#revita anfels
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cadaver-anthology · 11 months ago
-> Screw this, be Revita.
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You are now Revita Anfels. You are a Securityrra- Uh, hey, are you, you know, alright? You good there?
Oh yeah. You are fine. You are perfectly.......
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Y'know what's a funny thing about narrating? You write something in present tense and people assume that it's current events.
You've never really been a liar, but truth's your game and you know a thing or seven about stretching it. Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?
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You are then Revita Anfels. You gotta excuse the way this place looks now, it sorta scanned weird and you don't really feel like fiddling with it again. It's taken forever as it is.
You are a Securityrranizer at Lows Orbit Station Archive of the Proxima Deimos colony system, and you are currently investigating the murder of your moirail and nursing a massive headache. On the top of it, becxause you like to multitask, you are trying to get this chick from the Mortuary wing into your pitch quadrant for at least seventy minutes.
From experience you know that seventy minutes is just about right for a kismesistude.
This chick has figured that since nobody is being her for the moment, she is going to work on her book in her head and is playing some music in the background while she is at it. She has just told you this.
You were under the impression that she's just promised to you to help you with the aforementioned investigation. Oh yeah, you sort of didn't mention that you and Feratu were palemates. That's not lying, though, that's omitting unimportant details. Tolpen doesn't need to know that, it actually has no impact on your investigation.
You once again try to peek into Tolpen's head to see what she is thinking about this whole case, but you don't get to see any thoughts, and your headache only gets worse. For some reason you can't use your psychics on her; you can't even tell whether she is lying or not. That's kinda sus.
Tolpen montions for you to follow her, which you do, and heads back to the Mortuary wing. You don't like the Mortuary. It's cold and full of dead bodies. It doesn't help that the chick stomps to the archive grounds and pulls out the cold cadavers of your past colleagues.
You, uh, tactfully offer your assistance with the upcoming autopsy, but aparently you're pale enough in the face that Tolpen tells you to just wait outside and not get under her feet. Oh thanks god.
Outside of the autopsy block you get bored quickly, so you pull out the laptop and look Tolpen Xlibri up in the LOSA's intranetwork.
She's a teal, legitier 2, kinda new wet blanket here, she got here straight after her Harrows, which doesn't happen often. Like you she was hatched on Proxima Daimos; neither of you have actually seen the Homeworld McWigglerplanet. She logs on her intranet accoutn exactly once a week for sixteen minutes at the end of which she sends her report-card to the accounting, and then logs off. You conclude that she's an off-line person.
Which sucks, because this investigation is going to be a lenghty on, you won't be able to do it full-time, and you'll need to keep in touch,
You take the liberty of setting up a Trollian account for her and make a quick trip back to Security wing to retrieve a sort of asthmatic but still functional husktop that nobody's going to mix.
When Tolpen emerges after a couple of hours from the autopsy block, exhausted and with blood stains in her face, she informs you that she will ahve to make laboratory analysis of samples, and that she'll get to you once she has it.
You don't ask her why she doesn't let someone else do it, because you don't want anyone else to know. Tolpen Xlibri is already too much of a liability. Someone doesn't want this investigation to go on, hence why the autopsies were denied in the first place, it's a no-brainer.
You give her the husktop with the brand new Trollian client installed on, and then you part ways.
Sylladex: [Husktop], [Slab Power Cell], [Spare CC+ Batteries (7)]
Thoughts: none
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cadaver-anthology · 1 year ago
-> Ask Revita about [Assistance]
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You refuse to tiptoe around the trunkbeast in the block and demand Revita to tell you what is it he wants in exchange for lending you the power cell for a minute and seventeen seconds. Revita says that it's not really something suited for a meal-block, but surely you have noted the cadaver outline behind you.
You have, for the record.
Revita flashes you a grin and says that he needs your assistance finding out who happened to the guy who was assigned to finding out what came down in here to get the body - and subsequently the outline - here in the meal block.
He navigates you out and you move from the LOSA Mortuary wing to the Security wing. Revita finds a more or less deserted server block where you have illusion of some privacy, although the density of security bugs is no lower here than anywhere else. The air conditioning is dead, whcih makes the room very hot, but it has also deterred anyone besides you two from entering.
