#reward (napoleon bonaparte x reader)
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Reward (Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader
Prompt: école / “En garde!”
Warning: None
Intended Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 1,180
Disclaimer: I do not own Ikemen Vampire or any of its characters. All of that goodness is the property of Cybird. I do, however, own the plot of this fanfic. Please do not repost this on any other website.
Other notes: This is for day two of @kissmetwicekissmedeadly‘s Napoleon Birthday Prompts 2020. I already have a couple more of the days finished, but it’s taking me a while to type, sooo... I’m determined to keep typing even though my left arm is in a cast.;D
Tag list: @puffpuff300 @nad-zeta @jiyuu-chan @i-sleep-like-napoleon @kisara-16 @cheese-ception @cailannuesugi @vespeshadowmoon @ravenarld
Let me know if you would like to be (un)tagged!💜
“En garde, Napoleone!” The dull clack of the wooden swords echoed over the cobblestones, a small crowd of children watching in rapture as one of their own faced their teacher.
The little girl in your lap, Élise, gasped in awe as Napoleon blocked the strike the boy aimed at him. “So cool!” she whisper-squealed, little fingers digging into your arms around her. You smiled, sharing in her excitement. He really was as cool as they came, dashing even with a simple wood training sword in his hand. Your lips broke into a bashful grin when your lover shot a glance your way. His signature smirk dazzled you as he winked, bringing a blush to your cheeks.
Next to you, Isaac sighed, shuffling uncomfortably where he sat on the ground. “Did he have to distract everyone with this?” he grumbled, “We’ll lose the daylight before we get to latin and geography.”
“Why not?” you giggled without tearing your eyes away from the duel. “It was time for a break anyway.”
“Shhh!!” Élise hushed, giving you a fierce look as she held a small finger in front of her lips. You bit your bottom lip to keep from chuckling, turning your attention back to the duel.
It happened often that one of the young boys of Napoleon and Isaac’s école would challenge the former emperor to a match, eager to impress the man they so looked up to. Even now there was a determined glint in the boy, Edmund’s, eyes as each of his strikes was blocked or dodged with ease, desperate for his teacher’s approval.
Of course, the matches never lasted long, and as you watched, a quick spin of the heel sent the boy stumbling forwards, feet knocked out from under him. He landed on his hands and knees, wooden sword clattering against the stones. With a defeated sigh, Edmund turned to give Napoleon a rueful look. “I lost.”
“Yes,” Napoleon replied, reaching down to lift the boy back onto his feet, “but now you can get better. Your body won’t always be so small. One day soon, you’ll be considered a man with all the expectations and responsibilities of being a man. It’s important that you make mistakes and learn now so you can be better in the future.” His gaze darted to you, the soft look in his eyes spreading warmth through your chest. “So you can protect the person you love.”
Edmund blinked at Napoleon, but he just smiled knowingly, ruffling the boy’s hair to lighten his words.
“Teach me how to do that, Napoleone!”
“No, me first!”
A herd of small bodies rushed around the two, released from whatever force of rapture had been holding them in place until now. Élise jumped up from your lap as you stood, dusting your skirt off. The warm sensation in your chest spread through the rest of your body, leaving you feeling light and bubbly as you watched Napoleon interact with the children. He smiled and laughed as they crowded around him, faces shining with adoration as he took the time to answer each of their questions. As you watched, he lifted Élise into his arms, indulging her as she stretched her tiny hands up at him. The little girl squealed in delight, wrapping thin arms around his neck, and you were once again reminded of what a great father he would be.
It was all too easy to imagine, a tiny version of him or you held so lovingly in his embrace, family snuggling late into the morning, picnics in the countryside as your children played in the field…
You didn’t notice he was looking at you until he started making his way toward you, wading through a sea of children still vying for his attention. As he came closer, you gave him a questioning look, opening your mouth to ask, “Napoleone? What is it?”
“I’ve come to claim my reward,” he spoke with a smirk.
You blushed, knowing exactly what he wanted, but Élise just looked at him curiously. “Mademoiselle (y/n)’s going to give you a prize, Napoleone? What kind of prize? Can I have one too?”
His smirk widened and he started leaning closer to you. “I hope she will,” he murmured, and your hands were already reaching to cup his face, your body leaning closer instinctively. “I’d love it if she did,” he breathed against your lips, half-lidded green eyes filling your narrowing vision as your lids fell shut and the little distance remaining between his body and yours closed.
Élise squealed and squirmed between the two of you as you kissed your lover, smiling lips meeting and lingering against yours. The other children “ooed” and “awed” dramatically, a few giggles, hacking sounds, and exclamations of “gross!” punctuating the group.
Your lips released his with a loud smack and Napoleon licked his lips as he pulled away, satisfied. Little Élise cupped her cheeks, fits of giggles wracking her small body. “Mademoiselle (y/n) and Napoleone are in looovvveee!!!”
“Noooooo!!!” a couple of boys screamed, running away as a few of the girls gave chase. Isaac shifted his feet nearby, his cheeks dusted a light pink and looking like he just wanted to get back to teaching as children tumbled around him.
“Wait!” Edmund stomped up to Napoleon, his chest puffed out. “I want a rematch!” he demanded. “If I win, I want a reward from Mademoiselle (y/n) too!”
“Me too! Me too!” A couple of boys joined in, jostling Edmund as they came forward.
“Now, hold on.” Napoleon frowned as he set Élise down. “(Y/n)’s rewards are all for me. No one else can have them.”
