure spite.
Cody rolls his eyes with a soft chuckle, standing from the couch. You’re worse than Rex, he sends.
I’ll pick something up.
Cody sighs when no other comms come through, and leaves it on the kitchen counter. He makes his way to the fresher, peeling his upper blacks off and leaving them on top of the closed toilet.
It’s been so long since he had time to just take care of himself more than just a quick rinse. He wants to take advantage.
Cody finds Fox’s clippers and gives himself a much overdue haircut. He cleans the hair away and rinses the sink out, before giving himself a proper shave as well. It feels nice going slow, taking his time.
Finally smooth, he shucks his lower blacks as well, and sets a clean towel out for himself. He sets the shower to an almost too hot temperature, and sighs at the water pressure. It’s not any better than on the ship, sadly.
Whatever, a hot shower is a hot shower. And there are no water rations on Coruscant; he can take his time.
And take his time Cody does. He lets the water wash over his sore muscles. He groans as he lets the hot water work him over. It feels so much nicer, just knowing that he doesn’t have to rush, and doesn't have any responsibilities for the next few days.
Eventually he sighs and washes himself, even allowing himself to enjoy the sensation of properly washing his hair.
He groans in self pity as he turns the water off, knowing Fox will probably be getting off shift soon. He gets out of the shower and dries his hair first, walking out of the fresher with the intention of stealing Fox’s blacks.
He's still rubbing the towel through his hair when he hears it.
“Oh, hello there,” Fox purrs, voice half amused and half…something Cody can’t tell.
Cody curses, using the towel to cover himself with warmed cheeks. “Force, Fox, I didn’t know you’d be back so soon!”
Fox is smirking, eyes roving over Cody’s body with dark eyes. He was halfway through getting his armor off, and he continues slowly. “I convinced Thorn to come in half an hour early so I could go,” he says.
Cody groans in humiliation, wrapping the towel fully around his hips. “I’m sorry,” he says, unable to look at Fox anymore.
Fox hums, taking the last of his armor off and stalking closer to Cody. “No need to apologize,” he murmurs, and it just sounds so sensual, so-
No, not while Cody only has a towel in between his groin and Fox. His cheeks warm even more, and he ducks his head. “Fox, I-“
Fox puts a finger under Cody’s chin, lifting gently. Cody is helpless but to allow himself to be moved. He meets Fox’s gaze, his own embarrassed eyes meeting dark, almost hungry ones.
Fox hums once, taking in Cody’s expression. “Why are you embarrassed?” Fox whispers. Cody can feel the other’s breath on his lips, and Cody is really having a hard time remembering how to breathe. “We grew up with communal showers.”
Cody swallows thickly, eyes shifting from Fox’s eyes to his lips and back again. “Because…” he feels his breath shudder as Fox’s thumb rubs against Cody’s jaw. “It’s different. You’re different.”
Fox practically purrs, stepping that much closer. “Why is it different?” He asks. “Why am I different?”
Cody’s eyes flutter, and he fights to keep his breathing under control. “Because you…you never really…I-“ Cody huffs in annoyance. He’s the fucking Marshal Commander of the entire 7th Corps of the GAR. He doesn’t stumble over his words.
And yet.
“You never really seemed as interested,” Cody finally gets out, leaving the as I was implied. It’s not really the answer to Fox’s direct question. 
Cody feels more than hears Fox’s breathy laughter. “Are you really so oblivious?” He murmurs, pinching Cody’s chin between his thumb and forefinger. “I’ve been in love with you since we were tubies, darling.”
Cody doesn’t swoon. If anyone asked him, he most definitely did not swoon. The Marshal Commander does not swoon.
But hearing it said out loud did, maybe, make his knees feel just a tad weaker. Only a little.
“You-you-why didn’t you say anything?” Cody asks, voice surprisingly husky. “I was flirting with you for so long!”
Fox lets out a long suffering sigh. “And here I thought you understood me,” he teases. “Why did you think I sought you out, and let you be in my space all the time?”
Cody hums in acknowledgment, eyes flitting back to Fox’s lips. “Yeah, okay,” he concedes, flashes of memories where Fox was being perhaps a bit too friendly with Cody flitting through his mind. Dammit.
Fox rolls his eyes, smirk set in place. “Idiot.” He doesn’t let Cody reply, before he connects their lips softly.
Cody may have been an idiot so far, but he isn’t anymore. He keeps one hand holding his towel up while the other wraps around Fox’s shoulder, cupping the back of his neck to keep him where he is. He has a lot of missed kissing opportunities to make up for.
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starrylothcat · 1 year
Who are your favorite clones? Please list a minimum of 12 clones. Your list may be written in order of preference or not.
Ohoho thank you anon!
This is in no real order LOL
Oops, it’s 15! 🫶💛
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Curious Anon Ask
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nooneherebutusghosts · 8 months
Hi Ghost!
This is the same anon as before 🥰 Thank you for answering my ask and being so kind!
I don't know if I'm ready to make a side blog for my clone shipping yet... I think I'd be scared to use the wrong blog when sharing. But maybe someday! For now, I'll just lurk.
So, while I'm here... I thought I'd let you know who my favorite ships are 🥰
Jesse/Kix (they are my favorite)
Tup/Dogma (they're just so darn cute)
Fives/Echo (they deserve each other)
Rex/Cody (because of a hot ABO fic)
Waxer/Boil (best gay dads ever)
Wolffe/Fox (this is new, but I'm liking it)
What are your favorites? I know you have a list on your blog, but do you have a top 5 list?
