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lazzarella · 7 months ago
Not sure if I should keep posting these Wandee Goodday notes, but I guess we're in the home stretch now, so I may as well...
- So glad they showed us what happened with Taem and Ohm!!!
- "Is it that obvious?" Mate, you can see it from outer space lmaoooo
- Awww, Taem! She's a good egg. She really seems happy for Yak. Not sure if her saying 'don't be the person who realises their feelings too late' relates to her or not? I still find it super hard to read her lol
- Okay, look, I get that Yak was worried about Taem but if he read Dee's texts why didn't he reply??? He just wanted to make that dramatic entrance haa
- Another lovely dance metaphor that I'm too tired to transcribe!
- They won the dancing!
- Omg the cuff on Yokee's/Dr Aphichat's shirt!!!! I NEED TO SEE THE WHOLE THING!
- Boooo! Rewardus interruptus!
- Oh, fuck OFF Ter! Bloody hell, he's like a bad penny
- Another punch! Could've done with a satisfying sound effect but still
- Dr Dee. Is. My. Boyfriend <3333
- Ooh, I love the way Dee's fingers catch on Yak's as he reluctantly lets go, vs how he yanks his hand away from Ter! Love little details like that
- That whole speech from Yak is a major, or whatever, green flag for me was just... It was everything!!! And thanking Yak for coming into his life???? Fuuuuuuuck. So good!
- Like, to find someone who you don't feel lesser than around, to find someone who is your peace of mind, who you love who you are with them... That's the goal right there
- And I am so glad Dee said all of that to Ter with Yak there beside him because they both need to hear it and Dee needed to say it and I love Dee so much
- Did you hurt your hand punching him? :3333
- LMAO at Yak inspecting Dee's face to make sure Ter didn't kiss him 🤣
- And we got another kiss!! YAY!
- ...what... why... Why is Kao shirtless with tape over his nipples?! What is happening? Lmao
- Noooooooo! Not more technical issues! WHY, GOD, WHYYYYY?
- Okay, we're good!
- "Don't skip steps" awww, Dee! I mean, I do think Yak has been pretty flirty this whole time, but sometimes someone wants a formal flirting stage, I guess. And Dee is a romantic. And a big tease ;D
- I love that wooing Dee and not having sex until they're proper boyfriends was all Yak's idea. He has no one but himself to blame haha
- Dee's pastel striped shirt is cute!
- More domesticity! Yay!
- I love when they clink their cutlery before eating :3
- Okay, Dee is SO teasing Yak with the flower every day and so on thing. He has his teasing voice on lol I love him
- wow that was a quick montage! I was kind of hoping to see more of their little trip, but I think it works not dragging this out, even if I wanted to see them camping...
- Oh, it was SO obvious Dee saying 'enough' in the preview was going to be linked to the 'if I love you it's for you' and so on. I enjoy being right :)
- Also, it's interesting that Yak still felt like he needed to be like Ter to win Dee over after everything Dee said after the ball
- "I just want to do things that are me now" YEAH!
- "This is the Yoryak that I like..." Ahhh, Dee, you have issues with having feelings and I love you <333
- This date is SO much cuter! Yak is just at ease and Dee is so fond <333
- Tut tut, Dr Dee, trying to get Dr Kao to break patient confidentiality!
- Omg, I LOVE whiny and pleading Yak so much!!!! He's sooooo cute! I have no idea how Dee ever holds his ground for one second lmao
- Wow, okay, was that a really abrupt cut from Yak pouting to Yei getting beaten up or just me??
- Yei just putting his head in Cher's lap and holding his hand though... Ahhhhhh
- I do like watching Yak train 😏
- oh, what does the swiping your thumb across your nose gesture mean?? I've seen it a few times in Thai BLs/movies?? I think I get it from context but not enough to really put into words lol
- Daddy's home! I am finding the differences in Yak and Yei's reactions intriguing! I was NOT expecting Yak to be pleased to see his dad, so this is an interesting development
- Oh!!! Yellow is their mum's birthday colour! Ah, my heart!!!
- Sidenote, I looked up my birthday colour and it's green and that bloody colour haunts me (it's the colour of my birthstone too)
- Dee holding Yak during the nightmare... Omg, so much is happening in this ep!!!
- That pool scene is so cute! I love Dee being all cute and silly with Yak :D
- "When I've found what I like, why bother looking for something else?" Oooh, you smooth talker, you
- (Also that's me visiting any restaurant for a second time and getting the same dish lol)
- LMAO the dick plushie is in bed with them!!!