“That’s not fair!” they whined, turning to you for help. “Mademoiselle!!”
You giggled, leaning into your lover as he wrapped an arm around your waist. “Sorry, boys. All my rewards are for Napoleone.”
Two of the boys made disappointed “aww’s,” but Edmund tilted his head, lips twisted in hard thought. The boy gasped a second later, coming to a realization. “When I’m big, I’ll marry Mademoiselle (y/n) and then she’ll only have to give me her prizes!”
You and Napoleon were silent a moment and then you felt him stiffen. “...snrk!” His shoulders trembled. “Ahahahahaha!” And he burst into laughter, burying his face against your shoulder as he gripped his sides.You couldn’t help laughing too, covering your mouth with a hand as Edmund frowned.
“Not - ha! - going to happen!” Napoleon managed, chuckling.
“Why not?!”
Strong arms wrapped around you, tucking you against your lover’s chest protectively. “Because the only one who’s going to marry (y/n) is me.”
More squeals and coos erupted from the other children. “Napoleon wants to marry Mademoiselle (y/n)!!!”
“He has a crush on her!”
“And have lots of babies!”
How babies came into the mix you didn’t know, but as Napoleon added, “That’s right,” you couldn’t help but enjoy the fuss. Laughing, you fell into your emperor’s waiting arms, your own wrapping around his neck as you rewarded him again, this time simply for being him.
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Ikemen Vampire x Reader - “Residents In Modern Times”
Requested by anon: “Hello glorious author-chan! I have a request for you. I have a fun little imagine for you. Can you make an Ikemen Vampire imagine of what their reactions would be like in modern times?”
A/N: I honestly don’t know what this is, like it ended up as the child of a drabble and a headcanon.
Warning: implied smut and nudity (come on Arthur is here)
Napoleon Bonaparte:
He’d be shocked and in awe at the same time.
Wanting to know EVERYTHING about how people live in the 21st century.
Is it a better, easier life? Is everyone treated equally and safe?
He’s astonished by the night lights as well, so bright and beautiful.
It’s absolutely unforgettable and he stays up at night a little longer to watch the busy city below, drinking the beautiful view until he falls asleep.
Also more content with the clothing fashion.
Yes it’s very unusual to him since he’s not used to it but clothes used to be so uncomfortable, especially for women.
Though he really didn’t feel comfortable with such revealing clothes.
He’s very cute about it around you though, hiding in your neck with flushed, embarrassed cheeks.
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Doesn’t show his amazement as much except through his tone of voice.
Wants to know how a phone works.
Surprisingly -- or unsurprisingly -- not having to explain it regularly, he picks up on it very quickly.
He’s very impressed.
Your days were divided into visiting shops, showing him technologies, public transport, probably every single thing about the city and cuddling in bed and showing him how the TV works because “the mattress is so comfortable”.
Even though you know how comfortable a surface is, never stopped him from falling asleep.
He really likes it in the modern day.
I think he would be one of the residents that would fit in rather quickly and easily.
Comte De Saint Germain:
It’s not that much of a shocker for him for obvious reasons but because you’d spent your life in modern day, he got to see your view and had a much positive outlook on it.
Not that it was negative to begin with, he just didn’t pay as much attention to it before and now that he has, it’s eye opening, in a way.
He loved the sparkle in your eyes as you rejoiced in the things you used to know before you travelled back in time.
It was a sight for sore eyes.
He enjoyed visiting with you, even though he spent more time seeing the twinkle in your eyes than being happy over the smaller things.
Comte is much more open about PDA for obvious reasons and he feels the modern day is something the both of you share as a precious memory now.
Arthur Conan Doyle:
His demeanour is one of someone who’s seen everything already but the huge smile and eyes just showed that he was a little boy excited about discovering everything.
Arthur dragged you around to tell him how things work if he couldn’t pick up on by himself.
You went to a mall and Victoria’s Secret caught his eye so fast it was S C A R Y.
“Try this sweetheart, and this and this-”
Yes, despite all your protests, you spent the whole day in the store trying on clothes for him.
He enjoyed it very much.
Arthur promised he would discover something new with you that didn’t involved being naked.
How nice of him *chokes*
It was a tiring day for you since you did all the standing, changing and displaying for him.
But the night provided to be very rewarding hehe
If you know what I mean
You know what I mean, why am I saying this.
Theodorus Van Gogh:
He has a similar behaviour to Arthur at first, indifferent behaviour but very curious eyes.
You can tell he doesn’t want to ask questions but wants the answers.
So you just start talking and explaining things.
He’s a little flushed because he would have told you to stop talking by now but he doesn’t since you’re informing him on everything.
Theo would keep visiting until you got tired and wouldn't hesitate to carry you back to your place and cuddle up on the couch.
Showing him how the TV works but he prefers sleeping in your bed because it’s so comfy and he can hug you.
Vincent Van Gogh:
“WOW!” *sparkly eyes*
Asks you about EVERYTHING
Holds your hand the whole time.
Also he apologises for always inquiring about everything.
Reassuring him that it’s alright.
Proceeds to go back to questioning everything.
Politely asks if you guys can go to an exhibition the next day to see paintings and saying yes.
Very gladly cuddling in your neck and saying how amazing everything is.
He’s too cute T-T
Vincent was smiling in his sleep because he got to discover so many new things with you and he couldn’t express how content he was.
Your heart is constantly melting as he acts like an overjoyed puppy.