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TOLPEN XLIBRI [TOLPEN] has started a conversation with REVITA ANFELS [REVITA]! TOLPEN: I havE a numbER of inQuiRiEs REgaRding This EnTiRE opERaTion. REVITA: Sure babe shoot. TOLPEN: WhaT is WiTh ThaT bloodsTain? REVITA: Lmao 7ha7s a s7ain for sure jus7 no7 blood. TOLPEN: I sEE. REvolTing. REVITA: Yea and youre jus7 vis7ing here. Im working here wi7h 7hese guys nigh7 and day. I sor7a hoped youd have more case rela7ed ques7ions ngl. TOLPEN: I do, as a maTTER of facT. Zou said Zou aRE invEsTigaTing Who happEnEd To ZouR collEaguE. NEvERThElEss, do Zou knoW WhaT happEnEd To him? REVITA: Preliminary inves7iga7ion came 7o 7he conclusion 7ha7 he and 7wo remaining members of our inves7iga7ing 7eam have been killed by dismemberment and slash or bloodloss. Prelminary inves7iga7ion here means 7ha7 ive found 7hem per par7es all over 7he losas. TOLPEN: WhZ do Zou REQuiRE mZ assisTancE WhEn Zou havE ZouR oWn invEsTigaTing TEam? REVITA: Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo lmao babe. Im the only person lef7 of 7ha7 7eam. 7echnically i now have 7he clearance 7o 7he en7ire case. REVITA: Excep7 im no7 a legislacera7or so i can7 inves7iga7e shi7. 7ha7s why i have you now. REVITA: You baby are a second 7ier legisclara7or which means you have persecu7ing compe7ency. Nobody is going 7o mind when you inves7iga7e and i 7ag along. I7s gonna be grea7!!!!!!! (>uO) TOLPEN: Oh no.
[Assistance] discarded from Thoughts.
Revita reminds you that from now on it's officially your investigation, he is here to support you with his sicknasty brian powers and paint your world black. And also to look cool.
[Sicknasty brain powers], [Meal block murder] and [Team murder] added to Thoughts.
Sylladex: [Grub Box (empty)]
Thoughts: [Meal block murder], [Sicknasty brain powers], [Team murder]
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cadaver-anthology · 1 year ago
-> Ask Revita about his [Sicknasty brain powers]
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TOLPEN XLIBRI [TOLPEN] has started a conversation with REVITA ANFELS [REVITA]. TOLPEN: WhaT is iT ExacTlZ Zou aRE suppoRTing mE WiTh? I would pREfER To knoW WhaT is aT mZ disposal RaThER Than To havE Zou pull ouT somEThing sTupid Ex machina WhEn iT Would havE savEd mE a loT of pain in ThE Rumpus globEs To knoW and usE iT fRom ThE sTaRT. REVITA: Oh sure babey. Youve go7 alllllll my suppor7. REVITA: Surely youve no7iced 7ha7 im a blueblood. 7echnically a highblood but only 7echnically. TOLPEN: ZEs, iT has noT EscapEd mZ noTicE ThaT Zou aRE fRom ThE cobalT hEmocasTE, and ZEs, I am aWaRE ThaT This paRTiculaR casTE is pRonE To having a vaRiETZ of mind poWERs. I am asking WhaT aRE ZouRs. REVITA: Youre kinda a killjoy i like 7hrowing around exposure lore. TOLPEN: I gET ThaT a loT. REmain on ThE Topic. REVITA: Oh for crying ou7 loud. I7s mind reading. I can ge7 in7o peoples heads and pull ou7 all kind of s7uff. Wha7 7hey know, wha7 7hey feel e7c e7c. REVITA: Ofc 7ha7 7akes focus i can7 do 7ha7 willy nilly on 7he fly. REVITA: Bu7 youre gonna like 7his par7: Passively i can access 7he surface 7hough7 layer. I can7 passively read i7 my powers are kinda weak grubsauce compared 7o o7her blues. Bu7 I can sense a disagreemen7 be7ween 7hough7s and spoken word. TOLPEN: Zou mEan liEs? Zou knoW WhEn somEonE liEs? REVITA: Yeah baby! REVITA: 7ru7hs my game. REVITA: Also s7andard 7erms and condi7ions of blue brain fuckery apply. TOLPEN: I am noT familiaR WiTh ThERE bEing TERms and condiTions To psionic poWERs. REVITA: By defaul7 mind powers are mos7 effec7ive on people lowes7 on 7he hemospec7rum. 7he higher you go 7he harder i7 is 7o mess around wi7h peoples 7hinkpans. Don7 expec77 me 7o go spelunking in7o a clowns head. Firs7 i don7 really wanna bc i7s gonna be full of gory shi7 or worse poe7ry. Second i can7 really. Like i migh7 ge7 in7o 7he head of a purple run7 of 7he li77er so 7o say but im no7 gonna be 7hinking wi7h 7he fishes for sure. REVITA: Ano7her 7hing is 7ha7 7eals are for some reason really really hard 7o mind con7rol in general 7ha7 includes mind reading 7oo. REVITA: Oh b7w have 7his. I7s 7he casefile. Ill wan7 i7 back 7ho bc i7s mine. TOLPEN: Thank Zou, I supposE.