👤- Incognito Anon
Hello again Anon :D Hope you're doing well <3
Honestly that's a fair enough reason, one I still actually worry about when I queue/reblog posts as well :') (let me tell you, hunting down a post within a 1k queue on my main is a pain in the butt lmao) As I said in the previous ask, do what makes you comfortable and if its just lurking, then lurk away <3
Oooh! Those are pretty wonderful ships and the reason for liking Cody/Rex? 👀👌 I don't suppose you have a link to that fic? I have an inkling of which one(s) it could be. It's also awesome to know of someone else who likes Wolffe/Fox. Absolutely love those two after reading The Apocalypse Officers collection~.
For my top 5 though?
Tup/Dogma (tied with ocs Mal/Amiss because I'm biased and they make me happy thinking about them also)
As for the fifth (I guess technically from the ships I've listed that's five lmao)? I don't really know tbh. It fluctuates with what mood I'm in at the time but as of right now, I want to say it's a three-way tie between Fox/Thorn, Boost/Sinker and Tup/Dogma/Hardcase.
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corrieguards · 1 year
shopping... who would help you shop and give their opinion? who would be a terrible shopping partner? who would you end up buying stuff for even though you went for yourself? who would carry your bags for you? who would insist on getting matching clothes?
send me a random anon ask 🖤
Omg this is such a cute question!! Anon I love you for this🤍 Tysm for sending it and letting me ramble.
I'm going to try and include as many boys as possible but I'm def going to miss some so apologies in advance for that
Will be constantly telling you just how beautiful you look.
If you ask him to choose between two outfits he'd be the type of guy to insist that you look great in both and that he can't possibly choose.
You keep catching him giving you sappy love eyes through the mirror. If you ask him about it he'll just say it's because you're just so gorgeous.
Insists on carrying all your bags.
All. Of. Them
Surprisingly very good taste in clothes.
Has so much patience.
Will sit and watch you + give his opinions for as long as you want.
Unabashedly looks up and down and smirks every time you show him a new outfit.
100% would be the type of guy to ask you to do a twirl
mostly just because he wants to catch a look at your ass
Will sneakily slip some lingerie in your 'try-on' pile just to watch you get all hot and bothered.
Is initially a little hesitant at going with you because he doesn't want to get in your way.
Once you convince him that you actually want him there and want his opinion he relaxes and starts enjoying himself more.
Is a great shopping partner because he won't hesitate give you his honest opinion.
Will tell you if he thinks it looks good, as well as if he thinks it doesn't.
Is absolutely facinated by all the options.
Definitely insists you buy matching outfits, preferably something in 501st blue.
Keeps trying to peek into the changing rooms while you're changing.
Wolf-whistles you constantly.
Is an all round menace
But still hypes you up and makes sure you know just how good you look.
Is your personal hype man.
Has no shame in telling you just how hot you look.
Starts off srrong but ends up wondering off and getting distracted by all the clothes options.
Finds more clothes for himself and you'd be mad if he didn't look so fucking hot in them.
Somehow makes everything look better just by putting it on his body.
You know those people that would even look great in a trash bag? Yep that's Jesse.
An all round great shopping buddy.
Will bring you the best finds.
Has a great eye for fashion and is somehow always right.
If he hands you something saying you'll look good in it, then don't even have to bother trying it on because he will be right.
Will be shy about picking stuff up for himself, but with a little encouragement he can definitely get very into it.
Would be very very enthusiastic.
Maybe a bit too enthusiastic.
Would pick up so many clothes to try on. As many as he can carry.
Quickly gets bored and just starts messing around.
Picks out some of the worst outfits because he thinks it's histerical.
His snickering is contagious and eventually makes you start giggling too and you both just start messing around.
Probably ends up getting the two of you kicked out.
Neither of you end up actually getting anything you went there for in the first place.
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kaminocasey · 2 years
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700 FOLLOWERS! I’m so grateful to all of you for following me and also a Happy 1 Year Anniversary to my Blog. How awesome is it that I’ve made all of these friends in just one year? I’m going to do something a bit different for my 700 follower celebration. I’m still doing prompts, but I’m going to cap it out at 15 max. That way, I don’t have to start off the New Year so overwhelmed haha.
RULES: If you decide to go on anon, which is fine, I’m going to need you to confirm you’re 18+. If you do not put in that you’re 18+, I will be deleting the request. AND if you are a bio-less, ageless blog, I need you to also confirm that you are 18+. If you do not, I will delete the request. Please and Thank you! 💕
Thank you again! 💗Casey
(I will be tagging them as kc700)
(Prompts and Characters below the cut)
1. “I’m not going anywhere.”
2. “I think I might be in love with you.”
3. “You make me feel alive.”
4. “Will you just… hold me? Please?”
5. “I just like seeing you happy.”
6. “I’ll always choose you.”
7. “I can’t imagine a galaxy in which I don’t adore you.”
8. “I can’t believe I married you.” (affectionate only)
9. “You’re such a sap.”
10. “Tell me what you want”
11. “Keep your eyes on me.”
12. “Want help with that?”
13. “I’m not jealous… You’re just mine.”
14. “Does it make you nervous when I stare?”
15. “Look what you do to me.”
1. Rex/Rebels Rex
2. Wolffe
3. Gregor
4. Echo
5. Fives
6. Hunter
7. Crosshair
8. Tech
9. Wrecker
10. Tup
11. Dogma
12. Jesse
13. Thorn
14. Cody
15. Fox
Tags: @grievouus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @crosshairmylove587 @idlenesses @redheadgirl
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