He’s forever thankful to you and this will always be engraved in his memory.
Amadeus Mozart:
The pianist can’t physically hide his amazement.
“Can we go to an instrument store?”
Holds your hand tightly and keeps you close like he’s protecting you.
When in fact it should be the other way around given that you have lived your entire life in the modern day.
But you already knew that 🤦♀️
His eyes light up more than they already did when you enter an empty store and there are three or four pianos.
Mozart let his fingers caress the smooth surface, taking in all the details of the instruments.
He’s relieved that they didn’t change as significantly as everything else in the world.
Lowkey wants to buy all the pianos because he wants to try them.
A very confused boy at attire.
And blushing at how more ‘revealing’ they are.
He could get used to this.
Jean D’Arc:
He would be in silent shock, staying close to you and looking around in amazement.
Jean would be pretty shy about asking too many questions, not wanting to bother you.
Reassuring him that it was fine, similar to Vincent.
Jean was somehow more considerate about it, not wanting to bother you with his inquiries.
Whispering questions and trying so hard to try and make sense of things himself, sometimes it works, kind of!!
Like Napoleon, he’s relieved the world is happier and fairer.
It was a huge shock for him at first, everything was different, but he was fortunate enough to be with you.
Now he reminisces of the experience as a magical moment that will forever be engraved in his memory.
Isaac Newton:
Absolutely astonished.
He has so many questions but he didn’t know where to start.
Similar to Jean, he was a little shy about asking questions and trying to solve things on his own.
Being surprised at how complex things turn out to be.
Isaac has mixed emotions about knowing that the foundation of physics are his three famous laws.
Because the world seemed overwhelmingly unknown and huge, he nearly clung onto you.
You locked your arm with his, seeing his unease but also not wanting to trouble you.
He felt better instantly and silently thanked you, blushing in embarrassment.
The first thing you taught him was what a phone was and about the kindergarden/school system.
You reminisce about how he went along into town with Napoleon to attempt to teach children.
It wasn’t a particular detail he would have inquired about but he feels strangely relieved about it.
He was touched by the small details you remember about him and he keeps it in mind.
It was an unforgettable experience for him to have with you.
But something he does not want to let go is the bed, it’s shockingly comfortable for him.
Osamu Dazai:
“Wow, are you seeing this (Not Y/N)-chan?”
“That’s not my name-”
“What is this?”
No shame about asking whatsoever.
A lot of him grinning and praising everything and anything, including you.
“You’re delightful (Y/N)-chan, such an interesting answer!”
“D-did you just call me by my nam-”
“Are you coming (Not Y/N)-chan?”
“Nevermind,” you grumble, pouting as you follow behind him.
He chuckled, finding you so cute before cupping your cheeks and openly kissing you in public.
Dazai finds even more amusement with how flushed you are for a while as you clung onto his arm, answering questions with a breathy tone.
Despite his second degree humour throughout everything, he’s actually thoroughly enjoyed spending time doing this with you and becoming a treasured memory.
William Shakespeare:
He was actually rendered speechless for a long while.
Which was unusual for him obviously.
But it was a little disconcerting for him since he always had something to say.
You couldn’t help but eye him admiring everything.
Despite his unnerving silence, the way his eyes lit up was something that you didn’t know you needed to witness.
It looked like he found something to look forward to in life. (can’t relate lol)
That thought alone made you hopeful and sad at the same time.
He was always very polite and considerate about inquiring about things.
As in, he always read the ‘room’ before asking, wanting to stay in your good graces, even though he is already in them.
Finding the bed in your place being painfully heaven-like.
If he wasn’t as invested in learning about the modern world, he would totally examine and savour the beauty that is a bed.
Without you knowing, however, he would spend a lot of time studying you as well.
It was fascinating to him, seeing you enjoying yourself in your natural habitat.
I mean he lived there before so there isn’t much to say.
He does reminisce a lot though, all previous memories rushing back.
Just as if the residents were a long dream.
One thing that surprised him a little was that he enjoyed spending time with you in the modern day so much that it’s in a smal, different compartment in his brain altogether.
Basically nostalgia but also happy new memories.
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#ikemen vampire#ikemen vampire x reader#ikevamp#ikevamp x reader#Napoleon Bonaparte#napoleon bonaparte x reader#leonardo da vinci#leonardo da vinci x reader#comte de saint germain#comte de saint germain x reader#arthur conan doyle#arthur conan doyle x reader#theodorus van gogh#theodorus van gogh x reader#vincent van gogh#vincent van gogh x reader#william shakespeare#william shakespeare x reader#amadeus mozart#amadeus mozart x reader#jean d'arc#jean d'arc x reader#isaac newton#isaac newton x reader#osamu dazai#osamu dazai x reader#sebastian#sebastian x reader
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Love Sparks
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader
Soulmate AU
Warnings: None
P.O.V: Reader's
Word Count: 2,644
The knowledge about how and when Quirks came along goes far beyond my family's history, at least I think. My name is Aizawa, (f/n) and I am preparing for my UA entrance exam, thankfully my mother has allowed me to come to Japan from America for schooling. She mentioned something about being able to meet my grandparents as well as my biological father, if I get the chance. She hasn't told me much about him, every time I'd ask her she'd get really mad and tell me not to ask again, but I was persistent, I just had to know. But that's not the only thing I had to know, not only are quirks a fascinating part of our lives but so is the way we find our forever person, our body's receive a shock that courses through our bodies when we make skin to skin contact with our soulmate.