[Casefolder] added to Sylladex.
[Sicknasty brain powers] has evolved into [Lie detection].
You inspect the green casefolder that Revita Anfels has handed you. It's the one his talksprite has been holding all along. In bold black letters it says on the front "Not Porno". You carefully open it.
The folder is devoid of pornographic material as advertised on the covers. Instead it includes a lot of empty evidence forms and three filled out autopsy lists.
Name: Gregor Cadvar | Bloodtype: Olive | Cause of death: Bloodloss | Age: 20 | Notes: Left horn not located | Case: T-49
Name: Tallia Dinayk | Bloodtype: Teal | Cause of death: ??????? | Age: 15 | Notes: Found in pieces. Full au7opsy denied | Case: T-49-2
Name: Feratu Magdal | Bloodtype: Jade | Cause of death: ??????? | Age: 9 | Notes: Found in pieces. Full au7opsy denied | Case: T-49-2
Included photographies depict the bodies as-found. Cadvar was the troll murdered in the meal block. Dinayk and Magdal have been found piece by piece in several rooms in the Security wing.
[Full au7opsy denied] added to Thoughts.
Sylladex: [Grub Box (empty)], [Casefolder]
Thoughts: [Full au7opsy denied], [Lie detection], [Meal block murder], [Team murder]
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cadaver-anthology · 1 year ago
-> What are these Thoughts and- Wait, is that a dead body outline?
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Yes, that behind you is a body outline. Green blood all over it. When it happened, there was a mess everywhere and the meal block was a no-entry place for the entire night. That was two nights ago. Look, you are not assigned to this case, so it's not your problem. You are not paid enough to investigate things that are not your problem.
Now, Thoughts are a mechanic similar to Sylladex, but it stores immaterial things. Concepts, ideas et cetera. You can access your Thoughts whenever and combine them. In such way you can reach conclusions. You can also share your Thougths with another person in conversation and they might offer their insight on them. You are dubious that this insight will be of any use to you. Thoughts are also not static, they evolve as your knowledge of the topic evolves. Since you have some teal stuff going on, you can hold an unlimited amount of Thoughts at time. You acquire Thoughts by acknowledging the topic at hand.
Your Sylladex can hold material objects, on the other hand, it is limited in size and cannot hold objects which you cannot describe with twelve words or less, because that is the rule of the Book Fetch Modus. To captchalogue an item you need to write its description into your Sylladexbook, whcih you have to physically carry around. You are bypassing that by storing the Sylladexbook in your Strife Slot, since your specibus is bookkind.
As you go over these simple concepts of your every-night life, someone walks into the meal block.
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REVITA ANFELS [REVITA] has started a conversation with TOLPEN XLIBRI [TOLPEN]! REVITA: Hey sup girl wha7s up??????? TOLPEN: I am making a valianT ZET fuTilE ATTEmpT aT WaRming up mZ mEal. I do noT Wish To EngagE in a convERsaTion WiTh Zou. REVITA: Giving me 7he cold shoulder righ7 away baby awwwwwww theres no reason for 7ha7 i promise 7ha7 im nice no7 7ha7 cobal7 your lusus warned you abou7 (>_O) You look like a 7roll 7hats never really had i7 pi7ched for 7hem properly. We could fix 7ha7 7oge7her a7 some poin7. TOLPEN: AnfEls I am aWaRE of ZouR sERial loW-commiTmEnT caliginous EscapadEs (I Wish I had bEEn spaREd of all This ExTEnsivE infoRmaTion), nEvERThElEss I am noT going To bE anoThER of ZouR shoRT-livEd piTch TumblEs. REVITA: Well wor7h a 7ry you never know. If you change your mind im here whenever baby. TOLPEN: I Will noT. NoW unlEss Zou aRE hERE To REsToRE ThE poWER To ThE hEaTing uniT, lEavE mE alonE. ImmEdiaTElZ. REVITA: Oooooooh girl do i have a swee7 deal for you. Wha7s your legi7ier? TOLPEN: WhZ doEs ThaT concERn Zou? REVITA: Le7s say 7ha7 I have a spare ba77ery for 7he hea7ing uni7 which i would be willing 7o share for a couple of minu7es. Bu7 squid pro qo baby. REVITA: I need 7he service of a7 leas7 second 7ier legislacera7or. Wha7 you say?
You say yes.
[Assistance] added to Thoughts.
After a couple of minutes you ravenously devour your gluten noodles in grubsauce at adequade temperature. You wash the grub box and ang safely captchalogue it again.
[Missing battery] discarded from Thoughts.
Sylladex: [Grub Box (empty)]
Thoughts: [Assistance]
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