- And lol @ Yak asking for sex when it was his rule!! He played himself there!
- "You're my peace of mind" their relationship is so lovely! They're so compatible!!
- boxing blah blah whatever
- I wonder if it's going to like... Be Yak himself under there?
- Awww, Dee broke through <333
- Yak and Dee smiling at each other after Yak won is just... I don't know if I have words left for how much I love them
- I love that Zazaki wanted to join their gym because they're like a family! He's adorable! And a little OTT
- OMG the whole end scene is just EVERYTHING!!! Yak's terrible flirting!! Carrying Dee to the couch! The whole couch scene that parallels their first night together! MORE KISSING!!!! And sexy times because ofc Dee can't keep his hands off Yak despite the rule!! AHHHHH! It just broke me and I love it!!!
Phew, okay, SO much happened in this ep, right?? Like that's not just me???
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bepotato1015 · 6 years ago
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[Reward-U 正式告別] 自從早幾日國泰航空宣布完成拼購香港快運航空,已經有好多傳言香港快運航空本身嘅積分計劃Reward-U 會取消💁‍♂️ 今日各位香港快運Reward-U 會員應該收到電郵通知,HK Express 同其他非航空合作伙伴將會在2019年8月20日後停止發出Reward-U 積分 (個別合作夥伴除外 ),而Reward-U 亦會在2019年12月31日後正式停止營運。 Reward-U 會員們可以選擇由2019年第4季起至2019年12月31日,於Reward-U 嘅「積分轉換頁面」以8 reward-U 積分= 1 「亞洲萬里通」里數之兌換率轉換AM🥴 如仍有任何查詢,可以留意相關網頁、���過在線聊天或網上聯絡表格聯絡reward-U 客戶服務💁‍♂️ 傳送門: https://www.reward-u.com/zh-hant-hk/earn/goodbye-reward-u-232 #慳返多少去旅行 #香港快運航空 #國泰航空 #亞洲萬里通 #RewardU #goodbye https://www.instagram.com/p/B0NbDZ3gOkN/?igshid=1uk8qs8rdjyrn
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bepotato1015 · 7 years ago
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[Reward-U 限時補分大行動] 唔知各位廉航愛好者有無試過用Reward-U積分換過香港快運嘅機票呢? 小樹就未試過啦(咁耐以來只係坐過一次快運唧🙊)因為我Reward-U積分少得可憐🤷‍♂️加上佢200分先等於一蚊,用積分找數都係咁減得果幾十蚊😂 但如果你係廉航愛好者加經常坐快運的話,今次reward-U限時補分大行動對你嚟講就可能有用啦,佢今次嘅原理係比大家用錢以折扣價買積分再兌換機票💁‍♂️ 有幾抵先? 今次佢有唔同嘅組合可供選擇,最抵嘅組合就係$2000買50萬分,相等於$2500嘅面額🤔叫做八折左😳 積分係佢做推廣嘅時候都可以要嚟換機票,咁都唔錯播🤔 不過八折還八折丫,記住投資涉及風險🙊🙊🙊 咁我點知要用幾多積分先換到機票呀?🤔 你可以經以下連結,搜尋地點同日期就會睇到所需積分㗎啦🤗 傳送門: https://booking.hkexpress.com/zh-tw/Search/SearchPoints 推廣期去到2018年5月15日咋,組合數量有限,手快有手慢冇架🤣如果有興趣買分嘅朋友可以列印以下嘅表格,再電郵到 [email protected] 傳送門: https://assets.reward-u.com/media/1654/reward-u-points-purchase-form-tc.pdf #慳返多少去旅行 #香港快運 #限時補分大行動 #rewardu #hkexpress
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bepotato1015 · 7 years ago
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[打咭打咭記得打咭] 咁多人搭廉航,唔知有冇朋友儲緊香港快運嘅Reward U積分呢? 由今日起至2018年2月20日,用最新版嘅 reward-U app 去每個「打咭積分站」打咭,可以賺到500 reward-U 積分 (數量有限)。而每個喺「打咭積分站」成功打咭嘅第288位同第588位Reward U會員仲可以額外獲得28,888 reward-U 積分添🤗! 雖然500 Reward U積分真係唔係咩錢,不過勝在無條件俾你,咁岩經開啲打卡點咪儲下囉😉 傳送門: https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/reward-u/id1274871318?mt=8 #慳返多少去旅行 #香港快運 #打咭積分站 #hkexpress #rewardu #tagme
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bepotato1015 · 7 years ago
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