I stood at the main gates and took a few deep breaths, this was it, the beginning of my future, if I passed this entrance exam I will officially be a hero student at UA High. As I took my steps over the threshold and moved closer to the designated building I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding. What if my quirk might not be good enough to get through? What if someone has a similar quirk and they have better control over it than I do? I stopped walking all together and was about to turn around when someone crashed into me.
I looked up to see what I could only describe as an angry porcupine, his face contorted with rage if I looked at him close enough I'd probably see steam coming out of his ears. I let out a quick apology and nodded, he tsked and walked away grumbling, boy I would hate to be in the same testing area as him, I'm just grateful that I didn't say anything back to him. I shook my head clear and walked into the building, looking for my number I sat next to a kid who looked like he was in the wrong place, he dressed a bit too formal. I wonder if he's going to take the exam in that?
I took a quick glance around and gulp, there's a lot of kids here, I knew how prestigious the school was and how low the acceptance rate was, but this was just insane. My attention was soon directed to the front where- oh my gosh it's the Pro-hero Present Mic., he's giving us the run down for the practical? This should be good.
Present Mic. walked to the middle of the stage, he turned to all of us and screamed,
"Welcome to today's live performance. Everybody say, hey!"
We were all silent. You could hear crickets chirping.
"Well, that's cool, my examinee listeners! I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical, are you ready, there was silence, yet again as he screamed, "YEAH! "
Listening to Present Mic. screaming and talking loud like he always does began to give me a headache, rubbing my temples I tried to focus on what he was saying. A few rows or so away, I heard what sounded like muttering, I quietly turned and looked towards it, there was a boy with unruly green hair next to, I can't believe it… it's the angry porcupine from earlier who knocked into me. Though he didn't seem too happy to be next to the green haired boy.
"This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing 10-minute-long "mock cityscape maneuvers"! Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, each head to your assigned testing location."
"Is that so kids from the same middle school can't help each other out?"
I heard from the duo behind me, shaking my head clear I was happy that I didn't know anyone from Japan so it'd be easier for me to take the test and not worry about any of my friends who were also trying to get into UA, all I have to do is worry about myself.
"Each site is filled with 3 kinds of faux villains, points are rewarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!! Use your quirks to disable, these faux villains and earn points! That's your goal, listeners! Of course, playing the anti-hero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!"
I noticed during this part of Present Mics. explanation, the boy dressed in formal attire next to me was twitching in his seat, he waited for Present Mic. to finish talking before he up abruptly stood up with his hand and paper in the air.
"Excuse me, but if I may ask a question?!"
Oh boy, this ought to be great…
"There appear to be no fewer than 4 varieties of faux, the one on this handout, such a bland, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for you. Japan's top academy we're all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes."
He then turned and pointed to Green Bean.
"And you with the curly hair, you've been muttering this whole time, it's distracting if this is some sort of game to you then please leave immediately! "
He muttered, sorry and put his hands to his mouth, I covered my mouth with my hand and fought back a giggle.
"Alright, alright, examinee 7111 nice catch thanks, but the 4th faux villain variety gets you zero points this more of an obstacle, have you all played Super Mario Brothers, the old retro games?"
"It's kind of like a thwomp! Only one at each site, a "gimmick" that will rampage around in close quarters."
I heard quiet murmurs about the zero pointer all around me and just shook my head in pity, clearly this is a decoy. Yes, there may be a zero pointer but it's more likely to be the biggest one there is otherwise there'd be more stationed at each site. They expect us not to worry about said faux villain, yet it'll probably be the most important one in the whole exam, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
"Thank you, sir, I apologize for the interruption!"
With that the formal guy next to me took a bow and sat back down.
"That's all for me, I'll leave my listeners with our school motto, the great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'true heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life!' plus ultra!! Break a leg everyone! "
With that everyone got up from their spots and filed out in search of where they were to go. As I looked around the battle center I was sent to a breathed out a sigh of relief, neither the formal dude or the hot head were in sight. I looked around for the green bean to ask him what the hot head had shoved up his butt, but to my dismay he wasn't assigned to my battle center either. Looking around I see people meditating and conversing with each other, I don't need to do either. I began walking towards the front of the crowd marveling at the city front before me. I looked around and saw Present Mic. on top of a platform and smiled up at him and waved, like a buffoon he looked and and pointed to himself in confusion then waved back before pointing to the city urgently.
I took that as my cue to go so I took a deep breath and ran in, I made in about 10 feet into the city before I heard him call out.
"What are you waiting for?! There are no timers in real battles! Begin!"
I knew if I turned around I'd see all the kids running towards me so I decided to get some air coverage. Sticking my arms and hands out to my sides I shot up into the air leaving a trail of water spiraling down below me. I landed on a high rise and looked around the city, seeing a 1 pointer and a 2 pointer approaching I summoned a ball of water into my hands and contorted it into a spear.
I began to run and jump the rooftops closer to the faux villains and replicated the spear before throwing them both at each bot, taking them down. As the bots were falling I hopped onto them and used my water to slide down to the ground. Looking around them I did a double check to make sure nobody made it this far and accidentally got crushed by a giant falling robot. After seeing it was clear I decided to make way to the center on food, as I began to jog I heard a scream from behind me. I turned to look and saw a 3 pointer ready to crush a girl with pink hair and what appears to be horns? I looked closer and saw her foot was stuck and she was trying to get out without using her quirk on herself. I definitely wouldn't make it to her by running, so I had to muster up my energy and use my quirk from afar, something I'm not too good at.
"Hey! Close your eyes!"
The girl looked at me and nodded, I then stood next to one of the fallen faux villain bots and took a stray piece in a ball of water I expanded to its size, quickly I released the piece and expanded the water ball more until it was the size of the bot. I hurled the ball of water at the bot and encased it in my water ball before throwing the water ball into the air, it disappeared from the center and past the clouds.
"Okay, I may have been a little too extreme… "
I muttered to myself, as I walked over to the girl and helped free her.
"You good?"
She nodded and thanked me.
"Don't mention it, just go get some more points for yourself. I'd hate for you not to be able to get in because you were stuck and couldn't stop thanking someone who saved you."
After taking down a few more bots and saving a few people I estimate that I have around 35 points right now which means I should be in good standing. I was so lost in thought that I bumped into someone, they sent a shock through me and I froze for a second before shaking my arm.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you with my quirk are you okay?"
'What? Wait? He hit me with his quirk?'
I cleared my head and looked at him in confusion, that wasn't just the electric shock that goes through your body when you meet your soulmate?
"Oh… uh. Don't worry about it. I'm all good."
'Lies, why would I be alright? You know damn well it wasn't your quirk.'
He gave me a look of uncertainty and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Kaminari Denki. Nice to meet you uh… what's your name?"
I scoffed internally, 'really? That's how you're gonna ask me my name? Dude just how dense are you?'
"F/n L/n. Crap, sorry. L/N, F/N. Nice to meet you as well Kaminari. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and rack up more points so if you don't mind I'll just be o-"
Kaminari cut me off by yelling.
"That's a zero pointer! No way! That thing is huge!"
Looking up I saw what he was talking about, I smirked.
"U.A. definitely lives up to its prestigious name. I am impressed. Wow. This zero pointer is glorious."
Kaminari looked at me like I was insane, as if I somehow sparked a fire in him he puffed out his chest in glee and smirked.
"All the more reason for me to prove my strength. Stand back L/N I'm gonna light this bot up."
I blinked in surprise as he ran towards the bot and he charged up- no way, he wasn't kidding. Large amounts of electricity sprayed out of his hands to the bot, it froze in place for a few moments with electricity spazzing all around the bots frame, but it didn't go down. Kaminari turned to me and gave me a thumbs up and a dumb look on his face.
"Kaminari you fool! You fried your brain with that foolish attack!"
The bot soon was out of its shocked state and raised it's foot ready to pummel the poor dunce. I quickly mustered up my strength and formed a water ball and sent it at Kaminari, once he was inside I whipped it at me. Kaminari and the water ball collided into me just as the bot stomped down where Kaminari was seconds before. I stood up and slapped Kaminari, feeling another jolt of electricity surge through me.
'Awh hell. This fool is my soulmate and he's too dense to realize it's not his quirk.'
I turned to the bot and watched it moved closer before turning back to Kaminari.
"After this exam you're taking me out for ice cream for saving your fried ass not only once but twice."
I turned back to the bot and sent two water balls towards the next spots where it would step, not satisfied with the ground I sent more until the bot stepped and sunk a few feet.
"Yes! It worked!"
I happily then made a few water spears and threw them at the bot before I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes and concentrated on a tiny ball of water in my hands, I needed to focus all my energy if I wanted to make this work. I slowly enlarged the ball in my hand and listened as it started to crackle and pop, taking another deep breath I slowly opened my eyes and smirked before shrinking the softball sized water ball and throwing it at the exposed part of the bot. Once it was a foot from contacting the bot I spread my arms out enlarging the crackling ball and watched as it downed the bot.
I looked to Kaminari and sighed. I need to get him somewhere safe until this wears off, if I leave him here he'll be an easy target for the other bots. I'm pretty sure there's five minutes left meaning I can still get a few more points if I hurry up. I took some gummies out of my pocket and threw them in my mouth, I'm lucky we were allowed to bring things in that would help us, otherwise I'd have been out for the count when I helped that pink girl. I led Kaminari to a safe area and smirked as a three pointer came out of the alley next to us, I jumped up with my water and formed water around my wrist as I plummeted down and punched the bot. It went down just as Present Mic. screeched.
"It's all over! Good job everybody!
Within moments Recovery Girl was by my side looking at Kaminari, she shook her head and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Kaminari blinked and looked around in a state of confusion before looking at me.
"Come on Kaminari, you owe me an ice cream."
I poked his cheek and was sent another shock of electricity, which he definitely would have felt as all and leaned into his ear.
"After all we are soulmates, and I just saved your butt."
I gave the shocked boy a knowing smile and grasped his hand and began leasing him away towards the exit. If we both somehow get into the hero course this was going to be one exciting year...
A/N: this is AU prompt was brought upon you thanks to the bnha discord server. You can find other works by member of the discord here:
#bnha au#mha kaminari#kaminari denki#x reader#denki x reader#mnha#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bnha kaminari#kaminari x reader#denki x you
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Carpe Puella (Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader)
A/N: I may or may not have been inspired by Laini Taylor’s “Night of Cake and Puppets” with this one.
Napoleon Appreciation Week Day 4 Theme: Handle With Care
Tagging @ikevamp-appreciation<3
I do not own Ikemen Vampire or any of its characters.
My ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lordsister (please consider donating if you enjoy my work!^^)
It begins with a little note left beside his pillow.
The forceful press of his lips to yours begins to dispel the fog of sleep from Napoleon's mind, but you somehow manage to wriggle out of his grip, leaving as quickly as you came with a flutter of your skirts and a cheerful giggle. He frowns, unhappy with the loss of your warmth from his arms, but yawns and stretches anyway. When his hand brushes a small slip of paper, he lifts an eyebrow curiously, picking it up and unfolding it.
Written in your handwriting are the words, "Palpate cum cura."
It takes him a few seconds to translate it, but he realizes it means "handle with care." His eyebrows furrow, and he blinks, wondering if he misread. Handle what with care? He flips the paper over, but it's perfectly blank on the other side, providing him with no other hints as to what you're up to.
Setting the note on his nightstand, he rises and dresses, turning the words over in his mind as he does. It had to be some sort of clue, but as to what Napoleon had no idea. He was more than willing to play, but what kind of game was this?
He continued to wonder over it as he made his way down to breakfast. His eyes scan the hallways and dining room for you, but you're nowhere to be found, long gone in whatever mischief you have planned for him.
"Good morning, Monsieur Napoleon." Turning at the sound of his name, he finds Sebastian standing at his side, a simple, white box in his hands.
"Morning, Sebas." Eyeing the package thoughtfully, he asks, "I suppose that's for me?"
"From (y/n)." Handing him the box, the butler gives him a knowing smile before moving to serve the other residents coffee and breakfast. It's got some weight to it, he notes, but the box itself isn't that big.
Looking from the box back to the butler curiously, he sets it down on the table before lifting the lid, holding his breath as he does. What surprises did you have in store for him?
The first thing he sees is white tissue paper, lacey in its elegance, and sitting among it is a glass eagle, wings outstretched and a roll of paper tucked in its curled talons. He blinks down at the glass figure, processing, before reaching out to run the tip of his finger over the head and across the wings. It's beautiful, a veritable masterpiece, his standard in glass form. Was this what you wanted him to handle with care?
Carefully pulling the paper from its sharp claws, he unrolls it to find an ordered chaos of lines and pictures that he realizes represent roads and landmarks and stores. In the middle of the page is a little drawing of yourself, a speech bubble blooming from your lips with the words, "Carpe diem!" Seize the day. Still...what made this day any different from the others?
"Hmm? Your lady's made you a treasure map for your birthday?" a playful voice asked from over his shoulder.
...Oh. That's right. It was his birthday. It really wasn't a surprise that it had slipped his mind considering how little he cared for it. Napoleon couldn't remember telling you when his birthday was, so you must have found out yourself and decided to do something for it, something that had apparently taken a lot of time and effort.
That cleared up his confusion over your actions and this gift, but judging by the size of the map and the care with which it was drawn, you had a lot more in store for him.
"Looks like it," he responded without looking back at Arthur, studying each line of the paper intently.
"Well, x marks the spot, chap." Reaching around him, he taps your drawn figure with an outstretched index finger. "Better get to it if you want to see what she has to offer."
Judging by the sly smile Arthur was hiding behind the rim of his teacup, he already knew, but Napoleon didn't care. For once, he was excited about what his birthday, even if he had just remembered it was his birthday a few minutes ago.
Scarfing down a couple of bread rolls with jam, Napoleon started in the direction of the city after entrusting the glass eagle to Sebastian, your map tucked safely in his hand. He fully intended to do as your words told him to and seize this day that was his alone.
Looking at the map, he recognized the roads surrounding the drawing of you. It was near the alley where his and Isaac's little école gathered. Without any other clues to go on, he guessed that was where you wanted him to go first, the secretive smile on your drawn lips hinting at surprises to come if he followed your directions.
His eyes were wide and curious as he scanned the streets approaching the alley, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but all seemed to be as usual, children playing in groups here and there and people going about their daily business. Upon reaching the alley, he found more of the same, no sign of you anywhere, and Napoleon frowned. Taking a look at the map again, his brow furrowed even more. Unless he had interpreted it wrong, this had to be the right place.
He turned at the sound of his Italian name to find Gavroche running up to him, the excitement clear on his face only made that much more contagious by his youthfulness, and the frown disappeared from Napoleon's face. It was nice to see the boy back in good spirits after everything his family had suffered.
"Gav," he greeted as the boy reached him, bending down to muss his hair. "What is it?"
"Happy birthday, Napoleone!" he exclaimed, eyes bright, and thrust a leather-bound book at him. "(Y/n) told me to give this to you!"
"She did now, did she?" Accepting the book from the child's hands, he realized it was untitled. A journal then? Giving Gavroche a couple of coins as a reward, he ran his hand over the leather as the boy scampered away, feeling the soft, buttery smoothness of the material. In the bottom right corner, his fingers traced across the ridges of letters, and he found his name engraved in elegant gold lettering. He smiled tenderly at the gesture, taking it in for a few heartbeats, before opening the front cover.
A small piece of paper slipped out and he grabbed it before it could flutter away on the breeze, holding it in the same hand as the map as his eyes trailed over the note written on the first page. It wasn't long, only a couple lines, but it meant so much to him.
"In aere aedificare, mon cher. I love you more than written words could ever dream to convey.
Your (Y/n)"
It was just like you to tell him to build castles in the air. It was an ability he had always admired you for, loving the way your eyes lit up whenever you spoke of writing.
His heart swelling with your words, Napoleon turned his attention to the piece of paper. Just like that he had received that morning, it held only a few words, written not in Latin this time.
"Oh, the splendor of thine eyes."
He couldn't help laughing affectionately at that. Were you waxing poetry to him now? But wow, you were really making him think with this clue. Off the top of his head, he didn't have the slightest idea of what it could mean. Tucking the journal safely under his arm and pulling out the map again, he searched the surrounding shops you had labeled for him, analyzing which ones could possibly fit your clue.
One in particular stood out to him, a small, out of the way jewelry shop not far from where he was now. It was the same place where he had gotten you a bow with a dangling pendant. You had told him before how much you loved the jade color of his eyes, a color coveted in jewels and dyes. If the jewelry shop really was where you wanted him to go next, then the note was a clever clue.
His pace was a little faster as he navigated the maze of roads and alleys to the shop and he had to remind himself to slow down, to savor each and every moment of this day you had evidently planned so carefully. Once he found you, Napoleon reminded himself to tell you how much it meant to him that you would do so much for his enjoyment and happiness, right after he told you how much he loved you over and over again.
The little bell above the door jingled as he entered the shop and the older woman behind the counter stood from her stool with an "oh!" of recognition as her eyes landed on him. He watched as she pulled something from a drawer in her desk and hurried over to him, an eager smile on her laugh-lined face.
"You must be Monsieur Buonaparte?" she asked, his Italian name used once more, and he nodded. "This is for you, from that lovely lady of yours."
The shopkeeper held out a small, velvet pouch and dropped it into his hand before busying herself with another pair of customers that entered behind him. Loosening the drawstrings, his fingers closed around something smooth and cool inside. When he pulled his hand out, he found a jade pendant laying in the palm of his hand, cut in the shape of an oval and bordered with gold trim.
He wasn't usually one for jewelry, but this is different. It isn't anything big or overly flashy and he could easily fasten it to his jacket if he wanted to, but the biggest reason why he finds himself liking it is because you picked it out for him. Napoleon could imagine you in here, pouring over pendants to find the perfect one for him, and the stone in his hand was suddenly much more precious to him. Closing his fingers around it, he moves to pin it to the fabric of his jacket above his heart, setting the map and journal down for a moment to do so.
Once it's safely secured, he moves to check the velvet pouch for his next clue. Sure enough, a little roll of paper sits at the the bottom of the bag and when he unfurls it, it reads, "Carpe Ursa." Seize the bear.
As if summoned, his stomach growls softly, reminding him of all the times he teased you for having a little bear in your stomach. You wanted him to seize his bear, huh? Picking up the map again, he immediately found the little crepe stall he frequented outlined for him. If that was where you wanted him to go next, he wasn't complaining.
Waving to the shopkeeper as he left, Napoleon strolled down the street with an irrepressible smile on his face, not that he would ever want to hide it when he was feeling so happy. You were making this day truly special for him, something he would remember along with all of the other peaceful, amazing memories you had given him.
"Monsieur Napoleone!" the man who worked the crepe stand greeted as he walked up, waving to him. Napoleon had visited the stand so many times, he had gotten to know the man who owned it pretty well. It had even gotten to the point where he didn't need to give his order anymore, just ask for "the usual." This time though, the middle-aged gentleman had something else ready for him, fresh off the pan, without him saying a word.
Plopped into his surprised hands was what appeared to be his usual order, except with twice as much of the toppings, a mountain of chocolate and cream nearly sliding out of the paper it was wrapped in. When he looked up at the owner for answers the man just said with a grin and a wink, "Specially requested for you by your special someone."
Was there anything you hadn't thought of when it came to his likes and dislikes? For some reason, the crepe tasted even better than usual as Napoleon took bite after bite, licking chocolate and cream from his fingertips when he was finished. The only thing that would have made it better was if you had been beside him, enjoying it with him. Now that he thought of it, where were you while all of this was happening?
"Here, you're next clue," the owner interrupted his thoughts, offering him a slip of paper and a napkin when he was finished eating.
Thanking him, he unfolds the paper to find the words, "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europe vincendarum." Back to Latin apparently. After a few seconds he "snrks" and bursts into laughter, doubling over where he sits on a bench. "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe," you've written, and he clearly sees the humorous nudge at his past.
Looking at his map, its much easier to narrow down where you want him to go now, only a few more places standing out. This next stop was farther away, nearly across the city, to a place he had never been before. From what he can tell, it's a botanical garden, though he can't guess why you would want him to go there or what it has to do with conquering Europe. Looks like you were going to keep him on his toes until the end.
Deciding to take a longer route to avoid the hustle of the busy Paris streets, the walk to the garden was pleasant, albeit a little lonely. An ache was forming in Napoleon's chest at the need to be with you and have you in his arms, the feeling intensifying with every passing moment. He was genuinely enjoying this treasure hunt you had put together for him, but no gift could compare to the treasure that was you.
When he eventually reached his destination, he realized the gardens were much larger than he thought, different areas enclosed and arranged for the care and growth of different flowers and vegetation. For a moment, he wondered if he had misinterpreted your last clue, but as he wandered through the perfectly maintained hedges and flower beds he realized he hadn't been wrong at all.
Many of the flowers and plants he saw weren't native to France, brought in from places he had been to around Europe. It was common for kings, queens, and conquerors in general to have magnificent botanical gardens built to house specimens from their lands around the world. In a way, it was a display of power, of sending a message through sweet scents that the world belonged to them.
Funny that all he could think of as he took in the vibrant colors and aesthetic landscape was bringing you here with him to see it sometime. He had no doubt that you would find it beautiful, and he would find it beautiful because you were there with him.
Still, Napoleon didn't know what to look for now. Was there some specific place in the gardens he was supposed to go? Someone he was supposed to find? Above him, he heard a familiar screech and looked up to find Jupiter circling a little ways overhead, black bird eyes watching him. This was a surprise. When had you had the time to train Jupiter to your will?
Realizing he had Napoleon's attention, the eagle wheeled and glided further into the gardens, towards a section where rare blooms from the Far East were kept. The bird landed on the roof of a red, wooden gazebo built in swooping architecture and there, patiently waiting for him on the handrail, was a rose with a slip of paper tied around its stem.
There was no doubt in his mind that it was for him, and as he picked it up Napoleon was surprised to find how fresh it was, its petals still crisp and vibrant. It couldn't have been sitting there for more than a few minutes, which meant you were much closer than he had originally thought, moving just ahead of him to keep all your surprises on schedule.
Untying the paper from the stem, the words written there made his heart beat faster and a bright, loving smile appear on his lips.
"She who loves you most."
It appeared it was finally time to find his greatest treasure. Good. He had waited long enough. Looking up at the sky as he began to make his way back, he realized the sun was nearing the final stages of its decline into the west. The day had passed by so quickly chasing you around Paris. Even now, he pictured you hurrying back to le Comte's mansion to get ready for him and he smirked at the thought and picked up his pace.
He wanted his last gift as soon as possible.
Napoleon made his way straight to the garden and gazebo at the back of the mansion when he got there, suspecting that that was where you were waiting for him. His eagerness to embrace you was nearing a fever pitch at this point, his thoughts consumed with you and the ache from before keeping a tight hold on his heart.
When the gazebo finally came into sight among the vines of ivy and flower bushes, he wasn't surprised to find dinner and wine for two laid out on a small table, but couldn't hide his disappointment when there was still no you. His frown deepened as he called your name without answer. Turning on his heel to go find you, he stopped abruptly when his eyes met your own, wide and surprised. You stood a little ways down the path, a basket of bread in your arms.
"You're back early!" you exclaimed, but he wasn't listening, his body already in motion. Dropping the journal, map, and rose on the table, he scooped you into his arms in seconds, a little yelp escaping your mouth as the bread fell from your hands and your feet left the ground.
Nuzzling his face against yours, Napoleon smiled and sighed as the ache began to ebb. "You had me running around all day without you," he murmured, nipping at the skin of your jaw and making you gasp.
"Did you like it though?" you giggled, tilting your head to give him better access and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He hummed in affirmation, meeting your eyes with an affectionate smirk. "I've never had someone do something like that for me before. Knowing you spent so much time planning it and making it perfect...it means a lot to me."
Leaning down, your lips met his lightly, leaving him wanting more. "I'm glad then. I really wanted you to enjoy yourself today."
His expression suddenly grew serious as he said, "I did, but there was something missing."
"What?" you asked, the alarm on your face making him chuckle.
"You, nunuche." His mouth captured yours, passionate and demanding as his tongue slipped past your lips and tangled with your own. It was the kiss he had been waiting for all day. "I wanted you so badly all day," he breathed against you when you parted for air, his eyes staring heatedly into your own as you blushed.
As he leaned in to kiss you again, your eyes widened and you suddenly seemed to remember something, pushing softly at his chest to stop him. "W-Wait, don't you want to see the last note! It might be a little redundant now but..."
He stopped and blinked at you, curious. "There's one more?"
"Yeah! Hold on..." Reaching down to fish something out your pocket you unfolded it for him to read.
"Carpe Puella."
"Seize the girl," he says with a smirk, feeling the way you shivered in his arms as he turned that look on you. "As if you needed to leave me a clue to do that." He kisses you again and again and again before you can respond, stealing your breath away as he walks both of you over to one of the benches under the gazebo and sits with you in his lap.
"There's one more thing I have to tell you," you murmur apologetically between his relentless kisses and he groans, pulling away just enough to give you a half-hearted pout.
"I know! I'm sorry," you laugh, kissing his nose. "I just wanted to tell you that the first note this morning was only partially referring to the eagle." Your soft hand cups his cheek and he waits patiently for you to continue, memorizing the way you look at him with such tenderness. Taking his hand you place it on your chest, right above your heart. "My heart is and always has been yours, Napoleon, but I wanted to re-gift it to you today. I'm all yours. My heart, my body, my destiny." Pressing your forehead to his, you finish, "Handle it with care."
He's speechless by the time your finished, unable to look anywhere except you. No matter how many times you express how much you love him, it never fails to make his heart swell in his chest and emotion rise in his throat. He wished he had the words to tell you how much you mean to him, but all he can think to say is, "I love you," whispering it across your skin as he showers you in kisses and holds you in a cherishing embrace, doing his very best to express what he can't say.
Smiling down at him sweetly, your nose brushes his as you hold him closer. "Happy birthday, Napoleon!"
He thanks you with another sweet kiss, his hands and mouth lingering on your form. Honestly, this day is only so happy because you're here to make it so.
Eventually, the growling of the little bear in your stomach interrupts your kisses and you and he part to dine on the food you prepared, but that doesn't keep him from sending you heated glances throughout the meal, warning you of what was to come as soon as the plates were empty.
He had yet to unwrap his last and most important gift after all~
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